/** * Set base meta data and read the comment lines from the file head * * Usage example: * <code> * <?php * $file = '/phpdoc/en/reference/array/functions/next.xml'; * $FDEn = new FileData($file, false); * $file = '/phpdoc/de/reference/array/functions/next.xml'; * $FDTrans = new FileData($file, true); * ?> * </code> * * @param string $file File name to inspect * @param bool $isTrans Define if the specified file is a translation * @return void */ public function __construct($file, $isTrans) { self::$tags = implode('|', array('EN-Revision', 'Revision', 'Maintainer', 'Status', 'Credits', 'Rev-Revision', 'Reviewer')); $this->isTranslation = (bool) $isTrans; $this->data = array(); $handle = fopen($file, 'r'); for ($i = 0; $i <= 9 || feof($handle); ++$i) { $rawFile = trim(fgets($handle)); switch (substr($rawFile, 0, 4)) { case '<!--': $this->setMetaData($rawFile); break; case '<?xm': break; default: $i = 9; break; } } fclose($handle); $this->data['size'] = round(filesize($file) / 1024, 0); $this->data['mtime'] = filemtime($file); clearstatcache(); return; }
protected function serve($file_info) { $cache = new sfFileCache(array('cache_dir' => sfConfig::get('sf_web_dir') . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . ".." . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'cache')); if ($file_info->getIsCached() && $cache->has($file_info->getId(), 'uploaded_files')) { $file_data = new FileData(); $file_data->setBinaryData($cache->get($file_info->getId(), 'uploaded_files')); } else { $file_data = $file_info->getFileData(); $cache->set($file_info->getId(), 'uploaded_files', fread($file_data->getBinaryData(), $file_info->getSize())); $file_info->setIsCached(true); $file_info->save(); } sfConfig::set('sf_web_debug', false); // $this->getResponse()->addHttpMeta('content-type', $file_info->getMime()); // $this->getResponse()->addHttpMeta('content-length', $file_info->getSize()); return $file_data; }
public static function filesize($id) { $file = ORM::factory('Storage', $id); if (!$file->loaded()) { return ''; } $size = filesize($file->file_path); return FileData::size($size); }
<?php $file = FileData::getByCode($_GET["code"]); $url = "storage/data/" . $file->user_id . "/"; $filename = $file->filename; if (!$file->is_folder) { $fullurl = $url . $filename; header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename='{$filename}'"); readfile($fullurl); // or echo file_get_contents($filename); }
/** * Paste_from_file * Parses a named uploaded file of html or txt type * The function identifies title, head and body for html files, * or body for text files. * * @return FileData object */ function paste_from_file() { $fileData = new FileData(); if ($_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['name'] == '') { $fileData->setErrorMsg(_AT('TR_ERROR_FILE_NOT_SELECTED')); } elseif ($_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['type'] == 'text/plain' || $_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['type'] == 'text/html') { $path_parts = pathinfo($_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['name']); $ext = strtolower($path_parts['extension']); if (in_array($ext, array('html', 'htm'))) { $contents = file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['tmp_name']); /* get the <title></title> of this page */ $start_pos = strpos(strtolower($contents), '<title>'); $end_pos = strpos(strtolower($contents), '</title>'); if ($start_pos !== false && $end_pos !== false) { $start_pos += strlen('<title>'); $fileData->setTitle(trim(substr($contents, $start_pos, $end_pos - $start_pos))); } unset($start_pos); unset($end_pos); $fileData->setHead(trim(get_html_head_by_tag($contents, array("link", "style", "script")))); $fileData->setBody(trim(get_html_body($contents))); } else { if ($ext == 'txt') { $fileData->setBody(trim(file_get_contents($_FILES['uploadedfile_paste']['tmp_name']))); } } } else { $fileData->setErrorMsg(_AT('TR_ERROR_BAD_FILE_TYPE')); } return $fileData; }
<?php include '../../includes/inc.main.php'; if ($_GET['action'] == 'newimage') { if (count($_FILES['image']) > 0) { $TempDir = $Admin->ImgGalDir(); $Name = "user" . intval(rand() * rand() / rand()) . "__" . $Admin->AdminID; $Img = new FileData($_FILES['image'], $TempDir, $Name); echo $Img->BuildImage(200, 200); die; } } switch (strtolower($_POST['action'])) { //////////////////////////////////////////// NEW TEST USER /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// case 'generate': $curl = curl_init(); curl_setopt_array($curl, array(CURLOPT_URL => "https://api.mercadolibre.com/users/test_user?access_token=" . $_SESSION['access_token'], CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER => true, CURLOPT_ENCODING => "", CURLOPT_MAXREDIRS => 10, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT => 30, CURLOPT_HTTP_VERSION => CURL_HTTP_VERSION_1_1, CURLOPT_CUSTOMREQUEST => "POST", CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS => "{\n \"site_id\":\"MLA\"\n}", CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER => array("cache-control: no-cache", "conten: application/json", "content-type: application/json"))); $response = curl_exec($curl); $err = curl_error($curl); curl_close($curl); if ($err) { echo "cURL Error #:" . $err; } else { echo $response; //$Data = json_decode($response,true); //$DB->execQuery('INSERT','test_user','id,nickname,password,site_status,email,creation_date',$Data['id']",'".$Data['nickname']."','".$Data['password']."','".$Data['site_status']."','".$Data['email']."',NOW()"); } die; break; //////////////////////////////////////////// EDIT /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// //////////////////////////////////////////// EDIT ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
session_start(); include 'odm-load.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { redirect_visitor(); } $last_message = isset($_REQUEST['last_message']) ? $_REQUEST['last_message'] : ''; if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] == '') { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); exit; } draw_header(msg('area_view_history'), $last_message); //revision parsing if (strchr($_REQUEST['id'], '_')) { list($_REQUEST['id'], $revision_id) = explode('_', $_REQUEST['id']); } $datafile = new FileData($_REQUEST['id'], $pdo); // verify if ($datafile->getError() != null) { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); exit; } else { // obtain data from resultset $owner_full_name = $datafile->getOwnerFullName(); $owner = $owner_full_name[1] . ', ' . $owner_full_name[0]; $real_name = $datafile->getRealName(); $category = $datafile->getCategoryName(); $created = $datafile->getCreatedDate(); $description = $datafile->getDescription(); $comments = $datafile->getComment(); $status = $datafile->getStatus(); $id = $_REQUEST['id'];
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../../PaygateApiClient.class.php"; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . "/../config.php"; $client = new PaygateApiClient(INVIPAY_API_URL, INVIPAY_API_KEY, INVIPAY_SIGNATURE_KEY); $repository = dirname(__FILE__) . "/repository/"; $payments = scandir($repository); Logger::info('Scanning payments repository'); foreach ($payments as $paymentFile) { if ($paymentFile != '.' && $paymentFile != '..') { Logger::info('Found payment data {0}', $paymentFile); $paymentData = unserialize(file_get_contents($repository . $paymentFile)); $paymentId = $paymentData->getPaymentId(); Logger::info('Payment {0} has status {1}', $paymentId, $paymentData->getStatus()); if ($paymentData->getStatus() == PaymentRequestStatus::COMPLETED) { Logger::info('Finalizing payment {0}', $paymentId); $request = new PaymentManagementData(); $request->setPaymentId($paymentId); $request->setDoConfirmDelivery(true); $conversionData = new OrderToInvoiceData(); $conversionData->setInvoiceDocumentNumber("TestInvoice/1/2/3/" . uniqid()); $conversionData->setIssueDate(date('Y-m-d', time())); $conversionData->setDueDate(date('Y-m-d', time() + 14 * 24 * 60 * 60)); $request->setConversionData($conversionData); $document = new FileData(); $document->setFromFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test.pdf'); $request->setDocument($document); $result = $client->managePayment($request); Logger::info('Result is: {0}', $result); } } }
<?php $data = new FileData(); if (isset($_GET['idsp'])) { $idsp = $_GET['idsp']; //id спецификации echo '<h3><p align="center">Спецификация</p></h3>'; include 'interf/view_specif.php'; } else { echo '<h3><p align="center">Таблица метериалы и услуги</p></h3>'; if ($curent_user->QwestPriwilege('VEIW_OLL_TABLE_MATERIAL')) { $data->ViweMaterialTable($data->GetArrayOrganizationIDfinsek(), $curent_user->GetUsersIdViewname()); } if ($curent_user->QwestPriwilege('VIEW_MY_TABLE_MATERIAL')) { $data->ViweMaterialTableFoUsers($data->GetArrayOrganizationIDfinsek(), $curent_user->GetOrganizationID()); } }
$mail_subject = msg('email_subject_review_status'); $mail_greeting = msg('email_greeting') . ":\n\r\t" . msg('email_i_would_like_to_inform'); $mail_body = msg('email_was_declined_for_publishing_at') . ' ' . $time . ' on ' . $date . ' ' . msg('email_because_you_did_not_revise') . ' ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revision_expiration'] . ' ' . msg('days'); $mail_salute = "\n\r\n\r" . msg('email_salute') . ",\n\r{$full_name}"; foreach ($data_result as $row) { $file_obj = new FileData($row['id'], $pdo); $user_obj = new User($file_obj->getOwner(), $pdo); $mail_to = $user_obj->getEmailAddress(); if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['demo'] == 'False') { mail($mail_to, $mail_subject . $file_obj->getName(), $mail_greeting . $file_obj->getName() . ' ' . $mail_body . $mail_salute, $mail_headers); } } } //do not show file if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['file_expired_action'] == 1) { $reviewer_comments = 'To=' . msg('author') . ';Subject=' . msg('message_file_expired') . ';Comments=' . msg('email_file_was_rejected_because') . ' ' . $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revision_expiration'] . ' ' . msg('days'); foreach ($data_result as $row) { $file_obj = new FileData($row['id'], $pdo); $file_obj->Publishable(-1); $file_obj->setReviewerComments($reviewer_comments); } } //lock file, not check-outable if ($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['file_expired_action'] == 2) { foreach ($data_result as $row) { $file_obj = new FileData($row['id'], $pdo); $file_obj->setStatus(-1); } } echo msg('message_all_actions_successfull'); draw_footer();
<?php require_once "Math.php"; require_once "File.php"; $job = !isset($_REQUEST["job"]) ? '' : trim($_REQUEST["job"]); $evenNumbers = array(); $oddNumbers = array(); $fiboNumbers = array(); $file = array(); if ($job == "uploadFile") { $file = new FileData($_FILES["aNumbers"]); //assign data from file to $file object //get even, odd and fibonacci numbers from file and store in respective arrays $evenNumbers = $file->GetEvenNumbers(); $oddNumbers = $file->GetOddNumbers(); $fiboNumbers = $file->GetFibonacciNumbers(); if (!isset($_SESSION['file'])) { $_SESSION['file'] = $file; } } $job = !isset($_GET["job"]) ? '' : trim($_GET["job"]); if ($job == "exportnumbers") { //If a valid file was submitted with the submit button, then its details are saved in a session if (isset($_SESSION['file'])) { $file = $_SESSION['file']; $file->ExportNumbers($_SESSION["filename"] . ".csv"); //call ExportNumbers function using the filename stored in a session and adding .csv as an extension } } if ($job == "reset") { session_destroy();
<?php //print_r($_SESSION); if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_SESSION["user_id"])) { $alphabeth = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ1234567890_-"; $code = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $code .= $alphabeth[rand(0, strlen($alphabeth) - 1)]; } $f = new FileData(); $f->code = $code; $f->is_public = isset($_POST["is_public"]) ? 1 : 0; $f->folder_id = $_POST["folder_id"] != "" ? $_POST["folder_id"] : "NULL"; $f->user_id = $_SESSION["user_id"]; $f->description = $_POST["description"]; $handle = new Upload($_FILES['filename']); if ($handle->uploaded) { $url = "storage/data/" . $_SESSION["user_id"]; $handle->Process($url); if ($handle->processed) { $f->filename = $handle->file_dst_name; $f->add(); Core::alert("Agregado exitosamente!"); Core::redir("./?view=home"); } } }
function getAuthority($data_id) { $data_id = (int) $data_id; $fileData = new FileData($data_id, $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME); if ($this->user_obj->isAdmin() || $this->user_obj->isReviewerForFile($data_id)) { return $this->ADMIN_RIGHT; } if ($fileData->isOwner($this->uid) && $fileData->isLocked()) { return $this->WRITE_RIGHT; } $uperm = $this->userperm_obj->getPermission($data_id); $dperm = $this->deptperm_obj->getPermission($data_id); if ($uperm >= $this->userperm_obj->NONE_RIGHT and $uperm <= $this->userperm_obj->ADMIN_RIGHT) { return $uperm; } else { return $dperm; } }
$GLOBALS['smarty']->assign('lmode', ''); display_smarty_template('deleteview.tpl'); } } elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Delete file(s)') { isset($_REQUEST['checkbox']) ? $_REQUEST['checkbox'] : ''; foreach ($_REQUEST['checkbox'] as $value) { if (!pmt_delete($value)) { header('Location: error.php?ec=21'); exit; } } header('Location:' . urlencode($redirect) . '?last_message=' . urlencode(msg('undeletepage_file_permanently_deleted'))); } elseif (isset($_REQUEST['submit']) && $_REQUEST['submit'] == 'Undelete') { if (isset($_REQUEST['checkbox'])) { foreach ($_REQUEST['checkbox'] as $fileId) { $file_obj = new FileData($fileId, $pdo); $file_obj->undelete(); fmove($GLOBALS['CONFIG']['archiveDir'] . $fileId . '.dat', $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . $fileId . '.dat'); } } header('Location:' . urlencode($redirect) . '?last_message=' . urlencode(msg('undeletepage_file_undeleted'))); } draw_footer(); /* * Permanently Delete A File * @param integer $id The file ID to be deleted permanently */ function pmt_delete($id) { global $pdo; $userperm_obj = new User_Perms($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo);
public function confirmDeliveryAndSendInvoice($order) { $invoices = array(); $invoiceNumbers = array(); if ($order->hasInvoices()) { foreach ($order->getInvoiceCollection() as $invoiceItem) { $invoices[] = $invoiceItem; $invoiceNumbers[] = $invoiceItem->getIncrementId(); } } $pdf = Mage::getModel('sales/order_pdf_invoice')->getPdf($invoices); $pdfData = $pdf->render(); $documentNumber = join(', ', $invoiceNumbers); $issueDate = strtotime($order->getCreatedAt()); $dueDateDays = intval(Mage::getStoreConfig('payment/ipcpaygate/invipay_base_duedate')); $dueDate = $issueDate + $dueDateDays * 60 * 60 * 24; $client = $this->getApiClient(); $request = new PaymentManagementData(); $request->setPaymentId($order->getInvipayPaymentId()); $request->setDoConfirmDelivery(true); $conversionData = new OrderToInvoiceData(); $conversionData->setInvoiceDocumentNumber($documentNumber); $conversionData->setIssueDate(date('Y-m-d', $issueDate)); $conversionData->setDueDate(date('Y-m-d', $dueDate)); $request->setConversionData($conversionData); $document = new FileData(); $document->setName('Zamowienie_nr_' . $order->getEntityId() . '.pdf'); $document->setMimeType('application/pdf'); $document->setContentFromBin($pdfData); $request->setDocument($document); $result = $client->managePayment($request); $order->setInvipayDeliveryConfirmed(true); $order->setInvipayCompleted(true); $order->save(); }
include 'odm-load.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { redirect_visitor(); } require_once "AccessLog_class.php"; $last_message = isset($_REQUEST['last_message']) ? $_REQUEST['last_message'] : ''; $secureurl_obj = new phpsecureurl(); $lrequest_id = $_REQUEST['id']; //save an original copy of id if (strchr($_REQUEST['id'], '_')) { list($_REQUEST['id'], $lrevision_id) = explode('_', $_REQUEST['id']); $lrevision_dir = $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['revisionDir'] . '/' . $_REQUEST['id'] . '/'; } if (!isset($_GET['submit'])) { draw_header(msg('view') . ' ' . msg('file'), $last_message); $file_obj = new FileData($_REQUEST['id'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME); $file_name = $file_obj->getName(); $file_id = $file_obj->getId(); $realname = $file_obj->getName(); // Get the suffix of the file so we can look it up // in the $mimetypes array $suffix = ''; if (strchr($realname, '.')) { // Fix by blackwes $prefix = substr($realname, 0, strrpos($realname, ".")); $suffix = strtolower(substr($realname, strrpos($realname, ".") + 1)); } $lmimetype = File::mime_by_ext($suffix); //echo "Realname is $realname<br>"; //echo "prefix = $prefix<br>"; //echo "suffix = $suffix<br>";
<?php if (!empty($_GET)) { $fp = PermisionData::getById($_GET["id"]); // print_r($fp); $file = FileData::getById($fp->file_id); $fp->del(); Core::redir("./?view=filepermisions&id=" . $file->code); }
/** * getAuthority * Return the authority that this user have on file data_id * by combining and prioritizing user and department right * @param int $data_id * @return int */ public function getAuthority($data_id) { $data_id = (int) $data_id; $fileData = new FileData($data_id, $this->connection); if ($this->user_obj->isAdmin() || $this->user_obj->isReviewerForFile($data_id)) { return $this->ADMIN_RIGHT; } if ($fileData->isOwner($this->uid) && $fileData->isLocked()) { return $this->WRITE_RIGHT; } $user_permissions = $this->user_perms_obj->getPermission($data_id); $department_permissions = $this->dept_perms_obj->getPermission($data_id); if ($user_permissions >= $this->user_perms_obj->NONE_RIGHT and $user_permissions <= $this->user_perms_obj->ADMIN_RIGHT) { return $user_permissions; } else { return $department_permissions; } }
// Deprecated // check for session and $id session_start(); include_once 'odm-load.php'; if (!isset($_SESSION['uid'])) { redirect_visitor(); } $last_message = isset($_REQUEST['last_message']) ? $_REQUEST['last_message'] : ''; if (!isset($id) || $id == '') { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); exit; } // includes // in case file is accessed directly // verify again that user has view rights $filedata = new FileData($id, $pdo); $filedata->setId($id); if ($filedata->getError() != '') { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); ob_end_flush(); // Flush buffer onto screens ob_end_clean(); // Clean up buffer exit; } else { // all checks completed /* to avoid problems with some browsers, download script should not include parameters on the URL so let's use a form and pass the parameters via POST */ // form not yet submitted
<?php //print_r($_SESSION); if (!empty($_POST) && isset($_SESSION["user_id"])) { $alphabeth = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWYZ1234567890_-"; $code = ""; for ($i = 0; $i < 12; $i++) { $code .= $alphabeth[rand(0, strlen($alphabeth) - 1)]; } $f = new FileData(); $f->code = $code; $f->is_public = isset($_POST["is_public"]) ? 1 : 0; $f->user_id = $_SESSION["user_id"]; $f->description = $_POST["description"]; $f->filename = $_POST["filename"]; $f->add_folder(); Core::alert("Agregado exitosamente!"); Core::redir("./?view=home"); }
// update revision log $query = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}log set revision='" . intval(intval($lrevision_num) - 1) . "' WHERE id = '{$id}' and revision = 'current'"; mysql_query($query, $GLOBALS['connection']) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); $query = "INSERT INTO {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}log (id, modified_on, modified_by, note, revision) VALUES('{$id}', NOW(), '" . addslashes($username) . "', '" . addslashes($_POST['note']) . "', 'current')"; $result = mysql_query($query, $GLOBALS['connection']) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); // update file status $query = "UPDATE {$GLOBALS['CONFIG']['db_prefix']}data SET status = '0', publishable='{$lpublishable}', realname='{$filename}' WHERE id='{$id}'"; $result = mysql_query($query, $GLOBALS['connection']) or die("Error in query: {$query}. " . mysql_error()); // rename and save file $newFileName = $id . '.dat'; copy($_FILES['file']['tmp_name'], $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'] . $newFileName); AccessLog::addLogEntry($id, 'I'); /** * Send out email notifications to reviewers */ $file_obj = new FileData($id, $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME); $get_full_name = $user_obj->getFullName(); $full_name = $get_full_name[0] . ' ' . $get_full_name[1]; $department = $file_obj->getDepartment(); $reviewer_obj = new Reviewer($id, $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME); $reviewer_list = $reviewer_obj->getReviewersForDepartment($department); $date = date('Y-m-d H:i:s T'); // Build email for general notices $mail_subject = msg('checkinpage_file_was_checked_in'); $mail_body2 = msg('checkinpage_file_was_checked_in') . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('label_filename') . ': ' . $file_obj->getName() . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('label_status') . ': ' . msg('addpage_new') . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('date') . ': ' . $date . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('addpage_uploader') . ': ' . $full_name . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('email_thank_you') . ',' . "\n\n"; $mail_body2 .= msg('email_automated_document_messenger') . "\n\n";
public function Newimage() { if (count($_FILES['image']) > 0) { // $Images = $Admin->UserImages(); // Para cuando se requiera limitar la cantidad de imágenes. $TempDir = $this->ImgGalDir(); $Name = "user" . intval(rand() * rand() / rand()) . "__" . $this->AdminID; $Img = new FileData($_FILES['image'], $TempDir, $Name); echo $Img->BuildImage(200, 200); } }
<?php $file = FileData::getByCode($_GET["id"]); ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Inicio</li> <li><i class="fa fa-asterisk"></i> Editar archivo</li> </ol> <h1><a href="./?view=file&code=<?php echo $file->code; ?> "><?php echo $file->filename; ?> </a> <small>Editar Archivo</small></h1> </div> </div> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <form role="form" method="post" action="./?action=updatefile">
public function Newimage() { if (count($_FILES['image']) > 0) { if ($_POST['newimage'] != $this->GetDefaultImg() && file_exists($_POST['newimage'])) { unlink($_POST['newimage']); } $TempDir = $this->ImgGalDir; $Name = "group" . intval(rand() * rand() / rand()); $Img = new FileData($_FILES['image'], $TempDir, $Name); echo $Img->BuildImage(200, 200); } }
<?php if ($go || $is_owner) { ?> <div class="container"> <div class="row"> <div class="col-md-12"> <?php if (isset($_SESSION["user_id"])) { ?> <ol class="breadcrumb"> <li><a href="./?view=home"><i class="fa fa-home"></i> Inicio</a></li> <?php if ($file->folder_id != null) { $f = FileData::getById($file->folder_id); echo '<li><a href="./?view=home&folder=' . $f->code . '"><i class="fa fa-folder-open"></i> ' . $f->filename . '</a></li>'; } ?> </ol> <?php } ?> <div class="btn-group pull-right"> <a href="./?action=dwnfl&code=<?php echo $file->code; ?> " class="btn btn-default"><i class="fa fa-download"></i> Descargar</a> </div>
redirect_visitor(); } require_once "AccessLog_class.php"; $last_message = isset($_REQUEST['last_message']) ? $_REQUEST['last_message'] : ''; if (strchr($_REQUEST['id'], '_')) { header('Location:error.php?ec=20'); } if (!isset($_REQUEST['id']) || $_REQUEST['id'] == '') { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); exit; } /* if the user has read-only authority on the file, his check out will be the same as the person with admin or modify right except that the DB will not have any recored of him checking out this file. Therefore, he will not be able to check-in the file on the server */ $fileobj = new FileData($_GET['id'], $GLOBALS['connection'], DB_NAME); $fileobj->setId($_GET['id']); if ($fileobj->getError() != NULL || $fileobj->getStatus() > 0 || $fileobj->isArchived()) { header('Location:error.php?ec=2'); exit; } if (!isset($_GET['submit'])) { draw_header(msg('area_check_out_file'), $last_message); // form not yet submitted // display information on how to initiate download checkUserPermission($_REQUEST['id'], $fileobj->WRITE_RIGHT, $fileobj); ?> <p>
// get current user's information-->department $user_obj = new User($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); if (!$user_obj->isRoot()) { header('Location:error.php?ec=24'); } $flag = 0; if (isset($_GET['submit']) && $_GET['submit'] == 'view_checkedout') { echo PHP_EOL . '<form name="table" action="file_ops.php" method="POST">'; echo PHP_EOL . '<input name="submit" type="hidden" value="Clear Status">'; draw_header(msg('label_checked_out_files'), $last_message); $file_id_array = $user_obj->getCheckedOutFiles(); $page_url = 'file_ops.php?'; $user_perm_obj = new UserPermission($_SESSION['uid'], $pdo); $list_status = list_files($file_id_array, $user_perm_obj, $GLOBALS['CONFIG']['dataDir'], true, true); if ($list_status != -1) { echo PHP_EOL . '<BR><div class="buttons"><button class="positive" type="submit" name="submit" value="Clear Status">' . msg('button_clear_status') . '</button></div><br />'; echo PHP_EOL . '</form>'; } draw_footer(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'Clear Status') { if (isset($_POST["checkbox"])) { foreach ($_POST['checkbox'] as $cbox) { $file_id = $cbox; $file_obj = new FileData($file_id, $pdo); $file_obj->setStatus(0); } } header('Location:file_ops.php?state=2&submit=view_checkedout'); } else { echo 'Nothing to do'; }
/** * return a boolean on whether or not this department * has admin right to the file whose ID is $data_id * @param int $data_id * @return bool */ public function canAdmin($data_id) { $filedata = new FileData($data_id, $this->connection); //check to see if this department doesn't have a forbidden right or //if this file is publishable if (!$this->isForbidden($data_id) or !$filedata->isPublishable()) { // return whether or not this deptartment can admin the file if ($this->canDept($data_id, $this->ADMIN_RIGHT)) { return true; } else { false; } } }
} ?> </table> </form> <?php draw_footer(); } elseif (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit'] == 'resubmit') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['checkbox'])) { header('Location:rejects.php?last_message=' . urlencode(msg('message_you_did_not_enter_value'))); exit; } if (isset($_POST["checkbox"])) { foreach ($_POST['checkbox'] as $cbox) { $fileid = $cbox; $file_obj = new FileData($fileid, $pdo); $file_obj->Publishable(0); } } header('Location:rejects.php?mode=' . urlencode(@$_REQUEST['mode']) . '&last_message=' . urlencode(msg('message_file_authorized'))); } elseif ($_POST['submit'] == 'delete') { if (!isset($_REQUEST['checkbox'])) { header('Location: rejects.php?last_message=' . urlencode(msg('message_you_did_not_enter_value'))); exit; } $url = 'delete.php?mode=tmpdel&'; $id = 0; if (isset($_POST["checkbox"])) { $loop = 0; foreach ($_POST['checkbox'] as $num => $cbox) { $fileid = $cbox;
$orderId = null; Logger::info('Searching for an order transaction'); $filter = new TransactionsFilter(); $filter->setSide(TransactionSide::SALE); $filter->setType(TransactionType::ORDER); $result = $client->listTransactions($filter); $ordersCount = count($result); Logger::info('Found {0} orders', $ordersCount); if ($ordersCount > 0) { $orderId = $result[0]->getId(); Logger::info('Using order {0} for further processing', $orderId); } // Convert order to invoice if ($orderId !== null) { Logger::info('Converting order {0} into invoice', $orderId); $pdf = new FileData(); $pdf->setFromFile(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../test.pdf'); $data = new OrderConversionData(); $data->setTransactionId($orderId); $data->setInvoiceDocumentNumber("Converted from order " . uniqid()); $data->setIssueDate(date('Y-m-d', time())); $data->setDueDate(date('Y-m-d', time() + 30 * 24 * 60 * 60)); $data->setInvoiceDocument($pdf); $result = $client->convertOrderToInvoice($data); Logger::info('Result is: {0}', $result); } // Confirm delivery if ($orderId !== null) { Logger::info('Confirming delivery for transaction {0}', $orderId); $result = $client->confirmDelivery($orderId); Logger::info('Result is: {0}', $result);