  * Logs all database process to the internal log object.
  * Iterates all queries of the query profiler and writes the query,
  * the parameter and the elapsed seconds for the query into a new row of the log.
 public function logResults(Logger $log)
     /** @var $profiler \Zend_Db_Profiler */
     $profiler = $this->db->getProfiler();
     $rows = array(array('time', 'count', 'sql', 'params'));
     $counts = array(10000);
     $total_time = 0;
     $queryProfiles = $profiler->getQueryProfiles();
     if (!$queryProfiles) {
     /** @var $query \Zend_Db_Profiler_Query */
     foreach ($queryProfiles as $query) {
         $id = md5($query->getQuery());
         $total_time += $query->getElapsedSecs();
         if (!isset($rows[$id])) {
             $rows[$id] = array(number_format($query->getElapsedSecs(), 5, '.', ''), 1, $query->getQuery(), $query->getQueryParams());
             $counts[$id] = $query->getElapsedSecs();
         } else {
             $counts[$id] += $query->getElapsedSecs();
             $rows[$id][0] = number_format($counts[$id], 5, '.', '');
     array_multisort($counts, SORT_NUMERIC, SORT_DESC, $rows);
     $rows = array_values($rows);
     $total_time = round($total_time, 5);
     $total_count = $profiler->getTotalNumQueries();
     $label = "Database Querys ({$total_count} @ {$total_time} sec)";
     $table = array($label, $rows);
  * @param array $containers
  * @param array $orderData
  * @return array
 public function getPayPalInvoiceContentInfo(array $containers, array $orderData)
     $footer = $containers['Paypal_Content_Info'];
     $translationComp = new Shopware_Components_Translation();
     $translation = $translationComp->read($orderData['_order']['language'], 'documents', 1);
     $query = "SELECT * FROM s_core_documents_box WHERE id = ?";
     $rawFooter = $this->db->fetchAssoc($query, array($footer['id']));
     if (!empty($translation[1]["Paypal_Content_Info_Value"])) {
         $rawFooter["value"] = $translation[1]["Paypal_Content_Info_Value"];
     return $rawFooter[$footer['id']];
Пример #3
  * Create rewrite rules for articles
  * @param string $lastUpdate
  * @param int $limit
  * @return string
 public function sCreateRewriteTableArticles($lastUpdate, $limit = 1000)
     $routerArticleTemplate = $this->config->get('sROUTERARTICLETEMPLATE');
     if (empty($routerArticleTemplate)) {
         return $lastUpdate;
     $this->db->query('UPDATE `s_articles` SET `changetime`= NOW() WHERE `changetime`=?', array('0000-00-00 00:00:00'));
     $sql = $this->getSeoArticleQuery();
     $sql = $this->db->limit($sql, $limit);
     $result = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, array(Shopware()->Shop()->get('parentID'), Shopware()->Shop()->getId(), $lastUpdate));
     $result = $this->mapArticleTranslationObjectData($result);
     $result = Shopware()->Events()->filter('Shopware_Modules_RewriteTable_sCreateRewriteTableArticles_filterArticles', $result, array('shop' => Shopware()->Shop()->getId()));
     foreach ($result as $row) {
         $this->data->assign('sArticle', $row);
         $path = $this->template->fetch('string:' . $routerArticleTemplate, $this->data);
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($path, false);
         $orgPath = 'sViewport=detail&sArticle=' . $row['id'];
         $this->sInsertUrl($orgPath, $path);
         $lastUpdate = $row['changed'];
         $lastId = $row['id'];
     if (!empty($lastId)) {
         $this->db->query('UPDATE s_articles
             SET changetime = DATE_ADD(changetime, INTERVAL 1 SECOND)
             WHERE changetime=?
             AND id > ?', array($lastUpdate, $lastId));
     return $lastUpdate;
Пример #4
     * Returns the leaf category to which the
     * article belongs, inside the category subtree.
     * @param int $articleId Id of the article to look for
     * @param int $parentId Category subtree root id. If null, the shop category is used.
     * @param null $shopId
     * @return int Id of the leaf category, or 0 if none found.
    public function sGetCategoryIdByArticleId($articleId, $parentId = null, $shopId = null)
        if ($parentId === null) {
            $parentId = $this->baseId;
        if ($shopId === null) {
            $shopId = Shopware()->Shop()->getId();
        $id = (int) $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT category_id
             FROM s_articles_categories_seo
             WHERE article_id = :articleId
             AND shop_id = :shopId', array(':articleId' => $articleId, ':shopId' => $shopId));
        if ($id) {
            return $id;
        $sql = '
                   ac.categoryID as id
            FROM s_articles_categories_ro ac  FORCE INDEX (category_id_by_article_id)
                INNER JOIN s_categories c
                    ON  ac.categoryID = c.id
                    AND c.active = 1
                    AND c.path LIKE ?

                LEFT JOIN s_categories c2
                    ON c2.parent = c.id

            WHERE ac.articleID = ?
            AND c2.id IS NULL
            ORDER BY ac.id
        $id = (int) $this->db->fetchOne($sql, array('%|' . $parentId . '|%', $articleId));
        return $id;
Пример #5
  * If the user confirm the order, this function sends the buyer protection request
  * @param \Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args
 public function onSaveOrder(\Enlight_Event_EventArgs $args)
     /* @var \sOrder $orderSubject */
     $orderSubject = $args->getSubject();
     $shopId = $orderSubject->sSYSTEM->sSubShop['id'];
     if ($this->isShopware50) {
         $shopContext = Shopware()->Container()->get('shopware_storefront.context_service')->getShopContext();
         $shopId = $shopContext->getShop()->getId();
     $article = $this->isTsArticleInOrder($orderSubject);
     if (!empty($article)) {
         $config = $this->tsConfig->getTrustedShopBasicConfig($shopId);
         $returnValue = $this->tsSoapApi->sendBuyerProtectionRequest($orderSubject, $article['ordernumber'], $shopId);
         if (is_int($returnValue) && $returnValue > 0) {
              * Inserts the order to the trusted shops order table
              * The Status will be updated in the cronjob onRunTSCheckOrderState
              * Status Description:
              * Status 0 Pending
              * Status 1 Success
              * Status 3 Error
             $sql = "INSERT INTO `s_plugin_swag_trusted_shops_excellence_orders`\n\t\t\t\t\t\t(`ordernumber`, `shop_id`, `ts_applicationId`, `status`)\n\t\t\t\t\t\tVALUES (?,?,?,0)";
             $this->db->query($sql, array($orderSubject->sOrderNumber, $shopId, $returnValue));
             $comment = $config['stateWaiting']['description'];
             $status = $config['stateWaiting']['id'];
         } else {
             $comment = $config['stateError']['description'];
             $status = $config['stateError']['id'];
         $sql = "UPDATE s_order\n\t\t\t\t\tSET internalcomment = ?, status = ?\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE ordernumber = ?";
         $this->db->query($sql, array($comment, $status, $orderSubject->sOrderNumber));
Пример #6
  * Clear search cache
 public function clearSearchCache()
     $sql = "SELECT `id` FROM `s_core_config_elements` WHERE `name` LIKE 'fuzzysearchlastupdate'";
     $elementId = $this->db->fetchOne($sql);
     $sql = 'DELETE FROM s_core_config_values WHERE element_id=?';
     $this->db->query($sql, array($elementId));
Пример #7
  * Helper function which creates all variants for
  * the passed groups with options.
  * @param $groups
  * @param null $numberPrefix
  * @param array $data
  * @return array
 private function generateVariants($groups, $numberPrefix = null, $data = array())
     $options = array();
     foreach ($groups as $group) {
         $groupOptions = array();
         foreach ($group['options'] as $option) {
             $groupOptions[] = array('groupId' => $group['id'], 'option' => $option['name']);
         $options[] = $groupOptions;
     $combinations = $this->combinations($options);
     $combinations = $this->cleanUpCombinations($combinations);
     $variants = array();
     $count = 1;
     if (!$numberPrefix) {
         $numberPrefix = 'Unit-Test-Variant-';
     $this->db->executeQuery("DELETE FROM s_articles_details WHERE ordernumber LIKE ?", array($numberPrefix . '%'));
     foreach ($combinations as $combination) {
         $variantData = array_merge(array('number' => $numberPrefix . $count), $data);
         $variant = $this->getVariantData($variantData);
         $variant['configuratorOptions'] = $combination;
         $variants[] = $variant;
     return $variants;
  * @param $groupId
  * @return int
 private function getNextOptionPosition($groupId)
     $sql = "SELECT `position`\n                FROM `s_article_configurator_options`\n                WHERE `group_id` = ?\n                ORDER BY `position` DESC LIMIT 1";
     $position = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, $groupId);
     $position = $position ? ++$position : 1;
     return $position;
Пример #9
  * @param $articleId
  * @return string
 protected function countOfMainImages($articleId)
     $count = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT COUNT(main)
          FROM s_articles_img
          WHERE main = 1 AND articleID = ?', array($articleId));
     return $count;
Пример #10
     * Read data with translations from database
     * @return array
    protected function readData()
        $sql = "
              LOWER(REPLACE(e.name, '_', '')) as name,
              IFNULL(IFNULL(v2.value, v1.value), e.value) as value
            FROM s_core_config_elements e
            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values v1
            ON v1.element_id = e.id
            AND v1.shop_id = ?
            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values v2
            ON v2.element_id = e.id
            AND v2.shop_id = ?
        $data = $this->_db->fetchPairs($sql, array(
            1, //Shop parent id
            isset($this->_shop) ? $this->_shop->getId() : null

        $result = array();
        foreach ($data as $key => $value) {
            $result[$key] = unserialize($value);

        $result['version'] = Shopware::VERSION;
        $result['revision'] = Shopware::REVISION;
        $result['versiontext'] = Shopware::VERSION_TEXT;

        return $result;
Пример #11
  * Returns database timestamp
  * @param string $timestamp
  * @return string
 private function toTimeStamp($timestamp)
     if (empty($timestamp) && $timestamp !== 0) {
         return 'null';
     $date = new \Zend_Date($timestamp);
     return $this->db->quote($date->toString('Y-m-d H:i:s', 'php'));
Пример #12
  * @return bool
 public function deleteAllCategories()
     $sql = 'SELECT category_id
             FROM s_core_shops';
     $shopCategoriesIds = $this->db->fetchCol($sql);
     //don't delete shop's categories
     if (empty($shopCategoriesIds)) {
         $sql = 'TRUNCATE s_categories';
     } else {
         $ids = 'id != ' . implode(' AND id != ', $shopCategoriesIds);
         $sql = 'DELETE FROM s_categories
                 WHERE parent IS NOT NULL
                   AND ' . $ids;
     if ($this->db->exec($sql) === false) {
         return false;
     if ($this->db->exec('TRUNCATE s_articles_categories') === false) {
         return false;
     if ($this->db->exec('TRUNCATE s_emarketing_banners') === false) {
         return false;
     $sql = 'SELECT MAX(category_id)
             FROM s_core_shops';
     $lastCategoryId = $this->db->fetchOne($sql);
     $auto_increment = empty($lastCategoryId) ? 2 : $lastCategoryId + 1;
     $sql = 'ALTER TABLE s_categories AUTO_INCREMENT = ' . $auto_increment;
     if ($this->db->exec($sql) === false) {
         return false;
     return true;
Пример #13
  * Read a specific, static page (E.g. terms and conditions, etc.)
  * @param int $staticId The page id
  * @return array|false Page data, or false if none found by given id
 public function sGetStaticPage($staticId = null)
     if (empty($staticId)) {
         $staticId = (int) $this->front->Request()->getQuery('sCustom', $staticId);
     if (empty($staticId)) {
         return false;
     // Load static page data from database
     $staticPage = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM s_cms_static WHERE id = ?", array($staticId));
     if ($staticPage === false) {
         return false;
      * Add support for sub pages
     if (!empty($staticPage['parentID'])) {
         $sql = '
             SELECT p.id, p.description, p.link, p.target, IF(p.id=?, 1, 0) as active, p.page_title
             FROM s_cms_static p
             WHERE p.parentID = ?
             ORDER BY p.position
         $staticPage['siblingPages'] = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, array($staticId, $staticPage['parentID']));
         $sql = '
             SELECT p.id, p.description, p.link, p.target, p.page_title
             FROM s_cms_static p
             WHERE p.id = ?
         $staticPage['parent'] = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, array($staticPage['parentID']));
         $staticPage['parent'] = $staticPage['parent'] ?: array();
     } else {
         $sql = '
             SELECT p.id, p.description, p.link, p.target, p.page_title
             FROM s_cms_static p
             WHERE p.parentID = ?
             ORDER BY p.position
         $staticPage['subPages'] = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, array($staticId));
     return $staticPage;
Пример #14
  * Returns the article data for the trusted shop article calculated by the current basket amount
  * @param $amount
  * @return array
 private function getTsArticleByAmount($amount)
     if (empty($amount)) {
         return array();
     $currency = $this->shop->getCurrency()->toArray();
     $currencyForSelect = '%' . $currency['currency'];
     $sql = "SELECT a.id AS id,\n                REPLACE(ROUND(ap.price * (100+t.tax) / 100, 2), '.', ',') AS grossFee,\n                ROUND(ap.price, 2) AS netFee,\n                aa.swag_trusted_range AS protectedAmountDecimal,\n                aa.swag_trusted_duration AS protectionDurationInt,\n                ad.ordernumber AS tsProductID\n\n                FROM s_articles AS a\n                  INNER JOIN s_articles_attributes AS aa\n                    ON a.id = aa.articleID\n                  INNER JOIN s_articles_details AS ad\n                    ON a.id = ad.articleID\n                  INNER JOIN s_core_tax AS t\n                    ON t.id = a.taxID\n                  INNER JOIN s_articles_prices AS ap\n                    ON a.id = ap.articleID\n                     AND ap.pricegroup = 'EK'\n                     AND ap.from = 1\n\n                WHERE aa.swag_trusted_range >= :amount AND ad.ordernumber LIKE :currency\n                ORDER BY aa.swag_trusted_range ASC LIMIT 1;";
     $nextProtectionItem = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, array('amount' => $amount, 'currency' => $currencyForSelect));
     $nextProtectionItem['currency'] = $currency['currency'];
     return $nextProtectionItem;
Пример #15
  * generates a new attribute for the articles to
  * mark Trusted Shops articles
 private function generateAttribute()
     $this->em->addAttribute('s_articles_attributes', 'swag', 'is_trusted_shops_article', 'tinyint(1)', true, 0);
     $this->em->addAttribute('s_articles_attributes', 'swag', 'trusted_range', 'int(11)', true, null);
     $this->em->addAttribute('s_articles_attributes', 'swag', 'trusted_duration', 'varchar(20)', true, null);
     try {
         $sql = "CREATE INDEX swag_trusted_range ON s_articles_attributes (swag_trusted_range);";
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #16
  * @param int $shippingId
  * @param array $postData
  * @return array
 private function filterShippingAttributeData($shippingId, $postData)
     $data = $this->db->fetchRow("SELECT * FROM s_user_shippingaddress_attributes WHERE shippingID = ?", [$shippingId]);
     $allowedKeys = array_keys($data);
     foreach ($postData as $key => $value) {
         if (!in_array($key, $allowedKeys)) {
         $data[$key] = $value;
     return $data;
Пример #17
 private function removeAclResource()
     $sql = "SELECT id FROM s_core_acl_resources\n                WHERE pluginID = ?;";
     $resourceId = $this->db->fetchOne($sql, [$this->getId()]);
     if (!$resourceId) {
     $resource = $this->em->getRepository(\Shopware\Models\User\Resource::class)->find($resourceId);
     foreach ($resource->getPrivileges() as $privilege) {
  * @param array $record
  * @return string
 private function getSupplierId($record)
     $this->suppliers = $this->getSuppliers();
     $name = $record['supplierName'];
     $supplierId = $this->suppliers[$name];
     //creates supplier if does not exists
     if (!$supplierId) {
         $data = array('name' => $name);
         $builder = $this->dbalHelper->getQueryBuilderForEntity($data, 'Shopware\\Models\\Article\\Supplier', false);
         $supplierId = $this->db->lastInsertId();
         $this->suppliers[$name] = $supplierId;
     return $supplierId;
Пример #19
  * Get article data for sAddArticle
  * @param int $id Article ordernumber
  * @return array|false Article data, or false if none found
 private function getArticleForAddArticle($id)
     $sql = "\n            SELECT s_articles.id AS articleID, name AS articleName, taxID,\n              additionaltext, s_articles_details.shippingfree, laststock, instock,\n              s_articles_details.id as articledetailsID, ordernumber\n            FROM s_articles, s_articles_details\n            WHERE s_articles_details.ordernumber = ?\n            AND s_articles_details.articleID = s_articles.id\n            AND s_articles.active = 1\n            AND (\n                SELECT articleID\n                FROM s_articles_avoid_customergroups\n                WHERE articleID = s_articles.id AND customergroupID = ?\n            ) IS NULL\n        ";
     $article = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, array($id, $this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["id"]));
     $article = $this->eventManager->filter('Shopware_Modules_Basket_getArticleForAddArticle_FilterArticle', $article, array("id" => $id, 'subject' => $this, "partner" => $this->sSYSTEM->_SESSION["sPartner"]));
     if (!$article) {
         return false;
     $name = $this->moduleManager->Articles()->sGetArticleNameByOrderNumber($article["ordernumber"], true);
     if (!empty($name)) {
         $article["articleName"] = $name["articleName"];
         $article["additionaltext"] = $name["additionaltext"];
     return $article;
Пример #20
  * Read data with translations from database
  * @return array
 protected function readData()
     $sql = "\n            SELECT\n              LOWER(REPLACE(e.name, '_', '')) as name,\n              IFNULL(IFNULL(v2.value, v1.value), e.value) as value,\n              LOWER(REPLACE(forms.name, '_', '')) as form\n            FROM s_core_config_elements e\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values v1\n            ON v1.element_id = e.id\n            AND v1.shop_id = ?\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values v2\n            ON v2.element_id = e.id\n            AND v2.shop_id = ?\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_forms forms\n            ON forms.id = e.form_id\n        ";
     $data = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array(1, isset($this->_shop) ? $this->_shop->getId() : null));
     $result = array();
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $result[$row['name']] = unserialize($row['value']);
         // Take namespaces (form names) into account
         $result[$row['form'] . '::' . $row['name']] = unserialize($row['value']);
     $result['version'] = Shopware::VERSION;
     $result['revision'] = Shopware::REVISION;
     $result['versiontext'] = Shopware::VERSION_TEXT;
     return $result;
Пример #21
  * @param int $articleId
  * @param int $categoryId
 public function assignArticlesToCategory($articleId, $categoryId)
     $categoryId = intval($categoryId);
     $articleId = intval($articleId);
     if (empty($categoryId) || empty($articleId)) {
     $sql = "INSERT IGNORE INTO s_articles_categories (articleID, categoryID)\n                SELECT {$articleId} as articleID, c.id as categoryID\n                FROM s_categories c\n                WHERE c.id IN ({$categoryId})";
     if ($this->db->query($sql) === false) {
     $categoryDenormalization = Shopware()->Container()->get('categorydenormalization');
     $categoryDenormalization->addAssignment($articleId, $categoryId);
Пример #22
  * Deletes all dummy customer entity
 private function deleteDummyCustomer(\Shopware\Models\Customer\Customer $customer)
     $billingId = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT id FROM s_user_billingaddress WHERE userID = ?', array($customer->getId()));
     $shippingId = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT id FROM s_user_shippingaddress WHERE userID = ?', array($customer->getId()));
     if ($billingId) {
         $this->db->delete('s_user_billingaddress_attributes', 'billingID = ' . $billingId);
         $this->db->delete('s_user_billingaddress', 'id = ' . $billingId);
     if ($shippingId) {
         $this->db->delete('s_user_shippingaddress_attributes', 'shippingID = ' . $shippingId);
         $this->db->delete('s_user_shippingaddress', 'id = ' . $shippingId);
     $this->db->delete('s_core_payment_data', 'user_id = ' . $customer->getId());
     $this->db->delete('s_user_attributes', 'userID = ' . $customer->getId());
     $this->db->delete('s_user', 'id = ' . $customer->getId());
Пример #23
  * Read data with translations from database
  * @return array
 protected function readData()
     $sql = "\n            SELECT\n              LOWER(REPLACE(e.name, '_', '')) as name,\n              COALESCE(currentShop.value, parentShop.value, fallbackShop.value, e.value) as value,\n              LOWER(REPLACE(forms.name, '_', '')) as form,\n              currentShop.value as currentShopval,\n              parentShop.value as parentShopval,\n              fallbackShop.value as fallbackShopval\n\n            FROM s_core_config_elements e\n\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values currentShop\n              ON currentShop.element_id = e.id\n              AND currentShop.shop_id = :currentShopId\n\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values parentShop\n              ON parentShop.element_id = e.id\n              AND parentShop.shop_id = :parentShopId\n\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_values fallbackShop\n              ON fallbackShop.element_id = e.id\n              AND fallbackShop.shop_id = :fallbackShopId\n\n            LEFT JOIN s_core_config_forms forms\n              ON forms.id = e.form_id\n        ";
     $data = $this->_db->fetchAll($sql, array('fallbackShopId' => 1, 'parentShopId' => isset($this->_shop) && $this->_shop->getMain() !== null ? $this->_shop->getMain()->getId() : 1, 'currentShopId' => isset($this->_shop) ? $this->_shop->getId() : null));
     $result = array();
     foreach ($data as $row) {
         $value = !empty($row['value']) ? @unserialize($row['value']) : null;
         $result[$row['name']] = $value;
         // Take namespaces (form names) into account
         $result[$row['form'] . '::' . $row['name']] = $value;
     $result['version'] = Shopware::VERSION;
     $result['revision'] = Shopware::REVISION;
     $result['versiontext'] = Shopware::VERSION_TEXT;
     return $result;
Пример #24
     * Assigns the next CustomerNumber from s_order_number
     * to given $userId and updates s_order_number
     * in an atomic operation.
     * @param int $userId
    private function assignCustomerNumber($userId)
        $sql = <<<SQL
    s_order_number.number = s_order_number.number+1,
    s_user_billingaddress.customernumber = s_order_number.number
    s_order_number.name = 'user'
    s_user_billingaddress.userID = ?
        $this->db->query($sql, array($userId));
Пример #25
  * Returns all filterable properties depending on the given articles
  * @param  array $articles
  * @return array
 public function sGetComparisonProperties($articles)
     $shopContext = $this->contextService->getShopContext();
     $properties = [];
     foreach ($articles as $article) {
         //get all properties in the right order
         $sql = "SELECT\n                      options.id,\n                      options.name,\n                      translation.objectdata as translation,\n                      translationFallback.objectdata as translationFallback\n\n                    FROM s_filter_options as options\n                    LEFT JOIN s_filter_relations as relations ON relations.optionId = options.id\n                    LEFT JOIN s_filter as filter ON filter.id = relations.groupID\n\n                    LEFT JOIN s_core_translations AS translation\n                    ON translation.objecttype='propertyoption'\n                    AND translation.objectkey=options.id\n                    AND translation.objectlanguage=:shopId\n\n                    LEFT JOIN s_core_translations AS translationFallback\n                    ON translationFallback.objecttype='propertyoption'\n                    AND translationFallback.objectkey=options.id\n                    AND translationFallback.objectlanguage=:fallbackId\n\n                    WHERE relations.groupID = :groupId\n                    AND filter.comparable = 1\n                    ORDER BY relations.position ASC";
         $articleProperties = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, ['groupId' => $article["filtergroupID"], 'shopId' => $shopContext->getShop()->getId(), 'fallbackId' => $shopContext->getShop()->getFallbackId()]);
         foreach ($articleProperties as $articleProperty) {
             if (!in_array($articleProperty['id'], array_keys($properties))) {
                 //the key is not part of the array so add it to the end
                 $properties[$articleProperty['id']] = $this->extractPropertyTranslation($articleProperty);
     return $properties;
Пример #26
  * Get article data for sAddArticle
  * @param int $id Article ordernumber
  * @return array|false Article data, or false if none found
 private function getArticleForAddArticle($id)
     $sql = "\n            SELECT s_articles.id AS articleID, s_articles.main_detail_id, name AS articleName, taxID,\n              additionaltext, s_articles_details.shippingfree, laststock, instock,\n              s_articles_details.id as articledetailsID, ordernumber,\n              s_articles.configurator_set_id\n            FROM s_articles, s_articles_details\n            WHERE s_articles_details.ordernumber = ?\n            AND s_articles_details.articleID = s_articles.id\n            AND s_articles.active = 1\n            AND (\n                SELECT articleID\n                FROM s_articles_avoid_customergroups\n                WHERE articleID = s_articles.id AND customergroupID = ?\n            ) IS NULL\n        ";
     $article = $this->db->fetchRow($sql, array($id, $this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["id"]));
     $article = $this->eventManager->filter('Shopware_Modules_Basket_getArticleForAddArticle_FilterArticle', $article, array("id" => $id, 'subject' => $this, "partner" => $this->sSYSTEM->_SESSION["sPartner"]));
     if (!$article) {
         return false;
     $article = $this->moduleManager->Articles()->sGetTranslation($article, $article['articleID'], "article");
     $article = $this->moduleManager->Articles()->sGetTranslation($article, $article['articledetailsID'], "variant");
     if ($article['configurator_set_id'] > 0) {
         $context = $this->contextService->getProductContext();
         $product = Shopware()->Container()->get('shopware_storefront.list_product_service')->get($article['ordernumber'], $context);
         $product = $this->additionalTextService->buildAdditionalText($product, $context);
         $article['additionaltext'] = $product->getAdditional();
     return $article;
Пример #27
  * Gets related pages for the given page
  * @param array $staticPage
  * @param int|null $shopId
  * @return mixed
 private function getRelatedForPage($staticPage, $shopId = null)
     $andWhere = '';
     $params = array('pageId' => $staticPage['id']);
     if ($shopId) {
         $andWhere .= ' AND (p.shop_ids IS NULL OR p.shop_ids LIKE :shopId)';
         $params['shopId'] = '%|' . $shopId . '|%';
     $sql = '
             SELECT p.id, p.description, p.link, p.target, p.page_title
             FROM s_cms_static p
             WHERE p.parentID = :pageId
             ' . $andWhere . '
             ORDER BY p.position
     $staticPage['subPages'] = $this->db->fetchAll($sql, $params);
     return $staticPage;
Пример #28
  * Helper method for sAdmin::sGetPremiumShippingcosts()
  * Calculates payment mean surcharge
  * @param $country
  * @param $payment
  * @param $currencyFactor
  * @param $dispatch
  * @param $discount_tax
 private function handlePaymentMeanSurcharge($country, $payment, $currencyFactor, $dispatch, $discount_tax)
     $surcharge_name = $this->config->get('sPAYMENTSURCHARGEABSOLUTE', 'Zuschlag für Zahlungsart');
     $percent_ordernumber = $this->config->get('sPAYMENTSURCHARGENUMBER', "PAYMENTSURCHARGE");
     // Country surcharge
     if (!empty($payment['country_surcharge'][$country['countryiso']])) {
         $payment['surcharge'] += $payment['country_surcharge'][$country['countryiso']];
     $payment['surcharge'] = round($payment['surcharge'] * $currencyFactor, 2);
     // Fixed surcharge
     if (!empty($payment['surcharge']) && (empty($dispatch) || $dispatch['surcharge_calculation'] == 3)) {
         $surcharge = round($payment['surcharge'], 2);
         $payment['surcharge'] = 0;
         if (empty($this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["tax"]) && !empty($this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["id"])) {
             $surcharge_net = $surcharge;
             //$tax_rate = 0;
         } else {
             $surcharge_net = round($surcharge / (100 + $discount_tax) * 100, 2);
         $tax_rate = $discount_tax;
         $this->db->insert('s_order_basket', array('sessionID' => $this->session->offsetGet('sessionId'), 'articlename' => $surcharge_name, 'articleID' => 0, 'ordernumber' => $surcharge_ordernumber, 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => $surcharge, 'netprice' => $surcharge_net, 'tax_rate' => $tax_rate, 'datum' => new Zend_Date(), 'modus' => 4, 'currencyFactor' => $currencyFactor));
     // Percentage surcharge
     if (!empty($payment['debit_percent']) && (empty($dispatch) || $dispatch['surcharge_calculation'] != 2)) {
         $amount = $this->db->fetchOne('SELECT SUM(quantity*price) as amount
             FROM s_order_basket
             WHERE sessionID = ? GROUP BY sessionID', array($this->session->offsetGet('sessionId')));
         $percent = round($amount / 100 * $payment['debit_percent'], 2);
         if ($percent > 0) {
             $percent_name = $this->config->get('sPAYMENTSURCHARGEADD');
         } else {
             $percent_name = $this->config->get('sPAYMENTSURCHARGEDEV');
         if (empty($this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["tax"]) && !empty($this->sSYSTEM->sUSERGROUPDATA["id"])) {
             $percent_net = $percent;
         } else {
             $percent_net = round($percent / (100 + $discount_tax) * 100, 2);
         $tax_rate = $discount_tax;
         $this->db->insert('s_order_basket', array('sessionID' => $this->session->offsetGet('sessionId'), 'articlename' => $percent_name, 'articleID' => 0, 'ordernumber' => $percent_ordernumber, 'quantity' => 1, 'price' => $percent, 'netprice' => $percent_net, 'tax_rate' => $tax_rate, 'datum' => new Zend_Date(), 'modus' => 4, 'currencyFactor' => $currencyFactor));
     return $payment;
Пример #29
  * Create CMS rewrite rules
  * Used in multiple locations
  * @param int $offset
  * @param int $limit
 public function sCreateRewriteTableContent($offset = null, $limit = null)
     $sql = "SELECT id, description as name FROM `s_emarketing_promotion_main`";
     if ($limit !== null) {
         $sql = $this->db->limit($sql, $limit, $offset);
     $eMarketingPromotion = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
     foreach ($eMarketingPromotion as $row) {
         $org_path = 'sViewport=campaign&sCampaign=' . $row['id'];
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($row['name']);
         $this->sInsertUrl($org_path, $path);
     $sql = "SELECT id, name, ticket_typeID FROM `s_cms_support`";
     if ($limit !== null) {
         $sql = $this->db->limit($sql, $limit, $offset);
     $cmsSupport = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
     foreach ($cmsSupport as $row) {
         $org_path = 'sViewport=ticket&sFid=' . $row['id'];
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($row['name']);
         $this->sInsertUrl($org_path, $path);
     $sql = "SELECT id, description as name FROM `s_cms_static` WHERE link=''";
     if ($limit !== null) {
         $sql = $this->db->limit($sql, $limit, $offset);
     $cmsStatic = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
     foreach ($cmsStatic as $row) {
         $org_path = 'sViewport=custom&sCustom=' . $row['id'];
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($row['name']);
         $this->sInsertUrl($org_path, $path);
     $sql = "SELECT id, description as name FROM `s_cms_groups`";
     if ($limit !== null) {
         $sql = $this->db->limit($sql, $limit, $offset);
     $cmsGroups = $this->db->fetchAll($sql);
     foreach ($cmsGroups as $row) {
         $org_path = 'sViewport=content&sContent=' . $row['id'];
         $path = $this->sCleanupPath($row['name']);
         $this->sInsertUrl($org_path, $path);
  * @param string $tableName
  * @param string $columnName
  * @param string $prefixField
  * @param string $prefixSelect
  * @return array
 public function getAttributesFieldsByTableName($tableName, $columnName, $prefixField, $prefixSelect)
     $stmt = $this->db->query("SHOW COLUMNS FROM {$tableName}");
     $columns = $stmt->fetchAll();
     $columnNames = [];
     foreach ($columns as $column) {
         if ($column['Field'] !== 'id' && $column['Field'] != $columnName) {
             $columnNames[] = $column['Field'];
     $attributesSelect = [];
     foreach ($columnNames as $attribute) {
         //underscore to camel case
         //exmaple: underscore_to_camel_case -> underscoreToCamelCase
         $attribute = str_replace(' ', '', ucwords(str_replace('_', ' ', $attribute)));
         $attributesSelect[] = sprintf('%s.%s as %s%s', $prefixField, lcfirst($attribute), $prefixSelect, $attribute);
     return $attributesSelect;