public function fetchFeed($vURLs, $numItems = 0, $fCacheRenew = false)
     $arrURLs = is_array($vURLs) ? $vURLs : (array) $vURLs;
     $strURLID = md5(serialize($arrURLs));
     if (!isset($this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID]) && $fCacheRenew == false) {
         $this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID] = FetchTweets_WPUtilities::getTransient($this->strTransientPrefix . $strURLID, array());
         // casting array causes the 0 key,
     // If it's out of stock, fill the array by fetching the feed.
     if (empty($this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID])) {
         // When an array of urls is passed to the Simple Pie's set_feed_url() method, the memory usage increases largely.
         // So fetch the feeds one by one per url and store the output into an array.
         foreach ($arrURLs as $strURL) {
             $oFeed = $this->getFeedObj($strURL, null, $fCacheRenew ? 0 : 3600);
             foreach ($oFeed->get_items() as $oItem) {
                 // foreach ( $oFeed->get_items( 0, $numItems * 3 ) as $item ) does not change the memory usage
                 $this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID][$oItem->get_title()] = array('strContent' => $oItem->get_content(), 'description' => $oItem->get_description(), 'title' => $oItem->get_title(), 'strDate' => $oItem->get_title(), 'strAuthor' => $oItem->get_date('j F Y, g:i a'), 'strLink' => $oItem->get_permalink());
             // For PHP below 5.3 to release the memory.
             // Do what PHP should be doing on it's own.
         // This life span should be little longer than the feed cache life span, which is 1700.
         FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($this->strTransientPrefix . $strURLID, $this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID], 1800);
         // 30 minutes
     $arrOut = $this->arrFeedItems[$strURLID];
     if ($numItems) {
         array_splice($arrOut, ${$numItems});
     return $arrOut;
  * @see  
 public function getStatus()
     // Return the cached response if available.
     $_sCacheID = FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . '_' . md5(serialize(array($this->sConsumerKey, $this->sConsumerSecret, $this->sAccessToken, $this->sAccessSecret)));
     $_vData = FetchTweets_WPUtilities::getTransient($_sCacheID);
     if (false !== $_vData) {
         return $_vData;
     // Perform the requests.
     $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterOAuth($this->sConsumerKey, $this->sConsumerSecret, $this->sAccessToken, $this->sAccessSecret);
     $_aUser = $_oConnect->get('account/verify_credentials');
     // If the user id could not be retrieved, it means it failed.
     if (!isset($_aUser['id']) || !$_aUser['id']) {
         return array();
     // Otherwise, it is okay. Retrieve the current status.
     $_aStatusKeys = apply_filters('fetch_tweets_filter_request_rate_limit_status_keys', array('statuses', 'search', 'lists'));
     // keys can be added such as 'help', 'users' etc
     $_aStatus = $_oConnect->get('' . implode(',', $_aStatusKeys));
     // Set the cache.
     $_aData = is_array($_aStatus) ? $_aUser + $_aStatus : $_aUser;
     FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($_sCacheID, $_aData, 60);
     // stores the cache only for 60 seconds.
     return $_aData;
  * Redirects to the twitter to get authenticated.
  * @since       1.3.0
  * @since       2.4.5       Moved from the admin page class.
  * @remark      This is redirected from the "Connect to Twitter" button.
 private function _redirect()
     /* Build TwitterOAuth object with client credentials. */
     $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterOAuth(FetchTweets_Commons::ConsumerKey, FetchTweets_Commons::ConsumerSecret);
     /* Get temporary credentials - Requesting authentication tokens, the parameter is the URL we will be redirected to. */
     $_aRequestToken = $_oConnect->getRequestToken(add_query_arg(array('post_type' => 'fetch_tweets', 'page' => 'fetch_tweets_settings', 'tab' => 'twitter_callback'), admin_url($GLOBALS['pagenow'])));
     /* Save temporary credentials to transient. */
     $_aTemporaryTokens = array();
     $_aTemporaryTokens['oauth_token'] = $_aRequestToken['oauth_token'];
     $_aTemporaryTokens['oauth_token_secret'] = $_aRequestToken['oauth_token_secret'];
     FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient(FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . '_oauth', $_aTemporaryTokens, 60 * 10);
     // 10 minutes
     /* If last connection failed don't display authorization link. */
     switch ($_oConnect->http_code) {
         case 200:
             /* Build authorize URL and redirect user to Twitter. */
             // goes to
             /* Show notification if something went wrong. */
             die(__('Could not connect to Twitter. Refresh the page or try again later.', 'fetch-tweets'));
Пример #4
  * Re-saves the cache after adding oEmbed elements.
  * @since            1.3.0
 public function _replyToAddOEmbedElements($sRequestURI)
     $strTransientKey = FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . "_" . md5($sRequestURI);
     // Check if the transient is locked
     $strLockTransient = FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . '_' . md5("LockOEm_" . trim($strTransientKey));
     // up to 40 characters, the prefix can be up to 8 characters
     if (false !== FetchTweets_WPUtilities::getTransient($strLockTransient)) {
         // it means the cache is being modified.
     // Set a lock flag transient that indicates the transient is being renewed.
     FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($strLockTransient, true, FetchTweets_Utilities::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime());
     // Perform oEmbed caching - no API request will be performed
     $oFetch = new FetchTweets_Fetch();
     // structure: array( 'mod' => time(), 'data' => $this->oBase64->encode( $vData ) ),
     $arrTransient = $oFetch->getTransient($strTransientKey);
     // If the mandatory keys are not set, it's broken.
     if (!isset($arrTransient['mod'], $arrTransient['data'])) {
     $arrTweets = (array) $this->oBase64->decode($arrTransient['data']);
     // the array is passed as reference.
     // Re-save the cache.
     // FetchTweets_Debug::logArray( 'saving oembed transient' );
     $oFetch->setTransient($sRequestURI, $arrTweets, $arrTransient['mod'], true);
     // the method handles the encoding.
     // Delete the lock transient
  * A wrapper method for the set_transient() function.
  * @since            1.2.0
  * @since            1.3.0            Made it public as the event method uses it.
 public function setTransient($sRequestURI, $vData, $iTime = null, $bIgnoreLock = false)
     $_sTransientKey = FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . "_" . md5(trim($sRequestURI));
     $_sLockTransient = FetchTweets_Commons::TransientPrefix . '_' . md5("Lock_" . $_sTransientKey);
     // Give some time to the server to store transients in case of simultaneous accesses.
     if (FetchTweets_Cron::isBackground()) {
     // Check if the transient is locked.
     if (!$bIgnoreLock && false !== FetchTweets_WPUtilities::getTransient($_sLockTransient)) {
         // it means the cache is being modified.
     // Set a lock flag transient that indicates the transient is being renewed.
     if (!$bIgnoreLock) {
         FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($_sLockTransient, 'locked', 10);
     // Store the cache
     $_bIsSet = FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($_sTransientKey, array('mod' => $iTime ? $iTime : time(), 'data' => $this->oBase64->encode($vData)));
     if (!$_bIsSet) {
     // Schedule the action to run in the background with WP Cron. If already scheduled, skip.
     // This adds the embedding elements which takes some time to process.
     $_aArgs = array($sRequestURI);
     if ($iTime || wp_next_scheduled('fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements', $_aArgs)) {
     wp_schedule_single_event(time(), 'fetch_tweets_action_transient_add_oembed_elements', $_aArgs);
     if ('intense' == $this->oOption->aOptions['cache_settings']['caching_mode']) {
         FetchTweets_Cron::see(array(), true);
     } else {
         // $this->arrExpiredTransientsRequestURIs
         wp_remote_get(site_url("/wp-cron.php"), array('timeout' => 0.01, 'sslverify' => false));
     // Delete the lock transient
     // FetchTweets_WPUtilities::deleteTransient( $_sLockTransient );
  * Validates submitted form data of the page. 
  * @remark validation_{page slug}
  * @since       unknown
  * @since       2.4.5       Changed the name from 'validation_fetch_tweets_add_rule_by_list'.
 public function validatePageFormData($aInput, $aOldInput, $oFactory, $aSubmitInformation)
     // Check if the input has been properly sent.
     if (!isset($aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_screen_name'], $aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_accounts'])) {
         $oFactory->setSettingNotice(__('Something went wrong. Your input could not be received. Try again and if this happens again, contact the developer.', 'fetch-tweets'));
         return $aOldInput;
     $_aCredentials = $this->_getCredentiaslByAccountID($aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_accounts']);
     // Variables
     $_aErrors = array();
     // error array
     $_iAccountID = $aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_accounts'] == -1 ? 0 : $aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_accounts'];
     $_sOwnerScreenName = $aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_accounts'] == '-1' ? $aInput['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_screen_name'] : $_aCredentials['screen_name'];
     // The list owner screen name must be provided.
     if (empty($_sOwnerScreenName)) {
         $_aErrors['add_rule_by_list']['list_owner_screen_name'] = __('The screen name of the list owner must be specified: ') . $_sOwnerScreenName;
         $oFactory->setSettingNotice(__('There was an error in your input.', 'fetch-tweets'));
         return $aOldInput;
     // Fetch the lists by the screen name.
     $_oFetch = new FetchTweets_Fetch($_aCredentials['consumer_key'], $_aCredentials['consumer_secret'], $_aCredentials['access_token'], $_aCredentials['access_secret']);
     $_aLists = $_oFetch->getListNamesFromScreenName($_sOwnerScreenName, $_iAccountID);
     if (empty($_aLists)) {
         $oFactory->setSettingNotice(__('No list found.', 'fetch-tweets'));
         return $aOldInput;
     // Set the transient of the fetched IDs. This will be used right next page load.
     $_sListCacheID = uniqid();
     FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($_sListCacheID, $_aLists, 60);
     exit(wp_redirect(add_query_arg(array('post_type' => FetchTweets_Commons::PostTypeSlug, 'tweet_type' => 'list', 'list_cache' => $_sListCacheID, 'screen_name' => $_sOwnerScreenName, 'account_id' => $_iAccountID), admin_url('post-new.php'))));
Пример #7
  * A callback for the accessSiteAtShutDown() method.
  * @since            1.0.0
 public static function _replyToAccessSite()
     // Retrieve the plugin scheduled tasks array.
     $_sTransientName = md5(get_class());
     $_aTasks = FetchTweets_WPUtilities::getTransient($_sTransientName);
     $_aTasks = $_aTasks ? $_aTasks : array();
     $_nNow = microtime(true);
     // Check the excessive background call protection interval
     if (!self::$_fIgnoreLock) {
         $_nCalled = isset($_aTasks['called']) ? $_aTasks['called'] : 0;
         if ($_nCalled + self::$_iLockBackgroundCallInterval > $_nNow) {
             // if it's called within 10 seconds from the last time of calling this method, do nothing to avoid excessive calls.
     // Renew the called time.
     $_aFlagKeys = array('called' => $_nNow);
     FetchTweets_WPUtilities::setTransient($_sTransientName, $_aFlagKeys + $_aTasks, self::getAllowedMaxExecutionTime());
     // set a locked key so it prevents duplicated function calls due to too many calls caused by simultaneous accesses.
     // Compose a GET query array
     $_aGet = self::$_aGet;
     if (defined('WP_DEBUG')) {
         $_aGet['debug'] = WP_DEBUG;
     // Load the site in the background.
     wp_remote_get(site_url('?' . http_build_query($_aGet)), array('timeout' => 0.01, 'sslverify' => false, 'cookies' => $_aFlagKeys + array($_sTransientName => true)));