public function do_actions()
     try {
          * Get feeds for whom their time has come
         $feeds = FeedAggregator_CLIHelper::get_feeds_to_process_from_retrieval_queue();
         foreach ($feeds as $feed_data) {
             try {
                  * Download the feed
                 $xml_data = FeedAggregator_CLIHelper::download_feed($feed_data['url']);
                 FeedAggregator_DatabaseHelper::set_feed_retrieved_date($feed_data['id'], date('Y-m-d h:i:s'));
                 print_r($this->colour_output("#" . $feed_data['id'] . " Downloaded..." . PHP_EOL, 'green'));
                  * Parse the feed object 
                  * and insert the items into the DB
                 // print_r($xml_data);exit;
                 foreach ($this->get_feed_parser()->get_items() as $item) {
                     // print_r($item);exit;
                     /* TODO:
                      * Currently $item is a SimplePie_Item object,
                      * which would be a problem if another parser is used
                      * Should implement some helper functions for 
                      * FeedAggregator_SimplePieFeedParser that can 
                      * deal with the items for us abstractly
                     if (!FeedAggregator_CLIHelper::item_is_in_cache($feed_data['id'], $item->get_id())) {
                         FeedAggregator_CLIHelper::add_feed_item_to_cache($feed_data['id'], $item);
                         print_r($this->colour_output("#" . $feed_data['id'] . " Added item to database..." . PHP_EOL, 'green'));
             } catch (Exception $e) {
                 $output = "#" . $feed_data['id'] . ' Failed to retrieve feed "' . $feed_data['name'] . '" (' . $e->getMessage() . ")" . PHP_EOL;
                 print_r($this->colour_output($output, 'red'));
         print_r('Queue processed. Exiting...' . PHP_EOL);
     } catch (VideoLibrary_Exception $e) {
         print_r($this->colour_output($e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL, 'red'));