Пример #1
  * PHP Errors (or warning/notices) will usually output something to the
  * console and then return some unexpected value like false. Here we cause it
  * to throw instead.
 static function handleError($level, $message, $file, $line, $context)
     if ($level === E_NOTICE) {
         return false;
     $err = Error::create($message, 1);
     $err->set('level', $level);
     throw new Ex($err);
Пример #2
     * @desc Create a new cache file
     * @param name, the name of the file
     * @param data, and array of data to cache
     * @return whether or not the file was created
    public static function create($name, $data)
        if (is_array($data)) {
            $data['modified'] = time();
            File::write($name, json_encode($data), false, TEMP_BASE . 'cache/');
            return true;
        Error::create('The second parameter must be an array. 
			With keys : name, content and profile');
        return false;
Пример #3
 static function assert($description, $condition = false)
     if ($condition instanceof Closure) {
         $condition = $condition();
     if ($condition !== true) {
         $stack = array_slice(self::$stack, 0);
         array_push($stack, $description);
         throw new Ex(Error::create('Test Failure: ' . join(': ', $stack)));
Пример #4
 function update($setting, $value)
     if (!Config::isValidSetting($setting)) {
         return Error::create("Unrecognized setting: {$setting}");
     $q = "delete from Config where name = '{$setting}'";
     $r = @mysql_query($q);
     if (!$r) {
         return Error::MySQL();
     $q = "insert into Config (name, value) values ('{$setting}', '" . db::sanitize_to_db($value) . "')";
     $r = @mysql_query($q);
     if (!$r) {
         return Error::MySQL();
     return true;
Пример #5
 function init($args)
     global $Buffer;
     list($subject, $encoding, $offset) = array_pad($args, 3, null);
     $type = gettype($subject);
     if ($type === 'integer' || $type === 'double') {
         $this->raw = str_repeat("", (int) $subject);
     } else {
         if ($type === 'string') {
             $encoding = $encoding === null ? 'utf8' : to_string($encoding);
             if ($encoding === 'hex') {
                 $this->raw = hex2bin($subject);
             } else {
                 if ($encoding === 'base64') {
                     $this->raw = base64_decode($subject);
                 } else {
                     $this->raw = $subject;
         } else {
             if (_instanceof($subject, $Buffer)) {
                 $this->raw = $subject->raw;
             } else {
                 if ($subject instanceof Arr) {
                     $this->raw = $util['arrToRaw']($subject);
                 } else {
                     throw new Ex(Error::create('Invalid parameters to construct Buffer'));
     $len = strlen($this->raw);
     //save an integer copy of length for performance
     $this->length = $len;
     $this->set('length', (double) $len);
Пример #6
             $args = array();
             foreach ($matches as $match) {
                 $args[] = $match[0];
             $result[] = substr($str, $offset, $matchIndex - $offset);
             //calculate multi-byte character index from match index
             $mbIndex = mb_strlen(substr($str, 0, $matchIndex));
             array_push($args, $mbIndex);
             array_push($args, $str);
             $result[] = to_string($replace->apply(null, $args));
             $offset = $matchIndex + strlen($args[0]);
             $count += 1;
         if ($success === false) {
             //this can happen in the case of invalid utf8 sequences
             throw new Ex(Error::create('String.prototype.replace() failed'));
         $result[] = substr($str, $offset);
         return join('', $result);
     } else {
         $matchIndex = strpos($str, $search);
         if ($matchIndex === false) {
             return $str;
         $before = substr($str, 0, $matchIndex);
         $after = substr($str, $matchIndex + strlen($search));
         //mb_strlen used to calculate multi-byte character index
         $args = array($search, mb_strlen($before), $str);
         return $before . to_string($replace->apply(null, $args)) . $after;
Пример #7
 private function _store()
     $name = $this->name['filename'] . '_' . join('x', $this->dimensions) . '.' . $this->name['extension'];
     if (!@file_put_contents(Config::get('image.cache') . $name, $this->_create())) {
         return Config::get('image.cache') . $name;
     } else {
         Error::create('Could not save image file. Please check the cache folder exists and is writable.');
     return false;
Пример #8
            return $reg;
        $RegExp->set('prototype', RegExp::$protoObject);
        $RegExp->setMethods(RegExp::$classMethods, true, false, true);
        return $RegExp;
RegExp::$classMethods = array();
RegExp::$protoMethods = array('exec' => function ($str) {
    $self = Func::getContext();
    $str = to_string($str);
    //todo $offset
    $offset = 0;
    $result = preg_match($self->toString(true), $str, $matches, PREG_OFFSET_CAPTURE, $offset);
    if ($result === false) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create('Error executing Regular Expression: ' . $self->toString()));
    if ($result === 0) {
        return Object::$null;
    $index = $matches[0][1];
    $self->set('lastIndex', (double) ($index + strlen($matches[0][0])));
    $arr = new Arr();
    foreach ($matches as $match) {
    $arr->set('index', (double) $index);
    $arr->set('input', $str);
    return $arr;
}, 'test' => function ($str) {
    $self = Func::getContext();
Пример #9
 function getByUserID($userID)
     if (is_numeric($userID) && $userID > 0) {
         $q = "select ID from Band_Members where user_id = {$userID}";
         $r = mysql_query($q);
         if ($r) {
             $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
             return BandMember::get($row['ID']);
         } else {
             return Error::MySQL();
     } else {
         return Error::create("Invalid user ID.");
Пример #10
 function get($userID)
     if ($userID > 0 && is_numeric($userID)) {
         $q = "select ID, firstname, lastname, birthdate, is_active, username, password, email, level from Users where ID = {$userID}";
         $r = mysql_query($q);
         $row = mysql_fetch_assoc($r);
         if ($row['ID']) {
             $uo = new User();
             $uo->ID = $row['ID'];
             $uo->username = $row['username'];
             $uo->lastname = db::sanitize_from_db($row['lastname']);
             $uo->password = $row['password'];
             $uo->firstname = db::sanitize_from_db($row['firstname']);
             $uo->birthdate = $row['birthdate'];
             $uo->is_active = $row['is_active'];
             $uo->email = $row['email'];
             $uo->level = $row['level'];
             return $uo;
     return Error::create("Invalid user ID.");
Пример #11
 function set_length($len)
     $len = self::checkInt($len);
     if ($len === null) {
         throw new Ex(Error::create('Invalid array length'));
     //when setting the length smaller than before, we need to delete elements
     $oldLen = $this->length;
     if ($oldLen > $len) {
         for ($i = $len; $i < $oldLen; $i++) {
     $this->length = $len;
     return (double) $len;
Пример #12
 function remove()
     if ($this->canEdit()) {
         $r = @mysql_query("delete from Band_News where ID = " . $this->ID);
         if (!$r) {
             return Error::MySQL();
     } else {
         return Error::create('You may not remove a post that is not yours.');
Пример #13
 * @param string $key
 * @param Object $obj
 * @return bool
 * @throws Exception
function _in($key, $obj)
    if (!$obj instanceof Object) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create("Cannot use 'in' operator to search for '" . $key . "' in " . to_string($obj)));
    return $obj->hasProperty($key);
Пример #14
  * Similar to callMethod, we can call "internal" methods (dynamically-attached
  * user functions) which are available in PHP land but not from JS
  * @param string $name - method name
  * @param array $args - arguments with which method was called
  * @return mixed
  * @throws Ex
 function __call($name, $args)
     if (isset($this->{$name})) {
         return call_user_func_array($this->{$name}, $args);
     } else {
         throw new Ex(Error::create('Internal method `' . $name . '` not found on ' . gettype($this)));
Пример #15
 function add($postArray)
     if (User::isAdmin()) {
         $db = new db();
         $name = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['name']);
         $description = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['description']);
         $url = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['url']);
         $category_id = $postArray['category_id'];
         if (!$name) {
             $name = '(untitled link)';
         if (strlen($url) < 6) {
             return Error::create("Please enter a valid URL. A URL typically begins with \"http://\"");
         $r = mysql_query("INSERT INTO Links (name, description, url, category_id, is_active) VALUES ('{$name}', '{$description}', '{$url}', '{$category_id}', " . DEFAULT_ACTIVE . ")");
         if ($r) {
             $nl = Link::get(mysql_insert_id());
             return $nl;
         } else {
             return Error::MySQL();
     } else {
         return Error::create("Only an administrator may add links.");
Пример #16
 function update($postArray)
     // Admin user can update all posts, otherwise user can only update his own
     if (!$this->canEdit()) {
         return Error::create("You may not update a venue you did not post.");
     $db = new db();
     $name = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['name']);
     $address1 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address1']);
     $address2 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address2']);
     $city = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['city']);
     $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvince']);
     $postalCode = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['postalCode']);
     $directions = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['directions']);
     $country = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['country']);
     $country = $country == null ? VENUE_DEFAULT_COUNTRY : $country;
     if ($stateProvince == "??") {
         $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvinceOther']);
     if (!$name) {
         $name = '(untitled venue)';
     if (User::isAdmin()) {
         $uo = User::get($postArray['user_id']);
         if (db::isError($uo)) {
         } else {
             if (!$uo->isAdmin() && $uo->isBandMember()) {
                 $e->add("Invalid user. User must be a band member or an administrator.");
     } else {
         $uo = User::getCurrent();
     $user_id = $uo->getID();
     $r = @mysql_query("update Venues set country='{$country}', user_id = '{$user_id}', name='{$name}', address1='{$address1}', address2 = '{$address2}', city='{$city}', stateProvince = '{$stateProvince}', postalCode='{$postalCode}', directions='{$directions}' where ID = " . $this->ID);
     if ($r) {
         return Venue::get($this->ID);
     } else {
         return Error::MySQL();
Пример #17

$process = new Object();
// the type of interface between web server and PHP
$process->set('sapi_name', php_sapi_name());
$process->set('exit', new Func(function ($code = 0) {
    $code = intval($code);
$process->set('binding', new Func(function ($name) {
    $module = Module::get($name);
    if ($module === null) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create("Binding `{$name}` not found."));
    return $module;
//command line arguments
$process->argv = isset(GlobalObject::$OLD_GLOBALS['argv']) ? GlobalObject::$OLD_GLOBALS['argv'] : array();
//first argument is path to script
$process->argv = array_slice($process->argv, 1);
$process->set('argv', Arr::fromArray($process->argv));
Пример #18
 function remove()
     if (User::isAdmin()) {
         $r = @mysql_query("delete from Band_Guest_Performers where ID = " . $this->ID);
         if (!$r) {
             return Error::MySQL();
     } else {
         return Error::create("Only an administrator may remove guest performers.");
Пример #19
         $controller->createComment($url[2], $url[3]);
     } else {
         require 'Controllers/error.php';
         $controller = new Error(404);
 if ($url[0] == 'like' && $url[1] == 'createLike') {
     if (isset($url[2]) && isset($url[3])) {
         $controller->createLike($url[2], $url[3]);
 if ($url[0] == 'post' && $url[1] != 'index') {
     if ($url[1] == 'create') {
     if ($url[1] == 'search') {
     if ($url[1] == 'show') {
         if (isset($url[2])) {
     if ($url[1] == "newsfeed") {
Пример #20
        $type = str_contains($msg, "SQL") ? "mysql" : "php";
        Error::create(array('url' => url($url), 'code' => $code, 'msg' => $msg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'fatal' => $fatal, 'type' => $type));
App::fatal(function ($exception) {
    $url = Request::url();
    $code = $exception->getCode();
    $msg = $exception->getMessage();
    $file = $exception->getFile();
    $line = $exception->getLine();
    $file_in_db = $file;
    $line_in_db = $line;
    $fatal = 1;
    if (!Error::whereRaw("url = '{$url}' and code = '{$code}' and file = '{$file_in_db}' and line = {$line_in_db}")->exists()) {
        $type = str_contains($msg, "SQL") ? "mysql" : "php";
        Error::create(array('url' => url($url), 'code' => $code, 'msg' => $msg, 'file' => $file, 'line' => $line, 'fatal' => $fatal, 'type' => $type));
App::missing(function ($exception) {
    $page_title = "page 404 :(";
    $article = Article::where('name', '=', '404')->get()->first();
    if (!$article) {
        return Response::view('frontend.article.alternative-404-page', compact('page_title'), 404);
    return Response::view('frontend.article.index', compact('article', 'page_title'), 404);
| Maintenance Mode Handler
Пример #21
  * Set internal error message.
 protected function error($id, $args = [], $domain = null)
     $this->lastError = Error::create($id, $args, $domain);
Пример #22
    }, 'getHeaders' => function () use(&$SERVER, &$headers) {
        if ($headers === null) {
            $headers = new Object();
            foreach ($SERVER as $key => $value) {
                if (substr($key, 0, 5) === 'HTTP_') {
                    $key = strtolower(substr($key, 5));
                    $key = str_replace('_', '-', $key);
                    $headers->set($key, $value);
        return $headers;
    }, 'getRemoteAddress' => function () use(&$SERVER) {
        return isset($SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']) ? $SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'] : '';
    }, 'read' => function ($bytes) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create('not implemented: Request.read()'));
    $request = new Object();
    $request->setMethods($methods, true, false, true);
    return $request;
Module::define('response', function () {
    $methods = array('writeHead' => function ($statusCode, $statusReason, $headers) {
        $keys = $headers->getOwnKeys(true);
        foreach ($keys as $key) {
            $value = $headers->get($key);
            header($key . ": " . $value);
    }, 'write' => function ($data) {
        $data = $data instanceof Buffer ? $data->raw : to_string($data);
Пример #23
  * Creates the global constructor used in user-land
  * @return Func
 static function getGlobalConstructor()
     $Function = new Func(function ($fn) {
         throw new Ex(Error::create('Cannot construct function at runtime.'));
     $Function->set('prototype', Func::$protoObject);
     $Function->setMethods(Func::$classMethods, true, false, true);
     return $Function;
Пример #24
 function update($postArray)
     $db = new db();
     $e = new Error();
     if (User::isAdmin()) {
         $genreID = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['genreID']);
         if (!$this->isValidGenreID($postArray['genreID'])) {
             $e->add("Invalid genre specified");
         $name = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['name']);
         if ($name == '' || $name == null) {
             $e->add("You must specify a name for your band.");
         $managerName = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['managerName']);
         $address1 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address1']);
         $address2 = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['address2']);
         $city = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['city']);
         $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvince']);
         if ($stateProvince == "??") {
             $stateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['stateProvinceOther']);
         $postalCode = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['postalCode']);
         $bio = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['bio']);
         $miscellaneous = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['miscellaneous']);
         $country = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['country']);
         $defaultStateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['defaultStateProvince']);
         if ($defaultStateProvince == "??") {
             $defaultStateProvince = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['defaultStateProvince']);
         $defaultCountry = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['defaultCountry']);
         $defaultCity = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['defaultCity']);
         $description = $db->sanitize_to_db($postArray['description']);
         if ($e->hasErrors()) {
             return $e;
         $q = "delete from Band_Information";
         $r = mysql_query($q);
         if (!$r) {
             return Error::MySQL();
         $q = "insert into Band_Information (name, managerName, address1, address2, city, stateProvince, postalCode, bio, miscellaneous, country, defaultStateProvince, defaultCountry, defaultCity, genreID, description) ";
         $q .= "values ('{$name}', '{$managerName}', '{$address1}', '{$address2}', '{$city}', '{$stateProvince}', '{$postalCode}', '{$bio}', '{$miscellaneous}', '{$country}', '{$defaultStateProvince}', '{$defaultCountry}', '{$defaultCity}', '{$genreID}', '{$description}')";
         $r = mysql_query($q);
         // ping auditionrocks.com
         // aborted attempt at creating an audition directory
         $xc = new xmlrpc_client("/ping/", "www.auditionrocks.com");
         $message = new xmlrpcmsg("audition.pingBack", array(
         		new xmlrpcval($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"] . SITE_WEB_DIRECTORY, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($name, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($bio, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($genreID, "int"),
         		new xmlrpcval($city, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($stateProvince, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($postalCode, "string"),
         		new xmlrpcval($country, "string"))
         $response = $xc->send($message, 5, "POST");
         if ($r) {
             return true;
         } else {
             return Error::create("An unexplained error occurred when trying to update your information.");
Пример #25
 * @param Object $obj
 * @param string $name
 * @return mixed
 * @throws Exception
function call_method($obj, $name)
    if ($obj === null || $obj === Object::$null) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create("Cannot read property '" . $name . "' of " . to_string($obj)));
    $obj = objectify($obj);
    $fn = $obj->get($name);
    if (!$fn instanceof Func) {
        throw new Ex(Error::create(_typeof($fn) . " is not a function"));
    $args = array_slice(func_get_args(), 2);
    return $fn->apply($obj, $args);
Пример #26
 function validateMediaOperation($opType = "ADD", $mediaObject = null)
     // called automatically by the m2 functions that add media, when passed the object
     // opType allows us to distinguish between adding, editing, updating, etc... but most times
     // the same check will work for all operation types
     if ($opType == "RESCAN") {
         // non-admins can't delete, only deactivate
         if (!User::isAdmin()) {
             return Error::create('Only an admin user may rescan media.');
         } else {
             return true;
     } else {
         if (!User::isAdmin()) {
             return Error::create('Only an admin user may add, delete, activate or deactivate show media.');
         } else {
             return true;
Пример #27
     //fallback for if set_error_handler didn't do it's thing
     if ($result === false) {
         $helpers['throwError']('EIO', $fullPath);
 }, 'createReadStream' => function ($path, $opts = null) use(&$helpers, &$ReadStream) {
     return $ReadStream->construct($path, $opts);
 }, 'createWriteStream' => function ($path, $opts = null) use(&$helpers, &$WriteStream) {
     return $WriteStream->construct($path, $opts);
 $helpers = array('basePath' => getcwd(), 'ERR_MAP' => array('EACCES' => "EACCES, permission denied", 'EBADF' => "EBADF, bad file descriptor", 'EEXIST' => "EEXIST, file already exists", 'EIO' => "EIO, input/output error", 'ENOENT' => "ENOENT, no such file or directory", 'ENOTDIR' => "ENOTDIR, not a directory", 'ENOTEMPTY' => "ENOTEMPTY, directory not empty", 'EPERM' => "EPERM, operation not permitted", 'EISDIR' => "EISDIR, is a directory"), 'throwError' => function ($code, $paths = array(), $framesToPop = 0) use(&$helpers) {
     $message = $helpers['ERR_MAP'][$code];
     $paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : array($paths);
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $message .= " '" . $helpers['reverseMapPath']($path) . "'";
     $err = Error::create($message, $framesToPop + 1);
     $err->set('code', $code);
     throw new Ex($err);
 }, 'handleException' => function ($ex, $paths = array()) use(&$helpers) {
     $message = $ex->getMessage();
     $paths = is_array($paths) ? $paths : array($paths);
     //get the error message with the path(s) removed. this prevents words
     // in the path from effecting our parsing below.
     foreach ($paths as $path) {
         $message = str_replace($path, '', $message);
     $message = trim(array_slice(explode(':', $message), -1)[0]);
     if (strpos($message, 'No such file or directory') !== false) {
         $helpers['throwError']('ENOENT', $paths, 1);
     } else {
         if (strpos($message, 'Permission denied') !== false) {
Пример #28
 function setupStreaming()
     $conf = new Config();
     $streamingAudioFilesPath = $conf->getSetting('streamingAudioFilesPath');
     $streamingAudioServerURL = $conf->getSetting('streamingAudioServerURL');
     $filename = $this->getProtectedFilename();
     if ($filename && file_exists($streamingAudioFilesPath . '/' . $filename)) {
         return true;
     if ($streamingAudioFilesPath && !file_exists($streamingAudioFilesPath . '/')) {
         return Error::create("Streaming audio directory either undefined or cannot be found.");
     // Create a protected filename
     $prFilename = time() . $this->filename;
     $origPointer = SITE_FULL_DIRECTORY . MEDIA_ORIGINALS_DIRECTORY . '/' . date('Ymd', strtotime($this->date_time)) . '/' . $this->filename_original;
     $newPointer = $streamingAudioFilesPath . '/' . $prFilename;
     $res = @copy($origPointer, $newPointer);
     if (!$res) {
         return Error::create("Unable to copy audio file to streaming audio directory");
     $res2 = chmod($origPointer, "000");
     // protect original file
     $q = "update DarkRoom_Media_to_Areas set protected_filename = '{$prFilename}' where ID = '{$this->ID}'";
     $r = @mysql_query($q);
     if (!$r) {
         return Error::MySQL();
     } else {
         return true;
Пример #29
 function process($action, $force_ajax = false)
     global $app;
     $language = APP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE;
     if (!isset($action) || $action == "") {
         $action = "";
             //$action .= APP_DEFAULT_LANGUAGE."/";
         $action .= APP_DEFAULT_ACTION;
     if (APP_CONTROLLER) {
         $appClass = APP_CONTROLLER . "Application";
         $app = new $appClass();
         // FIXME: Sacar template
         //if(isset($template)) $app->setTemplate($template);
     if ($action) {
         if (APP_USE_SESSIONS) {
             if (APP_USE_CART) {
         $actionElements = explode(APP_PATH_SEPARATOR, APP_PATH_COMPONENTS);
         $actionArray = explode(APP_PATH_SEPARATOR, $action);
         for ($pe = 0; $pe < count($actionElements); $pe++) {
             $element = strtolower($actionElements[$pe]);
             if ($element == "*") {
             if (count($actionArray) > 0) {
                 ${$element} = array_shift($actionArray);
                 //echo $element." = ".$$element."<br/>";
         if (isset($language) && APP_USE_LANGUAGE) {
             $GLOBALS[APP_INSTANCE_NAME . ".LANGUAGE"] = $language;
         /*$controller = $actionArray[0];
         		//$className = $actionArray[0];
         		$class = $actionArray[0]."Controller";
         		$method = (count($actionArray)>1) ? $actionArray[1] : "index";*/
         if ($controller == "") {
             $controller = APP_DEFAULT_ACTION;
         $class = $controller . "Controller";
         if (!isset($method)) {
             $method = "index";
         $params = array();
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($actionArray); $i++) {
             array_push($params, $actionArray[$i]);
         // TODO: Sacar la  referencia de template
         /*if(defined('APP_MASTER_VIEW') || true){
         			$template = new Template(APP_MASTER_VIEW);
         // Start Application
         if (isset($app)) {
             $app->onAppStart(array($controller, $method, $params));
         if (class_exists($class)) {
             $process = new $class($app);
             // FIXME : en mac se necesita el & 4.1
             // FIXME: sacar
             //if(isset($template) || true) $process->setTemplate($template);
             // Application security
             $canExecute = TRUE;
             if (APP_USE_SECURITY) {
                 $securityMethod = "getCredentials";
                 if (APP_CUSTOM_SECURITY_HANDLER) {
                     $securityMethod = APP_CUSTOM_SECURITY_HANDLER;
                 if (array_key_exists($method, $process->accessLevels)) {
                     $access_level = $process->accessLevels[$method];
                 } else {
                     if (array_key_exists("default", $process->accessLevels)) {
                         $access_level = $process->accessLevels["default"];
                     } else {
                         $access_level = APP_DEFAULT_SECURITY_LEVEL;
                 $canExecute = $app->{$securityMethod}($access_level, $action);
             if ($canExecute) {
                 if (method_exists($class, $method)) {
                     $render = call_user_func_array(array(&$process, $method), $params);
                 } else {
                     $render = "error404";
             } else {
                 $accessDeniedMethod = APP_ACCESS_DENIED_HANDLER;
                 //echo $accessDeniedMethod." - ".$action;
                 $render = $app->{$accessDeniedMethod}($action);
                 //$render = TRUE;
         } else {
             Error::create("No se encontro la Clase {$class}");
             $render = "error404";
         // Exit Application
         MateApplication::$endTime = microtime();
         if (isset($app)) {
     /*$GLOBALS["application_endTime"] = Timer::get();
     		if(APP_DEBUG_MODE) $template->set("debug",Application::renderDebug());*/
     //if(isset($template) && !$process->noRender) echo $template->render();