function sendEmail($send = true) { $emailer = new Emailer(); $message = $this->getString(); $emailer->setMessage($message); $emailer->setSubject($this->subject); $emailer->setSender("*****@*****.**"); $emailer->addRecipients($this->recipient); $emailer->addRecipients($this->bccrecipients, 1, "bcc"); $emailer->addRecipients($this->ccrecipients, 1, "cc"); if ($send) { $emailer->send(); } else { $emailString = $emailer->getString(); print $emailString; } }
function eventSetCoWorker(EventControler $evtcl) { $goto = $evtcl->goto; if ($evtcl->fields['email_address'] != "") { $email_user = $evtcl->fields['email_address']; } else { $email_user = $evtcl->email; } if ($email_user != '' && !empty($email_user)) { // $email_user = $evtcl->email;//echo $email_user;exit; $iduser = $this->isUserExists($email_user); // user already in the db so just add if ($iduser) { $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q->query("select * from " . $this->table . " where iduser = "******" AND idcoworker= " . $iduser); //echo "select * from ".$this->table." where iduser = "******" AND idcoworker= ".$iduser;exit; if ($q->getNumRows() > 0) { while ($q->fetch()) { $accepted = $q->getData("accepted"); } if ($accepted == 'Yes') { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_user-is-already-cw"; } elseif ($accepted == 'No') { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_already-have-pending-invitation"; } } else { $this->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $this->idcoworker = $iduser; $this->accepted = 'No'; $this->add(); $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_user-is-already-in-db-notification-sent"; } } else { // Not found send the email. $enc_email = $this->encrypt($email_user); $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q->query("select * from " . $this->table . " where iduser = "******" AND enc_email = '" . $enc_email . "' AND accepted ='No'"); //echo "select * from ".$this->table." where enc_email = '".$enc_email."' AND accepted ='No'";exit; if ($q->getNumRows() > 0) { // If the invitation is still pending $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_already-have-pending-invitation-to"; $_SESSION['in_page_message_data']['enc_email'] = $this->decrypt($enc_email); } else { $this->iduser = $_SESSION['do_User']->iduser; $this->idcoworker = 0; $this->accepted = 'No'; $this->enc_email = $enc_email; $this->add(); $last_id = $this->getInsertId($this->table, $this->primary_key); include_once "class/Emailer.class.php"; $q = new sqlQuery($this->getDbCon()); $q->query("select * from " . $this->table . " where " . $this->primary_key . " = " . $last_id); if ($q->getNumRows() > 0) { while ($dData = $q->fetchArray()) { $dData["firstname"] = $_SESSION['do_User']->firstname; $dData["referer"] = $this->encrypt($last_id); $full_name = $_SESSION['do_User']->firstname . " " . $_SESSION['do_User']->lastname; $email = new Emailer(); $email->loadEmailer($this->getDbCon(), "invitation"); $email->setSender($full_name, $_SESSION['do_User']->email); $email->mergeArray($dData); if ($email->hasHtml()) { $email->sendMailHtml($email_user); } else { $email->sendMailStandard($email_user); } $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_user-not-in-db-register"; } } } } } else { $_SESSION['in_page_message'] = "cw_enter-emailid"; } }