Пример #1
 * User: roessler
 * Date: 16/09/15
 * Time: 1:22 PM
 * Backend page for administrators and Staff of Cyril's Classic Employees to edit employees
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config/config.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == true) {
        $editResult = null;
        $sellerCon = new SellerController();
        $personCon = new PersonController();
        $offerCon = new OfferController();
        $featureCon = new FeatureController();
        $foCon = new Feature_OfferController();
        $mediaCon = new MediaController();
        $carCon = new CarController();
        $offerId = null;
        $sellerId = null;
        $personId = null;
        $selectedFeatureIds = array();
        $media = array();
        $carId = null;
        $sellerName = null;
        $carRego = null;
        $preferredPrice = null;
        $description = null;
        $status = null;
        $offerDate = null;
        function checkSelected($id1, $id2)
Пример #2
 * Date: 16/09/15
 * Time: 1:22 PM
 * Backend page for administrators and Staff of Cyril's Classic Employees to edit employees
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config/config.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == true) {
        $editResult = null;
        $sellerCon = new SellerController();
        $custCon = new CustomerController();
        $personCon = new PersonController();
        $offerCon = new OfferController();
        $featureCon = new FeatureController();
        $foCon = new Feature_OfferController();
        $mediaCon = new MediaController();
        $carCon = new CarController();
        $makeCon = new MakeController();
        $modelCon = new ModelController();
        $saleCon = new SaleController();
        $empCon = new EmployeeController();
        $saleId = null;
        $offerId = null;
        $buyerId = null;
        $empId = null;
        $carId = null;
        $sellerName = null;
        $preferredPrice = null;
        $makeName = null;
        $modelName = null;
Пример #3
 * User: roessler
 * Date: 16/09/15
 * Time: 1:22 PM
 * Backend page for administrators and Staff of Cyril's Classic Employees to delete sellers
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config/config.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == true) {
        $deleteResult = null;
        $sellerCon = new SellerController();
        $personCon = new PersonController();
        $offerCon = new OfferController();
        $featureCon = new FeatureController();
        $foCon = new Feature_OfferController();
        $mediaCon = new MediaController();
        $carCon = new CarController();
        $offerId = null;
        $sellerId = null;
        $personId = null;
        $featureIds = array();
        $featureNames = array();
        $features = array();
        $media = array();
        $carId = null;
        $sellerName = null;
        $carRego = null;
        $preferredPrice = null;
        $description = null;
        $status = null;
Пример #4

 * Created by PhpStorm.
 * User: roessler
 * Date: 9/27/15
 * Time: 2:01 PM
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config/config.php';
if (isset($_POST['txtOfferId'])) {
    $sellerCon = new SellerController();
    $custCon = new CustomerController();
    $personCon = new PersonController();
    $offerCon = new OfferController();
    $featureCon = new FeatureController();
    $foCon = new Feature_OfferController();
    $mediaCon = new MediaController();
    $carCon = new CarController();
    $makeCon = new MakeController();
    $modelCon = new ModelController();
    $saleCon = new SaleController();
    $empCon = new EmployeeController();
    $offer = $offerCon->getOffer($_POST['txtOfferId']);
    if ($offer->errorInfo()[2] == null) {
        $row = $offer->fetch();
        $rowCount = count($row);
        if ($rowCount > 0) {
            $seller = $sellerCon->getSeller($row['seller_id']);
            $seller = $seller->fetch();
            $person = $personCon->getPerson($seller['person_id']);
            $person = $person->fetch();
Пример #5
 * User: roessler
 * Date: 16/09/15
 * Time: 1:22 PM
 * Backend page for administrators and Staff of Cyril's Classic Cars to add and view offers
require_once dirname(dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__)))) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'config/config.php';
if (isset($_SESSION['authenticated'])) {
    if ($_SESSION['authenticated'] == true) {
        $addResult = null;
        $sellerCon = new SellerController();
        $personCon = new PersonController();
        $offerCon = new OfferController();
        $featureCon = new FeatureController();
        $foCon = new Feature_OfferController();
        $mediaCon = new MediaController();
        $carCon = new CarController();
        if (isset($_POST['hdnAction'])) {
            if ($_POST['hdnAction'] == 'insert') {
                $nextOfferId = $offerCon->getNextOfferId();
                if (isset($_FILES['media'])) {
                    $validExts = array('jpeg', 'jpg', 'png');
                    $targetPath = DIR_VIEW . 'images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'car_images' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR;
                    if (!empty($_FILES)) {
                        $fileCount = count($_FILES['media']['name']);
                        $media = array();
                        for ($i = 0; $i < $fileCount; $i++) {
                            if ($_FILES['media']['size'][$i] <= 0) {