  * Restores a site to pre 1.2.8.
  * @since 1.2.8
  * @access private
  * @return void
 private static function pre_1_2_8_restore()
     global $wpdb;
     if (!self::pre_1_2_8_table_exists() || self::pre_1_2_8_table_is_empty()) {
         $cache_dir = FLBuilderModel::get_cache_dir();
         $backup_path = $cache_dir['path'] . 'backup.dat';
         // Install the database.
         // Check for the backup file.
         if (file_exists($backup_path)) {
             // Get the backup data.
             $backup = unserialize(file_get_contents($backup_path));
             // Check for the correct backup data.
             if (!isset($backup->nodes) || !isset($backup->meta)) {
             // Restore the nodes.
             foreach ($backup->nodes as $node) {
                 $wpdb->insert("{$wpdb->prefix}fl_builder_nodes", array('node' => $node->node, 'type' => $node->type, 'layout' => $node->layout, 'parent' => $node->parent, 'position' => $node->position, 'settings' => $node->settings, 'status' => $node->status), array('%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%d', '%s', '%s'));
             // Restore the meta.
             foreach ($backup->meta as $meta) {
                 update_post_meta($meta->post_id, '_fl_builder_layout', $meta->meta_value);