  * Displays the contact page
 public function actionContact()
     $model = CustomPage::LoadByRequestUrl('contact-us');
     $this->pageTitle = $model->PageTitle;
     $this->pageDescription = $model->meta_description;
     $this->breadcrumbs = array($model->title => $model->RequestUrl);
     $this->layout = "//layouts/column" . $model->column_template;
     $ContactForm = new ContactForm();
     if (isset($_POST['ContactForm'])) {
         $ContactForm->attributes = $_POST['ContactForm'];
         if ($ContactForm->validate()) {
             $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
             if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
                 $objCustomer = Customer::GetCurrent();
                 $objEmail->customer_id = $objCustomer->id;
                 $ContactForm->fromName = $objCustomer->mainname;
                 $ContactForm->fromEmail = $objCustomer->email;
             $strHtmlBody = $this->renderPartial('/mail/_contactform', array('model' => $ContactForm), true);
             $strSubject = Yii::t('email', 'Contact Us:') . $ContactForm->contactSubject;
             $objEmail->htmlbody = $strHtmlBody;
             $objEmail->subject = $strSubject;
             $orderEmail = _xls_get_conf('ORDER_FROM', '');
             $objEmail->to = empty($orderEmail) ? _xls_get_conf('EMAIL_FROM') : $orderEmail;
             $objHtml = new HtmlToText();
             //If we get back false, it means conversion failed which 99.9% of the time means improper HTML.
             $strPlain = $objHtml->convert_html_to_text($strHtmlBody);
             if ($strPlain !== false) {
                 $objEmail->plainbody = $strPlain;
             if (!$objEmail->save()) {
                 Yii::log("Error creating email " . print_r($objEmail, true) . " " . print_r($objEmail->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('success', Yii::t('email', 'Message sent. Thank you for contacting us. We will respond to you as soon as possible.'));
             //Attempt to use an AJAX call to send the email. If it doesn't work, the Download process will catch it anyway.
             $jsScript = "\$.ajax({url:\"" . CController::createUrl('site/sendemail', array("id" => $objEmail->id)) . "\"});";
             Yii::app()->clientScript->registerScript('sendemail', $jsScript, CClientScript::POS_READY);
         } else {
             Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', Yii::t('cart', 'Please check your form for errors.'));
             if (YII_DEBUG) {
                 Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', print_r($ContactForm->getErrors(), true));
     if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
         $objCustomer = Customer::GetCurrent();
         $ContactForm->fromName = $objCustomer->mainname;
         $ContactForm->fromEmail = $objCustomer->email;
     $this->canonicalUrl = $model->canonicalUrl;
     $this->render('contact', array('ContactForm' => $ContactForm, 'model' => $model));
Пример #2
 public static function getInstance()
     if (empty(self::$instance)) {
         self::$instance = new EmailQueue();
     return self::$instance;
Пример #3
  * Deletes a particular model.
  * If deletion is successful, the browser will be redirected to the 'admin' page.
  * @param integer $id the ID of the model to be deleted
 public function actionDelete($id)
     if (!isset($_GET['ajax'])) {
         $this->redirect(isset($_POST['returnUrl']) ? $_POST['returnUrl'] : array('index'));
Пример #4
  * For subscribers of this message topic, send out an alert to them given this new message
  * @return void
 public function SendAlerts()
     switch ($this->TopicLink->TopicLinkTypeId) {
         case TopicLinkType::Forum:
             $strLink = sprintf('http://www.qcodo.com/forums/forum.php/%s/%s/lastpage', $this->TopicLink->ForumId, $this->TopicId);
         case TopicLinkType::Issue:
             $strLink = sprintf('http://www.qcodo.com/issues/view.php/%s/lastpage', $this->TopicLink->IssueId);
         case TopicLinkType::WikiItem:
             $strLink = sprintf('http://www.qcodo.com%s?lastpage', $this->TopicLink->WikiItem->UrlPath);
         case TopicLinkType::Package:
             $strLink = sprintf('http://www.qcodo.com/qpm/package.php/%s/lastpage', $this->TopicLink->Package->Token);
             throw new Exception('Unhandled TopicLinkType: ' . $this->TopicLink->TopicLinkTypeId);
     $strDisplayName = $this->Person ? $this->Person->DisplayName : 'Qcodo System Message';
     $strBody = "QCODO MESSAGE POSTED\r\n";
     $strBody .= sprintf("Topic: %s\r\n", $this->Topic->Name);
     $strBody .= sprintf("Posted By: %s\r\n", $strDisplayName);
     $strBody .= sprintf("Posted On: %s\r\n", $this->PostDate->__toString('DDD MMM D YYYY, h:mm zz'));
     $strBody .= sprintf("(to view this topic in its entirety, please go to %s)\r\n\r\n\r\n", $strLink);
     $strBody .= trim($this->Message);
     $strBody .= "\r\n\r\n------------------------------------------------------\r\nYou are receiving this message because you have opted-in for email notifications on this topic.  ";
     $strBody .= "If you wish to no longer be notified for this topic, please go to ";
     $strBody .= $strLink;
     $strBody .= ' and click on "Email Notification".  If the link does not show up, you will need first "Log In".';
     $strHtml = '<style type="text/css">';
     $strHtml .= 'pre { background-color: #ddddff; padding: 10px; margin-left: 20px; font-family: "Lucida Console", "Courier New", "Courier", "monospaced"; font-size: 11px; line-height: 13px; overflow: auto; }';
     $strHtml .= '</style>';
     $strHtml .= sprintf('<span style="font: 12px %s;">', QFontFamily::Verdana);
     $strHtml .= '<span style="font-size: 14px;"><strong><a href="http://www.qcodo.com/">Qcodo</a> Message Posted</strong></span><br/>';
     $strHtml .= sprintf('<strong>Topic: </strong>%s<br/>', $this->Topic->Name);
     $strHtml .= sprintf('<strong>Posted By: </strong>%s<br/>', $strDisplayName);
     $strHtml .= sprintf('<strong>Posted On: </strong>%s<br/>', $this->PostDate->__toString('DDD MMM D YYYY, h:mm zz'));
     $strHtml .= sprintf('(to view this post in its entirety, please go to <a href="%s">%s</a>)<br/><br/><br/>', $strLink, $strLink);
     $strHtml .= $this->CompiledHtml;
     $strHtml .= '<br/><br/><hr/><br/><span style="font-size: 10px;">You are receiving this message because you have opted-in for email notifications on this forum topic.  ';
     $strHtml .= 'If you wish to no longer be notified for this topic, please go to ';
     $strHtml .= sprintf('<a href="%s">%s</a>', $strLink, $strLink);
     $strHtml .= ' and click on "<strong>Email Notification</strong>".  If the link does not show up, you will need first "<strong>Log In</strong>".';
     $strHtml .= '</span></span>';
     $strSubject = '[Qcodo] Re: ' . $this->Topic->Name;
     foreach ($this->Topic->GetPersonAsEmailArray() as $objEmailPerson) {
         if ($objEmailPerson->Id != $this->PersonId) {
             $objEmailQueue = new EmailQueue();
             $objEmailQueue->ToAddress = sprintf('%s %s <%s>', $objEmailPerson->FirstName, $objEmailPerson->LastName, $objEmailPerson->Email);
             $objEmailQueue->FromAddress = QCODO_EMAILER;
             $objEmailQueue->Subject = $strSubject;
             $objEmailQueue->Body = $strBody;
             $objEmailQueue->Html = $strHtml;
Пример #5
 public static function sendEmail($jobId)
     $model = EmailQueue::model()->findByPk($jobId);
     if ($model && $model->sent) {
         return false;
     } else {
         // Send Email Here
Пример #6
  * Try sending e-mails in the queue.
  * @return void
  * @throws CDbException
 private function _sendQueueEmails()
     $objMails = EmailQueue::model()->findAll("`sent_attempts` < 20 and `sent_attempts` > 0 and `to` IS NOT NULL LIMIT 10");
     foreach ($objMails as $objMail) {
         $blnResult = _xls_send_email($objMail->id, true);
         if (!$blnResult) {
             EmailQueue::model()->updateByPk($objMail->id, array('sent_attempts' => $objMail->sent_attempts + 1));
         } else {
Пример #7
 public function testWhetherTriggeringDeliveryResultsInEmailsBeingEnqueued()
     global $wpdb;
     $this->assertEquals(0, EmailQueue::getInstance()->getNumberOfPendingEmails());
     $this->assertEquals($this->numberOfSubscribers, EmailQueue::getInstance()->getNumberOfPendingEmails());
     //TODO: Change the following to use the EmailQueue's API after it is written. For now hitting the database directly
     $getRecipientsOfAllEmailsQuery = sprintf("SELECT sid FROM %swpr_queue", $wpdb->prefix);
     $recipientList = $wpdb->get_col($getRecipientsOfAllEmailsQuery);
     $difference = array_diff($recipientList, $this->sid_array);
     $this->assertEquals(0, count($difference));
Пример #8
 public function actionSend($frequency = 55)
     $endTime = time() + $frequency;
     // Check if a previous job has been running for the past 10 minutes.
     if (!DaemonUtils::checkForSync('EMAIL')) {
     $job = DaemonUtils::addJob('EMAIL');
     try {
         $count = 0;
         while (($emails = EmailQueue::model()->findAll('sent=:sent', array(':sent' => '0'))) && !empty($emails) && time() < $endTime) {
             foreach ($emails as $email) {
                 if (time() < $endTime) {
                     if (!$email->sent) {
                         $result = EmailApi::sendSmtpEmail($email);
                         if ($result == 1) {
                             $email->sent = 1;
                         } else {
                 } else {
         /*while(!empty($emails) && time()<$endTime){
         			$result = EmailApi::sendSmtpEmails($emails);
         $message = "{$count} email(s) were processed.";
         // $message = count($emails) . " email(s) were processed.";
         DaemonUtils::endJob($job, $message);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $message = $e->getMessage();
         DaemonUtils::endJob($job, $message, 'ERROR');
Пример #9
 public function createErrorEmail($ResultDescription)
     //For certain errors, send the admin email
     if (stripos($ResultDescription, "contradicts information") !== false) {
         //Send email
         $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
         $objEmail->htmlbody = "Amazon Error: " . $ResultDescription;
         $objEmail->subject = "Amazon Error";
         $orderEmail = _xls_get_conf('ORDER_FROM', '');
         $objEmail->to = empty($orderEmail) ? _xls_get_conf('EMAIL_FROM') : $orderEmail;
         Yii::log($objEmail->htmlbody, 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
         if (!$objEmail->save()) {
             Yii::log("Error saving Email " . print_r($objEmail->getErrors(), true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
Пример #10

QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
QEmailServer::$OriginatingServerIp = SMTP_EHLO;
QEmailServer::$TestMode = SMTP_TEST_MODE;
$objEmailQueue = EmailQueue::QueryArray(QQ::IsNull(QQN::EmailQueue()->ErrorFlag), QQ::Clause(QQ::OrderBy(QQN::EmailQueue()->HighPriorityFlag, false), QQ::LimitInfo(50)));
foreach ($objEmailQueue as $objEmail) {
  * Static Helper Method to Create using PK arguments
  * You must pass in the PK arguments on an object to load, or leave it blank to create a new one.
  * If you want to load via QueryString or PathInfo, use the CreateFromQueryString or CreateFromPathInfo
  * static helper methods.  Finally, specify a CreateType to define whether or not we are only allowed to 
  * edit, or if we are also allowed to create a new one, etc.
  * @param mixed $objParentObject QForm or QPanel which will be using this EmailQueueMetaControl
  * @param integer $intId primary key value
  * @param QMetaControlCreateType $intCreateType rules governing EmailQueue object creation - defaults to CreateOrEdit
  * @return EmailQueueMetaControl
 public static function Create($objParentObject, $intId = null, $intCreateType = QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOrEdit)
     // Attempt to Load from PK Arguments
     if (strlen($intId)) {
         $objEmailQueue = EmailQueue::Load($intId);
         // EmailQueue was found -- return it!
         if ($objEmailQueue) {
             return new EmailQueueMetaControl($objParentObject, $objEmailQueue);
         } else {
             if ($intCreateType != QMetaControlCreateType::CreateOnRecordNotFound) {
                 throw new QCallerException('Could not find a EmailQueue object with PK arguments: ' . $intId);
         // If EditOnly is specified, throw an exception
     } else {
         if ($intCreateType == QMetaControlCreateType::EditOnly) {
             throw new QCallerException('No PK arguments specified');
     // If we are here, then we need to create a new record
     return new EmailQueueMetaControl($objParentObject, new EmailQueue());
  * Default / simple DataBinder for this Meta DataGrid.  This can easily be overridden
  * by calling SetDataBinder() on this DataGrid with another DataBinder of your choice.
  * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it.  If not, then no pagination will be used.
  * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
 public function MetaDataBinder()
     // Remember!  We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
     if ($this->Paginator) {
         $this->TotalItemCount = EmailQueue::CountAll();
     // Setup the $objClauses Array
     $objClauses = array();
     // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
     // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
     if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Add the LimitClause information, as well
     if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from EmailQueue, given the clauses above
     $this->DataSource = EmailQueue::LoadAll($objClauses);
Пример #13
 public function executeEmailBulkQueue(sfWebRequest $request)
     $subject = $request->getParameter('subject');
     $to = $request->getParameter('recipients');
     $sender_email = $request->getParameter('sender_email');
     $sender_name = $request->getParameter('sender_name');
     $message = $request->getParameter('message');
     $send_date = $request->getParameter('send_date');
     $priority = $request->getParameter('priority');
     $errors = array();
     // validate recievers
     if (empty($to)) {
         $errors['email'][0] = 'please specify email address';
     } else {
         $recievers = explode(',', $to);
         $pat = '/^([^@\\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,})$/i';
         $full_pat = '/^([- a-z0-9]+)\\<(([^@\\s]+)@((?:[-a-z0-9]+\\.)+[a-z]{2,}))\\>$/i';
         $emails = array();
         foreach ($recievers as $reciever) {
             $reciever = trim($reciever);
             if (empty($reciever)) {
             if (preg_match($full_pat, $reciever, $matches)) {
                 $emails[$matches[2]] = $matches[1];
             } elseif (preg_match($pat, $reciever, $matches)) {
                 $emails[$matches[0]] = '';
             } else {
                 if (!isset($errors['email'])) {
                     $errors['email'] = array();
                 $errors['email'][] = $reciever . ' is unrecognizable email';
     // validate subject
     if (empty($subject)) {
         $errors['subject'] = 'subject required';
     // validate send_date
     if (empty($send_date)) {
         $errors['send_date'] = 'Send date required';
     // validate sender
     $v_email = new sfValidatorEmail(array(), array('invalid' => 'please specify email address'));
     try {
         $sender_email = $v_email->clean($sender_email);
     } catch (sfValidatorError $e) {
         $errors['sender_email'] = $e->__toString();
     // attachments
     $upload_dir = sfConfig::get('sf_upload_dir') . '/' . 'bulk-email-attachments' . '/';
     $files = array();
     foreach ($request->getFiles() as $file) {
         if ($file[0]['error'] != 0) {
         if (move_uploaded_file($file[0]["tmp_name"], $upload_dir . $file[0]["name"])) {
             $files[] = array('path' => $upload_dir, 'name' => $file[0]['name']);
         } else {
             //echo '<h1>Error while uploading '.$file[0]["tmp_name"].'/'.$file[0]["name"].' to '.$upload_dir . $file[0]["name"].'</h1>';
             $error['attachment'] = 'Error while uploading ' . $file[0]["name"];
     // catch errors
     if ($errors) {
         $this->email_templates = EmailTemplatePeer::getByPersonId($this->getUser()->getId());
         $this->errors = $errors;
         $this->recipients = $to;
         $this->subject = $subject;
         $this->sender_email = $sender_email;
         $this->sender_name = $sender_name;
         $this->message = $message;
         $this->priority = $priority;
         $this->send_date = $send_date;
         if (!empty($error['attachment'])) {
             $this->attachement_error = $error['attachment'];
         return sfView::SUCCESS;
     $email_letter = new EmailLetter();
     $email_letter->setRecipients(implode(',', array_keys($emails)));
     $email_queue = new EmailQueue();
     $email_queue->setRequestDate(date('Y-m-d H:i:s', time()));
         $this->getComponent('mail', 'sendBulkQueue', array(
           'subject' => $subject,
           'recievers' => $emails,
           'sender' => array($sender_email => $sender_name),
           'body' => $message,
           'files' => $files,
     $this->getUser()->setFlash('success', 'Bulk email have successfully queued!');
Пример #14
 public function sendEmailTest()
     $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
     $objEmail->subject = "Test email from " . _xls_get_conf('STORE_NAME');
     $orderEmail = _xls_get_conf('ORDER_FROM', '');
     $objEmail->to = empty($orderEmail) ? _xls_get_conf('EMAIL_FROM') : $orderEmail;
     $objEmail->htmlbody = "<h1>You have successfully received your test email.</h1>";
     $blnResult = _xls_send_email($objEmail->id, true);
     if ($blnResult) {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('warning', 'Test email successfully sent to ' . $objEmail->to . '.');
     } else {
         Yii::app()->user->setFlash('error', 'Error - the test email failed sending to ' . $objEmail->to . '.');
Пример #15
 function execute()
Пример #16
function _xls_send_email($id, $hideJson = false)
    $objMail = EmailQueue::model()->findByPk($id);
    if ($objMail instanceof EmailQueue) {
        $orderEmail = _xls_get_conf('ORDER_FROM', '');
        $from = empty($orderEmail) ? _xls_get_conf('EMAIL_FROM') : $orderEmail;
        Yii::app()->setComponent('Smtpmail', null);
        $mail = Yii::app()->Smtpmail;
        $mail->Debugoutput = "error_log";
        $mail->Username = Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_USERNAME'];
        $mail->Password = _xls_decrypt(Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD']);
        $mail->Mailer = 'smtp';
        $mail->Port = Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_PORT'];
        $SMTPSecure = "";
        if (Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_SECURITY_MODE'] == '0') {
            if (Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_PORT'] == "465") {
                $SMTPSecure = "ssl";
            if (Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_PORT'] == "587") {
                $SMTPSecure = "tls";
        if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURITY_MODE') == '1') {
            $SMTPSecure = "";
        if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURITY_MODE') == '2') {
            $SMTPSecure = "ssl";
        if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_SECURITY_MODE') == '3') {
            $SMTPSecure = "tls";
        $mail->SMTPAuth = true;
        $mail->AuthType = "LOGIN";
        if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SMTP_AUTH_PLAIN', '0') == '1') {
            $mail->AuthType = "PLAIN";
        if (empty(Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_PASSWORD'])) {
            Yii::log("Password for SMTP blank, turning off SMTP Authentication", 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
            $mail->SMTPAuth = false;
            $mail->Username = '';
            $mail->Password = '';
        $mail->SMTPDebug = 1;
        $mail->SMTPSecure = $SMTPSecure;
        $mail->Host = Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_SMTP_SERVER'];
        $mail->SetFrom($from, Yii::app()->params['STORE_NAME']);
        $mail->Subject = $objMail->subject;
        if (!empty(Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_BCC'])) {
            if ($objMail->to != Yii::app()->params['EMAIL_BCC'] && $objMail->to == $from) {
        $blnResult = $mail->Send();
        $mail->Password = '******';
        //replace the real password before logging
        Yii::log("Contents of mail " . print_r($mail, true), 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
        if ($blnResult) {
            Yii::log("Sent email to " . $objMail->to . " successfully.", 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
            Yii::log("Email removed from queue", 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
            if (!$hideJson) {
                echo json_encode("success");
        } else {
            $objMail->sent_attempts += 1;
            Yii::log("Sending email failed ID " . $id . " " . $objMail->to . " " . print_r($mail->ErrorInfo, true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
            if (!$hideJson) {
                echo json_encode("failure");
    return $blnResult;
Пример #17
 public function actionEmail()
     if (Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
     $model = new ShareForm();
     if (isset($_POST['ShareForm'])) {
         $model->attributes = $_POST['ShareForm'];
         if ($model->validate()) {
             $strCode = $model->code;
             //Make sure code we've been passed is valid
             $objWishlist = Wishlist::model()->findByAttributes(array('gift_code' => $strCode));
             if (!$objWishlist->Visible) {
             if (!Yii::app()->user->isGuest) {
                 $objCustomer = Customer::model()->findByPk(Yii::app()->user->Id);
                 $model->fromEmail = $objCustomer->email;
                 $model->fromName = $objCustomer->fullname;
             $strHtmlBody = $this->renderPartial('/mail/_cart', array('model' => $model), true);
             $strSubject = _xls_format_email_subject('EMAIL_SUBJECT_WISHLIST', $objWishlist->customer->fullname, null);
             $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
             $objEmail->customer_id = $objWishlist->customer_id;
             $objEmail->htmlbody = $strHtmlBody;
             $objEmail->subject = $strSubject;
             $objEmail->to = $model->toEmail;
             $objHtml = new HtmlToText();
             //If we get back false, it means conversion failed which 99.9% of the time means improper HTML.
             $strPlain = $objHtml->convert_html_to_text($strHtmlBody);
             if ($strPlain !== false) {
                 $objEmail->plainbody = $strPlain;
             $response_array = array('status' => "success", 'message' => Yii::t('wishlist', 'Your wish list has been sent'), 'url' => CController::createUrl('site/sendemail', array("id" => $objEmail->id)), 'reload' => true);
         } else {
             $response_array['status'] = 'error';
             $response_array['errormsg'] = _xls_convert_errors($model->getErrors());
         echo json_encode($response_array);
Пример #18
  * Adds an object to the instance pool.
  * Propel keeps cached copies of objects in an instance pool when they are retrieved
  * from the database.  In some cases -- especially when you override doSelect*()
  * methods in your stub classes -- you may need to explicitly add objects
  * to the cache in order to ensure that the same objects are always returned by doSelect*()
  * and retrieveByPK*() calls.
  * @param      EmailQueue $value A EmailQueue object.
  * @param      string $key (optional) key to use for instance map (for performance boost if key was already calculated externally).
 public static function addInstanceToPool(EmailQueue $obj, $key = null)
     if (Propel::isInstancePoolingEnabled()) {
         if ($key === null) {
             $key = (string) $obj->getId();
         // if key === null
         self::$instances[$key] = $obj;
  * Main utility method to aid with data binding.  It is used by the default BindAllRows() databinder but
  * could and should be used by any custom databind methods that would be used for instances of this
  * MetaDataGrid, by simply passing in a custom QQCondition and/or QQClause. 
  * If a paginator is set on this DataBinder, it will use it.  If not, then no pagination will be used.
  * It will also perform any sorting (if applicable).
  * @param QQCondition $objConditions override the default condition of QQ::All() to the query, itself
  * @param QQClause[] $objOptionalClauses additional optional QQClause object or array of QQClause objects for the query		 
  * @return void
 public function MetaDataBinder(QQCondition $objCondition = null, $objOptionalClauses = null)
     // Setup input parameters to default values if none passed in
     if (!$objCondition) {
         $objCondition = QQ::All();
     $objClauses = $objOptionalClauses ? $objOptionalClauses : array();
     // We need to first set the TotalItemCount, which will affect the calcuation of LimitClause below
     if ($this->Paginator) {
         $this->TotalItemCount = EmailQueue::QueryCount($objCondition, $objClauses);
     // If a column is selected to be sorted, and if that column has a OrderByClause set on it, then let's add
     // the OrderByClause to the $objClauses array
     if ($objClause = $this->OrderByClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Add the LimitClause information, as well
     if ($objClause = $this->LimitClause) {
         array_push($objClauses, $objClause);
     // Set the DataSource to be a Query result from EmailQueue, given the clauses above
     $this->DataSource = EmailQueue::QueryArray($objCondition, $objClauses);
Пример #20
 public function actionForgotpassword()
     $model = new LoginForm();
     if (isset($_POST['LoginForm'])) {
         Yii::log(print_r($_POST['LoginForm']['email'] . ": Requested a Password Reset Link", true), 'error', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
         $model->attributes = $_POST['LoginForm'];
         if (empty($model->email)) {
             $response_array = array('status' => "failure", 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Please enter your email before clicking this link.'));
             echo json_encode($response_array);
         $objCustomer = Customer::model()->findByAttributes(array('record_type' => Customer::REGISTERED, 'email' => $model->email));
         if ($objCustomer instanceof Customer) {
             if (is_null($objCustomer->password)) {
                 $response_array = array('status' => "failure", 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Your email address was found but only as a registered Facebook user. Log in via Facebook.'));
                 echo json_encode($response_array);
             if (!$objCustomer->GenerateTempPassword()) {
                 $response_array = array('status' => "failure", 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Could not reset password, please contact the site administrator.'));
                 echo json_encode($response_array);
             $strHtmlBody = $this->renderPartial('/mail/_resetpassword', array('model' => $objCustomer), true);
             $strSubject = Yii::t('global', 'Password reset');
             $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
             $objEmail->htmlbody = $strHtmlBody;
             $objEmail->subject = $strSubject;
             $objEmail->to = $objCustomer->email;
             $response_array = array('status' => "success", 'message' => Yii::t('wishlist', 'Check your email for password reset link.'), 'url' => CController::createUrl('site/sendemail', array("id" => $objEmail->id)), 'reload' => true);
             echo json_encode($response_array);
         } else {
             $response_array = array('status' => "failure", 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Your email address was not found in our system.'));
             echo json_encode($response_array);
     } else {
         $response_array = array('status' => "failure", 'message' => Yii::t('global', 'Please enter your email before clicking this link.'));
         echo json_encode($response_array);
Пример #21
 public static function GetSoapArrayFromArray($objArray)
     if (!$objArray) {
         return null;
     $objArrayToReturn = array();
     foreach ($objArray as $objObject) {
         array_push($objArrayToReturn, EmailQueue::GetSoapObjectFromObject($objObject, true));
     return unserialize(serialize($objArrayToReturn));
Пример #22
  * Using an email template, this will queue up an email into the email queue to be sent out.
  * @param string $strTemplateName the name of the template to use
  * @param string $strSubject the subject of the email
  * @param string $strFrom who the email is sent from
  * @param string $strTo who the email shout be sent to
  * @param string $strTokenArray the replacement token array
  * @param boolean $blnHighPriorityFlag whether or not this is a high priority message (to be sent before all other queued messages)
  * @return void
 public static function SendEmailUsingTemplate($strTemplateName, $strSubject, $strFrom, $strTo, $strTokenArray, $blnHighPriorityFlag = false)
     $strContent = file_get_contents(__INCLUDES__ . '/email_templates/' . $strTemplateName . '.txt');
     foreach ($strTokenArray as $strKey => $strValue) {
         $strContent = str_replace('%' . $strKey . '%', $strValue, $strContent);
     $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
     $objEmail->ToAddress = $strTo;
     $objEmail->FromAddress = $strFrom;
     $objEmail->Subject = $strSubject;
     $objEmail->Body = $strContent;
     $objEmail->HighPriorityFlag = $blnHighPriorityFlag;
Пример #23
 function GetDatabaseMonitors()
     $sql = "select\n                  cv.ContactValue\n                from\n                  t_objects ldo,\n                  t_objecttypes ldot,\n                  t_objects mdo,\n                  t_objecttypes mdot,\n                  t_objectxrefs ldx,\n                  t_objectxrefs lmx,\n                  t_objectxrefs mdx,\n                  t_objectxrefs cmx,\n                  t_contactprofiles cp,\n                  t_contactuses cu,\n                  t_contactvalues cv,\n                  t_contactvaluetypes cvt,\n                  t_priorities p\n                where\n                  ldx.ChildObjectID = {$this->p_domainID} and\n                  ldo.ObjectID = ldx.ParentObjectID and\n                  ldot.ObjectTypeID = ldo.ObjectTypeID and\n                  ldot.ObjectTypeName = 'domain' and\n                  lmx.ChildObjectID = ldx.ParentObjectID and\n                  mdx.ChildObjectID = lmx.ParentObjectID and\n                  mdx.ParentObjectID = mdx.ChildObjectID and\n                  mdo.ObjectID = mdx.ParentObjectID and\n                  mdot.ObjectTypeID = mdo.ObjectTypeID and\n                  mdot.ObjectTypeName = 'domain' and\n                  cmx.ParentObjectID = mdo.ObjectID and\n                  cp.ObjectID = cmx.ChildObjectID and\n                  cp.IsInactive = 0 and\n                  cu.ContactUseID = cp.ContactUseID and\n                  cu.ContactUseName = 'database_monitoring' and\n                  cv.ContactValueID = cp.ContactValueID and\n                  cvt.ContactValueTypeID = cv.ContactValueTypeID and\n                  cvt.ContactValueTypeName = 'email' and\n                  cv.IsInactive = 0 and\n                  p.PriorityID = cp.PriorityID\n                order by\n                  p.PriorityLevel";
     $result = mysql_query($sql, $this->sqlMasterConnection());
     $this->p_databaseMonitors = "";
     while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($result)) {
         $this->p_databaseMonitors .= $row['ContactValue'] . ", ";
     if (strlen($this->p_databaseMonitors)) {
         $this->p_databaseMonitors = substr($this->p_databaseMonitors, 0, strlen($this->p_databaseMonitors) - 2);
     if (!strlen($this->p_databaseMonitors)) {
         $emailQueue = new EmailQueue(0, "*****@*****.**", "*****@*****.**", "iEMS at CRS, Inc.", "*****@*****.**", "CRS_ERROR: iEMS Contact Management Error", "No Database Monitor email addresses found for domain {$this->p_domainID}\n\n" . "sql=\n{$sql}", "", 0, 0, 0, "IEMS." . date("Y-m-d.His"), 0, 1);
     return $this->p_databaseMonitors;
Пример #24
  * Send any emails that are still pending
  * @param $intCartid
  * @return void
 public static function sendEmails($intCartid)
     $objEmails = EmailQueue::model()->findAllByAttributes(array('cart_id' => $intCartid));
     Yii::log(count($objEmails) . " emails to be sent", 'info', 'application.' . __CLASS__ . "." . __FUNCTION__);
     foreach ($objEmails as $objEmail) {
         _xls_send_email($objEmail->id, true);
Пример #25

QEmailServer::$SmtpServer = SMTP_SERVER;
QEmailServer::$SmtpPort = SMTP_PORT;
QEmailServer::$SmtpUsername = SMTP_USERNAME;
QEmailServer::$SmtpPassword = SMTP_PASSWORD;
QEmailServer::$AuthLogin = true;
$objEmailQueue = EmailQueue::QueryArray(QQ::IsNull(QQN::EmailQueue()->ErrorFlag), QQ::Clause(QQ::LimitInfo(50)));
foreach ($objEmailQueue as $objEmail) {
Пример #26
        $userObject = new Object();
        $domainObject = new Object();
        $userObject = clone $_SESSION['UserObject'];
        $cvType = $cvTypes[$cvTypeID]->description();
        $emailToAddress = $contactManager->GetDatabaseMonitors();
        $emailFromAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        $emailFromName = "iEMS at CRS, Inc.";
        $emailReplyToAddress = "*****@*****.**";
        $emailSubject = "iEMS: Contact Management Updates for " . $contactProfile->object()->description();
        $emailBody = "User " . $userObject->fullName() . " of " . $userObject->Domains(0)->description() . " added the " . $contactUse->description() . " " . $cvType . " contact of " . $contactValue . " for owner of " . $ownerName . " with a priority of " . $priority->level() . " to the contact profile " . $object->description() . " at " . date("H:i:s") . " on " . date("l, F j, Y") . ".";
        $emailAttachments = "";
        $messageIdentifier = "iEMS" . "." . $userID . "." . $domainID . "." . date("Ymd.His");
        //echo "emailToAddress='{$emailToAddress}'<br>\nemailBody='{$emailBody}'<br>\nmessageIdentifier='$messageIdentifier'<br>\n";
        $emailQueue = new EmailQueue(0, $emailToAddress, $emailFromAddress, $emailFromName, $emailReplyToAddress, $emailSubject, $emailBody, "", 0, 0, 0, $messageIdentifier, 0, $userID);
        print viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, null, $emailBody);
function viewProfiles($userID, $domainID, $errorMessage = null, $alertMessage = null)
    if (isset($_POST['ContactUse'])) {
        $contactUse = $_POST['ContactUse'];
        $basicProfiles = $_POST['basicProfiles'];
        $_SESSION['ContactUse'] = $contactUse;
        $_SESSION['basicProfiles'] = $basicProfiles;
    } else {
        $contactUse = $_SESSION['ContactUse'];
        $basicProfiles = $_SESSION['basicProfiles'];
Пример #27
  * Create an Email receipt for both the customer and the store, if needed. This goes to our emailqueue table
  * @param $objCart
 public static function EmailReceipts($objCart)
     if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SEND_CUSTOMER', 0) == 1) {
         $strHtmlBody = Yii::app()->controller->renderPartial('/mail/_customerreceipt', array('cart' => $objCart), true);
         $strSubject = _xls_format_email_subject('EMAIL_SUBJECT_CUSTOMER', $objCart->customer->first_name . ' ' . $objCart->customer->last_name, $objCart->id_str);
         $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
         $objEmail->customer_id = $objCart->customer_id;
         $objEmail->htmlbody = $strHtmlBody;
         $objEmail->cart_id = $objCart->id;
         $objEmail->subject = $strSubject;
         $objEmail->to = $objCart->customer->email;
         // If we get back false, it means conversion failed which 99.9% of
         // the time means improper HTML.
         $strPlain = strip_tags($strHtmlBody);
         if ($strPlain !== false) {
             $objEmail->plainbody = $strPlain;
     if (_xls_get_conf('EMAIL_SEND_STORE', 0) == 1) {
         $strHtmlBody = Yii::app()->controller->renderPartial('/mail/_customerreceipt', array('cart' => $objCart), true);
         $strSubject = _xls_format_email_subject('EMAIL_SUBJECT_OWNER', $objCart->customer->first_name . ' ' . $objCart->customer->last_name, $objCart->id_str);
         $objEmail = new EmailQueue();
         $objEmail->customer_id = $objCart->customer_id;
         $objEmail->htmlbody = $strHtmlBody;
         $objEmail->cart_id = $objCart->id;
         $objEmail->subject = $strSubject;
         $orderEmail = _xls_get_conf('ORDER_FROM', '');
         $objEmail->to = empty($orderEmail) ? _xls_get_conf('EMAIL_FROM') : $orderEmail;
         // If we get back false, it means conversion failed which 99.9% of
         // the time means improper HTML.
         $strPlain = strip_tags($strHtmlBody);
         if ($strPlain !== false) {
             $objEmail->plainbody = $strPlain;