Пример #1
  * @see FWS_Document_Renderer_HTML_Default::header()
 protected function header()
     $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
     $cfg = FWS_Props::get()->cfg();
     $versions = FWS_Props::get()->versions();
     $functions = FWS_Props::get()->functions();
     $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
     // show page header
     $tpl->add_variables(array('cookie_domain' => TDL_COOKIE_DOMAIN, 'cookie_path' => TDL_COOKIE_PATH, 'charset' => 'charset=' . TDL_HTML_CHARSET));
     $projects = array(0 => $locale->_('- All Projects -'));
     foreach ($versions as $vdata) {
         if (!isset($projects[$vdata['project_id']])) {
             $projects[$vdata['project_id']] = $vdata['project_name'];
     $form = new FWS_HTML_Formular(false);
     $project_combo = $form->get_combobox('selected_project', $projects, $cfg['project_id']);
     $tpl->add_variables(array('project_id' => $cfg['project_id'], 'location' => $this->get_breadcrumb_links('tl_body'), 'change_selected_project_url' => $functions->get_current_url(), 'action_type' => TDL_ACTION_CHANGE_SEL_PROJECT, 'selected_project_combo' => $project_combo));
Пример #2
     * @see FWS_Module::run()
    public function run()
        $input = FWS_Props::get()->input();
        $functions = FWS_Props::get()->functions();
        $cfg = FWS_Props::get()->cfg();
        $cats = FWS_Props::get()->cats();
        $versions = FWS_Props::get()->versions();
        $db = FWS_Props::get()->db();
        $tpl = FWS_Props::get()->tpl();
        $user = FWS_Props::get()->user();
        $locale = FWS_Props::get()->locale();
        $s_keyword = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_KEYWORD, 'get');
        $s_from_changed_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_FROM_CHANGED_DATE, 'get');
        $s_to_changed_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_TO_CHANGED_DATE, 'get');
        $s_from_start_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_FROM_START_DATE, 'get');
        $s_to_start_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_TO_START_DATE, 'get');
        $s_from_fixed_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_FROM_FIXED_DATE, 'get');
        $s_to_fixed_date = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_TO_FIXED_DATE, 'get');
        $s_type = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_TYPE, 'get', '');
        $s_priority = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_PRIORITY, 'get', '');
        $s_status = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_STATUS, 'get', '');
        $s_category = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_S_CATEGORY, 'get');
        $t_from_changed = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_from_changed_date);
        $t_to_changed = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_to_changed_date, 23, 59, 59);
        $t_from_start = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_from_start_date);
        $t_to_start = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_to_start_date, 23, 59, 59);
        $t_from_fixed = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_from_fixed_date);
        $t_to_fixed = $functions->get_date_from_string($s_to_fixed_date, 23, 59, 59);
        $form = new FWS_HTML_Formular(false);
        $s_type_combo = $form->get_combobox(TDL_URL_S_TYPE, $functions->get_types(true), $s_type);
        $s_priority_combo = $form->get_combobox(TDL_URL_S_PRIORITY, $functions->get_priorities(true), $s_priority);
        $s_status_combo = $form->get_combobox(TDL_URL_S_STATUS, $functions->get_states(true), $s_status);
        $category_options = array('' => $locale->_('- All -'));
        if ($cfg['project_id'] != 0) {
            $cat_rows = $cats->get_elements_with(array('project_id' => $cfg['project_id']));
        } else {
            $cat_rows = $cats->get_elements_with(array());
        foreach ($cat_rows as $row) {
            $project = $versions->get_element_with(array('project_id' => $row['project_id']));
            $category_options[$row['id']] = $project['project_name_short'] . ' :: ' . $row['category_name'];
        $s_category_combo = $form->get_combobox(TDL_URL_S_CATEGORY, $category_options, $s_category);
        $search_display_value = $input->get_var(TDL_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'display_search_form', 'cookie', FWS_Input::INT_BOOL);
        $where = ' WHERE ';
        if ($cfg['project_id'] != 0) {
            $where .= ' e.project_id = ' . $cfg['project_id'] . ' AND ';
        if ($s_keyword != '') {
            $where .= " (LOWER(e.entry_title) LIKE LOWER('%" . $s_keyword . "%') OR";
            $where .= " LOWER(e.entry_description) LIKE LOWER('%" . $s_keyword . "%')) AND ";
        if ($s_type != '') {
            $where .= " e.entry_type = '" . $s_type . "' AND ";
        if ($s_priority != '') {
            $where .= " e.entry_priority = '" . $s_priority . "' AND ";
        if ($s_status != '') {
            $where .= " e.entry_status = '" . $s_status . "' AND ";
        if ($s_category != '') {
            $where .= " e.entry_category = " . $s_category . " AND ";
        if ($t_from_changed) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_changed_date >= ' . $t_from_changed . ' AND ';
        if ($t_to_changed) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_changed_date <= ' . $t_to_changed . ' AND ';
        if ($t_from_start) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_start_date >= ' . $t_from_start . ' AND ';
        if ($t_to_start) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_start_date <= ' . $t_to_start . ' AND ';
        if ($t_from_fixed) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_fixed_date >= ' . $t_from_fixed . ' AND ';
        if ($t_to_fixed) {
            $where .= ' e.entry_fixed_date <= ' . $t_to_fixed . ' AND ';
        if (FWS_String::substr($where, -5) == ' AND ') {
            $where = FWS_String::substr($where, 0, -5);
        } else {
            $where = FWS_String::substr($where, 0, -7);
        $order = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_ORDER, 'get', 'changed');
        $base_url = new TDL_URL();
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_KEYWORD, $s_keyword);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_CATEGORY, $s_category);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_PRIORITY, $s_priority);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_TYPE, $s_type);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_STATUS, $s_status);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_FROM_CHANGED_DATE, $s_from_changed_date);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_FROM_START_DATE, $s_from_start_date);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_FROM_FIXED_DATE, $s_from_fixed_date);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_TO_CHANGED_DATE, $s_to_changed_date);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_TO_START_DATE, $s_to_start_date);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_S_TO_FIXED_DATE, $s_to_fixed_date);
        $num = $db->get_row_count(TDL_TB_ENTRIES . ' e', 'e.id', ' LEFT JOIN ' . TDL_TB_CATEGORIES . ' c ON entry_category = c.id ' . $where);
        $site = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_SITE, 'get');
        $order_url = clone $base_url;
        $order_url->set(TDL_URL_SITE, $site);
        $tpl->add_variables(array('num' => $num, 'date_comps' => $locale->get_date_order(), 'search_target' => $input->get_var('PHP_SELF', 'server', FWS_Input::STRING), 'cookie_name' => TDL_COOKIE_PREFIX . 'display_search_form', 'search_display_value' => $search_display_value == 1 ? 'block' : 'none', 's_keyword_param' => TDL_URL_S_KEYWORD, 's_from_start_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_FROM_START_DATE, 's_to_start_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_TO_START_DATE, 's_from_fixed_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_FROM_FIXED_DATE, 's_to_fixed_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_TO_FIXED_DATE, 's_from_changed_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_FROM_CHANGED_DATE, 's_to_changed_date_param' => TDL_URL_S_TO_CHANGED_DATE, 's_keyword' => stripslashes($s_keyword), 's_from_changed_date' => $s_from_changed_date, 's_to_changed_date' => $s_to_changed_date, 's_from_start_date' => $s_from_start_date, 's_to_start_date' => $s_to_start_date, 's_from_fixed_date' => $s_from_fixed_date, 's_to_fixed_date' => $s_to_fixed_date, 's_type_combo' => $s_type_combo, 's_priority_combo' => $s_priority_combo, 's_status_combo' => $s_status_combo, 's_category_combo' => $s_category_combo, 'type_col' => $functions->get_order_column($locale->_('Type'), 'type', 'ASC', $order, $order_url), 'title_col' => $functions->get_order_column($locale->_('Title'), 'title', 'ASC', $order, $order_url), 'project_col' => $functions->get_order_column($locale->_('Project'), 'project', 'ASC', $order, $order_url), 'start_col' => $functions->get_order_column($locale->_('Start'), 'start', 'DESC', $order, $order_url), 'fixed_col' => $functions->get_order_column($locale->_('Fixed'), 'fixed', 'DESC', $order, $order_url)));
        $ad = $input->get_predef(TDL_URL_AD, 'get', 'DESC');
        switch ($order) {
            case 'type':
                $sql_order = 'e.entry_type ' . $ad . ', e.entry_priority ' . $ad;
            case 'title':
                $sql_order = 'e.entry_title ' . $ad;
            case 'project':
                $sql_order = 'e.project_id ' . $ad . ', e.entry_category ' . $ad;
            case 'start':
                $sql_order = 'e.entry_start_date ' . $ad . ',e.id ' . $ad;
            case 'fixed':
                $sql_order = 'e.entry_fixed_date ' . $ad . ',e.id ' . $ad;
                $sql_order = 'e.entry_changed_date ' . $ad . ',e.id ' . $ad;
        $limit = 20;
        $pagination = new TDL_Pagination($limit, $num);
        $hl = new FWS_KeywordHighlighter(array($s_keyword));
        $entries = array();
        $rows = $db->get_rows('SELECT e.*,c.category_name FROM ' . TDL_TB_ENTRIES . ' e
			 LEFT JOIN ' . TDL_TB_CATEGORIES . ' c ON entry_category = c.id
			 ' . $where . '
			 ORDER BY ' . $sql_order . '
			 LIMIT ' . $pagination->get_start() . ',' . $limit);
        $i = 0;
        foreach ($rows as $data) {
            $type_text = $functions->get_type_text($data['entry_type']);
            $priority_text = $functions->get_priority_text($data['entry_priority']);
            $start_version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_start_version']);
            if ($data['entry_fixed_date'] > 0) {
                if ($data['entry_fixed_version'] > 0) {
                    $fixed_version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_fixed_version']);
                } else {
                    $fixed_version = $versions->get_element($data['entry_start_version']);
            $title = $data['entry_title'];
            if ($s_keyword) {
                $title = $hl->highlight($title);
            $entries[] = array('start_date' => FWS_Date::get_date($data['entry_start_date']), 'start_version' => $start_version['version_name'], 'project_name' => $start_version['project_name'], 'project_name_short' => $start_version['project_name_short'], 'category' => $data['entry_category'] ? $data['category_name'] : '', 'project' => $project, 'fixed_date' => $data['entry_fixed_date'] ? FWS_Date::get_date($data['entry_fixed_date']) : '', 'fixed_version' => $data['entry_fixed_date'] ? $fixed_version['version_name'] : '', 'title' => $title, 'info_link' => $data['entry_info_link'], 'priority' => $data['entry_priority'], 'type' => $data['entry_type'], 'type_text' => $type_text, 'priority_text' => $priority_text, 'image' => $data['entry_description'] != '' ? 'details_available' : 'details_not_available', 'id' => $data['id'], 'status' => $functions->get_status_text($data['entry_status']), 'class' => 'tl_status_' . $data['entry_status'], 'description' => nl2br($data['entry_description']));
        $tpl->add_variable_ref('entries', $entries);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_ORDER, $order);
        $base_url->set(TDL_URL_AD, $ad);
        $edit_base = clone $base_url;
        $edit_base->set(TDL_URL_IDS, '__IDS__');
        $edit_url = clone $edit_base;
        $edit_url->set(TDL_URL_ACTION, 'edit_entry');
        $edit_url->set(TDL_URL_MODE, 'edit');
        $chgstate_url = clone $edit_base;
        $chgstate_url->set(TDL_URL_ACTION, 'change_status');
        $del_url = clone $edit_base;
        $del_url->set(TDL_URL_ACTION, 'ajax_delmsg');
        $del_url->set(TDL_URL_LOC, 'view_entries');
        $tpl->add_variables(array('index' => $i, 'edit_url' => $edit_url->to_url(), 'chgstate_url' => $chgstate_url->to_url(), 'del_url' => $del_url->to_url()));