Пример #1
  * create directory if not exists.
 public function createDirectoryIfNotExists()
     if (!file_exists($this->directory) || file_exists($this->directory) && !is_dir($this->directory)) {
         // folder is not exists, or exists but is not folder (it is a file)
         $target_directory = str_replace('\\', '/', $this->directory);
         $target_directory = rtrim($target_directory, '/');
         $directory_exp = explode('/', $target_directory);
         $directory_before_target = '';
         foreach ($directory_exp as $a_dir) {
             if (end($directory_exp) != $a_dir) {
                 $directory_before_target .= $a_dir . '/';
         \File::create_dir($directory_before_target, end($directory_exp), 0777);
         unset($directory_before_target, $directory_exp, $target_directory);
Пример #2
  * 内部调用创建目录
 public function action_create_dir()
     # 目录
     $dir = $this->arguments[0];
     if (!isset(File::$dir[$dir])) {
         # 目录不允许操作
     # 目录
     $the_dir = File::$dir[$dir] . $this->arguments[1];
     if (File::create_dir($the_dir, $this->arguments[2])) {
     } else {
         # 记录错误日志
         Core::log('system.error.dir.create', array('dir' => $the_dir), LOG_ERR);
Пример #3
  * 内部调用创建目录
 public function action_create_dir()
     # 目录
     $dir = $this->arguments[0];
     if (!isset(File::$dir[$dir])) {
         # 目录不允许操作
     # 目录
     $the_dir = File::$dir[$dir] . $this->arguments[1];
     if (File::create_dir($the_dir, $this->arguments[2])) {
     } else {
         # 记录错误日志
         Core::log('create dir(' . $the_dir . ') error.', 'error');
Пример #4
  * 内部调用创建目录
 public function action_create_dir()
     # 目录
     $dir = $this->arguments[0];
     if (!isset(\File::$dir[$dir])) {
         # 目录不允许操作
     # 目录
     $the_dir = \File::$dir[$dir] . $this->arguments[1];
     if (\File::create_dir($the_dir, $this->arguments[2])) {
         static::show_message('success', null, 1);
     } else {
         # 记录错误日志
         \Core::log('create dir(' . $the_dir . ') error.', 'error');
Пример #5
  * 存数据
  * @param string/array $key 支持多存
  * @param $data Value 多存时此项可空
  * @param $lifetime 有效期,默认3600,即1小时,0表示最大值30天(2592000)
  * @return boolean
 public function set($key, $value = null, $lifetime = 3600)
     if (is_array($key)) {
         # 支持多存
         $i = 0;
         foreach ($key as $k => $v) {
             if ($this->set((string) $k, $v, $lifetime)) {
         return $i == count($key) ? true : false;
     $filename = $this->get_filename_by_key($key);
     if (!is_dir($this->dir)) {
         # 创建初始文件夹
         if (!File::create_dir($this->dir)) {
             return false;
     $data = $this->format_data($lifetime, $value);
     return File::create_file($filename, $data);
Пример #6
  * 将上传的文件保存
  * if ($array->check())
  * {
  * // Upload is valid, save it
  * Upload::save($_FILES['file']);
  * }
  * @param   array	uploaded file data
  * @param   string   new filename
  * @param   string   new directory
  * @param   integer  chmod mask
  * @return  string   on success, full path to new file
  * @return  false	on failure
 public static function save(array $file, $filename = null, $directory = null, $chmod = 0644)
     if (!isset($file['tmp_name']) || !is_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'])) {
         // Ignore corrupted uploads
         return false;
     if ($filename === null) {
         // Use the default filename, with a timestamp pre-pended
         $filename = uniqid() . $file['name'];
     if (Upload::$remove_spaces === true) {
         // Remove spaces from the filename
         $filename = preg_replace('/\\s+/', '_', $filename);
     if ($directory === null) {
         // Use the pre-configured upload directory
         $directory = Upload::$default_directory;
     $directory = DIR_WWWROOT . $directory;
     if (!is_dir($directory) || !is_writable(realpath($directory))) {
         throw new Exception('Directory ' . $directory . ' must be writable');
     // Make the filename into a complete path
     $filename = realpath($directory) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename;
     $filename = str_replace('\\', '/', $filename);
     File::create_dir(substr($filename, 0, strrpos($filename, '/')));
     if (move_uploaded_file($file['tmp_name'], $filename)) {
         if ($chmod !== false) {
             // Set permissions on filename
             chmod($filename, $chmod);
         // Return new file path
         return $filename;
     return false;
Пример #7
  * 复制目录下的所有目录和文件到另外一个目录
  * @param string $fromdir  源文文件目录
  * @param string $todir  目标文件目录
  * @param boolean $autocoverageold 是否覆盖已有文件,true覆盖,false跳过
  * @param string $storage 物理存储组,不传则为默认
  * @return array($dook,$doerror)
 public static function copy_dir($fromdir, $todir, $autocoverageold = true, $storage = 'default')
     $fromdir = rtrim($fromdir, '\\/') . DS;
     $todir = rtrim($todir, '\\/') . DS;
     if ($fromdir == $todir) {
         return array(0, 0);
     $info1 = File::check_and_get_path($fromdir);
     $info2 = File::check_and_get_path($todir);
     if (File::can_do_run($storage)) {
         if (!is_dir($fromdir)) {
             return array(0, 0);
         # 完成数
         $donum = array(0, 0);
         if (!is_dir($todir)) {
             # 创建目标目录
             File::create_dir($todir, false, $storage);
         # 列出目录中当前级别的目录和文件
         $files = glob($fromdir . '*');
         foreach ($files as $file) {
             # 目标文件
             $tofile = $todir . basename($file);
             if (is_dir($file)) {
                 # 如果当前是目录,则移动目录
                 # 移动目录
                 $donum2 = File::copy_dir($file, $tofile, $autocoverageold, $storage);
                 if ($donum2) {
                     $donum[0] += $donum2[0];
                     $donum[1] += $donum2[1];
             } else {
                 # 文件
                 if ($autocoverageold && file_exists($tofile)) {
                 if (@copy($file, $tofile)) {
                 } else {
         return $donum;
     } else {
         return File::call_http_host($storage, 'file/copy_dir', $info1[0], $info1[1], $info2[0], $info2[1], $autocoverageold);
Пример #8
  * 执行输出JS或CSS
 protected function output_css_js_file()
     $file_paths = $this->get_css_or_js_files_array($this->file, $this->suffix);
     # 输出目录
     $out_dir = DIR_ASSETS . 'p-' . Core::$project . (IS_ADMIN_MODE ? DS . '~admin' : '') . DS;
     # 输出文件
     $out_file = $out_dir . $this->file . ($this->is_min ? '.min' : '') . '.' . $this->suffix;
     # md5存放的文件
     $cache_file = DIR_DATA . 'cache/asset_files_md5_' . Core::$project . (IS_ADMIN_MODE ? '~admin' : '') . '_' . str_replace('/', '~', $this->file) . ($this->is_min ? '.min' : '') . '.' . $this->suffix . '.serialize';
     if (is_file($cache_file)) {
         $asset_files_md5 = (array) unserialize(file_get_contents($cache_file));
     } else {
         $asset_files_md5 = array();
     if (is_file($out_file)) {
         $changed = false;
         if ($asset_files_md5) {
             foreach ($file_paths['file_md5'] as $fullpath => $md5) {
                 $debug_path = Core::debug_path($fullpath);
                 if (!isset($asset_files_md5[$debug_path]) || $asset_files_md5[$debug_path] != $md5) {
                     $changed = true;
         } else {
             if (current($file_paths['file_md5']) != md5_file($out_file)) {
                 $changed = true;
     } else {
         $changed = true;
     if ($changed) {
         $content = '';
         if (isset($file_paths['file']) && $file_paths['file']) {
             foreach ($file_paths['file'] as $full_path) {
                 $content .= file_get_contents($full_path);
         if (isset($file_paths['main']) && $file_paths['main']) {
             foreach ($file_paths['main'] as $file => $full_path) {
                 # 内容
                 if (true !== $full_path) {
                     $content .= file_get_contents($full_path);
                 # 当前文件的扩展
                 if (isset($file_paths['extends'][$file]) && $file_paths['extends'][$file]) {
                     $content .= CRLF . file_get_contents($file_paths['extends'][$file]);
                 # 加入模块
                 if (isset($file_paths['modules'][$file]) && $file_paths['modules'][$file]) {
                     foreach ($file_paths['modules'][$file] as $file2 => $full_path2) {
                         $content .= CRLF . file_get_contents($full_path2);
                         # 模块文件的扩展文件
                         if (isset($file_paths['extends'][$file2]) && $file_paths['extends'][$file2]) {
                             $content .= CRLF . file_get_contents($file_paths['extends'][$file2]);
         if ($this->suffix === 'css') {
             if (isset($file_paths['prease_css']) && $file_paths['prease_css']) {
                 # 处理LESS,和SCSS
                 $this->prease_css($out_file, $file_paths['prease_css'], $content);
         # 创建文件夹
         # 保存文件
         if (File::create_file($out_file, $content)) {
             # 写入文件
             foreach ($file_paths['file_md5'] as $full_path => $md5) {
                 $debug_path = Core::debug_path($full_path);
                 $asset_files_md5[$debug_path] = $md5;
             # 排序2次的用途是保证一些特殊情况下排序能得到纠正,比如有2个key分别是 test1.js 和 test.js 在排序时会有bug
             $old_md5_content = serialize($asset_files_md5);
             if (!is_file($cache_file) || md5($old_md5_content) != md5_file($cache_file)) {
                 # 保存MD5列表
                 File::create_file($cache_file, $old_md5_content);
         } else {
     } else {
Пример #9
 public function create_dir($basepath, $name, $chmod = null)
     return \File::create_dir($basepath, $name, $chmod, $this);
Пример #10
 public function action_confirm()
     if (Input::method() == 'POST') {
         if (Input::post('id') == "") {
             $shop = Model_shop::forge(array('name' => Input::post('name'), 'postal_code' => Input::post('postal_code'), 'pref' => Input::post('pref'), 'address' => Input::post('address'), 'detail' => Input::post('detail'), 'category' => Input::post('category'), 'catchphrase' => Input::post('catchphrase'), 'hp_url' => Input::post('hp_url'), 'tel' => Input::post('tel'), 'image_path' => Input::post('image_path'), 'holiday' => Input::post('holiday'), 'open_hh' => Input::post('open_hh'), 'open_mm' => Input::post('open_mm'), 'close_hh' => Input::post('close_hh'), 'close_mm' => Input::post('close_mm')));
         } else {
             $shop = Model_shop::find(Input::post('id'));
             $shop->set(array('name' => Input::post('name'), 'postal_code' => Input::post('postal_code'), 'pref' => Input::post('pref'), 'address' => Input::post('address'), 'detail' => Input::post('detail'), 'category' => Input::post('category'), 'catchphrase' => Input::post('catchphrase'), 'hp_url' => Input::post('hp_url'), 'tel' => Input::post('tel'), 'image_path' => Input::post('image_path'), 'holiday' => Input::post('holiday'), 'open_hh' => Input::post('open_hh'), 'open_mm' => Input::post('open_mm'), 'close_hh' => Input::post('close_hh'), 'close_mm' => Input::post('close_mm')));
         if ($shop and $shop->save()) {
             $tmpDir = Utility::convertDirectory(DOCROOT . "files/temp/");
             $filesDir = Utility::convertDirectory(DOCROOT . "files/");
             $shopsImgDir = Utility::convertDirectory(DOCROOT . "files/" . $shop->id . "/");
             try {
                 File::delete($filesDir . $shop->image_path);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             try {
                 File::create_dir($filesDir, $shop->id, 0755);
             } catch (Exception $e) {
             File::copy($tmpDir . $shop->image_path, $shopsImgDir . $shop->image_path);
             File::delete($tmpDir . $shop->image_path);
             Session::set_flash('success', e('Added shop #' . $shop->id . '.'));
         } else {
             Session::set_flash('error', e('Could not save shop.'));
         $this->template->header = View::forge('docs-header-simple.php');
         $this->template->error = View::forge('error.php');
         $this->template->content = View::forge('shop/completeRep.php');
         $this->template->sns = View::forge('sns.php');
         $this->template->footer = View::forge('footer.php');
         $this->template->daialog = View::forge('daialog.php');
     } else {
         $this->template->header = View::forge('docs-header-simple.php');
         $this->template->error = View::forge('error.php');
         $this->template->content = View::forge('shop/confirm.php');
         $this->template->sns = "";
         $this->template->footer = View::forge('footer.php');
         $this->template->daialog = View::forge('daialog.php');
Пример #11
  * アップ画像:ファイル保存
  * @param string $save_dir
  * @param string $file_name
  * @param boolean $mime_check MIME_TYPE(image/*)チェック有無
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @throws RuntimeException
 private function save_upload_file($save_dir, $file_name, $mime_check = true)
     $upload_key = static::conf_get('upload_key');
     $max_size = static::conf_get('max_size');
     if (isset($_FILES[$upload_key])) {
         $error = $_FILES[$upload_key]['error'];
         // 複数ファイルの同時アップロードチェック
         if (is_array($error)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Simultaneous upload of multiple files is not allowed.');
         // エラーチェック
         switch ($error) {
             case UPLOAD_ERR_INI_SIZE:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Size over error: max size => ' . $max_size . 'byte');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_FORM_SIZE:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Max size allowed by the form.');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_PARTIAL:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File is corrupted.');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('File has not been selected.');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_NO_TMP_DIR:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Tmp directory is not found.');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_CANT_WRITE:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Tmp data creation failed.');
             case UPLOAD_ERR_EXTENSION:
                 throw new \RuntimeException('Extension is invalid.');
         // アップ画像:ファイル名
         $name = $_FILES[$upload_key]['name'];
         // アップ画像:一時ファイル名
         $tmp_name = $_FILES[$upload_key]['tmp_name'];
         // アップ画像:ファイルサイズ
         $size = $_FILES[$upload_key]['size'];
         // アップ画像:拡張子
         self::$_extension = $this->get_ext();
         // アップ画像:MIME-TYPE
         self::$_mime_type = $this->get_mime_type();
         // サイズ上限チェック
         if ($size > $max_size) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('Size over error: max size => ' . $max_size . 'byte');
         // 不正なファイルでないかチェック
         if (!is_uploaded_file($tmp_name)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('uploaded file is invalid.');
         // MIME-TYPEチェック
         if ($mime_check) {
             if (strpos(self::$_mime_type, 'image/') !== 0) {
                 throw new \RuntimeException('uploaded file is invalid format.');
         // ディレクトリ正当性
         $path = realpath($save_dir);
         if (!$path) {
             \File::create_dir(dirname($save_dir), static::client_id());
         // ファイル保存
         if (!move_uploaded_file($tmp_name, $save_dir . $file_name)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('uploaded file save failed.');
         // ファイルパーミッション変更
         if (!chmod($save_dir . $file_name, 0666)) {
             throw new \RuntimeException('uploaded file permission change failed.');
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('uploaded file is not found.');
Пример #12
  * Extracts a file
  * @param string     $dest    Destination
  * @param array|null $entries Files to extracted.
  * @throws \InvalidPathException when the basepath does not exist or is not writable.
  * @throws \FileAccessException when the basepath is not writable.
  * @return object|bool Current instance. Return false on failure
 public function extractTo($dest, $entries = null)
     if (!\File::exists($dest)) {
         \File::create_dir(pathinfo($dest, PATHINFO_DIRNAME), pathinfo($dest, PATHINFO_BASENAME));
     $result = $this->_zip_archive->extractTo($dest, $entries);
     if ($result) {
         return $this;
     } else {
         return false;