    /* FeedWordPressCompatibility::stamp_nonce() */
    function bottom_script_hook($filename)
        $hook = 'admin_footer';
        if (FeedWordPressCompatibility::test_version(FWP_SCHEMA_28)) {
            // WordPress 2.8+
            $hook = $hook . '-' . basename($filename);
        return $hook;
/* class FeedWordPressCompatibility */
define('FEEDWORDPRESS_AND_TAGS', FeedWordPressCompatibility::post_tags() ? ' & Tags' : '');
$fwp_capability['manage_options'] = 'manage_options';
$fwp_capability['manage_links'] = 'manage_links';
require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/feedwordpress-walker-category-checklist.class.php';
function fwp_category_checklist($post_id = 0, $descendents_and_self = 0, $selected_cats = false, $prefix = '')
    if (function_exists('wp_category_checklist')) {
        $walker = new FeedWordPress_Walker_Category_Checklist();
        wp_category_checklist($post_id, $descendents_and_self, $selected_cats, false, $walker);
    } else {
        // selected_cats is an array of integer cat_IDs / term_ids for
        // the categories that should be checked
        global $post_ID;
        $cats = get_nested_categories();
        // Undo damage from usort() in WP 2.0
    function instead_of_categories_box($link_id = null)
        if (!is_null($link_id)) {
            $from_this_feed = 'from this feed';
            $by_default = '';
            $id_param = "&link_id=" . $link_id;
        } else {
            $from_this_feed = 'from syndicated feeds';
            $by_default = " by default";
            $id_param = "";
<p>Use the <a href="admin.php?page=<?php 
        echo FWP_CATEGORIES_PAGE_SLUG . $id_param;
        _e('Categories' . FEEDWORDPRESS_AND_TAGS);
settings page to set up how new posts <?php 
        print $from_this_feed;
 are assigned categories <?php 
        if (FeedWordPressCompatibility::post_tags()) {
or tags<?php 
        print $by_default;
 function display()
     // Display settings boxes //////////////////////
     $this->boxes_by_methods = array('feed_categories_box' => __('Feed Categories' . FEEDWORDPRESS_AND_TAGS), 'categories_box' => array('title' => __('Categories'), 'id' => 'categorydiv'));
     if (!FeedWordPressCompatibility::post_tags()) {
    function feed_categories_box($page, $box = NULL)
        $link = $page->link;
        $unfamiliar = array('create' => '', 'tag' => '', 'default' => '', 'filter' => '');
        if ($page->for_feed_settings()) {
            $unfamiliar['site-default'] = '';
            $ucKey = isset($link->settings["unfamiliar category"]) ? $link->settings["unfamiliar category"] : null;
            $ucDefault = 'site-default';
        } else {
            $ucKey = FeedWordPress::on_unfamiliar('category');
            $ucDefault = 'create';
        if (!is_string($ucKey) or !array_key_exists($ucKey, $unfamiliar)) {
            $ucKey = $ucDefault;
        $unfamiliar[$ucKey] = ' checked="checked"';
        // Hey ho, let's go...
<table class="edit-form">
<th scope="row">Unfamiliar categories:</th>
<td><p>When one of the categories on a syndicated post is a category that FeedWordPress has not encountered before ...</p>

<ul class="options">
        if ($page->for_feed_settings()) {
<li><label><input type="radio" name="unfamiliar_category" value="site-default"<?php 
            echo $unfamiliar['site-default'];
 /> use the <a href="admin.php?page=<?php 
            echo FWP_CATEGORIES_PAGE_SLUG;
">site-wide setting</a>
(currently <strong><?php 
            echo FeedWordPress::on_unfamiliar('category');

<li><label><input type="radio" name="unfamiliar_category" value="create"<?php 
        echo $unfamiliar['create'];
 /> create a new category</label></li>

        if (FeedWordPressCompatibility::post_tags()) {
<li><label><input type="radio" name="unfamiliar_category" value="tag"<?php 
            echo $unfamiliar['tag'];
/> create a new tag</label></li>

<li><label><input type="radio" name="unfamiliar_category" value="default"<?php 
        echo $unfamiliar['default'];
 /> don't create new categories<?php 
        if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_23)) {
 or tags<?php 
<li><label><input type="radio" name="unfamiliar_category" value="filter"<?php 
        echo $unfamiliar['filter'];
 /> don't create new categories<?php 
        if (fwp_test_wp_version(FWP_SCHEMA_23)) {
 or tags<?php 
 and don't syndicate posts unless they match at least one familiar category</label></li>

        if ($page->for_feed_settings()) {
<th scope="row">Multiple categories:</th>
<input type="text" size="20" id="cat_split" name="cat_split" value="<?php 
            if (isset($link->settings['cat_split'])) {
                echo htmlspecialchars($link->settings['cat_split']);
" />
<p class="setting-description">Enter a <a href="http://us.php.net/manual/en/reference.pcre.pattern.syntax.php">Perl-compatible regular expression</a> here if the feed provides multiple
categories in a single category element. The regular expression should match
the characters used to separate one category from the next. If the feed uses
spaces (like <a href="http://del.icio.us/">del.icio.us</a>), use the pattern "\s".
If the feed does not provide multiple categories in a single element, leave this