Пример #1
function Dwoo_Plugin_sencha_preloader(Dwoo_Core $dwoo, $classes = "app", $App = null)
    if (!$App) {
        $App = $dwoo->data['App'];
    $appName = $App->getName();
    $appPath = "sencha-workspace/{$appName}";
    // include classpath files
    $classPaths = explode(',', $App->getBuildCfg('app.classpath'));
    $srcCollections = array();
    foreach ($classPaths as $classPath) {
        if (strpos($classPath, '${workspace.dir}/x/') === 0) {
            $classPath = 'ext-library/' . substr($classPath, 19);
        } elseif (substr($classPath, 0, 11) == '${app.dir}/') {
            $classPath = $appPath . substr($classPath, 10);
        } else {
        try {
            $tree = Emergence_FS::getTree($classPath);
            $srcCollections = array_merge($srcCollections, array_keys($tree));
        } catch (Exception $e) {
    // include package files
    $requiredPackages = $App->getAppCfg('requires');
    if (!is_array($requiredPackages)) {
        $requiredPackages = array();
    if (($themeName = $App->getBuildCfg('app.theme')) && !in_array($themeName, $requiredPackages)) {
        $requiredPackages[] = $themeName;
    foreach ($requiredPackages as $packageName) {
        $packagePath = "sencha-workspace/packages/{$packageName}";
        foreach (array("{$packagePath}/src", "{$packagePath}/overrides") as $classPath) {
            try {
                $tree = Emergence_FS::getTree($classPath);
                $srcCollections = array_merge($srcCollections, array_keys($tree));
            } catch (Exception $e) {
    #	Benchmark::startLive();
    #	Benchmark::mark("sencha_preload");
    #	Benchmark::mark("getting files from ".count($srcCollections)." collections");
    // get files
    if (count($srcCollections)) {
        $sources = DB::allRecords('SELECT' . ' f2.SHA1' . ',CONCAT(' . '(' . 'SELECT GROUP_CONCAT(parent.Handle ORDER BY parent.PosLeft SEPARATOR "/")' . ' FROM `%2$s` AS node, `%2$s` AS parent' . ' WHERE node.PosLeft BETWEEN parent.PosLeft AND parent.PosRight AND node.ID = f2.CollectionID' . ')' . ',"/"' . ',f2.Handle' . ') AS Path' . ' FROM (' . ' SELECT MAX(f1.ID) AS ID' . ' FROM `%1$s` f1' . ' WHERE CollectionID IN (%3$s)' . ' GROUP BY f1.CollectionID, f1.Handle' . ') AS lastestFiles' . ' LEFT JOIN `%1$s` f2 USING (ID)' . ' WHERE f2.Status = "Normal" AND f2.Type = "application/javascript"', array(SiteFile::$tableName, SiteCollection::$tableName, join(',', $srcCollections)));
    } else {
        $sources = array();
    // compile keyed manifest with localized paths
    $manifest = array();
    foreach ($sources as $source) {
        if (strpos($source['Path'], "{$appPath}/") === 0) {
            $manifest[substr($source['Path'], strlen($appPath) + 1)] = $source['SHA1'];
        } elseif (strpos($source['Path'], 'ext-library/') === 0) {
            $manifest["/app/{$appName}/x" . substr($source['Path'], 11)] = $source['SHA1'];
        } elseif (strpos($source['Path'], 'sencha-workspace/packages/') === 0) {
            $manifest['../' . substr($source['Path'], 17)] = $source['SHA1'];
    #	$srcMasterHash = sha1(join(PHP_EOL, $srcHashes));
    #	Benchmark::mark("found ".count($srcHashes)." files");
    #	// try to get src from cache
    #	$cacheKey = "app-cache/$srcMasterHash";
    #	if(!Cache::exists($cacheKey)) {
    #		$src = '';
    #		foreach($srcHashes AS $fileId => $sha1) {
    #			$src .= JSMin::minify(file_get_contents(SiteFile::getRealPathByID($fileId)));
    #		}
    #		Cache::store($cacheKey, $src);
    #	}
    #	Benchmark::mark("compiled: ".strlen($src)." bytes");
    return '<script type="text/javascript">(function(){' . 'var srcManifest = ' . json_encode($manifest) . ',origLoadScript = Ext.Loader.loadScript' . ',origLoadScriptFile = Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile' . ',dcParam = Ext.Loader.getConfig("disableCachingParam")' . ',now = Ext.Date.now();' . 'function _versionScriptUrl(url) {' . 'if(url in srcManifest) {' . 'url += "?_sha1=" + srcManifest[url];' . '} else {' . 'url += "?" + dcParam + "=" + now;' . '}' . 'return url;' . '}' . 'Ext.Loader.setConfig("disableCaching", false);' . 'Ext.Loader.loadScript = function(options) {' . 'if (typeof options == "string") {' . 'options = _versionScriptUrl(options);' . '} else {' . 'options.url = _versionScriptUrl(options.url);' . '}' . 'origLoadScript.call(Ext.Loader, options);' . '};' . 'Ext.Loader.loadScriptFile = function(url, onLoad, onError, scope, synchronous) {' . 'origLoadScriptFile.call(Ext.Loader, _versionScriptUrl(url), onLoad, onError, scope, synchronous);' . '};' . '})()</script>';