public function setPropertyList(Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_PropertyList $propertyList) { if ($propertyList->isEmpty()) { throw new RuntimeException('Argument 1 passed to Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_BlankNodePropertyList::setPropertyList must not be an empty PropertyList', E_USER_ERROR); } $this->propertyList = $propertyList; }
public function propertyListNotEmpty() { $value = null; $v1 = null; $ol1 = null; $v2 = null; $ol2 = null; $value = new Erfurt_Sparql_Query2_PropertyList(); try { $this->pushFollow(self::$FOLLOW_verb_in_propertyListNotEmpty1269); $v1 = $this->verb(); $this->state->_fsp--; $this->pushFollow(self::$FOLLOW_objectList_in_propertyListNotEmpty1273); $ol1 = $this->objectList(); $this->state->_fsp--; $value->addProperty($v1, $ol1); // Sparql10.g:211:9: ( SEMICOLON (v2= verb ol2= objectList )? )* //loop43: do { $alt43 = 2; $LA43_0 = $this->input->LA(1); if ($LA43_0 == $this->getToken('SEMICOLON')) { $alt43 = 1; } switch ($alt43) { case 1: $this->match($this->input, $this->getToken('SEMICOLON'), self::$FOLLOW_SEMICOLON_in_propertyListNotEmpty1287); // Sparql10.g:211:21: (v2= verb ol2= objectList )? $alt42 = 2; $alt42 = $this->dfa42->predict($this->input); switch ($alt42) { case 1: $this->pushFollow(self::$FOLLOW_verb_in_propertyListNotEmpty1293); $v2 = $this->verb(); $this->state->_fsp--; $this->pushFollow(self::$FOLLOW_objectList_in_propertyListNotEmpty1297); $ol2 = $this->objectList(); $this->state->_fsp--; $value->addProperty($v2, $ol2); break; } break; default: break 2; //loop43; } } while (true); } catch (RecognitionException $re) { $this->reportError($re); $this->recover($this->input, $re); } catch (Exception $e) { throw $e; } return $value; }