Пример #1
  * formProperty
  * This form display on the left side bar property.
  * It display each time the user click the AddOn in the page.
  * The width is limited.
  * form displayed to the user to configure and customize the add-on to be display in 
  * the page.
 public function formProperty()
     $values = $this->getAddOnValues();
     $formfields = new FieldsForm("LogoutAddOn");
     $form = "this is a sample form";
     $form .= "<br>Full Sign Off: " . $formfields->full_sign_off;
     $form .= "<br>Next Page:" . $formfields->next_page;
     $form .= "<br>Link Text:" . $formfields->link_text;
     $form .= "<br/>User's class name:" . $formfields->Users_Class;
     return $form;
  * formProperty
  * This form display on the left side bar property.
  * It display each time the user click the AddOn in the page.
  * The width is limited.
  * form displayed to the user to configure and customize the add-on to be display in 
  * the page.
 public function formProperty()
     $values = $this->getAddOnValues();
     $formfields = new FieldsForm("LoginFormOpenIdAddOn");
     $form = "this is a sample form";
     $form .= "<br>Error Message: " . $formfields->error_message;
     $form .= "<br>Next Page:" . $formfields->next_page;
     $form .= "<br>Registration Page:" . $formfields->reg_page;
     $form .= "<br/>User's class name:" . $formfields->Users_Class;
     return $form;
  * formProperty
  * This form display on the left side bar property.
  * It display each time the user click the AddOn in the page.
  * The width is limited.
  * form displayed to the user to configure and customize the add-on to be display in 
  * the page.
 public function formProperty()
     $values = $this->getAddOnValues();
     $formfields = new FieldsForm("registration.forgotpassword.form");
     $form = "Forgot Password form:<br>";
     $form .= "<br>Sent message text: <br>" . $formfields->sent_message;
     $form .= "<br> Prompt message text:<br>";
     $form .= $formfields->promt_message;
     $form .= "<br>Submit button text: <br>" . $formfields->submit_button_text;
     $form .= "<br/>User's class name:<br>" . $formfields->Users_Class;
     return $form;
  * formProperty
  * This form display on the left side bar property.
  * It display each time the user click the AddOn in the page.
  * The width is limited.
  * form displayed to the user to configure and customize the add-on to be display in 
  * the page.
 public function formProperty()
     $values = $this->getAddOnValues();
     $formfields = new FieldsForm("RegistrationFormAddOn");
     $form = "Form to register on your site when using OpenID.";
     $form .= "<br>Next Page:" . $formfields->thankyou_page;
     $form .= "<hr></hr>";
     $form .= "<u></u>Optional paramters:</u>";
     $form .= "<br/><b>Welcome email:</b><br/>" . $formfields->emailtemplate;
     $form .= "<br/><b>Admin alert email:</b><br/>" . $formfields->admin_emailtemplate;
     $form .= "<br/><b>Admin email address:</b><br/>" . $formfields->admin_email;
     $form .= "<br/><b>User's class name:</b><br/>" . $formfields->User_Class;
     return $form;
Пример #5
  * formProperty
  * This form display on the left side bar property.
  * It display each time the user click the AddOn in the page.
  * The width is limited.
  * form displayed to the user to configure and customize the add-on to be display in 
  * the page.
 public function formProperty()
     $values = $this->getAddOnValues();
     $formfields = new FieldsForm("login.script.inc.php");
     $form = "Login form:";
     $form .= "<br>Page after signing in: " . $formfields->Next_Page;
     $form .= "<br> Error message for wrong login and password:<br>";
     $form .= $formfields->err_string;
     $form .= "<br>Page for user registration:" . $formfields->Registration_Page;
     $form .= "<br>Page to retrieve forgotten password:<br>";
     $form .= $formfields->Get_Password_Page;
     $form .= "<br>Optional paramters:";
     $form .= "<br/>User's class name:" . $formfields->User_Class;
     $form .= "<br>Login Form style:" . $formfields->login_form_style;
     return $form;
Пример #6
$e_addContactNote->addEventAction("mydb.gotoPage", 90);
//$e_addContactNote->addEventAction("ContactNoteEditSave->eventFormatNoteInsert", 119);
$e_addContactNote->addEventAction("ContactNoteEditSave->eventHTMLCleanUp", 119);
$e_addContactNote->addEventAction("portalUser->eventSendPortalAlert", 238);
$e_addContactNote->addEventAction("WorkFeedContactNotePortal->eventAddFeed", 245);
$e_addContactNote->addParam("iduser_for_feed", $iduser_for_feed);
$e_addContactNote->addParam("added_by_cont", $added_by_contact);
$e_addContactNote->addParam('goto', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
$e_addContactNote->addParam('errPage', $_SERVER['PHP_SELF']);
//$noteFields = new FieldsForm("ofuz_add_contact_note");
if ($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser != '' && !empty($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser)) {
    $noteFields = new FieldsForm("ofuz_add_contact_note_portal_signin_user");
} else {
    $noteFields = new FieldsForm("ofuz_add_contact_note_portal");
//$noteFields = new FieldsForm("ofuz_add_contact_note_portal");
$noteFields->setValues(array('iduser' => '', 'date_added' => date("Y-m-d")));
// form headers:
echo $e_addContactNote->getFormHeader();
echo $e_addContactNote->getFormEvent();
// display the note text field:
//echo $noteFields->idcontact;
//echo $noteFields->date_added;
echo $noteFields->note;
if ($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser != '' && !empty($_SESSION['do_User']->iduser)) {
    echo $noteFields->iduser;
echo _('Attach a file: ') . $noteFields->document;
Пример #7
  * formForgotPassword
  * Display a form for users to get password.
  * IT uses the form template: form/registrationForm
 public function formGetPassword($button_text = "", $sent_message = "", $prompt_message = "")
     if (empty($button_text)) {
         $button_text = _("Submit");
     if (empty($sent_message)) {
         $sent_message = _("Your Password has been sent");
     if (empty($prompt_message)) {
         $prompt_message = _("Enter your email address");
     $field_email = new FieldTypeChar($this->getEmailField());
     $field_email->label = $prompt_message;
     $field_email->size = 20;
     $field_email->maxlenght = 40;
     $field_email->css_form_class = "formfield";
     $form_fields = new FieldsForm();
     //$this->setFields($form_fields) ;
     $forgotpass_form = $this->newForm($this->getObjectName() . "->eventGetForgotPassword");
     //$forgotpass_form->addParam("sent_message", $sent_message);
     $forgotpass_form->addParam("message_goto", "user_login.php");
     $forgotpass_form->addParam("message", $sent_message);
     $forgotpass_form->addParam("user_table", "user");
     $htmlform = $forgotpass_form->getFormHeader();
     $htmlform .= $forgotpass_form->getFormEvent();
     $htmlform .= $form_fields->{$this->getEmailField()};
     $htmlform .= $forgotpass_form->getFormFooter($button_text);
     echo $htmlform;
Пример #8
<div id="sticky-anchor"></div>
 <div id="contacts_ctlbar" style="display: none;">
echo '<b>' . _('With the selected Task(s) you can:') . '</b><br/>';
echo _('Change the task owner') . _(':');
echo $do_proj_task_operation->renderChangeTaskOwnerList($idproject);
echo '<br/>' . _(' or ') . ' ' . _('move them to another project') . _(':');
echo '<select name="project_id">' . $_SESSION['do_project']->getProjectsSelectOptions($_SESSION['do_project_task']->idproject) . '</select>';
echo '<input type="button" onclick = "changeProjMul();return false;" value="' . _('Move') . '">';
echo '<br/>' . _(' or ') . ' ' . _('change due date') . _(':');
// OO style using FieldsForm object to generate a field. The same thing we have on task.php to generate due_date but using JS and HTML
$field_due_date_mul = new DijitDateTextBox("due_date_mul");
$field_due_date_mul->datetype = 'dd-MM-y';
//$field_due_date_mul->name = 'due_date_mul';
$form_fields = new FieldsForm();
echo $form_fields->due_date_mul;
// Ends Here
echo '<input type="button" onclick = "changeDueDateMul();return false;" value="' . _('Change Due Date') . '">';
echo '<br/>', _(' or '), '<span class="redlink"><a href="#" onclick="moveTasks(0);return false;">' . _('Promote them to the top') . '</a></span>';
echo '<br/>', _(' or '), '<span class="redlink"><a href="#" onclick="moveTasks(1);return false;">' . _('Drop them to the bottom') . '</a></span>';
echo '<br/>', _(' or '), '<span class="redlink"><a href="#" onclick="closeTaskMul();return false;">' . _('Close them all') . '</a></span>';
        <div class="spacerblock_10"></div>
     <span class="sasnlinks">( <span class="bluelink"><a href="#" onclick="fnSelAll(); return false;"><?php 
echo _('select all');
</a></span> | <span class="bluelink"><a href="#" onclick="fnSelNone(); return false;"><?php 
echo _('select none');