Пример #1
  * Run right at the end of the form processing
  * form needs to be set to record in database for this to hook to be called
  * @param   object  $params      plugin params
  * @param   object  &$formModel  form model
  * @return	bool
 public function onAfterProcess($params, &$formModel)
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $config_userpass = $params->get('username') . ':' . $params->get('password');
     $endpoint = $params->get('endpoint');
     $headers = array('Content-Type: application/xml', 'Accept: application/xml');
     // Set where we should post the REST request to
     $endpoint = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($endpoint);
     $endpoint = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($endpoint);
     // What is the root node for the xml data we are sending
     $xmlParent = $params->get('xml_parent', 'ticket');
     $xmlParent = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($xmlParent);
     $xml = new SimpleXMLElement('<' . $xmlParent . '></' . $xmlParent . '>');
     // Set up CURL object
     $chandle = curl_init();
     // Set which fields should be included in the XML data.
     $include = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('include_list', 'milestone-id, status, summary'));
     $include = explode(',', $include);
     foreach ($include as $i) {
         if (array_key_exists($i, $formModel->_formData)) {
             $xml->addChild($i, $formModel->_formData[$i]);
         } elseif (array_key_exists($i, $formModel->_fullFormData, $i)) {
             $xml->addChild($i, $formModel->_fullFormData[$i]);
     $output = $xml->asXML();
     foreach ($curl_options as $key => $value) {
         curl_setopt($chandle, $key, $value);
     $output = curl_exec($chandle);
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($chandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     switch ($httpCode) {
         case '400':
             echo "Bad Request";
         case '401':
             echo "Unauthorized";
         case '404':
             echo "Not found";
         case '405':
             echo "Method Not Allowed";
         case '406':
             echo "Not Acceptable";
         case '415':
             echo "Unsupported Media Type";
         case '500':
             echo "Internal Server Error";
     if (curl_errno($chandle)) {
         die("ERROR: " . curl_error($chandle));
Пример #2
  * Run right at the end of the form processing
  * form needs to be set to record in database for this to hook to be called
  * @throws Exception
  * @return	bool
 public function onAfterProcess()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $api_AUP = JPATH_SITE . '/components/com_alphauserpoints/helper.php';
     if (JFile::exists($api_AUP)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $this->data = $this->getProcessData();
         require_once $api_AUP;
         $aup = new AlphaUserPointsHelper();
         // Define which user will receive the points.
         $userId = $params->get('user_id', '');
         $userId = (int) $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($userId, $this->data, false);
         $aupId = $aup->getAnyUserReferreID($userId);
         // Replace these if you want to show a specific reference for the attributed points - doesn't seem to effect anything
         $keyReference = '';
         // Shown in the user details page - description of what the point is for
         $dataReference = $params->get('data_reference', '');
         $dataReference = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($dataReference, $this->data, false);
         // Override the plugin default points
         $randomPoints = $params->get('random_points', 0);
         if ($params->get('random_points_eval', '0') == '1') {
             if (!empty($randomPoints)) {
                 $randomPoints = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($randomPoints, $this->data, false);
                 $randomPoints = @eval($randomPoints);
                 FabrikWorker::logEval($randomPoints, 'Caught exception on eval in aup plugin : %s');
             $randomPoints = (double) $randomPoints;
         } else {
             $randomPoints = (double) $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($randomPoints, $this->data, false);
         // If set to be greater than $randompoints then this is the # of points assigned (not sure when this would be used - commenting out for now)
         $referralUserPoints = 0;
         $aupPlugin = $params->get('aup_plugin', 'plgaup_fabrik');
         $aupPlugin = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($aupPlugin, $this->data, false);
         if (!$aup->checkRuleEnabled($aupPlugin, 0, $aupId)) {
             throw new Exception('Alpha User Points plugin not published');
         $aup->userpoints($aupPlugin, $aupId, $referralUserPoints, $keyReference, $dataReference, $randomPoints);
Пример #3
  * Set the axis label
  * @return  void
 protected function setAxisLabels()
     $worker = new FabrikWorker();
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $this->axisLabels = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_axis_labels');
     foreach ($this->axisLabels as $axis_key => $axis_val) {
         $this->axisLabels[$axis_key] = $worker->parseMessageForPlaceholder($axis_val, null, false);
Пример #4
  * Get the email to name and email address
  * @param   array $data Placeholder replacement data
  * @since 3.3.2
  * @return array ($emailFrom, $fromName)
 private function _fromEmailName($data = array())
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $fromUser = $params->get('emailtable_from_user');
     if ($fromUser) {
         $emailFrom = $this->user->get('email');
         $fromName = $this->user->get('name');
     } else {
         $emailFrom = $params->get('email_from', $this->config->get('mailfrom'));
         @(list($emailFrom, $fromName) = explode(':', $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($emailFrom, $data, false), 2));
     return array($emailFrom, $fromName);
Пример #5
  * perform log
  * @param	object	$params
  * @param	object	form model
  * @param	string	message type
  * @returns	bool
 protected function log($params, $formModel, $messageType)
     $this->formModel = $formModel;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     $db = FabrikWorker::getDBO();
     $query = $db->getQuery(true);
     $rowid = JRequest::getVar('rowid', '');
     $loading = strstr($messageType, 'form.load');
     $http_referrer = JRequest::getVar('HTTP_REFERER', 'no HTTP_REFERER', 'SERVER');
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $userid = $user->get('id');
     $username = $user->get('username');
     // Generate random filename
     if ($params->get('logs_random_filename') == 1) {
         function generate_filename($length)
             $key = "";
             $possible = "0123456789bcdfghjkmnpqrstvwxyzBCDFGHJKLMNPQRTVWXYZ";
             $i = 0;
             while ($i < $length) {
                 $char = substr($possible, mt_rand(0, strlen($possible) - 1), 1);
                 $key .= $char;
             return $key;
         $random_filename = '_' . generate_filename($params->get('logs_random_filename_length'));
     } else {
         $random_filename = '';
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $logs_path = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('logs_path'));
     if (strpos($logs_path, DS) !== 0) {
         $logs_path = JPATH_ROOT . DS . $logs_path;
     $logs_path = rtrim($logs_path, DS);
     if (!JFolder::exists($logs_path)) {
         if (!JFolder::create($logs_path)) {
     $ext = $params->get('logs_file_format');
     $sep = $params->get('logs_separator');
     // Making complete path + filename + extension
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $logs_file = $logs_path . DS . $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($params->get('logs_file')) . $random_filename . '.' . $ext;
     $logs_mode = $params->get('logs_append_or_overwrite');
     $date_element = $params->get('logs_date_field');
     $date_now = $params->get('logs_date_now');
     $result_compare = '';
     if ($params->get('compare_data')) {
         if ($ext == 'csv') {
             $sep_compare = '';
             $sep_2compare = '/ ';
         } else {
             if ($ext == 'txt') {
                 $sep_compare = "\n";
                 $sep_2compare = "\n";
             } else {
                 if ($ext == 'htm') {
                     $sep_compare = '<br/>';
                     $sep_2compare = '<br/>';
         if ($loading) {
             $result_compare = JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LOADING') . $sep_2compare;
         } else {
             $data = $this->getEmailData();
             $newData = $this->getNewData($formModel);
             if (!empty($data)) {
                 $post = JRequest::get('post');
                 $elementModel = JModel::getInstance('element', 'FabrikModel');
                 $element = $elementModel->getElement(true);
                 $tableModel = $formModel->getTable();
                 $origDataCount = count(array_keys(JArrayHelper::fromObject($formModel->_origData[0])));
                 if ($origDataCount > 0) {
                     $c = 0;
                     $origData = $formModel->_origData;
                     $log_elements = explode(',', str_replace(' ', '', $params->get('logs_element_list', '')));
                     $groups = $formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
                     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
                         $group = $groupModel->getGroup();
                         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
                         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
                             $element = $elementModel->getElement();
                             $fullName = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
                             if (empty($log_elements) || in_array($fullName, $log_elements)) {
                                 if ($newData[$c]->{$fullName} != $origData[$c]->{$fullName}) {
                                     $result_compare .= JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_CHANGE_ON') . ' ' . $element->label . ' ' . $sep_compare . JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_FROM') . ' ' . $origData[0]->{$fullName} . ' ' . $sep_compare . JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_TO') . ' ' . $newData[$c]->{$fullName} . ' ' . $sep_2compare;
                     if (empty($result_compare)) {
                         $result_compare = JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_NO_DIFFERENCES');
                 } else {
                     $result_compare .= "New record:" . $sep_2compare;
                     foreach ($data as $key => $val) {
                         if (isset($val) && substr($key, -4, 4) != '_raw') {
                             $result_compare .= "{$key} : {$val}" . $sep_2compare;
             } else {
                 $result_compare = "No data to compare!";
     // Defining the date to use - Not used anymore as logs should really only record the current time_date
     if ($date_now != '') {
         $date = date("{$date_now}");
     } else {
         $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s");
     // Custom Message
     if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
         $rep_add_edit = $messageType == 'form.add' ? JText::_('REP_ADD') : ($messageType == 'form.edit' ? JText::_('REP_EDIT') : JText::_('DETAILS'));
         $custom_msg = $params->get('custom_msg');
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/{Add\\/Edit}/', $rep_add_edit, $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/{DATE}/', $date, $custom_msg);
         $excl_clabels = preg_replace('/([-{2}| |"][0-9a-zA-Z.:$_>]*)/', '', $custom_msg);
         $split_clabels = preg_split('/[+]{1,}/', $excl_clabels);
         $clabels = preg_replace('/[={2}]+[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*/', '', $split_clabels);
         $ctypes = preg_replace('/[a-zA-Z0-9_-]*[={2}]/', '', $split_clabels);
         $labtyp = array_combine($clabels, $ctypes);
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $custom_msg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($custom_msg);
         $excl_cdata = preg_replace('/((?!("[^"]*))([ |\\w|+|.])+(?=[^"]*"\\b)|(?!\\b"[^"]*)( +)+(?=([^"]*)$)|(?=\\b"[^"]*)( +)+(?=[^"]*"\\b))/', '', $custom_msg);
         $cdata = preg_split('/["]{1,}/', $excl_cdata);
         // Labels for CSV & for DB
         $clabels_csv_imp = implode("\",\"", $clabels);
         $clabels_csv_p1 = preg_replace('/^(",)/', '', $clabels_csv_imp);
         $clabels_csv = '';
         $clabels_csv .= preg_replace('/(,")$/', '', $clabels_csv_p1);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_csv .= ', "' . JText::_('PLG_FORM_LOG_COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_CSV') . '"';
         $clabels_createdb_imp = '';
         foreach ($labtyp as $klb => $vlb) {
             $klb = $db->quoteName($klb);
             if ($vlb == 'varchar') {
                 $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . '(255) NOT NULL, ';
             } else {
                 if ($vlb == 'int') {
                     $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . '(11) NOT NULL, ';
                 } else {
                     if ($vlb == 'datetime') {
                         $clabels_createdb_imp .= $klb . ' ' . $vlb . ' NOT NULL, ';
         $clabels_createdb = substr_replace($clabels_createdb_imp, '', -2);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_createdb .= ', ' . $db->quoteName(JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_DB')) . ' text NOT NULL';
         // @todo - what if we use differnt db driver which doesnt name quote with `??
         $clabels_db_imp = implode("`,`", $clabels);
         $clabels_db_p1 = preg_replace('/^(`,)/', '', $clabels_db_imp);
         $clabels_db = preg_replace('/(,`)$/', '', $clabels_db_p1);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $clabels_db .= ', ' . $db->quoteName(JText::_('PLG_FORM_LOG_COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_DB'));
         // data for CSV & for DB
         $cdata_csv_imp = implode("\",\"", $cdata);
         $cdata_csv_p1 = preg_replace('/^(",)/', '', $cdata_csv_imp);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/(,")$/', '', $cdata_csv_p1);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/={1,}",/', '', $cdata_csv);
         $cdata_csv = preg_replace('/""/', '"', $cdata_csv);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
             $cdata_csv .= ', "' . $result_compare . '"';
         $cdata_db_imp = implode("','", $cdata);
         $cdata_db_p1 = preg_replace("/^(',)/", '', $cdata_db_imp);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/(,')\$/", '', $cdata_db_p1);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/={1,}',/", '', $cdata_db);
         $cdata_db = preg_replace("/''/", "'", $cdata_db);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1 && !$loading) {
             $result_compare = preg_replace('/<br\\/>/', '- ', $result_compare);
             $result_compare = preg_replace('/\\n/', '- ', $result_compare);
             $cdata_db .= ", '" . $result_compare . "'";
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/([++][0-9a-zA-Z.:_]*)/', '', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/^[ ]/', '', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/  /', ' ', $custom_msg);
         $custom_msg = preg_replace('/"/', '', $custom_msg);
         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1 && !$loading) {
             $custom_msg .= '<br />' . $result_compare;
     } else {
         $clabelsCreateDb = array();
         $clabelsDb = array();
         $cdataDb = array();
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('date') . " datetime NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('date');
         $cdataDb[] = "NOW()";
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('ip') . " varchar(32) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('ip');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_ip') == '1' ? $db->Quote($_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) : $db->Quote('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('referer') . " varchar(255) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('referer');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_referer') == '1' ? $db->Quote($http_referrer) : $db->Quote('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('user_agent') . " varchar(255) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('user_agent');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('logs_record_useragent') == '1' ? $db->Quote($_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT']) : $db->Quote('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('data_comparison') . " TEXT NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('data_comparison');
         $cdataDb[] = $params->get('compare_data') == '1' ? $db->Quote($result_compare) : $db->Quote('');
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('rowid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('rowid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->Quote((int) $rowid);
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('userid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('userid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->Quote((int) $userid);
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('tableid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('tableid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->Quote($formModel->getTableModel()->getId());
         $clabelsCreateDb[] = $db->quoteName('formid') . " INT(11) NOT NULL";
         $clabelsDb[] = $db->quoteName('formid');
         $cdataDb[] = $db->Quote($formModel->getId());
         $clabels_createdb = implode(", ", $clabelsCreateDb);
         $clabels_db = implode(", ", $clabelsDb);
         $cdata_db = implode(", ", $cdataDb);
     /* For CSV files
      * If 'Append' method is used, you don't want to repeat the labels (Date, IP, ...)
      * each time you add a line in the file */
     $labels = !JFile::exists($logs_file) || $logs_mode == 'w' ? 1 : 0;
     $buffer = $logs_mode == 'a' && JFile::exists($logs_file) ? JFile::read($logs_file) : '';
     $send_email = $params->get('log_send_email') == '1';
     $make_file = $params->get('make_file') == '1';
     if ($send_email && !$make_file) {
         $ext = 'txt';
     $email_msg = '';
     //@TODO redo all this with JFile API and only writing a string once - needless overhead doing fwrite all the time
     if ($make_file || $send_email) {
         // Opening or creating the file
         if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
             if ($send_email) {
                 $email_msg = $custom_msg;
             if ($make_file) {
                 $custMsg = $buffer;
                 if ($ext != 'csv') {
                     JFile::write($logs_file, $buffer . $custom_msg . "\n" . $sep . "\n");
                 } else {
                     // Making the CSV file
                     // If the file already exists, do not add the 'label line'
                     if ($labels == 1) {
                         $custMsg .= $clabels_csv;
                     // Inserting data in CSV with actual line break as row separator
                     $custMsg .= "\n" . $cdata_csv;
                     JFile::write($logs_file, $custMsg);
         } else {
             // Making HTM File
             if ($ext == 'htm') {
                 $htmlMsg = "<b>Date:</b> " . $date . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>IP Address:</b> " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>Referer:</b> " . $http_referrer . "<br/>";
                 if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                     $htmlMsg .= "<b>UserAgent: </b>" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "<br/>";
                 $htmlMsg .= $result_compare . $sep . "<br/>";
                 if ($send_email) {
                     $email_msg = $htmlMsg;
                 if ($make_file) {
                     $htmlMsg = $buffer . $htmlMsg;
                     $res = JFile::write($logs_file, $htmlMsg);
                     if (!$res) {
                         JError::raiseNotice(E_NOTICE, "error writing html to log file: " . $logs_file);
             } else {
                 if ($ext == 'txt') {
                     $txtMsg = "Date: " . $date . "\n";
                     $txtMsg .= "Form ID: " . $formModel->getId() . "\n";
                     $txtMsg .= "Table ID: " . $formModel->getListModel()->getId() . "\n";
                     $txtMsg .= "Row ID: " . (int) $rowid . "\n";
                     $txtMsg .= "User ID: {$userid} ({$username})\n";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                         $txtMsg .= "IP Address: " . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\n";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                         $txtMsg .= "Referer: " . $http_referrer . "\n";
                     if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                         $txtMsg .= "UserAgent: " . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\n";
                     $txtMsg .= $result_compare . $sep . "\n";
                     if ($send_email) {
                         $email_msg = $txtMsg;
                     if ($make_file) {
                         $txtMsg = $buffer . $txtMsg;
                         JFile::write($logs_file, $txtMsg);
                 } else {
                     // Making the CSV file
                     if ($ext == 'csv') {
                         $csvMsg = array();
                         // If the file already exists, do not add the 'label line'
                         if ($labels == 1) {
                             $csvMsg[] = "Date";
                             if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                                 // Putting some "" around the label to avoid two different fields
                                 $csvMsg[] = "\"IP Address\"";
                             if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                                 $csvMsg[] = "Referer";
                             if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                                 $csvMsg[] = "UserAgent";
                             if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
                                 $csvMsg[] = "\"" . JText::_('COMPARE_DATA_LABEL_CSV') . "\"";
                         // Inserting data in CSV with actual line break as row separator
                         $csvMsg[] = "\n\"" . $date . "\"";
                         if ($params->get('logs_record_ip') == 1) {
                             $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] . "\"";
                         if ($params->get('logs_record_referer') == 1) {
                             $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $http_referrer . "\"";
                         if ($params->get('logs_record_useragent') == 1) {
                             $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $_SERVER['HTTP_USER_AGENT'] . "\"";
                         if ($params->get('compare_data') == 1) {
                             $csvMsg[] = "\"" . $result_compare . "\"";
                         $csvMsg = implode(",", $csvMsg);
                         if ($send_email) {
                             $email_msg = $csvMsg;
                         if ($make_file) {
                             if ($buffer !== '') {
                                 $csvMsg = $buffer . $csvMsg;
                             JFile::write($logs_file, $csvMsg);
     if ($params->get('logs_record_in_db') == 1) {
         // In which table?
         if ($params->get('record_in') == '') {
             $rdb = '#__fabrik_log';
         } else {
             $db_suff = $params->get('record_in');
             $form = $formModel->getForm();
             $fid = $form->id;
             $db->setQuery("SELECT " . $db->quoteName('db_table_name') . " FROM " . $db->quoteName('#__fabrik_lists') . " WHERE " . $db->quoteName('form_id') . " = " . (int) $fid);
             $tname = $db->loadResult();
             $rdb = $db->quoteName($tname . $db_suff);
         // Making the message to record
         if ($params->get('custom_msg') != '') {
             $message = preg_replace('/<br\\/>/', ' ', $custom_msg);
         } else {
             $message = $this->makeStandardMessage($params, $result_compare);
         // $$$ hugh - FIXME - not sure about the option driven $create_custom_table stuff, as this won't work
         // if they add an option to an existing log table.  We should probably just create all the optional columns
         // regardless.
         if ($params->get('record_in') == '') {
             $in_db = "INSERT INTO {$rdb} (" . $db->quoteName('referring_url') . ", " . $db->quoteName('message_type') . ", " . $db->quoteName('message') . ") VALUES (" . $db->Quote($http_referrer) . ", " . $db->Quote($messageType) . ", " . $db->Quote($message) . ");";
         } else {
             $create_custom_table = "CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {$rdb} (" . $db->quoteName('id') . " int(11) NOT NULL auto_increment PRIMARY KEY, {$clabels_createdb});";
             $in_db = "INSERT INTO {$rdb} ({$clabels_db}) VALUES ({$cdata_db});";
             if (!$db->query()) {
                 // $$$ changed to always use db fields even if not selected
                 // so logs already created may need optional fields added.
                 // try adding every field we should have, don't care if query fails.
                 foreach ($clabelsCreateDb as $insert) {
                     $db->setQuery("ALTER TABLE ADD {$insert} AFTER `id`");
                 // ... and try the insert query again
     if ($send_email) {
         $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $email_from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $email_to = explode(',', $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('log_send_email_to', '')));
         $subject = strip_tags($w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('log_send_email_subject', 'log event')));
         foreach ($email_to as $email) {
             $email = trim($email);
             if (empty($email)) {
             if (JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($email)) {
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($email_from, $email_from, $email, $subject, $email_msg, true);
             } else {
                 JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::sprintf('DID_NOT_SEND_EMAIL_INVALID_ADDRESS', $email));
     return true;
Пример #6
 function getFusionchart()
     $document =& JFactory::getDocument();
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $worker = new FabrikWorker();
     $fc_version = $params->get('fusionchart_version', 'free_old');
     if ($fc_version == 'free_22') {
         require_once $this->pathBase . 'fusionchart' . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'FusionChartsFree' . DS . 'Code' . DS . 'PHPClass' . DS . 'Includes' . DS . 'FusionCharts_Gen.php';
         $document->addScript($this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FusionChartsFree/JSClass/FusionCharts.js");
         $fc_swf_path = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FusionChartsFree/Charts/";
     } else {
         if ($fc_version == 'pro_30') {
             require_once $this->pathBase . 'fusionchart' . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'FusionCharts' . DS . 'Code' . DS . 'PHPClass' . DS . 'Includes' . DS . 'FusionCharts_Gen.php';
             $document->addScript($this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FusionCharts/Charts/FusionCharts.js");
             $fc_swf_path = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FusionCharts/Charts/";
         } else {
             require_once $this->pathBase . 'fusionchart' . DS . 'lib' . DS . 'FCclass' . DS . 'FusionCharts_Gen.php';
             $document->addScript($this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FCcharts/FusionCharts.js");
             $fc_swf_path = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . $this->srcBase . "fusionchart/lib/FCcharts/";
     $calc_prefixes = array('sum___', 'avg___', 'med___', 'cnt___');
     $calc_prefixmap = array('sum___' => 'sums', 'avg___' => 'avgs', 'med___' => 'medians', 'cnt___' => 'count');
     $w = $params->get('fusionchart_width');
     $h = $params->get('fusionchart_height');
     $chartType = $params->get('fusionchart_type');
     // Create new chart
     $FC = new FusionCharts("{$chartType}", "{$w}", "{$h}");
     // Define path to FC's SWF
     // Setting Param string
     $strParam = $this->getChartParams();
     $label_step_ratios = (array) $params->get('fusion_label_step_ratio');
     $x_axis_label = (array) $params->get('fusion_x_axis_label');
     $chartElements = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_elementList');
     $chartColours = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_colours');
     $listid = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_table');
     $axisLabels = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_axis_labels');
     foreach ($axisLabels as $axis_key => $axis_val) {
         $axisLabels[$axis_key] = $worker->parseMessageForPlaceholder($axis_val, null, false);
     $dual_y_parents = $params->get('fusionchart_dual_y_parent');
     $measurement_units = (array) $params->get('fusion_x_axis_measurement_unit');
     $legends = $params->get('fusiongraph_show_legend', '');
     $chartWheres = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_where');
     $c = 0;
     $gdata = array();
     $glabels = array();
     $gcolours = array();
     $gfills = array();
     $max = array();
     $min = array();
     $calculationLabels = array();
     $calculationData = array();
     $calcfound = false;
     $tmodels = array();
     $labelStep = 0;
     foreach ($listid as $tid) {
         $min[$c] = 0;
         $max[$c] = 0;
         if (!array_key_exists($tid, $tmodels)) {
             $listModel = null;
             $listModel = JModel::getInstance('list', 'FabrikFEModel');
             $tmodels[$tid] = $listModel;
         } else {
             $listModel = $tmodels[$tid];
         $table = $listModel->getTable();
         $form = $listModel->getForm();
         // $$$ hugh - adding plugin query, 2012-02-08
         if (array_key_exists($c, $chartWheres) && !empty($chartWheres[$c])) {
             $chartWhere = $this->_replaceRequest($chartWheres[$c]);
             $listModel->setPluginQueryWhere('fusionchart', $chartWhere);
         } else {
             // if no where clause, explicitly clear any previously set clause
         // $$$ hugh - remove pagination BEFORE calling render().  Otherwise render() applies
         // session state/defaults when it calls getPagination, which is then returned as a cached
         // object if we call getPagination after render().  So call it first, then render() will
         // get our cached pagination, rather than vice versa.
         $nav = $listModel->getPagination(0, 0, 0);
         $alldata = $listModel->getData();
         $cals = $listModel->getCalculations();
         $column = $chartElements[$c];
         //$measurement_unit = $measurement_units[$c];
         $measurement_unit = JArrayHelper::getValue($measurement_units, $c, '');
         $pref = substr($column, 0, 6);
         $label = JArrayHelper::getValue($x_axis_label, $c, '');
         $tmpgdata = array();
         $tmpglabels = array();
         $colour = array_key_exists($c, $chartColours) ? str_replace("#", '', $chartColours[$c]) : '';
         $gcolours[] = $colour;
         if (in_array($pref, $calc_prefixes)) {
             // you shouldnt mix calculation elements with normal elements when creating the chart
             // so if ONE calculation element is found we use the calculation data rather than normal element data
             // this is because a calculation element only generates one value, if want to compare two averages then
             //they get rendered as tow groups of data and on bar charts this overlays one average over the other, rather than next to it
             $calcfound = true;
             $column = substr($column, 6);
             $calckey = $calc_prefixmap[$pref];
             $caldata = JArrayHelper::getValue($cals[$calckey], $column . '_obj');
             if (is_array($caldata)) {
                 foreach ($caldata as $k => $o) {
                     $calculationData[] = (double) $o->value;
                     $calculationLabels[] = trim(strip_tags($o->label));
             if (!empty($calculationData)) {
                 $max[$c] = max($calculationData);
                 $min[$c] = min($calculationData);
             $gdata[$c] = implode(',', $tmpgdata);
             $glabels[$c] = implode('|', $tmpglabels);
             // $$$ hugh - playing around with pie charts
             //$gsums[$c] = array_sum($tmpgdata);
             $gsums[$c] = array_sum($calculationData);
         } else {
             $origColumn = $column;
             $column = $column . "_raw";
             //_raw fields are most likely to contain the value
             foreach ($alldata as $group) {
                 foreach ($group as $row) {
                     if (!array_key_exists($column, $row)) {
                         //didnt find a _raw column - revent to orig
                         $column = $origColumn;
                         if (!array_key_exists($column, $row)) {
                             JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, $column . ': NOT FOUND - PLEASE CHECK IT IS PUBLISHED');
                     if (trim($row->{$column}) == '') {
                         $tmpgdata[] = -1;
                     } else {
                         $tmpgdata[] = (double) $row->{$column};
                     $tmpglabels[] = !empty($label) ? strip_tags($row->{$label}) : '';
                 if (!empty($tmpgdata)) {
                     $max[$c] = max($tmpgdata);
                     $min[$c] = min($tmpgdata);
                 $gdata[$c] = implode(',', $tmpgdata);
                 $glabels[$c] = implode('|', $tmpglabels);
                 // $$$ hugh - playing around with pie charts
                 $gsums[$c] = array_sum($tmpgdata);
     if ($calcfound) {
         $calculationLabels = array_reverse($calculationLabels);
         // $$$ rob implode with | and not ',' as :
         //$labels = explode('|',$glabels[0]); is used below
         //$glabels = array(implode(',', array_reverse($calculationLabels)));
         $glabels = array(implode('|', array_reverse($calculationLabels)));
         // $$$ rob end
         $gdata = array(implode(',', $calculationData));
     // $$$ hugh - pie chart data has to be summed - the API only takes a
     // single dataset for pie charts.  And it doesn't make sense trying to
     // chart individual row data for multiple elements in a pie chart.
     // Also, labels need to be axisLabels, not $glabels
     switch ($chartType) {
         // Single Series Charts
         case 'AREA2D':
         case 'BAR2D':
         case 'COLUMN2D':
         case 'COLUMN3D':
         case 'DOUGHNUT2D':
         case 'DOUGHNUT3D':
         case 'LINE':
             // $$$ tom - for now I'm enabling Pie charts here so that it displays
             // something until we do it properly as you said hugh
             // Well maybe there's something I don't get but in fact FC already draw
             // the pies by "percenting" the values of each data... if you know what I mean Hugh;)
         // $$$ tom - for now I'm enabling Pie charts here so that it displays
         // something until we do it properly as you said hugh
         // Well maybe there's something I don't get but in fact FC already draw
         // the pies by "percenting" the values of each data... if you know what I mean Hugh;)
         case 'PIE2D':
         case 'PIE3D':
         case 'SCATTER':
             // Adding specific params for Pie charts
             if ($chartType == 'PIE2D' || $chartType == 'PIE3D') {
                 $strParam .= ';pieBorderThickness=' . $params->get('fusionchart_borderthick', '');
                 $strParam .= ';pieBorderAlpha=' . $params->get('fusionchart_cnvalpha', '');
                 $strParam .= ';pieFillAlpha=' . $params->get('fusionchart_elalpha', '');
             if ($c > 1) {
                 $arrCatNames = array();
                 foreach ($axisLabels as $alkey => $al) {
                     $arrCatNames[] = $al;
                 $arrData = array();
                 $i = 0;
                 foreach ($gsums as $gd) {
                     $arrData[$i][0] = $axisLabels[$i];
                     $arrData[$i][1] = $gd;
                 $FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData, $arrCatNames);
             } else {
                 // single table/elements, so use the row data
                 $labels = explode('|', $glabels[0]);
                 $gsums = explode(',', $gdata[0]);
                 // scale to percentages
                 $tot_sum = array_sum($gsums);
                 $arrData = array();
                 $labelStep = 0;
                 $label_step_ratio = (int) JArrayHelper::getValue($label_step_ratios, 0, 1);
                 if ($label_step_ratio > 1) {
                     $labelStep = (int) (count($gsums) / $label_step_ratio);
                     $strParam .= ";labelStep={$labelStep}";
                 //$$$tom: inversing array_combine as identical values in gsums will be
                 // dropped otherwise. Should I do that differently?
                 // $$$ hugh - can't use array_combine, as empty labels end up dropping values
                 //$arrComb = array_combine($labels, $gsums);
                 //foreach ($arrComb as $key => $value) {
                 $data_count = 0;
                 foreach ($gsums as $key => $value) {
                     if ($value == '-1') {
                         $value = null;
                     $label = $labels[$key];
                     $str_params = "name={$label}";
                     if ($labelStep) {
                         if ($data_count != 1 && $data_count % $labelStep != 0) {
                             $str_params .= ";showName=0";
                     $FC->addChartData("{$value}", $str_params);
         case 'MSBAR2D':
         case 'MSBAR3D':
         case 'MSCOLUMN2D':
         case 'MSCOLUMN3D':
         case 'MSLINE':
         case 'MSAREA2D':
         case 'MSCOMBIDY2D':
         case 'MULTIAXISLINE':
             //case 'PIE2D':
             //case 'PIE3D':
         //case 'PIE2D':
         //case 'PIE3D':
         case 'STACKEDAREA2D':
         case 'STACKEDBAR2D':
         case 'STACKEDCOLUMN2D':
         case 'STACKEDCOLUMN3D':
         case 'SCROLLAREA2D':
         case 'SCROLLCOLUMN2D':
         case 'SCROLLLINE2D':
             /*$chd = implode('|', $gdata);
             		if (!empty($chds_override)) {
             			$chds = $chds_override;
             		else if ($c > 1 && !$calcfound) {
             			$minmax = $this->_getMinMax($gsums);
             			$chds = $minmax['min'] . ',' . $minmax['max'];
             		else {
             			$chds = $min.','.$max;
             		if ($calcfound) {
             			$glabels = array(implode('|', $calculationLabels));
             		// $$$ hugh - we have to reverse the labels for horizontal bar charts
             		$glabels[0] = implode('|',array_reverse(explode('|',$glabels[0])));
             		if (empty($chxl_override)) {
             			$chxl = '0:|'.$min.'|'.$max.$measurement_unit.'|'.'1:|'.$glabels[0];
             		else {
             			$chxl = '0:|'.$chxl_override.'|'.'1:|'.$glabels[0];
             if ($c > 1) {
                 if ($chartType == 'SCROLLAREA2D' || $chartType == 'SCROLLCOLUMN2D' || $chartType == 'SCROLLLINE2D') {
                     $strParam .= ';numVisiblePlot=' . $params->get('fusionchart_scroll_numvisible', 0);
                 // $$$ hugh - Dual-Y types
                 if ($chartType == 'MSCOMBIDY2D' || $chartType == 'MULTIAXISLINE') {
                     					    $strParam .= ';PYAxisName='.$axisLabels[0];
                     					    $strParam .= ';SYAxisName='.$axisLabels[1];
                     $p_parents = array();
                     $s_parents = array();
                     foreach ($dual_y_parents as $dual_y_key => $dual_y_parent) {
                         if ($dual_y_parent == "P") {
                             $p_parents[] = $axisLabels[$dual_y_key];
                         } else {
                             $s_parents[] = $axisLabels[$dual_y_key];
                     $strParam .= ';PYAxisName=' . implode(' ', $p_parents);
                     $strParam .= ';SYaxisName=' . implode(' ', $s_parents);
                 //$$$tom: This is a first attempt at integrating Trendlines but it's not actually working... :s
                 $eltype = $params->get('fusionchart_element_type', 'dataset');
                 for ($nbe = 0; $nbe < $c; $nbe++) {
                     if ($eltype[$nbe] != 'dataset') {
                         // Trendline Start & End values
                         $trendstart = $params->get('fusionchart_trendstartvalue', '');
                         $trendend = $params->get('fusionchart_trendendvalue', '');
                         if ($trendstart) {
                             $startval = $trendstart;
                             $endval = $trendend;
                         } else {
                             if ($eltype[$nbe] == 'trendline') {
                                 // If Start & End values are not specifically defined, use the element's min & max values
                                 $startval = $min[$nbe];
                                 $endval = $max[$nbe];
                         $strAddTrend = "startValue={$startval};endValue={$endval}";
                         // Label
                         $displayval = $params->get('fusionchart_trendlabel', '');
                         $showontop = $params->get('fusionchart_trendshowontop', '1');
                         $iszone = $params->get('fusionchart_trendiszone', '0');
                         $elcolour = $params->get('fusionchart_elcolour', '');
                         $elalpha = $params->get('fusionchart_elalpha', '');
                         //$strAddTrend .= ";displayvalue=".$displayval;
                         $strAddTrend .= ";displayvalue=" . $axisLabels[$nbe];
                         $strAddTrend .= ";showOnTop=" . $showontop;
                         if ($startval < $endval) {
                             $strAddTrend .= ";isTrendZone=" . $iszone;
                         $strAddTrend .= ";color=" . $elcolour[$nbe];
                         $strAddTrend .= ";alpha=" . $elalpha[$nbe];
                         $strAddTrend .= ";thickness=3";
                 // end for loop
                 * $$$tom: I'm trying something else, as per http://www.fusioncharts.com/free/docs/Contents/PHPClassAPI/MultiSeriesChart.html
                 * A MS Chart should use for example 2 elements from the same table and have Categories
                 * (the colored legend below the chart, e.g. "This month", "Previous month").
                 * Then different Datasets must be defined (e.g. one by row in the table: "Week 1", "Week 2", ...)
                 * And finally some Data for each Dataset (e.g. Sales: "40200", "38350", ...)
                 * Of course I kept what you made Hugh, I commented out between this comment and what I've added.
                 /*if ($calcfound) {
                 							$glabels = array(implode('|', $calculationLabels));
                 						$arrCatNames = array();
                 						foreach ($axisLabels as $alkey => $al) {
                 							$arrCatNames[] = $al;
                 						$arrData = array();
                 						$i = 0;
                 						foreach ($gdata as $gdkey => $gd) {
                 							$arrData[$i][0] = $glabels[$i];
                 							$arrData[$i][1] = '';
                 							$arrData[$i] = array_merge($arrData[$i], explode(',', $gd));
                 						$FC->addChartDataFromArray($arrData, $arrCatNames);*/
                 $label_step_ratio = (int) JArrayHelper::getValue($label_step_ratios, 0, 1);
                 if ($label_step_ratio > 1) {
                     $labelStep = (int) (count(explode(',', $gdata[0])) / $label_step_ratio);
                     $strParam .= ";labelStep={$labelStep}";
                 // Start tom's changes
                 $labels = explode('|', $glabels[0]);
                 $data_count = 0;
                 foreach ($labels as $catLabel) {
                     $catParams = '';
                     if ($labelStep) {
                         if ($data_count == 1 || $data_count % $labelStep == 0) {
                             $catParams = "ShowLabel=1";
                         } else {
                             $catParams = "ShowLabel=0";
                             $catLabel = '';
                     $FC->addCategory($catLabel, $catParams);
                 foreach ($gdata as $key => $chartdata) {
                     $cdata = explode(',', $chartdata);
                     $dataset = $axisLabels[$key];
                     $extras = "parentYAxis=" . $dual_y_parents[$key];
                     //var_dump($dual_y_parents, $dataset, $extras);
                     $FC->addDataset("{$dataset}", $extras);
                     $data_count = 0;
                     foreach ($cdata as $key => $value) {
                         if ($value == '-1') {
                             $value = null;
                 // End tom's changes
             } else {
                 //$foo = $foo;
             		$chd = implode('|', $gdata);
             		$chxl = '0:|'.$glabels[0].'|'.'1:|'.$min.'|'.$max;
             		if ($c > 1 && !$calcfound) {
             			$minmax = $this->_getMinMax($gsums);
             			$chds = $minmax['min'] . ',' . $minmax['max'];
             		else {
             			$chds = $min.','.$max;
     $colours = implode($calcfound ? '|' : ',', $gcolours);
     /*$return = '<img src="' . $this->_url . '?';
     		$qs =  'chs='.$w.'x'.$h;
     		$qs .= '&amp;chd=t:'.$chd;
     		$qs .= '&amp;cht='.$graph;
     		$qs .= '&amp;chco='.$colours;
     		$qs .= '&amp;chxt=x,y';
     		$qs .= '&amp;chxl='.$chxl;
     		$qs .= '&amp;chds='.$chds;
     		if ($fillGraphs) {
     			$qs .=  '&amp;chm=' . implode('|', $gfills);
     		if ($legends) {
     			$qs .= '&amp;chdl=' . implode('|', $axisLabels);
     		if (!empty($chg_override)) {
     			$qs .= '&amp;chg=' . $chg_override;
     		if (!empty($chm_override)) {
     			$qs .= '&amp;chm=' . $chm_override;
     		else if ($fillGraphs) {
     			$qs .=  '&amp;chm=' . implode('|', $gfills);
     		$return .= $qs . '" alt="'.$this->_row->label.'" />';
     		$this->image =  $return;*/
     # Set chart attributes
     if ($params->get('fusionchart_custom_attributes', '')) {
         $strParam .= ';' . trim($params->get('fusionchart_custom_attributes'));
     $strParam = "{$strParam}";
     # Render Chart
     if ($chartType == 'MULTIAXISLINE') {
         // Nasty, nasty hack for MULTIAXIS, as the FC class doesn't support it.  So need to get the chart XML,
         // split out the <dataset>...</dataset> and wrap them in <axis>...</axis>
         $axis_attrs = (array) $params->get('fusionchart_mx_attributes');
         $dataXML = $FC->getXML();
         $matches = array();
         if (preg_match_all('#(<\\s*dataset[^>]*>.*?<\\s*/dataset\\s*>)#', $dataXML, $matches)) {
             $index = 0;
             foreach ($gdata as $key => $chartdata) {
                 $axis = "<axis " . $axis_attrs[$index] . ">" . $matches[0][$index] . "</axis>";
                 $dataXML = str_replace($matches[0][$index], $axis, $dataXML);
         return $FC->renderChartFromExtXML($dataXML);
     } else {
         return $FC->renderChart(false, false);
Пример #7
  * Do the plug-in action
  * @param   object  $params  plugin parameters
  * @param   object  &$model  list model
  * @param   array   $opts    custom options
  * @return  bool
 public function process($params, &$model, $opts = array())
     $db = $model->getDb();
     $user = JFactory::getUser();
     $update = json_decode($params->get('update_col_updates'));
     if (!$update) {
         return false;
     // $$$ rob moved here from bottom of func see http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15920&page=7
     $dateCol = $params->get('update_date_element');
     $userCol = $params->get('update_user_element');
     $item = $model->getTable();
     // Array_unique for left joined table data
     $ids = array_unique(JRequest::getVar('ids', array(), 'method', 'array'));
     $this->_row_count = count($ids);
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $model->_pluginQueryWhere[] = $item->db_primary_key . ' IN ( ' . $ids . ')';
     $data = $model->getData();
     // $$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     $emailColID = $params->get('update_email_element', '');
     if (!empty($emailColID)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $message = $params->get('update_email_msg');
         $subject = $params->get('update_email_subject');
         $eval = $params->get('eval', 0);
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
         $elementModel = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager()->getElementPlugin($emailColID);
         $emailElement = $elementModel->getElement(true);
         $emailField = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
         $emailColumn = $elementModel->getFullName(false, false, false);
         $emailFieldRaw = $emailField . '_raw';
         $emailWhich = $emailElement->plugin == 'user' ? 'user' : 'field';
         $tbl = array_shift(explode('.', $emailColumn));
         $db = JFactory::getDBO();
         $aids = explode(',', $ids);
         // If using a user element, build a lookup list of emails from #__users,
         // so we're only doing one query to grab all involved emails.
         if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
             $userids_emails = array();
             $query = $db->getQuery();
             $query->select('#__users.id AS id, #__users.email AS email')->from('#__users')->join('LEFT', $tbl . ' ON #__users.id = ' . $emailColumn)->where(_primary_key . ' IN (' . $ids . ')');
             $results = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $userids_emails[(int) $result->id] = $result->email;
         foreach ($aids as $id) {
             $row = $model->getRow($id);
             if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
                 $userid = (int) $row->{$emailFieldRaw};
                 $to = JArrayHelper::getValue($userids_emails, $userid);
             } else {
                 $to = $row->{$emailField};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 // $tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 // $$$servantek added an eval option and rearranged placeholder call
                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 if ($eval) {
                     $thismessage = @eval($thismessage);
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($thismessage, 'Caught exception on eval in updatecol::process() : %s');
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $to, $thissubject, $thismessage, true);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
     // $$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     if (!empty($dateCol)) {
         $date = JFactory::getDate();
         $this->_process($model, $dateCol, $date->toSql());
     if (!empty($userCol)) {
         $this->_process($model, $userCol, (int) $user->get('id'));
     foreach ($update->coltoupdate as $i => $col) {
         $this->_process($model, $col, $update->update_value[$i]);
     $this->msg = $params->get('update_message', '');
     if (empty($this->msg)) {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf('PLG_LIST_UPDATE_COL_UPDATE_MESSAGE', $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     } else {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf($this->msg, $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     // Clean the cache.
     $cache = JFactory::getCache(JRequest::getCmd('option'));
     return true;
Пример #8
  * do the plugin action
  * @param object parameters
  * @param object table model
 function process(&$params, &$model, $opts = array())
     $db =& $model->getDb();
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $updateTo = $params->get('update_value');
     $updateCol = $params->get('coltoupdate');
     $updateTo_2 = $params->get('update_value_2');
     $updateCol_2 = $params->get('coltoupdate_2');
     // $$$ rob moved here from bottom of func see http://fabrikar.com/forums/showthread.php?t=15920&page=7
     $tbl = array_shift(explode('.', $updateCol));
     $dateCol = $params->get('update_date_element');
     $userCol = $params->get('update_user_element');
     $table =& $model->getTable();
     // array_unique for left joined table data
     $ids = array_unique(JRequest::getVar('ids', array(), 'method', 'array'));
     $this->_row_count = count($ids);
     $ids = implode(',', $ids);
     $model->_pluginQueryWhere[] = $table->db_primary_key . ' IN ( ' . $ids . ')';
     $data =& $model->getData();
     //$$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     $emailColID = $params->get('update_email_element', '');
     if (!empty($emailColID)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $message = $params->get('update_email_msg');
         $subject = $params->get('update_email_subject');
         $eval = $params->get('eval', 0);
         $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
         $elementModel =& JModel::getInstance('element', 'FabrikModel');
         $emailElement =& $elementModel->getElement(true);
         $emailField = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
         $emailColumn = $elementModel->getFullName(false, false, false);
         $emailFieldRaw = $emailField . '_raw';
         $emailWhich = $emailElement->plugin == 'fabrikuser' ? 'user' : 'field';
         $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
         $aids = explode(',', $ids);
         // if using a user element, build a lookup list of emails from jos_users,
         // so we're only doing one query to grab all involved emails.
         if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
             $userids_emails = array();
             $query = 'SELECT #__users.id AS id, #__users.email AS email FROM #__users LEFT JOIN ' . $tbl . ' ON #__users.id = ' . $emailColumn . ' WHERE ' . $table->db_primary_key . ' IN (' . $ids . ')';
             $results = $db->loadObjectList();
             foreach ($results as $result) {
                 $userids_emails[(int) $result->id] = $result->email;
         foreach ($aids as $id) {
             $row = $model->getRow($id);
             if ($emailWhich == 'user') {
                 $userid = (int) $row->{$emailFieldRaw};
                 $to = $userids_emails[$userid];
             } else {
                 $to = $row->{$emailField};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 //$tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 //$$$servantek added an eval option and rearranged placeholder call
                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 if ($eval) {
                     $thismessage = @eval($thismessage);
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($thismessage, 'Caught exception on eval in updatecol::process() : %s');
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $to, $thissubject, $thismessage, true);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
     //$$$servantek reordered the update process in case the email routine wants to kill the updates
     if (!empty($dateCol)) {
         $date =& JFactory::getDate();
         $this->_process($model, $dateCol, $date->toMySQL());
     if (!empty($userCol)) {
         $this->_process($model, $userCol, (int) $user->get('id'));
     $this->_process($model, $updateCol, $updateTo);
     if (!empty($updateCol_2)) {
         $this->_process($model, $updateCol_2, $updateTo_2);
     // $$$ hugh - this stuff has to go in process_result()
     //$msg = $params->get( 'update_message' );
     //return JText::sprintf( $msg, count($ids));
     $this->msg = $params->get('update_message', '');
     if (empty($this->msg)) {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf('%d ROWS UPDATED, %d EMAILS SENT', $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     } else {
         $this->msg = JText::sprintf($this->msg, $this->_row_count, $this->_sent);
     return true;
Пример #9
  * Update the form models data with data from CURL request
  * @param   Joomla\Registry\Registry $params       Parameters
  * @param   array                    $responseBody Response body
  * @param   array                    $data         Data returned from CURL request
  * @return  void
 protected function updateFormModelData($params, $responseBody, $data)
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $dataMap = $params->get('put_include_list', '');
     $include = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($dataMap, $responseBody, true);
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     if (FabrikWorker::isJSON($include)) {
         $include = json_decode($include);
         $keys = $include->put_key;
         $values = $include->put_value;
         $defaults = $include->put_value;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($keys); $i++) {
             $key = $keys[$i];
             $default = $defaults[$i];
             $localKey = FabrikString::safeColNameToArrayKey($values[$i]);
             $remoteData = FArrayHelper::getNestedValue($data, $key, $default, true);
             if (!is_null($remoteData)) {
                 $formModel->_data[$localKey] = $remoteData;
Пример #10
  * process the plugin, called when form is submitted
  * @param object $params
  * @param object form model
  * @returns bol
 function onAfterProcess($params, &$formModel)
     $user =& JFactory::getUser();
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $db =& JFactory::getDBO();
     $this->formModel =& $formModel;
     $formParams = $formModel->getParams();
     $ftpTemplate = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fabrik' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'form' . DS . 'fabrikftp' . DS . 'tmpl' . DS . $params->get('ftp_template', ''));
     $this->data = array_merge($formModel->_formData, $this->getEmailData());
     if (!$this->shouldProcess('ftp_conditon')) {
     $contentTemplate = $params->get('ftp_template_content');
     if ($contentTemplate != '') {
         $content = $this->_getConentTemplate($contentTemplate);
     } else {
         $content = '';
     if (JFile::exists($ftpTemplate)) {
         if (JFile::getExt($ftpTemplate) == 'php') {
             $message = $this->_getPHPTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
         } else {
             $message = $this->_getTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
         $message = str_replace('{content}', $content, $message);
     } else {
         if ($contentTemplate != '') {
             $message = $content;
         } else {
             $message = $this->_getTextFtp();
     $cc = null;
     $bcc = null;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ hugh - test stripslashes(), should be safe enough.
     $message = stripslashes($message);
     $editURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=form&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . JRequest::getVar('rowid');
     $viewURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=details&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . JRequest::getVar('rowid');
     $editlink = "<a href=\"{$editURL}\">" . JText::_('EDIT') . "</a>";
     $viewlink = "<a href=\"{$viewURL}\">" . JText::_('VIEW') . "</a>";
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editlink}', $editlink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewlink}', $viewlink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editurl}', $editURL, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewurl}', $viewURL, $message);
     $ftp_filename = $params->get('ftp_filename', '');
     $ftp_filename = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($ftp_filename, $this->data, false);
     $ftp_eval_filename = (int) $params->get('ftp_eval_filename', '0');
     if ($ftp_eval_filename) {
         $ftp_filename = @eval($ftp_filename);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($email_to_eval, 'Caught exception on eval in ftp filename eval : %s');
     if (empty($ftp_filename)) {
         JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::sprintf('PLG_FTP_NO_FILENAME', $email));
     $ftp_host = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_host', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftp_port = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_port', '21'), $this->data, false);
     $ftp_chdir = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_chdir', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftp_user = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_user', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftp_password = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_password', ''), $this->data, false);
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $tmp_dir = rtrim($config->getValue('config.tmp_path'), DS);
     if (empty($tmp_dir) || !JFolder::exists($tmp_dir)) {
         JError::raiseError(500, 'PLG_FORM_FTP_NO_JOOMLA_TEMP_DIR');
         return false;
     $tmp_file = $tmp_dir . DS . 'fabrik_ftp_' . md5(uniqid());
     $message = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $this->data, true, false);
     if (JFile::write($tmp_file, $message)) {
         $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftp_host, $ftp_port);
         if ($conn_id) {
             if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftp_user, $ftp_password)) {
                 if (!empty($ftp_chdir)) {
                     if (!ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftp_chdir)) {
                         JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CHDIR'));
                         return false;
                 if (!ftp_put($conn_id, $ftp_filename, $tmp_file, FTP_ASCII)) {
                     JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_SEND_FILE'));
                     return false;
             } else {
                 JError::raiseNotice(500, JText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_LOGIN'));
                 return false;
         } else {
             JError::raiseError(500, 'PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CONNECT');
             return false;
     } else {
         JError::raiseError(500, 'PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_WRITE_TEMP_FILE');
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #11
  * Add attachments to the email
  * @return  void
 protected function addAttachments()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $data = $this->getProcessData();
     /** @var FabrikFEModelForm $formModel */
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $groups = $formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $elName = $elementModel->getFullName(true, false);
             if (array_key_exists($elName, $this->data)) {
                 if (method_exists($elementModel, 'addEmailAttachement')) {
                     if (array_key_exists($elName . '_raw', $data)) {
                         $val = $data[$elName . '_raw'];
                     } else {
                         $val = $data[$elName];
                     if (is_array($val)) {
                         if (is_array(current($val))) {
                             // Can't implode multi dimensional arrays
                             $val = json_encode($val);
                             $val = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($val, true);
                     } else {
                         $val = array($val);
                     foreach ($val as $v) {
                         $file = $elementModel->addEmailAttachement($v);
                         if ($file !== false) {
                             $this->attachments[] = $file;
                             if ($elementModel->shouldDeleteEmailAttachment($v)) {
                                 $this->deleteAttachments[] = $file;
     // $$$ hugh - added an optional eval for adding attachments.
     // Eval'd code should just return an array of file paths which we merge with $this->attachments[]
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $emailAttachEval = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('email_attach_eval', ''), $this->data, false);
     if (!empty($emailAttachEval)) {
         $email_attach_array = @eval($emailAttachEval);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($email_attach_array, 'Caught exception on eval in email email_attach_eval : %s');
         if (!empty($email_attach_array)) {
             $this->attachments = array_merge($this->attachments, $email_attach_array);
Пример #12
  * Send notification emails
  * @param   string  $ids  csv list of row ids.
  * @return  void
 protected function sendEmails($ids)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $model = $this->getModel();
     // Ensure that yesno exports text and not bootstrap icon.
     $emailColID = $params->get('update_email_element', '');
     $emailTo = $params->get('update_email_to', '');
     if (!empty($emailColID) || !empty($emailTo)) {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $aids = explode(',', $ids);
         $message = $params->get('update_email_msg');
         $subject = $params->get('update_email_subject');
         $eval = $params->get('eval', 0);
         $from = $this->config->get('mailfrom');
         $fromName = $this->config->get('fromname');
         $emailWhich = $this->emailWhich();
         foreach ($aids as $id) {
             $row = $model->getRow($id, true);
              * hugh - hack to work around this issue:
              * https://github.com/Fabrik/fabrik/issues/1499
             $this->params = $params;
             $to = trim($this->emailTo($row, $emailWhich));
             $tos = explode(',', $to);
             $cleanTo = true;
             foreach ($tos as &$email) {
                 $email = trim($email);
                 if (!(JMailHelper::cleanAddress($email) && FabrikWorker::isEmail($email))) {
                     $cleanTo = false;
             if ($cleanTo) {
                 if (count($tos) > 1) {
                     $to = $tos;
                 $thisSubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thisMessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 if ($eval) {
                     $thisMessage = @eval($thisMessage);
                     FabrikWorker::logEval($thisMessage, 'Caught exception on eval in updatecol::process() : %s');
                 $mail = JFactory::getMailer();
                 $res = $mail->sendMail($from, $fromName, $to, $thisSubject, $thisMessage, true);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
Пример #13
 function onAfterProcess(&$params, &$formModel)
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $config_userpass = $params->get('username') . ':' . $params->get('password');
     $endpoint = $params->get('endpoint');
     $headers = array('Content-Type: application/xml', 'Accept: application/xml');
     $endpoint = $params->get('endpoint');
     $endpoint = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($endpoint);
     // Here we set up CURL to grab the data from Unfuddle
     $chandle = curl_init();
     $ticket = new SimpleXMLElement("<ticket></ticket>");
     $ignore = array('trkr_tickets___id');
     if ($formModel->_origRowId == 0) {
         $ingore[] = 'id';
     /*foreach($formModel->_formData as $key => $val){
     			if ($formModel->hasElement($key) && !in_array($key, $ignore)) {
     				if (is_array($val)) {
     					$val = implode(',', $val);
     				$ticket->addChild($key, $val);
     * $ticket = new SimpleXMLElement("<ticket></ticket>");
     		//$ticket->addChild('assignee-id',  $this->config['default_assignee']);
     		//$ticket->addChild('component-id', $data['component']);
     		//$ticket->addChild('description',  $data['description']);
     		$ticket->addChild('milestone-id', 47420);
     		//$ticket->addChild('priority',     $data['priority']);
     		//$ticket->addChild('severity-id',  $data['severity']);
     		$ticket->addChild('status',       'new');
     		$ticket->addChild('summary',      'test REST API from fabrik');
     $include = array('milestone-id', 'status', 'summary');
     foreach ($include as $i) {
         echo "{$i} = " . $formModel->_formData[$i] . "<br>";
         $ticket->addChild($i, $formModel->_formData[$i]);
     $output = $ticket->asXML();
     foreach ($curl_options as $key => $value) {
         curl_setopt($chandle, $key, $value);
     $output = curl_exec($chandle);
     $httpCode = curl_getinfo($chandle, CURLINFO_HTTP_CODE);
     echo $httpCode . " : ";
     switch ($httpCode) {
         case '400':
             echo "Bad Request";
         case '401':
             echo "Unauthorized";
         case '404':
             echo "Not found";
         case '405':
             echo "Method Not Allowed";
         case '406':
             echo "Not Acceptable";
         case '415':
             echo "Unsupported Media Type";
         case '500':
             echo "Internal Server Error";
     if (curl_errno($chandle)) {
         die("ERROR: " . curl_error($chandle));
Пример #14
  * Get fields to update/insert
  * @param   bool  $upsertRowExists
  * @return  array
 protected function upsertData($upsertRowExists = false)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $upsertDb = $this->getDb();
     $upsert = json_decode($params->get('upsert_fields'));
     $fields = array();
     /** @var FabrikFEModelForm $formModel */
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     if ($formModel->isNewRecord() || !$upsertRowExists) {
         if ($params->get('upsert_pk_or_fk', 'pk') == 'fk') {
             $row_value = $params->get('row_value', '');
             if ($row_value == '{origid}') {
                 $fk = FabrikString::safeColName($params->get('primary_key'));
                 $rowId = $formModel->getInsertId();
                 $fields[] = $fk . ' = ' . $upsertDb->q($rowId);
     for ($i = 0; $i < count($upsert->upsert_key); $i++) {
         $k = FabrikString::shortColName($upsert->upsert_key[$i]);
         $k = $upsertDb->qn($k);
         $v = $upsert->upsert_value[$i];
         $v = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($v, $this->data);
         if ($upsert->upsert_eval_value[$i] === '1') {
             $res = FabrikHelperHTML::isDebug() ? eval($v) : @eval($v);
             FabrikWorker::logEval($res, 'Eval exception : upsert : ' . $v . ' : %s');
             $v = $res;
         if ($v == '') {
             $v = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($upsert->upsert_default[$i], $this->data);
          * $$$ hugh - permit the use of expressions, by putting the value in parens, with option use
          * of double :: to provide a default for new row (rowid is empty).  This default is seperate from
          * the simple default used above, which is predicated on value being empty.  So simple usage
          * might be ..
          * (counter+1::0)
          * ... if you want to increment a 'counter' field.  Or you might use a subquery, like ...
          * ((SELECT foo FROM other_table WHERE fk_id = {rowid})::'foo default')
         if (!preg_match('#^\\((.*)\\)$#', $v)) {
             $v = $upsertDb->q($v);
         } else {
             $matches = array();
             preg_match('#^\\((.*)\\)$#', $v, $matches);
             $v = $matches[1];
             $v = explode('::', $v);
             if (count($v) == 1) {
                 $v = $v[0];
             } else {
                 if ($formModel->isNewRecord()) {
                     $v = $v[1];
                 } else {
                     $v = $v[0];
         $fields[] = $k . ' = ' . $v;
     return $fields;
Пример #15
 public function doEmail($tableModel)
     $app =& JFactory::getApplication();
     if (!$this->_upload()) {
         return false;
     $tableModel->setId(JRequest::getInt('id', 0));
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $this->_type = 'table';
     $params =& $tableModel->getParams();
     $to = JRequest::getVar('email_to');
     $renderOrder = JRequest::getInt('renderOrder');
     $merge_emails = $params->get('emailtable_mergemessages', 0);
     if (is_array($merge_emails)) {
         $merge_emails = (int) JArrayHelper::getValue($merge_emails, $renderOrder, 0);
     $toHow = $params->get('emailtable_to_how', 'single');
     if (is_array($toHow)) {
         $toHow = JArrayHelper::getValue($toHow, $renderOrder, 'single');
     $toType = $params->get('emailtable_to_type', 'list');
     if (is_array($toType)) {
         $toType = JArrayHelper::getValue($toType, $renderOrder, 'list');
     if ($toType == 'list') {
         $to = str_replace('.', '___', $to);
     } else {
         if (is_array($to)) {
             // $$$ hugh - if using a table selection type, allow specifying a default in
             // the "emailtable_to" field.
             if ($toType != 'field') {
                 $emailtable_to = $params->get('emailtable_to', '');
                 if (is_array($emailtable_to)) {
                     $emailtable_to = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailtable_to, $renderOrder, '');
                 if (!empty($emailtable_to)) {
                     if (!in_array($emailtable_to, $to)) {
                         $to[] = $emailtable_to;
             $to = implode(',', $to);
     $fromUser = $params->get('emailtable_from_user');
     if (is_array($fromUser)) {
         $fromUser = JArrayHelper::getValue($fromUser, $renderOrder, '');
     $emailTemplate = $params->get('emailtable_template', '');
     if (is_array($emailTemplate)) {
         $emailTemplate = JArrayHelper::getValue($emailTemplate, $renderOrder, '');
     if (!empty($emailTemplate)) {
         $emailTemplate = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . DS . 'components' . DS . 'com_fabrik' . DS . 'plugins' . DS . 'table' . DS . 'emailtable' . DS . 'tmpl' . DS . $emailTemplate);
     $contentTemplate = $params->get('emailtable_template_content', '');
     if (is_array($contentTemplate)) {
         $contentTemplate = JArrayHelper::getValue($contentTemplate, $renderOrder, '');
     if ($contentTemplate != '') {
         $content = $this->_getConentTemplate($contentTemplate);
     } else {
         $content = '';
     $php_msg = false;
     if (JFile::exists($emailTemplate)) {
         if (JFile::getExt($emailTemplate) == 'php') {
             // $message = $this->_getPHPTemplateEmail($emailTemplate);
             $message = '';
             $php_msg = true;
         } else {
             $message = $this->_getTemplateEmail($emailTemplate);
         $message = str_replace('{content}', $content, $message);
     } else {
         if ($contentTemplate != '') {
             $message = $content;
         } else {
             $message = '';
     $subject = JRequest::getVar('subject');
     $cover_message = JRequest::getVar('message', '', 'post', 'string', 4);
     $old_style = false;
     if (empty($message) && !$php_msg) {
         $old_style = true;
         //$message = $cover_message;
     $recordids = explode(',', JRequest::getVar('recordids'));
     $data = $this->getRecords('recordids', true);
     if ($fromUser) {
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
         $email_from = $my->get('email');
         // $$$ rob - erm $ ema isn't used anywhere - do we need it?????
         $fromname = $my->get('name');
     } else {
         $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $email_from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
     $cc = null;
     $bcc = null;
     $sent = 0;
     $notsent = 0;
     $updated = array();
     $merged_msg = '';
     $first_row = array();
     foreach ($data as $group) {
         foreach ($group as $row) {
             if ($merge_emails) {
                 if (empty($first_row)) {
                     $first_row = $row;
                     // used for placeholders in subject when merging mail
                 $thismsg = '';
                 if ($old_style) {
                     $thismsg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($cover_message, $row);
                 } else {
                     if ($php_msg) {
                         $thismsg = $this->_getPHPTemplateEmail($emailTemplate, $row, $tableModel);
                     } else {
                         $thismsg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($message, $row);
                 $merged_msg .= $thismsg;
                 $updated[] = $row->__pk_val;
             } else {
                 if ($toType == 'list') {
                     $process = isset($row->{$to});
                     $mailto = $row->{$to};
                 } else {
                     $process = true;
                     $mailto = $to;
                 if ($process) {
                     $res = false;
                     $mailtos = explode(',', $mailto);
                     if ($toHow == 'single') {
                         foreach ($mailtos as $tokey => $thisto) {
                             $thisto = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($thisto, $row);
                             if (!JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($thisto)) {
                             } else {
                                 $mailtos[$tokey] = $thisto;
                         if ($notsent > 0) {
                             $mailtos = array_values($mailtos);
                         $sent = sizeof($mailtos);
                         if ($sent > 0) {
                             $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                             $thismsg = '';
                             $thismsg = $cover_message;
                             if (!$old_style) {
                                 if ($php_msg) {
                                     $thismsg .= $this->_getPHPTemplateEmail($emailTemplate, $row, $tableModel);
                                 } else {
                                     $thismsg .= $message;
                             $thismsg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($thismsg, $row);
                             $res = JUtility::sendMail($email_from, $fromname, $mailtos, $thissubject, $thismsg, 1, $cc, $bcc, $this->filepath);
                     } else {
                         foreach ($mailtos as $mailto) {
                             $mailto = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($mailto, $row);
                             if (JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($mailto)) {
                                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                                 $thismsg = '';
                                 $thismsg = $cover_message;
                                 if (!$old_style) {
                                     if ($php_msg) {
                                         $thismsg .= $this->_getPHPTemplateEmail($emailTemplate, $row, $tableModel);
                                     } else {
                                         $thismsg .= $message;
                                 $thismsg = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($thismsg, $row);
                                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($email_from, $fromname, $mailto, $thissubject, $thismsg, 1, $cc, $bcc, $this->filepath);
                                 if ($res) {
                                 } else {
                             } else {
                     if ($res) {
                         $updated[] = $row->__pk_val;
                 } else {
     if ($merge_emails) {
         // arbitrarily use first row for placeholders
         if ($toType == 'list') {
             $mailto = $first_row->{$to};
         } else {
             $mailto = $to;
         $thistos = explode(',', $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($mailto, $first_row));
         $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceHolder($subject, $first_row);
         $preamble = $params->get('emailtable_message_preamble', '');
         $preamble = is_array($preamble) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($preamble, $renderOrder, '') : $preamble;
         $postamble = $params->get('emailtable_message_postamble', '');
         $postamble = is_array($postamble) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($postamble, $renderOrder, '') : $postamble;
         $merged_msg = $preamble . $merged_msg . $postamble;
         if (!$old_style) {
             $merged_msg = $cover_message . $merged_msg;
         if ($toHow == 'single') {
             foreach ($thistos as $tokey => $thisto) {
                 $thisto = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($thisto, $first_row);
                 if (!JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($thisto)) {
                 } else {
                     $mailtos[$tokey] = $thisto;
             if ($notsent > 0) {
                 $thistos = array_values($thistos);
             $sent = sizeof($thistos);
             if ($sent > 0) {
                 $res = JUTility::sendMail($email_from, $fromname, $thistos, $thissubject, $merged_msg, true, $cc, $bcc, $this->filepath);
         } else {
             foreach ($thistos as $thisto) {
                 if (JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($thisto)) {
                     $res = JUTility::sendMail($email_from, $fromname, $thisto, $thissubject, $merged_msg, true, $cc, $bcc, $this->filepath);
                     if ($res) {
                     } else {
                 } else {
     $updateField = $params->get('emailtable_update_field');
     $updateField = is_array($updateField) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($updateField, $renderOrder, '') : $updateField;
     if (!empty($updateField) && !empty($updated)) {
         $updateVal = $params->get('emailtable_update_value');
         $updateVal = is_array($updateVal) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($updateVal, $renderOrder, '') : $updateVal;
         $tableModel->updateRows($updated, $updateField, $updateVal);
     // $$$ hugh - added second update field for Bea
     $updateField = $params->get('emailtable_update_field2');
     $updateField = is_array($updateField) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($updateField, $renderOrder, '') : $updateField;
     if (!empty($updateField) && !empty($updated)) {
         $updateVal = $params->get('emailtable_update_value2');
         $updateVal = is_array($updateVal) ? JArrayHelper::getValue($updateVal, $renderOrder, '') : $updateVal;
         $tableModel->updateRows($updated, $updateField, $updateVal);
     $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('%s emails sent', $sent));
     if ($notsent != 0) {
         JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, JText::sprintf('%s emails not sent', $notsent));
Пример #16
 private function _render($watch, $data = array(), $format = 'table', $repeatCounter = 0)
     // http://www.google.com/ig/api?weather=,,,34739300,-86624100
     $id = $this->getHTMLId($repeatCounter);
     $params =& $this->getParams();
     $watch_type = $params->get('fabrikweather_watch_type', 'map');
     $temp_scale = $params->get('fabrikweather_temp_scale', 'f');
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $city = $params->get('fabrikweather_city', '');
     $city = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($city, $data);
     $language = $params->get('fabrikweather_language', 'en');
     $is_night = false;
     if ($watch_type == 'map') {
         $o = $this->_strToCoords($watch);
         $lat = (double) trim($o->coords[0]);
         $glat = sprintf("%8d", $lat * 1000000);
         $lon = (double) trim($o->coords[1]);
         $glon = sprintf("%8d", $lon * 1000000);
         $weather = "{$glat},{$glon}";
         $is_night = $this->_isNight($lat, $lon);
     } else {
         $weather = $city;
     $custom_slug = $params->get('fabrikweather_class_prefix', 'fabrikweather');
     if (!empty($custom_slug) && JFile::exists(COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'components/com_fabrik/plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/weather.css')) {
         FabrikHelperHTML::stylesheet('weather.css', 'components/com_fabrik/plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/');
     } else {
         FabrikHelperHTML::stylesheet('weather.css', 'components/com_fabrik/plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/fabrikweather/');
     if (!empty($custom_slug) && JFile::exists(COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/render.php')) {
         require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/render.php';
     } else {
         require_once COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/fabrikweather/render.php';
     $render = new fabrikWeatherRender();
     if (!empty($custom_slug) && JFolder::exists(COM_FABRIK_FRONTEND . DS . 'plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/icons')) {
         $render->setIconPath('plugins/element/fabrikweather/assets/' . $custom_slug . '/icons');
     } else {
     if (!$render->getWeatherXml($weather, $watch_type, $language)) {
     if ($format == 'table') {
         $html = $render->getTableHtml($id, $city);
     } else {
         $html = $render->getFormHtml($id, $city);
     return $html;
Пример #17
 public function doEmail()
     $listModel = $this->listModel;
     $app = JFactory::getApplication();
     if (!$this->_upload()) {
         return false;
     $listModel->setId(JRequest::getInt('id', 0));
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $config = JFactory::getConfig();
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $to = JRequest::getVar('order_by');
     $renderOrder = JRequest::getInt('renderOrder');
     $toType = $params->get('emailtable_to_type', 'list');
     $fromUser = $params->get('emailtable_from_user');
     if ($toType == 'list') {
         $to = str_replace('.', '___', $to);
     $subject = JRequest::getVar('subject');
     $message = JRequest::getVar('message', '', 'post', 'string', 4);
     $data = $this->getRecords('recordids', true);
     if ($fromUser) {
         $my = JFactory::getUser();
         $from = $my->get('email');
         $fromname = $my->get('name');
     } else {
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
     $email_from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
     $cc = null;
     $bcc = null;
     $sent = 0;
     $notsent = 0;
     $updated = array();
     foreach ($data as $group) {
         foreach ($group as $row) {
             if ($toType == 'list') {
                 $process = isset($row->{$to});
                 $mailto = $row->{$to};
             } else {
                 $process = true;
                 $mailto = $to;
             if ($process) {
                 $mailtos = explode(',', $mailto);
                 foreach ($mailtos as $mailto) {
                     $mailto = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($mailto, $row);
                     if (JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($mailto)) {
                         $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                         $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                         $res = JUtility::sendMail($email_from, $email_from, $mailto, $thissubject, $thismessage, 1, $cc, $bcc, $this->filepath);
                         if ($res) {
                         } else {
                     } else {
                 if ($res) {
                     $updated[] = $row->__pk_val;
             } else {
     if (!empty($updated)) {
         $updateField = $params->get('emailtable_update_field');
         $updateVal = $params->get('emailtable_update_value');
         $listModel->updateRows($updated, $updateField, $updateVal);
     $app->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('PLG_LIST_EMAIL_N_SENT', $sent));
     if ($notsent != 0) {
         JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, JText::sprintf('PLG_LIST_EMAIL_N_NOT_SENT', $notsent));
Пример #18
 function downloadEmail(&$row, $filepath)
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $email_to = $params->get('fu_download_email', '');
     if (!empty($email_to)) {
         JError::setErrorHandling(E_ALL, 'ignore');
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         $email_to = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($email_to, JArrayHelper::fromObject($row), false);
         $config = JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
         $msg = JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_EMAIL_MSG') . "<br />\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_FILENAME') . ': ' . $filepath . "<br />\n";
         $user = JFactory::getUser();
         $msg .= JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_BY') . ': ' . ($user->get('id') == 0 ? 'guest' : $user->get('username')) . "<br />\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_FROM') . ': ' . JRequest::getVar('REMOTE_ADDR', '', 'server') . "<br />\n";
         $msg .= JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_ON') . ': ' . date(DATE_RFC822) . "<br />\n";
         $subject = JText::_('PLG_ELEMENT_FILEUPLOAD_DOWNLOAD_EMAIL_SUBJECT') . ' :: ' . $config->getValue('sitename');
         foreach (explode(',', $email_to) as $to) {
             $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $to, $subject, $msg, true);
Пример #19
 function doemail()
     global $mainframe;
     $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
     $folder = '';
     $filepaths = array();
     $attached = 0;
     $notattached = 0;
     foreach (JRequest::get('FILES') as $elname => $file) {
         if ($file['name'] != '') {
             if ($folder == '') {
                 $folder = $config->getValue('config.tmp_path') . DS . uniqid('com_fabrik.plg.table.emailtableplus.');
                 if (!JFolder::create($folder)) {
                     JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, JText::_('Could not upload files'));
             $filepath = $folder . DS . JFile::makeSafe($file['name']);
             if (JFile::upload($file['tmp_name'], $filepath)) {
                 $filepaths[count($filepaths)] = $filepath;
             } else {
                 JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, JText::sprintf('Could not upload file %s', $file['name']));
     $renderOrder = JRequest::getInt('renderOrder', 0);
     $subject = JMailHelper::cleanSubject(JRequest::getVar('subject'));
     $message = JMailHelper::cleanBody(JRequest::getVar('message'));
     $recordids = explode(',', JRequest::getVar('recordids'));
     $tableModel =& $this->getModel('Table');
     $tableModel->setId(JRequest::getVar('id', 0));
     $formModel =& $tableModel->getForm();
     $this->formModel =& $formModel;
     $params =& $tableModel->getParams();
     $elementModel =& JModel::getInstance('element', 'FabrikModel');
     $field_name = $params->get('emailtableplus_field_name');
     if (is_array($field_name)) {
         $field_name = $field_name[$renderOrder];
     $element =& $elementModel->getElement(true);
     $tonamefield = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
     $field_email = $params->get('emailtableplus_field_email');
     if (is_array($field_email)) {
         $field_email = $field_email[$renderOrder];
     $element =& $elementModel->getElement(true);
     $tofield = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
     $fromUser = $params->get('emailtableplus_from_user');
     if (is_array($fromUser)) {
         $fromUser = $fromUser[$renderOrder];
     if ($fromUser[0]) {
         $my =& JFactory::getUser();
         $from = $my->get('email');
         $fromname = $my->get('name');
     } else {
         $config =& JFactory::getConfig();
         $from = $config->getValue('mailfrom');
         $fromname = $config->getValue('fromname');
     $ubcc = $params->get('emailtableplus_use_BCC');
     if (is_array($ubcc)) {
         $ubcc = $ubcc[$renderOrder];
     $useBCC = $ubcc && count($recordids) > 0 && !preg_match('/{[^}]*}/', $subject) && !preg_match('/{[^}]*}/', $message);
     $include_rowdata = $params->get('emailtableplus_include_rowdata');
     if (is_array($include_rowdata)) {
     	$include_rowdata = $include_rowdata[$renderOrder];
     $sent = 0;
     $notsent = 0;
     if ($useBCC) {
         $bcc = array();
         foreach ($recordids as $id) {
             $row = $tableModel->getRow($id);
             //$message .= $this->_getTextEmail( JArrayHelper::fromObject($row));
             $to = $row->{$tofield};
             $toname = $row->{$tonamefield};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 $tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 $bcc[$sent] = $tofull;
             } else {
         // $$$ hugh - working round bug in the SMTP mailer method:
         // http://forum.joomla.org/viewtopic.php?f=199&t=530189&p=2190233#p2190233
         // ... which basically means if using the SMTP method, we MUST specify a To addrees,
         // so if mailer is smtp, we'll set the To address to the same as From address
         if ($config->getValue('mailer') == 'smtp') {
             $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $from, $subject, $message, 0, null, $bcc, $filepaths);
         } else {
             $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, null, $subject, $message, 0, null, $bcc, $filepaths);
         if (!$res) {
             $notsent += $sent;
             $sent = 0;
     } else {
         $w = new FabrikWorker();
         foreach ($recordids as $id) {
             $row = $tableModel->getRow($id);
             $to = $row->{$tofield};
             $toname = $row->{$tonamefield};
             if (JMailHelper::cleanAddress($to) && JMailHelper::isEmailAddress($to)) {
                 $tofull = '"' . JMailHelper::cleanLine($toname) . '" <' . $to . '>';
                 $thissubject = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($subject, $row);
                 $thismessage = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $row);
                 $res = JUtility::sendMail($from, $fromname, $tofull, $thissubject, $thismessage, 0, null, null, $filepaths);
                 if ($res) {
                 } else {
             } else {
     if ($folder != '') {
     if ($attached > 0) {
         $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('%s files attached', $attached));
     $mainframe->enqueueMessage(JText::sprintf('%s emails sent', $sent));
     if ($notsent != 0) {
         JError::raiseWarning(E_NOTICE, JText::sprintf('%s emails not sent', $notsent));
Пример #20
  * Process the plugin, called when form is submitted
  * @return  bool
 public function onAfterProcess()
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $ftpTemplate = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/fabrik_form/ftp/tmpl/' . $params->get('ftp_template', ''));
     $this->data = $this->getProcessData();
     if (!$this->shouldProcess('ftp_conditon', null, $params)) {
     $contentTemplate = $params->get('ftp_template_content');
     $content = $contentTemplate != '' ? $this->_getContentTemplate($contentTemplate) : '';
     if (JFile::exists($ftpTemplate)) {
         if (JFile::getExt($ftpTemplate) == 'php') {
             $message = $this->_getPHPTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
             if ($message === false) {
         } else {
             $message = $this->_getTemplateFtp($ftpTemplate);
         $message = str_replace('{content}', $content, $message);
     } else {
         $message = $contentTemplate != '' ? $content : $this->_getTextFtp();
     $cc = null;
     $bcc = null;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     // $$$ hugh - test stripslashes(), should be safe enough.
     $message = stripslashes($message);
     $editURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=form&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $viewURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . "index.php?option=com_fabrik&amp;view=details&amp;fabrik=" . $formModel->get('id') . "&amp;rowid=" . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $editLink = "<a href=\"{$editURL}\">" . FText::_('EDIT') . "</a>";
     $viewLink = "<a href=\"{$viewURL}\">" . FText::_('VIEW') . "</a>";
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editlink}', $editLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewlink}', $viewLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editurl}', $editURL, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewurl}', $viewURL, $message);
     $ftpFileName = $params->get('ftp_filename', '');
     $ftpFileName = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($ftpFileName, $this->data, false);
     $ftpEvalFileName = (int) $params->get('ftp_eval_filename', '0');
     if ($ftpEvalFileName) {
         $ftpFileName = @eval($ftpFileName);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($ftpEvalFileName, 'Caught exception on eval in ftp filename eval : %s');
     if (empty($ftpFileName)) {
         $ftpFileName = 'fabrik_ftp_' . md5(uniqid()) . '.txt';
     $ftpHost = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_host', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpPort = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_port', '21'), $this->data, false);
     $ftpChDir = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_chdir', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpUser = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_user', ''), $this->data, false);
     $ftpPassword = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('ftp_password', ''), $this->data, false);
     $tmpDir = rtrim($this->config->getValue('config.tmp_path'), '/');
     if (empty($tmpDir) || !JFolder::exists($tmpDir)) {
         throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_NO_JOOMLA_TEMP_DIR', 500);
     $tmpFile = $tmpDir . '/fabrik_ftp_' . md5(uniqid());
     $message = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $this->data, true, false);
     if (JFile::write($tmpFile, $message)) {
         $conn_id = ftp_connect($ftpHost, $ftpPort);
         if ($conn_id) {
             if (@ftp_login($conn_id, $ftpUser, $ftpPassword)) {
                 if (!empty($ftpChDir)) {
                     if (!ftp_chdir($conn_id, $ftpChDir)) {
                         $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CHDIR'), 'notice');
                         return false;
                 if (!ftp_put($conn_id, $ftpFileName, $tmpFile, FTP_ASCII)) {
                     $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_SEND_FILE'), 'notice');
                     return false;
             } else {
                 $this->app->enqueueMessage(FText::_('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_LOGIN'), 'notice');
                 return false;
         } else {
             throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_CONNECT', 500);
             return false;
     } else {
         throw new RuntimeException('PLG_FORM_FTP_COULD_NOT_WRITE_TEMP_FILE', 500);
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #21
  * add attachments to the email
 function addAttachments($params)
     //get attachments
     $pluginManager = FabrikWorker::getPluginManager();
     $data = $this->getEmailData();
     $groups = $this->formModel->getGroupsHiarachy();
     foreach ($groups as $groupModel) {
         $elementModels = $groupModel->getPublishedElements();
         foreach ($elementModels as $elementModel) {
             $elName = $elementModel->getFullName(false, true, false);
             if (array_key_exists($elName, $this->data)) {
                 if (method_exists($elementModel, 'addEmailAttachement')) {
                     if (array_key_exists($elName . '_raw', $data)) {
                         $val = $data[$elName . '_raw'];
                     } else {
                         $val = $data[$elName];
                     if (is_array($val)) {
                         $val = implode(',', $val);
                     $aVals = FabrikWorker::JSONtoData($val, true);
                     foreach ($aVals as $v) {
                         $file = $elementModel->addEmailAttachement($v);
                         if ($file !== false) {
                             $this->_aAttachments[] = $file;
     // $$$ hugh - added an optional eval for adding attachments.
     // Eval'ed code should just return an array of file paths which we merge with $this->_aAttachments[]
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $email_attach_eval = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($params->get('email_attach_eval', ''), $this->data, false);
     if (!empty($email_attach_eval)) {
         $email_attach_array = @eval($email_attach_eval);
         FabrikWorker::logEval($email_attach_array, 'Caught exception on eval in email email_attach_eval : %s');
         if (!empty($email_attach_array)) {
             $this->_aAttachments = array_merge($this->_aAttachments, $email_attach_array);
Пример #22
  * Create the article content
  * @return string
 protected function buildContent()
     $images = $this->images();
     $formModel = $this->getModel();
     $input = $this->app->input;
     $params = $this->getParams();
     $template = JPath::clean(JPATH_SITE . '/plugins/fabrik_form/article/tmpl/' . $params->get('template', ''));
     $contentTemplate = $params->get('template_content');
     $content = $contentTemplate != '' ? $this->_getContentTemplate($contentTemplate) : '';
     $messageTemplate = '';
     if (JFile::exists($template)) {
         $messageTemplate = JFile::getExt($template) == 'php' ? $this->_getPHPTemplateEmail($template) : $this->_getTemplateEmail($template);
         if ($content !== '') {
             $messageTemplate = str_replace('{content}', $messageTemplate, $content);
     $message = '';
     if (!empty($messageTemplate)) {
         $message = $messageTemplate;
     } elseif (!empty($content)) {
         // Joomla article template:
         $message = $content;
     $message = stripslashes($message);
     $editURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'index.php?option=com_' . $this->package . '&amp;view=form&amp;formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&amp;rowid=' . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $viewURL = COM_FABRIK_LIVESITE . 'index.php?option=com_' . $this->package . '&amp;view=details&amp;formid=' . $formModel->get('id') . '&amp;rowid=' . $input->get('rowid', '', 'string');
     $editLink = '<a href="' . $editURL . '">' . FText::_('EDIT') . '</a>';
     $viewLink = '<a href="' . $viewURL . '">' . FText::_('VIEW') . '</a>';
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editlink}', $editLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewlink}', $viewLink, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_editurl}', $editURL, $message);
     $message = str_replace('{fabrik_viewurl}', $viewURL, $message);
     foreach ($images as $key => $val) {
         $this->data[$key] = $val;
     $w = new FabrikWorker();
     $output = $w->parseMessageForPlaceholder($message, $this->data, true);
     return $output;