Пример #1
 } elseif ($User == "SYS video") {
     //require EmbeVi Class
     include_once 'plugins/video/embevi.class.php';
     //instantiate EmbeVi class
     $embevi = new EmbeVi();
     if ($embevi->parseUrl($Message)) {
         //set embeded width
         //set embeded height
         //get the icon from the provider info
         $ealt = $embevi->getEmbeddedInfo();
         #					$eicon = $embevi->getEmbeddedIcon();
         $eicon = $embevi->getProviderImageIdentifier();
         //display video and embeded code
         $video = $embevi->getCode();
         $NewMsg .= "<font class=\"notify\"><img src=\"" . $eicon . "\" border=0 width='16' alt='&copy; " . $ealt . "' title='&copy; " . $ealt . "'>&nbsp;<a href='" . $Message . "' onMouseOver=\"window.status='" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_ORIG_VIDEO) . ".'; return true\" title='" . sprintf(L_CLICK, L_ORIG_VIDEO) . "' target=_blank>" . L_VIDEO . "</a> " . $Dest . ":</font></td><td width=\"99%\" valign=\"top\">" . $video . "</td></tr></table>";
 } elseif ($User == "SYS room") {
     $Message = "<I>" . ROOM_SAYS . " <FONT class=\"notify\">" . $Message . "</FONT></FONT></I></td></tr></table>";
     $noteclass = "notify2";
 } elseif ($User == "SYS math") {
     $Equation = '<a onClick="window.parent.math_popup(); return false" title="' . sprintf(L_CLICKS, L_LINKS_15, L_LINKS_20) . '" onMouseOver="window.status=\'' . sprintf(L_CLICKS, L_LINKS_15, L_LINKS_20) . '.\'; return true" target="_blank">' . L_EQUATION . '</a>';
     $MathDest = sprintf(L_MATH, $Equation, $Dest);
     $Message = "<FONT class=\"notify\">" . $MathDest . "</FONT></td></tr></table>";
     $noteclass = "notify";
 } elseif (substr($User, 0, 8) != "SYS dice") {
Пример #2
     $NewMsgu .= $addressu . ": <A href=\"" . $messageu . "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='";
     $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_FULLSIZE_PIC)) ?>.\'; return true" title="';
     $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_FULLSIZE_PIC)) ?>" target=_blank>';
     $NewMsgu .= $messageu . "</A>";
 } elseif ($usernameu == "SYS video") {
     //require EmbeVi Class
     include_once 'plugins/video/embevi.class.php';
     //instantiate EmbeVi class
     $embeviu = new EmbeVi();
     if ($embeviu->parseUrl($messageu)) {
         #		$eiconu = $embevi->getProviderIcon();
         $ealtu = $embeviu->getEmbeddedInfo();
         $eiconu = $embeviu->getProviderImageIdentifier();
         $NewMsgu .= '<img src="./../../../' . $eiconu . '" border=0 width= "16" alt="&copy; ' . $ealtu . '" title="&copy; ' . $ealtu . '">&nbsp;<?php echo(L_VIDEO); ?> ';
         $NewMsgu .= $addressu . ": <A href=\"" . $messageu . "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='";
         $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_ORIG_VIDEO)) ?>.\'; return true" title="';
         $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_ORIG_VIDEO)) ?>" target=_blank>';
         $NewMsgu .= $messageu . "</A>";
 } elseif ($usernameu == "SYS utube") {
     $NewMsgu .= '<img src="./../../../images/icons/youtube.png" border=0 alt="YouTube">&nbsp;<?php echo(L_VIDEO); ?> ';
     $NewMsgu .= $addressu . ": <A href=\"" . $messageu . "\" onMouseOver=\"window.status='";
     $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_ORIG_VIDEO)) ?>.\'; return true" title="';
     $NewMsgu .= '<?php echo(sprintf(L_CLICK,L_ORIG_VIDEO)) ?>" target=_blank>';
     $NewMsgu .= $messageu . "</A>";
 } elseif ($usernameu == "SYS announce") {
     $NewMsgu .= '<b><?php echo(L_ANNOUNCE); ?>: </b>';