Пример #1
  * Evaluate simple expression
  * expression is combination of text, simple expressiones and field variables
  * simple expression - {...}
  * field variable - [field name]
  * expression samples: text1{[field1]*10}text2{function1([field2],'a')}text3
  * @objname:property, @objname:field[fldname].property, @objname:control[ctrlname].property
  * @:prop = @thisobjname:prop
  * [fldname] = @thisobjname:field[fldname].value
  * @demo.BOEvent:Name, @:Name
  * @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Column, @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Value
  * @demo.FMEvent:Control[evt_name].FieldName, @demo.FMEvent:Control[evt_name].Value
  * [EventName] is @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Value in BOEvent.xml
  * @param string $expression - simple expression supported by the openbiz
  * @param object $object
  * @return mixed
 public static function evaluateExpression($expression, $object)
     // TODO: check if it's "\[", "\]", "\{" or "\}"
     $script = "";
     $start = 0;
     if (strpos($expression, "{", $start) === false) {
         // do nothing if no { symbol
         return $expression;
     // evaluate the expression between {}
     while (true) {
         $pos0 = strpos($expression, "{", $start);
         $pos1 = strpos($expression, "}", $start);
         if ($pos0 === false) {
             if (substr($expression, $start)) {
                 $script .= substr($expression, $start);
         if ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 > $pos0) {
             $script .= substr($expression, $start, $pos0 - $start);
             $start = $pos1 + 1;
             $section = substr($expression, $pos0 + 1, $pos1 - $pos0 - 1);
             //echo "<br>###expression 1: ".$section."<br>";
             $section = Expression::replaceVarExpr($section, $object);
             // replace variable expr;
             //echo "<br>###expression 2: ".$section."<br>";
             if (is_subclass_of($object, "BizDataObj") || get_class($object) == "BizDataObj" and strstr($section, '[')) {
                 $section = Expression::replaceFieldsExpr($section, $object);
             // replace [field] with its value
             if (is_subclass_of($object, "EasyForm") || get_class($object) == "EasyForm" and strstr($section, '[')) {
                 $section = Expression::replaceElementsExpr($section, $object);
             // replace [field] with its value
             if ($section === false) {
                 $script = $script == '' ? $section : $script . $section;
             if ($section != null and trim($section) != "" and $section != false) {
                 //      added by shyokou in 'Expression.php'    {
                 if (is_string($section) && strpos($section, APP_URL ? APP_URL : '/') === 0) {
                     $section = "'" . $section . "'";
                 //      added by shyokou in 'Expression.php'    }
                 if (Expression::eval_syntax("\$ret = {$section};")) {
                     eval("\$ret = {$section};");
                 if ($ret === null) {
                     $ret = $section;
                 $script = $script == '' ? $ret : $script . $ret;
         } elseif ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 <= $pos0) {
     return $script;
Пример #2
  * Evaluate simple expression
  * expression is combination of text, simple expressiones and field variables
  * simple expression - {...}
  * field variable - [field name]
  * expression samples: text1{[field1]*10}text2{function1([field2],'a')}text3
  * @objname:property, @objname:field[fldname].property, @objname:control[ctrlname].property
  * @:prop = @thisobjname:prop
  * [fldname] = @thisobjname:field[fldname].value
  * @demo.BOEvent:Name, @:Name
  * @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Column, @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Value
  * @demo.FMEvent:Control[evt_name].FieldName, @demo.FMEvent:Control[evt_name].Value
  * [EventName] is @demo.BOEvent:Field[EventName].Value in BOEvent.xml
  * @param string $expression - simple expression supported by the openbiz
  * @param object $object
  * @return mixed
  * */
 public static function evaluateExpression($expression, $object)
     // TODO: check if it's "\[", "\]", "\{" or "\}"
     $script = "";
     $start = 0;
     if (strpos($expression, "{", $start) === false) {
         // do nothing if no { symbol
         return $expression;
     if ($expression == "{@}") {
         return $object;
     // evaluate the expression between {}
     while (true) {
         list($tag, $pos0, $pos1) = self::getNextContainerPos($expression, $start);
         if ($pos0 === false) {
             if (substr($expression, $start)) {
                 $script .= substr($expression, $start);
         if ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 > $pos0) {
             $script .= substr($expression, $start, $pos0 - $start);
             $start = $pos1 + strlen(self::$expContainers[$tag]);
             $section = substr($expression, $pos0 + strlen($tag), $pos1 - $pos0 - strlen($tag));
             $_section = $section;
             if ($object) {
                 //BizSystem::log(LOG_DEBUG, "EXPRESSION", "###expression 1: ".$section."");
                 $section = Expression::replaceVarExpr($section, $object);
                 // replace variable expr;
                 //BizSystem::log(LOG_DEBUG, "EXPRESSION", "###expression 2: ".$section."");
                 if ($_section == $section) {
                     if (is_subclass_of($object, "BizDataObj") || get_class($object) == "BizDataObj" and strstr($section, '[')) {
                         $section = Expression::replaceFieldsExpr($section, $object);
                     // replace [field] with its value
                     if (is_subclass_of($object, "EasyForm") || get_class($object) == "EasyForm" and strstr($section, '[')) {
                         $section = Expression::replaceElementsExpr($section, $object);
                     // replace [field] with its value
             if ($section === false) {
                 $script = $script == '' ? $section : $script . $section;
             if ($section != null and trim($section) != "" and $section != false) {
                 $ret == null;
                 //if (Expression::eval_syntax("\$ret = $section;"))
                 if (($tag == '{fx}' || $tag == '{') && Expression::eval_syntax("\$ret = {$section};")) {
                     eval("\$ret = {$section};");
                 if ($ret === null) {
                     $ret = $section;
                 $script = $script == '' ? $ret : $script . $ret;
         } elseif ($pos0 >= 0 && $pos1 <= $pos0) {
     return $script;