public function validate()
     $result = parent::validate();
     if (empty($this->Email)) {
         $result->error(_t('Newsletter.FieldRequired', '"{field}" field is required', array('field' => 'Email')));
     if (!Email::validEmailAddress($this->Email)) {
         $result->error(_t('Newsletter.InvalidEmailAddress', '"{field}" field is invalid', array('field' => 'Email')));
     return $result;
 protected function validateEmailAddresses($emails)
     if (!empty($emails)) {
         $recipients = preg_split("/\r\n|\n|\r/", $emails);
         foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
             if (!Email::validEmailAddress($recipient)) {
                 return FALSE;
     return TRUE;
 public function testValidEmailAddress()
     $validEmails = array('*****@*****.**', '*****@*****.**');
     $invalidEmails = array('', '', 'foo@');
     foreach ($validEmails as $email) {
         $this->assertEquals($email, Email::validEmailAddress($email), 'validEmailAddress() returns a valid email address');
         $this->assertEquals(1, Email::is_valid_address($email), 'is_valid_address() returns 1 for a valid email address');
     foreach ($invalidEmails as $email) {
         $this->assertFalse(Email::validEmailAddress($email), 'validEmailAddress() returns false for an invalid email address');
         $this->assertEquals(0, Email::is_valid_address($email), 'is_valid_address() returns 0 for an invalid email address');
  * Sync the new data from a users Facebook profile to the member database.
  * @param Facebook\GraphUser $result
  * @param bool $sync Flag to whether we override fields like first name
 public function updateFacebookFields($result, $override = true)
     $this->owner->FacebookLink = $result->getProperty('link');
     $this->owner->FacebookUID = $result->getProperty('id');
     $this->owner->FacebookTimezone = $result->getProperty('timezone');
     if ($override) {
         $email = $result->getProperty('email');
         if ($email && !$this->owner->Email || !Email::validEmailAddress($this->owner->Email)) {
             $this->owner->Email = $email;
         $this->owner->FirstName = $result->getProperty('first_name');
         $this->owner->Surname = $result->getProperty('last_name');
     $this->owner->extend('onUpdateFacebookFields', $result);
  * Sync the new data from a users Vk profile to the member database.
  * @param mixed $result
  * @param bool $sync Flag to whether we override fields like first name
 public function updateVkFields($result, $override = true)
     /** @var Member $member */
     $member = $this->owner;
     $member->VkUID = $result->uid;
     if ($override) {
         /** @var stdClass $session */
         $session = Session::get(VkControllerExtension::VK_ACCESS_TOKEN);
         $email = $session->email;
         if ($email && !$this->owner->Email || !Email::validEmailAddress($this->owner->Email)) {
             $member->Email = $email;
         $member->FirstName = $member->FirstName ?: $result->first_name;
         $member->Surname = $member->Surname ?: $result->last_name;
         $member->VkTimezone = $member->VkTimezone ?: $result->timezone;
     $member->extend('onUpdateVkFields', $result);
  * Performs the login, but will also create and sync the Member record on-the-fly, if not found.
  * @param array $data
  * @param Form $form
  * @return bool|Member|void
  * @throws SS_HTTPResponse_Exception
 public static function authenticate($data, Form $form = null)
     $service = Injector::inst()->get('LDAPService');
     $login = trim($data['Login']);
     if (Email::validEmailAddress($login)) {
         if (Config::inst()->get('LDAPAuthenticator', 'allow_email_login') != 'yes') {
             $form->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPAuthenticator.PLEASEUSEUSERNAME', 'Please enter your username instead of your email to log in.'), 'bad');
         $username = $service->getUsernameByEmail($login);
         // No user found with this email.
         if (!$username) {
             $form->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPAuthenticator.INVALIDCREDENTIALS', 'Invalid credentials'), 'bad');
     } else {
         $username = $login;
     $result = $service->authenticate($username, $data['Password']);
     $success = $result['success'] === true;
     if (!$success) {
         if ($form) {
             $form->sessionMessage($result['message'], 'bad');
     $data = $service->getUserByUsername($result['identity']);
     if (!$data) {
         if ($form) {
             $form->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPAuthenticator.PROBLEMFINDINGDATA', 'There was a problem retrieving your user data'), 'bad');
     // LDAPMemberExtension::memberLoggedIn() will update any other AD attributes mapped to Member fields
     $member = Member::get()->filter('GUID', $data['objectguid'])->limit(1)->first();
     if (!($member && $member->exists())) {
         $member = new Member();
         $member->GUID = $data['objectguid'];
     return $member;
  * Send temporary password to user via email.
 public function sendTempPasswordEmail($template = null, $subject = null, $extradata = null)
     //set expiry
     $template = $template ? $template : 'TempPasswordEmail';
     $subject = $subject ? $subject : "Temporary Password";
     $data = array('CleartextTempPassword' => $this->owner->setupTempPassword());
     if ($extradata) {
         $data = array_merge($data, $extradata);
     $body = $this->owner->customise($data)->renderWith($template);
     if (Email::validEmailAddress($this->owner->Email)) {
         $email = new Email(Email::getAdminEmail(), $this->owner->Email, $subject, $body);
         if ($email->send()) {
             return true;
         return false;
     return false;
 function index($request)
     if (!Permission::check("ADMIN")) {
         return Security::permissionFailure($this);
     $email = $request->requestVar($name = "email");
     if ($email && Email::validEmailAddress($email)) {
         $number = rand(0, 10000);
         $from = Email::getAdminEmail();
         $to = $email;
         $subject = "test mail ID" . $number;
         $body = "test mail ID" . $number;
         $htmlBody = "<h1>test mail ID" . $number . '</h1>';
         $basicMailOk = @mail($email, $subject, $body);
         if ($basicMailOk) {
             DB::alteration_message("basic mail (using the PHP mail function)  has been sent with ID: " . $number, "created");
         } else {
             DB::alteration_message("basic mail (using the PHP mail function) has * NOT * been sent with ID:" . $number, "deleted");
         $e = new Email($from, $to, $subject, $body);
         if ($e->send()) {
             DB::alteration_message("standard Silverstripe email has been sent with ID: " . $number, "created");
         } else {
             DB::alteration_message("standard Silverstripe email ***NOT*** has been sent with ID: " . $number, "deleted");
         $e = new Email($from, $to, $subject, $body);
         if ($e->sendPlain()) {
             DB::alteration_message("plain text Silverstripe  email has been sent with ID: " . $number, "created");
         } else {
             DB::alteration_message("plain text Silverstripe email has ***NOT*** been sent with ID: " . $number, "deleted");
     } else {
         user_error("make sure to add a valid email - current one is '" . $email . "' (you can add the email like this: " . $request->getURL() . "?", E_USER_WARNING);
  * Forgot password form handler method.
  * Called when the user clicks on "I've lost my password".
  * Extensions can use the 'forgotPassword' method to veto executing
  * the logic, by returning FALSE. In this case, the user will be redirected back
  * to the form without further action. It is recommended to set a message
  * in the form detailing why the action was denied.
  * Overridden because we need to generate a link to the LDAPSecurityController
  * instead of the SecurityController
  * @param array $data Submitted data
  * @return SS_HTTPResponse
 public function forgotPassword($data)
     // No need to protect against injections, LDAPService will ensure that this is safe
     $login = trim($data['Login']);
     $service = Injector::inst()->get('LDAPService');
     if (Email::validEmailAddress($login)) {
         if (Config::inst()->get('LDAPAuthenticator', 'allow_email_login') != 'yes') {
             $this->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPLoginForm.USERNAMEINSTEADOFEMAIL', 'Please enter your username instead of your email to get a password reset link.'), 'bad');
         $userData = $service->getUserByEmail($login);
     } else {
         $userData = $service->getUserByUsername($login);
     // Avoid information disclosure by displaying the same status,
     // regardless whether the email address actually exists
     if (!isset($userData['objectguid'])) {
         return $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('passwordsent/') . urlencode($data['Login']));
     $member = Member::get()->filter('GUID', $userData['objectguid'])->limit(1)->first();
     // User haven't been imported yet so do that now
     if (!($member && $member->exists())) {
         $member = new Member();
         $member->GUID = $userData['objectguid'];
     // Allow vetoing forgot password requests
     $results = $this->extend('forgotPassword', $member);
     if ($results && is_array($results) && in_array(false, $results, true)) {
         return $this->controller->redirect($this->ldapSecController->Link('lostpassword'));
     // update the users from LDAP so we are sure that the email is correct
     if ($member) {
         $token = $member->generateAutologinTokenAndStoreHash();
         $e = Member_ForgotPasswordEmail::create();
         $e->populateTemplate(array('PasswordResetLink' => LDAPSecurityController::getPasswordResetLink($member, $token)));
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('passwordsent/') . urlencode($data['Login']));
     } elseif ($data['Login']) {
         // Avoid information disclosure by displaying the same status,
         // regardless whether the email address actually exists
         $this->controller->redirect($this->controller->Link('passwordsent/') . urlencode($data['Login']));
     } else {
         if (Config::inst()->get('LDAPAuthenticator', 'allow_email_login') === 'yes') {
             $this->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPLoginForm.ENTERUSERNAMEOREMAIL', 'Please enter your username or your email address to get a password reset link.'), 'bad');
         } else {
             $this->sessionMessage(_t('LDAPLoginForm.ENTERUSERNAME', 'Please enter your username to get a password reset link.'), 'bad');
 public function SendEnquiryForm($data, $form)
     $From = $this->EmailFrom;
     $To = $this->EmailTo;
     $Subject = $this->EmailSubject;
     $email = new Email($From, $To, $Subject);
     $replyTo = $this->EnquiryFormFields()->filter(array('FieldType' => 'Email'))->First();
     if ($replyTo) {
         $postField = $this->keyGen($replyTo->FieldName, $replyTo->SortOrder);
         if (isset($data[$postField]) && Email::validEmailAddress($data[$postField])) {
     if ($this->EmailBcc) {
     //abuse / tracking
     $email->addCustomHeader('X-Sender-IP', $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR']);
     //set template
     //populate template
     $templateData = $this->getTemplateData($data);
     //send mail
     //return to submitted message
     if (Director::is_ajax()) {
         return $this->renderWith('EnquiryPageAjaxSuccess');
Пример #11
  * sends email to defined address
  * @param string $identifier  identifier for email template
  * @param string $to          recipients email address
  * @param array  $variables   array with template variables that can be called in the template
  * @param array  $attachments absolute filename to an attachment file
  * @return bool
  * @author Sebastian Diel <*****@*****.**>,
  *         Sascha Koehler <*****@*****.**>
  * @since 16.06.2014
 public static function send($identifier, $to, $variables = array(), $attachments = null)
     $mailObj = SilvercartShopEmail::get()->filter('Identifier', $identifier)->first();
     if (!$mailObj) {
         return false;
     $emailText = trim($mailObj->EmailText);
     if (is_null($emailText) || empty($emailText)) {
         return false;
     $emailSubject = trim($mailObj->Subject);
     if (is_null($emailSubject) || empty($emailSubject)) {
         return false;
     if (!is_array($variables)) {
         $variables = array();
     $templateVariables = new ArrayData($variables);
     $emailTextTemplate = new SSViewer_FromString($mailObj->EmailText);
     $emailText = HTTP::absoluteURLs($emailTextTemplate->process($templateVariables));
     $emailSubjectTemplate = new SSViewer_FromString($mailObj->Subject);
     $emailSubject = HTTP::absoluteURLs($emailSubjectTemplate->process($templateVariables));
     $email = new Email(SilvercartConfig::EmailSender(), $to, $emailSubject, $mailObj->EmailText);
     $email->populateTemplate(array('ShopEmailSubject' => $emailSubject, 'ShopEmailMessage' => $emailText));
     self::attachFiles($email, $attachments);
     if (SilvercartConfig::GlobalEmailRecipient() != '') {
         $email = new Email(SilvercartConfig::EmailSender(), SilvercartConfig::GlobalEmailRecipient(), $emailSubject, $mailObj->EmailText);
         $email->populateTemplate(array('ShopEmailSubject' => $emailSubject, 'ShopEmailMessage' => $emailText));
     //Send the email to additional standard receipients from the n:m
     //relation AdditionalReceipients;
     //Email address is validated.
     if ($mailObj->AdditionalReceipients()->exists()) {
         foreach ($mailObj->AdditionalReceipients() as $additionalReceipient) {
             if ($additionalReceipient->getEmailAddressWithName() && Email::validEmailAddress($additionalReceipient->Email)) {
                 $to = $additionalReceipient->getEmailAddressWithName();
             } elseif ($additionalReceipient->getEmailAddress() && Email::validEmailAddress($additionalReceipient->Email)) {
                 $to = $additionalReceipient->getEmailAddress();
             } else {
             $email = new Email(SilvercartConfig::EmailSender(), $to, $emailSubject, $mailObj->EmailText);
             $email->populateTemplate(array('ShopEmailSubject' => $emailSubject, 'ShopEmailMessage' => $emailText));
             self::attachFiles($email, $attachments);
 private function getEmailTo($data)
     $recipient_field = $this->RecipientMapField;
     $recipient_map = $this->RecipientMap;
     if (isset($data[$recipient_field])) {
         $lines = explode("\n", $recipient_map);
         foreach ($lines as $line) {
             $value = explode(':', $line);
             if ($value[0] == $data[$recipient_field]) {
                 if (Email::validEmailAddress(trim($value[1]))) {
                     return trim($value[1]);
     return $this->DefaultRecipient;
  * This connects the given facebook account to the current DataObject
  * @param $user array - data rutned by calling $facebook->api("/me");
  * @param $access_token string - Facebook User Access Token
  * @param $required_fields array - fields that should exist within the array.
  * @return ValidationResult
 public function connectFacebookAccount($user, $access_token, $required_fields = array())
     $validation = new ValidationResult();
     // Check required fields exist.
     $required = array_merge($required_fields, array("id"));
     foreach ($required as $r) {
         if (!isset($user[$r])) {
             $validation->error("A required fields was missing: " . $r);
             return $validation;
     // Write our values to the DataObject
     $this->owner->FacebookUserID = $user['id'];
     // Required field.
     $this->owner->FacebookAccessToken = $access_token;
     if (isset($user['email']) && !$this->owner->Email && Email::validEmailAddress($user['email'])) {
         $this->owner->Email = $user['email'];
     if (isset($user['first_name']) && !$this->owner->FirstName) {
         $this->owner->FirstName = $user['first_name'];
     if (isset($user['last_name']) && !$this->owner->Surname) {
         $this->owner->Surname = $user['last_name'];
     // Facebook hook
     $this->owner->extend("beforeConnectFacebookAccount", $validation, $user, $access_token);
     $memberValidation = $this->owner->validate();
     if ($memberValidation->valid()) {
         if (!$this->owner->write()) {
             $validation->error("Unable to create your account.");
     } else {
         $this->owner->extend("invalidFacebookConnect", $memberValidation);
         return $memberValidation;
     return $validation;
  *  @param  string $to
  *  @param  string $from
  *  @param  string $subject
  *  @return void
 protected function buildBasicMail($to, $from, $subject)
     if (preg_match('/(\'|")(.*?)\\1[ ]+<[ ]*(.*?)[ ]*>/', $from, $from_splitted)) {
         // If $from countain a name, e.g. "My Name" <*****@*****.**>
         $this->mailer->SetFrom($from_splitted[3], $from_splitted[2]);
     } else {
     // not entirely sure what this will do
     if (!Email::validEmailAddress($to)) {
         $to = false;
     $this->mailer->AddAddress($to, ucfirst(substr($to, 0, strpos($to, '@'))));
     // For the recipient's name, the string before the @ from the e-mail address is used
     $this->mailer->Subject = $subject;