Пример #1
 public function encoding($text)
     // encoding para ISO 8859-1
     return $text;
     if (strrpos(Run::ENCODING, "utf") != "") {
         return Encoding::toUTF8($text);
     } else {
         return Encoding::toLatin1($text);
 static function toSlug($string, $space = "-")
     $string = Encoding::fixUTF8(Encoding::toUTF8($string));
     $string = self::mb_strtolower(self::mb_trim($string));
     $string = self::cleanTextHtml($string);
     if (function_exists('iconv')) {
         $string = @iconv('UTF-8', 'ASCII//TRANSLIT', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('/[^a-z0-9 _.-]/', '', $string);
     $string = preg_replace('/[\\s\\-_]+/', $space, $string);
     $string = str_replace(' ', $space, $string);
     return $string;
Пример #3
 function cumulus_update($file)
     $infile = fopen($file, 'r');
     $firstLine = fgetcsv($infile);
     $csvArray = array();
     while (!feof($infile)) {
         $assoc = array();
         $line = fgetcsv($infile);
         if ($line[0]) {
             foreach ($line as $index => $value) {
                 $assoc[$firstLine[$index]] = $value ? Encoding::toUTF8($value) : NULL;
             $csvArray[] = $assoc;
 * @see https://github.com/FerreroJeremy/DBNary-PHP-Interface
require_once 'DBNaryInterface.php';
 * @see https://github.com/neitanod/forceutf8
require_once 'Encoding.php';
$db = new DBNaryInterface();
$encode = new Encoding();
$words = extractLinesFromFile('dicos/dico_295065.txt');
foreach ($words as $word) {
    $word = $encode->toUTF8(trim($word));
    $word = getFirstWord(trim($word));
    $availableTranslations = $db->getResultInList();
    if (!empty($availableTranslations)) {
        foreach ($availableTranslations as $translation) {
            writeInFile('dico_from_dbnary.txt', trim($word) . ' @ ' . trim($translation) . chr(10));
/* * ***********************
 * *********************** */
 * Return the first token of a string.
 * @param   string  $text   Text.
Пример #5
 private function parseDelimitedText()
     $array = array();
     $handle = fopen($this->filename, 'r');
     while (!feof($handle)) {
         if ($this->delimiter == 'tab') {
             $line = fgetcsv($handle, 0, "\t");
         } elseif ($this->delimiter == 'comma') {
             $line = fgetcsv($handle);
         $array[] = array('fromNode' => trim(str_replace(array(':', '.'), '', $line[0])), 'leadText' => Encoding::toUTF8(trim($line[1])), 'toNode' => Encoding::toUTF8(trim($line[2])));
     // Get the items
     foreach ($array as $row) {
         $goto = $row['toNode'];
         if ($row && !is_numeric($row['toNode'])) {
             $this->items[] = array('id' => $goto, 'name' => $goto, 'icon' => NULL, 'url' => NULL);
             $this->itemIDs[] = $goto;
     // Id of the first step
     $this->firstStepID = $array[0]['fromNode'];
     // Get all the leads
     foreach ($array as $index => $row) {
         $goto = $row['toNode'];
         $this->stepIDs[] = $row['fromNode'];
         $this->leads[] = array('stepid' => $row['fromNode'], 'leadid' => $index + 1, 'goto' => $goto, 'icon' => NULL, 'leadtext' => $row['leadText']);
Пример #6
 private function createImageRecord($row)
     $rec = new ImageRecord();
     $rec->CumulusRecordID = $row['CumulusRecordID'];
     $rec->CumulusRecordName = $row['CumulusRecordName'];
     $rec->CumulusCatalogue = $row['CumulusCatalog'];
     $rec->Title = $row['dcterms:title'];
     $rec->Source = $row['dc:source'];
     $rec->Modified = $row['dcterms:modified'];
     $rec->DCType = $row['dcterms:type'];
     $rec->Subtype = $row['ac:subtype'] == 'Illustration' ? 'Illustration' : 'Photograph';
     $rec->Caption = substr($row['ac:caption'], -1) == '.' ? $row['ac:caption'] : $row['ac:caption'] . '.';
     $rec->SubjectCategory = $row['iptc:CVTerm'];
     $rec->SubjectPart = $row['ac:subjectPart'];
     $rec->SubjectOrientation = $row['ac:subjectOrientation'];
     $rec->CreateDate = $row['xmp:CreateDate'];
     $rec->DigitizationDate = $row['ac:digitizationDate'];
     $rec->Creator = $row['dcterms:creator'];
     $rec->RightsHolder = $row['dcterms:rightsHolder'];
     $rec->License = $row['dcterms:license'];
     $rec->Rights = $row['dc:rights'];
     $rec->ScientificName = Encoding::toUTF8($row['dwc:scientificName']);
     $rec->CatalogNumber = $row['dwc:catalogNumber'];
     $rec->RecordedBy = $row['dwc:recordedBy'];
     $rec->RecordNumber = $row['dwc:recordNumber'];
     $rec->Country = $row['dwc:country'];
     $rec->CountryCode = $row['dwc:countryCode'];
     $rec->StateProvince = $row['dwc:stateProvince'];
     $rec->Locality = $row['dwc:locality'];
     $rec->Latitude = $row['dwc:decimalLatitude'];
     $rec->Longitude = $row['dwc:decimalLongitude'];
     $rec->PixelXDimension = $row['exif:PixelXDimension'];
     $rec->PixelYDimension = $row['exif:PixelYDimension'];
     $rec->HeroImage = $row['HeroImage'];
     $rec->Rating = $row['xmp:Rating'];
     $rec->ThumbnailUrlEnabled = isset($row['ThumbnailUrlEnabled']) && strtolower($row['ThumbnailUrlEnabled']) == 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $rec->PreviewUrlEnabled = isset($row['PreviewUrlEnabled']) && strtolower($row['PreviewUrlEnabled']) == 'true' ? TRUE : FALSE;
     $tax = $this->findTaxon(Encoding::toUTF8($row['dwc:scientificName']));
     if ($tax) {
         $rec->TaxonID = $tax->TaxonID;
         $rec->AcceptedID = $tax->AcceptedID;
     return $rec;
Пример #7
function nvweb_content_date_format($format = "", $ts)
    global $website;
    global $session;
    $out = '';
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']);
    if (empty($format)) {
        $out = date($website->date_format, $ts);
    } else {
        if (strpos($format, '%day') !== false || strpos($format, '%month') !== false || strpos($format, '%year4')) {
            // deprecated: used until Navigate CMS 1.6.7; to be removed in Navigate CMS 2.0
            $out = str_replace('%br', '<br />', $format);
            $out = str_replace('%day', date("d", $ts), $out);
            $out = str_replace('%month_abr', Encoding::toUTF8(strtoupper(strftime("%b", $ts))), $out);
            $out = str_replace('%month', date("m", $ts), $out);
            $out = str_replace('%year4', date("Y", $ts), $out);
        } else {
            if (!empty($ts)) {
                $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($format, intval($ts)));
    return $out;
Пример #8
 * Recursively encode array (or string) as UTF8 text
 * @param mixed $pm_input Array or string to encode
 * @return mixed Encoded array or string
function caEncodeUTF8Deep(&$pm_input)
    if (is_string($pm_input)) {
        $pm_input = Encoding::toUTF8($pm_input);
    } else {
        if (is_array($pm_input)) {
            foreach ($pm_input as &$vm_value) {
        } else {
            if (is_object($pm_input)) {
                $va_keys = array_keys(get_object_vars($pm_input));
                foreach ($va_keys as $vs_key) {
    return $pm_input;
Пример #9
 function encodeData()
     $encoding = mb_detect_encoding($this->data, "ISO-8859-15, ISO-8859-1, UTF-8, ASCII, auto");
     if ($encoding && $encoding != 'UTF-8') {
         $this->data = Encoding::toUTF8($this->data);
Пример #10
 public function actualitza($courseYear, $date = NULL)
     $this->logger = sfContext::getInstance()->getLogger();
     $this->courseYear = $courseYear;
     $this->sessions = array();
     $timetableDOM = new simple_html_dom();
     //echo $this->courseYear."<br>";
     //echo $timetableDOM->load_file($courseYear->getUrlHorari())."<br>";
     $timetableDOM = file_get_html($courseYear->getUrlHorari());
     if (!($timetableDOM && is_object($timetableDOM) && isset($timetableDOM->nodes))) {
         $this->logger->debug("La pàgina HTML és invàlida: " . $this->courseYear);
         return -1;
     // Date of first week is in the first table, second row, second cell.
     $firstWeek = $timetableDOM->find('table', 0)->find('tr', 1)->find('td', 1)->plaintext;
     $currWeekNum = $this->calculateCurrentWeek($firstWeek, $date);
     $this->logger->info('Current week number is ' . $currWeekNum);
     $currWeekDOM = $timetableDOM->find('table', $currWeekNum);
     if ($date) {
         $currWeekStartDate = $this->weekStartDate(new DateTime($date));
     } else {
         $currWeekStartDate = $this->weekStartDate(new DateTime());
     $this->deleteWeekSessions($currWeekStartDate->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
     $this->logger->info("Current week start date is " . $currWeekStartDate->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
     //echo "////// /////// /////// Current week start date is ". $currWeekStartDate->format('d.m.Y H:i:s');
     // Create sessions for each period in the timetable and save them to the database.
     $rows = $currWeekDOM->find('tr');
     for ($row = 0; $row < sizeof($rows); $row++) {
         if ($row > 1) {
             $cells = $rows[$row]->find('div');
             $period = new Period($cells[0]->plaintext);
             $this->logger->info("Start time is " . $period->getStart()->format("H:i:s") . ". End time is " . $period->getEnd()->format("H:i:s"));
             for ($cell = 0; $cell < sizeof($cells); $cell++) {
                 if ($cell > 0) {
                     // Parse the start/end times for this row's period.
                     if (trim($cells[$cell]->plaintext) === '') {
                         $this->logger->debug("Skipping cell [" . $row . "][" . $cell . "], it's empty.");
                     // Session start date is the week's start date + current day of week. Time is provided in the first cell of each row
                     $sessionStartDateTime = new DateTime($currWeekStartDate->format('d.m.Y'));
                     $sessionStartDateTime->add(new DateInterval('P' . strval($cell - 1) . 'D'));
                     $sessionStartDateTime->setTime($period->getStart()->format('H'), $period->getStart()->format('i'));
                     $this->logger->debug('SessionStartDateTime is: ' . $sessionStartDateTime->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
                     // Agafem el timestamp de l'hora que acaba la classe i la guardem a la variable period
                     $sessionEndDateTime = new DateTime($currWeekStartDate->format('d.m.Y'));
                     $sessionEndDateTime->add(new DateInterval('P' . strval($cell - 1) . 'D'));
                     $sessionEndDateTime = $sessionEndDateTime->setTime($period->getEnd()->format('H'), $period->getEnd()->format('i'));
                     $this->logger->debug('SessionEndDateTime is: ' . $sessionEndDateTime->format('d.m.Y H:i:s'));
                     //echo "*******LA PRUEBA DEL DELITO: ".$cells[$cell]->plaintext."**********<br>";
                     // Get the plaintext for the period and insert each line into an array.
                     $this->logger->debug("Periodinfoarray is: " . var_export($cells[$cell]->plaintext, true), 'err');
                     $periodInfo = html_entity_decode($cells[$cell]->plaintext, ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8');
                     $periodInfo = Encoding::toUTF8($periodInfo);
                     $periodInfoArray = explode("\n", $periodInfo);
                     foreach ($periodInfoArray as $i => $value) {
                         $periodInfoArray[] = trim($value);
                     // Re-index the array starting from zero.
                     $this->logger->debug("Trimmed periodinfoarray is: " . var_export($period->getDetails(), true));
                     //echo "parsejant<br />";
Пример #11
function nvweb_properties_render($property, $vars)
    global $website;
    global $current;
    global $DB;
    global $session;
    global $theme;
    global $structure;
    $out = '';
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']);
    // if this property is null (no value assigned (null), (empty) is a value!)
    // get the default value
    if (!isset($property->value)) {
        $property->value = $property->dvalue;
    // check multilanguage properties, where the value can be saved in a language but may be (null) in another language
    if (in_array($property->type, array("text", "textarea", "rich_textarea", "link")) || $property->multilanguage == 'true') {
        // cast variable as array
        if (is_object($property->value)) {
            $property->value = (array) $property->value;
        if (!isset($property->value) || !isset($property->value[$current['lang']])) {
            if (isset($property->dvalue->{$current['lang']})) {
                $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue->{$current['lang']};
            } else {
                if (!is_array($property->value)) {
                    $property->value = array();
                $property->value[$current['lang']] = $property->dvalue;
    switch ($property->type) {
        case 'value':
            $out = $property->value;
        case 'decimal':
            $out = $property->value;
            if (isset($vars['precision'])) {
                $out = number_format($property->value, $vars['precision']);
        case 'boolean':
            $out = $property->value;
        case 'option':
            $options = mb_unserialize($property->options);
            $options = (array) $options;
            switch (@$vars['return']) {
                case 'value':
                    $out = $property->value;
                    $out = $theme->t($options[$property->value]);
        case 'moption':
            $options = mb_unserialize($property->options);
            $selected = explode(",", $property->value);
            switch (@$vars['return']) {
                case 'value':
                case 'values':
                    $out = $property->value;
                    $buffer = array();
                    foreach ($selected as $seloption) {
                        $buffer[] = '<span>' . $theme->t($options[$seloption]) . '</span>';
                    $out .= implode(', ', $buffer);
        case 'text':
            $out = htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']]);
        case 'textarea':
            $out = nl2br(htmlspecialchars($property->value[$current['lang']]));
        case 'rich_textarea':
            $out = $property->value[$current['lang']];
        case 'source_code':
            if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') {
                $out = $property->value[$current['lang']];
            } else {
                $out = $property->value;
        case 'date':
            if (!empty($vars['format'])) {
                $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value));
            } else {
                $out = date($website->date_format, $property->value);
        case 'datetime':
            if (!empty($vars['format'])) {
                $out = Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['format'], $property->value));
            } else {
                $out = date($website->date_format . ' H:i', $property->value);
        case 'link':
            // split title and link
            $link = explode('##', $property->value[$current['lang']]);
            if (is_array($link)) {
                $target = @$link[2];
                $title = @$link[1];
                $link = $link[0];
                if (empty($title)) {
                    $title = $link;
            } else {
                $title = $property->value[$current['lang']];
                $link = $property->value[$current['lang']];
                $target = '_self';
            if (strpos($link, '://') === false) {
                $link = $website->absolute_path() . $link;
            if ($vars['link'] === 'false') {
                $out = $link;
            } else {
                if (isset($vars['return'])) {
                    if ($vars['return'] == 'title') {
                        $out = $title;
                    } else {
                        if ($vars['return'] == 'link' || $vars['return'] == 'url') {
                            $out = $link;
                        } else {
                            if ($vars['return'] == 'target') {
                                $out = $target;
                } else {
                    $out = '<a href="' . $link . '" target="' . $target . '">' . $title . '</a>';
        case 'image':
            $add = '';
            $extra = '';
            if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') {
                $image_id = $property->value[$session['lang']];
            } else {
                $image_id = $property->value;
            if (isset($vars['width'])) {
                $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" ';
                $extra .= '&width=' . $vars['width'];
            if (isset($vars['height'])) {
                $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" ';
                $extra .= '&height=' . $vars['height'];
            if (isset($vars['border'])) {
                $extra .= '&border=' . $vars['border'];
            if (isset($vars['quality'])) {
                $extra .= '&quality=' . $vars['quality'];
            $img_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image&id=' . $image_id . $extra;
            if (empty($image_id)) {
                $out = '';
            } else {
                if ($vars['return'] == 'url') {
                    $out = $img_url;
                } else {
                    // retrieve additional info (title/alt), if available
                    if (is_numeric($image_id)) {
                        $f = new file();
                        $ftitle = $f->title[$current['lang']];
                        $falt = $f->description[$current['lang']];
                        if (!empty($ftitle)) {
                            $add .= ' title="' . $ftitle . '" ';
                        if (!empty($falt)) {
                            $add .= ' alt="' . $falt . '" ';
                    $out = '<img class="' . $vars['class'] . '" src="' . $img_url . '" ' . $add . ' />';
        case 'file':
            if (!empty($property->value)) {
                $file = $DB->query_single('name', 'nv_files', ' id = ' . protect($property->value) . ' AND website = ' . $website->id);
                if ($vars['return'] == 'url' || $vars['return'] == 'url-download') {
                    $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment';
                } else {
                    if ($vars['return'] == 'url-inline') {
                        $out = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=inline';
                    } else {
                        $out = '<a href="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=file&id=' . $property->value . '&disposition=attachment">' . $file . '</a>';
        case 'comment':
            $out = $property->value;
        case 'coordinates':
            $coordinates = explode('#', $property->value);
            $out = implode(',', $coordinates);
        case 'rating':
            // half stars are always enabled (ratings fixed to 0..10)
            $out = $property->value;
            // we want nearest integer down
            if ($vars['option'] == 'floor') {
                $out = floor($out / 2);
        case 'color':
            $out = $property->value;
        case 'video':
            // value may be a numeric file ID or a provider#id structure, f.e. youtube#3MteSlpxCpo
            // compatible providers: file,youtube,vimeo
            if (@$property->multilanguage == 'true' || $property->multilanguage == '1') {
                $video_id = $property->value[$session['lang']];
            } else {
                $video_id = $property->value;
            $provider = '';
            $reference = '';
            $add = '';
            if (isset($vars['width'])) {
                $add .= ' width="' . $vars['width'] . '" ';
            if (isset($vars['height'])) {
                $add .= ' height="' . $vars['height'] . '" ';
            $url_add = '&type=image';
            if (isset($vars['width'])) {
                $url_add .= '&width=' . $vars['width'] . '';
            if (isset($vars['height'])) {
                $url_add .= '&height=' . $vars['height'] . '';
            if (isset($vars['border'])) {
                $url_add .= '&border=' . $vars['border'] . '';
            if (strpos($video_id, '#') !== false) {
                list($provider, $reference) = explode("#", $video_id);
            if ($provider == 'file') {
                $video_id = $reference;
            $file = new file();
            if (is_numeric($video_id)) {
                $embed = file::embed('file', $file, $add);
            } else {
                if ($provider == 'youtube') {
                    $embed = file::embed('youtube', $reference, $add);
                    if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') {
                } else {
                    if ($provider == 'vimeo') {
                        $embed = file::embed('vimeo', $reference, $add);
                        if (!empty($vars['part']) || $vars['part'] != 'embed') {
            switch (@$vars['return']) {
                case 'title':
                    $out = $file->title;
                case 'mime':
                    $out = $file->mime;
                case 'author':
                    if (is_numeric($file->uploaded_by)) {
                        $out = $website->name;
                    } else {
                        $out = $file->uploaded_by;
                case 'path':
                case 'url':
                    $out = $file->extra['link'];
                case 'thumbnail_url':
                    $out = file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add;
                case 'thumbnail':
                    $out = '<img src="' . file::file_url($file->extra['thumbnail_cache']) . $url_add . '" class="' . $vars['class'] . '" ' . $add . ' />';
                case 'reference':
                    $out = $reference;
                case 'provider':
                    $out = $provider;
                case 'embed':
                    $out = $embed;
        case 'article':
            // TO DO
        case 'category':
            $return = @$vars['return'];
            switch ($return) {
                case 'title':
                case 'name':
                    $out = $structure['dictionary'][$property->value];
                case 'url':
                case 'link':
                    $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $property->value);
                    $out = $property->value;
        case 'categories':
            $return = @$vars['return'];
            $value = explode(",", $property->value);
            $position = intval(@vars['position']) + 0;
            switch ($return) {
                case 'title':
                case 'name':
                    $out = $structure['dictionary'][$value[$position]];
                case 'url':
                case 'link':
                    $out = nvweb_source_url('structure', $value[$position]);
                    $out = $property->value;
        case 'country':
            $return = @$vars['return'];
            switch ($return) {
                case 'name':
                    $countries = property::countries();
                    $out = $countries[$property->value];
                case 'id':
                case 'code':
                    $out = $property->value;
        case 'elements':
            $out = $property->value;
        case 'element':
        case 'item':
            // deprecated
            $return = @$vars['return'];
            switch ($return) {
                case 'title':
                    $item = new item();
                    $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title'];
                case 'url':
                case 'path':
                    $out = nvweb_source_url('item', $property->value, $current['lang']);
                case 'section':
                    $item = new item();
                    $out = $item->dictionary[$current['lang']]['section-' . $vars['section']];
                case 'property':
                    $params = array();
                    foreach ($vars as $attr_name => $attr_value) {
                        if (strpos($attr_name, 'element-property-') === 0) {
                            $attr_name = str_replace('element-property-', '', $attr_name);
                            $params[$attr_name] = $attr_value;
                        } else {
                            if ($attr_name == 'element-property') {
                                $params['property'] = $attr_value;
                    //  default parameters
                    $params['mode'] = 'item';
                    $params['id'] = $property->value;
                    $out = nvweb_properties($params);
                case 'id':
                    $out = $property->value;
    return $out;
Пример #12
function nvweb_comments($vars = array())
    global $website;
    global $DB;
    global $current;
    global $webgets;
    global $dictionary;
    global $webuser;
    global $theme;
    global $events;
    global $session;
    $webget = 'comments';
    if (!isset($webgets[$webget])) {
        $webgets[$webget] = array();
        global $lang;
        if (empty($lang)) {
            $lang = new language();
        // default translations
        $webgets[$webget]['translations'] = array('post_a_comment' => t(379, 'Post a comment'), 'name' => t(159, 'Name'), 'email' => t(44, 'E-Mail'), 'website' => t(177, 'Website'), 'message' => t(380, 'Message'), 'email_will_not_be_published' => t(381, 'E-Mail will not be published'), 'submit' => t(382, 'Submit'), 'sign_in_or_sign_up_to_post_a_comment' => t(383, 'Sign in or Sign up to post a comment'), 'comments_on_this_entry_are_closed' => t(384, 'Comments on this entry are closed'), 'please_dont_leave_any_field_blank' => t(385, 'Please don\'t leave any field blank'), 'your_comment_has_been_received_and_will_be_published_shortly' => t(386, 'Your comment has been received and will be published shortly'), 'new_comment' => t(387, 'New comment'), 'review_comments' => t(388, 'Review comments'));
        // theme translations
        // if the web theme has custom translations for this string subtypes, use it (for the user selected language)
        /* just add the following translations to your json theme dictionary:
        			"post_a_comment": "Post a comment",
        			"name": "Name",
        			"email": "E-Mail",
        			"website": "Website",
        			"message": "Message",
        			"email_will_not_be_published": "E-Mail will not be published",
        			"submit": "Submit",
        			"sign_in_or_sign_up_to_post_a_comment": "Sign in or Sign up to post a comment",
        			"comments_on_this_entry_are_closed": "Comments on this entry are closed",
        			"please_dont_leave_any_field_blank": "Please don't leave any field blank",
        			"your_comment_has_been_received_and_will_be_published_shortly": "Your comment has been received and will be published shortly",
        			"new_comment": "New comment",
        			"review_comments": "Review comments"
        if (!empty($website->theme) && method_exists($theme, 't')) {
            foreach ($webgets[$webget]['translations'] as $code => $text) {
                $theme_translation = $theme->t($code);
                if (!empty($theme_translation) && $theme_translation != $code) {
                    $webgets[$webget]['translations'][$code] = $theme_translation;
    // set default callback
    if (empty($vars['callback'])) {
        $vars['callback'] = 'alert';
    // check callback attributes
    $callback = $vars['callback'];
    if (!empty($vars['alert_callback'])) {
        $callback = $vars['alert_callback'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($vars['callback_alert'])) {
            $callback = $vars['callback_alert'];
    $callback_error = $callback;
    if (!empty($vars['error_callback'])) {
        $callback_error = $vars['error_callback'];
    } else {
        if (!empty($vars['callback_error'])) {
            $callback_error = $vars['callback_error'];
    $out = '';
    // if the current page belongs to a structure entry
    // we need to get the associated elements to retrieve and post its comments
    // (because structure entry pages can't have associated comments)
    // so, ONLY the FIRST element associated to a category can have comments in a structure entry page
    // (of course if the element has its own page, it can have its own comments)
    $element = $current['object'];
    if ($current['type'] == 'structure') {
        if (empty($current['structure_elements'])) {
            $current['structure_elements'] = $element->elements();
        $element = $current['structure_elements'][0];
    switch (@$vars['mode']) {
        case 'process':
            if (isset($_GET['nv_approve_comment'])) {
                // process 1-click comment approval
                $comment = new comment();
                if (!empty($comment->id) && $comment->status == -1) {
                    $hash = $_GET['hash'];
                    if ($hash == sha1($comment->id . $comment->email . APP_UNIQUE . serialize($website->contact_emails))) {
                        // hash check passed
                        $comment->status = 0;
                        $response = t(555, "Item has been successfully published.");
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-success">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback . '("' . $response . '");');
                    } else {
                        $response = t(344, "Security error");
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
                } else {
                    $response = t(56, "Unexpected error");
                    if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                        $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                            nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
            if (isset($_GET['nv_remove_comment'])) {
                // process 1-click comment removal
                $comment = new comment();
                if (!empty($comment->id) && $comment->status == -1) {
                    $hash = $_GET['hash'];
                    if ($hash == sha1($comment->id . $comment->email . APP_UNIQUE . serialize($website->contact_emails))) {
                        // hash check passed
                        $response = t(55, "Item successfully deleted");
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-success">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback . '("' . $response . '");');
                    } else {
                        $response = t(344, "Security error");
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
                } else {
                    $response = t(56, "Unexpected error");
                    if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                        $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                            nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
            if ($_REQUEST['form-type'] == 'comment-reply' || isset($_POST[$vars['field-message']])) {
                // add comment
                if (empty($vars['field-name'])) {
                    $vars['field-name'] = 'reply-name';
                if (empty($vars['field-email'])) {
                    $vars['field-email'] = 'reply-email';
                if (empty($vars['field-url'])) {
                    $vars['field-url'] = 'reply-url';
                if (empty($vars['field-message'])) {
                    $vars['field-message'] = 'reply-message';
                if (!empty($vars['element'])) {
                    $element = $vars['element'];
                $comment_name = @$_REQUEST[$vars['field-name']];
                $comment_email = @$_REQUEST[$vars['field-email']];
                $comment_url = @$_REQUEST[$vars['field-url']];
                $comment_message = @$_REQUEST[$vars['field-message']];
                if ((empty($comment_name) || empty($comment_email)) && empty($webuser->id) || empty($comment_message)) {
                    $response = $webgets[$webget]['translations']['please_dont_leave_any_field_blank'];
                    if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                        $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                    } else {
                        if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                            nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
                    return $out;
                $status = -1;
                // new comment, not approved
                if (empty($element->comments_moderator)) {
                    $status = 0;
                // all comments auto-approved
                // remove any <nv /> or {{nv}} tag
                $comment_name = core_remove_nvtags($comment_name);
                $comment_name = strip_tags($comment_name);
                $comment_message = core_remove_nvtags($comment_message);
                $comment = new comment();
                $comment->id = 0;
                $comment->website = $website->id;
                $comment->item = $element->id;
                $comment->user = empty($webuser->id) ? 0 : $webuser->id;
                $comment->name = $comment_name;
                $comment->email = filter_var($comment_email, FILTER_SANITIZE_EMAIL);
                $comment->url = filter_var($comment_url, FILTER_SANITIZE_URL);
                $comment->ip = core_ip();
                $comment->date_created = core_time();
                $comment->date_modified = 0;
                $comment->status = $status;
                $comment->message = $comment_message;
                $properties = array();
                // check if there are comment properties values
                if (isset($vars['field-properties-prefix'])) {
                    // check every possible property
                    $e_properties = property::elements($element->template, 'comment');
                    for ($ep = 0; $ep < count($e_properties); $ep++) {
                        if (isset($_POST[$vars['field-properties-prefix'] . $e_properties[$ep]->id])) {
                            $properties[$e_properties[$ep]->id] = $_POST[$vars['field-properties-prefix'] . $e_properties[$ep]->id];
                // trigger the "new_comment" event through the extensions system before inserting it!
                $extensions_messages = $events->trigger('comment', 'before_insert', array('comment' => $comment, 'properties' => $properties));
                foreach ($extensions_messages as $ext_name => $ext_result) {
                    if (isset($ext_result['error'])) {
                        $response = $ext_result['error'];
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-error">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback_error . '("' . $response . '");');
                        return $out;
                if (!empty($properties)) {
                    property::save_properties_from_array('comment', $comment->id, $element->template, $properties);
                // reload the element to retrieve the new comments
                $element = new item();
                if ($current['type'] == 'item' && !isset($vars['element'])) {
                    $current['object'] = $element;
                // trigger the "new_comment" event through the extensions system
                $events->trigger('comment', 'after_insert', array('comment' => &$comment, 'properties' => $properties));
                if (!empty($comment->id)) {
                    if ($status == -1) {
                        $response = $webgets[$webget]['translations']['your_comment_has_been_received_and_will_be_published_shortly'];
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-success">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback . '("' . $response . '");');
                    } else {
                        $response = $webgets[$webget]['translations']['your_comment_has_been_received_and_will_be_published_shortly'];
                        if ($vars['notify'] == 'inline' || $callback_error == 'inline') {
                            $out = '<div class="comment-success">' . $response . '</div>';
                        } else {
                            if (!isset($vars['notify']) || $vars['notify'] == 'callback') {
                                nvweb_after_body("js", $callback . '("' . $response . '");');
                $notify_addresses = $website->contact_emails;
                if (!empty($element->comments_moderator)) {
                    $notify_addresses[] = user::email_of($element->comments_moderator);
                $hash = sha1($comment->id . $comment->email . APP_UNIQUE . serialize($website->contact_emails));
                $base_url = nvweb_source_url('element', $element->id);
                // default colors
                $background_color = '#E5F1FF';
                $text_color = '#595959';
                $title_color = '#595959';
                $background_color_db = $DB->query_single('value', 'nv_permissions', 'name = ' . protect("nvweb.comments.background_color") . ' AND website = ' . protect($website->id), 'id DESC');
                $text_color_db = $DB->query_single('value', 'nv_permissions', 'name = ' . protect("nvweb.comments.text_color") . ' AND website = ' . protect($website->id), 'id DESC');
                $title_color_db = $DB->query_single('value', 'nv_permissions', 'name = ' . protect("nvweb.comments.titles_color") . ' AND website = ' . protect($website->id), 'id DESC');
                if (!empty($background_color_db)) {
                    $background_color = str_replace('"', '', $background_color_db);
                if (!empty($text_color_db)) {
                    $text_color = str_replace('"', '', $text_color_db);
                if (!empty($title_color_db)) {
                    $title_color = str_replace('"', '', $title_color_db);
                $message = navigate_compose_email(array(array('title' => t(9, 'Content'), 'content' => $element->dictionary[$current['lang']]['title']), array('title' => $webgets[$webget]['translations']['name'], 'content' => $comment_name . @$webuser->username), array('title' => $webgets[$webget]['translations']['email'], 'content' => $comment_email . @$webuser->email), array('title' => $webgets[$webget]['translations']['website'], 'content' => $comment_url . @$webuser->social_website), array('title' => $webgets[$webget]['translations']['message'], 'content' => nl2br($comment_message)), array('footer' => '<a href="' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/' . NAVIGATE_MAIN . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&fid=10&act=2&tab=5&id=' . $element->id . '"><strong>' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['review_comments'] . '</strong></a>' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<a style=" color: #008830" href="' . $base_url . '?nv_approve_comment&id=' . $comment->id . '&hash=' . $hash . '">' . t(258, "Publish") . '</a>' . '&nbsp;&nbsp;|&nbsp;&nbsp;' . '<a style=" color: #FF0090" href="' . $base_url . '?nv_remove_comment&id=' . $comment->id . '&hash=' . $hash . '">' . t(525, "Remove comment (without confirmation)") . '</a>')), array('background' => $background_color, 'title-color' => $title_color, 'content-color' => $text_color));
                // trying to implement One-Click actions (used in Google GMail)
                // You need to be registered with Google first: https://developers.google.com/gmail/markup/registering-with-google
                $one_click_actions = '
                    <script type="application/ld+json">
                        "@context": "http://schema.org",
                        "@type": "EmailMessage",
                            "@type": "ViewAction",
                            "name": "' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['review_comments'] . '",
                            "url": "' . NAVIGATE_URL . '/' . NAVIGATE_MAIN . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&fid=10&act=2&tab=5&id=' . $element->id . '"
                $message = '<html><head>' . $one_click_actions . '</head><body>' . $message . '</body></html>';
                foreach ($website->contact_emails as $contact_address) {
                    @nvweb_send_email($website->name . ' | ' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['new_comment'], $message, $contact_address, null, true);
        case 'reply':
            if ($element->comments_enabled_to == 2 && empty($webuser->id)) {
                // Post a comment form (unsigned users)
                $out = '
					<div class="comments-reply">
						<div><div class="comments-reply-info">' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['post_a_comment'] . '</div></div>
						<br />
						<form action="' . NVWEB_ABSOLUTE . '/' . $current['route'] . '" method="post">
							<input type="hidden" name="form-type" value="comment-reply" />
							<div class="comments-reply-field"><label>' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['name'] . '</label> <input type="text" name="reply-name" value="" /></div>
							<div class="comments-reply-field"><label>' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['email'] . ' *</label> <input type="text" name="reply-email" value="" /></div>
							<div class="comments-reply-field"><label>' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['message'] . '</label> <textarea name="reply-message"></textarea></div>
							<!-- {{navigate-comments-reply-extra-fields-placeholder}} -->
							<div class="comments-reply-field comments-reply-field-info-email"><label>&nbsp;</label> * ' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['email_will_not_be_published'] . '</div>
							<div class="comments-reply-field comments-reply-field-submit"><input class="comments-reply-submit" type="submit" value="' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['submit'] . '" /></div>
                $extensions_messages = $events->trigger('comment', 'reply_extra_fields', array('html' => &$out));
                // add any extra field generated
                if (!empty($extensions_messages)) {
                    $extra_fields = array_map(function ($v) {
                        return $v;
                    }, array_values($extensions_messages));
                    $out = str_replace('<!-- {{navigate-comments-reply-extra-fields-placeholder}} -->', implode("\n", $extra_fields), $out);
            } else {
                if ($element->comments_enabled_to > 0 && !empty($webuser->id)) {
                    // Post a comment form (signed in users)
                    if (empty($vars['avatar_size'])) {
                        $vars['avatar_size'] = 32;
                    $avatar_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=blank';
                    if (!empty($webuser->avatar)) {
                        $avatar_url = NVWEB_OBJECT . '?wid=' . $website->id . '&id=' . $webuser->avatar . '&amp;disposition=inline&width=' . $vars['avatar_size'] . '&height=' . $vars['avatar_size'];
                    $out = '
					<div class="comments-reply">
						<div><div class="comments-reply-info">' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['post_a_comment'] . '</div></div>
						<br />
						<form action="' . NVWEB_ABSOLUTE . '/' . $current['route'] . '" method="post">
							<input type="hidden" name="form-type" value="comment-reply" />
							<div class="comments-reply-field"><label style="display: none;">&nbsp;</label> <img src="' . $avatar_url . '" width="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . '" height="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . '" align="absmiddle" /> <span class="comments-reply-username">' . $webuser->username . '</span><a class="comments-reply-signout" href="?webuser_signout">(x)</a></div>
							<br />
							<div class="comments-reply-field"><label>' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['message'] . '</label> <textarea name="reply-message"></textarea></div>
							<!-- {{navigate-comments-reply-extra-fields-placeholder}} -->
							<div class="comments-reply-field-submit"><input class="comments-reply-submit" type="submit" value="' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['submit'] . '" /></div>
                    $extensions_messages = $events->trigger('comment', 'reply_extra_fields', array('html' => $out));
                    // add any extra field generated
                    if (!empty($extensions_messages)) {
                        $extra_fields = array_map(function ($v) {
                            return $v;
                        }, array_values($extensions_messages));
                        $out = str_replace('<!-- {{navigate-comments-reply-extra-fields-placeholder}} -->', implode("\n", $extra_fields), $out);
                } else {
                    if ($element->comments_enabled_to == 1) {
                        $out = '<div class="comments-reply">
                            <div class="comments-reply-info">' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['sign_in_or_sign_up_to_post_a_comment'] . '</div>
                    } else {
                        $out = '<div class="comments-reply">
                            <div class="comments-reply-info">' . $webgets[$webget]['translations']['comments_on_this_entry_are_closed'] . '</div>
        case 'comments':
            setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']);
            list($comments, $comments_total) = nvweb_comments_list(0, NULL, NULL, $vars['order']);
            // get all comments of the current entry
            if (empty($vars['avatar_size'])) {
                $vars['avatar_size'] = '48';
            if (empty($vars['date_format'])) {
                $vars['date_format'] = '%d %B %Y %H:%M';
            for ($c = 0; $c < $comments_total; $c++) {
                $avatar = $comments[$c]->avatar;
                if (!empty($avatar)) {
                    $avatar = '<img src="' . NVWEB_OBJECT . '?type=image&id=' . $avatar . '" width="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . 'px" height="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . 'px"/>';
                } else {
                    $avatar = '<img src="" width="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . 'px" height="' . $vars['avatar_size'] . 'px"/>';
                $comment = new comment();
                $depth = 'data-depth="' . $comment->depth() . '"';
                $out .= '
					<div class="comment"' . $depth . '>
						<div class="comment-avatar">' . $avatar . '</div>
						<div class="comment-username">' . (!empty($comments[$c]->username) ? $comments[$c]->username : $comments[$c]->name) . '</div>
						<div class="comment-date">' . Encoding::toUTF8(strftime($vars['date_format'], $comments[$c]->date_created)) . '</div>
						<div class="comment-message">' . nl2br($comments[$c]->message) . '</div>
						<div style="clear:both"></div>
    return $out;
Пример #13
 public function retrieveContent()
     // convert page to utf-8
     $this->setOriginal(Encoding::toUTF8(Utils::get_external_file($this->getUrl(), 15)));
     return $this->getOriginal() != null and strlen($this->getOriginal()) > 0;
Пример #14
 public function parseEntriesCSV($fp)
     //$lines = explode("\r\n", $txt);
     // assumes that the first line is the header
     //$lines[0] = trim($lines[0], ',');
     try {
         $headers = fgetcsv($fp);
     } catch (Exception $err) {
         throw new Exception(str_replace('xx', '0', $err->getMessage()));
     $vals = array();
     $ents = array();
     $fields = array_keys($this->fields);
     $x = 0;
     while ($vals = fgetcsv($fp)) {
         $entry = new EcEntry($this);
         $vars = array_keys(get_object_vars($entry));
         $varLen = count($vars);
         $ent = array_combine($headers, $vals);
         for ($v = 0; $v < $varLen; ++$v) {
             if (array_key_exists($vars[$v], $ent)) {
                 $entry->{$vars}[$v] = $ent[$vars[$v]];
         $ttl = count($fields);
         for ($f = 0; $f < $ttl; ++$f) {
             if ($this->fields[$fields[$f]]->type == 'location' || $this->fields[$fields[$f]]->type == 'gps') {
                 $lat = sprintf('%s_lattitude', $fields[$f]);
                 $lon = sprintf('%s_longitude', $fields[$f]);
                 $alt = sprintf('%s_alttitude', $fields[$f]);
                 $acc = sprintf('%s_accuarcy', $fields[$f]);
                 $src = sprintf('%s_provider', $fields[$f]);
                 $bearing = sprintf('%s_bearing', $fields[$f]);
                 $entry->values[$fields[$f]] = array('latitude' => getValIfExists($ent, $lat), 'longitude' => getValIfExists($ent, $lon), 'altitude' => getValIfExists($ent, $alt), 'accuracy' => getValIfExists($ent, $acc), 'provider' => getValIfExists($ent, $src), 'bearing' => getValIfExists($ent, $bearing));
             } elseif (($this->fields[$fields[$f]]->type == "photo" || $this->fields[$fields[$f]]->type == "video" || $this->fields[$fields[$f]]->type == "audio") && preg_match('/^https?:\\/\\//', $ent[$fields[$f]])) {
                 $newfn = sprintf('%s_%s_%s', $this->projectName, $this->name, $ent[$this->key]);
                 $entry->values[$fields[$f]] = str_replace('~tn', '', $newfn);
                 /*$mqueue->writeMessage('getFile', array($ent[$fields[$f]], $newfn));*/
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($fields[$f], $ent)) {
                     $entry->values[$fields[$f]] = Encoding::toUTF8($ent[$fields[$f]]);
         if (!preg_match('/^[0-9]+$/', $entry->created)) {
             $date = false;
             try {
                 $date = new DateTime($entry->created, new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             } catch (Exception $ex) {
                 $date = new DateTime('now', new DateTimeZone('UTC'));
             $entry->created = $date->getTimestamp();
         $entry->deviceId = 'web upload';
         array_push($ents, $entry);
         if (++$x % 100 == 0) {
             $ents = array();
     if (count($ents) > 0) {
     return true;
Пример #15
 public function fixEncoding($string = '')
     if (class_exists("Encoding")) {
         try {
             $string1 = Encoding::toUTF8($string);
             return Encoding::fixUTF8($string1);
         } catch (Exception $e) {
             return $string;
     } else {
         return $string;
Пример #16

require_once "../autoload.php";
function is($desc, $a, $b)
    if ($a === $b) {
        echo '<span style="background-color: green;">&nbsp;Pass&nbsp;</span> ' . $desc . "<br/>\n";
    } else {
        echo '<span style="background-color: red;">&nbsp;Failed&nbsp;</span> ' . $desc . "<br/>\n";
    return $a === $b;
$orig = "αšΓ‘šÑőαιν";
is("Encoding::toUTF8() convierte a UTF-8 todos los caracteres que no son ya UTF-8, teniendo en cuenta los que son Windows-1252, pero dejando sin cambios a los que ya son UTF-8", Encoding::toUTF8($orig), "ÑőњÑőÑéí");
$utf8_from_iso = "Β€ΒΒ‚ΒƒΒ„Β…Β†Β‡ΒˆΒ‰ΒŠΒ‹ΒŒΒΒŽΒΒΒ‘Β’Β“Β”Β•Β–Β—Β˜Β™ΒšΒ›ΒœΒΒžΒŸ";
$utf8_from_win = "β‚¬Ββ€šΖ’β€žβ€¦β€ β€‘Λ†β€°Ε β€ΉΕ’ΒΕ½ΒΒβ€˜β€™β€œβ€β€’β€“β€”Λœβ„’Ε‘β€ΊΕ“ΒΕΎΕΈ";
is("Encoding::UTF8FixWin1252Chars() convierte UTF-8 a UTF-8 corrigiendo caracteres especiales de Windows-1252", Encoding::UTF8FixWin1252Chars($utf8_from_iso), $utf8_from_win);
is("Encoding::toLatin1() convierte los UTF-8 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toLatin1($orig), "αšαšαšαιν");
is("Encoding::toLatin1() convierte los UTF-8 con caracteres convertidos desde Windows-1252 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toLatin1($utf8_from_win), "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ");
is("Encoding::toLatin1() convierte los UTF-8 con caracteres convertidos desde ISO8859-1 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toLatin1($utf8_from_iso), "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ");
is("Encoding::toWin1252() convierte los UTF-8 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toWin1252($orig), "αšαšαšαιν");
is("Encoding::toWin1252() convierte los UTF-8 con caracteres convertidos desde Windows-1252 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toWin1252($utf8_from_win), "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ");
is("Encoding::toWin1252() convierte los UTF-8 con caracteres convertidos desde ISO8859-1 a Windows-1252", Encoding::toWin1252($utf8_from_iso), "€‚ƒ„…†‡ˆ‰Š‹ŒŽ‘’“”•–—˜™š›œžŸ");
is("Encoding::fixUTF8() corrige UTF-8 convertido repetidamente", Encoding::fixUTF8(utf8_encode(utf8_encode(utf8_encode($orig)))), "ÑőÑőÑőÑéí");
Пример #17
 public static function encode($encodingLabel, $text)
     $encodingLabel = self::normalizeEncoding($encodingLabel);
     if ($encodingLabel == 'UTF-8') {
         return Encoding::toUTF8($text);
     if ($encodingLabel == 'ISO-8859-1') {
         return Encoding::toLatin1($text);
 $xml_content = simplexml_load_file($dir . basename($file));
 $authors = $xml_content->feature[0]['authors'];
 $title = $xml_content->feature[0]['title'];
 for ($i = 2; $i < count($xml_content); $i++) {
     $type = (string) $xml_content->feature[$i]['type'];
     $obfuscation = (string) $xml_content->feature[$i]['manual_obfuscation'];
     $this_lang = (string) $xml_content->feature[$i]['this_language'];
     $src_lang = (string) $xml_content->feature[$i]['source_language'];
     $this_offset = intval($xml_content->feature[$i]['this_offset']);
     $this_lenght = intval($xml_content->feature[$i]['this_length']);
     $src_offset = intval($xml_content->feature[$i]['source_offset']);
     $src_lenght = intval($xml_content->feature[$i]['source_length']);
     $src_txt = (string) $xml_content->feature[$i]['source_reference'];
     $src_ref = (string) basename($src_txt, '.txt');
     $src_content = loadFile($src_dir . $src_txt);
     $this_feature_content = $encode->toUTF8(substr($encode->toLatin1($this_content), $this_offset, $this_lenght));
     $src_feature_content = $encode->toUTF8(substr($encode->toLatin1($src_content), $src_offset + 1, $src_lenght + 1));
     writeFile($this_lang . '/SUSP_' . $j . '_' . ($i - 2) . '.txt', $this_feature_content);
     writeFile($src_lang . '/SRC_' . $j . '_' . ($i - 2) . '.txt', $src_feature_content);
     $noiseNumber = substr_count($this_feature_content, ' vna ');
     $noiseNumber += substr_count($this_feature_content, ' vn ');
     $noiseNumber += substr_count($this_feature_content, ' i ');
     $noise = $noiseNumber >= 5 ? 'true' : 'false';
     $textualEquivalent = new TextualEquivalent($name, $this_lang, $this_offset, $this_lenght, $this_feature_content, $src_ref, $src_lang, $src_offset, $src_lenght, $src_feature_content, $type, $obfuscation, $noise);
     $string = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<info>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<sourceIDDoc>' . $src_ref . '</sourceIDDoc>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<sourceTextLanguage>' . $src_lang . '</sourceTextLanguage>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<sourceTextOffset>' . $src_offset . '</sourceTextOffset>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<sourceTextLength>' . $src_lenght . '</sourceTextLength>' . chr(10);
     $string .= '<sourceTextContent>' . $src_feature_content . '</sourceTextContent>' . chr(10);
 * This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
 * For more information, see http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0/
ini_set('display_errors', 1);
 * @see https://github.com/neitanod/forceutf8
require_once 'Encoding.php';
 * @see https://github.com/boudinfl/taln-archives
$path = './input_taln_file.bib';
$encode = new Encoding();
$content = $encode->toUTF8(loadFile($path));
$articles = parseBibTex($content);
foreach ($articles as $article) {
    $authors = parseAuthors($article);
    $url = parseUrl($article);
    $ScholarUrlsResult = getLinksOfScholarResult(googleScholarResearch($authors));
    $SERPUrlsResult = getLinksOfGoogleResult(launchGoogleRequestAndGetResults($authors));
    writeFile(basename($path), $url, $ScholarUrlsResult, $SERPUrlsResult);
/* * ***********************
 * *********************** */
function googleScholarResearch($authors)
    $url = 'https://scholar.google.fr/scholar?hl=fr&q=' . rawurlencode($authors);
    $content = file_get_contents($url);
Пример #20
 private function previousIdentifications($unit)
     $dets = array();
     $date = array();
     $list = $unit->getElementsByTagName('Identification');
     if ($list->length > 1) {
         // This skips all Units that have a single Identification
         // (which is assumed to be the current identification).
         foreach ($list as $item) {
             $preferredflag = $item->getElementsByTagName('PreferredFlag');
             if ($preferredflag->length > 0 && in_array($preferredflag->item(0)->nodeValue, array('0', 'FALSE', 'false'))) {
                 // There is a preferred flag and it resolves to FALSE.
                 $det = array();
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('FullScientificNameString');
                 $det['FullScientificNameString'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('IdentificationQualifier');
                 if ($nlist->length > 0) {
                     $det['IdentificationQualifier'] = $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue;
                     $det['IdentificationQualifierInsertionPoint'] = $nlist->item(0)->getAttribute('insertionpoint');
                 } else {
                     $det['IdentificationQualifier'] = FALSE;
                     $det['IdentificationQualifierInsertionPoint'] = FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('NameAddendum');
                 $det['NameAddendum'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('HybridFlag');
                 if ($nlist->length > 0) {
                     $det['HybridFlag'] = $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue;
                     $det['HybridFlagInsertionPoint'] = $nlist->item(0)->getAttribute('insertionpoint');
                 } else {
                     $det['HybridFlag'] = FALSE;
                     $det['HybridFlagInsertionPoint'] = FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('IdentifierRole');
                 $det['IdentifierRole'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('IdentifiersText');
                 $det['IdentifiersText'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('ISODateTimeBegin');
                 $det['IdentificationDate'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $date[] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : 'ZZZZ';
                 $nlist = $item->getElementsByTagName('Notes');
                 $det['IdentificationNotes'] = $nlist->length > 0 ? $nlist->item(0)->nodeValue : FALSE;
                 $dets[] = $det;
         // previous identifications are sorted by identification date
         array_multisort($date, SORT_ASC, $dets);
         $previousDets = array();
         foreach ($dets as $index => $det) {
             $prev = '';
             // Scientific name
             $sciname = $det['FullScientificNameString'];
             $scinameBits = explode(' ', $sciname);
             if ($det['HybridFlag'] && $det['HybridFlagInsertionPoint']) {
                 $scinameBits = explode(' ', $sciname);
                 $scinameBits[$det['HybridFlagInsertionPoint'] - 1] = Encoding::toUTF8('×') . $scinameBits[$det['HybridFlagInsertionPoint'] - 1];
                 $sciname = implode(' ', $scinameBits);
             if ($det['IdentificationQualifier'] && $det['IdentificationQualifierInsertionPoint']) {
                 $scinameBits = explode(' ', $sciname);
                 $spacer = $det['IdentificationQualifier'] == '?' ? '' : ' ';
                 $scinameBits[$det['IdentificationQualifierInsertionPoint'] - 1] = $det['IdentificationQualifier'] . $spacer . $scinameBits[$det['IdentificationQualifierInsertionPoint'] - 1];
                 $sciname = implode(' ', $scinameBits);
             if ($det['NameAddendum']) {
                 $sciname .= ' ' . $det['NameAddendum'];
             $prev .= $sciname;
             // Determiner
             if ($det['IdentifiersText']) {
                 $prev .= ', ';
                 $prev .= $det['IdentifierRole'] == 'conf.' ? 'conf. ' : 'det. ';
                 $identifiers = explode(';', $det['IdentifiersText']);
                 $identifier = explode(',', $identifiers[0]);
                 $prev .= count($identifier) > 1 ? trim($identifier[1]) . ' ' . trim($identifier[0]) : trim($identifier[0]);
                 if (count($identifiers) == 2) {
                     $identifier = explode(',', $identifiers[1]);
                     $prev .= ' & ';
                     $prev .= count($identifier) > 1 ? trim($identifier[1]) . ' ' . trim($identifier[0]) : trim($identifier[0]);
                 } elseif (count($identifiers) > 2) {
                     $prev .= ' et al.';
             // Determination date
             if ($det['IdentificationDate']) {
                 $dateBits = explode('-', $det['IdentificationDate']);
                 $date = '';
                 $day = isset($dateBits[2]) ? $dateBits[2] : FALSE;
                 $month = FALSE;
                 if (isset($dateBits[1])) {
                     switch ($dateBits[1]) {
                         case '01':
                             $month = 'i';
                         case '02':
                             $month = 'ii';
                         case '03':
                             $month = 'iii';
                         case '04':
                             $month = 'iv';
                         case '05':
                             $month = 'v';
                         case '06':
                             $month = 'vi';
                         case '07':
                             $month = 'vii';
                         case '08':
                             $month = 'viii';
                         case '09':
                             $month = 'ix';
                         case '10':
                             $month = 'x';
                         case '11':
                             $month = 'xi';
                         case '12':
                             $month = 'xii';
                 $year = $dateBits[0];
                 if ($day) {
                     $date = "{$day}.{$month}.{$year}";
                 } elseif ($month) {
                     $date = "{$month}.{$year}";
                 } else {
                     $date = $year;
                 $prev .= ', ' . $date;
             if ($det['IdentificationNotes']) {
                 $prev .= ' (' . $det['IdentificationNotes'] . ')';
             $previousDets[] = $prev;
         $previousDets = implode('; ', $previousDets);
         if (substr($previousDets, strlen($previousDets) - 1, 1) != '.') {
             $previousDets .= '.';
         $ret = array('column' => 'previousIdentifications', 'value' => $previousDets);
         return $ret;
Пример #21
 public function updateDocument($id)
     $updateQuery = $this->client->createUpdate();
     $this->doc = $updateQuery->createDocument();
     $select = "SELECT n.GUID AS scientificNameID,\n                n.NameID,\n                n.FullName AS scientificName,\n                n.Author AS scientificNameAuthorship,\n                n.name_type,\n                r.GUID AS namePublishedInID,\n                r.Title AS namePublishedIn,\n                r.PublicationYear AS namePublishedInYear,\n                t.Sensu,\n                pub.Publication AS nameAccordingTo,\n                LOWER(td.Name) AS taxonRank,\n                LOWER(t.TaxonomicStatus) AS taxonomicStatus,\n                t.OccurrenceStatus AS occurrenceStatus,\n                t.EstablishmentMeans AS establishmentMeans,\n                t.Remarks AS taxonRemarks,\n                pt.GUID AS parentNameUsageID,\n                pn.FullName AS parentNameUsage,\n                at.GUID AS acceptedNameUsageID,\n                an.FullName AS acceptedNameUsage,\n                an.Author AS acceptedNameUsageAuthorship,\n                LOWER(atd.Name) AS acceptedNameUsageTaxonRank,\n                tt.NodeNumber,\n                att.NodeNumber AS AcceptedNodeNumber,\n                t.RankID,\n                at.RankID AS AcceptedRankID,\n                c.CommonName AS vernacularName\n              FROM vicflora_taxon t\n              JOIN vicflora_name n ON t.NameID=n.NameID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxontreedefitem td ON t.TaxonTreeDefItemID=td.TaxonTreeDefItemID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_reference r ON n.ProtologueID=r.ReferenceID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxon pt ON t.ParentID=pt.TaxonID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_name pn ON pt.NameID=pn.NameID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxon at ON t.AcceptedID=at.TaxonID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_name an ON at.NameID=an.NameID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxontreedefitem atd ON at.TaxonTreeDefItemID=atd.TaxonTreeDefItemID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_publication pub ON t.SourceID=pub.PublicationID\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxontree tt ON t.TaxonID=tt.TaxonID AND t.TaxonomicStatus='accepted'\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_taxontree att ON t.AcceptedID=att.TaxonID AND !(t.TaxonomicStatus='accepted')\n              LEFT JOIN vicflora_commonname c ON t.TaxonID=c.TaxonID AND t.TaxonomicStatus='accepted' AND c.IsPreferred=1\n              WHERE t.GUID='{$id}'";
     $query = $this->db->query($select);
     $row = $query->row();
     $this->doc->project = array('VicFlora');
     $this->doc->id = $id;
     $this->doc->scientific_name_id = $row->scientificNameID;
     $this->doc->scientific_name = Encoding::toUTF8($row->scientificName);
     $this->doc->scientific_name_authorship = $row->scientificNameAuthorship;
     $this->doc->name_type = $row->name_type;
     $this->doc->name_published_in_id = $row->namePublishedInID;
     $this->doc->name_published_in = $row->namePublishedIn;
     $this->doc->name_published_in_year = $row->namePublishedInYear;
     $this->doc->sensu = $row->Sensu;
     $this->doc->name_according_to = $row->nameAccordingTo;
     $this->doc->taxon_rank = $row->taxonRank;
     $this->doc->taxonomic_status = in_array($row->taxonomicStatus, array('homotypic synonym', 'heterotypic synonym')) ? 'synonym' : $row->taxonomicStatus;
     $occurrenceStatus = array();
     if ($row->occurrenceStatus == 'endemic') {
         $occurrenceStatus[] = 'present';
     $occurrenceStatus[] = $row->occurrenceStatus;
     $this->doc->occurrence_status = $occurrenceStatus;
     $this->doc->establishment_means = $this->establishmentMeans($row->establishmentMeans);
     $this->doc->taxon_remarks = $row->taxonRemarks;
     $this->doc->parent_name_usage_id = $row->parentNameUsageID;
     $this->doc->parent_name_usage = $row->parentNameUsage;
     $this->doc->accepted_name_usage_id = $row->acceptedNameUsageID;
     $this->doc->accepted_name_usage = $row->acceptedNameUsage;
     $this->doc->accepted_name_usage_authorship = $row->acceptedNameUsageAuthorship;
     $this->doc->accepted_name_usage_taxon_rank = $row->acceptedNameUsageTaxonRank;
     if ($row->taxonomicStatus == 'accepted') {
         $description = $this->description($id);
         if ($description) {
             $this->doc->profile = $description;
         $this->doc->media = $this->media($id);
         if ($row->AcceptedRankID == 220) {
             $this->doc->species_id = $row->acceptedNameUsageID;
         } elseif ($row->AcceptedRankID > 220) {
             $this->doc->species_id = $this->getSpeciesID($row->acceptedNameUsageID);
     $this->doc->vernacular_name = $row->vernacularName;
     if ($row->NodeNumber) {
         $this->doc->end_or_higher_taxon = $this->endTaxon($id);
         $this->higherClassification($row->NodeNumber, $row->RankID);
     } elseif ($row->AcceptedNodeNumber) {
         $this->doc->end_or_higher_taxon = $this->endTaxon($row->acceptedNameUsageID);
         $this->higherClassification($row->AcceptedNodeNumber, $row->AcceptedRankID);
     $this->doc->ibra_7_subregion = $this->distribution($id, 'subregion', $row->RankID);
     $this->doc->ibra_7_subregion = $this->distribution($id, 'subregion', $row->RankID);
     if ($row->RankID >= 180) {
         $this->doc->nrm_region = $this->NrmRegions($id);
     // Threat status
     $threatStatus = array();
     $epbc = $this->taxonAttribute($id, 'EPBC (Jan. 2014)');
     if ($epbc) {
         $threatStatus[] = 'EPBC_' . $epbc;
     $vrot = $this->taxonAttribute($id, 'VROT');
     if ($vrot) {
         $threatStatus[] = 'VROT_' . $vrot;
     $ffg = $this->taxonAttribute($id, 'FFG');
     if ($ffg) {
         $threatStatus[] = 'FFG listed';
     if ($threatStatus) {
         $this->doc->threat_status = $threatStatus;
     $apni = $this->apniMatch($row->NameID);
     if ($apni) {
         $this->doc->apni_match_type = $apni['apni_match_type'];
         $this->doc->apni_match_verification_status = $apni['apni_match_verification_status'];
     $this->doc->last_modified = date('Y-m-d\\TH:i:s\\Z');
     $updateQuery->addDocuments(array($this->doc), $overwrite = true);
Пример #22
function woo_pi_encode_transient($var = null)
    // Check that the Encoding class by Sebastián Grignoli exists
    if (file_exists(WOO_PI_PATH . 'classes/Encoding.php')) {
        include_once WOO_PI_PATH . 'classes/Encoding.php';
        if (class_exists('Encoding')) {
            $encoding = new Encoding();
            return $encoding->toUTF8($var);
    } else {
        return $var;
Пример #23
function nvweb_archive_render($type, $dataset, $archive_url, $categories)
    global $website;
    global $session;
    $out = array();
    setlocale(LC_ALL, $website->languages[$session['lang']]['system_locale']);
    if ($type == 'year' || $type == 'year-collapsed') {
        $year_months = array();
        $year_stats = array();
        foreach ($dataset as $row) {
            $year_months[$row->year][] = '<div>
                    <a href="' . $archive_url . '?archive=' . $row->year . '-' . $row->month . '-' . implode(',', $categories) . '">' . Encoding::toUTF8(ucfirst(strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->month, 1, 2000)))) . ' (' . $row->total . ')
            $year_stats[$row->year]['total'] += $row->total;
        $first = '';
        // default: show months of the first year in the list
        if ($type == 'year-collapsed') {
            // alternative: hide months for the first year, too
            $first = 'display: none;';
        foreach ($year_months as $year => $months) {
            $out[] = '<div class="nv-year"><a href="#" style=" display: block;" onclick=" return false; ">&raquo; ' . $year . ' (' . $year_stats[$year]['total'] . ')</a></div>';
            $out[] = '<div style="' . $first . ' margin-left: 20px;" class="nv-year-months">';
            $out[] = implode("\n", $months);
            $out[] = '</div>';
            $first = 'display: none;';
        nvweb_after_body('js', '
            jQuery(".nv-year").on("click", function() { $(this).next().toggle() });
    } else {
        if ($type == 'month') {
            foreach ($dataset as $row) {
                $out[] = '<div>
                    <a href="' . $archive_url . '?archive=' . $row->year . '-' . $row->month . '-' . implode(',', $categories) . '">' . Encoding::toUTF8(ucfirst(strftime('%B', mktime(0, 0, 0, $row->month, 1, 2000)))) . ' ' . $row->year . ' (' . $row->total . ')
    $out = implode("\n", $out);
    return $out;