function execute($par) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgTitle, $wgMemc, $wgDBname; global $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLanguageCode; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgUseRCPatrol; global $wgScriptPath, $wgServer; global $wgSitename, $wgFeedClasses, $wgContLanguageCode; $fname = 'wfSpecialGeneratefeed'; $pretty = isset($_GET['pretty']) && $_GET['pretty'] != null; global $messageMemc, $wgDBname, $wgFeedCacheTimeout; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgTitle, $wgSitename, $wgContLanguageCode; header('Content-type: application/x-javascript'); if ($pretty) { echo 'document.writeln("<div style=\\"border: 1px solid #ccc; padding: 15px; width:275px; font-size: small; font-family: Arial;\\"><center><a href=\\"\\"><img src=\\"\\" border=0></a></center><br/>");'; echo 'document.writeln("<b>How-to of the Day:</b><br />");'; } else { echo 'document.writeln("<b>wikiHow: How-to of the Day:</b><br />");'; } $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles(6); $now = time(); foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); echo 'document.writeln("<a href=\\"' . $title->getFullURL() . '\\">How to ' . $title->getText() . '</a><br/>");'; } if ($pretty) { echo 'document.writeln("</div>");'; } exit; }
function doQuery() { $fas = FeaturedArticles::getTitles(45); foreach ($fas as $fa) { $this->articles[] = Linker::link($fa['title']); } }
function doQuery() { $Fas = FeaturedArticles::getTitles(45); foreach ($Fas as $fa) { $this->articles[] = $this->skin->makeLinkObj($fa['title']); } }
function wfSpecialListFeed($par) { global $wgUser, $wgOut; $fname = "wfSpecialListFeed"; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles(11); $wgOut->addHTML("<ul>"); foreach ($feeds as $item) { $feed = $item[0]; $x = str_replace("", "", $feed); $x = str_replace("", "", $feed); $t = Title::newFromDBKey($x); $summary = ""; $a = null; if ($t->getArticleID() > 0) { $a = new Article(&$t); $summary = Article::getSection($a->getContent(false), 0); $summary = ereg_replace("<.*>", "", $summary); $summary = ereg_replace("\\[\\[.*\\]\\]", "", $summary); $summary = ereg_replace("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", "", $summary); $summary = trim($summary); $tags = getTechnoratiTags($a->getContent(false)); } $wgOut->addHTML("<div style='width:400px; border: 1px #ccc solid; margin-bottom:20px; padding: 10px; '>"); $wgOut->addHTML("<img height=16 src=''><a href='{$feed}'>How to " . $t->getText() . "</a><br/><br/>"); $wgOut->addHTML($summary); $wgOut->addHTML("<br/><a href='{$feed}'><i>Read more...</i></a><br/><br/><font size=-2>Posted " . $item[1] . " - (<a href='{$feed}'>Permalink</a>)"); if ($tags != null) { $wgOut->addHTML(" (Technorati Tags: " . trim($tags) . ")"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</font>"); $wgOut->addHTML("</div>"); } $wgOut->addHTML("</ul>"); $wgOut->addHTML('<script type="text/javascript" src=""></script>'); }
function getFacebookHTML($showimages = false) { global $wgParser, $wgServer; $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles(1); $html = "<fb:title>The How-to Article of the Day</fb:title>\n\t\t\t\t<fb:subtitle><a href=''>from wikiHow</a></fb:subtitle>\n\t\t"; $now = time(); $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace("{$wgServer}/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); // get last safe id $res = $dbr->select('revision', array('rev_user', 'rev_id', 'rev_user_text'), array('rev_page' => $title->getArticleId(), 'rev_user>0'), "wfGetFacebookHTML", array('ORDER BY' => 'rev_id desc')); $rev_id = 0; while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $num_edits = $dbr->selectField('revision', 'count(*)', array("rev_user={$row->rev_user}")); if ($num_edits > 300) { $rev_id = $row->rev_id; break; } } $dbr->freeResult($res); $revision = null; if ($rev_id > 0) { $revision = Revision::newFromID($rev_id); } else { $revision = Revision::newFromTitle($title); } $summary = Article::getSection($revision->getText(), 0); $summary = ereg_replace("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", "", $summary); if (!$showimages) { $summary = preg_replace("/\\[\\[Image[^\\]]*\\]\\]/", "", $summary); } // strip images $output = $wgParser->parse($summary, $title, new ParserOptions()); $summary = strip_tags($output->getText(), '<img>'); $img = ""; $style = 'style="float:right;margin-left:10px;margin-bottom:10px;"'; if (strpos($summary, "<img") !== false && $showimages) { $re = '/<img[^>]*>/'; preg_match_all($re, $summary, $matches); $summary = preg_replace($re, '', $summary); $img = $matches[0][0]; preg_match_all('/width="[0-9]*"/', $img, $matches); $width = 200; if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) { $s_width = str_replace('width=', '', $matches[0][0]); $s_width = str_replace('"', '', $s_width); $s_width = intval($s_width); if ($s_width < $width) { $width = $s_width; } } $src = ""; preg_match_all('/src="[^"]*"/', $img, $matches); if (sizeof($matches[0]) > 0) { $src = str_replace("src=", "", $matches[0][0]); $src = str_replace('"', "", $src); if (strpos($src, "") === false) { $src = "" . $src; } } $img = "<img src=\"{$src}\" {$style} width=\"{$width}\">"; } else { $img = "<img src=\"\" {$style} width=\"100\"/>"; } $html .= "<p style=\"font-size:1.2em;margin:2px 0;\"><a href='{$title->getFullURL()}' style=\"font-weight:bold\">" . wfMsg('howto', $title->getText()) . '</a></p>'; $html .= "<p>\n\t\t\t\t{$img} \n\t\t\t\t{$summary}\n\t\t\t\t</p>\n\t\t\t\t<p><a href='{$title->getFullURL()}'>Read more...</a></p>"; $html .= '<table style="clear:both;margin:0 auto;"><tr><td>Do you want to do this? | </td><td >' . "<fb:share-button class='url' href='{$title->getFullURL()}'/> </td></tr></table>"; break; } $html .= '<fb:if-is-own-profile> <fb:else><br/><div style="text-align:right;"><a href="">Put this on my profile</a></div></fb:else></fb:if-is-own-profile>'; return $html; }
function processFeatured() { global $wgServer, $wgFeedClasses; echo "Processing Featured Articles Notification\n"; $days = 1; date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($days); $now = time(); $tomorrow = strtotime('tomorrow'); $today = strtotime('today'); echo "Tomorrow: " . date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $tomorrow) . "[{$tomorrow}] Today: " . date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $today) . "[{$today}] NOW: " . date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $now) . " \n"; foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; echo "Processing url: {$url} with epoch " . date('m/d/Y H:i:s', $d) . "[{$d}]\n"; if ($d > $tomorrow || $d < $today) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace($wgServer . "/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); $title_text = $title->getText(); if (isset($f[2]) && $f[2] != null && trim($f[2]) != '') { $title_text = $f[2]; } else { $title_text = wfMsg('howto', $title_text); } if (isset($title)) { echo "Featured: {$title_text} [AID] " . $title->getArticleID() . " [URL] {$url}\n"; AuthorEmailNotification::notifyFeatured($title); } else { echo "Warning Featured: could not retrieve article id for {$url}\n"; } } }
private function getFeaturedArticles($num) { global $IP; $NUM_DAYS = 15; // enough days to make sure we get $num articles $featured = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($NUM_DAYS); $fas = ''; $n = 1; foreach ($featured as $f) { $partUrl = preg_replace('@^http://(\\w|\\.)+\\.wikihow\\.com/@', '', $f[0]); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($partUrl)); $box_array = $this->makeRelatedBox($title, true); if (!empty($box_array)) { $fas[] = $box_array; if (++$n > $num) { break; } } } return $fas; }
<?php require_once ''; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); // PROCESS FA articles $fas = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles(1); foreach ($fas as $fa) { $url = urldecode(preg_replace("@", "", $fa[0])); $t = Title::newFromURL($url); if (!$t) { echo "Can't make title"; print_r($fa); continue; } echo "sending notification for FA for {$t->getFullText()}\n"; AuthorEmailNotification::notifyFeatured($t); } // PROCESS VIEWERSHIP EMAILS $ts = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, time() - 86400); $sql = "SELECT page_namespace, page_title, page_counter, en_viewership, en_user\n\t\tFROM email_notifications \n\t\tLEFT JOIN page ON en_page=page_id\n\t\tWHERE en_viewership_email IS NULL\n\t\t\tOR en_viewership_email < '{$ts}'"; $res = $dbr->query($sql, __FILE__); $milestones = array(10000, 5000, 1000, 500, 100); while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $send = false; if (!$row->page_title) { continue; } if ($row->page_counter >= 10000 && $row->page_counter - $row->en_viewership >= 10000) { $milestone = floor($row->page_counter / 10000) * 10000; $send = true;
public static function generateFeedItem() { $fname = "FeedGeneralActivities:generateFeedItem"; $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $msg = null; $x = rand(0, 4); switch ($x) { case 0: $count = $dbr->selectField('imageadder', 'count(*)', array('imageadder_hasimage' => 0)); $count = number_format($count, 0, ".", ","); $msg = "There are {$count} articles with no image in the introduction, start adding images <a href='/Special:Introimageadder'>now.</a>"; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Introimageadder"); break; case 1: $count = $dbr->selectField('recentchanges', 'count(*)', array('rc_patrolled' => 0)); $count = number_format($count, 0, ".", ","); $msg = "There are {$count} unpatrolled edits in recent changes, start patrolling <a href='/Special:RCPatrol'>now.</a>"; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "RCPatrol"); break; case 2: $count = $dbr->selectField('editfinder', 'count(*)', array()); $count = number_format($count, 0, ".", ","); $msg = "There are {$count} articles in the repair shop, start fixing them <a href='/Special:EditFinder'>now.</a>"; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "EditFinder"); break; case 3: $count = $dbr->selectField('qc', 'count(*)', array('qc_patrolled' => 0)); $count = number_format($count, 0, ".", ","); $msg = "There are {$count} edits in the QG queue, start patrolling them <a href='/Special:QG'>now.</a>"; $t = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "QG"); break; case 4: $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles(1); if (sizeof($feeds > 0)) { $url = $feeds[0][0]; $url = preg_replace("@", "", $url); $t = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); if ($t) { $img = SkinWikihowskin::getGalleryImage($t, 44, 33); $msg = "<img src='{$img}'/><a href='{$t->getFullURL()}'>{$t->getText()}</a> is today's Featured Article"; } } break; } $html = ""; if ($msg) { $html = "<div class='feeditem'>{$msg}<div class='actions'><a href='{$t->getFullURL()}'>Go there now</a></div></div>"; } wfProfileOut($fname); return $html; }
function execute($par) { global $wgOut, $wgTitle, $wgMemc, $wgServer; global $wgScriptPath, $wgServer, $wgRequest; require_once 'NVGadgetTMPL.php'; header("Content-Type: text/html"); $wgOut->setSquidMaxage(3600); $nvtmpl = new NetVibes(); $nvtmpl->outHeader(); // extract the number of days $days = 6; $numitems = 5; date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $days = FeaturedArticles::getNumberOfDays($days); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($days); if (count($feeds) > 2) { $spotlight = rand(0, 3); } else { $spotlight = rand(0, count($feeds)); } if ($getSpotlight = $wgRequest->getVal('spotlight')) { $spotlight = $getSpotlight; } $now = time(); $count = 0; $itemsshown = 0; $itemlist = ""; foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace($wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); $summary = ""; $image = ""; $mtext = ""; $a = ""; if ($title == null) { echo "title is null for {$url}"; exit; } if ($title->getArticleID() > 0) { $a = $this->getLastPatrolledRevision($title); $summary = Article::getSection($a->getContent(true), 0); global $wgParser; $summary = ereg_replace("\\{\\{.*\\}\\}", "", $summary); $output = $wgParser->parse($summary, $title, new ParserOptions()); $title_text = $title->getPrefixedText(); if (isset($f[2]) && $f[2] != null && trim($f[2]) != '') { $title_text = $f[2]; } else { $title_text = wfMsg('howto', $title_text); } $artbloblen = 480; if ($count == $spotlight) { $summary = $output->getText(); // REMOVE MAGNIFY IMAGE $summary = preg_replace('/<img src="\\/skins\\/common\\/images\\/magnify-clip\\.png" width="15" height="11" alt="" \\/>/', '', $summary); // REBUILD IMAGE TAG. RESIZE IMAGE AND SET ABSOLUTE PATH. if (preg_match('/<img alt=".*?" src="(.*?)" width="(\\d+)" height="(\\d+)"/', $summary, $match)) { if ($match[3] != "") { if ($match[3] > 100) { $hrat = 100 / $match[3]; } else { $hrat = 1; } $width = number_format($match[2] * $hrat, 0, '.', ''); $height = number_format($match[3] * $hrat, 0, '.', ''); } $summary = preg_replace('/width="' . $match[2] . '"/', 'width="' . $width . '"', $summary); $summary = preg_replace('/height="' . $match[3] . '"/', 'height="' . $height . '"', $summary); $p = preg_replace('/\\//', '\\/', $match[1]); $p = '/src="' . $p . '"/'; $rval = 'src="' . $wgServer . $match[1] . '"'; $summary = preg_replace($p, $rval, $summary); } // REMOVE ALL TAGS EXCEPT IMG AND SETUP IMAGE DIV $summary = strip_tags($summary, '<img>'); if (preg_match('/<img(.*?)>/', $summary, $match)) { $m = preg_replace('/\\//', '\\/', $match[1]); $pat = '/<img' . $m . '>/'; $rval = '<div class="floatright"><span>' . '<a href="' . $wgServer . '/' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . '<img' . $match[1] . '></a></span></div>'; $summary = preg_replace($pat, $rval, $summary); } // TRUNCATE ARTICLE if (strlen($summary) > $artbloblen) { $summary = substr($summary, 0, $artbloblen); $summary .= '... <a href="' . $wgServer . '/' . $url . '" target="_blank">[Read More]</a>' . "\n"; } else { $summary .= ' <a href="' . $wgServer . '/' . $url . '" target="_blank">[Read More]</a>' . "\n"; } $nvtmpl->outMain($title_text, $summary, $url); } else { if ($itemsshown < $numitems) { $itemlist .= $nvtmpl->outItem($title_text, $summary, $url, $count); $itemsshown++; } } $count++; } } $nvtmpl->outItemList($itemlist); $nvtmpl->outFooter(); }
function getFeaturedArticlesBox($daysLimit = 11, $linksLimit = 4) { global $wgServer, $wgTitle, $IP, $wgMemc, $wgProdHost; $cachekey = wfMemcKey('featuredbox', $daysLimit, $linksLimit); $result = $wgMemc->get($cachekey); if ($result) { return $result; } $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($daysLimit); $html = "<h3><span onclick=\"location='" . wfMessage('featuredarticles_url')->text() . "';\" style=\"cursor:pointer;\">" . wfMessage('featuredarticles')->text() . "</span></h3>\n"; $now = time(); $popular = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Popularpages"); $randomizer = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Randomizer"); $count = 0; foreach ($feeds as $item) { $url = $item[0]; $date = $item[1]; if ($date > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("{$wgServer}/", "", $url); if ($wgServer != '') { $url = str_replace("", "", $url); } $url = str_replace("http://{$wgProdHost}/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); if ($title) { //$html .= $this->featuredArticlesRow($title); $html .= self::getArticleThumb($title, 126, 120); } $count++; if ($count >= $linksLimit) { break; } } // main page stuff if ($daysLimit > 8) { $data = self::featuredArticlesAttrs($popular, wfMessage('populararticles')->text()); $html .= $this->featuredArticlesRow($data); $data = self::featuredArticlesAttrs($randomizer, wfMessage('or_a_random_article')->text()); $html .= $this->featuredArticlesRow($data); } $html .= "<div class='clearall'></div>"; // expires every 5 minutes $wgMemc->set($cachekey, $html, 5 * 60); return $html; }
function getFeaturedArticlesBoxWide($daysLimit = 11, $linksLimit = 4, $isMainPage = true) { global $wgUser, $wgServer, $wgTitle, $IP, $wgProdHost; $sk = $wgUser->getSkin(); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($daysLimit); $html = ''; $html .= "<div class='featured_articles_inner' id='featuredArticles'>\n\t\t <table class='featuredArticle_Table'><tr>"; $hidden = "<div id='hiddenFA' style='display:none; zoom:1;'><div>\n\t<table class='featuredArticle_Table'><tr>"; $now = time(); $popular = Title::makeTitle(NS_SPECIAL, "Popularpages"); $count = 0; foreach ($feeds as $item) { $url = $item[0]; $date = $item[1]; if ($date > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("{$wgServer}/", "", $url); if ($wgServer != '') { $url = str_replace("", "", $url); } $url = str_replace("http://{$wgProdHost}/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); if ($title) { if ($count < $linksLimit) { $html .= $this->featuredArticlesLineWide($title); } else { $hidden .= $this->featuredArticlesLineWide($title); } $count++; } if ($count >= 2 * $linksLimit) { break; } if ($count % 5 == 0) { if ($count < $linksLimit) { $html .= "</tr><tr>"; } else { $hidden .= "</tr><tr>"; } } } $html .= "</tr></table>"; $hidden .= "</tr></table></div></div>"; $html .= '</div></div>'; return $html; }
function execute($par) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgTitle, $wgMemc, $wgDBname; global $wgServer, $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLanguageCode; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgUseRCPatrol; global $wgScriptPath, $wgServer; global $wgSitename, $wgFeedClasses, $wgContLanguageCode; $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $type = $wgRequest->getVal("type"); $ndisplay = $wgRequest->getVal("ndisplay"); $DEBUG = 1; require_once 'IGGadgetTMPL.php'; global $messageMemc, $wgDBname, $wgFeedCacheTimeout; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgTitle, $wgSitename, $wgContLanguageCode; $wgOut->setSquidMaxage(3600); // extract the number of days $days = 6; if ($ndisplay != "" && is_numeric($ndisplay) && $ndisplay < 10) { $numitems = $ndisplay; } else { $numitems = 3; } date_default_timezone_set("UTC"); $days = FeaturedArticles::getNumberOfDays($days); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($days); if ($type == "home") { $now = time(); $count = 0; $mainTitle = ""; $relatedArticles = ""; $featuredArticles = ""; $ggtmpl = new GoogleGadgetHome2(); $ggtmpl->outHeader(); $itemnum = 1; $itemmax = 3; foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace($wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); $title_text = $title->getPrefixedText(); if (isset($f[2]) && $f[2] != null && trim($f[2]) != '') { $title_text = $f[2]; } else { $title_text = wfMsg('howto', $title_text); } $mainTitle = $title; $summary = ""; $a = ""; if ($title == null) { echo "title is null for {$url}"; exit; } if ($title->getArticleID() > 0) { $a = GoodRevision::newArticleFromLatest($title); $summary = $a->getContent(true); $summary = preg_replace('/\\{\\{fa\\}\\}/', '', $summary); global $wgParser; $output = $wgParser->parse($summary, $title, new ParserOptions()); $relatedArticles = $this->getRelatedWikihowsFromSource($title, 4); $summary = $this->addTargetBlank($output->getText()); $summary = preg_replace('/href="\\//', 'href="' . $wgServer . '/', $summary); $summary = preg_replace('/src="\\//', 'src="' . $wgServer . '/', $summary); $summary = preg_replace('/<span id="gatEditSection" class="editsection1">(.*?)<\\/span>/', '', $summary); $linkEmail = $wgServer . '/index.php?title=Special:EmailLink&target=' . $title->getPrefixedURL(); $backlinks = "\n<div id='articletools'><div class='SecL'></div><div class='SecR'></div><a name='articletools'></a><h2> <span>Article Tools</span></h2> </div>"; $backlinks .= "<ul style='list-style: none;margin-left:0;padding-left:4em;text-indent:-1em;'>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/logo_small.png' height=12 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/" . $title->getPrefixedURL() . "'>Read on wikiHow</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/sharetab/ShareTab_Email.gif' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $linkEmail . "'>Email this Article</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/pencil_benji_park_01.png' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . $title->getEditURL() . "'>Edit</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/speech_ballon.png' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/Discussion:" . $title->getPrefixedURL() . "'>Discuss</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<ul>\n"; $summary .= $backlinks; $ggtmpl->outMain($title_text, $summary, $url, $itemnum); $itemnum++; } else { echo '<!-- no article found for articleid:' . $title->getArticleID() . ' title:' . $title_text . ' -->'; } if ($itemnum > $itemmax) { break; } } $relatedArticles = preg_replace('/href="\\//', 'href="' . $wgServer . '/', $relatedArticles); $ggtmpl->outFooter(); } else { if ($type == "canvas") { $now = time(); $count = 0; $mainTitle = ""; $relatedArticles = ""; $featuredArticles = ""; $maxShow = 7; $ggtmpl = new GoogleGadgetCanvas(); $ggtmpl->outHeader(); foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = $f[0]; $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace("", "", $url); $url = str_replace($wgServer . $wgScriptPath . "/", "", $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); $title_text = $title->getPrefixedText(); if (isset($f[2]) && $f[2] != null && trim($f[2]) != '') { $title_text = $f[2]; } else { $title_text = wfMsg('howto', $title_text); } if ($count < $maxShow) { $mainTitle = $title; $summary = ""; $a = ""; if ($title == null) { echo "title is null for {$url}"; exit; } if ($title->getArticleID() > 0) { $a = GoodRevision::newArticleFromLatest($title); $summary = $a->getContent(true); $summary = preg_replace('/\\{\\{.*\\}\\}/', '', $summary); global $wgParser; $output = $wgParser->parse($summary, $title, new ParserOptions()); $relatedArticles = $this->getRelatedWikihowsFromSource($title, 4); $summary = $this->addTargetBlank($output->getText()); $summary = preg_replace('/href="\\//', 'href="' . $wgServer . '/', $summary); $summary = preg_replace('/src="\\//', 'src="' . $wgServer . '/', $summary); $summary = preg_replace('/<span id="gatEditSection" class="editsection1">(.*?)<\\/span>/', '', $summary); $linkEmail = $wgServer . '/index.php?title=Special:EmailLink&target=' . $title->getPrefixedURL(); $backlinks = "\n<div id='articletools'><div class='SecL'></div><div class='SecR'></div><a name='articletools'></a><h2> <span>Article Tools</span></h2> </div>"; $backlinks .= "<ul style='list-style: none;margin-left:0;padding-left:4em;text-indent:-1em;'>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/logo_small.png' height=12 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/" . $title->getPrefixedURL() . "'>Read on wikiHow</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/sharetab/ShareTab_Email.gif' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $linkEmail . "'>Email this Article</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/pencil_benji_park_01.png' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . $title->getEditURL() . "'>Edit</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<li style='list-style-type: none;'><img src='" . $wgServer . "/skins/WikiHow/images/speech_ballon.png' height=15 width=15> <a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/Discussion:" . $title->getPrefixedURL() . "'>Discuss</a></li>"; $backlinks .= "<ul>\n"; $summary .= $backlinks; $ggtmpl->outMain($title_text, $summary, $url); } else { echo '<!-- no article found for articleid:' . $title->getArticleID() . ' title:' . $title_text . ' -->'; } } $featuredArticles .= '<li><a href="' . $wgServer . '/' . $url . '" target="_blank">' . $title_text . '</a></li>' . "\n"; $count++; } $relatedArticles = preg_replace('/href="\\//', 'href="' . $wgServer . '/', $relatedArticles); $ggtmpl->outFeaturedArticles($featuredArticles); $ggtmpl->outRelatedArticles($relatedArticles); $ggtmpl->outFooter(); } else { $ggtmpl = new GoogleGadgetModule($wgServer); $ggtmpl->outModulePrefs(); exit; } } }
static function featuredArticles($num) { $titles = array(); $fas = FeaturedArticles::getTitles($num); foreach ($fas as $fa) { $titles[] = $fa['title']; } return self::formatResults($titles); }
public function execute($par) { global $wgUser, $wgOut, $wgLang, $wgContLang, $wgTitle, $wgMemc; global $IP, $wgDBname, $wgParser; global $wgRequest, $wgSitename, $wgLanguageCode, $wgContLanguageCode; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgUseRCPatrol; global $wgScriptPath, $wgServer; global $wgSitename, $wgFeedClasses, $wgContLanguageCode; global $messageMemc, $wgDBname, $wgFeedCacheTimeout; global $wgFeedClasses, $wgTitle, $wgSitename, $wgContLanguageCode, $wgLanguageCode; $fname = 'wfSpecialGeneratefeed'; $fullfeed = 0; $mrss = 0; if ($par == 'fullfeed') { $fullfeed = 1; } else { if ($par == 'mrss') { $mrss = 1; } } require_once "{$IP}/extensions/wikihow/FeaturedRSSFeed.php"; header('Content-Type: text/xml'); $wgOut->setSquidMaxage(60); $feedFormat = 'rss'; $timekey = "{$wgDBname}:rcfeed:{$feedFormat}:timestamp"; $key = "{$wgDBname}:rcfeed:{$feedFormat}:limit:{$limit}:minor:{$hideminor}"; $feedTitle = wfMsg('Rss-feedtitle'); $feedBlurb = wfMsg('Rss-feedblurb'); $feed = new FeaturedRSSFeed($feedTitle, $feedBlurb, "{$wgServer}{$wgScriptPath}/Main-Page"); if ($mrss) { $feed->outHeaderMRSS(); } else { // Replace to get back to raw feed (not full and without mrss) //$feed->outHeader(); $feed->outHeaderFullFeed(); } // extract the number of days below -- this is default $days = 6; date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); if ($wgRequest->getVal('micro', null) == 1) { $days = FeaturedArticles::getNumberOfDays($days, 'RSS-Microblog-Feed'); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($days, 'RSS-Microblog-Feed'); } else { $days = FeaturedArticles::getNumberOfDays($days); $feeds = FeaturedArticles::getFeaturedArticles($days); } $now = time(); $itemcount = 0; $itemcountmax = 6; foreach ($feeds as $f) { $url = trim($f[0]); $d = $f[1]; if ($d > $now) { continue; } if (!$url) { continue; } $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $url = str_replace('', '', $url); $url = str_replace($wgServer . $wgScriptPath . '/', '', $url); $title = Title::newFromURL(urldecode($url)); $summary = ''; $content = ''; if ($title == null) { echo "title is null for {$url}"; exit; } //from the Featured Articles if ($title->getArticleID() > 0) { $article = GoodRevision::newArticleFromLatest($title); $summary = self::getArticleSummary($article, $title); $images = self::getImages($article, $title); //XXFULL FEED if (!$mrss) { $content = $article->getContent(true); $content = preg_replace('/\\{\\{[^}]*\\}\\}/', '', $content); $output = $wgParser->parse($content, $title, new ParserOptions()); $content = self::addTargetBlank($output->getText()); $content = preg_replace('/href="\\//', 'href="' . $wgServer . '/', $content); $content = preg_replace('/src="\\//', 'src="' . $wgServer . '/', $content); $content = preg_replace('/<span id="gatEditSection" class="editsection1">(.*?)<\\/span>/', '', $content); $content = preg_replace('/<h2> <a target="_blank" href="(.*?)>edit<\\/a>/', '<h2>', $content); $content = preg_replace('/<img src="(.*?)\\/skins\\/common\\/images\\/magnify-clip.png"(.*?)\\/>/', '', $content); $linkEmail = $wgServer . '/index.php?title=Special:EmailLink&target=' . $title->getPrefixedURL(); $backlinks = "\n<div id='articletools'><div class='SecL'></div><div class='SecR'></div><a name='articletools'></a><h2> <span>" . wfMsg('RSS-fullfeed-articletools') . "</span></h2> </div>"; $backlinks .= "<ul>\n"; $backlinks .= "<li type='square'><a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/" . $title->getPrefixedURL() . "'>" . wfMsg('RSS-fullfeed-articletools-read') . "</a></li>\n"; $backlinks .= "<li type='square'><a target='_blank' href='" . $linkEmail . "'>" . wfMsg('RSS-fullfeed-articletools-email') . "</a></li>\n"; $backlinks .= "<li type='square'><a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . $title->getEditURL() . "'>" . wfMsg('RSS-fullfeed-articletools-edit') . "</a></li>\n"; $backlinks .= "<li type='square'><a target='_blank' href='" . $wgServer . "/" . $title->getTalkPage() . "'>" . wfMsg('RSS-fullfeed-articletools-discuss') . "</a></li>\n"; $backlinks .= "<ul>\n"; $content .= $backlinks; } } else { continue; } $talkpage = $title->getTalkPage(); $title_text = $title->getPrefixedText(); if (isset($f[2]) && $f[2] != null && trim($f[2]) != '') { $title_text = $f[2]; } else { $title_text = wfMsg('howto', $title_text); } $item = new FeedItem($title_text, $summary, $title->getFullURL(), $d, null, $talkpage->getFullURL()); if ($mrss) { $feed->outItemMRSS($item, $images); } else { // Replace to get back to raw feed (not full and without mrss) $feed->outItemFullFeed($item, $content, $images); } $itemcount++; } $feed->outFooter(); }