private function _getScreenName($aCredentials)
     /* Create TwitteroAuth object with app key/secret and token key/secret from default phase */
     $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification($aCredentials['consumer_key'], $aCredentials['consumer_secret'], $aCredentials['access_token'], $aCredentials['access_secret']);
     /* Request access tokens from twitter */
     $_aResponse = $_oConnect->getStatus();
     return isset($_aResponse['screen_name']) ? $_aResponse['screen_name'] : null;
  * Triggered when the manual keys are set and submitted.
  * @since       2
  * @since       2.4.5       Moved from the admin page class.
  * @remark      valiudation_{class name}_{section id}
 public function replyToValidate($aInput, $aOldInput, $oFactory, $aSubmitInfo)
     // Sanitize
     $aInput['consumer_key'] = trim($aInput['consumer_key']);
     $aInput['consumer_secret'] = trim($aInput['consumer_secret']);
     $aInput['access_token'] = trim($aInput['access_token']);
     $aInput['access_secret'] = trim($aInput['access_secret']);
     // Check the connection
     $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification($aInput['consumer_key'], $aInput['consumer_secret'], $aInput['access_token'], $aInput['access_secret']);
     $_aStatus = $_oConnect->getStatus();
     // If it's connected, add the connection status
     if (isset($_aStatus['id_str'])) {
         $aInput['user_id'] = $_aStatus['id_str'];
         $aInput['screen_name'] = $_aStatus['screen_name'];
         $aInput['is_connected'] = true;
         $aInput['connect_method'] = 'manual';
     } else {
         $aInput['is_connected'] = false;
         $aInput['connect_method'] = 'manual';
     do_action('fetch_tweets_action_updated_credentials', $aInput);
     return $aInput;
  * Performs the API request and sets the cache.
  * @access      public
  * @remark      The scope is public since the cache renewal event also uses it.
  * @param       string      $sRawRequestURI     The request URI that MAY contain embedded access keys in the query keys.
  * @param       string      $sArrayKey          The array key in the response array. For the search API request, a certain key is need to be set.
  * @param       array       $aRateLimitKeys     The representation of dimensional keys for the rate limit status-resource array. 
 public function setAPIGETRequestCache($sRawRequestURI, $sArrayKey = null, $aRateLimitKeys = array())
      * Stores requested URIs to prevent multiple requests per a page load which causes the rate limit to exceed.
     static $_aRequestedURIs = array();
     $sRawRequestURI = trim($sRawRequestURI);
     $_sRequestURI = $this->_sanitizeRequstURI($sRawRequestURI);
     // Check if it has been already requested. If so return an error.
     if (in_array($_sRequestURI, $_aRequestedURIs)) {
         return array('error' => __('Excessive requests have been made. Please reload the page.', 'fetch-tweets'));
     $_aRequestedURIs[$_sRequestURI] = $_sRequestURI;
     // Check if a custom access keys are set.
     $_aAccessKeys = $this->_getAccessKeysFromQueryURI($sRawRequestURI);
     $_oOriginalTwitterOAuth = $this->oTwitterOAuth;
     if (!empty($_aAccessKeys)) {
         $this->oTwitterOAuth = new FetchTweets_TwitterOAuth($_aAccessKeys['consumer_key'], $_aAccessKeys['consumer_secret'], $_aAccessKeys['access_token'], $_aAccessKeys['access_secret']);
     // Check the rate limit.
     if (!empty($aRateLimitKeys)) {
         $_oRateLimit = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification(isset($_aAccessKeys['consumer_key']) ? $_aAccessKeys['consumer_key'] : $this->_aApplicationKeys['consumer_key'], isset($_aAccessKeys['consumer_secret']) ? $_aAccessKeys['consumer_secret'] : $this->_aApplicationKeys['consumer_secret'], isset($_aAccessKeys['access_token']) ? $_aAccessKeys['access_token'] : $this->_aApplicationKeys['access_token'], isset($_aAccessKeys['access_secret']) ? $_aAccessKeys['access_secret'] : $this->_aApplicationKeys['access_secret']);
         $_iRemaining = $_oRateLimit->getRemaining($aRateLimitKeys);
         if (!$_iRemaining) {
             return array('error' => __('The number of API requests exceeded the rate limit. Please try it later.', 'fetch-tweets'));
     // Perform the API request.
     $_aTweets = $this->oTwitterOAuth->get($_sRequestURI);
     // Restore the original Twitter oAuth object.
     $this->oTwitterOAuth = $_oOriginalTwitterOAuth;
     // If the array key is specified, return the contents of the key element. Otherwise, return the retrieved array intact.
     if (!is_null($sArrayKey) && isset($_aTweets[$sArrayKey])) {
         $_aTweets = $_aTweets[$sArrayKey];
     // If empty, return an empty array.
     if (empty($_aTweets)) {
         return array();
     // If the result is not an array, something went wrong.
     if (!is_array($_aTweets)) {
         return (array) $_aTweets;
     // If an error occurs, do not set the cache.
     if (!$this->oOption->aOptions['cache_settings']['cache_for_errors']) {
         if (isset($_aTweets['errors'][0]['message'], $_aTweets['errors'][0]['code'])) {
             $_aTweets['errors'][0]['message'] .= "<!-- Request URI: {$_sRequestURI} -->";
             return (array) $_aTweets;
     // Save the cache
     $this->setTransient($_sRequestURI, $_aTweets);
     return (array) $_aTweets;
Пример #4
  * Checks if the plugin is connected to Twitter.
  * @since            2
 public function isConnected()
     // The keys are manually set
     if ($this->isAuthKeysManuallySet()) {
         if (isset($this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['is_connected'])) {
             return $this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['is_connected'];
         $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification($this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['consumer_key'], $this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['consumer_secret'], $this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['access_token'], $this->aOptions['authentication_keys']['access_secret']);
         $_aStatus = $_oConnect->getStatus();
         return isset($_aStatus['screen_name']);
     // The keys are automatically retrieved
     if (isset($this->aOptions['twitter_connect']['is_connected'])) {
         return $this->aOptions['twitter_connect']['is_connected'];
     $_oConnect = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification(FetchTweets_Commons::ConsumerKey, FetchTweets_Commons::ConsumerSecret, $this->aOptions['twitter_connect']['access_token'], $this->aOptions['twitter_connect']['access_secret']);
     $_aStatus = $_oConnect->getStatus();
     return isset($_aStatus['screen_name']);
  * Checks the API credential is valid or not.
  * @since           1.3.0
  * @since           2.4.5       Moved from the admin page class.
  * @return          array       the retrieved data.
  * @remark          The returned data is a merged result of 'account/verify_credientials' and 'rate_limit_status'.
 private function _getAuthenticationStatus($sConsumerKey, $sConsumerSecret, $sAccessToken, $sAccessSecret)
     $_oTwitterOAuth_Verification = new FetchTweets_TwitterAPI_Verification($sConsumerKey, $sConsumerSecret, $sAccessToken, $sAccessSecret);
     return $_oTwitterOAuth_Verification->getStatus();