Пример #1
  * @override
 public function getXHtml($backend = false)
     global $objInit;
     $uploadPath = $this->getUploadPath('jump');
     $tpl = new \Cx\Core\Html\Sigma(ASCMS_CORE_MODULE_PATH . '/Upload/template/uploaders');
     $basePath = 'index.php?';
     $basePath .= $this->isBackendRequest ? 'cmd=Upload&act' : 'section=Upload&cmd';
     //act and cmd vary
     $appletPath = $basePath . '=jumpUploaderApplet';
     $l10nPath = $basePath . '=jumpUploaderL10n';
     if (!$this->isBackendRequest) {
         $langId = $objInit->getFrontendLangId();
     } else {
         $langId = $objInit->getBackendLangId();
     $langCode = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($langId);
     if (!file_exists(ASCMS_CORE_MODULE_PATH . '/Upload/ressources/uploaders/jump/messages_' . $langCode . '.zip')) {
         $langCode = 'en';
     $l10nPath .= '&lang=' . $langCode;
     $tpl->setVariable('UPLOAD_CHUNK_LENGTH', \FWSystem::getMaxUploadFileSize() - 1000);
     $tpl->setVariable('UPLOAD_APPLET_URL', $appletPath);
     $tpl->setVariable('UPLOAD_LANG_URL', $l10nPath);
     $tpl->setVariable('UPLOAD_URL', $uploadPath);
     $tpl->setVariable('UPLOAD_ID', $this->uploadId);
     return $tpl->get();
 private function __construct()
     global $objInit;
     $backOrFrontend = $objInit->mode;
     global $objFWUser;
     if ($backOrFrontend == "frontend") {
         $langId = $objInit->getFrontendLangId();
     } else {
         $langId = $objInit->getBackendLangId();
     $langCode = FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($langId);
     $this->setVariable(array('path' => ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/update/' . $langCode . '/', 'basePath' => ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/update/', 'cadminPath' => ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . ASCMS_BACKEND_PATH . '/', 'mode' => $objInit->mode, 'language' => $langCode), 'contrexx');
     //let i18n set it's variables
     $i18n = new ContrexxJavascriptI18n($langCode);
     //determine the correct jquery ui css' path.
     //the user might have overridden the default css in the theme, so look out for this too.
     $jQUiCssPath = 'themes/' . $objInit->getCurrentThemesPath() . '/jquery-ui.css';
     //customized css would be here
     if ($objInit->mode != 'frontend' || !file_exists(ASCMS_DOCUMENT_ROOT . '/' . $jQUiCssPath)) {
         //use standard css
         $jQUiCssPath = 'lib/javascript/jquery/ui/css/jquery-ui.css';
     $this->setVariable(array('jQueryUiCss' => $jQUiCssPath), 'contrexx-ui');
Пример #3
 public function __construct($langCode = null, $text = '', $type = 'alertbox', $link = '', $linkTarget = '_blank', $showInDashboard = true)
     $this->langCode = $langCode ? $langCode : \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById(LANG_ID);
     $this->text = $text;
     $this->type = $type;
     $this->link = $link;
     $this->linkTarget = $linkTarget;
     $this->showInDashboard = $showInDashboard;
  * Override this to do your representation of the tree.
  * @param string  $title
  * @param int     $level     0-based level of the element
  * @param boolean $hasChilds are there children of this element? if yes, they will be processed in the subsequent calls.
  * @param int     $lang      language id
  * @param string  $path      path to this element, e.g. '/CatA/CatB'
  * @param boolean $current   if a $currentPage has been specified, this will be set to true if either a parent element of the current element or the current element itself is rendered.
  * @return string your string representation of the element.
 protected function renderElement($title, $level, $hasChilds, $lang, $path, $current, $page)
     $url = (string) \Cx\Core\Routing\NodePlaceholder::fromNode($page->getNode(), null, array());
     $pages = $page->getNode()->getPages();
     $titles = array();
     foreach ($pages as $page) {
         $titles[\FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($page->getLang())] = $page->getTitle();
     $this->return[] = array('click' => "javascript:{setUrl('{$url}',null,null,'" . \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById(BACKEND_LANG_ID) . $path . "','page')}", 'name' => $titles, 'extension' => 'Html', 'level' => $level - 1, 'url' => $path, 'node' => $url);
Пример #5
  * Initialize the mail template array
  * Uses the given language ID, if any, or the language set in the
  * LANG_ID global constant.
  * Upon success, stores the language ID used in the $lang_id class
  * variable.
  * @param   integer     $lang_id        The optional language ID
  * @return  boolean                     True on success, false otherwise
 static function init($lang_id = 0)
     global $objDatabase;
     // The array has been initialized with that language already
     if (self::$lang_id === $lang_id) {
         return true;
     // Reset the language ID used
     self::$lang_id = false;
     // Use the current language if none is specified
     if (empty($lang_id)) {
         $lang_id = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     self::$arrTemplate = array();
     $arrLanguages = FWLanguage::getLanguageArray();
     foreach ($arrLanguages as $arrLanguage) {
         if ($arrLanguage['frontend'] && $arrLanguage['is_default'] == 'true') {
             $defaultLangId = $arrLanguage['id'];
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT `mail`.`id`, `mail`.`tplname`, `mail`.`protected`\n              FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail` AS `mail`");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
         self::$arrTemplate[$id] = array('id' => $id, 'name' => $objResult->fields['tplname'], 'protected' => $objResult->fields['protected'], 'available' => false);
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT `content`.`tpl_id`,\n                   `content`.`from_mail`, `content`.`xsender`,\n                   `content`.`subject`, `content`.`message`\n              FROM `" . DBPREFIX . "module_shop" . MODULE_INDEX . "_mail_content` AS `content`\n            ORDER BY FIELD(`content`.`lang_id`, {$defaultLangId}, {$lang_id}) DESC");
     if (!$objResult) {
         return false;
     while (!$objResult->EOF) {
         $id = $objResult->fields['tpl_id'];
         if (!self::$arrTemplate[$id]['available']) {
             self::$arrTemplate[$id]['available'] = true;
             self::$arrTemplate[$id]['from'] = $objResult->fields['from_mail'];
             self::$arrTemplate[$id]['sender'] = $objResult->fields['xsender'];
             self::$arrTemplate[$id]['subject'] = $objResult->fields['subject'];
             self::$arrTemplate[$id]['message'] = $objResult->fields['message'];
     // Remember the language used
     self::$lang_id = $lang_id;
     return true;
Пример #6
  * Loads the language config from the database
  * This used to be in __construct but is also
  * called from core/language.class.php to reload
  * the config, so core/settings.class.php can
  * rewrite .htaccess (virtual lang dirs).
 static function init()
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT id, lang, name, charset, themesid,\n                   frontend, backend, is_default\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "languages\n             ORDER BY id ASC");
     if ($objResult) {
         // setting full to true for update
         $full = true;
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']] = array('id' => $objResult->fields['id'], 'lang' => $objResult->fields['lang'], 'name' => $objResult->fields['name'], 'charset' => $objResult->fields['charset'], 'themesid' => $objResult->fields['themesid'], 'frontend' => $objResult->fields['frontend'], 'backend' => $objResult->fields['backend'], 'is_default' => $objResult->fields['is_default'], 'fallback' => '');
             if (!$full && $objResult->fields['is_default'] != 'true') {
                 self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']]['frontend'] = 0;
                 self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']]['backend'] = 0;
             if ($objResult->fields['is_default'] == 'true') {
                 self::$defaultLangId = $objResult->fields['id'];
Пример #7
     * Registers the JavaScript code for jQueryUi.Datepicker
     * Also activates jQueryUi and tries to load the current language and use
     * that as the default.
     * Add element specific defaults and code in your method.
    static function addDatepickerJs()
        static $language_code = null;
        // Only run once
        if ($language_code) {
        $language_code = FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById(FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
        //DBG::log("Language ID ".FRONTEND_LANG_ID.", code $language_code");
        // Must load timepicker as well, because the region file accesses it
        // TODO: Add more languages to the i18n folder!
        JS::registerJS('lib/javascript/jquery/ui/i18n/' . 'jquery.ui.datepicker-' . $language_code . '.js');
cx.jQuery(function() {
  cx.jQuery.datepicker.setDefaults(cx.jQuery.datepicker.regional["' . $language_code . '"]);
Пример #8
  * Loads the language config from the database
  * This used to be in __construct but is also
  * called from core/language.class.php to reload
  * the config, so core/settings.class.php can
  * rewrite .htaccess (virtual lang dirs).
 static function init()
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase;
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT id, lang, name, charset, themesid,\n                   frontend, backend, is_default, fallback\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "languages\n             ORDER BY id ASC");
     if ($objResult) {
         $license = \Cx\Core_Modules\License\License::getCached($_CONFIG, $objDatabase);
         $full = $license->isInLegalComponents('fulllanguage');
         while (!$objResult->EOF) {
             self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']] = array('id' => $objResult->fields['id'], 'lang' => $objResult->fields['lang'], 'name' => $objResult->fields['name'], 'charset' => $objResult->fields['charset'], 'themesid' => $objResult->fields['themesid'], 'frontend' => $objResult->fields['frontend'], 'backend' => $objResult->fields['backend'], 'is_default' => $objResult->fields['is_default'], 'fallback' => $objResult->fields['fallback']);
             if (!$full && $objResult->fields['is_default'] != 'true') {
                 self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']]['frontend'] = 0;
                 self::$arrLanguages[$objResult->fields['id']]['backend'] = 0;
             if ($objResult->fields['is_default'] == 'true') {
                 self::$defaultLangId = $objResult->fields['id'];
Пример #9
  * get the email template lang id for sending mail
  * @param Array  $availableEmailTemp available email template ids
  * @param String $email              recipient email id
  * @return Integer
 function getEmailTempLang($availableEmailTemp = array(), $email = '')
     $objFWUser = \FWUser::getFWUserObject();
     if (empty($email)) {
         return false;
     $defaultLangId = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
      * This IF clause fixes #1799, but there has to be a better solution for this!
     if (!$objFWUser->objUser) {
         return false;
     $objUsers = $objFWUser->objUser->getUsers($filter = array('email' => addslashes($email)));
     if ($objUsers) {
         $availableLangId = '';
         switch (true) {
             case $objUsers->getBackendLanguage() && in_array($objUsers->getBackendLanguage(), $availableEmailTemp):
                 $availableLangId = $objUsers->getBackendLanguage();
             case $objUsers->getFrontendLanguage() && in_array($objUsers->getFrontendLanguage(), $availableEmailTemp):
                 $availableLangId = $objUsers->getFrontendLanguage();
             case $defaultLangId && in_array($defaultLangId, $availableEmailTemp):
                 $availableLangId = $defaultLangId;
                 $availableLangId = $availableEmailTemp[0];
         return $availableLangId;
     } else {
         switch (true) {
             case $defaultLangId && in_array($defaultLangId, $availableEmailTemp):
                 $availableLangId = $defaultLangId;
                 $availableLangId = $availableEmailTemp[0];
         return $availableLangId;
     return false;
Пример #10
  * Handles database errors
  * Also migrates old names to the new structure
  * @return  boolean         False.  Always.
  * @static
  * @throws  Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException
 static function errorHandler()
     // Shipment
     static $break = false;
     if ($break) {
         die("\n                Shipment::errorHandler(): Recursion detected while handling an error.<br /><br />\n                This should not happen.  We are very sorry for the inconvenience.<br />\n                Please contact customer support: helpdesk@comvation.com");
     $break = true;
     //die("Shipment::errorHandler(): Disabled!<br />");
     // Fix the Zones table first
     $table_name = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_shipper';
     $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'ord' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => true, 'default' => '0'), 'active' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => true, 'default' => '1', 'renamefrom' => 'status'));
     $table_index = array();
     $default_lang_id = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name)) {
         if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::column_exist($table_name, 'name')) {
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_NAME);
             $query = "\n                    SELECT `id`, `name`\n                      FROM `{$table_name}`";
             $objResult = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql($query);
             if (!$objResult) {
                 throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to query names", $query);
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
                 $name = $objResult->fields['name'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME, $name)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate name '{$name}'");
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name, $table_structure, $table_index);
     $table_name = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_shipment_cost';
     $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'shipper_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => true, 'default' => '0'), 'max_weight' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'fee' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null, 'renamefrom' => 'cost'), 'free_from' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null, 'renamefrom' => 'price_free'));
     $table_index = array();
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name, $table_structure, $table_index);
     // Always!
     return false;
Пример #11
  * Handles database errors
  * Also migrates text fields to the new structure
  * @return  boolean         False.  Always.
  * @static
  * @throws  Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException
 static function errorHandler()
     // Product
     // Fix the Text, Discount, and Manufacturer tables first
     //        Discount::errorHandler(); // Called by Customer::errorHandler();
     $table_name = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_products';
     $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'normalprice' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'default' => '0.00'), 'resellerprice' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'default' => '0.00'), 'discountprice' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'default' => '0.00'), 'discount_active' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'is_special_offer'), 'stock' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'default' => '10'), 'stock_visible' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1', 'renamefrom' => 'stock_visibility'), 'active' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1', 'renamefrom' => 'status'), 'b2b' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1'), 'b2c' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1'), 'date_start' => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'default' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'renamefrom' => 'startdate'), 'date_end' => array('type' => 'TIMESTAMP', 'default' => '0000-00-00 00:00:00', 'renamefrom' => 'enddate'), 'weight' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'category_id' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(255)', 'default' => '', 'renamefrom' => 'catid'), 'vat_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'manufacturer_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null, 'renamefrom' => 'manufacturer'), 'group_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'article_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'usergroup_ids' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(4096)', 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'ord' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'sort_order'), 'distribution' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(16)', 'default' => '', 'renamefrom' => 'handler'), 'picture' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(4096)', 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'flags' => array('type' => 'VARCHAR(4096)', 'notnull' => false, 'default' => null), 'minimum_order_quantity' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => false, 'default' => '0'));
     $table_index = array('group_id' => array('fields' => array('group_id')), 'article_id' => array('fields' => array('article_id')), 'flags' => array('fields' => array('flags'), 'type' => 'FULLTEXT'));
     $default_lang_id = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name)) {
         if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::column_exist($table_name, 'title')) {
             // Migrate all Product strings to the Text table first
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_NAME);
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_SHORT);
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_LONG);
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_CODE);
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_URI);
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_KEYS);
             $query = "\n                    SELECT `id`, `title`, `shortdesc`, `description`,\n                           `product_id`, `external_link`, `keywords`\n                      FROM `{$table_name}`";
             $objResult = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql($query);
             if (!$objResult) {
                 throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to query Product strings", $query);
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
                 $name = $objResult->fields['title'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME, $name)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product name '{$name}'");
                 $short = $objResult->fields['shortdesc'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_SHORT, $short)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product short '{$short}'");
                 $long = $objResult->fields['description'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_LONG, $long)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product long '{$long}'");
                 $code = $objResult->fields['product_id'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_CODE, $code)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product code '{$code}'");
                 $uri = $objResult->fields['external_link'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_URI, $uri)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product uri '{$uri}'");
                 $keys = $objResult->fields['keywords'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_KEYS, $keys)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Product keys '{$keys}'");
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name, $table_structure, $table_index);
     // Also fix Customer and some related tables
     // Always
     return false;
Пример #12
 public function setLangDir($langDir, $page = null)
     $this->langDir = $langDir;
     if ($page) {
         $langId = \FWLanguage::getLanguageIdByCode($langDir);
         $page = $page->getNode()->getPage($langId);
         if ($page) {
             $this->setPath(substr($page->getPath(), 1));
Пример #13
    public function getCode($tabIndex = null)
        $tabIndexAttr = '';
        if (isset($tabIndex)) {
            $tabIndexAttr = "tabindex=\"{$tabIndex}\"";
        $widget = <<<HTML
<div id="recaptcha_widget" style="display:none">

    <div id="recaptcha_image"></div>
    <div class="recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol" style="color:red">Incorrect please try again</div>

    <span class="recaptcha_only_if_image">Enter the words above:</span>
    <span class="recaptcha_only_if_audio">Enter the numbers you hear:</span>

    <input type="text" id="recaptcha_response_field" name="recaptcha_response_field" {$tabIndexAttr} />

            <a title="Get a new challenge" href="javascript:Recaptcha.reload()" id="recaptcha_reload_btn">
                <img src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/clean/refresh.png" id="recaptcha_reload" alt="Get a new challenge" height="18" width="25">
        <div class="recaptcha_only_if_image">
            <a title="Get an audio challenge" href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('audio');" id="recaptcha_switch_audio_btn" class="recaptcha_only_if_image">
                <img src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/clean/audio.png" id="recaptcha_switch_audio" alt="Get an audio challenge" height="15" width="25">
        <div class="recaptcha_only_if_audio">
            <a title="Get a visual challenge" href="javascript:Recaptcha.switch_type('image');" id="recaptcha_switch_img_btn" class="recaptcha_only_if_audio">
                <img src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/clean/text.png" id="recaptcha_switch_img" alt="Get a visual challenge" height="15" width="25">
            <a href="javascript:Recaptcha.showhelp()"title="Help" target="_blank" id="recaptcha_whatsthis_btn">
                <img alt="Help" src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/img/clean/help.png" id="recaptcha_whatsthis" height="16" width="25">


<script type="text/javascript" src= "http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge?k=%1\$s"></script>
    <iframe src="http://www.google.com/recaptcha/api/noscript?k=%1\$s" height="300" width="500" frameborder="0"></iframe><br />
    <textarea name="recaptcha_challenge_field" rows="3" cols="40"></textarea>
    <input type="hidden" name="recaptcha_response_field" value="manual_challenge">
        $lang = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById(FRONTEND_LANG_ID);
        //\JS::registerCode("var RecaptchaOptions = { lang : '$lang', theme : 'clean' }");
        \JS::registerCode("var RecaptchaOptions = { lang : '{$lang}', theme : 'custom', custom_theme_widget: 'recaptcha_widget' }");
        $code = sprintf($widget, $this->public_key);
        //$code = recaptcha_get_html($this->public_key, $this->error);
        return $code;
Пример #14
  * Generates a list of pages pointing to $page
  * @param \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page $page Page to get referencing pages for
  * @param array $subPages (optional, by reference) Do not use, internal
  * @return array List of pages (ID as key, page object as value)
 protected function getPagesPointingTo($page, &$subPages = array())
     $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
     $em = $cx->getDb()->getEntityManager();
     $pageRepo = $em->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
     $fallback_lang_codes = \FWLanguage::getFallbackLanguageArray();
     $active_langs = \FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages();
     // get all active languages and their fallbacks
     // $fallbacks[<langId>] = <fallsBackToLangId>
     // if <langId> has no fallback <fallsBackToLangId> will be null
     $fallbacks = array();
     foreach ($active_langs as $lang) {
         $fallbacks[\FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($lang['id'])] = array_key_exists($lang['id'], $fallback_lang_codes) ? \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($fallback_lang_codes[$lang['id']]) : null;
     // get all symlinks and fallbacks to it
     $query = '
             Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page p
                 p.type = ?1 AND
                     p.target LIKE ?2';
     if ($page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION) {
         $query .= ' OR
                     p.target LIKE ?3';
     $query .= '
             ) OR
                 p.type = ?4 AND
                 p.node = ' . $page->getNode()->getId() . '
     $q = $em->createQuery($query);
     $q->setParameter(1, 'symlink');
     $q->setParameter('2', '%NODE_' . $page->getNode()->getId() . '%');
     if ($page->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION) {
         $q->setParameter('3', '%NODE_' . strtoupper($page->getModule()) . '%');
     $q->setParameter(4, 'fallback');
     $result = $q->getResult();
     if (!$result) {
         return $subPages;
     foreach ($result as $subPage) {
         if ($subPage->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_SYMLINK) {
             $subPages[$subPage->getId()] = $subPage;
         } else {
             if ($subPage->getType() == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_FALLBACK) {
                 // check if $subPage is a fallback to $page
                 $targetLang = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($page->getLang());
                 $currentLang = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($subPage->getLang());
                 while ($currentLang && $currentLang != $targetLang) {
                     $currentLang = $fallbacks[$currentLang];
                 if ($currentLang && !isset($subPages[$subPage->getId()])) {
                     $subPages[$subPage->getId()] = $subPage;
                     // recurse!
                     $this->getPagesPointingTo($subPage, $subPages);
     return $subPages;
Пример #15
  * Handles database errors
  * Also migrates old ProductAttribute to new Attribute structures,
  * including Text records.
  * @return  boolean   false       Always!
  * @throws  Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException
 static function errorHandler()
     // Attribute
     $default_lang_id = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
     $table_name_old = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_products_attributes_name';
     $table_name_new = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_attribute';
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name_new)) {
     } else {
         $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'type' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1', 'renamefrom' => 'display_type'));
         $table_index = array();
         if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name_old)) {
             if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::column_exist($table_name_old, 'name')) {
                 // Migrate all Product strings to the Text table first
                 \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME);
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT `id`, `name`\n                          FROM `{$table_name_old}`";
                 $objResult = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql($query);
                 if (!$objResult) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to to query Attribute names", $query);
                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                     $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
                     $name = $objResult->fields['name'];
                     if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, $name)) {
                         throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Attribute name '{$name}'");
         \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name_old, $table_structure, $table_index);
         if (!\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_rename($table_name_old, $table_name_new)) {
             throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to rename Attribute table");
     $table_name_old = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_products_attributes_value';
     $table_name_new = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_option';
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name_new)) {
     } else {
         $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'attribute_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'renamefrom' => 'name_id'), 'price' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'default' => '0.00'));
         $table_index = array();
         if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name_old)) {
             if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::column_exist($table_name_old, 'value')) {
                 // Migrate all Product strings to the Text table first
                 \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_OPTION_NAME);
                 $query = "\n                        SELECT `id`, `value`\n                          FROM `{$table_name_old}`";
                 $objResult = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql($query);
                 if (!$objResult) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to to query option names", $query);
                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                     $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
                     $name = $objResult->fields['value'];
                     if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_OPTION_NAME, $name)) {
                         throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to to migrate option Text '{$name}'");
         \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name_old, $table_structure, $table_index);
         if (!\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_rename($table_name_old, $table_name_new)) {
             throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to rename Option table");
     $table_name_old = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_products_attributes';
     $table_name_new = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_rel_product_attribute';
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name_new)) {
     } else {
         $table_structure = array('product_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'primary' => true), 'option_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'primary' => true, 'renamefrom' => 'attributes_value_id'), 'ord' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'sort_id'));
         $table_index = array();
         \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name_old, $table_structure, $table_index);
         if (!\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_rename($table_name_old, $table_name_new)) {
             throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to rename Product-Attribute relation table {$table_name_old} to {$table_name_new}");
     // Always
     return false;
  * Sets the placeholders used for the event list view
  * @param object  $objTpl Template object
  * @param integer $type   Event type
  * @return null
 function showEventList($objTpl, $type = '')
     global $objInit, $_ARRAYLANG, $_LANGID;
     //if($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
     $i = 0;
     foreach ($this->eventList as $key => $objEvent) {
         $objCategory = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarCategory(intval($objEvent->catId));
         $showIn = explode(",", $objEvent->showIn);
         $languages = '';
         if (count(\FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages()) > 1) {
             $langState = array();
             foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $langKey => $arrLang) {
                 if (in_array($arrLang['id'], $showIn)) {
                     $langState[$langKey] = 'active';
             $languages = \Html::getLanguageIcons($langState, 'index.php?cmd=Calendar&amp;act=modify_event&amp;id=' . $objEvent->id . '&amp;langId=%1$d' . ($type == 'confirm' ? "&amp;confirm=1" : ""));
             if ($type == 'confirm' && $objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block_confirm_list')) {
             } elseif ($objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block')) {
         } else {
             if ($type == 'confirm' && $objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block_confirm_list')) {
             } elseif ($objTpl->blockExists('txt_languages_block')) {
         list($priority, $priorityImg) = $this->getPriorityImage($objEvent);
         $plainDescription = contrexx_html2plaintext($objEvent->description);
         if (strlen($plainDescription) > 100) {
             $points = '...';
         } else {
             $points = '';
         $parts = explode("\n", wordwrap($plainDescription, 100, "\n"));
         $attachNamePos = strrpos($objEvent->attach, '/');
         $attachNamelength = strlen($objEvent->attach);
         $attachName = substr($objEvent->attach, $attachNamePos + 1, $attachNamelength);
         if ($objEvent->external) {
             $objHost = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarHost($objEvent->hostId);
             if (substr($objHost->uri, -1) != '/') {
                 $hostUri = $objHost->uri . '/';
             } else {
                 $hostUri = $objHost->uri;
             if (substr($hostUri, 0, 7) != 'http://') {
                 $hostUri = "http://" . $hostUri;
         $copyLink = '';
         if ($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
             $editLink = 'index.php?cmd=' . $this->moduleName . '&amp;act=modify_event&id=' . $objEvent->id . ($type == 'confirm' ? "&amp;confirm=1" : "");
             $copyLink = $editLink . "&amp;copy=1";
         } else {
             $editLink = CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . '?section=' . $this->moduleName . '&amp;cmd=edit&id=' . $objEvent->id;
         $picThumb = file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . "{$objEvent->pic}.thumb") ? "{$objEvent->pic}.thumb" : ($objEvent->pic != '' ? $objEvent->pic : '');
         $placeLink = $objEvent->place_link != '' ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->place_link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->place_link . "</a>" : "";
         $placeLinkSource = $objEvent->place_link;
         if ($this->arrSettings['placeData'] > 1 && $objEvent->locationType == 2) {
             $objEvent->loadPlaceFromMediadir($objEvent->place_mediadir_id, 'place');
             list($placeLink, $placeLinkSource) = $objEvent->loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($objEvent->place_mediadir_id, 'place');
         $hostLink = $objEvent->org_link != '' ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->org_link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->org_link . "</a>" : "";
         $hostLinkSource = $objEvent->org_link;
         if ($this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'] > 1 && $objEvent->hostType == 2) {
             $objEvent->loadPlaceFromMediadir($objEvent->host_mediadir_id, 'host');
             list($hostLink, $hostLinkSource) = $objEvent->loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($objEvent->host_mediadir_id, 'host');
         $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ROW' => $i % 2 == 0 ? 'row1' : 'row2', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LED' => $objEvent->status == 0 ? 'red' : 'green', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_STATUS' => $objEvent->status == 0 ? $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_INACTIVE'] : $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_ACTIVE'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ID' => $objEvent->id, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TITLE' => $objEvent->title, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE' => $objEvent->pic != '' ? '<img src="' . $objEvent->pic . '" alt="' . $objEvent->title . '" title="' . $objEvent->title . '" />' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE_SOURCE' => $objEvent->pic, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_THUMBNAIL' => $objEvent->pic != '' ? '<img src="' . $picThumb . '" alt="' . $objEvent->title . '" title="' . $objEvent->title . '" />' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PRIORITY' => $priority, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PRIORITY_IMG' => $priorityImg, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE' => $objEvent->place, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DESCRIPTION' => $objEvent->description, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_SHORT_DESCRIPTION' => $parts[0] . $points, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK' => $objEvent->link ? "<a href='" . $objEvent->link . "' target='_blank' >" . $objEvent->link . "</a>" : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK_SOURCE' => $objEvent->link, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT' => $objEvent->attach != '' ? '<a href="' . $hostUri . $objEvent->attach . '" target="_blank" >' . $attachName . '</a>' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT_SOURCE' => $objEvent->attach, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START' => date(parent::getDateFormat() . " H:i", $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END' => date(parent::getDateFormat() . " H:i", $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START_TIME' => date("H:i", $objEvent->startDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END_DATE' => date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END_TIME' => date("H:i", $objEvent->endDate), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANGUAGES' => $languages, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CATEGORY' => $objCategory->name, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DETAIL_LINK' => $objEvent->type == 0 ? self::_getDetailLink($objEvent) : $objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_EDIT_LINK' => $editLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COPY_LINK' => $copyLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DETAIL_TARGET' => $objEvent->type == 0 ? '_self' : '_blank', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_SERIES' => $objEvent->seriesStatus == 1 ? '<img src="' . ASCMS_MODULE_WEB_PATH . '/' . $this->moduleName . '/View/Media/Repeat.png" border="0"/>' : '<i>' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_NO_SERIES'] . '</i>', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_FREE_PLACES' => $objEvent->freePlaces, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ACCESS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_ACCESS_' . $objEvent->access]));
         $hasPlaceMap = !empty($objEvent->place_map) && file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map);
         if ($hasPlaceMap) {
             $arrInfo = getimagesize(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map);
             $picWidth = $arrInfo[0] + 20;
             $picHeight = $arrInfo[1] + 20;
         $map_thumb_name = file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $objEvent->place_map . ".thumb") ? $objEvent->place_map . ".thumb" : $objEvent->place_map;
         $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_PLACE' => $objEvent->place, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_ADDRESS' => $objEvent->place_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_ZIP' => $objEvent->place_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_CITY' => $objEvent->place_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->place_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_LINK' => $placeLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_LINK_SOURCE' => $placeLinkSource, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_LINK' => $hasPlaceMap ? '<a href="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" onClick="window.open(this.href,\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=' . $picWidth . ',height=' . $picHeight . ',status\'); return false">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_MAP'] . '</a>' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_THUMBNAIL' => $hasPlaceMap ? '<a href="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" onClick="window.open(this.href,\'\',\'resizable=no,location=no,menubar=no,scrollbars=no,status=no,toolbar=no,fullscreen=no,dependent=no,width=' . $picWidth . ',height=' . $picHeight . ',status\'); return false"><img src="' . $map_thumb_name . '" border="0" alt="' . $objEvent->place_map . '" /></a>' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_MAP_SOURCE' => $hasPlaceMap ? $objEvent->place_map : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST' => $objEvent->org_name, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ADDRESS' => $objEvent->org_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ZIP' => $objEvent->org_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_CITY' => $objEvent->org_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->org_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_LINK' => $hostLink, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_LINK_SOURCE' => $hostLinkSource, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_EMAIL' => $objEvent->org_email != '' ? "<a href='mailto:" . $objEvent->org_email . "' >" . $objEvent->org_email . "</a>" : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_EMAIL_SOURCE' => $objEvent->org_email));
         if ($objInit->mode == 'backend') {
             $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_REG' => $objEvent->registrationCount, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_DEREG' => $objEvent->cancellationCount, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNT_WAITLIST' => $objEvent->waitlistCount));
         // show date block
         if ($objTpl->blockExists('calendarDateList')) {
             $showStartDateList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showStartDateList : $this->arrSettings['showStartDateList'] == 1;
             $showEndDateList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showEndDateList : $this->arrSettings['showEndDateList'] == 1;
             $showStartTimeList = $objEvent->all_day ? false : ($objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showStartTimeList : $this->arrSettings['showStartTimeList'] == 1);
             $showEndTimeList = $objEvent->all_day ? false : ($objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showEndTimeList : $this->arrSettings['showEndTimeList'] == 1);
             $showTimeTypeList = $objEvent->useCustomDateDisplay ? $objEvent->showTimeTypeList : 1;
             // get date for several days format > show starttime with startdate and endtime with enddate > only if several days event and all values (dates/times) are displayed
             if (date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->startDate) != date(parent::getDateFormat(), $objEvent->endDate) && ($showStartDateList && $showEndDateList && $showStartTimeList && $showEndTimeList)) {
                 //part 1
                 $part = 1;
                 $this->getMultiDateBlock($objEvent, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorSeveralDaysList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1, $part);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
                 //part 2
                 $part = 2;
                 $this->getMultiDateBlock($objEvent, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorSeveralDaysList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1, $part);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
             } else {
                 // get date for single day format
                 $this->getSingleDateBlock($objEvent, $showStartDateList, $showEndDateList, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateList'], $showTimeTypeList, $showStartTimeList, $showEndTimeList, $this->arrSettings['separatorDateTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['separatorTimeList'], $this->arrSettings['showClockList'] == 1);
                 $objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_DATE_LIST' => $this->date, $this->moduleLangVar . '_SEP_DATE_TIME_LIST' => $this->sepDateTime, $this->moduleLangVar . '_TIME_LIST' => $this->time, 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_CLOCK_LIST' => $this->clock));
         if ($type == 'confirm') {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('eventConfirmList')) {
         } else {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('eventList')) {
             if ($objTpl->blockExists('calendar_headlines_row')) {
     if (count($this->eventList) == 0 && $type != 'confirm') {
         $objTpl->setVariable(array('TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_NO_EVENTS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENTS_NO']));
Пример #17
     * Show feed page
     * @todo Add proper docblock
     * @global array
     * @global integer
     * @return string Template output
    private function _showFeed()
        global $_ARRAYLANG, $_LANGID;
        $serverPort = $_SERVER['SERVER_PORT'] == 80 ? '' : ':' . intval($_SERVER['SERVER_PORT']);
        $rssFeedUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $serverPort . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/feed/news_headlines_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($_LANGID, 'lang') . '.xml';
        $jsFeedUrl = 'http://' . $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'] . $serverPort . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/feed/news_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($_LANGID, 'lang') . '.js';
        $hostname = addslashes(htmlspecialchars($_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
        $rss2jsCode = <<<RSS2JSCODE
&lt;script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript"&gt;
var rssFeedFontColor = '#000000'; // {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_FONT_COLOR']}
var rssFeedFontSize = 8; // {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_FONT_SIZE']}
var rssFeedFont = 'Arial, Verdana'; // {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_FONT']}
var rssFeedLimit = 10; // {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_DISPLAY_LIMIT']}
var rssFeedShowDate = true; // {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_SHOW_NEWS_DATE']}
var rssFeedTarget = '_blank'; // _blank | _parent | _self | _top
var rssFeedContainer = 'news_rss_feeds';
// --&gt;
&lt;script type="text/javascript" language="JavaScript" src="{$jsFeedUrl}"&gt;&lt;/script&gt;
&lt;a href="{$rssFeedUrl}"&gt;{$hostname} - {$_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_SHOW_NEWS']}&lt;/a&gt;
&lt;div id="news_rss_feeds"&gt;&nbsp;&lt;/div&gt;
        $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_HOSTNAME' => $hostname, 'NEWS_RSS2JS_CODE' => $rss2jsCode, 'NEWS_RSS2JS_URL' => $jsFeedUrl, 'NEWS_RSS_FEED_URL' => $rssFeedUrl));
        return $this->_objTpl->get();
Пример #18
  * Save the block content
  * @param array $params all given params from http request
  * @throws NoPermissionException
  * @throws NotEnoughArgumentsException
  * @throws BlockCouldNotBeSavedException
  * @return boolean true if everything finished with success
 public function saveBlockContent($params)
     global $_CORELANG, $objDatabase;
     // security check
     if (!\FWUser::getFWUserObject()->objUser->login() || !\Permission::checkAccess(76, 'static', true)) {
         throw new NoPermissionException($_CORELANG['TXT_ACCESS_DENIED_DESCRIPTION']);
     // check arguments
     if (empty($params['get']['block']) || empty($params['get']['lang'])) {
         throw new NotEnoughArgumentsException('not enough arguments');
     // get language and block id
     $id = intval($params['get']['block']);
     $lang = \FWLanguage::getLanguageIdByCode($params['get']['lang']);
     if (!$lang) {
         $lang = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
     $content = $params['post']['content'];
     // query to update content in database
     $query = "UPDATE `" . DBPREFIX . "module_block_rel_lang_content`\n                      SET content = '" . \contrexx_input2db($content) . "'\n                  WHERE\n                      block_id = " . $id . " AND lang_id = " . $lang;
     $result = $objDatabase->Execute($query);
     // error handling
     if ($result === false) {
         throw new BlockCouldNotBeSavedException('block could not be saved');
     $ls = new \LinkSanitizer(ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . \Env::get('virtualLanguageDirectory') . '/', $content);
     $this->messages[] = $_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_SAVED_BLOCK'];
     return array('content' => $ls->replace());
Пример #19
     * Add / Edit Event
     * @param integer $eventId Event id
     * @return null
    function modifyEvent($eventId = null)
        global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG, $_LANGID;
        $this->_objTpl->setTemplate($this->pageContent, true, true);
        $showFrom = true;
        $objEvent = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarEvent();
        $isEventLoaded = false;
        if (isset($_POST['submitFormModifyEvent'])) {
            $arrData = array();
            $arrData = $_POST;
            $arrData['access'] = 0;
            $arrData['priority'] = 3;
            if ($objEvent->save($arrData)) {
                $showFrom = false;
                // refresh event data after save
                $isEventLoaded = true;
                $objMailManager = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarMailManager();
                $objMailManager->sendMail($objEvent, \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarMailManager::MAIL_NOTFY_NEW_APP);
            } else {
        if ($eventId && !$isEventLoaded) {
        $dateFormat = $this->getDateFormat(1);
        $locationType = $this->arrSettings['placeData'] == 3 ? $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->locationType : 1 : $this->arrSettings['placeData'];
        $hostType = $this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'] == 3 ? $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->hostType : 1 : $this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'];
        \ContrexxJavascript::getInstance()->setVariable(array('language_id' => \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId(), 'active_lang' => implode(',', \FWLanguage::getIdArray())), 'calendar');
        $javascript = <<<EOF
<script language="JavaScript" type="text/javascript">
var defaultLang = cx.variables.get('language_id', 'calendar');
var activeLang = [cx.variables.get('active_lang', 'calendar')];
cx.ready(function() {
    var options = {
        dateFormat: '{$dateFormat}',        
        timeFormat: 'hh:mm',
        showSecond: false,
        onSelect: function(dateText, inst){
            var startDate = cx.jQuery( ".startDate" ).datetimepicker("getDate");
            var endDate   = cx.jQuery( ".endDate" ).datetimepicker("getDate");

            if ( cx.jQuery( this )[0].id == 'startDate' ) {
                var prevStartDate = cx.jQuery( ".startDate" ).data('prevDate');

                if (cx.jQuery(".all_day").is(':checked')) {
                    prevStartDate.setHours(0, 0, 0);
                    startDate.setHours(0, 0, 0);
                    endDate.setHours(0, 0, 0);

                if (prevStartDate.getTime() != startDate.getTime()) {
                    var timeDiff = Math.abs(endDate.getTime() - prevStartDate.getTime());
                    endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + timeDiff);
                    cx.jQuery( ".endDate" ).datetimepicker('setDate', endDate);

            } else if (startDate.getTime() > endDate.getTime()) {
                endDate = new Date(startDate.getTime() + (30*60*1000));
                cx.jQuery(".endDate").datetimepicker('setDate', endDate);

            cx.jQuery( ".startDate" ).data('prevDate', cx.jQuery(".startDate").datetimepicker("getDate"));
            cx.jQuery( ".endDate" ).data('prevDate', cx.jQuery(".endDate").datetimepicker("getDate"));
            cx.jQuery( this ).datetimepicker('refresh');
        .data('prevDate', cx.jQuery(".startDate").datetimepicker("getDate"));
        .data('prevDate', cx.jQuery(".endDate").datetimepicker("getDate"));
    if ( \$J(".all_day").is(':checked') ) {
        modifyEvent._handleAllDayEvent( \$J(".all_day") );
    showOrHidePlaceFields('{$locationType}', 'place');
    showOrHidePlaceFields('{$hostType}', 'host');

        if ($showFrom) {
            try {
                $javascript .= <<<UPLOADER
                {$this->getUploaderCode(self::PICTURE_FIELD_KEY, 'pictureUpload')}
                {$this->getUploaderCode(self::MAP_FIELD_KEY, 'mapUpload')}
                {$this->getUploaderCode(self::ATTACHMENT_FIELD_KEY, 'attachmentUpload', 'uploadFinished', false)}
            } catch (Exception $e) {
                \DBG::msg("Error in initializing uploader");
        $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANG_ID' => $_LANGID, $this->moduleLangVar . '_JAVASCRIPT' => $javascript));
        $objCategoryManager = new \Cx\Modules\Calendar\Controller\CalendarCategoryManager(true);
        if ($eventId) {
            $startDate = $objEvent->startDate;
            $endDate = $objEvent->endDate;
        } else {
            $startDate = new \DateTime();
            $endDate = new \DateTime();
        $eventStartDate = $this->format2userDateTime($startDate);
        $eventEndDate = $this->format2userDateTime($endDate);
        $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array('TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DETAILS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_DETAILS'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_SAVE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_SAVE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_START'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_END'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TITLE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_TITLE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EXPAND' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EXPAND'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_MINIMIZE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_MINIMIZE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_PLACE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_STREET' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_STREET'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ZIP' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_ZIP'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CITY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_CITY'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNTRY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_COUNTRY'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_WEBSITE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_WEBSITE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PHONE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_PHONE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_MAP' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_MAP'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_USE_GOOGLEMAPS' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_USE_GOOGLEMAPS'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_LINK'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_EMAIL' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_EMAIL'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_PICTURE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_ATTACHMENT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CATEGORY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_CAT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DESCRIPTION' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_DESCRIPTION'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_PLEASE_CHECK_INPUT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLEASE_CHECK_INPUT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_HOST'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_NAME' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_NAME'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ALL_DAY' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_ALL_DAY'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_LANGUAGE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_LANG'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_REDIRECT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_REDIRECT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DESCRIPTION' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_DESCRIPTION'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_REDIRECT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_EVENT_TYPE_REDIRECT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_PLACE_DATA_DEFAULT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLACE_DATA_DEFAULT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_PLACE_DATA_FROM_MEDIADIR' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLACE_DATA_FROM_MEDIADIR'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_PREV' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PREV'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_NEXT' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_NEXT'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_MORE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_MORE'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_MINIMIZE' => $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_MINIMIZE'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->type == 0 ? 'selected="selected"' : '' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_REDIRECT' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->type == 1 ? 'selected="selected"' : '' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_START_DATE' => $eventStartDate, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_END_DATE' => $eventEndDate, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE' => $objEvent->pic, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PICTURE_THUMB' => $objEvent->pic != '' ? '<img src="' . $objEvent->pic . '.thumb" alt="' . $objEvent->title . '" title="' . $objEvent->title . '" />' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ATTACHMENT' => $objEvent->attach, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CATEGORIES' => $objCategoryManager->getCategoryDropdown(intval($objEvent->catId), 2), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LINK' => $objEvent->link, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE' => $objEvent->place, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_STREET' => $objEvent->place_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ZIP' => $objEvent->place_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_CITY' => $objEvent->place_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->place_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_WEBSITE' => $objEvent->place_website, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_MAP' => $objEvent->place_map, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_LINK' => $objEvent->place_link, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_PHONE' => $objEvent->place_phone, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_MAP' => $objEvent->google == 1 ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST' => $objEvent->org_name, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ADDRESS' => $objEvent->org_street, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_ZIP' => $objEvent->org_zip, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_CITY' => $objEvent->org_city, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_COUNTRY' => $objEvent->org_country, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_WEBSITE' => $objEvent->org_website, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_LINK' => $objEvent->org_link, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_PHONE' => $objEvent->org_phone, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_EMAIL' => $objEvent->org_email, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_TYPE_MANUAL' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->locationType == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : '' : "checked='checked'", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LOCATION_TYPE_MEDIADIR' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->locationType == 2 ? "checked='checked'" : '' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_TYPE_MANUAL' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->hostType == 1 ? "checked='checked'" : '' : "checked='checked'", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_HOST_TYPE_MEDIADIR' => $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->hostType == 2 ? "checked='checked'" : '' : "", $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ID' => $eventId, $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_ALL_DAY' => $eventId != 0 && $objEvent->all_day ? 'checked="checked"' : '', $this->moduleLangVar . '_HIDE_ON_SINGLE_LANG' => count($this->arrFrontendLanguages) == 1 ? "display: none;" : ""));
        $multiLingualFields = array('place', 'place_city', 'place_country', 'org_name', 'org_city', 'org_country');
        $isOneActiveLanguage = count($this->arrFrontendLanguages) == 1;
        foreach ($multiLingualFields as $inputField) {
            if ($isOneActiveLanguage) {
                $this->_objTpl->hideBlock('calendar_event_' . $inputField . '_expand');
            } else {
                $this->_objTpl->touchBlock('calendar_event_' . $inputField . '_expand');
        foreach ($this->arrFrontendLanguages as $arrLang) {
            //parse globals
            $this->_objTpl->setGlobalVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANG_SHORTCUT' => $arrLang['lang'], $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANG_ID' => $arrLang['id'], 'TXT_' . $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANG_NAME' => $arrLang['name']));
            //parse "show in" checkboxes
            $arrShowIn = explode(",", $objEvent->showIn);
            $langChecked = false;
            if ($eventId != 0) {
                $langChecked = in_array($arrLang['id'], $arrShowIn) ? true : false;
            } else {
                $langChecked = $arrLang['is_default'] == 'true';
            //parse eventTabMenuDescTab
            $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TAB_DISPLAY' => $langChecked ? 'block' : 'none', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TAB_CLASS' => ''));
            //parse eventDescTab
            $eventTitle = !empty($objEvent->arrData['title'][$arrLang['id']]) ? $objEvent->arrData['title'][$arrLang['id']] : (!empty($objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID]) ? $objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID] : '');
            $eventDescription = !empty($objEvent->arrData['description'][$arrLang['id']]) ? $objEvent->arrData['description'][$arrLang['id']] : '';
            $eventRedirect = !empty($objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$arrLang['id']]) ? $objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$arrLang['id']] : (!empty($objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID]) ? $objEvent->arrData['redirect'][$_LANGID] : '');
            $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TAB_DISPLAY' => $langChecked ? 'block' : 'none', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TITLE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($eventTitle), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_DESCRIPTION' => new \Cx\Core\Wysiwyg\Wysiwyg("description[{$arrLang['id']}]", contrexx_raw2xhtml($eventDescription), $eventId != 0 ? 'small' : 'bbcode'), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_REDIRECT' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($eventRedirect), $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_EVENT_DISPLAY' => $objEvent->type == 0 ? 'block' : 'none', $this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_TYPE_REDIRECT_DISPLAY' => $objEvent->type == 1 ? 'block' : 'none'));
            //parse eventLingualFields
            foreach ($multiLingualFields as $inputField) {
                $this->_objTpl->setVariable($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_' . strtoupper($inputField) . '_DEFAULT', $eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->{$inputField} : '');
                $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_VALUE' => !empty($objEvent->arrData[$inputField][$arrLang['id']]) ? $objEvent->arrData[$inputField][$arrLang['id']] : ($eventId != 0 ? $objEvent->{$inputField} : '')));
                $this->_objTpl->parse('calendar_event_' . $inputField);
            $langChecked = $langChecked ? 'checked="checked"' : '';
            $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_LANG_CHECKED' => $langChecked));
        //parse placeSelect
        if ((int) $this->arrSettings['placeData'] > 1) {
            $objMediadirEntries = new \Cx\Modules\MediaDir\Controller\MediaDirectoryEntry('MediaDir');
            $objMediadirEntries->getEntries(null, null, null, null, null, null, true, 0, 'n', null, null, intval($this->arrSettings['placeDataForm']));
            $placeOptions = '<option value="">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLEASE_CHOOSE'] . '</option>';
            foreach ($objMediadirEntries->arrEntries as $key => $arrEntry) {
                $selectedPlace = $arrEntry['entryId'] == $objEvent->place_mediadir_id ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                $placeOptions .= '<option ' . $selectedPlace . ' value="' . $arrEntry['entryId'] . '">' . $arrEntry['entryFields'][0] . '</option>';
            $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_OPTIONS' => $placeOptions));
            if ((int) $this->arrSettings['placeData'] == 2) {
            } else {
        } else {
        //parse placeHostSelect
        if ((int) $this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'] > 1) {
            $objMediadirEntries = new \Cx\Modules\MediaDir\Controller\MediaDirectoryEntry('MediaDir');
            $objMediadirEntries->getEntries(null, null, null, null, null, null, true, 0, 'n', null, null, intval($this->arrSettings['placeDataHostForm']));
            $placeOptions = '<option value="">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_CALENDAR_PLEASE_CHOOSE'] . '</option>';
            foreach ($objMediadirEntries->arrEntries as $key => $arrEntry) {
                $selectedPlace = $arrEntry['entryId'] == $objEvent->host_mediadir_id ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
                $placeOptions .= '<option ' . $selectedPlace . ' value="' . $arrEntry['entryId'] . '">' . $arrEntry['entryFields'][0] . '</option>';
            $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array($this->moduleLangVar . '_EVENT_PLACE_OPTIONS' => $placeOptions));
            if ((int) $this->arrSettings['placeDataHost'] == 2) {
            } else {
        } else {
Пример #20
 private function processCreateDirectory($objCategory)
     if (empty($_POST['downloads_category_name'])) {
     } else {
         $name = contrexx_stripslashes($_POST['downloads_category_name']);
     // check for sufficient permissiosn
     if ($objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId() && !\Permission::checkAccess($objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'dynamic', true) && $objCategory->getOwnerId() != $this->userId) {
     // parse name and description attributres
     $arrLanguageIds = array_keys(\FWLanguage::getLanguageArray());
     foreach ($arrLanguageIds as $langId) {
         $arrNames[$langId] = $name;
         $arrDescriptions[$langId] = '';
     $objSubcategory = new Category();
     $objSubcategory->setPermissions(array('read' => array('protected' => (bool) $objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'groups' => array()), 'add_subcategories' => array('protected' => (bool) $objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'groups' => array()), 'manage_subcategories' => array('protected' => (bool) $objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'groups' => array()), 'add_files' => array('protected' => (bool) $objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'groups' => array()), 'manage_files' => array('protected' => (bool) $objCategory->getAddSubcategoriesAccessId(), 'groups' => array())));
     //            foreach ($this->arrPermissionTypes as $protectionType) {
     //                $arrCategoryPermissions[$protectionType]['protected'] = isset($_POST['downloads_category_'.$protectionType]) && $_POST['downloads_category_'.$protectionType];
     //                $arrCategoryPermissions[$protectionType]['groups'] = !empty($_POST['downloads_category_'.$protectionType.'_associated_groups']) ? array_map('intval', $_POST['downloads_category_'.$protectionType.'_associated_groups']) : array();
     //            }
     //            $objCategory->setPermissionsRecursive(!empty($_POST['downloads_category_apply_recursive']));
     //            $objCategory->setPermissions($arrCategoryPermissions);
     if (!$objSubcategory->store()) {
         $this->arrStatusMsg['error'] = array_merge($this->arrStatusMsg['error'], $objSubcategory->getErrorMsg());
Пример #21
  * Handles any kind of database errors
  * Includes updating the payments table (I guess from version 1.2.0(?),
  * note that this is unconfirmed) to the current structure
  * @return  boolean               False.  Always.
  * @throws  Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException
 static function errorHandler()
     // Payment
     // Fix the Text and Zones tables first
     $table_name = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_payment';
     $table_structure = array('id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'auto_increment' => true, 'primary' => true), 'processor_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0'), 'fee' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'costs'), 'free_from' => array('type' => 'DECIMAL(9,2)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'costs_free_sum'), 'ord' => array('type' => 'INT(5)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'renamefrom' => 'sort_order'), 'active' => array('type' => 'TINYINT(1)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '1', 'renamefrom' => 'status'));
     $table_index = array();
     $default_lang_id = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
     if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table_exist($table_name)) {
         if (\Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::column_exist($table_name, 'name')) {
             // Migrate all Payment names to the Text table first
             \Text::deleteByKey('Shop', self::TEXT_NAME);
             $query = "\n                    SELECT `id`, `name`\n                      FROM `{$table_name}`";
             $objResult = \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql($query);
             if (!$objResult) {
                 throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to query Payment names", $query);
             while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                 $id = $objResult->fields['id'];
                 $name = $objResult->fields['name'];
                 if (!\Text::replace($id, $default_lang_id, 'Shop', self::TEXT_NAME, $name)) {
                     throw new \Cx\Lib\Update_DatabaseException("Failed to migrate Payment name '{$name}'");
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name, $table_structure, $table_index);
     // Update Payments that use obsolete PSPs:
     //  - 05, 'Internal_CreditCard'
     //  - 06, 'Internal_Debit',
     // Uses 04, Internal
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE {$table_name}\n                SET `processor_id`=4 WHERE `processor_id` IN (5, 6)");
     // - 07, 'Saferpay_Mastercard_Multipay_CAR',
     // - 08, 'Saferpay_Visa_Multipay_CAR',
     // Uses 01, Saferpay
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::sql("UPDATE {$table_name}\n                SET `processor_id`=1 WHERE `processor_id` IN (7, 8)");
     $table_name = DBPREFIX . 'module_shop_rel_payment';
     $table_structure = array('payment_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'primary' => true), 'zone_id' => array('type' => 'INT(10)', 'unsigned' => true, 'default' => '0', 'primary' => true, 'renamefrom' => 'zones_id'));
     $table_index = array();
     \Cx\Lib\UpdateUtil::table($table_name, $table_structure, $table_index);
     // Always
     return false;
Пример #22
  * Send a confirmation e-mail to the address specified in the form,
  * if any.
  * @param $id
  * @param unknown_type $email
  * @return unknown
 function sendMail($feedId, $email)
     global $_CONFIG, $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $objInit;
     $feedId = intval($feedId);
     $languageId = null;
     // Get the user ID and entry information
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT addedby, title, language\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_dir\n             WHERE id='{$feedId}'");
     if ($objResult && !$objResult->EOF) {
         $userId = $objResult->fields['addedby'];
         $feedTitle = $objResult->fields['title'];
         $languageId = $objResult->fields['language'];
     // Get user data
     if (is_numeric($userId)) {
         $objFWUser = new \FWUser();
         if ($objFWUser->objUser->getUser($userId)) {
             $userMail = $objFWUser->objUser->getEmail();
             $userFirstname = $objFWUser->objUser->getProfileAttribute('firstname');
             $userLastname = $objFWUser->objUser->getProfileAttribute('lastname');
             $userUsername = $objFWUser->objUser->getUsername();
     if (!empty($email)) {
         $sendTo = $email;
         $mailId = 2;
     } else {
         // FIXED:  The mail addresses may *both* be empty!
         // Adding the entry was sucessful, however.  So we can probably assume
         // that it was a success anyway?
         // Added:
         if (empty($userMail)) {
             return true;
         // ...and a boolean return value below.
         $sendTo = $userMail;
         $mailId = 1;
     //get mail content n title
     $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("\n            SELECT title, content\n              FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_directory_mail\n             WHERE id='{$mailId}'");
     if ($objResult && !$objResult->EOF) {
         $subject = $objResult->fields['title'];
         $message = $objResult->fields['content'];
     if ($objInit->mode == 'frontend') {
         $link = "http://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . CONTREXX_SCRIPT_PATH . "?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id=" . $feedId;
     } else {
         $link = "http://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageParameter($languageId, 'lang') . '/' . CONTREXX_DIRECTORY_INDEX . "?section=Directory&cmd=detail&id=" . $feedId;
     // replace placeholders
     $array_1 = array('[[USERNAME]]', '[[FIRSTNAME]]', '[[LASTNAME]]', '[[TITLE]]', '[[LINK]]', '[[URL]]', '[[DATE]]');
     $array_2 = array($userUsername, $userFirstname, $userLastname, $feedTitle, $link, $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET, date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT));
     $subject = str_replace($array_1, $array_2, $subject);
     $message = str_replace($array_1, $array_2, $message);
     $sendTo = explode(';', $sendTo);
     if (@\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_LIBRARY_PATH . '/phpmailer/class.phpmailer.php')) {
         $objMail = new \phpmailer();
         if ($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer'] > 0 && @\Env::get('ClassLoader')->loadFile(ASCMS_CORE_PATH . '/SmtpSettings.class.php')) {
             $arrSmtp = SmtpSettings::getSmtpAccount($_CONFIG['coreSmtpServer']);
             if ($arrSmtp !== false) {
                 $objMail->Host = $arrSmtp['hostname'];
                 $objMail->Port = $arrSmtp['port'];
                 $objMail->SMTPAuth = true;
                 $objMail->Username = $arrSmtp['username'];
                 $objMail->Password = $arrSmtp['password'];
         $objMail->CharSet = CONTREXX_CHARSET;
         $objMail->From = $_CONFIG['coreAdminEmail'];
         $objMail->FromName = $_CONFIG['coreAdminName'];
         $objMail->Subject = $subject;
         $objMail->Body = $message;
         foreach ($sendTo as $mailAdress) {
     return true;
Пример #23
 private function validateName()
     global $_ARRAYLANG;
     $arrLanguages = \FWLanguage::getLanguageArray();
     $namesSet = true;
     foreach ($arrLanguages as $langId => $arrLanguage) {
         if ($arrLanguage['frontend'] != 1) {
         if (empty($this->names[$langId])) {
             $namesSet = false;
     if ($namesSet) {
         return true;
     } else {
         $this->error_msg[] = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DOWNLOADS_EMPTY_NAME_ERROR'];
         return false;
Пример #24
  * Shows all files / pages in filebrowser
 function _setContent()
     global $_FRONTEND_LANGID;
     $this->_objTpl->addBlockfile('FILEBROWSER_CONTENT', 'fileBrowser_content', 'module_fileBrowser_content.html');
     $ckEditorFuncNum = isset($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) ? '&amp;CKEditorFuncNum=' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($_GET['CKEditorFuncNum']) : '';
     $ckEditor = isset($_GET['CKEditor']) ? '&amp;CKEditor=' . contrexx_raw2xhtml($_GET['CKEditor']) : '';
     $rowNr = 0;
     switch ($this->_mediaType) {
         case 'webpages':
             $jd = new \Cx\Core\Json\JsonData();
             $data = $jd->data('node', 'getTree', array('get' => array('recursive' => 'true')));
             $pageStack = array();
             $ref = 0;
             $data['data']['tree'] = array_reverse($data['data']['tree']);
             foreach ($data['data']['tree'] as &$entry) {
                 $entry['attr']['level'] = 0;
                 array_push($pageStack, $entry);
             while (count($pageStack)) {
                 $entry = array_pop($pageStack);
                 $page = $entry['data'][0];
                 $arrPage['level'] = $entry['attr']['level'];
                 $arrPage['node_id'] = $entry['attr']['rel_id'];
                 $children = $entry['children'];
                 $children = array_reverse($children);
                 foreach ($children as &$entry) {
                     $entry['attr']['level'] = $arrPage['level'] + 1;
                     array_push($pageStack, $entry);
                 $arrPage['catname'] = $page['title'];
                 $arrPage['catid'] = $page['attr']['id'];
                 $arrPage['lang'] = BACKEND_LANG_ID;
                 $arrPage['protected'] = $page['attr']['protected'];
                 $arrPage['type'] = \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_CONTENT;
                 $arrPage['alias'] = $page['title'];
                 $arrPage['frontend_access_id'] = $page['attr']['frontend_access_id'];
                 $arrPage['backend_access_id'] = $page['attr']['backend_access_id'];
                 // JsonNode does not provide those
                 //$arrPage['level'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['type'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['parcat'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['displaystatus'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['moduleid'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['startdate'] = ;
                 //$arrPage['enddate'] = ;
                 // But we can simulate level and type for our purposes: (level above)
                 $jsondata = json_decode($page['attr']['data-href']);
                 $path = $jsondata->path;
                 if (trim($jsondata->module) != '') {
                     $arrPage['type'] = \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION;
                     $module = explode(' ', $jsondata->module, 2);
                     $arrPage['modulename'] = $module[0];
                     if (count($module) > 1) {
                         $arrPage['cmd'] = $module[1];
                 $url = "'" . '[[' . \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::PLACEHOLDER_PREFIX;
                 // TODO: This only works for regular application pages. Pages of type fallback that are linked to an application
                 //       will be parsed using their node-id ({NODE_<ID>})
                 if ($arrPage['type'] == \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION && $this->_mediaMode !== 'alias') {
                     $url .= $arrPage['modulename'];
                     if (!empty($arrPage['cmd'])) {
                         $url .= '_' . $arrPage['cmd'];
                     $url = strtoupper($url);
                 } else {
                     $url .= $arrPage['node_id'];
                 // if language != current language or $alwaysReturnLanguage
                 if ($this->_frontendLanguageId != $_FRONTEND_LANGID || isset($_GET['alwaysReturnLanguage']) && $_GET['alwaysReturnLanguage'] == 'true') {
                     $url .= '_' . $this->_frontendLanguageId;
                 $url .= "]]'";
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FILEBROWSER_ROW_CLASS' => $rowNr % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2", 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_PATH_CLICK' => "javascript:{setUrl({$url},null,null,'" . \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($this->_frontendLanguageId) . $path . "','page')}", 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_NAME' => $arrPage['catname'], 'FILEBROWSER_FILESIZE' => '&nbsp;', 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_ICON' => $this->_iconPath . 'htm.png', 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_DIMENSION' => '&nbsp;', 'FILEBROWSER_SPACING_STYLE' => 'style="margin-left: ' . $arrPage['level'] * 15 . 'px;"'));
         case 'Media1':
         case 'Media2':
         case 'Media3':
         case 'Media4':
             \Permission::checkAccess(7, 'static');
             //Access Media-Archive
             \Permission::checkAccess(38, 'static');
             //Edit Media-Files
             \Permission::checkAccess(39, 'static');
             //Upload Media-Files
             //Hier soll wirklich kein break stehen! Beabsichtig!
         //Upload Media-Files
         //Hier soll wirklich kein break stehen! Beabsichtig!
             if (count($this->_arrDirectories) > 0) {
                 foreach ($this->_arrDirectories as $arrDirectory) {
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FILEBROWSER_ROW_CLASS' => $rowNr % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2", 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_PATH_CLICK' => "index.php?cmd=FileBrowser&amp;standalone=true&amp;langId={$this->_frontendLanguageId}&amp;type={$this->_mediaType}&amp;path={$arrDirectory['path']}" . $ckEditor . $ckEditorFuncNum, 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_NAME' => $arrDirectory['name'], 'FILEBROWSER_FILESIZE' => '&nbsp;', 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_ICON' => $arrDirectory['icon'], 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_DIMENSION' => '&nbsp;'));
             if (count($this->_arrFiles) > 0) {
                 $arrEscapedPaths = array();
                 foreach ($this->_arrFiles as $arrFile) {
                     $arrEscapedPaths[] = contrexx_raw2encodedUrl($arrFile['path']);
                     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('FILEBROWSER_ROW_CLASS' => $rowNr % 2 == 0 ? "row1" : "row2", 'FILEBROWSER_ROW_STYLE' => in_array($arrFile['name'], $this->highlightedFiles) ? ' style="background: ' . $this->highlightColor . ';"' : '', 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_PATH_DBLCLICK' => "setUrl('" . contrexx_raw2xhtml($arrFile['path']) . "'," . $arrFile['width'] . "," . $arrFile['height'] . ",'')", 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_PATH_CLICK' => "javascript:{showPreview(" . (count($arrEscapedPaths) - 1) . "," . $arrFile['width'] . "," . $arrFile['height'] . ")}", 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_NAME' => contrexx_stripslashes($arrFile['name']), 'FILEBROWSER_FILESIZE' => $arrFile['size'] . ' KB', 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_ICON' => $arrFile['icon'], 'FILEBROWSER_FILE_DIMENSION' => empty($arrFile['width']) && empty($arrFile['height']) ? '' : intval($arrFile['width']) . 'x' . intval($arrFile['height'])));
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FILEBROWSER_FILES_JS', "'" . implode("','", $arrEscapedPaths) . "'");
             if (array_key_exists($this->_mediaType, $this->mediaTypePaths)) {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FILEBROWSER_IMAGE_PATH', $this->mediaTypePaths[$this->_mediaType][1]);
             } else {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable('FILEBROWSER_IMAGE_PATH', ASCMS_CONTENT_IMAGE_WEB_PATH);
 private function performLanguageAction($action, $params)
     global $_CORELANG;
     // Global access check
     if (!\Permission::checkAccess(6, 'static', true) || !\Permission::checkAccess(35, 'static', true)) {
         throw new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\ContentManagerException($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_CM_USAGE_DENIED']);
     if (!\Permission::checkAccess(53, 'static', true)) {
         throw new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\ContentManagerException($_CORELANG['TXT_CORE_CM_COPY_DENIED']);
     if (!isset($params['get']) || !isset($params['get']['to'])) {
         throw new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\ContentManagerException('Illegal parameter list');
     $em = \Env::get('em');
     $nodeRepo = $em->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Node');
     $targetLang = contrexx_input2raw($params['get']['to']);
     $fromLang = \FWLanguage::getFallbackLanguageIdById($targetLang);
     if ($fromLang === false) {
         throw new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\ContentManagerException('Language has no fallback to copy/link from');
     $toLangCode = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($targetLang);
     if ($toLangCode === false) {
         throw new \Cx\Core\ContentManager\ContentManagerException('Could not get id for language #"' . $targetLang . '"');
     $limit = 0;
     $offset = 0;
     if (isset($params['get']['limit'])) {
         $limit = contrexx_input2raw($params['get']['limit']);
     if (isset($params['get']['offset'])) {
         $offset = contrexx_input2raw($params['get']['offset']);
     $result = $nodeRepo->translateRecursive($nodeRepo->getRoot(), $fromLang, $targetLang, $action == 'copy', $limit, $offset);
     return $result;
Пример #26
  * Parsing the related News
  * @global object $objDatabase
  * @global type   $_ARRAYLANG
  * @param Object    $objTpl     Template Object
  * @param Interger  $newsId     News Id
  * @param Interger  $langId     Language id
  * @param type      $blockName  Block Name
  * @param type      $limit      Limit
  * @return null
 public function parseRelatedNews(\Cx\Core\Html\Sigma $objTpl, $newsId = null, $langId = null, $blockName = 'related_news', $limit = 0)
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $objDatabase;
     if (empty($newsId) || !$objTpl->blockExists($blockName)) {
     //Getting the related news ids
     $relatedNewsIds = $this->getRelatedNews($newsId);
     $defaultLangId = \FWLanguage::getDefaultLangId();
     //Getting the related news details for the given languages
     $relatedNewsDetails = $this->getRelatedNewsDetails($relatedNewsIds, array($langId, $defaultLangId));
     if (!empty($relatedNewsDetails)) {
         $defaultImage = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getCodeBaseCoreModulePath() . '/News/View/Media/default_news_image.png';
         $currentCount = 1;
         foreach ($relatedNewsIds as $relatedNewsId) {
             //If the limit is reached then the loop is stopped
             if (!empty($limit) && $currentCount > $limit) {
              * Checking the related news is available in the current
              * acitve front-end language if not available then the default
              * language details are getting used
              * Comment/Uncomment the following line if this condition
              * is required
             //$currentRelatedDetails = isset($relatedNewsDetails[$relatedNewsId][$langId])
             //    ? $relatedNewsDetails[$relatedNewsId][$langId]
             //    : $relatedNewsDetails[$relatedNewsId][$defaultLangId];
              * Checking the related news is available in the current
              * acitve front-end language if not available then the related
              * News not listed Comment/Uncomment the following
              * line if this condition is required
             $currentRelatedDetails = isset($relatedNewsDetails[$relatedNewsId][$langId]) ? $relatedNewsDetails[$relatedNewsId][$langId] : false;
             if (!$currentRelatedDetails) {
             $categories = $this->getCategoriesByNewsId($relatedNewsId);
             $newsUrl = empty($currentRelatedDetails['redirect']) ? empty($currentRelatedDetails['newscontent']) ? '' : \Cx\Core\Routing\Url::fromModuleAndCmd('news', $this->findCmdById('details', array_keys($categories)), FRONTEND_LANG_ID, array('newsid' => $relatedNewsId)) : $currentRelatedDetails['redirect'];
             $newstitle = $currentRelatedDetails['title'];
             $htmlLink = self::parseLink($newsUrl, $newstitle, contrexx_raw2xhtml('[' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_MORE'] . '...]'));
             $htmlLinkTitle = self::parseLink($newsUrl, $newstitle, contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle));
             // in case that the message is a stub,
             // we shall just display the news title instead of a html-a-tag
             // with no href target
             if (empty($htmlLinkTitle)) {
                 $htmlLinkTitle = contrexx_raw2xhtml($newstitle);
             $imagePath = !empty($currentRelatedDetails['teaser_image_path']) ? $currentRelatedDetails['teaser_image_path'] : $defaultImage;
             $imageThumbPath = !empty($currentRelatedDetails['teaser_image_thumbnail_path']) ? $currentRelatedDetails['teaser_image_thumbnail_path'] : $defaultImage;
             $this->parseImageBlock($objTpl, $imagePath, $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'related_news_image');
             $this->parseImageBlock($objTpl, $imageThumbPath, $newstitle, $newsUrl, 'related_news_image_thumb');
             $author = \FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($currentRelatedDetails['author_id'], $currentRelatedDetails['author']);
             $publisher = \FWUser::getParsedUserTitle($currentRelatedDetails['publisher_id'], $currentRelatedDetails['publisher']);
             $objSubResult = $objDatabase->Execute('
                 SELECT count(`id`) AS `countComments`
                 FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_news_comments`
                 WHERE `newsid` = ' . $relatedNewsId);
             $objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_ID' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($relatedNewsId), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_URL' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($newsUrl), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_LINK' => $htmlLink, 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TITLE' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($currentRelatedDetails['title']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TITLE_SHORT' => strlen($currentRelatedDetails['title']) > 35 ? substr(strip_tags($currentRelatedDetails['title']), 0, 35) . '...' : strip_tags($currentRelatedDetails['title']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TITLE_LINK' => $htmlLinkTitle, 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TEXT' => $currentRelatedDetails['text'], 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TEXT_SHORT' => strlen($currentRelatedDetails['text']) > 250 ? substr(strip_tags($currentRelatedDetails['text']), 0, 247) . '...' : strip_tags($currentRelatedDetails['text']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TEASER_TEXT' => nl2br($currentRelatedDetails['teaser_text']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_AUTHOR' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($author), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_PUBLISHER' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($publisher), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_CATEGORY_NAMES' => implode(', ', contrexx_raw2xhtml($categories)), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_LONG_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT, $currentRelatedDetails['newsdate']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_DATE' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_DATE, $currentRelatedDetails['newsdate']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_TIME' => date(ASCMS_DATE_FORMAT_TIME, $currentRelatedDetails['newsdate']), 'NEWS_RELATED_NEWS_COUNT_COMMENTS' => $currentRelatedDetails['commentactive'] && $this->arrSettings['news_comments_activated'] ? contrexx_raw2xhtml($objSubResult->fields['countComments'] . ' ' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_COMMENTS']) : ''));
             if (!$objSubResult->fields['countComments'] || !$this->arrSettings['news_comments_activated']) {
                 if ($objTpl->blockExists('related_news_comments_count')) {
             if ($this->arrSettings['news_use_teaser_text'] != '1' && $objTpl->blockExists('news_use_teaser_text')) {
         if ($objTpl->blockExists('related_news_block')) {
             $objTpl->setVariable('TXT_NEWS_RELATED_NEWS', $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWS_RELATED_NEWS']);
Пример #27
  * Return event place url and its source link     
  * @return array place url and its source link
 function loadPlaceLinkFromMediadir($intMediaDirId = 0, $type = 'place')
     global $_LANGID, $_CONFIG;
     $placeUrl = '';
     $placeUrlSource = '';
     if (!empty($intMediaDirId)) {
         $objMediadirEntry = new \Cx\Modules\MediaDir\Controller\MediaDirectoryEntry('MediaDir');
         $pageRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
         $pages = $pageRepo->findBy(array('cmd' => contrexx_addslashes('detail' . intval($objMediadirEntry->arrEntries[$intMediaDirId]['entryFormId'])), 'lang' => $_LANGID, 'type' => \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_APPLICATION, 'module' => 'MediaDir'));
         if (count($pages)) {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail' . intval($objMediadirEntry->arrEntries[$intMediaDirId]['entryFormId']);
         } else {
             $strDetailCmd = 'detail';
         $pages = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page')->getFromModuleCmdByLang('MediaDir', $strDetailCmd);
         $arrActiveFrontendLanguages = \FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages();
         if (isset($arrActiveFrontendLanguages[FRONTEND_LANG_ID]) && isset($pages[FRONTEND_LANG_ID])) {
             $langId = FRONTEND_LANG_ID;
         } else {
             if (isset($arrActiveFrontendLanguages[BACKEND_LANG_ID]) && isset($pages[BACKEND_LANG_ID])) {
                 $langId = BACKEND_LANG_ID;
             } else {
                 foreach ($arrActiveFrontendLanguages as $lang) {
                     if (isset($pages[$lang['id']])) {
                         $langId = $lang['id'];
         $url = $pages[$langId]->getUrl(ASCMS_PROTOCOL . "://" . $_CONFIG['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET, "?eid={$intMediaDirId}");
         $place = ($type = 'place') ? $this->place : $this->org_name;
         $placeUrl = "<a href='" . $url . "' target='_blank' >" . (!empty($place) ? $place : $url) . "</a>";
         $placeUrlSource = $url;
     return array($placeUrl, $placeUrlSource);
Пример #28
  * add and modify language values
  * @global  array
  * @global  ADONewConnection
  * @return  boolean     True on success, false on failure
 function modifyLanguage()
     global $_ARRAYLANG, $_CONFIG, $objDatabase;
     $langRemovalStatus = isset($_POST['removeLangVersion']) ? contrexx_input2raw($_POST['removeLangVersion']) : false;
     if (!empty($_POST['submit']) and isset($_POST['addLanguage']) && $_POST['addLanguage'] == "true") {
         // Add new language with all variables
         if (!empty($_POST['newLangName']) and !empty($_POST['newLangShortname'])) {
             $newLangShortname = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['newLangShortname']));
             $newLangName = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['newLangName']));
             $newLangCharset = addslashes(strip_tags($_POST['newLangCharset']));
             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT lang FROM " . DBPREFIX . "languages WHERE lang='" . $newLangShortname . "'");
             if ($objResult !== false) {
                 if ($objResult->RecordCount() >= 1) {
                     $this->strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DATABASE_QUERY_ERROR'];
                     return false;
                 } else {
                     $objDatabase->Execute("INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "languages SET lang='" . $newLangShortname . "',\n                                                                           name='" . $newLangName . "',\n                                                                           charset='" . $newLangCharset . "',\n                                                                           is_default='false'");
                     $newLanguageId = $objDatabase->Insert_ID();
                     if (!empty($newLanguageId)) {
                         $objResult = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT id FROM " . DBPREFIX . "languages WHERE is_default='true'", 1);
                         if ($objResult !== false && !$objResult->EOF) {
                             $defaultLanguage = $objResult->fields['id'];
                             $objResult = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT varid,content,module FROM " . DBPREFIX . "language_variable_content WHERE 1 AND lang=" . $defaultLanguage);
                             if ($objResult !== false) {
                                 while (!$objResult->EOF) {
                                     $arrayLanguageContent[$objResult->fields['varid']] = stripslashes($objResult->fields['content']);
                                     $arrayLanguageModule[$objResult->fields['varid']] = $objResult->fields['module'];
                                 foreach ($arrayLanguageContent as $varid => $content) {
                                     $LanguageModule = $arrayLanguageModule[$varid];
                                     $objDatabase->Execute("INSERT INTO " . DBPREFIX . "language_variable_content SET varid=" . $varid . ", content='" . addslashes($content) . "', module=" . $LanguageModule . ", lang=" . $newLanguageId . ", status=0");
                                 $this->strOkMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEW_LANGUAGE_ADDED_SUCCESSFUL'];
                                 return true;
                     } else {
                         $this->strErrMessage = $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_DATABASE_QUERY_ERROR'];
                         return false;
     } elseif (!empty($_POST['submit']) and $_POST['modLanguage'] == "true") {
         $eventArgs = array('langRemovalStatus' => $langRemovalStatus);
         $frontendLangIds = array_keys(\FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages());
         $postLangIds = array_keys($_POST['langActiveStatus']);
         foreach (array_keys(\FWLanguage::getLanguageArray()) as $langId) {
             $isLangInPost = in_array($langId, $postLangIds);
             $isLangInFrontend = in_array($langId, $frontendLangIds);
             if ($isLangInPost == $isLangInFrontend) {
             $eventArgs['langData'][] = array('langId' => $langId, 'status' => $isLangInPost && !$isLangInFrontend);
         //Trigger the event 'languageStatusUpdate'
         //if the language is activated/deactivated for frontend
         if (!empty($eventArgs)) {
             $evm = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate()->getEvents();
             $evm->triggerEvent('languageStatusUpdate', array($eventArgs, new \Cx\Core\Model\RecursiveArrayAccess(array())));
         // Update languages
         foreach ($_POST['langName'] as $id => $name) {
             $active = 0;
             if (isset($_POST['langActiveStatus'][$id]) && $_POST['langActiveStatus'][$id] == 1) {
                 $languageCode = \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($id);
                 $pageRepo = \Env::get('em')->getRepository('Cx\\Core\\ContentManager\\Model\\Entity\\Page');
                 $alias = $pageRepo->findBy(array('type' => \Cx\Core\ContentManager\Model\Entity\Page::TYPE_ALIAS, 'slug' => $languageCode), true);
                 if (count($alias)) {
                     if (is_array($alias)) {
                         $alias = $alias[0];
                     $id = $alias->getNode()->getId();
                     $config = \Env::get('config');
                     $link = 'http://' . $config['domainUrl'] . ASCMS_PATH_OFFSET . '/' . $alias->getSlug();
                     $lang = \Env::get('lang');
                     $this->strErrMessage = $lang['TXT_CORE_REMOVE_ALIAS_TO_ACTIVATE_LANGUAGE'] . ':<br />
                         <a href="index.php?cmd=Alias&act=modify&id=' . $id . '" target="_blank">' . $link . '</a>';
                     return false;
                 $active = 1;
             $status = "false";
             if ($_POST['langDefaultStatus'] == $id) {
                 $status = "true";
             $adminstatus = 0;
             if (isset($_POST['langAdminStatus'][$id]) && $_POST['langAdminStatus'][$id] == 1) {
                 $adminstatus = 1;
             $fallBack = isset($_POST['fallBack'][$id]) && $_POST['fallBack'][$id] != "" ? intval($_POST['fallBack'][$id]) : 'NULL';
             $objDatabase->Execute("UPDATE " . DBPREFIX . "languages SET \n                                        name='" . $name . "',\n                                        frontend=" . $active . ",\n                                        is_default='" . $status . "',\n                                        backend='" . $adminstatus . "',\n                                        fallback=" . $fallBack . "\n                                        WHERE id=" . $id);
         return true;
     return false;
     * Get input field based on language id and value
     * @param integer $id            Input field id
     * @param string  $value         Input field value
     * @param integer $langId        Language id
     * @param array   $arrInputfield Language id
     * @return string Return input field based on language id and value
    private function getInput($id = 0, $value = '', $langId = 0, $arrInputfield = array())
        global $_ARRAYLANG;
        $cx = \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::instanciate();
        $arrValue = explode(",", $value);
        $filePath = $arrValue[0];
        $displayName = null;
        $strFilePreview = null;
        if (!empty($filePath) && file_exists(\Env::get('cx')->getWebsitePath() . $filePath)) {
            $arrFileInfo = pathinfo($filePath);
            $strFileName = htmlspecialchars($arrFileInfo['basename'], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET);
            if (empty($arrValue[1])) {
                $displayName = $strFileName;
            } else {
                $displayName = strip_tags(htmlspecialchars($arrValue[1], ENT_QUOTES, CONTREXX_CHARSET));
            $strFilePreview = '<a href="' . urldecode($filePath) . '" target="_blank">' . $strFileName . '</a>&nbsp;
                                    data-id="' . $id . '"
                                    class="' . (!$langId ? 'mediadirInputfieldDefaultDeleteFile' : '') . '"
                                    id="mediadirInputfield_delete_' . $id . '_' . $langId . '"
                                    name="deleteMedia[' . $id . '][' . $langId . ']"
                                />' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_MEDIADIR_DELETE'] . '<br />';
        $flagPath = $cx->getCodeBaseOffsetPath() . $cx->getCoreFolderName() . '/Country/View/Media/Flag';
        $inputStyle = !empty($langId) ? 'background: #ffffff url(\'' . $flagPath . '/flag_' . \FWLanguage::getLanguageCodeById($langId) . '.gif\') no-repeat 3px 3px;' : '';
        $inputDefaultClass = empty($langId) ? $this->moduleNameLC . 'InputfieldDefault' : $this->moduleNameLC . 'LangInputfield';
        $mode = $cx->getMode();
        if ($mode == \Cx\Core\Core\Controller\Cx::MODE_BACKEND) {
            $strInputfield = <<<INPUT
            <input type="text" name="{$this->moduleNameLC}Inputfield[{$id}][file][{$langId}]"
                onfocus="this.select();" />
            <input type="button"
            <br />
            <input type="text" name="{$this->moduleNameLC}Inputfield[{$id}][name][{$langId}]"
                class="{$this->moduleNameLC}InputfieldFileDisplayName {$inputDefaultClass}"
                onfocus="this.select();" />
        } else {
            if (empty($filePath) || $filePath == "new_image") {
                $strValueHidden = "new_image";
                $filePath = "";
            } else {
                $strValueHidden = $filePath;
            $strInfoValue = $strInfoClass = '';
            $strInfo = !empty($arrInputfield['info'][$langId]) ? $arrInputfield['info'][$langId] : (!empty($arrInputfield['info'][0]) ? $arrInputfield['info'][0] : '');
            if ($strInfo) {
                $strInfoValue = 'title="' . $strInfo . '"';
                $strInfoClass = 'mediadirInputfieldHint';
            $strInputfield = <<<INPUT
            <input type="text" name="{$this->moduleNameLC}InputfieldSource[{$id}][{$langId}]"
                onfocus="this.select();" />
            <input type="button"
            <br />
            <input id="{$this->moduleNameLC}Inputfield_{$id}_{$langId}_hidden"
                value="{$strValueHidden}" type="hidden" />
            <br />
            <input type="text" name="{$this->moduleNameLC}Inputfield[{$id}][name][{$langId}]"
                class="{$this->moduleNameLC}InputfieldFileDisplayName {$inputDefaultClass}"
                onfocus="this.select();" />
        return $strInputfield;
 function _editUser()
     global $objDatabase, $_ARRAYLANG, $_CORELANG;
     $activeFrontendlang = \FWLanguage::getActiveFrontendLanguages();
     $copy = isset($_REQUEST['copy']) && $_REQUEST['copy'] == 1;
     $recipientId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
     $recipientEmail = '';
     $recipientUri = '';
     $recipientSex = '';
     $recipientSalutation = 0;
     $recipientTitle = '';
     $recipientPosition = '';
     $recipientIndustrySector = '';
     $recipientPhoneMobile = '';
     $recipientPhonePrivate = '';
     $recipientFax = '';
     $recipientNotes = '';
     $recipientLastname = '';
     $recipientFirstname = '';
     $recipientCompany = '';
     $recipientAddress = '';
     $recipientZip = '';
     $recipientCity = '';
     $recipientCountry = '';
     $recipientPhoneOffice = '';
     $recipientBirthday = '';
     $recipientLanguage = count($activeFrontendlang) == 1 ? key($activeFrontendlang) : '';
     $recipientStatus = isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_status']) ? 1 : (empty($_POST) ? 1 : 0);
     $arrAssociatedLists = array();
     $recipientSendEmailId = isset($_POST['sendEmail']) ? intval($_POST['sendEmail']) : 0;
     $recipientSendMailDisplay = false;
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_email'])) {
         $recipientEmail = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_email'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_uri'])) {
         $recipientUri = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_uri'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_sex'])) {
         $recipientSex = in_array($_POST['newsletter_recipient_sex'], array('f', 'm')) ? $_POST['newsletter_recipient_sex'] : '';
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_salutation'])) {
         // TODO: use FWUSER
         $arrRecipientSalutation = $this->_getRecipientTitles();
         $recipientSalutation = in_array($_POST['newsletter_recipient_salutation'], array_keys($arrRecipientSalutation)) ? intval($_POST['newsletter_recipient_salutation']) : 0;
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_lastname'])) {
         $recipientLastname = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_lastname'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_firstname'])) {
         $recipientFirstname = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_firstname'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_company'])) {
         $recipientCompany = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_company'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_address'])) {
         $recipientAddress = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_address'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_zip'])) {
         $recipientZip = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_zip'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_city'])) {
         $recipientCity = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_city'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_country_id'])) {
         $recipientCountry = $_POST['newsletter_country_id'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_office'])) {
         $recipientPhoneOffice = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_office'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_notes'])) {
         $recipientNotes = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_notes'];
     if (isset($_POST['day']) && isset($_POST['month']) && isset($_POST['year'])) {
         $recipientBirthday = str_pad(intval($_POST['day']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . str_pad(intval($_POST['month']), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT) . '-' . intval($_POST['year']);
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_title'])) {
         $recipientTitle = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_title'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_position'])) {
         $recipientPosition = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_position'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_industry_sector'])) {
         $recipientIndustrySector = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_industry_sector'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_mobile'])) {
         $recipientPhoneMobile = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_mobile'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_private'])) {
         $recipientPhonePrivate = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_phone_private'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_fax'])) {
         $recipientFax = $_POST['newsletter_recipient_fax'];
     if (isset($_POST['language'])) {
         $recipientLanguage = $_POST['language'];
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_associated_list'])) {
         foreach ($_POST['newsletter_recipient_associated_list'] as $listId => $status) {
             if (intval($status) == 1) {
                 array_push($arrAssociatedLists, intval($listId));
     // Get interface settings
     $objInterface = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT `setvalue`
                                             FROM `' . DBPREFIX . 'module_newsletter_settings`
                                             WHERE `setname` = "recipient_attribute_status"');
     $recipientAttributeStatus = json_decode($objInterface->fields['setvalue'], true);
     if (isset($_POST['newsletter_recipient_save'])) {
         $objValidator = new \FWValidator();
         if ($objValidator->isEmail($recipientEmail)) {
             if ($this->_validateRecipientAttributes($recipientAttributeStatus, $recipientUri, $recipientSex, $recipientSalutation, $recipientTitle, $recipientLastname, $recipientFirstname, $recipientPosition, $recipientCompany, $recipientIndustrySector, $recipientAddress, $recipientZip, $recipientCity, $recipientCountry, $recipientPhoneOffice, $recipientPhonePrivate, $recipientPhoneMobile, $recipientFax, $recipientBirthday)) {
                 if ($this->_isUniqueRecipientEmail($recipientEmail, $recipientId, $copy)) {
                     //reset the $recipientId on copy function
                     $recipientId = $copy ? 0 : $recipientId;
                     if ($recipientId > 0) {
                         if ($this->_updateRecipient($recipientAttributeStatus, $recipientId, $recipientEmail, $recipientUri, $recipientSex, $recipientSalutation, $recipientTitle, $recipientLastname, $recipientFirstname, $recipientPosition, $recipientCompany, $recipientIndustrySector, $recipientAddress, $recipientZip, $recipientCity, $recipientCountry, $recipientPhoneOffice, $recipientPhonePrivate, $recipientPhoneMobile, $recipientFax, $recipientNotes, $recipientBirthday, $recipientStatus, $arrAssociatedLists, $recipientLanguage)) {
                             self::$strOkMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_RECIPIENT_UPDATED_SUCCESSFULLY'];
                             return $this->_userList();
                         } else {
                             // fall back to old recipient id, if any error occurs on copy
                             $recipientId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
                             self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_ERROR_UPDATE_RECIPIENT'];
                     } else {
                         if ($this->_addRecipient($recipientEmail, $recipientUri, $recipientSex, $recipientSalutation, $recipientTitle, $recipientLastname, $recipientFirstname, $recipientPosition, $recipientCompany, $recipientIndustrySector, $recipientAddress, $recipientZip, $recipientCity, $recipientCountry, $recipientPhoneOffice, $recipientPhonePrivate, $recipientPhoneMobile, $recipientFax, $recipientNotes, $recipientBirthday, $recipientStatus, $arrAssociatedLists, $recipientLanguage)) {
                             if (!empty($recipientSendEmailId)) {
                                 $objRecipient = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT id FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user WHERE email='" . contrexx_input2db($recipientEmail) . "'", 1);
                                 $recipientId = $objRecipient->fields['id'];
                                 $this->insertTmpEmail($recipientSendEmailId, $recipientEmail, self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER);
                                 // setting TmpEntry=1 will set the newsletter status=1, this will force an imediate stop in the newsletter send procedere.
                                 if ($this->SendEmail($recipientId, $recipientSendEmailId, $recipientEmail, 1, self::USER_TYPE_NEWSLETTER) == false) {
                                     // fall back to old recipient id, if any error occurs on copy
                                     $recipientId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
                                     self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_SENDING_MESSAGE_ERROR'];
                                 } else {
                                     $objRecipientCount = $objDatabase->execute('SELECT subject FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_newsletter WHERE id=' . intval($recipientSendEmailId));
                                     $newsTitle = $objRecipientCount->fields['subject'];
                                     // TODO: Unused
                                     //                                        $objUpdateCount    =
                                         UPDATE ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_newsletter
                                         SET recipient_count = recipient_count+1
                                         WHERE id=' . intval($recipientSendEmailId));
                                     self::$strOkMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_RECIPIENT_MAIL_SEND_SUCCESSFULLY'] . '<br />', '<strong>' . $newsTitle . '</strong>');
                             self::$strOkMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_RECIPIENT_SAVED_SUCCESSFULLY'];
                             return $this->_userList();
                         } else {
                             // fall back to old recipient id, if any error occurs on copy
                             $recipientId = isset($_REQUEST['id']) ? intval($_REQUEST['id']) : 0;
                             self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_ERROR_SAVE_RECIPIENT'];
                 } elseif (empty($recipientId)) {
                     $objRecipient = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT id, language, status, notes FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user WHERE email='" . contrexx_input2db($recipientEmail) . "'", 1);
                     $recipientId = $objRecipient->fields['id'];
                     $recipientLanguage = $objRecipient->fields['language'];
                     $recipientStatus = $objRecipient->fields['status'];
                     $recipientNotes = !empty($objRecipient->fields['notes']) ? $objRecipient->fields['notes'] . ' ' . $recipientNotes : $recipientNotes;
                     $objList = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT category FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_rel_user_cat WHERE user="******"SELECT id FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user WHERE email='" . contrexx_input2db($recipientEmail) . "' AND id!=" . ($copy ? 0 : $recipientId), 1);
                     self::$strErrMessage .= sprintf($_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS'], '<a href="index.php?cmd=Newsletter&amp;act=users&amp;tpl=edit&amp;id=' . $objResult->fields['id'] . '" target="_blank">' . $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_ERROR_EMAIL_ALREADY_EXISTS_CLICK_HERE'] . '</a>');
             } else {
                 self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_MANDATORY_FIELD_ERROR'];
         } else {
             self::$strErrMessage .= $_ARRAYLANG['TXT_NEWSLETTER_INVALIDE_EMAIL_ADDRESS'];
     } elseif ($recipientId > 0) {
         $objRecipient = $objDatabase->SelectLimit("SELECT email, uri, sex, salutation, title, lastname, firstname, position, company, industry_sector, address, zip, city, country_id, phone_office, phone_private, phone_mobile, fax, notes, birthday, status, language FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_user WHERE id=" . $recipientId, 1);
         if ($objRecipient !== false && $objRecipient->RecordCount() == 1) {
             $recipientEmail = $objRecipient->fields['email'];
             $recipientUri = $objRecipient->fields['uri'];
             $recipientSex = $objRecipient->fields['sex'];
             $recipientSalutation = $objRecipient->fields['salutation'];
             $recipientTitle = $objRecipient->fields['title'];
             $recipientLastname = $objRecipient->fields['lastname'];
             $recipientFirstname = $objRecipient->fields['firstname'];
             $recipientPosition = $objRecipient->fields['position'];
             $recipientCompany = $objRecipient->fields['company'];
             $recipientIndustrySector = $objRecipient->fields['industry_sector'];
             $recipientAddress = $objRecipient->fields['address'];
             $recipientZip = $objRecipient->fields['zip'];
             $recipientCity = $objRecipient->fields['city'];
             $recipientCountry = $objRecipient->fields['country_id'];
             $recipientPhoneOffice = $objRecipient->fields['phone_office'];
             $recipientPhonePrivate = $objRecipient->fields['phone_private'];
             $recipientPhoneMobile = $objRecipient->fields['phone_mobile'];
             $recipientFax = $objRecipient->fields['fax'];
             $recipientBirthday = $objRecipient->fields['birthday'];
             $recipientLanguage = $objRecipient->fields['language'];
             $recipientStatus = $objRecipient->fields['status'];
             $recipientNotes = $objRecipient->fields['notes'];
             $objList = $objDatabase->Execute("SELECT category FROM " . DBPREFIX . "module_newsletter_rel_user_cat WHERE user="******"checked"' : ''));
         $this->_objTpl->parse('newsletter_mail_associated_list_' . $column);
     if (count($activeFrontendlang) > 1) {
         foreach ($activeFrontendlang as $lang) {
             $selected = $lang['id'] == $recipientLanguage ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_LANGUAGE_ID' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($lang['id']), 'NEWSLETTER_LANGUAGE_NAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($lang['name']), 'NEWSLETTER_LANGUAGES_SELECTED' => $selected));
         $languageOptionDisplay = true;
     } else {
     if (empty($recipientId) || $copy) {
         $objNewsletterMails = $objDatabase->Execute('SELECT
                                                   FROM ' . DBPREFIX . 'module_newsletter
                                                   ORDER BY status, id DESC');
         while (!$objNewsletterMails->EOF) {
             $selected = $recipientSendEmailId == $objNewsletterMails->fields['id'] ? 'selected="selected"' : '';
             $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_ID' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($objNewsletterMails->fields['id']), 'NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_NAME' => contrexx_raw2xhtml($objNewsletterMails->fields['subject']), 'NEWSLETTER_EMAIL_SELECTED' => $selected));
         $recipientSendMailDisplay = true;
     } else {
     // Display settings recipient general attributes
     $sendMailRowClass = $languageOptionDisplay ? 'row2' : 'row1';
     if ($languageOptionDisplay && $recipientSendMailDisplay) {
         $associatedListRowClass = 'row1';
     } elseif ($languageOptionDisplay || $recipientSendMailDisplay) {
         $associatedListRowClass = 'row2';
     } else {
         $associatedListRowClass = 'row1';
     $recipientNotesRowClass = $associatedListRowClass == 'row1' ? 'row2' : 'row1';
     $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_SEND_EMAIL_ROWCLASS' => $sendMailRowClass, 'NEWSLETTER_ASSOCIATED_LISTS_ROWCLASS' => $associatedListRowClass, 'NEWSLETTER_NOTES_ROWCLASS' => $recipientNotesRowClass));
     //display settings recipient profile detials
     $recipientAttributeDisplay = false;
     foreach ($recipientAttributeStatus as $value) {
         if ($value['active']) {
             $recipientAttributeDisplay = true;
     $profileRowCount = 0;
     $recipientAttributesArray = array('recipient_sex', 'recipient_salutation', 'recipient_title', 'recipient_firstname', 'recipient_lastname', 'recipient_position', 'recipient_company', 'recipient_industry', 'recipient_address', 'recipient_city', 'recipient_zip', 'recipient_country', 'recipient_phone', 'recipient_private', 'recipient_mobile', 'recipient_fax', 'recipient_birthday', 'recipient_website');
     if ($recipientAttributeDisplay) {
         foreach ($recipientAttributesArray as $attribute) {
             if ($recipientAttributeStatus[$attribute]['active'] && $this->_objTpl->blockExists($attribute)) {
                 $this->_objTpl->setVariable(array('NEWSLETTER_' . strtoupper($attribute) . '_ROW_CLASS' => $profileRowCount % 2 == 0 ? 'row2' : 'row1', 'NEWSLETTER_' . strtoupper($attribute) . '_MANDATORY' => $recipientAttributeStatus[$attribute]['required'] ? '*' : ''));
             } else {
     } else {
     $filterParams = (!empty($_GET['newsletterListId']) ? '&newsletterListId=' . contrexx_input2raw($_GET['newsletterListId']) : '') . (!empty($_GET['filterkeyword']) ? '&filterkeyword=' . contrexx_input2raw($_GET['filterkeyword']) : '') . (!empty($_GET['filterattribute']) ? '&filterattribute=' . contrexx_input2raw($_GET['filterattribute']) : '') . (!empty($_GET['filterStatus']) ? '&filterStatus=' . contrexx_input2raw($_GET['filterStatus']) : '');
     return true;