Пример #1
 * Get FedEx meter number
function fn_settings_actions_shippings_fedex_fedex_meter_get(&$new_value, $old_value)
    if ($new_value != 'Y') {
        return false;
    echo "Retreiving information from FEDEX server...";
    include_once DIR_SHIPPING_FILES . 'fedex/fedexdc.php';
    $shipping_settings = fn_get_settings('Shippings', 'fedex');
    $account_number = $shipping_settings['account_number'];
    $params = array('fedex_uri' => $shipping_settings['test_mode'] == 'Y' ? 'https://gatewaybeta.fedex.com:443/GatewayDC' : 'https://gateway.fedex.com:443/GatewayDC');
    $fed = new FedExDC($shipping_settings['account_number'], '', $params);
    $ship_ret = $fed->subscribe(array(1 => uniqid(TIME), 4003 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_name'], 4008 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_street'], 4011 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_city'], 4012 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_state'], 4013 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_zipcode'], 4014 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_country'], 4015 => $shipping_settings['fedex_meter_phone']));
    echo "<br />Done.";
    $error_tr = $fed->lookup('transaction_error_message');
    $error_req = $fed->getError();
    if ($error_tr || $error_req) {
        fn_set_notification('E', fn_get_lang_var('error'), (!empty($error_req) ? $error_req . '<br />' : '') . (!empty($error_tr) ? $error_tr : ''));
    } else {
        $meter_number = $fed->lookup('meter_number');
        db_query("UPDATE ?:settings SET ?u WHERE option_name = 'meter_number' AND section_id = 'Shippings' AND subsection_id = 'fedex'", array('value' => $meter_number));
    $new_value = 'N';
Пример #2
 } else {
     $ship_type = 'FDXE';
 // simple array with transaction code, tracking number, carrier code
 $cancelData = array(0 => $transaction_code, 1 => ORDER_NUMBER . $order, 29 => $fedex_tracking, 3025 => $ship_type);
 $cancelData = $fedex_keys + $cancelData;
 // remove shipment data from the shipping manifest
 $delete_manifest_query = tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_SHIPPING_MANIFEST . " where orders_id = '" . $order . "'");
 if ($delete_manifest_query) {
 } elseif (!$delete_manifest_query) {
 // cancel the shipment
 $cancelRet = $fed->cancel_ground($cancelData);
 // todo: add appropriate error checking for at least some of the possible errors
 if ($error = $fed->getError()) {
     die(ERROR . $error);
 // delete the tracking number from the order record
 $delete_trackNum = array('fedex_tracking' => '');
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $delete_trackNum, 'update', "orders_id = '" . $order . "'");
 // ...mark the order record "pending"...
 $update_status = array('orders_status' => 2);
 tep_db_perform(TABLE_ORDERS, $update_status, 'update', "orders_id = '" . $order . "'");
 // ...add a comment to the order history to show what we've done...
 $fedex_comments = ORDER_HISTORY_CANCELLED . $trackNum;
 tep_db_query("insert into " . TABLE_ORDERS_STATUS_HISTORY . " (orders_id, orders_status_id, date_added, customer_notified, comments) values ('" . $order . "', 2, now(), '', '" . $fedex_comments . "')");
 // ...delete the record from the manifest...
 tep_db_query("delete from " . TABLE_SHIPPING_MANIFEST . " where orders_id = '" . $order . "'");
 // ...and refresh the orders page
 tep_redirect(FILENAME_ORDERS . '?oID=' . $order);
Пример #3
 function update_meter_number()
     global $vendor_name, $vendor_address, $vendor_city, $vendor_state, $vendor_zip, $vendor_country_2_code, $vendor_phone, $vmLogger;
     $fed = new FedExDC(FEDEX_ACCOUNT_NUMBER);
     $db = new ps_DB();
     $db->query('SELECT `contact_first_name`, `contact_last_name` FROM `#__{vm}_vendor` WHERE `vendor_id` =' . intval($_SESSION['ps_vendor_id']));
     $aRet = $fed->subscribe(array(1 => uniqid('vmFed_'), 4003 => $db->f('contact_first_name') . ' ' . $db->f('contact_last_name'), 4008 => $vendor_address, 4011 => $vendor_city, 4012 => $vendor_state, 4013 => $vendor_zip, 4014 => $vendor_country_2_code, 4015 => $vendor_phone));
     if ($error = $fed->getError()) {
         return false;
     $meter_number = $aRet[498];
     foreach ($this->config_array as $config_key) {
         $d[$config_key] = constant($config_key);
     $d['FEDEX_METER_NUMBER'] = $meter_number;
     define('FEDEX_METER_NUMBER_TEMP', $meter_number);
     return true;
Пример #4
function tep_ship_request($shipData, $ship_type, $order)
    $fed = new FedExDC($shipData[0][10], $shipData[1][498]);
    $ship_Ret = $fed->{$ship_type}($shipData);
    // todo: add appropriate error checking for at least some of the possible errors
    if ($error = $fed->getError()) {
        // in case the ship date is a holiday, check for the error and correct the date
        // todo: correct the date!
        if (preg_match('/FF43/', $error)) {
            echo 'You cannot schedule a pickup on a weekend or holiday! Please go back and change
        the pickup date.';
        } else {
            echo 'This transaction could not be completed. Please note the error message
            die("ERROR: " . $error);
        // if successful, we get the tracking number, write the label *.png file to images/fedex,
        // and display the label
    } else {
        $trackNum = $ship_Ret[29];
        // decode and save label, named for the tracking number
        $fed->label(DIR_WS_FEDEX_LABELS . $trackNum . '.png');
    return $trackNum;
Пример #5
function fn_fedex_ship($data, &$auth, $shipping_settings, $origination)
    $ground_codes = array('90', '92');
    $account_number = $shipping_settings['fedex']['account_number'];
    $meter_number = $shipping_settings['fedex']['meter_number'];
    $package_type = $shipping_settings['fedex']['package_type'];
    $drop_off_type = $shipping_settings['fedex']['drop_off_type'];
    $height = $shipping_settings['fedex']['height'];
    $width = $shipping_settings['fedex']['width'];
    $length = $shipping_settings['fedex']['length'];
    // Normalize supplier address data
    $origination_address1 = substr($origination['address'], 0, 32);
    preg_match_all("/[\\d\\w]/", $origination['zipcode'], $matches);
    $origination_postal = !empty($matches[0]) ? implode('', $matches[0]) : '';
    preg_match_all("/[\\d]/", $origination['phone'], $matches);
    $origination_phone = !empty($matches[0]) ? implode('', $matches[0]) : '8001234567';
    $origination_phone = strlen($origination_phone) >= 10 ? substr($origination_phone, 0, 10) : str_pad($origination_phone, 10, '0');
    $origination_name = substr($origination['company'], 0, 35);
    $origination_city = $origination['city'];
    $origination_state = $origination['state'];
    $origination_country = $origination['country'];
    // Normalize customer address data
    $destination_address1 = substr($location['address'], 0, 32);
    preg_match_all("/[\\d\\w]/", $location['zipcode'], $matches);
    $destination_postal = !empty($matches[0]) ? implode('', $matches[0]) : '';
    preg_match_all("/[\\d]/", $location['phone'], $matches);
    $destination_phone = !empty($matches[0]) ? implode('', $matches[0]) : '';
    $destination_phone = strlen($destination_phone) >= 10 ? substr($destination_phone, 0, 10) : str_pad($destination_phone, 10, '0');
    $destination_name = $location['firstname'] . ' ' . $location['lastname'];
    $destination_city = $location['city'];
    $destination_state = $location['state'];
    $destination_country = $location['country'];
    $is_domestic = $destination_country == $origination_country ? true : false;
    // define weight unit and value
    $weight_unit = 'LBS';
    $weight_unit_short = 'LB';
    $weight = $weight_data['full_pounds'];
    $fed = new FedExDC($account_number, $meter_number);
    $ship_data = array('weight_units' => $weight_unit, 11 => $destination_name, 13 => $destination_address1, 15 => $destination_city, 16 => $destination_state, 17 => $destination_postal, 18 => $destination_phone, 50 => $destination_country, 4 => $origination_name, 5 => $origination_address1, 7 => $origination_city, 8 => $origination_state, 9 => $origination_postal, 117 => $origination_country, 183 => $origination_phone, 57 => $height, 58 => $width, 59 => $length, 1116 => 'I', 1273 => $package_type, 1274 => $code, 23 => '1', 1333 => $drop_off_type, 1401 => $weight, 116 => '1', 68 => 'USD', 2399 => '1');
    $today = getdate(TIME);
    if ($today['wday'] == 0 || $today['wday'] == 6) {
        // if today is saturday or sunday, set ship date manually
        $next_time = strtotime($today['wday'] == 0 ? "+1 day" : "+2 days");
        $next_date = getdate($next_time);
        $ship_data[24] = $next_date['year'] . $next_date['month'] . $next_date['day'];
    if ($is_domestic == false) {
        $customs_total = fn_format_price($_SESSION['cart']['total']);
        $ship_data[70] = 1;
        // INTL: who pay the duties (2 - recipient)
        $ship_data[79] = 'Good contents';
        // INTL: description of content
        $ship_data[80] = $origination_country;
        // INTL: producer of goods
        $ship_data[82] = 1;
        // INTL: number of units in one good
        $ship_data[1408] = '1.000000';
        // INTL: value of each unit
        $ship_data[414] = $weight_unit_short;
        // INTL: weight unit measure
        $ship_data[1407] = '0.1';
        // INTL: weight of each unit
        $ship_data[1411] = $customs_total;
        // INTL: customs total
    if (in_array($code, $ground_codes)) {
        if ($code == '90') {
            $ship_data[440] = 'Y';
        $ship_data[1119] = 'N';
        $ship_data[2399] = '2';
        // indirect signature
        //		$ship_ret = $fed->ship_ground($ship_data);
    } else {
        //		$ship_ret = $fed->ship_express($ship_data);
    $ship_ret = $fed->rate_services($ship_data);
    $charge = $fed->lookup('net_charge_amount');
    $result = array('cost' => $charge);
    if (!empty($charge)) {
        return $result;
    } else {
        if (defined('SHIPPING_DEBUG')) {
            return array('error' => $fed->getError());
    return false;
Пример #6
 protected function FedExCancel()
     // Create the new Fedex object
     if ($this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccountId) {
         $fed = new FedExDC($this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccount->AccessId, $this->objFedexShipment->ShippingAccount->AccessCode);
     } else {
         // if not billing to a sender account, use the default fedex account from admin_setting for FedEx communication
         $objFedexAccount = ShippingAccount::Load(QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexAccountId);
         $fed = new FedExDC($objFedexAccount->AccessId, $objFedexAccount->AccessCode);
     // create new FedExDC object
     //$fed = new FedExDC($this->objShipment->ShippingAccount->Value, QApplication::$TracmorSettings->FedexMeterNumber);
     // Populate an array with the necessary information
     $fdx_arr = array(1 => $this->objShipment->ShipmentNumber, 29 => $this->objShipment->TrackingNumber);
     // If ground service
     // if($this->objShipment->FedexServiceType->Value	== '92')
     if ($this->objFedexShipment->FedexServiceType->Value == '92') {
         $cancel_Ret = $fed->ground_cancel($fdx_arr);
     } else {
         $cancel_Ret = $fed->express_cancel($fdx_arr);
     // If there is an error, display it and return false
     if ($error = $fed->getError()) {
         $this->btnCancelCompleteShipment->Warning = $error;
         return false;
     } else {
         return true;