/** * go through all accounts and collect information * * returns array of count of... [$num_notification_sent, $num_warnings] */ public static function sendNotifications() { global $PH; $people = Person::getPeople(array('visible_only' => false, 'can_login' => true)); $num_notifications_sent = 0; $num_warnings = 0; foreach ($people as $p) { if ($p->settings & USER_SETTING_NOTIFICATIONS) { if ($p->office_email || $p->personal_email) { $now = time(); $last = strToGMTime($p->notification_last); $period = $p->notification_period * 60 * 60 * 24; if (strToGMTime($p->notification_last) + $period < time() || $period == -1) { $email = new EmailNotification($p); if ($email->information_count) { $result = $email->send(); if ($result === true) { ### reset activation-flag ### $p->settings &= USER_SETTING_SEND_ACTIVATION ^ RIGHT_ALL; $p->notification_last = gmdate("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $p->update(); $num_notifications_sent++; } else { if ($result !== false) { $num_warnings++; new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__('Failure sending mail: %s'), $result)); } } } } } } } return array($num_notifications_sent, $num_warnings); }
function run() { $enotif = new EmailNotification(); // Get the user from ID (rename safe). Anons are 0, so defer to name. if (isset($this->params['editorID']) && $this->params['editorID']) { $editor = User::newFromId($this->params['editorID']); // B/C, only the name might be given. } else { $editor = User::newFromName($this->params['editor'], false); } $enotif->actuallyNotifyOnPageChange($editor, $this->title, $this->params['timestamp'], $this->params['summary'], $this->params['minorEdit'], $this->params['oldid'], $this->params['watchers']); return true; }
public function emailFollowNotifications($initiatingUser, $aWatchers, $iUserId, $iNamespace, $sMessage, $sAction) { $wg = F::app()->wg; $wg->DBname = WikiFactory::IDtoDB($this->getWikiId()); $wg->Server = trim(WikiFactory::DBtoUrl(F::app()->wg->DBname), '/'); if (!empty($wg->DevelEnvironment)) { $wg->Server = WikiFactory::getLocalEnvURL($wg->Server); } $wg->User = User::newFromId($initiatingUser); $targetUser = User::newFromId($iUserId); $this->logWatchers($aWatchers, $sAction); foreach ($aWatchers as $sKey => $sValue) { $oTitle = Title::makeTitle($iNamespace, $sKey); $oEmailNotification = new EmailNotification($targetUser, $oTitle, wfTimestampNow(), $sMessage, false, $currentRevId = 0, $previousRevId = 0, $sAction, ['notisnull' => 1, 'childTitle' => $this->title]); $oEmailNotification->notifyOnPageChange(); } }
/** * main entry point * * @access public */ public function run() { global $wgUseEnotif; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (!$wgUseEnotif) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; } if ($this->mParams['user_id']) { /* registered User */ $editor = User::newFromID($this->mParams['user_id']); } elseif ($this->mParams['user_name']) { /* anons */ $editor = User::newFromName($this->mParams['user_name'], false); } else { /* invalid user */ wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; } /** * get title of page, take main part from this title which will be * main page for user blogs (listing) */ $ownerTitle = BlogArticle::getOwnerTitle($this->title); /** * check who watches this page */ $dbr = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $res = $dbr->select(array("watchlist"), array("wl_user"), array("wl_namespace" => $ownerTitle->getNamespace(), "wl_title" => $ownerTitle->getDBKey()), __METHOD__); while ($row = $dbr->fetchObject($res)) { $watchers[] = intval($row->wl_user); } if (!empty($watchers)) { $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $title = Title::makeTitle($ownerTitle->getNamespace(), $ownerTitle->getDBKey()); $enotif->actuallyNotifyOnPageChange($editor, $title, $this->params['timestamp'], $this->params['comment'], $this->params['minor'], 0, $watchers, $this->params['log_action']); /* Update wl_notificationtimestamp for all watching users except the editor */ $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->begin(); $dbw->update('watchlist', array('wl_notificationtimestamp' => $dbw->timestamp(wfTimestampNow())), array('wl_title' => $ownerTitle->getDBkey(), 'wl_namespace' => $ownerTitle->getNamespace(), 'wl_user' => $watchers), __METHOD__); $dbw->commit(); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; }
public function testIsNotificationValid() { $this->resetEvents(); $c = $this->createCompany(); $en = EmailNotification::createUpdateNotification("Company", $c->id, EmailNotification::COMPANY_NO_CREDIT); $this->assertTrue($en->isValidNotification(24 * 60 * 60)); $en->notification_sent = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', strtotime('-1 days')); $en->save(); $this->assertFalse($en->isValidNotification(24 * 60 * 60)); $this->resetEvents(); }
public function testUpdateAndResetNotificationTimestamp() { $user = $this->getUser(); $otherUser = (new TestUser('WatchedItemIntegrationTestUser_otherUser'))->getUser(); $title = Title::newFromText('WatchedItemIntegrationTestPage'); WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($user, $title)->addWatch(); $this->assertNull(WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($user, $title)->getNotificationTimestamp()); EmailNotification::updateWatchlistTimestamp($otherUser, $title, '20150202010101'); $this->assertEquals('20150202010101', WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($user, $title)->getNotificationTimestamp()); WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($user, $title)->resetNotificationTimestamp(); $this->assertNull(WatchedItem::fromUserTitle($user, $title)->getNotificationTimestamp()); }
/** * Execute the console command. * * @return mixed */ public function fire() { $this->info('Started...'); Subscription::chunk(200, function ($subscriptions) { $accepted = 0; $declined = 0; $client = new Paylane\PayLaneRestClient('adubiel', 'dru9pra2'); foreach ($subscriptions as $subscription) { $expiration = Carbon::createFromTimeStamp(strtotime($subscription->expires_at)); if ($expiration->isToday() || $expiration->isPast()) { $sale = $subscription->payment()->orderBy('id', 'desc')->where('is_success', '=', 1)->orWhere('is_success', '=', 2)->first(); if ($sale->is_success == 2) { $resale_params = array('id_authorization' => $sale->sale_id, 'amount' => 149.0, 'currency' => 'PLN', 'description' => 'Subskrypcja Hasztag.info'); $status = $client->resaleByAuthorization($resale_params); } else { if ($sale->is_success == 1) { $params = array('id_sale' => $sale->sale_id, 'amount' => 149.0, 'currency' => 'PLN', 'description' => 'Subskrypcja Hasztag.info'); $status = $client->resaleBySale($params); } } if ($client->isSuccess()) { $accepted++; $payment = Payment::create(array('user_id' => $subscription->user_id, 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'sale_id' => $status['id_sale'])); $subscription->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addDays(30); $subscription->is_active = 1; $subscription->save(); $user = User::find($subscription->user_id); $user->level = 2; $user->save(); $configs = BoardConfig::where('user_id', '=', $subscription->user_id)->get(); if ($configs->count() > 0) { foreach ($configs as $config) { $config->is_active = 1; $config->save(); } } EmailNotification::where('subscription_id', '=', $subscription->id)->delete(); $faktura = $subscription->company_id == 0 ? false : true; Event::fire('invoice.email', array($subscription->user_id, $subscription->id, $payment->id, $faktura)); } else { $declined++; $payment = Payment::create(array('user_id' => $subscription->user_id, 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'is_success' => 0, 'sale_id' => $status['error']['error_number'])); Event::fire('deactivate.subscription', array($subscription->id, $payment->created_at)); } } } $this->info('Accepted:' . $accepted); $this->info('Declined:' . $declined); }); $this->info('Done'); }
/** * emailNotification -- sent Notification for all related article , * * @static * @access public * * * @return bool */ function emailNotification($childTitle, $list, $namespace, $user, $action, $message) { global $wgTitle; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); if (count($list) < 1) { wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return true; } $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_SLAVE); $queryIn = array(); foreach ($list as $value) { $queryIn[] = $dbw->addQuotes($value); } /* Wikia change begin - @author: wladek */ /* RT#55604: Add a timeout to the watchlist email block */ global $wgEnableWatchlistNotificationTimeout, $wgWatchlistNotificationTimeout; $now = wfTimestampNow(); if (!empty($wgEnableWatchlistNotificationTimeout) && isset($wgWatchlistNotificationTimeout)) { // not using !empty() to allow setting integer value 0 $blockTimeout = wfTimestamp(TS_MW, wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $now) - intval($wgWatchlistNotificationTimeout)); $notificationTimeoutSql = "(wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL OR wl_notificationtimestamp < '{$blockTimeout}')"; } else { $notificationTimeoutSql = "wl_notificationtimestamp IS NULL"; } if ($action == "blogpost") { $notificationTimeoutSql = "1"; } $res = $dbw->select(array('watchlist'), array('wl_user, wl_title'), array('wl_user != ' . intval($user->getID()), 'wl_namespace' => $namespace, 'wl_title in(' . implode(",", $queryIn) . ') ', $notificationTimeoutSql), __METHOD__); $watchers = array(); while ($row = $dbw->fetchObject($res)) { if (empty($watchers[$row->wl_title])) { $watchers[$row->wl_title] = array($row->wl_user); } else { if (in_array($row->wl_user, $watchers[$row->wl_title])) { $watchers[$row->wl_title][] = $row->wl_user; } } } foreach ($watchers as $key => $value) { $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $title = Title::makeTitle($namespace, $key); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($user, $title, $now, $message, 0, 0, $action, array('notisnull' => 1, 'childTitle' => $childTitle)); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); }
function auto_email_notification_members($activity_type, $params) { if (!PA::$network_info) { return; } //setting common variables $notification = new EmailNotification(); // mail to // FIXME: these two seemed not to be set in occasion $gid = @$params['gid'] ? $params['gid'] : @$_GET['gid']; $rid = @$params['related_uid']; if ($gid) { $network_owner_id = Group::get_owner_id($gid); $notification->network_owner = User::map_ids_to_logins($network_owner_id['user_id']); $group_owner = new User(); $group_owner->load((int) $network_owner_id['user_id']); $notification->to = $group_owner->email; $group_owner_name = $group_owner->login_name; //mail from $notification->from = (int) PA::$login_uid; $array_of_data = array('to' => $notification->to, 'from' => $notification->from, 'owner_name' => $group_owner_name, 'group_owner_id' => $network_owner_id['user_id']); } if ($rid) { $notification->network_owner = User::map_ids_to_logins(array($rid)); foreach ($notification->network_owner as $key => $value) { $rel_user = new User(); $rel_user->load((int) $key); $related_name = $rel_user->login_name; $notification->to = $rel_user->email; } $notification->from = (int) PA::$login_uid; $array_of_data = array('to' => $notification->to, 'from' => $notification->from, 'related_name' => $related_name); } $array_of_data['params'] = $params; $notification->send($activity_type, $array_of_data); }
/** * Send notication mail for one person right now @ingroup pages */ function peopleFlushNotifications() { global $PH; global $auth; ### get person #### $ids = getPassedIds('person', 'people_*'); if (!$ids) { $PH->abortWarning(__("Select some people to notify")); return; } $counter = 0; $errors = 0; foreach ($ids as $id) { if (!($person = Person::getEditableById($id))) { $PH->abortWarning("Invalid person-id!"); } require_once confGet('DIR_STREBER') . 'std/class_email_notification.inc.php'; $email = new EmailNotification($person); if ($email->information_count) { $send_result = $email->send(); if ($send_result === true) { $counter++; } else { $errors++; } } } ### reset language ### setLang($auth->cur_user->language); if ($errors) { new FeedbackWarning(sprintf(__("Failed to mail %s people"), $errors)); } else { new FeedbackMessage(sprintf(__("Sent notification to %s person(s)"), $counter)); } ### display taskView #### if (!$PH->showFromPage()) { $PH->show('projView', array('prj' => $person->project)); } }
function local_delivery($importer, $data) { $a = get_app(); if ($importer['readonly']) { // We aren't receiving stuff from this person. But we will quietly ignore them // rather than a blatant "go away" message. logger('local_delivery: ignoring'); return 0; //NOTREACHED } // Consume notification feed. This may differ from consuming a public feed in several ways // - might contain email or friend suggestions // - might contain remote followup to our message // - in which case we need to accept it and then notify other conversants // - we may need to send various email notifications $feed = new SimplePie(); $feed->set_raw_data($data); $feed->enable_order_by_date(false); $feed->init(); $reloc = $feed->get_feed_tags(NAMESPACE_DFRN, 'relocate'); if (isset($reloc[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN])) { $base = $reloc[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]; $newloc = array(); $newloc['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $newloc['cid'] = $importer['id']; $newloc['name'] = notags(unxmlify($base['name'][0]['data'])); $newloc['photo'] = notags(unxmlify($base['photo'][0]['data'])); $newloc['url'] = notags(unxmlify($base['url'][0]['data'])); $newloc['request'] = notags(unxmlify($base['request'][0]['data'])); $newloc['confirm'] = notags(unxmlify($base['confirm'][0]['data'])); $newloc['notify'] = notags(unxmlify($base['notify'][0]['data'])); $newloc['poll'] = notags(unxmlify($base['poll'][0]['data'])); $newloc['site-pubkey'] = notags(unxmlify($base['site-pubkey'][0]['data'])); $newloc['pubkey'] = notags(unxmlify($base['pubkey'][0]['data'])); $newloc['prvkey'] = notags(unxmlify($base['prvkey'][0]['data'])); // TODO // merge with current record, current contents have priority // update record, set url-updated // update profile photos // schedule a scan? } // handle friend suggestion notification $sugg = $feed->get_feed_tags(NAMESPACE_DFRN, 'suggest'); if (isset($sugg[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN])) { $base = $sugg[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]; $fsugg = array(); $fsugg['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $fsugg['cid'] = $importer['id']; $fsugg['name'] = notags(unxmlify($base['name'][0]['data'])); $fsugg['photo'] = notags(unxmlify($base['photo'][0]['data'])); $fsugg['url'] = notags(unxmlify($base['url'][0]['data'])); $fsugg['request'] = notags(unxmlify($base['request'][0]['data'])); $fsugg['body'] = escape_tags(unxmlify($base['note'][0]['data'])); // Does our member already have a friend matching this description? $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `nurl` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($fsugg['name']), dbesc(normalise_link($fsugg['url'])), intval($fsugg['uid'])); if (count($r)) { return 0; } // Do we already have an fcontact record for this person? $fid = 0; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `fcontact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `name` = '%s' AND `request` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($fsugg['url']), dbesc($fsugg['name']), dbesc($fsugg['request'])); if (count($r)) { $fid = $r[0]['id']; } if (!$fid) { $r = q("INSERT INTO `fcontact` ( `name`,`url`,`photo`,`request` ) VALUES ( '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s' ) ", dbesc($fsugg['name']), dbesc($fsugg['url']), dbesc($fsugg['photo']), dbesc($fsugg['request'])); } $r = q("SELECT * FROM `fcontact` WHERE `url` = '%s' AND `name` = '%s' AND `request` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($fsugg['url']), dbesc($fsugg['name']), dbesc($fsugg['request'])); if (count($r)) { $fid = $r[0]['id']; } else { return 0; } $hash = random_string(); $r = q("INSERT INTO `intro` ( `uid`, `fid`, `contact-id`, `note`, `hash`, `datetime`, `blocked` )\n\t\t\tVALUES( %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', %d )", intval($fsugg['uid']), intval($fid), intval($fsugg['cid']), dbesc($fsugg['body']), dbesc($hash), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval(0)); // TODO - send email notify (which may require a new notification preference) return 0; } $ismail = false; $rawmail = $feed->get_feed_tags(NAMESPACE_DFRN, 'mail'); if (isset($rawmail[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN])) { logger('local_delivery: private message received'); $ismail = true; $base = $rawmail[0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]; $msg = array(); $msg['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $msg['from-name'] = notags(unxmlify($base['sender'][0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]['name'][0]['data'])); $msg['from-photo'] = notags(unxmlify($base['sender'][0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]['avatar'][0]['data'])); $msg['from-url'] = notags(unxmlify($base['sender'][0]['child'][NAMESPACE_DFRN]['uri'][0]['data'])); $msg['contact-id'] = $importer['id']; $msg['title'] = notags(unxmlify($base['subject'][0]['data'])); $msg['body'] = escape_tags(unxmlify($base['content'][0]['data'])); $msg['seen'] = 0; $msg['replied'] = 0; $msg['uri'] = notags(unxmlify($base['id'][0]['data'])); $msg['parent-uri'] = notags(unxmlify($base['in-reply-to'][0]['data'])); $msg['created'] = datetime_convert(notags(unxmlify('UTC', 'UTC', $base['sentdate'][0]['data']))); dbesc_array($msg); $r = dbq("INSERT INTO `mail` (`" . implode("`, `", array_keys($msg)) . "`) VALUES ('" . implode("', '", array_values($msg)) . "')"); // send email notification if requested. require_once 'bbcode.php'; if ($importer['notify-flags'] & NOTIFY_MAIL) { push_lang($importer['language']); // name of the automated email sender $msg['notificationfromname'] = t('Administrator'); // noreply address to send from $msg['notificationfromemail'] = t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname(); // text version // process the message body to display properly in text mode // 1) substitute a \n character for the "\" then "n", so it behaves properly (it doesn't come in as a \n character) // 2) remove escape slashes // 3) decode any bbcode from the message editor // 4) decode any encoded html tags // 5) remove html tags $msg['textversion'] = strip_tags(html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n"), "\n", $msg['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8')); // html version // process the message body to display properly in text mode // 1) substitute a <br /> tag for the "\" then "n", so it behaves properly (it doesn't come in as a \n character) // 2) remove escape slashes // 3) decode any bbcode from the message editor // 4) decode any encoded html tags $msg['htmlversion'] = html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n\\n", "\\n"), "<br />\n", $msg['body'])))); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('mail_received_html_body_eml.tpl'); $email_html_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$siteName' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $importer['thumb'], '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $importer['url'], '$from' => $msg['from-name'], '$title' => stripslashes($msg['title']), '$htmlversion' => $msg['htmlversion'], '$mimeboundary' => $msg['mimeboundary'], '$hostname' => $a->get_hostname())); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('mail_received_text_body_eml.tpl'); $email_text_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$siteName' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $importer['thumb'], '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $importer['url'], '$from' => $msg['from-name'], '$title' => stripslashes($msg['title']), '$textversion' => $msg['textversion'], '$mimeboundary' => $msg['mimeboundary'], '$hostname' => $a->get_hostname())); // use the EmailNotification library to send the message require_once "include/EmailNotification.php"; EmailNotification::sendTextHtmlEmail($msg['notificationfromname'], $msg['notificationfromemail'], $msg['notificationfromemail'], $importer['email'], t('New mail received at ') . $a->config['sitename'], $email_html_body_tpl, $email_text_body_tpl); pop_lang(); } return 0; // NOTREACHED } logger('local_delivery: feed item count = ' . $feed->get_item_quantity()); // process any deleted entries $del_entries = $feed->get_feed_tags(NAMESPACE_TOMB, 'deleted-entry'); if (is_array($del_entries) && count($del_entries)) { foreach ($del_entries as $dentry) { $deleted = false; if (isset($dentry['attribs']['']['ref'])) { $uri = $dentry['attribs']['']['ref']; $deleted = true; if (isset($dentry['attribs']['']['when'])) { $when = $dentry['attribs']['']['when']; $when = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $when, 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); } else { $when = datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', 'now', 'Y-m-d H:i:s'); } } if ($deleted) { $r = q("SELECT `item`.*, `contact`.`self` FROM `item` left join contact on `item`.`contact-id` = `contact`.`id`\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `item`.`uid` = %d AND `contact-id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($uri), intval($importer['importer_uid']), intval($importer['id'])); if (count($r)) { $item = $r[0]; if ($item['deleted']) { continue; } logger('local_delivery: deleting item ' . $item['id'] . ' uri=' . $item['uri'], LOGGER_DEBUG); if ($item['verb'] === ACTIVITY_TAG && $item['object-type'] === ACTVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM) { $xo = parse_xml_string($item['object'], false); $xt = parse_xml_string($item['target'], false); if ($xt->type === ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE) { $i = q("select * from `item` where uri = '%s' and uid = %d limit 1", dbesc($xt->id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (count($i)) { // For tags, the owner cannot remove the tag on the author's copy of the post. $owner_remove = $item['contact-id'] == $i[0]['contact-id'] ? true : false; $author_remove = $item['origin'] && $item['self'] ? true : false; $author_copy = $item['origin'] ? true : false; if ($owner_remove && $author_copy) { continue; } if ($author_remove || $owner_remove) { $tags = explode(',', $i[0]['tag']); $newtags = array(); if (count($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (trim($tag) !== trim($xo->body)) { $newtags[] = trim($tag); } } } q("update item set tag = '%s' where id = %d limit 1", dbesc(implode(',', $newtags)), intval($i[0]['id'])); } } } } if ($item['uri'] == $item['parent-uri']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc($when), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($item['uri']), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); } else { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `deleted` = 1, `edited` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' \n\t\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($when), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($uri), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if ($item['last-child']) { // ensure that last-child is set in case the comment that had it just got wiped. q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($item['parent-uri']), intval($item['uid'])); // who is the last child now? $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `type` != 'activity' AND `deleted` = 0 AND `uid` = %d\n\t\t\t\t\t\t\t\tORDER BY `created` DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc($item['parent-uri']), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (count($r)) { q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($r[0]['id'])); } } } } } } } foreach ($feed->get_items() as $item) { $is_reply = false; $item_id = $item->get_id(); $rawthread = $item->get_item_tags(NAMESPACE_THREAD, 'in-reply-to'); if (isset($rawthread[0]['attribs']['']['ref'])) { $is_reply = true; $parent_uri = $rawthread[0]['attribs']['']['ref']; } if ($is_reply) { $community = false; if ($importer['page-flags'] == PAGE_COMMUNITY) { $sql_extra = ''; $community = true; logger('local_delivery: community reply'); } else { $sql_extra = " and contact.self = 1 and item.wall = 1 "; } // was the top-level post for this reply written by somebody on this site? // Specifically, the recipient? $r = q("select `item`.`id`, `item`.`uri`, `item`.`tag`, \n\t\t\t\t`contact`.`name`, `contact`.`url`, `contact`.`thumb` from `item` \n\t\t\t\tLEFT JOIN `contact` ON `contact`.`id` = `item`.`contact-id` \n\t\t\t\tWHERE `item`.`uri` = '%s' AND `item`.`parent-uri` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\tAND `item`.`uid` = %d \n\t\t\t\t{$sql_extra}\n\t\t\t\tLIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_uri), dbesc($parent_uri), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if ($r && count($r)) { logger('local_delivery: received remote comment'); $is_like = false; // remote reply to our post. Import and then notify everybody else. $datarray = get_atom_elements($feed, $item); // TODO: make this next part work against both delivery threads of a community post // if((! link_compare($datarray['author-link'],$importer['url'])) && (! $community)) { // logger('local_delivery: received relay claiming to be from ' . $importer['url'] . ' however comment author url is ' . $datarray['author-link'] ); // they won't know what to do so don't report an error. Just quietly die. // return 0; // } $datarray['type'] = 'remote-comment'; $datarray['wall'] = 1; $datarray['parent-uri'] = $parent_uri; $datarray['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $datarray['owner-name'] = $r[0]['name']; $datarray['owner-link'] = $r[0]['url']; $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $r[0]['thumb']; $datarray['contact-id'] = $importer['id']; if ($datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE || $datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) { $is_like = true; $datarray['type'] = 'activity'; $datarray['gravity'] = GRAVITY_LIKE; $datarray['last-child'] = 0; } if ($datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_TAG && $datarray['object-type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM) { $xo = parse_xml_string($datarray['object'], false); $xt = parse_xml_string($datarray['target'], false); if ($xt->type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE && $xt->id == $r[0]['uri']) { // extract tag, if not duplicate, and this user allows tags, add to parent item if ($xo->id && $xo->content) { $newtag = '#[url=' . $xo->id . ']' . $xo->content . '[/url]'; if (!stristr($r[0]['tag'], $newtag)) { $i = q("SELECT `blocktags` FROM `user` where `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (count($i) && !$i[0]['blocktags']) { q("UPDATE item SET tag = '%s' WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($r[0]['tag'] . (strlen($r[0]['tag']) ? ',' : '') . $newtag), intval($r[0]['id'])); } } } } } // if($community) { // $newtag = '@[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $importer['nickname'] . ']' . $importer['username'] . '[/url]'; // if(! stristr($datarray['tag'],$newtag)) { // if(strlen($datarray['tag'])) // $datarray['tag'] .= ','; // $datarray['tag'] .= $newtag; // } // } $posted_id = item_store($datarray); $parent = 0; if ($posted_id) { $r = q("SELECT `parent` FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($posted_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (count($r)) { $parent = $r[0]['parent']; } if (!$is_like) { $r1 = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d AND `parent` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($importer['importer_uid']), intval($r[0]['parent'])); $r2 = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 1, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($importer['importer_uid']), intval($posted_id)); } if ($posted_id && $parent) { proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", "comment-import", "{$posted_id}"); if (!$is_like && $importer['notify-flags'] & NOTIFY_COMMENT && !$importer['self']) { push_lang($importer['language']); require_once 'bbcode.php'; $from = stripslashes($datarray['author-name']); // name of the automated email sender $msg['notificationfromname'] = stripslashes($datarray['author-name']); // noreply address to send from $msg['notificationfromemail'] = t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname(); // text version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['textversion'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbcode(stripslashes($datarray['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // html version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['htmlversion'] = html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n\\n", "\\n"), "<br />\n", $datarray['body'])))); $imgtouse = link_compare($datarray['author-link'], $importer['url']) ? $importer['thumb'] : $datarray['author-avatar']; // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_html_body_eml.tpl'); $email_html_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $imgtouse, '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $datarray['author-link'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['htmlversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $posted_id)); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_text_body_eml.tpl'); $email_text_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $imgtouse, '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $datarray['author-link'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['textversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $posted_id)); // use the EmailNotification library to send the message require_once "include/EmailNotification.php"; EmailNotification::sendTextHtmlEmail($msg['notificationfromname'], t("Administrator") . '@' . $a->get_hostname(), t("noreply") . '@' . $a->get_hostname(), $importer['email'], sprintf(t('%s commented on an item at %s'), $from, $a->config['sitename']), $email_html_body_tpl, $email_text_body_tpl); pop_lang(); } } return 0; // NOTREACHED } } else { // regular comment that is part of this total conversation. Have we seen it? If not, import it. $item_id = $item->get_id(); $datarray = get_atom_elements($feed, $item); $r = q("SELECT `uid`, `last-child`, `edited`, `body` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); // Update content if 'updated' changes if (count($r)) { if (x($datarray, 'edited') !== false && datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $datarray['edited']) !== $r[0]['edited']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `body` = '%s', `edited` = '%s' WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($datarray['body']), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $datarray['edited'])), dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); } // update last-child if it changes $allow = $item->get_item_tags(NAMESPACE_DFRN, 'comment-allow'); if ($allow && $allow[0]['data'] != $r[0]['last-child']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($parent_uri), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = %d , `changed` = '%s' WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($allow[0]['data']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); } continue; } $datarray['parent-uri'] = $parent_uri; $datarray['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $datarray['contact-id'] = $importer['id']; if ($datarray['verb'] == ACTIVITY_LIKE || $datarray['verb'] == ACTIVITY_DISLIKE) { $datarray['type'] = 'activity'; $datarray['gravity'] = GRAVITY_LIKE; } if ($datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_TAG && $datarray['object-type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_TAGTERM) { $xo = parse_xml_string($datarray['object'], false); $xt = parse_xml_string($datarray['target'], false); if ($xt->type == ACTIVITY_OBJ_NOTE) { $r = q("select * from item where `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d limit 1", dbesc($xt->id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (!count($r)) { continue; } // extract tag, if not duplicate, add to parent item if ($xo->content) { if (!stristr($r[0]['tag'], trim($xo->content))) { q("UPDATE item SET tag = '%s' WHERE id = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($r[0]['tag'] . (strlen($r[0]['tag']) ? ',' : '') . '#[url=' . $xo->id . ']' . $xo->content . '[/url]'), intval($r[0]['id'])); } } } } $posted_id = item_store($datarray); // find out if our user is involved in this conversation and wants to be notified. if ($datarray['type'] != 'activity' && $importer['notify-flags'] & NOTIFY_COMMENT) { $myconv = q("SELECT `author-link`, `author-avatar` FROM `item` WHERE `parent-uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `parent` != 0 ", dbesc($parent_uri), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); if (count($myconv)) { $importer_url = $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $importer['nickname']; foreach ($myconv as $conv) { if (!link_compare($conv['author-link'], $importer_url)) { continue; } push_lang($importer['language']); require_once 'bbcode.php'; $from = stripslashes($datarray['author-name']); // name of the automated email sender $msg['notificationfromname'] = stripslashes($datarray['author-name']); // noreply address to send from $msg['notificationfromemail'] = t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname(); // text version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['textversion'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbcode(stripslashes($datarray['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // html version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['htmlversion'] = html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n\\n", "\\n"), "<br />\n", $datarray['body'])))); $imgtouse = link_compare($datarray['author-link'], $importer['url']) ? $importer['thumb'] : $datarray['author-avatar']; // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_html_body_eml.tpl'); $email_html_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $imgtouse, '$url' => $datarray['author-link'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['htmlversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $posted_id)); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_text_body_eml.tpl'); $email_text_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $importer['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $imgtouse, '$url' => $datarray['author-link'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['textversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $importer['nickname'] . '/' . $posted_id)); // use the EmailNotification library to send the message require_once "include/EmailNotification.php"; EmailNotification::sendTextHtmlEmail($msg['notificationfromname'], t("Administrator@") . $a->get_hostname(), t("noreply") . '@' . $a->get_hostname(), $importer['email'], sprintf(t('%s commented on an item at %s'), $from, $a->config['sitename']), $email_html_body_tpl, $email_text_body_tpl); pop_lang(); break; } } } continue; } } else { // Head post of a conversation. Have we seen it? If not, import it. $item_id = $item->get_id(); $datarray = get_atom_elements($feed, $item); if (x($datarray, 'object-type') && $datarray['object-type'] === ACTIVITY_OBJ_EVENT) { $ev = bbtoevent($datarray['body']); if (x($ev, 'desc') && x($ev, 'start')) { $ev['cid'] = $importer['id']; $ev['uid'] = $importer['uid']; $ev['uri'] = $item_id; $ev['edited'] = $datarray['edited']; $ev['private'] = $datarray['private']; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `event` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['uid'])); if (count($r)) { $ev['id'] = $r[0]['id']; } $xyz = event_store($ev); continue; } } $r = q("SELECT `uid`, `last-child`, `edited`, `body` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); // Update content if 'updated' changes if (count($r)) { if (x($datarray, 'edited') !== false && datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $datarray['edited']) !== $r[0]['edited']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `body` = '%s', `edited` = '%s' WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($datarray['body']), dbesc(datetime_convert('UTC', 'UTC', $datarray['edited'])), dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); } // update last-child if it changes $allow = $item->get_item_tags(NAMESPACE_DFRN, 'comment-allow'); if ($allow && $allow[0]['data'] != $r[0]['last-child']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = %d , `changed` = '%s' WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($allow[0]['data']), dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc($item_id), intval($importer['importer_uid'])); } continue; } // This is my contact on another system, but it's really me. // Turn this into a wall post. if ($contact['remote_self']) { $datarray['wall'] = 1; } $datarray['parent-uri'] = $item_id; $datarray['uid'] = $importer['importer_uid']; $datarray['contact-id'] = $importer['id']; $r = item_store($datarray); continue; } } return 0; // NOTREACHED }
/** * Abort notifications regarding occupied pages coming from the RecentChange class. * Flow has its own notifications through Echo. * * Also don't notify for actions made by the talk page manager. * * @param User $editor * @param Title $title * @return bool false to abort email notification */ public static function onAbortEmailNotification($editor, $title) { if (self::$occupationController->isTalkpageOccupied($title)) { // Since we are aborting the notification we need to manually update the watchlist EmailNotification::updateWatchlistTimestamp($editor, $title, wfTimestampNow()); return false; } $talkPageManagerUser = self::$occupationController->getTalkpageManager(); if ($editor->equals($talkPageManagerUser)) { return false; } return true; }
<?php /* * Bluethrust Clan Scripts v4 * Copyright 2014 * * Author: Bluethrust Web Development * E-mail: support@bluethrust.com * Website: http://www.bluethrust.com * * License: http://www.bluethrust.com/license.php * */ if (!isset($member) || substr($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], -11) != "console.php") { exit; } else { $memberInfo = $member->get_info_filtered(); $consoleObj->select($_GET['cID']); if (!$member->hasAccess($consoleObj)) { exit; } } $emailNotification = new EmailNotification($mysqli); print_r($emailNotification->getNotificationItems("tournaments", "tournament_id", "Tournaments", "startdate")); $cID = $_GET['cID']; $i = 0; $arrComponents = array("emailnotification" => array("type" => "section", "options" => array("section_title" => "E-mail me when:"), "sortorder" => $i++), "pm" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "I receive a PM", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "tournament" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "A tournament is starting", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "event" => array("type" => "select", "display_name" => "An event is starting", "options" => array(1 => "Yes", "0" => "No"), "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "formInput textBox"), "value" => 1), "submit" => array("type" => "submit", "value" => "Save", "sortorder" => $i++, "attributes" => array("class" => "submitButton formSubmitButton"))); $setupFormArgs = array("name" => "console-" . $cID, "components" => $arrComponents, "saveObject" => $member, "saveType" => "update", "saveMessage" => "Successfully changed username!", "attributes" => array("action" => $MAIN_ROOT . "members/console.php?cID=" . $cID, "method" => "post"), "description" => "Use the form below to set your e-mail notification settings.");
function item_post(&$a) { if (!local_user() && !remote_user()) { return; } require_once 'include/security.php'; $uid = local_user(); if (x($_POST, 'dropitems')) { require_once 'include/items.php'; $arr_drop = explode(',', $_POST['dropitems']); drop_items($arr_drop); $json = array('success' => 1); echo json_encode($json); killme(); } call_hooks('post_local_start', $_POST); $api_source = x($_POST, 'api_source') && $_POST['api_source'] ? true : false; $return_path = x($_POST, 'return') ? $_POST['return'] : ''; /** * Is this a reply to something? */ $parent = x($_POST, 'parent') ? intval($_POST['parent']) : 0; $parent_uri = x($_POST, 'parent_uri') ? trim($_POST['parent_uri']) : ''; $parent_item = null; $parent_contact = null; $thr_parent = ''; $parid = 0; $r = false; if ($parent || $parent_uri) { if (!x($_POST, 'type')) { $_POST['type'] = 'net-comment'; } if ($parent) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent)); } elseif ($parent_uri && local_user()) { // This is coming from an API source, and we are logged in $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_uri), intval(local_user())); } // if this isn't the real parent of the conversation, find it if ($r !== false && count($r)) { $parid = $r[0]['parent']; if ($r[0]['id'] != $r[0]['parent']) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `id` = `parent` AND `parent` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parid)); } } if ($r === false || !count($r)) { notice(t('Unable to locate original post.') . EOL); if (x($_POST, 'return')) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } $parent_item = $r[0]; $parent = $r[0]['id']; // multi-level threading - preserve the info but re-parent to our single level threading if ($parid && $parid != $parent) { $thr_parent = $parent_uri; } if ($parent_item['contact-id'] && $uid) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent_item['contact-id']), intval($uid)); if (count($r)) { $parent_contact = $r[0]; } } } if ($parent) { logger('mod_post: parent=' . $parent); } $profile_uid = x($_POST, 'profile_uid') ? intval($_POST['profile_uid']) : 0; $post_id = x($_POST['post_id']) ? intval($_POST['post_id']) : 0; $app = x($_POST['source']) ? strip_tags($_POST['source']) : ''; if (!can_write_wall($a, $profile_uid)) { notice(t('Permission denied.') . EOL); if (x($_POST, 'return')) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } // is this an edited post? $orig_post = null; if ($post_id) { $i = q("SELECT * FROM `item` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($post_id)); if (!count($i)) { killme(); } $orig_post = $i[0]; } $user = null; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `user` WHERE `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $user = $r[0]; } if ($orig_post) { $str_group_allow = $orig_post['allow_gid']; $str_contact_allow = $orig_post['allow_cid']; $str_group_deny = $orig_post['deny_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $orig_post['deny_cid']; $title = $orig_post['title']; $location = $orig_post['location']; $coord = $orig_post['coord']; $verb = $orig_post['verb']; $emailcc = $orig_post['emailcc']; $app = $orig_post['app']; $body = escape_tags(trim($_POST['body'])); $private = $orig_post['private']; $pubmail_enable = $orig_post['pubmail']; } else { $str_group_allow = perms2str($_POST['group_allow']); $str_contact_allow = perms2str($_POST['contact_allow']); $str_group_deny = perms2str($_POST['group_deny']); $str_contact_deny = perms2str($_POST['contact_deny']); $title = notags(trim($_POST['title'])); $location = notags(trim($_POST['location'])); $coord = notags(trim($_POST['coord'])); $verb = notags(trim($_POST['verb'])); $emailcc = notags(trim($_POST['emailcc'])); $body = escape_tags(trim($_POST['body'])); $private = strlen($str_group_allow) || strlen($str_contact_allow) || strlen($str_group_deny) || strlen($str_contact_deny) ? 1 : 0; if ($parent_item && ($parent_item['private'] || strlen($parent_item['allow_cid']) || strlen($parent_item['allow_gid']) || strlen($parent_item['deny_cid']) || strlen($parent_item['deny_gid']))) { $private = 1; } $pubmail_enable = x($_POST, 'pubmail_enable') && intval($_POST['pubmail_enable']) && !$private ? 1 : 0; // if using the API, we won't see pubmail_enable - figure out if it should be set if ($api_source && $profile_uid && $profile_uid == local_user() && !$private) { $mail_disabled = function_exists('imap_open') && !get_config('system', 'imap_disabled') ? 0 : 1; if (!$mail_disabled) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `mailacct` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `server` != '' LIMIT 1", intval(local_user())); if (count($r) && intval($r[0]['pubmail'])) { $pubmail_enabled = true; } } } if (!strlen($body)) { info(t('Empty post discarded.') . EOL); if (x($_POST, 'return')) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } } if ($api_source && !array_key_exists('allow_cid', $_REQUEST) && !array_key_exists('allow_gid', $_REQUEST) && !array_key_exists('deny_cid', $_REQUEST) && !array_key_exists('deny_gid', $_REQUEST)) { $str_group_allow = $user['allow_gid']; $str_contact_allow = $user['allow_cid']; $str_group_deny = $user['deny_gid']; $str_contact_deny = $user['deny_cid']; } // get contact info for poster $author = null; $self = false; if ($_SESSION['uid'] && $_SESSION['uid'] == $profile_uid) { $self = true; $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($_SESSION['uid'])); } else { if (x($_SESSION, 'visitor_id') && intval($_SESSION['visitor_id'])) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($_SESSION['visitor_id'])); } } if (count($r)) { $author = $r[0]; $contact_id = $author['id']; } // get contact info for owner if ($profile_uid == $_SESSION['uid']) { $contact_record = $author; } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `self` = 1 LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid)); if (count($r)) { $contact_record = $r[0]; } } $post_type = notags(trim($_POST['type'])); if ($post_type === 'net-comment') { if ($parent_item !== null) { if ($parent_item['wall'] == 1) { $post_type = 'wall-comment'; } else { $post_type = 'remote-comment'; } } } /** * * When a photo was uploaded into the message using the (profile wall) ajax * uploader, The permissions are initially set to disallow anybody but the * owner from seeing it. This is because the permissions may not yet have been * set for the post. If it's private, the photo permissions should be set * appropriately. But we didn't know the final permissions on the post until * now. So now we'll look for links of uploaded messages that are in the * post and set them to the same permissions as the post itself. * */ $match = null; if (preg_match_all("/\\[img\\](.*?)\\[\\/img\\]/", $body, $match)) { $images = $match[1]; if (count($images)) { foreach ($images as $image) { if (!stristr($image, $a->get_baseurl() . '/photo/')) { continue; } $image_uri = substr($image, strrpos($image, '/') + 1); $image_uri = substr($image_uri, 0, strpos($image_uri, '-')); if (!strlen($image_uri)) { continue; } $srch = '<' . intval($profile_uid) . '>'; $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `photo` WHERE `allow_cid` = '%s' AND `allow_gid` = '' AND `deny_cid` = '' AND `deny_gid` = ''\n\t\t\t\t\tAND `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($srch), dbesc($image_uri), intval($profile_uid)); if (!count($r)) { continue; } $r = q("UPDATE `photo` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `resource-id` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d AND `album` = '%s' ", dbesc($str_contact_allow), dbesc($str_group_allow), dbesc($str_contact_deny), dbesc($str_group_deny), dbesc($image_uri), intval($profile_uid), dbesc(t('Wall Photos'))); } } } /** * Next link in any attachment references we find in the post. */ $match = false; if (preg_match_all("/\\[attachment\\](.*?)\\[\\/attachment\\]/", $body, $match)) { $attaches = $match[1]; if (count($attaches)) { foreach ($attaches as $attach) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($attach)); if (count($r)) { $r = q("UPDATE `attach` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s'\n\t\t\t\t\t\tWHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($str_contact_allow), dbesc($str_group_allow), dbesc($str_contact_deny), dbesc($str_group_deny), intval($profile_uid), intval($attach)); } } } } // embedded bookmark in post? set bookmark flag $bookmark = 0; if (preg_match_all("/\\[bookmark\\=([^\\]]*)\\](.*?)\\[\\/bookmark\\]/ism", $body, $match, PREG_SET_ORDER)) { $bookmark = 1; // foreach($match as $mtch) { // $body = str_replace( // '[bookmark=' . $mtch[1] . ']' . $mtch[2] . '[/bookmark]', // '[url=' . $mtch[1] . ']' . $mtch[2] . '[/url]', // $body // ); // } } $body = bb_translate_video($body); /** * Fold multi-line [code] sequences */ $body = preg_replace('/\\[\\/code\\]\\s*\\[code\\]/ism', "\n", $body); /** * Look for any tags and linkify them */ $str_tags = ''; $inform = ''; $tags = get_tags($body); /** * add a statusnet style reply tag if the original post was from there * and we are replying, and there isn't one already */ if ($parent_contact && $parent_contact['network'] === NETWORK_OSTATUS && $parent_contact['nick'] && !in_array('@' . $parent_contact['nick'], $tags)) { $body = '@' . $parent_contact['nick'] . ' ' . $body; $tags[] = '@' . $parent_contact['nick']; } if (count($tags)) { foreach ($tags as $tag) { if (isset($profile)) { unset($profile); } if (strpos($tag, '#') === 0) { if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) { continue; } $basetag = str_replace('_', ' ', substr($tag, 1)); $body = str_replace($tag, '#[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?search=' . rawurlencode($basetag) . ']' . $basetag . '[/url]', $body); if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= '#[url=' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/search?search=' . rawurlencode($basetag) . ']' . $basetag . '[/url]'; continue; } if (strpos($tag, '@') === 0) { if (strpos($tag, '[url=')) { continue; } $stat = false; $name = substr($tag, 1); if (strpos($name, '@') || strpos($name, 'http://')) { $newname = $name; $links = @lrdd($name); if (count($links)) { foreach ($links as $link) { if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'http://webfinger.net/rel/profile-page') { $profile = $link['@attributes']['href']; } if ($link['@attributes']['rel'] === 'salmon') { if (strlen($inform)) { $inform .= ','; } $inform .= 'url:' . str_replace(',', '%2c', $link['@attributes']['href']); } } } } else { $newname = $name; $alias = ''; $tagcid = 0; if (strrpos($newname, '+')) { $tagcid = intval(substr($newname, strrpos($newname, '+') + 1)); if (strpos($name, ' ')) { $name = substr($name, 0, strpos($name, ' ')); } } if ($tagcid) { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($tagcid), intval($profile_uid)); } elseif (strstr($name, '_') || strstr($name, ' ')) { $newname = str_replace('_', ' ', $name); $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `name` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($newname), intval($profile_uid)); } else { $r = q("SELECT * FROM `contact` WHERE `attag` = '%s' OR `nick` = '%s' AND `uid` = %d ORDER BY `attag` DESC LIMIT 1", dbesc($name), dbesc($name), intval($profile_uid)); } if (count($r)) { $profile = $r[0]['url']; if ($r[0]['network'] === 'stat') { $newname = $r[0]['nick']; $stat = true; if ($r[0]['alias']) { $alias = $r[0]['alias']; } } else { $newname = $r[0]['name']; } if (strlen($inform)) { $inform .= ','; } $inform .= 'cid:' . $r[0]['id']; } } if ($profile) { $body = str_replace('@' . $name, '@' . '[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]', $body); $profile = str_replace(',', '%2c', $profile); $newtag = '@[url=' . $profile . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; if (!stristr($str_tags, $newtag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $newtag; } // Status.Net seems to require the numeric ID URL in a mention if the person isn't // subscribed to you. But the nickname URL is OK if they are. Grrr. We'll tag both. if (strlen($alias)) { $newtag = '@[url=' . $alias . ']' . $newname . '[/url]'; if (!stristr($str_tags, $newtag)) { if (strlen($str_tags)) { $str_tags .= ','; } $str_tags .= $newtag; } } } } } } $attachments = ''; $match = false; if (preg_match_all('/(\\[attachment\\]([0-9]+)\\[\\/attachment\\])/', $body, $match)) { foreach ($match[2] as $mtch) { $r = q("SELECT `id`,`filename`,`filesize`,`filetype` FROM `attach` WHERE `uid` = %d AND `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($profile_uid), intval($mtch)); if (count($r)) { if (strlen($attachments)) { $attachments .= ','; } $attachments .= '[attach]href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/attach/' . $r[0]['id'] . '" length="' . $r[0]['filesize'] . '" type="' . $r[0]['filetype'] . '" title="' . ($r[0]['filename'] ? $r[0]['filename'] : '') . '"[/attach]'; } $body = str_replace($match[1], '', $body); } } $wall = 0; if ($post_type === 'wall' || $post_type === 'wall-comment') { $wall = 1; } if (!strlen($verb)) { $verb = ACTIVITY_POST; } $gravity = $parent ? 6 : 0; // even if the post arrived via API we are considering that it // originated on this site by default for determining relayability. $origin = x($_REQUEST, 'origin') ? intval($_REQUEST['origin']) : 1; $notify_type = $parent ? 'comment-new' : 'wall-new'; $uri = item_new_uri($a->get_hostname(), $profile_uid); $datarray = array(); $datarray['uid'] = $profile_uid; $datarray['type'] = $post_type; $datarray['wall'] = $wall; $datarray['gravity'] = $gravity; $datarray['contact-id'] = $contact_id; $datarray['owner-name'] = $contact_record['name']; $datarray['owner-link'] = $contact_record['url']; $datarray['owner-avatar'] = $contact_record['thumb']; $datarray['author-name'] = $author['name']; $datarray['author-link'] = $author['url']; $datarray['author-avatar'] = $author['thumb']; $datarray['created'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['edited'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['commented'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['received'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['changed'] = datetime_convert(); $datarray['uri'] = $uri; $datarray['title'] = $title; $datarray['body'] = $body; $datarray['app'] = $app; $datarray['location'] = $location; $datarray['coord'] = $coord; $datarray['tag'] = $str_tags; $datarray['inform'] = $inform; $datarray['verb'] = $verb; $datarray['allow_cid'] = $str_contact_allow; $datarray['allow_gid'] = $str_group_allow; $datarray['deny_cid'] = $str_contact_deny; $datarray['deny_gid'] = $str_group_deny; $datarray['private'] = $private; $datarray['pubmail'] = $pubmail_enable; $datarray['attach'] = $attachments; $datarray['bookmark'] = intval($bookmark); $datarray['thr-parent'] = $thr_parent; $datarray['postopts'] = ''; $datarray['origin'] = $origin; /** * These fields are for the convenience of plugins... * 'self' if true indicates the owner is posting on their own wall * If parent is 0 it is a top-level post. */ $datarray['parent'] = $parent; $datarray['self'] = $self; // $datarray['prvnets'] = $user['prvnets']; if ($orig_post) { $datarray['edit'] = true; } else { $datarray['guid'] = get_guid(); } call_hooks('post_local', $datarray); if ($orig_post) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `body` = '%s', `edited` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d AND `uid` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($body), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($post_id), intval($profile_uid)); proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", 'edit_post', "{$post_id}"); if (x($_POST, 'return') && strlen($return_path)) { logger('return: ' . $return_path); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); } killme(); } else { $post_id = 0; } $r = q("INSERT INTO `item` (`guid`, `uid`,`type`,`wall`,`gravity`,`contact-id`,`owner-name`,`owner-link`,`owner-avatar`, \n\t\t`author-name`, `author-link`, `author-avatar`, `created`, `edited`, `commented`, `received`, `changed`, `uri`, `thr-parent`, `title`, `body`, `app`, `location`, `coord`, \n\t\t`tag`, `inform`, `verb`, `postopts`, `allow_cid`, `allow_gid`, `deny_cid`, `deny_gid`, `private`, `pubmail`, `attach`, `bookmark`,`origin` )\n\t\tVALUES( '%s', %d, '%s', %d, %d, %d, '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', '%s', %d, %d, '%s', %d, %d )", dbesc($datarray['guid']), intval($datarray['uid']), dbesc($datarray['type']), intval($datarray['wall']), intval($datarray['gravity']), intval($datarray['contact-id']), dbesc($datarray['owner-name']), dbesc($datarray['owner-link']), dbesc($datarray['owner-avatar']), dbesc($datarray['author-name']), dbesc($datarray['author-link']), dbesc($datarray['author-avatar']), dbesc($datarray['created']), dbesc($datarray['edited']), dbesc($datarray['commented']), dbesc($datarray['received']), dbesc($datarray['changed']), dbesc($datarray['uri']), dbesc($datarray['thr-parent']), dbesc($datarray['title']), dbesc($datarray['body']), dbesc($datarray['app']), dbesc($datarray['location']), dbesc($datarray['coord']), dbesc($datarray['tag']), dbesc($datarray['inform']), dbesc($datarray['verb']), dbesc($datarray['postopts']), dbesc($datarray['allow_cid']), dbesc($datarray['allow_gid']), dbesc($datarray['deny_cid']), dbesc($datarray['deny_gid']), intval($datarray['private']), intval($datarray['pubmail']), dbesc($datarray['attach']), intval($datarray['bookmark']), intval($datarray['origin'])); $r = q("SELECT `id` FROM `item` WHERE `uri` = '%s' LIMIT 1", dbesc($datarray['uri'])); if (count($r)) { $post_id = $r[0]['id']; logger('mod_item: saved item ' . $post_id); if ($parent) { // This item is the last leaf and gets the comment box, clear any ancestors $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `last-child` = 0, `changed` = '%s' WHERE `parent` = %d ", dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($parent)); // Inherit ACL's from the parent item. $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `allow_cid` = '%s', `allow_gid` = '%s', `deny_cid` = '%s', `deny_gid` = '%s', `private` = %d\n\t\t\t\tWHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc($parent_item['allow_cid']), dbesc($parent_item['allow_gid']), dbesc($parent_item['deny_cid']), dbesc($parent_item['deny_gid']), intval($parent_item['private']), intval($post_id)); // Send a notification email to the conversation owner, unless the owner is me and I wrote this item if ($user['notify-flags'] & NOTIFY_COMMENT && $contact_record != $author) { push_lang($user['language']); require_once 'bbcode.php'; $from = $author['name']; // name of the automated email sender $msg['notificationfromname'] = stripslashes($datarray['author-name']); // noreply address to send from $msg['notificationfromemail'] = t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname(); // text version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['textversion'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbcode(stripslashes($datarray['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // html version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['htmlversion'] = html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n\\n", "\\n"), "<br />\n", $datarray['body'])))); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_html_body_eml.tpl'); $email_html_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $user['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $author['thumb'], '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $author['url'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['htmlversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id)); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = get_intltext_template('cmnt_received_text_body_eml.tpl'); $email_text_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $user['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $author['thumb'], '$email' => $importer['email'], '$url' => $author['url'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['textversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id)); // use the EmailNotification library to send the message require_once "include/EmailNotification.php"; EmailNotification::sendTextHtmlEmail($msg['notificationfromname'], t("Administrator@") . $a->get_hostname(), t("noreply") . '@' . $a->get_hostname(), $user['email'], sprintf(t('%s commented on an item at %s'), $from, $a->config['sitename']), $email_html_body_tpl, $email_text_body_tpl); pop_lang(); } // We won't be able to sign Diaspora comments for authenticated visitors - we don't have their private key if ($self) { require_once 'include/bb2diaspora.php'; $signed_body = html_entity_decode(bb2diaspora($datarray['body'])); $myaddr = $a->user['nickname'] . '@' . substr($a->get_baseurl(), strpos($a->get_baseurl(), '://') + 3); if ($datarray['verb'] === ACTIVITY_LIKE) { $signed_text = $datarray['guid'] . ';' . 'Post' . ';' . $parent_item['guid'] . ';' . 'true' . ';' . $myaddr; } else { $signed_text = $datarray['guid'] . ';' . $parent_item['guid'] . ';' . $signed_body . ';' . $myaddr; } $authorsig = base64_encode(rsa_sign($signed_text, $a->user['prvkey'], 'sha256')); q("insert into sign (`iid`,`signed_text`,`signature`,`signer`) values (%d,'%s','%s','%s') ", intval($post_id), dbesc($signed_text), dbesc(base64_encode($authorsig)), dbesc($myaddr)); } } else { $parent = $post_id; // let me know if somebody did a wall-to-wall post on my profile if ($user['notify-flags'] & NOTIFY_WALL && $contact_record != $author) { push_lang($user['language']); require_once 'bbcode.php'; $from = $author['name']; // name of the automated email sender $msg['notificationfromname'] = $from; // noreply address to send from $msg['notificationfromemail'] = t('noreply') . '@' . $a->get_hostname(); // text version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['textversion'] = html_entity_decode(strip_tags(bbcode(stripslashes($datarray['body']))), ENT_QUOTES, 'UTF-8'); // html version // process the message body to display properly in text mode $msg['htmlversion'] = html_entity_decode(bbcode(stripslashes(str_replace(array("\\r\\n", "\\r", "\\n\\n", "\\n"), "<br />\n", $datarray['body'])))); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = load_view_file('view/wall_received_html_body_eml.tpl'); $email_html_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $user['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $author['thumb'], '$url' => $author['url'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['htmlversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id)); // load the template for private message notifications $tpl = load_view_file('view/wall_received_text_body_eml.tpl'); $email_text_body_tpl = replace_macros($tpl, array('$username' => $user['username'], '$sitename' => $a->config['sitename'], '$siteurl' => $a->get_baseurl(), '$thumb' => $author['thumb'], '$url' => $author['url'], '$from' => $from, '$body' => $msg['textversion'], '$display' => $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id)); // use the EmailNotification library to send the message require_once "include/EmailNotification.php"; EmailNotification::sendTextHtmlEmail($msg['notificationfromname'], t("Administrator@") . $a->get_hostname(), t("noreply") . '@' . $a->get_hostname(), $user['email'], sprintf(t('%s posted to your profile wall at %s'), $from, $a->config['sitename']), $email_html_body_tpl, $email_text_body_tpl); pop_lang(); } } // fallback so that parent always gets set to non-zero. if (!$parent) { $parent = $post_id; } $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `parent` = %d, `parent-uri` = '%s', `plink` = '%s', `changed` = '%s', `last-child` = 1, `visible` = 1\n\t\t\tWHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent), dbesc($parent == $post_id ? $uri : $parent_item['uri']), dbesc($a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($post_id)); // photo comments turn the corresponding item visible to the profile wall // This way we don't see every picture in your new photo album posted to your wall at once. // They will show up as people comment on them. if (!$parent_item['visible']) { $r = q("UPDATE `item` SET `visible` = 1 WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", intval($parent_item['id'])); } } else { logger('mod_item: unable to retrieve post that was just stored.'); notify(t('System error. Post not saved.')); goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); // NOTREACHED } // update the commented timestamp on the parent q("UPDATE `item` set `commented` = '%s', `changed` = '%s' WHERE `id` = %d LIMIT 1", dbesc(datetime_convert()), dbesc(datetime_convert()), intval($parent)); $datarray['id'] = $post_id; $datarray['plink'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/display/' . $user['nickname'] . '/' . $post_id; call_hooks('post_local_end', $datarray); if (strlen($emailcc) && $profile_uid == local_user()) { $erecips = explode(',', $emailcc); if (count($erecips)) { foreach ($erecips as $recip) { $addr = trim($recip); if (!strlen($addr)) { continue; } $disclaimer = '<hr />' . sprintf(t('This message was sent to you by %s, a member of the Friendica social network.'), $a->user['username']) . '<br />'; $disclaimer .= sprintf(t('You may visit them online at %s'), $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname']) . EOL; $disclaimer .= t('Please contact the sender by replying to this post if you do not wish to receive these messages.') . EOL; $subject = '[Friendica]' . ' ' . sprintf(t('%s posted an update.'), $a->user['username']); $headers = 'From: ' . $a->user['username'] . ' <' . $a->user['email'] . '>' . "\n"; $headers .= 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit' . "\n\n"; $link = '<a href="' . $a->get_baseurl() . '/profile/' . $a->user['nickname'] . '"><img src="' . $author['thumb'] . '" alt="' . $a->user['username'] . '" /></a><br /><br />'; $html = prepare_body($datarray); $message = '<html><body>' . $link . $html . $disclaimer . '</body></html>'; @mail($addr, $subject, $message, $headers); } } } // This is a real juggling act on shared hosting services which kill your processes // e.g. dreamhost. We used to start delivery to our native delivery agents in the background // and then run our plugin delivery from the foreground. We're now doing plugin delivery first, // because as soon as you start loading up a bunch of remote delivey processes, *this* page is // likely to get killed off. If you end up looking at an /item URL and a blank page, // it's very likely the delivery got killed before all your friends could be notified. // Currently the only realistic fixes are to use a reliable server - which precludes shared hosting, // or cut back on plugins which do remote deliveries. proc_run('php', "include/notifier.php", $notify_type, "{$post_id}"); logger('post_complete'); // figure out how to return, depending on from whence we came if ($api_source) { return; } if ($return_path) { goaway($a->get_baseurl() . "/" . $return_path); } $json = array('success' => 1); if (x($_POST, 'jsreload') && strlen($_POST['jsreload'])) { $json['reload'] = $a->get_baseurl() . '/' . $_POST['jsreload']; } logger('post_json: ' . print_r($json, true), LOGGER_DEBUG); echo json_encode($json); killme(); // NOTREACHED }
/** * After we've either updated or inserted the article, update * the link tables and redirect to the new page. */ function showArticle($text, $subtitle, $sectionanchor = '', $me2, $now, $summary, $oldid) { global $wgUseDumbLinkUpdate, $wgAntiLockFlags, $wgOut, $wgUser, $wgLinkCache, $wgEnotif; global $wgUseEnotif; $fname = 'Article::showArticle'; wfProfileIn($fname); $wgLinkCache = new LinkCache(); if (!$wgUseDumbLinkUpdate) { # Preload links to reduce lock time if ($wgAntiLockFlags & ALF_PRELOAD_LINKS) { $wgLinkCache->preFill($this->mTitle); $wgLinkCache->clear(); } } # Parse the text and replace links with placeholders $wgOut = new OutputPage(); # Pass the current title along in case we're creating a wiki page # which is different than the currently displayed one (e.g. image # pages created on file uploads); otherwise, link updates will # go wrong. $wgOut->addWikiTextWithTitle($text, $this->mTitle); if (!$wgUseDumbLinkUpdate) { # Move the current links back to the second register $wgLinkCache->swapRegisters(); # Get old version of link table to allow incremental link updates # Lock this data now since it is needed for an update $wgLinkCache->forUpdate(true); $wgLinkCache->preFill($this->mTitle); # Swap this old version back into its rightful place $wgLinkCache->swapRegisters(); } if ($this->isRedirect($text)) { $r = 'redirect=no'; } else { $r = ''; } $wgOut->redirect($this->mTitle->getFullURL($r) . $sectionanchor); if ($wgUseEnotif) { # this would be better as an extension hook include_once "UserMailer.php"; $wgEnotif = new EmailNotification(); $wgEnotif->notifyOnPageChange($this->mTitle, $now, $summary, $me2, $oldid); } wfProfileOut($fname); }
$params = array('id_sale' => $sale->sale_id, 'amount' => 149.0, 'currency' => 'PLN', 'description' => 'Subskrypcja Hasztag.info'); $status = $client->resaleBySale($params); } } if ($client->isSuccess()) { $payment = Payment::create(array('user_id' => $subscription->user_id, 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'sale_id' => $status['id_sale'])); $subscription->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addDays(30); $subscription->is_active = 1; $subscription->save(); $user = User::find($subscription->user_id); $user->level = 2; $user->save(); $configs = BoardConfig::where('user_id', '=', $subscription->user_id)->get(); if ($configs->count() > 0) { foreach ($configs as $config) { $config->is_active = 1; $config->save(); } } EmailNotification::where('subscription_id', '=', $subscription->id)->delete(); $faktura = $subscription->company_id == 0 ? false : true; Event::fire('invoice.email', array($subscription->user_id, $subscription->id, $payment->id, $faktura)); } else { $payment = Payment::create(array('user_id' => $subscription->user_id, 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'is_success' => 0)); Event::fire('deactivate.subscription', array($subscription->id, $payment->created_at)); } } } }); }); require app_path() . '/helpers.php';
public function postPayment() { if (Auth::check()) { $rules = array('paylane_token' => 'required', 'first_name' => 'required', 'last_name' => 'required', 'email' => 'required|email', 'address' => 'required', 'zip' => 'required', 'city' => 'required', 'state' => 'required', 'company_name' => 'required_with:faktura', 'company_id' => 'required_with:faktura', 'company_address' => 'required_with:faktura', 'company_zip' => 'required_with:faktura', 'company_city' => 'required_with:faktura', 'company_state' => 'required_with:faktura'); $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules); if ($validator->fails()) { $messages = $validator->messages(); return Redirect::to('/konto/pro/platnosci')->withInput(Input::flash())->withErrors($validator)->with('alert', array('type' => 'error', 'content' => 'Błąd! Sprawdź wszystkie pola.')); } else { $user = Auth::user(); $client = new Paylane\PayLaneRestClient('adubiel', 'dru9pra2'); $card_params = array('sale' => array('amount' => 189.0, 'currency' => 'PLN', 'description' => 'Subskrypcja Hasztag.info'), 'customer' => array('name' => Input::get('first_name') . ' ' . Input::get('last_name'), 'email' => Input::get('email'), 'ip' => '', 'address' => array('street_house' => Input::get('address'), 'city' => Input::get('city'), 'state' => Input::get('state'), 'zip' => Input::get('zip'), 'country_code' => 'PL')), 'card' => array('token' => Input::get('paylane_token'))); $status = $client->cardSaleByToken($card_params); if ($client->isSuccess()) { $subscription = Subscription::where('user_id', '=', $user->id); $faktura = false; if ($subscription->count() > 0) { $subscription = $subscription->first(); $subscription->user_id = $user->id; $subscription->is_active = 1; $subscription->first_name = Input::get('first_name'); $subscription->last_name = Input::get('last_name'); $subscription->email = Input::get('email'); $subscription->address = Input::get('address'); $subscription->zip = Input::get('zip'); $subscription->city = Input::get('city'); $subscription->state = Input::get('state'); $subscription->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addDays(30); if (Input::has('faktura')) { $faktura = true; $subscription->is_active = 1; $subscription->company_name = Input::get('company_name'); $subscription->company_id = preg_replace('/\\D/', '', Input::get('company_id')); $subscription->company_address = Input::get('company_address'); $subscription->company_city = Input::get('company_city'); $subscription->company_state = Input::get('company_state'); $subscription->company_zip = Input::get('company_zip'); } $subscription->save(); } else { $subscription = new Subscription(); $subscription->user_id = $user->id; $subscription->first_name = Input::get('first_name'); $subscription->last_name = Input::get('last_name'); $subscription->email = Input::get('email'); $subscription->address = Input::get('address'); $subscription->zip = Input::get('zip'); $subscription->city = Input::get('city'); $subscription->state = Input::get('state'); $subscription->expires_at = Carbon::now()->addDays(30); if (Input::has('faktura')) { $faktura = true; $subscription->company_name = Input::get('company_name'); $subscription->company_id = preg_replace('/\\D/', '', Input::get('company_id')); $subscription->company_address = Input::get('company_address'); $subscription->company_city = Input::get('company_city'); $subscription->company_state = Input::get('company_state'); $subscription->company_zip = Input::get('company_zip'); } $subscription->save(); } $payment = Payment::create(array('user_id' => $user->id, 'subscription_id' => $subscription->id, 'sale_id' => $status['id_sale'], 'is_success' => 1)); Event::fire('invoice.email', array($user->id, $subscription->id, $payment->id, $faktura)); EmailNotification::where('subscription_id', '=', $subscription->id)->delete(); //here $user->level = 2; $user->save(); return Redirect::to('/konto/pro/subskrypcja')->with('alert', array('type' => 'success', 'content' => 'Dziękujemy! Płatność zaakceptowana.')); } else { if (isset($status['error'])) { return Redirect::back()->with('alert', array('type' => 'error', 'content' => $status['error']['error_description'])); return Redirect::back()->with('alert', array('type' => 'error', 'content' => $status['error']['description'])); } else { return Redirect::back()->with('alert', array('type' => 'error', 'content' => 'Błąd! Coś poszło nie tak!')); } } } } }
/** * sets up the sales container */ function sendContainer($sales, $deletePDF) { // loops through all selected sales foreach ($sales as $sale) { // skips "non existent" sales (dev issue: was: deprecated) if (null === ($customer = Mage::getModel("customer/customer")->load($sale->getCustomerId()))) { continue; } // skips "premium" orders $cgid = $customer->getGroupId(); $code = Mage::getSingleton("customer/group")->load($cgid)->getCustomerGroupCode(); if ("General" != $code) { print $code . PHP_EOL; print $cgid . PHP_EOL; continue; } // Gerdt Vladimir @ Karli (and fills) // $shipaddr = $sale->getShippingAddress(); // $firstName = $shipaddr->getFirstname(); $lastName = $shipaddr->getLastname(); $email = $shipaddr->getEmail(); $telephone = $shipaddr->getTelephone(); $street = implode(" ", $shipaddr->getStreet()); $country = $shipaddr->getCountry(); $city = $shipaddr->getCity(); $postcode = $shipaddr->getPostcode(); /////// $kvg_arr_order = array(); $kvg_lfdnr = getTransactionId($customer, $sale); // Eindeutige Auftragsnummer /////// Kopfdaten $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['key'] = $kvg_lfdnr; // Eindeutige Auftragsnummer $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['order_number'] = $sale->getIncrementId(); // Bestellnummer, optional $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_note'] = $sale->getCustomerNote(); // Kommentar zum Auftrag max. 200 Zeichen, optional $d = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $sale->getCreatedAt()); $createdAt = $d->format("Y-m-d H:i"); $createdAtDate = $d->format("Y-m-d"); $createdAtTime = $d->format("H:i"); $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['order_date'] = $createdAtDate; // Auftragsdatum $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['order_time'] = $createdAtTime; // Auftragszeit /////// Kundendaten $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_first_name'] = $firstName; // Vorname $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_last_name'] = $lastName; // Nachname $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_county'] = $country; // Land $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_city'] = $city; // Stadt $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_postal_code'] = $postcode; // Postleitzahl $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_street'] = $street; // Strasse $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_phone'] = $telephone; // Telefon $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_mobile'] = $mobile; // Mobile Telefon $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_fax'] = $fax; // Fax $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['customer_email'] = $email; // Email /////// Produkte foreach ($sale->getAllItems() as $item) { $articleID = $item->getSku(); $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['position'][$articleID]['article_number'] = $articleID; // Artikelnummer $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['position'][$articleID]['amount'] = $item->getQtyOrdered(); // Menge $kvg_arr_order[$kvg_lfdnr]['position'][$articleID]['price'] = $item->getPrice(); // Preis $i++; } // --> ////// // writes the invoice PDF document exec(ExportInvoiceCommand . $sale->getIncrementId()); // writes the retoure PDF document exec(ExportRetoureCommand . $sale->getIncrementId()); // $invoicePDF = PDFPath . $kvg_lfdnr . "_invoice.pdf"; $retourePDF = PDFPath . $kvg_lfdnr . "_retoure.pdf"; // checks invoice PDF; skips the sale without an invoice if (!file_exists($invoicePDF)) { // logs the fail logger("No Invoice. Will not send the order: " . $kvg_lfdnr); // fills up CRON notification email (administrative issue) EmailNotification::add("<span style='color:red'>Bestellung {$kvg_lfdnr} konnte wegen der fehlenden Quittung nicht zu Karlie gesandt werden.</span>"); // skips the sale continue; } // sends the order to karlie if ("true" === sendOrder($kvg_arr_order, $invoicePDF, $retourePDF)) { // writes DB record (order is referred to karlie) $sale->setKarlieOrderId($kvg_lfdnr); $sale->setState("processing", true, "Die Bestellung ist zu Karlie weitergeleitet. " . $sale->getKarlieOrderId()); $sale->setStatus("referred_to_karlie"); $sale->save(); // logs the CRON success logger("Order sent to Karlie"); // fills up CRON notification email (administrative issue) EmailNotification::add("<span class='green'>Bestellung {$kvg_lfdnr} ist zu Karlie gesandt worden.</span>"); // sends customer notification email foreach ($sale->getInvoiceCollection() as $invoice) { try { $invoice->sendEmail(); } catch (Exception $e) { logger("Could not sent Customer Notification Email: " . $e); } } } else { // logs send fail logger("Could not send the order"); // fills up CRON notification email (administrative issue) EmailNotification::add("<span class='red'>Bestellung {$kvg_lfdnr} konnte nicht zu Karlie gesandt werden.</span>"); } } }
/** * Writes the data in this object to the database * @param bool $noudp */ public function save($noudp = false) { global $wgPutIPinRC, $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgContLang; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = []; } if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } # Strict mode fixups (not-NULL fields) foreach (['minor', 'bot', 'new', 'patrolled', 'deleted'] as $field) { $this->mAttribs["rc_{$field}"] = (int) $this->mAttribs["rc_{$field}"]; } # ...more fixups (NULL fields) foreach (['old_len', 'new_len'] as $field) { $this->mAttribs["rc_{$field}"] = isset($this->mAttribs["rc_{$field}"]) ? (int) $this->mAttribs["rc_{$field}"] : null; } # If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string $strictIPs = in_array($dbw->getType(), ['oracle', 'postgres']); // legacy if ($strictIPs && $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Trim spaces on user supplied text $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = trim($this->mAttribs['rc_comment']); # Make sure summary is truncated (whole multibyte characters) $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = $wgContLang->truncate($this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], 255); # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('recentchanges_rc_id_seq'); # # If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, __METHOD__); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Notify extensions Hooks::run('RecentChange_save', [&$this]); if (count($this->tags)) { ChangeTags::addTags($this->tags, $this->mAttribs['rc_id'], $this->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid'], $this->mAttribs['rc_logid'], null, $this); } # Notify external application via UDP if (!$noudp) { $this->notifyRCFeeds(); } # E-mail notifications if ($wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) { $editor = $this->getPerformer(); $title = $this->getTitle(); // Never send an RC notification email about categorization changes if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] != RC_CATEGORIZE && Hooks::run('AbortEmailNotification', [$editor, $title, $this])) { // @FIXME: This would be better as an extension hook // Send emails or email jobs once this row is safely committed $dbw->onTransactionIdle(function () use($editor, $title) { $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($editor, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'], $this->mExtra['pageStatus']); }, __METHOD__); } } // Update the cached list of active users if ($this->mAttribs['rc_user'] > 0) { JobQueueGroup::singleton()->lazyPush(RecentChangesUpdateJob::newCacheUpdateJob()); } }
foreach ($sales as $sale) { // loads the sale $sale = $sale->load($sale->getId()); // loads order id of current sale $orderID = $sale->getIncrementId(); // loads customer id of the current sale $customerID = $sale->getCustomerId(); // customer of current sale might be a guest if (null === $customerID) { $customerID = "guest"; } // loads parcel id of the sale (from karlie) $message = exec(GetParcelIDCommand . $customerID . "_" . $orderID); // fills up CRON notification email $color = "green"; switch ($message) { case "": case "null": case "parcelID: null": case null: $color = "red"; break; } EmailNotification::add("<span style='color:{$color}'>Bestellung: " . $customerID . "_" . $orderID . " {$message}</span>"); } // sends CRON notification email EmailNotification::add("<span style='color:black'>Der CRON Job Check Parcel ID endet.</span>"); EmailNotification::send(); // logs done message logger("Done: mygassi-check-parcels"); exit(1);
/** * Writes the data in this object to the database * @param $noudp bool */ public function save($noudp = false) { global $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgPutIPinRC, $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgContLang; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = array(); } $this->mExtra['lang'] = $wgLocalInterwiki; if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } # If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string if ($dbw->strictIPs() and $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Trim spaces on user supplied text $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = trim($this->mAttribs['rc_comment']); # Make sure summary is truncated (whole multibyte characters) $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = $wgContLang->truncate($this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], 255); # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('recentchanges_rc_id_seq'); ## If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($dbw->cascadingDeletes() and $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, __METHOD__); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Notify extensions wfRunHooks('RecentChange_save', array(&$this)); # Notify external application via UDP if (!$noudp) { $this->notifyRC2UDP(); } # E-mail notifications if ($wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) { $editor = $this->getPerformer(); $title = $this->getTitle(); if (wfRunHooks('AbortEmailNotification', array($editor, $title))) { # @todo FIXME: This would be better as an extension hook $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($editor, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'], $this->mExtra['pageStatus']); } } }
function removeTag($action, $article) { if ($action != 'removeTag') { return true; } global $wgRequest, $wgOut, $wgUser; wfProfileIn(__METHOD__); $wgOut->setArticleBodyOnly(true); $tagID = $wgRequest->getVal('tagID'); $tagName = $wgRequest->getText('tagName'); $imgName = $wgRequest->getText('imgName'); $userText = $wgUser->getName(); $tagID = preg_replace("/[\"'<>]/", '', $tagID); $tagName = preg_replace("/[\"'<>]/", '', $tagName); $imgName = preg_replace("/[\"'<>]/", '', $imgName); $img = wfFindFile($imgName); if ($img) { $imgTitle = $img->getTitle(); wfPurgeTitle($imgTitle); $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); $dbw->delete('imagetags', array('unique_id' => $tagID), __METHOD__); $wgOut->clearHTML(); $wgOut->addHTML('<!-- removed tag from the database! -->'); $wgOut->addHTML(wfGetImageTags($img, $imgName)); $logPage = new LogPage('tag'); $logComment = wfMsg('imagetagging-logentry', $tagName, $userText); $logPage->addEntry('tag', $imgTitle, $logComment); $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($wgUser, $imgTitle, wfTimestampNow(), $logComment, false); } else { $wgOut->clearHTML(); $wgOut->addHTML("<!-- ERROR: img named {$imgName} -->\n\t\t\t<script type='text/javascript'>\n\t\t\talert(\"Error removing tag!\");\n\t\t\t</script>"); } wfProfileOut(__METHOD__); return false; }
/** * Writes the data in this object to the database * @param bool $noudp */ public function save($noudp = false) { global $wgPutIPinRC, $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgContLang; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = array(); } if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } # If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string if ($dbw->strictIPs() && $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Trim spaces on user supplied text $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = trim($this->mAttribs['rc_comment']); # Make sure summary is truncated (whole multibyte characters) $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = $wgContLang->truncate($this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], 255); # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('recentchanges_rc_id_seq'); # # If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($dbw->cascadingDeletes() && $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, __METHOD__); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Notify extensions Hooks::run('RecentChange_save', array(&$this)); # Notify external application via UDP if (!$noudp) { $this->notifyRCFeeds(); } # E-mail notifications if ($wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) { $editor = $this->getPerformer(); $title = $this->getTitle(); // Never send an RC notification email about categorization changes if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] != RC_CATEGORIZE) { if (Hooks::run('AbortEmailNotification', array($editor, $title, $this))) { # @todo FIXME: This would be better as an extension hook $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($editor, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'], $this->mExtra['pageStatus']); } } } // Update the cached list of active users if ($this->mAttribs['rc_user'] > 0) { JobQueueGroup::singleton()->lazyPush(RecentChangesUpdateJob::newCacheUpdateJob()); } }
public static function setSubject($subject) { self::$subject = $subject; }
/** * Writes the data in this object to the database * @param $noudp bool */ public function save($noudp = false) { global $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgPutIPinRC, $wgContLang; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = array(); } $this->mExtra['lang'] = $wgLocalInterwiki; if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } # If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string if ($dbw->strictIPs() and $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Make sure summary is truncated (whole multibyte characters) $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'] = $wgContLang->truncate($this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], 255); # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('recentchanges_rc_id_seq'); ## If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($dbw->cascadingDeletes() and $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } /* Wikia change begin - @author: Macbre */ /* Wysiwyg: add extra data before row is added */ wfRunHooks('RecentChange_beforeSave', array(&$this)); /* Wikia change end */ # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, __METHOD__); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Notify extensions wfRunHooks('RecentChange_save', array(&$this)); # Notify external application via UDP if (!$noudp) { $this->notifyRC2UDP(); } # E-mail notifications global $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgUser; if ($wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) { // Users if ($this->mAttribs['rc_user']) { $editor = $wgUser->getId() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user'] ? $wgUser : User::newFromID($this->mAttribs['rc_user']); // Anons } else { $editor = $wgUser->getName() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user_text'] ? $wgUser : User::newFromName($this->mAttribs['rc_user_text'], false); } $title = Title::makeTitle($this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'], $this->mAttribs['rc_title']); # @todo FIXME: This would be better as an extension hook $enotif = new EmailNotification($editor, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_this_oldid'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid'], $this->mAttribs['rc_log_action']); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange(); } // temporary code begin /Inez if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_NEW) { $eventType = 'new'; } else { if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_EDIT) { $eventType = 'edit'; } else { if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_LOG && $this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'] == NS_IMAGE) { $eventType = 'upload'; } } } if (!empty($eventType)) { global $wgMemc; $key = $eventType . gmdate('Ymd_Hi00'); $ret = $wgMemc->incr($key); if (empty($ret)) { $wgMemc->set($key, 1, 60 * 5); } } // temporary code end }
public static function findNotification($model, $modelId, $type) { return EmailNotification::where('model', '=', $model)->where("model_id", "=", $modelId)->where("type", "=", $type)->first(); }
private function sendEmailToPublisherAdminsNoCredits($publisherAdmins, $companyId) { $en = EmailNotification::findNotification("Company", $companyId, EmailNotification::COMPANY_NO_CREDIT); if (empty($en) || !$en->isValidNotification()) { Mail::send('emails.import.no_credits', [], function ($message) use($publisherAdmins) { $emails = array_map(function ($ar) { return $ar["email"]; }, $publisherAdmins->toApiArray()); $message->from('*****@*****.**')->to($emails)->bcc(Config::get("mail.admins"))->subject('[MINT NOTIFICATION - NO CREDITS LEFT]'); }); EmailNotification::createUpdateNotification("Company", $companyId, EmailNotification::COMPANY_NO_CREDIT); } }
function save() { global $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgPutIPinRC, $wgRC2UDPAddress, $wgRC2UDPPort, $wgRC2UDPPrefix; $fname = 'RecentChange::save'; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = array(); } $this->mExtra['lang'] = $wgLocalInterwiki; if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } ## If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string if ($dbw->strictIPs() and $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('rc_rc_id_seq'); ## If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($dbw->cascadingDeletes() and $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, $fname); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Update old rows, if necessary if ($this->mAttribs['rc_type'] == RC_EDIT) { $lastTime = $this->mExtra['lastTimestamp']; #$now = $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']; #$curId = $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']; # Don't bother looking for entries that have probably # been purged, it just locks up the indexes needlessly. global $wgRCMaxAge; $age = time() - wfTimestamp(TS_UNIX, $lastTime); if ($age < $wgRCMaxAge) { # live hack, will commit once tested - kate # Update rc_this_oldid for the entries which were current # #$oldid = $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid']; #$ns = $this->mAttribs['rc_namespace']; #$title = $this->mAttribs['rc_title']; # #$dbw->update( 'recentchanges', # array( /* SET */ # 'rc_this_oldid' => $oldid # ), array( /* WHERE */ # 'rc_namespace' => $ns, # 'rc_title' => $title, # 'rc_timestamp' => $dbw->timestamp( $lastTime ) # ), $fname #); } # Update rc_cur_time #$dbw->update( 'recentchanges', array( 'rc_cur_time' => $now ), # array( 'rc_cur_id' => $curId ), $fname ); } # Notify external application via UDP if ($wgRC2UDPAddress) { $conn = socket_create(AF_INET, SOCK_DGRAM, SOL_UDP); if ($conn) { $line = $wgRC2UDPPrefix . $this->getIRCLine(); socket_sendto($conn, $line, strlen($line), 0, $wgRC2UDPAddress, $wgRC2UDPPort); socket_close($conn); } } # E-mail notifications global $wgUseEnotif; if ($wgUseEnotif) { # this would be better as an extension hook global $wgUser; $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $title = Title::makeTitle($this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'], $this->mAttribs['rc_title']); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($wgUser, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid']); } # Notify extensions wfRunHooks('RecentChange_save', array(&$this)); }
public function save() { global $wgLocalInterwiki, $wgPutIPinRC, $wgRC2UDPAddress, $wgRC2UDPOmitBots; $fname = 'RecentChange::save'; $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER); if (!is_array($this->mExtra)) { $this->mExtra = array(); } $this->mExtra['lang'] = $wgLocalInterwiki; if (!$wgPutIPinRC) { $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] = ''; } # If our database is strict about IP addresses, use NULL instead of an empty string if ($dbw->strictIPs() and $this->mAttribs['rc_ip'] == '') { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_ip']); } # Fixup database timestamps $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp']); $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time'] = $dbw->timestamp($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_time']); $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->nextSequenceValue('recentchanges_rc_id_seq'); ## If we are using foreign keys, an entry of 0 for the page_id will fail, so use NULL if ($dbw->cascadingDeletes() and $this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id'] == 0) { unset($this->mAttribs['rc_cur_id']); } # Insert new row $dbw->insert('recentchanges', $this->mAttribs, $fname); # Set the ID $this->mAttribs['rc_id'] = $dbw->insertId(); # Notify extensions wfRunHooks('RecentChange_save', array(&$this)); # Notify external application via UDP if ($wgRC2UDPAddress && (!$this->mAttribs['rc_bot'] || !$wgRC2UDPOmitBots)) { self::sendToUDP($this->getIRCLine()); } # E-mail notifications global $wgUseEnotif, $wgShowUpdatedMarker, $wgUser; if ($wgUseEnotif || $wgShowUpdatedMarker) { // Users if ($this->mAttribs['rc_user']) { $editor = $wgUser->getId() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user'] ? $wgUser : User::newFromID($this->mAttribs['rc_user']); // Anons } else { $editor = $wgUser->getName() == $this->mAttribs['rc_user_text'] ? $wgUser : User::newFromName($this->mAttribs['rc_user_text'], false); } # FIXME: this would be better as an extension hook $enotif = new EmailNotification(); $title = Title::makeTitle($this->mAttribs['rc_namespace'], $this->mAttribs['rc_title']); $enotif->notifyOnPageChange($editor, $title, $this->mAttribs['rc_timestamp'], $this->mAttribs['rc_comment'], $this->mAttribs['rc_minor'], $this->mAttribs['rc_last_oldid']); } }
function notifyNew($timestamp, &$title, $minor, &$user, $comment, $bot = "default", $ip = '', $size = 0, $newId = 0) { if (!$ip) { global $wgIP; $ip = empty($wgIP) ? '' : $wgIP; } if ($bot == 'default') { $bot = $user->isBot(); } $rc = new RecentChange(); $rc->mAttribs = array('rc_timestamp' => $timestamp, 'rc_cur_time' => $timestamp, 'rc_namespace' => $title->getNamespace(), 'rc_title' => $title->getDBkey(), 'rc_type' => RC_NEW, 'rc_minor' => $minor ? 1 : 0, 'rc_cur_id' => $title->getArticleID(), 'rc_user' => $user->getID(), 'rc_user_text' => $user->getName(), 'rc_comment' => $comment, 'rc_this_oldid' => $newId, 'rc_last_oldid' => 0, 'rc_bot' => $bot ? 1 : 0, 'rc_moved_to_ns' => 0, 'rc_moved_to_title' => '', 'rc_ip' => $ip, 'rc_patrolled' => 0, 'rc_new' => 1); $rc->mExtra = array('prefixedDBkey' => $title->getPrefixedDBkey(), 'lastTimestamp' => 0, 'oldSize' => 0, 'newSize' => $size); $rc->save(); include_once "UserMailer.php"; $wgEnotif = new EmailNotification(); $wgEnotif->notifyOnPageChangeOrNewpage($title, $timestamp, $comment, $minor, 0); }