Пример #1
	public function ajaxpdfAction()
	//	$this->_helper->viewRenderer->setNoRender(true);
		$pdf = new Zend_Pdf();
		$page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4);
		$font = Zend_Pdf_Font::fontWithPath('font/simkai.ttf',(Zend_Pdf_Font::EMBED_SUPPRESS_EMBED_EXCEPTION |
		//put the personal information to the pdf
		$contacts = new Employee_Models_ContactMapper();
		$arrayContacts = $contacts->fetchAllJoin();
		$count = 1;//every page show approximately 20 pieces;
		//$arrayCount = count($arrayContacts);
		$totalItems = $arrayContacts->getTotalItemCount();

		$pageNumber = ceil($totalItems / 25);
		$x = 0; $y = 750;
		$currentpage = 1;
		foreach($arrayContacts as $contact)
			if($count == 1)
				$page->drawLine(50, 770, 560, 770);
				$page->drawLine(50, 125, 560, 125);
						->drawText("编号", 50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("姓名", 100, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("性别", 145, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("生日", 195, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("部门", 275, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("职务", 335, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("入职时间", 415, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("手机号码", 495, $y, 'UTF-8');
				$time = Date("Y-m-d,H:i");
				$users = new System_Models_UserMapper();
				$contactId = $users->getContactId($this->getUserId());
				$contacts = new Employee_Models_ContactMapper();
				$contactName = $contacts->findContactName($contactId);
						->drawText("公司员工信息总览", 250, 790, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("导出人:".$contactName, 50, 100, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("导出日期:".$time, 250, 100, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("页数:".$currentpage."(".$pageNumber.")", 500, 100, 'UTF-8');
				$y -= 25;$count++;
				$page->setFont($font, 11)
						->drawText($contact->contactId, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->contactName, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->gender, $x+=45, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->birth, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->deptName, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->dutyName, $x+=60, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->enroll, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->phoneMob, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8');
			if($count >= 25)
				$pdf->pages[] = $page;
				$page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4);
				$count = 1;
				$y = 750;
			$x = 0;
		$pdf->pages[] = $page;
		$name_string = "公司员工信息总览".time().".pdf";
		$base = General_Models_ServerInfo::$localUrl;
		$url = 'tmp/'.$name_string;
		$murl = $base.'/'.$url;
		$this->view->murl = $murl;
Пример #2
	protected function pageEmployeeIndex($pdf,$page,$font)
		//put the personal information to the pdf
		$contacts = new Employee_Models_ContactMapper();
		$arrayContacts = $contacts->fetchAllJoin();
		$count = 1;//every page show approximately 20 pieces;
		//$arrayCount = count($arrayContacts);
		$totalItems = $arrayContacts->getTotalItemCount();

		$pageNumber = ceil($totalItems / 25);
		$x = 0; $y = 750;
		$currentpage = 1;
		foreach($arrayContacts as $contact)
			if($count == 1)
				$page->drawLine(50, 770, 560, 770);
				$page->drawLine(50, 125, 560, 125);
						->drawText("编号", 50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("姓名", 100, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("性别", 145, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("生日", 195, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("部门", 275, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("职务", 335, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("入职时间", 415, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("手机号码", 495, $y, 'UTF-8');
				$time = Date("Y-m-d,H:i");
				$users = new System_Models_UserMapper();
				$contactId = $users->getContactId($this->getUserId());
				$contacts = new Employee_Models_ContactMapper();
				$contactName = $contacts->findContactName($contactId);
						->drawText("公司员工信息总览", 250, 790, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("导出人:".$contactName, 50, 100, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("导出日期:".$time, 250, 100, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText("页数:".$currentpage."(".$pageNumber.")", 500, 100, 'UTF-8');
				$y -= 25;$count++;
				$page->setFont($font, 11)
						->drawText($contact->contactId, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->contactName, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->gender, $x+=45, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->birth, $x+=50, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->deptName, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->dutyName, $x+=60, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->enroll, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8')
						->drawText($contact->phoneMob, $x+=80, $y, 'UTF-8');
			if($count >= 25)
				$pdf->pages[] = $page;
				$page = $pdf->newPage(Zend_Pdf_Page::SIZE_A4);
				$count = 1;
				$y = 750;
			$x = 0;
		$pdf->pages[] = $page;
		$name_string = "公司员工信息总览".time().".pdf";
		$name_stringEn = urlencode("公司员工信息总览".time()).".pdf";
		$url = 'tmp/'.$name_string;
		return $urlEn;