Пример #1
 public function removeFecFiling(FecFiling $filing)
     if ($filing->relationship_id != $this->relationship_id) {
         throw new Exception("Can't remove FecFiling that doesn't belong to this Donation");
     $relationship = $this->Relationship;
     if ($relationship->amount == $this->getFecFilingAmountSum()) {
         $relationship->amount -= $filing->amount;
     $relationship->filings = $this->countFecFilings() - 1;
 public function processEntity($id, $newTrans, $oldTrans)
     //get person names so we can make sure added donations are from the right person
     $sql = 'SELECT * FROM person WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     if (!($donorPerson = $stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_ASSOC))) {
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print "* Can't find Person record for donor with entity_id " . $id . "; skipping...";
     if ($this->debugMode) {
         print "\n=== Processing entity " . $id . " (" . PersonTable::getLegalName($donorPerson) . ") ===\n";
     $recipients = array();
     //get donations from all the newly matched transactions
     $newDonations = $this->getDonations($newTrans);
     foreach ($newDonations as $donation) {
         if (!$this->namesAreCompatible($donorPerson, $donation)) {
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "* Skipping donation with incompatible donor name: " . $donation['donor_name'] . "\n";
         $cycle = $donation['cycle'];
         $recipientId = $donation['recipient_id'];
         if (isset($recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'])) {
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'][] = $donation;
         } else {
             if (!isset($recipients[$cycle])) {
                 $recipients[$cycle] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'] = array($donation);
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'] = array();
     //get donations from all the old transactions
     $oldDonations = $this->getDonations($oldTrans);
     foreach ($oldDonations as $donation) {
         $cycle = $donation['cycle'];
         $recipientId = $donation['recipient_id'];
         if (isset($recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'])) {
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'][] = $donation;
         } else {
             if (!isset($recipients[$cycle])) {
                 $recipients[$cycle] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId] = array();
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['old'] = array($donation);
             $recipients[$cycle][$recipientId]['new'] = array();
     //if there are NO already-processed matches, and no matches to remove,
     //ie, if we're going from no matches to any number of matches,
     //we can delete existing donation relationships for this entity
     $deleteRels = false;
     if (!count($oldDonations)) {
         $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM os_entity_transaction WHERE entity_id = ? AND is_processed = 1';
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
         if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
             $deleteRels = true;
     if ($deleteRels) {
         if ($this->debugMode) {
             print "- Removing old donation relationships...\n";
         //first get ids
         $sql = 'SELECT DISTINCT r.id FROM relationship r ' . 'LEFT JOIN fec_filing f ON (f.relationship_id = r.id) ' . 'WHERE r.entity1_id = ? AND r.category_id = ? AND r.is_deleted = 0 ' . 'AND f.id IS NOT NULL';
         $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id, RelationshipTable::DONATION_CATEGORY));
         $relIds = $stmt->fetchAll(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN);
         if (count($relIds)) {
             //soft delete them
             $sql = 'UPDATE relationship SET is_deleted = 1, updated_at = ? WHERE id IN (' . implode(',', $relIds) . ')';
             $params = array(LsDate::getCurrentDateTime());
             $this->db->execute($sql, $params);
             //create modification records of the deletions
             $sql = 'INSERT INTO modification (object_model, object_id, object_name, is_delete, created_at, updated_at) ' . 'VALUES ';
             $params = array();
             foreach ($relIds as $relId) {
                 $sql .= '(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?), ';
                 $now = LsDate::getCurrentDateTime();
                 $params = array_merge($params, array('Relationship', $relId, 'Relationship ' . $relId, true, $now, $now));
             $sql = substr($sql, 0, strlen($sql) - 2);
             $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, $params);
     //make sure the entity hasn't been deleted in the meantime!
     $sql = 'SELECT id FROM entity WHERE id = ? AND is_deleted = 0';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
         //skip to the end
         $recipients = array();
     //create filings/relationships for each cycle-recipient pair
     foreach ($recipients as $cycle => $recipients) {
         foreach ($recipients as $recipientId => $donations) {
             //if it's a committee recipient, try to determine
             //whether it belongs to a candidate
             if (strpos($recipientId, 'C') === 0) {
                 $recipientId = $this->getFinalRecipientIdByCycleAndCommitteeId($cycle, $recipientId);
             //find the entity with this recipient id, or generate a new one
             if (!($recipientEntity = $this->getEntityByRecipientId($recipientId))) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "* Couldn't find or create entity for recipient " . $recipientId . "; skipping...\n";
             //create committee entity and position relationship between it and the candidate, if necessary
             //DISABLED, FOR NOW
             //$this->createCampaignCommittee($recipientEntity['id'], $recipientId);
             if ($this->debugMode) {
                 print "Updating donation relationship with " . $recipientEntity['name'] . "...\n";
             //see if there's already a relationship
             $q = LsDoctrineQuery::create()->from('Relationship r')->where('r.entity1_id = ? AND r.entity2_id = ? AND r.category_id = ?', array($id, $recipientEntity['id'], RelationshipTable::DONATION_CATEGORY));
             $rel = $q->fetchOne();
             //create relationship if there's not already one
             if (!$rel) {
                 //but if there aren't any new donations, then we skip this recipient
                 //EXISTING RELATIONSHIPS... they may have been deleted
                 if (!count($donations['new'])) {
                     if ($this->debugMode) {
                         print "* No relationships found, and no new donations to process, so skipping it...\n";
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "+ Creating new donation relationship\n";
                 $rel = new Relationship();
                 $rel->entity1_id = $id;
                 $rel->entity2_id = $recipientEntity['id'];
                 $rel->description1 = 'Campaign Contribution';
                 $rel->description2 = 'Campaign Contribution';
             //add new filings and references to the relationship
             foreach ($donations['new'] as $donation) {
                 $filing = new FecFiling();
                 $filing->relationship_id = $rel->id;
                 $filing->amount = $donation['amount'];
                 $filing->fec_filing_id = $donation['fec_id'];
                 $filing->crp_cycle = $donation['cycle'];
                 $filing->crp_id = $donation['row_id'];
                 $filing->start_date = $donation['date'];
                 $filing->end_date = $donation['date'];
                 $filing->is_current = false;
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "+ Added new FEC filing: " . $donation['fec_id'] . " (" . $donation['amount'] . ")\n";
                 //add reference if there's an fec_id
                 if ($donation['fec_id']) {
                     $ref = new Reference();
                     $ref->object_model = 'Relationship';
                     $ref->object_id = $rel->id;
                     $ref->source = $this->fecImageBaseUrl . $donation['fec_id'];
                     $ref->name = 'FEC Filing ' . $donation['fec_id'];
             //remove old filings from the relationship
             foreach ($donations['old'] as $donation) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "- Deleting FEC filing: {$donation['fec_id']}, {$donation['cycle']}, {$donation['row_id']} ({$donation['amount']})\n";
                 $sql = 'DELETE FROM fec_filing WHERE relationship_id = ? AND crp_cycle = ? AND crp_id = ?';
                 $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($rel->id, $donation['cycle'], $donation['row_id']));
             //recompute fields based on filings
             if (!$rel->updateFromFecFilings()) {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "- Deleting donation relationship with no filings: " . $rel->id . "\n";
                 //no remaining filings for this relationship, so delete it!
             } else {
                 if ($this->debugMode) {
                     print "Relationship " . $rel->id . " updated with " . $rel->filings . " filings totaling " . $rel->amount . "\n";
                 //add a reference to OS donation search for the relationship, if necessary
                 $sql = 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM reference ' . 'WHERE object_model = ? AND object_id = ? AND name = ?';
                 $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array('Relationship', $rel->id, 'FEC contribution search'));
                 if (!$stmt->fetch(PDO::FETCH_COLUMN)) {
                     $ref = new Reference();
                     $ref->object_model = 'Relationship';
                     $ref->object_id = $rel->id;
                     $ref->source = sprintf($this->fecSearchUrlPattern, strtoupper($donorPerson['name_last']), strtoupper($donorPerson['name_first']));
                     $ref->name = 'FEC contribution search';
                     if ($this->debugMode) {
                         print "+ Added reference to FEC contribution search\n";
             //clear cache for recipient
     //update os_entity_transaction
     $sql = 'UPDATE os_entity_transaction SET is_processed = is_verified, is_synced = 1 WHERE entity_id = ?';
     $stmt = $this->db->execute($sql, array($id));
     //make sure that all removed matches result in deleted fec filings and updated relationships for this entity
     $this->cleanupFecFilings($id, $oldDonations);
     //update opensecrets categories based on matched donations
     $this->printDebug("Updating industry categories based on matched donations...");
     $newCategories = OsPerson::updateCategories($id);
     foreach ($newCategories as $categoryId) {
         $this->printDebug("+ Added industry category: " . $categoryId);
     //clear cache for donor