Пример #1
  * Replace the image path for the given object ID and ordinal number.
  * If no object with that ID and ordinal can be found, creates a new one.
  * In that case, the $imagetype_key parameter must be non-empty.
  * @param   integer     $image_id       The object ID
  * @param   integer     $ord            The ordinal number
  * @param   string      $path           The path
  * @param   integer     $imagetype_key  The image type key
  * @param   integer     $width          The optional width, overrides automatic value
  * @param   integer     $ord            The optional height, overrides automatic value
  * @return  boolean                     True on success, false otherwise
 function replace($image_id, $ord, $path, $imagetype_key = '', $width = false, $height = false)
     //echo("Image::replace($image_id, $ord, $path, $imagetype_key, $width, $height): Entered<br />");
     $objImage = self::getById($image_id, $ord);
     if (!$objImage && empty($imagetype_key)) {
         //echo("Image::replace(): Image not found and empty key<br />");
         return false;
     if (!$objImage) {
         $objImage = new Image($ord);
     $imageSize = getimagesize(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $path);
     if ($width === false || $height === false) {
         $width = $imageSize[0];
         $height = $imageSize[1];
         //echo("Image::replace(): Image size: $width/$height<br />");
     $path_parts = pathinfo($path);
     // TODO:  Debug stuff, remove in release
     //        $auto_type = $imageSize[2];
     //        if ($auto_type !== strtoupper($path_parts['extension']))
     //echo("Image::replace(image_id $image_id, ord $ord, path $path, imagetype_key $imagetype_key, width $width, height $height): Warning: Image extension (".$path_parts['extension'].") mismatch with type ($auto_type)<br />");
     // /TODO
     if ($imagetype_key) {
     //echo("Image::replace(): Storing Image<br />");
     if (!$objImage->store()) {
         return false;
     return $objImage->resize();