/** * Called before each test method. */ public function setUp() { _elgg_services()->hooks->backup(); $this->entity = new \ElggObject(); $this->entity->subtype = 'elgg_annotation_test'; $this->entity->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity->save(); }
public function testSubtypeIsString() { $this->assertTrue($this->entity->save()); $guid = $this->entity->guid; _elgg_invalidate_cache_for_entity($guid); $this->entity = null; $this->entity = get_entity($guid); $this->assertEqual('elgg_entity_test_subtype', $this->entity->subtype); }
/** * Called before each test method. */ public function setUp() { $this->original_hooks = _elgg_services()->hooks; _elgg_services()->hooks = new \Elgg\PluginHooksService(); $this->entity = new \ElggObject(); $this->entity->subtype = 'elgg_annotation_test'; $this->entity->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity->save(); }
public function testSubtypePropertyReads() { $this->assertTrue($this->entity->save()); $guid = $this->entity->guid; $subtype_prop = $this->entity->subtype; $this->assertIsA($subtype_prop, 'int'); $this->assertEqual($subtype_prop, get_subtype_id('object', 'elgg_entity_test_subtype')); _elgg_invalidate_cache_for_entity($guid); $this->entity = null; $this->entity = get_entity($guid); $subtype_prop = $this->entity->subtype; $this->assertIsA($subtype_prop, 'int'); $this->assertEqual($subtype_prop, get_subtype_id('object', 'elgg_entity_test_subtype')); }
/** * Called before each test method. */ public function setUp() { _elgg_services()->events->backup(); $this->entity1 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity1->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity1->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity1->save(); $this->entity2 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity2->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity2->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity2->save(); $this->entity3 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity3->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity3->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity3->save(); }
/** * Called before each test method. */ public function setUp() { $this->original_events = _elgg_services()->events; _elgg_services()->events = new Elgg\EventsService(); $this->entity1 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity1->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity1->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity1->save(); $this->entity2 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity2->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity2->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity2->save(); $this->entity3 = new ElggObject(); $this->entity3->subtype = 'elgg_relationship_test'; $this->entity3->access_id = ACCESS_PUBLIC; $this->entity3->save(); }
/** * @expectedException InvalidParameterException */ public function testSaveWithoutType() { $db = $this->getMock('\\Elgg\\Database', array('getData', 'getTablePrefix', 'sanitizeString'), array(), '', false); $db->expects($this->any())->method('sanitizeString')->will($this->returnArgument(0)); _elgg_services()->setValue('db', $db); // requires type to be set $this->obj->save(); }
/** * Updates entity information with user input values * @return \ElggEntity|false */ public function update() { hypePrototyper()->prototype->saveStickyValues($this->action); // first handle attributes foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field->getDataType() == 'attribute') { $this->entity = $field->handle($this->entity); } } if (!$this->entity->save()) { return false; } foreach ($this->fields as $field) { if ($field->getDataType() !== 'attribute') { $this->entity = $field->handle($this->entity); } } if (!$this->entity->save()) { return false; } hypePrototyper()->prototype->clearStickyValues($this->action); return $this->entity; }
/** * Saves this user to the database. * @return true|false */ public function save() { // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Now save specific stuff return create_user_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('name'), $this->get('username'), $this->get('password'), $this->get('salt'), $this->get('email'), $this->get('language'), $this->get('code')); }
/** * Saves site-specific attributes. * * @internal Site attributes are saved in the sites_entity table. * * @return bool */ public function save() { global $CONFIG; // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // make sure the site guid is set (if not, set to self) if (!$this->get('site_guid')) { $guid = $this->get('guid'); update_data("UPDATE {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities SET site_guid={$guid}\n\t\t\t\tWHERE guid={$guid}"); } // Now save specific stuff return create_site_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('name'), $this->get('description'), $this->get('url')); }
/** * Override the save function. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Now save specific stuff _elgg_disable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); $ret = create_group_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('name'), $this->get('description')); _elgg_enable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); return $ret; }
/** * Saves object-specific attributes. * * @internal Object attributes are saved in the objects_entity table. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save ElggEntity attributes if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Save ElggObject-specific attributes _elgg_disable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); $ret = create_object_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('title'), $this->get('description')); _elgg_enable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); return $ret; }
/** * Override the save function. * @return true|false */ public function save() { // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Now save specific stuff return create_object_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('title'), $this->get('description'), $this->get('container_guid')); }
/** * Override the save function. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Now save specific stuff return create_group_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('name'), $this->get('description')); }
/** @override */ public function save() { global $CONFIG; // Save generic stuff $result = parent::save(); if (!$result) { return false; } // make sure the site guid is set (if not, set to self) if (!$this->get('site_guid')) { $guid = (int) $this->get('guid'); update_data("UPDATE {$CONFIG->dbprefix}entities SET site_guid={$guid} WHERE guid={$guid}"); } return $result; }
/** * Saves object-specific attributes. * * @internal Object attributes are saved in the objects_entity table. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save ElggEntity attributes if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Save ElggObject-specific attributes return create_object_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('title'), $this->get('description'), $this->get('container_guid')); }
/** * Saves this user to the database. * * @return bool */ public function save() { // Save generic stuff if (!parent::save()) { return false; } // Now save specific stuff _elgg_disable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); $ret = create_user_entity($this->get('guid'), $this->get('name'), $this->get('username'), $this->get('password'), $this->get('salt'), $this->get('email'), $this->get('language'), $this->get('code')); _elgg_enable_caching_for_entity($this->guid); return $ret; }