throw new EfrontFileException(_ILLEGALPATH . ': ' . $file['path'], EfrontFileException::ILLEGAL_PATH); } if (strpos($file['path'], G_ROOTPATH . 'backups') !== false && $_SESSION['s_type'] != 'administrator') { throw new EfrontFileException(_YOUCANNOTACCESSTHEREQUESTEDRESOURCE, EfrontFileException::UNAUTHORIZED_ACTION); } if (isset($_GET['action']) && $_GET['action'] == 'download') { $file->sendFile(true); } else { cacheHeaders(lastModificationTime(filemtime($file['path']))); $file->sendFile(false); } } catch (EfrontFileException $e) { if ($e->getCode() == EfrontFileException::FILE_NOT_EXIST) { header("HTTP/1.0 404"); } echo EfrontSystem::printErrorMessage($e->getMessage()); } function cacheHeaders($lastModifiedDate) { if ($lastModifiedDate) { if (isset($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) && strtotime($_SERVER['HTTP_IF_MODIFIED_SINCE']) >= $lastModifiedDate) { if (php_sapi_name() == 'CGI') { Header("Status: 304 Not Modified"); } else { Header("HTTP/1.0 304 Not Modified"); } exit; } else { $gmtDate = gmdate("D, d M Y H:i:s \\G\\M\\T", $lastModifiedDate); header('Last-Modified: ' . $gmtDate); }
} } $smarty->assign("T_GENERAL_SECURITY_FORM", $generalSecurityForm->toArray()); $generalLocaleForm = new HTML_QuickForm("general_locale", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=system_config&op=general&tab=locale", "", null, true); $generalLocaleForm->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter'); $defaultEncodings = array_combine(mb_list_encodings(), mb_list_encodings()); $encodings['UTF7-IMAP'] = 'UTF7-IMAP'; /* if (in_array(_CHARSET, $defaultEncodings)) { $encodings[_CHARSET] = _CHARSET; } */ $encodings['UTF-8'] = 'UTF-8'; $encodings = array_merge($encodings, $defaultEncodings); // Hard-coded cities per time zone - hopefully all are DST aware $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "default_language", _DEFAULTLANGUAGE, EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true, true), 'class = "inputSelect"'); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("advcheckbox", "onelanguage", _ONLYONELANGUAGE, null, 'class = "inputCheckBox"', array(0, 1)); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "date_format", _DATEFORMAT, array("DD/MM/YYYY" => "DD/MM/YYYY", "MM/DD/YYYY" => "MM/DD/YYYY", "YYYY/MM/DD" => "YYYY/MM/DD")); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "time_zone", _TIMEZONE, eF_getTimezones(), 'class = "inputText" style="width:40em"'); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "currency", _CURRENCY, $CURRENCYNAMES); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "currency_order", _SHOWCURRENCYSYMBOL, array(1 => _BEFOREPRICE, 0 => _AFTERPRICE)); //$generalLocaleForm -> addElement("text", "decimal_point", _DECIMALPOINT, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:50px"'); //$generalLocaleForm -> addElement("text", "thousands_sep", _THOUSANDSSEPARATOR, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:50px"'); $generalLocaleForm->addElement("select", "file_encoding", _TRANSLATEFILESYSTEM, $encodings, 'class = "inputSelect"'); $generalLocaleForm->setDefaults($GLOBALS['configuration']); if (isset($currentUser->coreAccess['configuration']) && $currentUser->coreAccess['configuration'] != 'change') { $generalLocaleForm->freeze(); } else { $generalLocaleForm->addElement("submit", "submit", _SAVE, 'class = "flatButton"'); if ($generalLocaleForm->isSubmitted() && $generalLocaleForm->validate()) { //If the form is submitted and validated
* Typically, you store transaction IDs in a database so that you know you are only processing unique transactions. * - Validate that the receiver's email address is registered to you. * This check provides additional protection against fraud. * - Verify that the price, item description, and so on, match the transaction on your website. * This check provides additional protection against fraud. * 6. If the verified response passes the checks, take action based on the value of the txn_type variable if it exists; otherwise, take action based on the value of the reason_code variable. * 7. If the response is INVALID, save the message for further investigation. * */ $path = "../libraries/"; require_once $path . "configuration.php"; $GLOBALS['configuration']['paypalmode'] == 'sandbox' ? $paypalUrl = "" : ($paypalUrl = ""); //Toggle sandbox/normal use try { //Get the directory where the log file will be stored $admin = EfrontSystem::getAdministrator(); $logFolder = $admin->user['directory'] . '/'; new EfrontDirectory($logFolder); //This way if the $logFolder is not a valid directory, we will go to the catch{} block below } catch (Exception $e) { $logFolder = ''; //Use the current directory for storing the log } $logFile = $logFolder . 'ipn.log'; file_put_contents($logFile, "\n======================Start of communication====================\n", FILE_APPEND); try { $result = eF_getTableData("payments", "*"); $processedPayments = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { if ($value['txn_id']) { $processedPayments[$value['txn_id']] = $value['status'];
if (isset($_GET['add_lesson'])) { $post_target = 'add_lesson=1'; } else { $post_target = 'edit_lesson=' . $_GET['edit_lesson']; $smarty->assign("T_LESSON_OPTIONS", array(array('text' => _LESSONSETTINGS, 'image' => "16x16/generic.png", 'href' => basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=lessons&lesson_settings=" . $_GET['edit_lesson']))); } $form = new HTML_QuickForm("add_lessons_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=lessons&" . $post_target, "", null, true); //Build the form $form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter'); //Register our custom input check function $form->addElement('text', 'name', _LESSONNAME, 'class = "inputText"'); //The lesson name, it is required and of type 'text' $form->addRule('name', _THEFIELD . ' "' . _LESSONNAME . '" ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('name', _INVALIDFIELDDATA, 'checkParameter', 'noscript'); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['onelanguage'] != true) { $form->addElement('select', 'languages_NAME', _LANGUAGE, EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true, true)); //Add a language select box to the form } try { //If there are no direction set, redirect to add direction page $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree(); if (sizeof($directionsTree->tree) == 0) { eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ctg=directions&add_direction=1&message=' . urlencode(_YOUMUSTFIRSTCREATEDIRECTION) . '&message_type=failure'); exit; } $form->addElement('select', 'directions_ID', _DIRECTION, $directionsTree->toPathString()); //Append a directions select box to the form } catch (Exception $e) { $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString()); $message = _SOMEPROBLEMOCCURED . ': ' . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ') <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>'; $message_type = 'failure';
} } #cpp#endif $lessons = $course->getCourseLessons(); foreach ($lessons as $key => $lesson) { $content = new EfrontContentTree($lesson); if (sizeof($content->tree) > 0) { $contentTree[$key] = $content->toHTML(false, 'dhtml_content_tree_' . $lesson->lesson['id'], array('noclick' => 1)); } $lessonInfo[$key] = new LearningObjectInformation(unserialize($lesson->lesson['info'])); $additionalInfo[$key] = $lesson->getInformation(); } $smarty->assign("T_ADDITIONAL_LESSON_INFO", $additionalInfo); $smarty->assign("T_COURSE_LESSON_INFO", $lessonInfo); $smarty->assign("T_CONTENT_TREE", $contentTree); $smarty->assign("T_LANGUAGES", EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true)); $smarty->assign("T_COURSE_LESSONS", $lessons); $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'active' => true, 'sort' => 'name', 'condition' => 'show_catalog=1'); if ($course->course['instance_source']) { $parentCourse = new EfrontCourse($course->course['instance_source']); $instances = $parentCourse->getInstances($constraints); $instances[$parentCourse->course['id']] = $parentCourse; } else { $instances = $course->getInstances($constraints); $instances[$course->course['id']] = $course; } $smarty->assign("T_COURSE_INSTANCES", $instances); $courseInfo = new LearningObjectInformation(unserialize($course->course['info'])); $smarty->assign("T_COURSE_INFO", $courseInfo); $additionalInfo = $course->getInformation(); $smarty->assign("T_ADDITIONAL_COURSE_INFO", $additionalInfo);
private function doCategoryReports() { $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar(); $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser(); $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree(); $directionPaths = $directionsTree->toPathString(); $form = new HTML_QuickForm("category_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=module&op=module_administrator_tools&tab=category_reports&do=enterprise", "", null, true); $form->addElement('select', 'category', _CATEGORY, $directionPaths); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'incomplete', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_SHOWINCOMPLETE); $form->addElement('checkbox', 'inactive', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_SHOWINACTIVECOURSES); $form->addElement('date', 'from_timestamp', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COMPLETEDFROM, array('minYear' => 1970, 'maxYear' => date("Y"))); $form->addElement('date', 'to_timestamp', _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_COMPLETEDTO, array('minYear' => 1970, 'maxYear' => date("Y"))); $form->addElement("submit", "submit", _SUBMIT, 'class = "flatButton"'); $form->setDefaults(array("from_timestamp" => mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m") - 1, date("d"), date("Y")), "to_timestamp" => time())); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $_POST['from_timestamp']['M'], $_POST['from_timestamp']['d'], $_POST['from_timestamp']['Y']); $_SESSION['to_timestamp'] = mktime(23, 59, 59, $_POST['to_timestamp']['M'], $_POST['to_timestamp']['d'], $_POST['to_timestamp']['Y']); $_SESSION['category'] = $values['category']; $_SESSION['incomplete'] = $values['incomplete']; $_SESSION['inactive'] = $values['inactive']; $smarty->assign("T_SHOW_TABLE", true); } if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && $_GET['ajax'] == 'categoryUsersTable' || $_GET['ajax'] == 'xls' || $_GET['ajax'] == 'show_xls') { $smarty->assign("T_SHOW_TABLE", true); $smarty->assign("T_DIRECTIONS_TREE", $directionPaths); $branchesTree = new EfrontBranchesTree(); $branchesPaths = $branchesTree->toPathString(); $category = new EfrontDirection($_SESSION['category']); $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree(); $children = $directionsTree->getNodeChildren($_SESSION['category']); foreach (new EfrontAttributeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($children)), array('id')) as $value) { $siblings[] = $value; } $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("courses", "id", "archive = 0 && directions_ID in (" . implode(",", $siblings) . ")"); $categoryCourses = $result['id']; $resultCourses = eF_getTableDataFlat("users_to_courses uc, courses c", "distinct", ' ' . (!$_SESSION['inactive'] ? 'and' : '') . ' and uc.archive=0 and uc.completed=1 and uc.to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and uc.to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']); $resultEvents = eF_getTableDataFlat("events e, courses c", "distinct", ' ' . (!$_SESSION['inactive'] ? 'and' : '') . ' and e.type=54 and e.timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and e.timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']); if (empty($resultEvents)) { $resultEvents['id'] = array(); } $result = array_unique(array_merge($resultCourses['id'], $resultEvents['id'])); $categoryCourses = array_intersect(array_unique($categoryCourses), $result); //count only courses that have users completed them if ($_SESSION['incomplete']) { $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'condition' => '(to_timestamp is null OR to_timestamp = 0 OR (to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp'] . '))'); } else { $constraints = array('archive' => false, 'condition' => 'completed=1 and to_timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and to_timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']); } foreach ($categoryCourses as $courseId) { $course = new EfrontCourse($courseId); foreach ($course->getCourseUsers($constraints) as $value) { $userBranches = $value->aspects['hcd']->getBranches(); $userSupervisors = $value->aspects['hcd']->getSupervisors(); $userSupervisor = end($userSupervisors); $value->user['course_active'] = $course->course['active']; $value->user['course_id'] = $course->course['id']; $value->user['category'] = $directionPaths[$course->course['directions_ID']]; $value->user['course'] = $course->course['name']; $value->user['directions_ID'] = $course->course['directions_ID']; $value->user['branch'] = $branchesPaths[current($userBranches['employee'])]; $value->user['branch_ID'] = current($userBranches['employee']); $value->user['supervisor'] = $userSupervisor; $value->user['historic'] = false; $unique = md5($value->user['to_timestamp'] . $value->user['course_id'] . $value->user['login']); $courseUsers[$unique] = $value->user; } $result = eF_getTableData("events", "*", 'type=54 and lessons_ID=' . $courseId . ' and timestamp >= ' . $_SESSION['from_timestamp'] . ' and timestamp <= ' . $_SESSION['to_timestamp']); //exit; foreach ($result as $entry) { try { $value = EfrontUserFactory::factory($entry['users_LOGIN']); if (!$value->user['archive']) { $userBranches = $value->aspects['hcd']->getBranches(); $userSupervisors = $value->aspects['hcd']->getSupervisors(); //pr($entry['users_LOGIN']);pr($userSupervisors);pr(current($userSupervisors)); $userSupervisor = current($userSupervisors); $value->user['course_active'] = $course->course['active']; $value->user['course_id'] = $course->course['id']; $value->user['category'] = $directionPaths[$course->course['directions_ID']]; $value->user['course'] = $course->course['name']; $value->user['directions_ID'] = $course->course['directions_ID']; $value->user['branch'] = $branchesPaths[current($userBranches['employee'])]; $value->user['branch_ID'] = current($userBranches['employee']); $value->user['supervisor'] = $userSupervisor; $value->user['to_timestamp'] = $entry['timestamp']; $value->user['completed'] = 1; $value->user['score'] = ''; $value->user['historic'] = true; $unique = md5($value->user['to_timestamp'] . $value->user['course_id'] . $value->user['login']); if (!isset($courseUsers[$unique])) { $courseUsers[$unique] = $value->user; } } } catch (Exception $e) { /*Bypass non-existing users*/ } } } if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'xls') { $xlsFilePath = $currentUser->getDirectory() . 'category_report.xls'; unlink($xlsFilePath); $_GET['limit'] = sizeof($courseUsers); $_GET['sort'] = 'category'; list($tableSize, $courseUsers) = filterSortPage($courseUsers); $header = array('category' => _CATEGORY, 'course' => _NAME, 'login' => _USER, 'to_timestamp' => _COMPLETED, 'score' => _SCORE, 'supervisor' => _SUPERVISOR, 'branch' => _BRANCH, 'historic' => _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_HISTORICENTRY); foreach ($courseUsers as $value) { $rows[] = array(_CATEGORY => str_replace(" → ", " -> ", $value['category']), _COURSE => $value['course'], _USER => formatLogin($value['login']), _COMPLETED => formatTimestamp($value['to_timestamp']), _SCORE => $value['historic'] ? '' : formatScore($value['score']) . '%', _SUPERVISOR => formatLogin($value['supervisor']), _BRANCH => str_replace(" → ", " -> ", $value['branch']), _MODULE_ADMINISTRATOR_TOOLS_HISTORICENTRY => $value['historic'] ? _YES : _NO); } EfrontSystem::exportToXls($rows, $xlsFilePath); exit; } else { if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'show_xls') { $xlsFilePath = $currentUser->getDirectory() . 'category_report.xls'; $file = new EfrontFile($xlsFilePath); $file->sendFile(true); exit; } else { list($tableSize, $courseUsers) = filterSortPage($courseUsers); $smarty->assign("T_SORTED_TABLE", $_GET['ajax']); $smarty->assign("T_TABLE_SIZE", $tableSize); $smarty->assign("T_DATA_SOURCE", $courseUsers); } } } $smarty->assign("T_CATEGORY_FORM", $form->toArray()); }
/** * Get lesson statisticsinformation * * This function returns the lesson information in an array * with attributes: 'general_description', 'assessment', * 'objectives', 'lesson_topics', 'resources', 'other_info', * as well as other information, including professors, projects * etc. * If a user is specified, the information is customized on this * user. * * <br/>Example: * <code> * $info = $lesson -> getInformation(); //Get lesson information * $info = $lesson -> getInformation('jdoe'); //Get lesson information, customizable for user 'jdoe' * </code> * * @param string $user The user login to customize lesson information for * @return array The lesson information * @since 3.5.0 * @access public */ public function getStatisticInformation($user = false) { $lessonContent = new EFrontContentTree($this->lesson['id']); $testIds = array(); foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('active' => 1, 'publish' => 1, 'ctg_type' => 'tests')) as $key => $value) { $testIds[$key] = $key; //Count tests } foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('active' => 1, 'ctg_type' => 'scorm_test')) as $key => $value) { $testIds[$key] = $key; //Count scorm tests } $theoryIds = array(); foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('ctg_type' => 'theory', 'active' => 1)) as $key => $value) { $theoryIds[$key] = $key; //Count theory } foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('ctg_type' => 'scorm', 'active' => 1)) as $key => $value) { $theoryIds[$key] = $key; //Count scorm content } $exampleIds = array(); foreach (new EfrontNodeFilterIterator(new RecursiveIteratorIterator(new RecursiveArrayIterator($lessonContent->tree), RecursiveIteratorIterator::SELF_FIRST), array('ctg_type' => 'examples', 'active' => 1)) as $key => $value) { $exampleIds[$key] = $key; //Count examples } if (!$user) { $projects = $this->getProjects(); $lessonComments = eF_getTableData("comments, content", "comments.*", "comments.content_ID = and content.lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']); $lessonMessages = eF_getTableData("f_messages, f_topics, f_forums", "f_messages.*", "f_messages.f_topics_ID = and f_topics.f_forums_ID = and f_forums.lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']); } else { $projects = $this->getProjects(false, $user, false); $lessonComments = eF_getTableData("comments, content", "comments.*", "comments.users_LOGIN='******' and comments.content_ID = and content.lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']); $lessonMessages = eF_getTableData("f_messages, f_topics, f_forums", "f_messages.*", "f_messages.users_LOGIN='******' and f_messages.f_topics_ID = and f_topics.f_forums_ID = and f_forums.lessons_ID=" . $this->lesson['id']); } $direction = $this->getDirection(); $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true); $info['students'] = $this->getUsers('student'); $info['professors'] = $this->getUsers('professor'); $info['tests'] = sizeof($testIds); $info['theory'] = sizeof($theoryIds); $info['examples'] = sizeof($exampleIds); $info['content'] = $info['examples'] + $info['theory']; $info['projects'] = sizeof($projects); $info['comments'] = sizeof($lessonComments); $info['messages'] = sizeof($lessonMessages); $info['direction'] = $direction['name']; $info['active'] = $this->lesson['active']; $info['active_string'] = $this->lesson['active'] == 1 ? _YES : _NO; $info['price'] = $this->lesson['price']; $info['price_string'] = $this->lesson['price_string']; $info['language'] = $languages[$this->lesson['languages_NAME']]; $info['created'] = $languages[$this->lesson['created']]; if ($this->lesson['info']) { if (unserialize($this->lesson['info']) !== false) { $storedInfo = unserialize($this->lesson['info']); unset($storedInfo['professors']); //Due to an old bug, serialized information may contain professors as well. So, we must remove them $info = array_merge($info, $storedInfo); } else { if (is_array($this->lesson['info'])) { $info = array_merge($info, $this->lesson['info']); } } } return $info; }
$logoDirectory = new EfrontDirectory(G_LOGOPATH); $filesystem = new FileSystemTree(G_LOGOPATH); try { $logoFile = $filesystem->uploadFile('site_logo', $logoDirectory); if (strpos($logoFile['mime_type'], 'image') === false) { throw new EfrontFileException(_NOTANIMAGEFILE, EfrontFileException::NOT_APPROPRIATE_TYPE); } EfrontConfiguration::setValue('site_logo', $logoFile['id']); } catch (EfrontFileException $e) { if ($e->getCode() != UPLOAD_ERR_NO_FILE) { throw $e; } //Don't halt if no file was uploaded (errcode = 4). Otherwise, throw the exception } if (empty($logoFile)) { $logoFile = new EfrontFile(EfrontSystem::setLogoFile($currentTheme)); } // Normalize avatar picture to the dimensions set in the System Configuration menu. NOTE: the picture will be modified to match existing settings. Future higher settings will be disregarded, while lower ones might affect the quality of the displayed image if ($values["normalize_dimensions"] == 1) { eF_normalizeImage(G_LOGOPATH . $logoFile['name'], $logoFile['extension'], $values["logo_max_width"], $values["logo_max_height"]); } else { list($width, $height) = getimagesize(G_LOGOPATH . $logoFile['name']); eF_createImage(G_LOGOPATH . $logoFile['name'], $logoFile['extension'], $width, $height, $values["logo_max_width"], $values["logo_max_height"]); } EfrontConfiguration::setValue('logo_timestamp', time()); // to avoid browser caching when changing logo dimensions EfrontCache::getInstance()->deleteCache('logo'); eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=system_config&op=appearance&tab=logo&message=" . urlencode(_SUCCESFULLYUPDATECONFIGURATION) . "&message_type=success"); } catch (Exception $e) { handleNormalFlowExceptions($e); }
public function sendTo($recipient) { if (is_array($recipient)) { if (isset($recipient['login'])) { if (!(isset($recipient['email']) && isset($recipient['name']) && isset($recipient['surname']) && isset($recipient['user_type']))) { $recipient = $recipient['login']; } else { $defined = 1; } } else { throw new EfrontNotificationException(_UNKNOWNRECIPIENT, EfrontNotificationException::NORECIPIENTLOGIN_DEFINED); } } if (!$defined) { $recipient = eF_getTableData("users", "*", "login = '******'"); if (!empty($recipient)) { $recipient = $recipient[0]; } else { throw new EfrontNotificationException(_UNKNOWNRECIPIENT, EfrontNotificationException::NORECIPIENTLOGIN_DEFINED); } } // create the array of substitutions for this particular user and replace them in the subject/message texts $hostname = G_SERVERNAME; if ($hostname[strlen($hostname) - 1] == "/") { $hostname = substr($hostname, 0, strlen($hostname) - 1); } $language = eF_getTableData("languages", "translation", "name = '" . $recipient['languages_NAME'] . "'"); if (!empty($language)) { $language = $language[0]['translation']; } $template_formulations = array("users_name" => $recipient['name'], "users_surname" => $recipient['surname'], "users_login" => $recipient['login'], "users_email" => $recipient['email'], "users_comments" => $recipient['comments'], "users_language" => $language, "date" => formatTimestamp(time()), "date_time" => formatTimestamp(time(), 'time'), "timestamp" => time(), "user_type" => $recipient['user_type'], "host_name" => $hostname, "site_name" => $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name'], "site_motto" => $GLOBALS['configuration']['site_motto']); $header = array('From' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], 'To' => $recipient['email'], 'Subject' => eF_formulateTemplateMessage($this->notification['subject'], $template_formulations), 'Content-Transfer-Encoding' => '7bit', 'Date' => date("r")); if ($this->notification['html_message'] == 1) { $header['Content-type'] = 'text/html;charset="UTF-8"'; // if content-type is text/html, the message cannot be received by mail clients for Registration content } else { $header['Content-type'] = 'text/plain;charset="UTF-8"'; } $smtp = Mail::factory('smtp', array('auth' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_auth'] ? true : false, 'host' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_host'], 'password' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_pass'], 'port' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_port'], 'username' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_user'], 'timeout' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['smtp_timeout'])); // force url change for html messages $message = eF_getCorrectLanguageMessage($this->notification['message'], $recipient['languages_NAME']); // Local paths names should become urls if ($this->notification['html_message'] == 1) { $message = str_replace('="content', '="###host_name###/content', $message); /* * //Commented-out Feb 2013 (periklis) because it's no longer needed (probably) if ($configuration['math_images']) { $message = "<html><body><script type = \"text/javascript\" src = \"###host_name###/js/ASCIIMath2Tex.js\"> </script>".$message."</body></html>"; } else { $message = "<html><body><script type = \"text/javascript\" src = \"###host_name###/js/ASCIIMathML.js\"> </script>".$message."</body></html>"; } */ } else { $message = str_replace("<br />", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("<br>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("<p>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("</p>", "\r\n", $message); $message = str_replace("&", "&", $message); $message = strip_tags($message); } $message = eF_formulateTemplateMessage($message, $template_formulations); $message = eF_replaceMD5($message); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 0) { //email only if (!empty($recipient['email'])) { $result = $smtp->send($recipient['email'], $header, $message); } } else { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 1) { //pm only $pm = new eF_PersonalMessage($recipient['login'], $recipient['login'], $header['Subject'], $message); $result = $pm->send(); } else { if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['notifications_send_mode'] == 2) { //email and pm $pm = new eF_PersonalMessage($recipient['login'], $recipient['login'], $header['Subject'], $message); $pm->send(); if (!empty($recipient['email'])) { $result = $smtp->send($recipient['email'], $header, $message); } } } } if (PEAR::isError($result)) { $admin = EfrontSystem::getAdministrator(); eF_mail($GLOBALS['configuration']['system_email'], $admin->user['email'], _AUTOMATEDEMAILSENTFROM . $admin->user['email'], $result->getMessage()); throw new EfrontNotificationException($result->getMessage(), EfrontNotificationException::GENERAL_ERROR); } if ($result === true) { // put into sent_notifications table eF_insertTableData("sent_notifications", array("timestamp" => time(), "recipient" => $recipient['email'] . " (" . $recipient['name'] . " " . $recipient['surname'] . ")", "subject" => $header['Subject'], "body" => $message, "html_message" => $this->notification['html_message'])); return true; } else { return false; } }
private function printPdfHeader($title) { $this->pdf->SetCreator(formatLogin($_SESSION['s_login'])); $this->pdf->SetAuthor(formatLogin($_SESSION['s_login'])); $this->pdf->SetTitle($title); //$this->pdf->SetSubject($title); //$this->pdf->SetKeywords('pdf, '._EMPLOYEEFORM); $this->pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $this->pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); $this->pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); $this->pdf->setFontSubsetting(false); $this->pdf->AddPage(); $logoFile = EfrontSystem::getSystemLogo(); $imgDetails = getimagesize($logoFile['path']); if ($imgDetails[0] > 170) { $resized_file = $logoFile['directory'] . '/resized-logo.png'; $this->smartResizeImage($logoFile['path'], null, '170', '52', true, $resized_file, false, false, 100); $resized = true; } if (extension_loaded('gd')) { if ($resized) { $this->pdf->Image($resized_file, '', '', 0, 0, '', '', 'T'); } else { $this->pdf->Image($logoFile['path'], '', '', 0, 0, '', '', 'T'); } } $this->pdf->SetFont($this->defaultSettings['default_font']); $this->printLargeTitle($GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name']); $this->printSmallTitle($GLOBALS['configuration']['site_motto']); $this->printSeparatorHeader($title); }
public function showLogo($pdf) { $logo = $this->active_certificate->logo; if ($logo) { $start = substr($logo['file'], 0, 7); if ($start == 'http://') { $logoUrl = $logo['file']; } else { /*try{ try{ $configuration = EfrontConfiguration::getValues(); $logoFile = new EfrontFile($configuration['logo']); $logoUrl = G_SERVERNAME.'themes/default/images/logo/'.$logoFile['physical_name']; } catch(EfrontFileException $e){ $currentTheme = new themes(G_CURRENTTHEME); $logoFile = new EfrontFile($currentTheme->options['logo']); $logoUrl = G_SERVERNAME.'themes/default/images/'.$logoFile['physical_name']; } } catch(EfrontFileException $e){ $logoUrl = G_SERVERNAME.'themes/default/images/logo.png'; }*/ $logoFile = EfrontSystem::getSystemLogo(); $logoUrl = $logoFile['path']; } $this->showImage($pdf, $logoUrl, $logo['x'], $logo['y']); } }
/** * The main functionality * * (non-PHPdoc) * @see libraries/EfrontModule#getModule() */ public function getModule() { $smarty = $this->getSmartyVar(); $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASEDIR", $this->moduleBaseDir); $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASELINK", $this->moduleBaseLink); $smarty->assign("T_MODULE_BASEURL", $this->moduleBaseUrl); $currentUser = $this->getCurrentUser(); if ($currentUser->user['user_type'] != 'administrator') { $currentEmployee = $this->getCurrentUser()->aspects['hcd']; if (!$currentEmployee || !$currentEmployee->isSupervisor()) { throw new Exception("You cannot access this module"); } } $form = new HTML_QuickForm("user_activity_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=module&op=module_idle_users&tab=user_activity", "", null, true); $form->addElement('date', 'idle_from_timestamp', _MODULE_IDLE_USERS_SHOWINACTIVEUSERSSINCE, array('minYear' => 2005, 'maxYear' => date("Y"))); $form->addElement("static", "", '<a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "setFormDate(' . date("Y") . ',' . date("m") . ',' . (date("d") - 7) . ')">' . _LASTWEEK . '</a> - <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "setFormDate(' . date("Y") . ',' . (date("m") - 1) . ',' . date("d") . ')">' . _LASTMONTH . '</a> - <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "setFormDate(' . date("Y") . ',' . (date("m") - 3) . ',' . date("d") . ')">' . _MODULE_IDLE_USERS_LAST3MONTHS . '</a>'); $form->addElement("submit", "submit", _SUBMIT, 'class = "flatButton"'); if (!isset($_SESSION['timestamp_from'])) { $_SESSION['timestamp_from'] = time() - 86400 * 30; } $form->setDefaults(array("idle_from_timestamp" => $_SESSION['timestamp_from'])); if ($form->isSubmitted() && $form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); $_SESSION['timestamp_from'] = mktime(0, 0, 0, $values['idle_from_timestamp']['M'], $values['idle_from_timestamp']['d'], $values['idle_from_timestamp']['Y']); } $smarty->assign("T_IDLE_USER_FORM", $form->toArray()); try { if ($currentEmployee) { if ($_SESSION['s_current_branch'] && in_array($_SESSION['s_current_branch'], $currentEmployee->supervisesBranches)) { $currentBranch = new EfrontBranch($_SESSION['s_current_branch']); $subbranches = $currentBranch->getSubbranches(); foreach ($subbranches as $subbranch) { $branches[$subbranch['branch_ID']] = $subbranch['branch_ID']; } $branches[$_SESSION['s_current_branch']] = $_SESSION['s_current_branch']; $result = eF_getTableData("users u JOIN module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ewb on ewb.users_login=u.login", "u.login,,u.surname,,u.last_login as last_action", "ewb.branch_ID in (" . implode(',', $branches) . ") and u.last_login is null or u.last_login <= " . $_SESSION['timestamp_from']); //$result = eF_getTableData("(select login,name,surname,active,max(l.timestamp) as last_action from users u left outer join logs l on u.login=l.users_LOGIN where u.archive=0 group by login) r join module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ewb on ewb.users_login=r.login", "*", "ewb.branch_ID in (".implode(',', $branches) .") and (r.last_action is null or r.last_action <= ".$_SESSION['timestamp_from'].")"); } else { $result = eF_getTableData("users u JOIN module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ewb on ewb.users_login=u.login", "u.login,,u.surname,,u.last_login as last_action", "ewb.branch_ID in (" . implode(',', $currentEmployee->supervisesBranches) . ") and u.last_login is null or u.last_login <= " . $_SESSION['timestamp_from']); //$result = eF_getTableData("(select login,name,surname,active,max(l.timestamp) as last_action from users u left outer join logs l on u.login=l.users_LOGIN where u.archive=0 group by login) r join module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch ewb on ewb.users_login=r.login", "*", "ewb.branch_ID in (".implode(',', $currentEmployee->supervisesBranches).") and (r.last_action is null or r.last_action <= ".$_SESSION['timestamp_from'].")"); } } else { $result = eF_getTableData("users", "login,name,surname,active,last_login as last_action", "last_login is null or last_login <= " . $_SESSION['timestamp_from']); } $users = array(); foreach ($result as $value) { if ($value['last_action']) { $value['last_action_since'] = eF_convertIntervalToTime(time() - $value['last_action'], true); } else { $value['last_action_since'] = null; } $users[$value['login']] = $value; } foreach ($users as $key => $value) { if (isset($_COOKIE['toggle_active'])) { if ($_COOKIE['toggle_active'] == 1 && !$value['active'] || $_COOKIE['toggle_active'] == -1 && $value['active']) { unset($users[$key]); } } } if (isset($_GET['excel'])) { $export_users[] = array(_USER, _MODULE_IDLE_USERS_LASTACTION, _STATUS); foreach ($users as $key => $value) { $value['last_action'] ? $last_action = formatTimestamp($value['last_action']) : ($last_action = _NEVER); $value['active'] ? $status = _ACTIVE : ($status = _INACTIVE); $export_users[] = array(formatLogin($value['login']), $last_action, $status); } EfrontSystem::exportToCsv($export_users, true); exit; } if ($_GET['ajax'] == 'idleUsersTable') { list($tableSize, $users) = filterSortPage($users); $smarty->assign("T_SORTED_TABLE", $_GET['ajax']); $smarty->assign("T_TABLE_SIZE", $tableSize); $smarty->assign("T_DATA_SOURCE", $users); } if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['archive_user'])) { if (isset($users[$_GET['archive_user']])) { $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_GET['archive_user']); $user->archive(); } exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['archive_all_users'])) { //eF_updateTableData("users", array("archive" => 1, "active" => 0), "login in (select login from (select login,max(l.timestamp) as last_action from users u left outer join logs l on u.login=l.users_LOGIN where u.archive=0 and u.login != '".$_SESSION['s_login']."' group by login) r where r.last_action <= ".$_SESSION['timestamp_from']." or r.last_action is null)"); foreach ($users as $value) { eF_updateTableData("users", array("archive" => 1, "active" => 0), "login='******'login'] . "'"); } exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['toggle_user'])) { if (isset($users[$_GET['toggle_user']])) { $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_GET['toggle_user']); if ($user->user['active']) { $user->deactivate(); } else { $user->activate(); } echo json_encode(array('status' => 1, 'active' => $user->user['active'])); } exit; } else { if (isset($_GET['ajax']) && isset($_GET['deactivate_all_users'])) { //eF_updateTableData("users", array("active" => 0), "login in (select login from (select login,max(l.timestamp) as last_action from users u left outer join logs l on u.login=l.users_LOGIN where u.archive=0 and u.login != '".$_SESSION['s_login']."' group by login) r where r.last_action <= ".$_SESSION['timestamp_from']." or r.last_action is null)"); foreach ($users as $value) { eF_updateTableData("users", array("active" => 0), "login='******'login'] . "'"); } exit; } } } } } catch (Exception $e) { handleAjaxExceptions($e); } return true; }
<?php //This file cannot be called directly, only included. if (str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, "/", __FILE__) == $_SERVER['SCRIPT_FILENAME']) { exit; } //pr($languages); $loadScripts[] = 'includes/languages'; if (!EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('languages')) { eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=control_panel&message=" . urlencode(_UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS) . "&message_type=failure"); } $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(); if (isset($_GET['delete_language']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['delete_language'], 'file') && in_array($_GET['delete_language'], array_keys($languages)) && $_GET['delete_language'] != 'english') { if (isset($currentUser->coreAccess['languages']) && $currentUser->coreAccess['languages'] != 'change') { eF_redirect("" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=control_panel&message=" . urlencode(_UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS) . "&message_type=failure"); } try { $file = new EfrontFile(G_ROOTPATH . '/libraries/language/lang-' . $_GET['delete_language'] . ''); $file->delete(); eF_deleteTableData("languages", "name='" . $_GET['delete_language'] . "'"); } catch (Exception $e) { header("HTTP/1.0 500 "); echo $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')'; } exit; } elseif (isset($_GET['deactivate_language']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['deactivate_language'], 'file') && in_array($_GET['deactivate_language'], array_keys($languages))) { if (isset($currentUser->coreAccess['languages']) && $currentUser->coreAccess['languages'] != 'change') { echo urlencode(_UNAUTHORIZEDACCESS); exit; } //Although db operations do not support exceptions (yet), we leave this here for future support
private function printPdfHeader($title) { $this->pdf->SetCreator(formatLogin($_SESSION['s_login'])); $this->pdf->SetAuthor(formatLogin($_SESSION['s_login'])); $this->pdf->SetTitle($title); //$this->pdf->SetSubject($title); //$this->pdf->SetKeywords('pdf, '._EMPLOYEEFORM); $this->pdf->setPrintHeader(false); $this->pdf->setPrintFooter(false); $this->pdf->SetAutoPageBreak(TRUE, PDF_MARGIN_BOTTOM); $this->pdf->setImageScale(PDF_IMAGE_SCALE_RATIO); $this->pdf->setFontSubsetting(false); $this->pdf->AddPage(); $logoFile = EfrontSystem::getSystemLogo(); if (extension_loaded('gd')) { $this->pdf->Image($logoFile['path'], '', '', 0, 0, '', '', 'T'); } $this->pdf->SetFont($this->defaultSettings['default_font']); $this->printLargeTitle($GLOBALS['configuration']['site_name']); $this->printSmallTitle($GLOBALS['configuration']['site_motto']); $this->printSeparatorHeader($title); }
} } $totalUserAccesses = $totalUserTime = 0; foreach ($users as $key => $user) { $users[$key]['time'] = eF_convertIntervalToTime($user['seconds']); $totalUserAccesses += $user['accesses']; $totalUserTime += $user['seconds']; } if (!isset($_GET['showusers'])) { $users = array_slice($users, 0, 20, true); } $smarty->assign("T_ACTIVE_USERS", $users); $smarty->assign("T_TOTAL_USER_ACCESSES", $totalUserAccesses); $smarty->assign("T_TOTAL_USER_TIME", eF_convertIntervalToTime($totalUserTime)); if ($_GET['calculate_space']) { $smarty->assign("T_SPACE_USED", EfrontSystem::getSpaceUsage()); } $smarty->assign("T_USER_TIMES", array('logins' => implode(",", array_keys($userTimes)), 'times' => implode(",", $userTimes))); //Needed only for chart /* //Commented out until we convert old log-based stats to time-based $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree(); $directionsTreePaths = $directionsTree -> toPathString(); $result = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons", "id, name, active, directions_ID"); $lessonNames = array_combine($result['id'], $result['name']); $lessonActive = array_combine($result['id'], $result['active']); $lessonCategory = array_combine($result['id'], $result['directions_ID']); $lessonTimes = $timesReport -> getSystemSessionTimesForLessons();
/** * Shutdown function * This function gets executed whenever the script ends, normally or unexpectedly. * We implement this in order to catch fatal errors (E_ERROR) level and display * an appropriate message * * @since 3.6.6 */ function shutDownFunction() { session_write_close(); if (function_exists('error_get_last')) { $error = error_get_last(); if ($error['type'] == E_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_COMPILE_ERROR || $error['type'] == E_CORE_ERROR) { echo EfrontSystem::printErrorMessage($error['message'] . ' in ' . $error['file'] . ' line ' . $error['line']); } } }
$form->addElement('text', 'name', _COURSENAME, 'class = "inputText"'); $form->addRule('name', _THEFIELD . ' "' . _COURSENAME . '" ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client'); //$form -> addRule('name', _INVALIDFIELDDATA, 'checkParameter', 'text'); try { $directionsTree = new EfrontDirectionsTree(); if (sizeof($directionsTree->tree) == 0) { eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ctg=directions&add_direction=1&message=' . urlencode(_TOCREATECOURSEYOUMUSTFIRSTCREATECATEGORY) . '&message_type=failure'); } $directions = $directionsTree->toPathString(); } catch (Exception $e) { handleNormalFlowExceptions($e); } $form->addElement('select', 'directions_ID', _DIRECTION, $directions); //Append a directions select box to the form if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['onelanguage'] != true) { $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true, true); $form->addElement('select', 'languages_NAME', _LANGUAGE, $languages); } $form->addElement('advcheckbox', 'active', _ACTIVEFEM, null, null, array(0, 1)); $form->addElement('advcheckbox', 'show_catalog', _SHOWCOURSEINCATALOG, null, null, array(0, 1)); $form->addElement('text', 'price', _PRICE, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:100px"'); //$form -> addElement('text', 'course_code', _COURSECODE, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:50px"'); $form->addElement('text', 'training_hours', _TRAININGHOURS, 'class = "inputText" style = "width:50px"'); $recurringOptions = array(0 => _NO, 'D' => _DAILY, 'W' => _WEEKLY, 'M' => _MONTHLY, 'Y' => _YEARLY); $recurringDurations = array('D' => array_combine(range(1, 90), range(1, 90)), 'W' => array_combine(range(1, 52), range(1, 52)), 'M' => array_combine(range(1, 24), range(1, 24)), 'Y' => array_combine(range(1, 5), range(1, 5))); //Imposed by paypal interface $form->addElement('select', 'recurring', _SUBSCRIPTION, $recurringOptions, 'onchange = "$(\'duration_row\').show();$$(\'span\').each(function (s) {if (\'_duration\')) {s.hide();}});if (this.selectedIndex) {$(this.options[this.selectedIndex].value+\'_duration\').show();} else {$(\'duration_row\').hide();}"'); $form->addElement('select', 'D_duration', _DAYSCONDITIONAL, $recurringDurations['D']); $form->addElement('select', 'W_duration', _WEEKSCONDITIONAL, $recurringDurations['W']); $form->addElement('select', 'M_duration', _MONTHSCONDITIONAL, $recurringDurations['M']); $form->addElement('select', 'Y_duration', _YEARSCONDITIONAL, $recurringDurations['Y']);
$lockdown_form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter'); //Register our custom input check function $lockdown_form->addElement('textarea', 'lock_message', _LOCKDOWNMESSAGE, 'class = "inputContentTextarea mceEditor" style = "width:100%;height:20em;"'); $lockdown_form->addElement('checkbox', 'logout_users', null, null, 'class = "inputCheckBox"'); $lockdown_form->setDefaults(array("lock_message" => $GLOBALS['configuration']['lock_message'] ? $GLOBALS['configuration']['lock_message'] : _SYSTEMDOWNFORMAINTENANCE, "logout_users" => true)); $lockdown_form->addElement('submit', 'submit_lockdown', _LOCKDOWN, 'class = "flatButton"'); $lockdown_form->addElement('submit', 'submit_message', _SAVECHANGES, 'class = "flatButton"'); $lockdown_form->addElement('submit', 'submit_unlock', _UNLOCK, 'class = "flatButton"'); //Check here, whether the system is already locked, and present unlock button if ($lockdown_form->isSubmitted() && $lockdown_form->validate()) { //If the form is submitted and validated $values = $lockdown_form->exportValues(); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['lock_down'] && isset($values['submit_unlock'])) { EfrontSystem::unlockSystem(); } elseif (isset($values['submit_lockdown'])) { EfrontSystem::lockSystem($values['lock_message'], $values['logout_users']); } elseif (isset($values['submit_message'])) { EfrontConfiguration::setValue('lock_message', $values['lock_message']); } eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=maintenance&tab=lock_down"); } $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($smarty); //Create a smarty renderer $lockdown_form->accept($renderer); //Assign this form to the renderer, so that corresponding template code is created $smarty->assign('T_LOCKDOWN_FORM', $renderer->toArray()); //Assign the form to the template if ($_GET['check_cleanup'] || isset($_GET['cleanup'])) { //User check $users = eF_getTableDataFlat("users", "login"); //$users_dir = eF_getDirContents(G_ROOTPATH.'upload/', '', false, false);
} $backup_form = new HTML_QuickForm("backup_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . '?ctg=backup', "", null, true); $backup_form->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter'); //Register this rule for checking user input with our function, eF_checkParameter $backup_form->addElement('text', 'backupname', null, 'class = "inputText"'); $backup_form->addRule('backupname', _THEFIELD . ' ' . _FILENAME . ' ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client'); $backup_form->setDefaults(array("backupname" => "backup_" . date('Y_m_d_h.i.s', time()))); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['version_hosted']) { $backupTypes = array("0" => _DATABASEONLY); } else { $backupTypes = array("0" => _DATABASEONLY, "1" => _ALLDATABACKUP); if (strtoupper(substr(PHP_OS, 0, 3)) !== 'WIN') { $backupTypes[3] = _ALLDATASYSTEMBACKUP; } } $backup_form->addElement('select', 'backuptype', null, $backupTypes); $backup_form->addElement('submit', 'submit_backup', _TAKEBACKUP, 'class = "flatButton" onclick = "$(\'backup_image\').show();"'); if ($backup_form->isSubmitted() && $backup_form->validate()) { $values = $backup_form->exportValues(); try { $backupFile = EfrontSystem::backup($values['backupname'] . '.zip', $values['backuptype']); eF_redirect("" . basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=backup&message=" . urlencode(_SUCCESFULLYBACKEDUP) . "&message_type=success"); } catch (EfrontFileException $e) { $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString()); $message = $e->getMessage() . ' <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>'; $message_type = failure; } } $renderer = new HTML_QuickForm_Renderer_ArraySmarty($smarty); $backup_form->accept($renderer); $smarty->assign('T_BACKUP_FORM', $renderer->toArray());
function askInformation() { try { if (isset($_GET['lessons_ID']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['lessons_ID'], 'id')) { $lesson = new EfrontLesson($_GET['lessons_ID']); $lessonInformation = $lesson->getInformation(); $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true); //$lessonInformation['language'] = $languages[$lesson -> lesson['languages_NAME']]; if ($lessonInformation['professors']) { foreach ($lessonInformation['professors'] as $value) { $professorsString[] = $value['name'] . ' ' . $value['surname']; } $lessonInformation['professors'] = implode(", ", $professorsString); } $lesson->lesson['price'] ? $priceString = formatPrice($lesson->lesson['price'], array($lesson->options['recurring'], $lesson->options['recurring_duration']), true) : ($priceString = false); $lessonInformation['price_string'] = $priceString; // if (!$lessonInformation['price']) { // unset($lessonInformation['price_string']); // } try { if ($_GET['from_course']) { $course = new EfrontCourse($_GET['from_course']); $schedule = $course->getLessonScheduleInCourse($lesson); if ($schedule['start_date'] || $schedule['end_date']) { $lessonInformation['from_timestamp'] = $schedule['start_date']; $lessonInformation['to_timestamp'] = $schedule['end_date']; } else { $lessonInformation['from_timestamp'] = $schedule['active_in_lesson'] + 24 * 60 * 60 * $schedule['start_period']; $lessonInformation['to_timestamp'] = $lessonInformation['from_timestamp'] + 24 * 60 * 60 * $schedule['end_period']; } } } catch (Exception $e) { } foreach ($lessonInformation as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'language': $GLOBALS['configuration']['onelanguage'] or $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _LANGUAGE . "</span><span>: {$languages[$value]}</span></div>"; break; case 'professors': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _PROFESSORS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'content': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _CONTENTUNITS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'tests': EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('tests') ? $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _TESTS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>" : null; break; case 'projects': EfrontUser::isOptionVisible('projects') ? $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _PROJECTS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>" : null; break; case 'course_dependency': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _DEPENDSON . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'from_timestamp': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _AVAILABLEFROM . "</span><span>: " . formatTimestamp($value, 'time_nosec') . "</span></div>"; break; case 'to_timestamp': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _AVAILABLEUNTIL . "</span><span>: " . formatTimestamp($value, 'time_nosec') . "</span></div>"; break; case 'general_description': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _DESCRIPTION . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'assessment': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _ASSESSMENT . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'objectives': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _OBJECTIVES . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'lesson_topics': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _LESSONTOPICS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'resources': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _RESOURCES . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'other_info': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _OTHERINFO . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'price_string': !$lesson->lesson['course_only'] ? $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _PRICE . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>" : null; break; default: break; } } } if ($string = implode("", $tooltipInfo)) { echo $string; } else { echo _NODATAFOUND; } } if (isset($_GET['courses_ID']) && eF_checkParameter($_GET['courses_ID'], 'id')) { $course = new EfrontCourse($_GET['courses_ID']); $courseInformation = $course->getInformation(); $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true); if ($courseInformation['professors']) { foreach ($courseInformation['professors'] as $value) { $professorsString[] = $value['name'] . ' ' . $value['surname']; } $courseInformation['professors'] = implode(", ", $professorsString); } $course->course['price'] ? $priceString = formatPrice($course->course['price'], array($course->options['recurring'], $course->options['recurring_duration']), true) : ($priceString = false); $courseInformation['price_string'] = $priceString; foreach ($courseInformation as $key => $value) { if ($value) { switch ($key) { case 'language': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _LANGUAGE . "</span><span>: {$languages[$value]}</span></div>"; break; case 'professors': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _PROFESSORS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'lessons_number': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _LESSONS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'instances': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _COURSEINSTANCES . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'general_description': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _DESCRIPTION . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'assessment': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _ASSESSMENT . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'objectives': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _OBJECTIVES . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'lesson_topics': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _COURSETOPICS . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'resources': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _RESOURCES . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'other_info': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _OTHERINFO . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; case 'price_string': $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . _PRICE . "</span><span>: {$value}</span></div>"; break; default: break; } } } if ($string = implode("", $tooltipInfo)) { echo $string; } else { echo _NODATAFOUND; } } // For eFront social if (isset($_GET['common_lessons']) && isset($_GET['user1']) && isset($_GET['user2'])) { $user1 = EfrontUserFactory::factory($_GET['user1']); if ($user1->getType() != "administrator") { $common_lessons = $user1->getCommonLessons($_GET['user2']); // pr($common_lessons); foreach ($common_lessons as $id => $lesson) { if (strlen($lesson['name']) > 25) { $lesson['name'] = substr($lesson['name'], 0, 22) . "..."; } $tooltipInfo[] = '<div class = "infoEntry"><span>' . $lesson['name'] . "</span><span></span></div>"; } if ($string = implode("", $tooltipInfo)) { echo $string; } else { echo _NODATAFOUND; } } else { echo _NODATAFOUND; } } } catch (Exception $e) { handleAjaxExceptions($e); } }
protected function importDataMultiple($type, $data) { try { switch ($type) { case "users_to_groups": foreach ($data as $value) { $groups_ID = current($this->getGroupByName($value[''])); $groups[$groups_ID][] = $value['users_login']; } foreach ($groups as $id => $groupUsers) { try { $group = new EfrontGroup($id); $this->log["success"][] = _NEWGROUPASSIGNMENT . " " . $group->group['name']; $group->addUsers($groupUsers); } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " " . ($key + 2) . ": " . $e->getMessage(); // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } } break; case "users": $existingUsers = eF_getTableDataFlat("users", "login, active, archive"); $roles = EfrontUser::getRoles(); foreach (EfrontUser::getRoles(true) as $key => $value) { $rolesTypes[$key] = mb_strtolower($value); } $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(); $addedUsers = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { try { $newUser = EfrontUser::createUser($value, $existingUsers, false); $existingUsers['login'][] = $newUser->user['login']; $existingUsers['active'][] = $newUser->user['active']; $existingUsers['archive'][] = $newUser->user['archive']; $addedUsers[] = $newUser->user['login']; $this->log["success"][] = _IMPORTEDUSER . " " . $newUser->user['login']; } catch (Exception $e) { if ($this->options['replace_existing']) { if ($this->isAlreadyExistsException($e->getCode(), $type)) { if (!in_array($value['login'], $existingUsers['login'], true)) { //For case-insensitive matches foreach ($existingUsers['login'] as $login) { if (mb_strtolower($value['login']) == mb_strtolower($login)) { $value['login'] = $login; } } } if (!isset($value['user_type'])) { $value['user_type'] = 'student'; } else { if (in_array(mb_strtolower($value['user_type']), $roles)) { $value['user_type'] = mb_strtolower($value['user_type']); } else { if ($k = array_search(mb_strtolower($value['user_type']), $rolesTypes)) { $value['user_types_ID'] = $k; $value['user_type'] = $roles[$k]; } else { $value['user_type'] = 'student'; } } } if (!in_array($value['user_type'], EFrontUser::$basicUserTypes)) { $value['user_type'] = 'student'; $value['user_types_ID'] = 0; } if ($value['languages_NAME'] == "") { unset($value['languages_NAME']); } elseif (in_array($value['languages_NAME'], array_keys($languages)) === false) { $value['languages_NAME'] = $GLOBALS['configuration']['default_language']; } $this->updateExistingData($key + 2, $type, $value); } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " " . ($key + 2) . ": " . $e->getMessage(); // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } } else { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " " . ($key + 2) . ": " . $e->getMessage(); // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } } } $defaultGroup = eF_getTableData("groups", "id", "is_default = 1 AND active = 1"); if (!empty($defaultGroup) && !empty($addedUsers)) { $defaultGroup = new EfrontGroup($defaultGroup[0]['id']); $defaultGroup->addUsers($addedUsers); } break; case "users_to_jobs": $jobDescriptions = $userJobs = $userBranchesAssigned = $userBranchesUnassigned = array(); $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_job_description", "job_description_ID, branch_ID, description"); foreach ($result as $value) { $jobDescriptions[$value['job_description_ID']] = $value; } $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_employee_has_job_description", "*"); foreach ($result as $value) { $userJobs[$value['users_login']][$value['job_description_ID']] = $value['job_description_ID']; } $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", "*"); foreach ($result as $value) { if ($value['assigned']) { $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$value['branch_ID']] = $value; } else { $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$value['branch_ID']] = $value; } } $allBranches = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_branch", "branch_ID, father_branch_ID", ""); $addedJobs = $addedBranches = array(); foreach ($data as $key => $value) { try { if (!$value['description']) { throw new EfrontJobException(_MISSING_JOB_DESCRIPTION, EfrontJobException::MISSING_JOB_DESCRIPTION); } $branchId = $this->getBranchByName($value['branch_name']); //Executes only once if ($branchId[0]) { if (sizeof($branchId) == 1) { $branchId = $branchId[0]; } else { throw new EfrontBranchException(_BRANCHNAMEAMBIGUOUS . ': ' . $value['branch_name'], EfrontBranchException::BRANCH_AMBIGUOUS); } } else { throw new EfrontBranchException(_BRANCHDOESNOTEXIST . ': ' . $value['branch_name'], EfrontBranchException::BRANCH_NOT_EXISTS); } $jobId = false; foreach ($jobDescriptions as $job) { if ($job['description'] == $value['description'] && $job['branch_ID'] == $branchId) { $jobId = $job['job_description_ID']; } } if (!$jobId) { $jobId = eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_job_description", array('description' => $value['description'], 'branch_ID' => $branchId)); $jobDescriptions[$jobId] = array('job_description_ID' => $jobId, 'description' => $value['description'], 'branch_ID' => $branchId); } $user = EfrontUserFactory::factory($value["users_login"]); $value['users_login'] = $user->user['login']; if (isset($userJobs[$value['users_login']]) && $this->options['replace_assignments']) { $unset = false; foreach ($userJobs[$value['users_login']] as $key => $v) { if (!isset($addedJobs[$v][$value['users_login']])) { $user->aspects['hcd']->removeJob($v); unset($userJobs[$value['users_login']][$v]); $unset = true; } } if ($unset) { unset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']]); } } if (isset($userJobs[$value['users_login']][$jobId]) && $this->options['replace_existing']) { eF_deleteTableData("module_hcd_employee_has_job_description", "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' AND job_description_ID ='" . $jobId . "'"); unset($userJobs[$value['users_login']][$jobId]); } // Check if this job description is already assigned if (!isset($userJobs[$value['users_login']][$jobId])) { if (!isset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId])) { // Write to the database the new branch assignment: employee to branch (if such an assignment is not already true) if (isset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId])) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("assigned" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$branchId}"); unset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId]); } else { $fields = array('users_login' => $value['users_login'], 'supervisor' => $value['supervisor'], 'assigned' => '1', 'branch_ID' => $branchId); eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", $fields); if ($value['supervisor']) { //Iterate through sub branches foreach (eF_subBranches($branchId, $allBranches) as $subBranchId) { //If this subranch is not associated with the user, associate it if (!isset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && !isset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId])) { $fields = array('users_login' => $value['users_login'], 'supervisor' => 1, 'assigned' => '0', 'branch_ID' => $subBranchId); eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", $fields); $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId] = array('branch_ID' => $branchId, 'supervisor' => $value['supervisor'], 'assigned' => 0); } elseif (isset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] == 0) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$subBranchId}"); $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] = 1; } elseif (isset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] == 0) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$subBranchId}"); $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] = 1; } } } } $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId] = array('branch_ID' => $branchId, 'supervisor' => $value['supervisor'], 'assigned' => 1); $addedBranches[$branchId][$value['users_login']] = $value['users_login']; } elseif (!$userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId]['supervisor'] && $value['supervisor']) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$branchId}"); //Iterate through sub branches foreach (eF_subBranches($branchId, $allBranches) as $subBranchId) { //If this subranch is not associated with the user, associate it if (!isset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && !isset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId])) { $fields = array('users_login' => $value['users_login'], 'supervisor' => 1, 'assigned' => '0', 'branch_ID' => $subBranchId); eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", $fields); $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId] = array('branch_ID' => $branchId, 'supervisor' => $value['supervisor'], 'assigned' => 0); } elseif (isset($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] == 0) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$subBranchId}"); $userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] = 1; } elseif (isset($userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]) && $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] == 0) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 1), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$subBranchId}"); $userBranchesUnassigned[$value['users_login']][$subBranchId]['supervisor'] = 1; } } } elseif ($userBranchesAssigned[$value['users_login']][$branchId]['supervisor'] && !$value['supervisor']) { eF_updateTableData("module_hcd_employee_works_at_branch", array("supervisor" => 0), "users_login='******'users_login'] . "' and branch_ID={$branchId}"); } // Write to database the new job assignment: employee to job description $fields = array('users_login' => $value['users_login'], 'job_description_ID' => $jobId); eF_insertTableData("module_hcd_employee_has_job_description", $fields); $userJobs[$value['users_login']][$jobId] = $jobId; $addedJobs[$jobId][$value['users_login']] = $value['users_login']; /* if ($event_info) { EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::HCD_NEW_JOB_ASSIGNMENT, "users_LOGIN" => $this -> login, "lessons_ID" => $branchID, "lessons_name" => $bname[0]['name'], "entity_ID" => $jobID, "entity_name" => $job_description, "timestamp" => $event_info['timestamp'], "explicitly_selected" => $event_info['manager'])); } else { EfrontEvent::triggerEvent(array("type" => EfrontEvent::HCD_NEW_JOB_ASSIGNMENT, "users_LOGIN" => $this -> login, "lessons_ID" => $branchID, "lessons_name" => $bname[0]['name'], "entity_ID" => $jobID, "entity_name" => $job_description)); } */ } else { throw new EfrontUserException(_JOBALREADYASSIGNED . ": " . $value['users_login'], EfrontUserException::WRONG_INPUT_TYPE); } $this->log["success"][] = _LINE . " " . ($key + 2) . " : " . _NEWJOBASSIGNMENT . " " . $value["users_login"] . " - (" . $value['branch_name'] . " - " . $value['description'] . ") "; } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log["failure"][] = _LINE . " " . ($key + 2) . " : " . $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')'; } } $courseAssignmentsToUsers = $lessonAssignmentsToUsers = array(); $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_course_to_job_description", "*"); foreach ($result as $value) { foreach ($addedJobs[$value['job_description_ID']] as $user) { $courseAssignmentsToUsers[$value['courses_ID']][] = $user; } } $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_lesson_to_job_description", "*"); foreach ($result as $value) { foreach ($addedJobs[$value['job_description_ID']] as $user) { $lessonAssignmentsToUsers[$value['lessons_ID']][] = $user; } } if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['mode_propagate_courses_to_branch_users']) { $result = eF_getTableData("module_hcd_course_to_branch", "*"); foreach ($result as $value) { foreach ($addedBranches[$value['branches_ID']] as $user) { $courseAssignmentsToUsers[$value['courses_ID']][] = $user; } } } foreach ($courseAssignmentsToUsers as $courseId => $users) { $course = new EfrontCourse($courseId); $course->addUsers($users); } foreach ($lessonAssignmentsToUsers as $lessonId => $users) { $course = new EfrontLesson($lessonId); $course->addUsers($users); } break; } } catch (Exception $e) { $this->log["failure"][] = $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ')'; // ." ". str_replace("\n", "<BR>", $e->getTraceAsString()); } }
#cpp#endif $userMainForm->setDefaults($GLOBALS['configuration']); if (isset($currentUser->coreAccess['configuration']) && $currentUser->coreAccess['configuration'] != 'change') { $userMainForm->freeze(); } else { $userMainForm->addElement("submit", "submit", _SAVE, 'class = "flatButton"'); if ($userMainForm->isSubmitted() && $userMainForm->validate()) { $values = $userMainForm->exportValues(); if ($values['reset_license_note'] || $values['reset_license_note_always']) { eF_updateTableData("users", array("viewed_license" => 0), "viewed_license = 1"); } if ($values['username_format']) { EfrontCache::getInstance()->deleteCache('usernames'); } if ($values['time_reports'] != $GLOBALS['configuration']['time_reports']) { EfrontSystem::switchLessonReportingMode($values['time_reports']); } unset($values['reset_license_note']); //Unset it, since we don't need to store this value to the database unset($values['submit']); foreach ($values as $key => $value) { EfrontConfiguration::setValue($key, $value); } eF_redirect(basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=system_config&op=user&tab=main&message=" . urlencode(_SUCCESFULLYUPDATECONFIGURATION) . "&message_type=success"); } } $smarty->assign("T_USER_MAIN_FORM", $userMainForm->toArray()); $userMultipleLoginsForm = new HTML_QuickForm("user_multiple_logins_form", "post", basename($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']) . "?ctg=system_config&op=user&tab=multiple_logins", "", null, true); $userMultipleLoginsForm->registerRule('checkParameter', 'callback', 'eF_checkParameter'); $groups = array(); foreach (EfrontGroup::getGroups() as $value) {
/** * Create course metadata * * @param array $fields Course properties * @return string Serialized representation of metadata array * @since 3.6.1 * @access private */ private static function createCourseMetadata($fields) { $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true); $courseMetadata = array('title' => $fields['name'], 'creator' => formatLogin($GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['login']), 'publisher' => formatLogin($GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['login']), 'contributor' => formatLogin($GLOBALS['currentUser']->user['login']), 'date' => date("Y/m/d", time()), 'language' => $languages[$fields['languages_NAME']], 'type' => 'course'); $metadata = serialize($courseMetadata); return $metadata; }
#cpp#ifdef ENTERPRISE if ($mode == "branch") { $basic_templates_array["branch_name"] = _BRANCHNAME; } else { if ($mode == "job") { $basic_templates_array["job_description_name"] = _JOBDESCRIPTIONNAME; } } } #cpp#endif } $form->addElement('select', 'templ_add', _ADDTEMPLATIZEDTEXT, $basic_templates_array, "id = 'template_add' class = 'inputSelectMed' onChange= 'addTemplatizedText(this)'"); if ($GLOBALS['configuration']['onelanguage']) { $form->addElement('hidden', 'languages_NAME', $GLOBALS['configuration']['default_language']); } else { $form->addElement('select', 'languages_NAME', _LANGUAGE, EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true), 'class = "inputSelectMed" onchange="addLanguageTag(this)"'); // Set default values for new users $form->setDefaults(array('languages_NAME' => $GLOBALS['configuration']['default_language'])); } $form->addElement('text', 'header', _SUBJECT, 'class = "inputText" id="messageSubject" onFocus="myActiveElement=\'messageSubject\';" '); $form->addRule('header', _THEFIELD . ' ' . _SUBJECT . ' ' . _ISMANDATORY, 'required', null, 'client'); $form->addRule('header', _INVALIDFIELDDATA, 'checkParameter', 'text'); $load_editor = true; $form->addElement('textarea', 'message', _BODY, 'class = "digestEditor" id="messageBody" onActivate="myActiveElement=\'\';" style = "width:100%;height:200px"'); // Get available lessons $lessons = eF_getTableDataFlat("lessons", "id,name", "archive=0", "name"); sizeof($lessons) > 0 ? $av_lessons = array_combine(array_merge(array("0"), $lessons['id']), array_merge(array(_ANYLESSON), $lessons['name'])) : ($av_lessons = array(0 => _ANYLESSON)); sizeof($lessons) > 0 ? $lessons = array_combine($lessons['id'], $lessons['name']) : ($lessons = array()); // Get available courses $courses = eF_getTableDataFlat("courses", "id,name", "archive=0", "name"); //return only unarchived courses
/** * Get user information * * This function returns the user information in an array * * * <br/>Example: * <code> * $info = $user -> getInformation(); //Get lesson information * </code> * * @param string $user The user login to customize lesson information for * @return array The user information * @since 3.5.0 * @access public */ public function getInformation() { $languages = EfrontSystem::getLanguages(true); $info = array(); $info['login'] = $this->user['login']; $info['name'] = $this->user['name']; $info['surname'] = $this->user['surname']; $info['fullname'] = $this->user['name'] . " " . $this->user['surname']; $info['user_type'] = $this->user['user_type']; $info['user_types_ID'] = $this->user['user_types_ID']; $info['student_lessons'] = $this->getLessons(true, 'student'); $info['professor_lessons'] = $this->getLessons(true, 'professor'); $info['total_lessons'] = sizeof($this->getUserLessons()); $info['total_courses'] = sizeof($this->getUserCourses(array('active' => true, 'return_objects' => false))); $info['total_login_time'] = self::getLoginTime($this->user['login']); $info['language'] = $languages[$this->user['languages_NAME']]; $info['active'] = $this->user['active']; $info['active_str'] = $this->user['active'] ? _YES : _NO; $info['joined'] = $this->user['timestamp']; $info['joined_str'] = formatTimestamp($this->user['timestamp'], 'time'); $info['avatar'] = $this->user['avatar']; return $info; }
echo Installation::printErrorMessage("You must have a valid configuration file for the emergency restore to work"); exit; } } catch (Exception $e) { $smarty->assign("T_EXCEPTION_TRACE", $e->getTraceAsString()); $message = $e->getMessage() . ' (' . $e->getCode() . ') <a href = "javascript:void(0)" onclick = "eF_js_showDivPopup(event, \'' . _ERRORDETAILS . '\', 2, \'error_details\')">' . _MOREINFO . '</a>'; $message_type = 'failure'; } foreach ($it = new DirectoryIterator(G_BACKUPPATH) as $key => $value) { if (!$value->isDir() && pathinfo($value->getFileName(), PATHINFO_EXTENSION) == 'zip') { $files[] = basename($value); } } $smarty->assign("T_BACKUP_FILES", $files); if (isset($_GET['file']) && in_array($_GET['file'], $files)) { EfrontSystem::restore(G_BACKUPPATH . $_GET['file']); //Auto backup database $message = "The restoring procedure completed successfully"; $message_type = "success"; } } catch (Exception $e) { Installation::handleInstallationExceptions($e); } } $loadScripts = array('EfrontScripts', 'scriptaculous/prototype', 'scriptaculous/scriptaculous', 'scriptaculous/effects', 'efront_ajax'); $smarty->assign("T_HEADER_LOAD_SCRIPTS", implode(",", array_unique($loadScripts))); //array_unique, so it doesn't send duplicate entries $smarty->assign("T_MESSAGE", $message); $smarty->assign("T_MESSAGE_TYPE", $message_type); $smarty->load_filter('output', 'eF_template_applyImageMap'); $smarty->load_filter('output', 'eF_template_applyThemeToImages');