public function setUp() { $graph = new \EasyRdf_Graph(); $myEnum = new \EasyRdf_Resource('', $graph); $myEnum->add('rdfs:subClassOf', ['type' => 'uri', 'value' => TypesGenerator::SCHEMA_ORG_ENUMERATION]); $this->generator = new ApiPlatformCoreAnnotationGenerator(new NullLogger(), [], [], [], ['Res' => ['resource' => new \EasyRdf_Resource('', $graph), 'fields' => ['prop' => ['isCustom' => false], 'customProp' => ['isCustom' => true]]], 'MyEnum' => ['resource' => $myEnum]]); }
/** * Extracts the cardinality of a property. * * Based on [Geraint Luff work]( * * @param \EasyRdf_Resource $property * * @return string The cardinality */ private function extractForProperty(\EasyRdf_Resource $property) { $localName = $property->localName(); $fromGoodRelations = $this->goodRelationsBridge->extractCardinality($localName); if ($fromGoodRelations) { return $fromGoodRelations; } $comment = $property->get('rdfs:comment')->getValue(); if (preg_match('/\\(s\\)/', $comment) || preg_match('/^The most generic uni-directional social relation./', $comment) || preg_match('/one or more/i', $comment)) { return self::CARDINALITY_0_N; } if (preg_match('/^is/', $localName) || preg_match('/^The /', $comment)) { return self::CARDINALITY_0_1; } return self::CARDINALITY_UNKNOWN; }
public function testSetInverse() { $this->setupTestGraph(); $homepage1 = new EasyRdf_Resource('', $this->graph); $homepage2 = new EasyRdf_Resource('', $this->graph); $count = $this->resource->set('foaf:homepage', $homepage1); $this->assertSame(1, $count); $this->assertSame($this->resource, $homepage1->get('^foaf:homepage')); $this->assertSame(null, $homepage2->get('^foaf:homepage')); $count = $this->resource->set('foaf:homepage', $homepage2); $this->assertSame(1, $count); $this->assertSame(null, $homepage1->get('^foaf:homepage')); $this->assertSame($this->resource, $homepage2->get('^foaf:homepage')); }
public function testDumpWithNoProperties() { $resource = new EasyRdf_Resource(""); $this->assertEquals('', $resource->dump(false)); $this->assertEquals('', $resource->dump(true)); }
/** * Updates generated $class with given field config. * * @param array $config * @param array $class * @param \EasyRdf_Resource $type * @param string $propertyName * @param \EasyRdf_Resource|null $property * * @return array $class */ private function generateField(array $config, array $class, \EasyRdf_Resource $type, $propertyName, \EasyRdf_Resource $property = null) { $typeConfig = isset($config['types'][$type->localName()]) ? $config['types'][$type->localName()] : null; $typesDefined = !empty($config['types']); // Warn when property are not part of GoodRelations if ($config['checkIsGoodRelations']) { if (!$this->goodRelationsBridge->exist($propertyName)) { $this->logger->warning(sprintf('The property "%s" (type "%s") is not part of GoodRelations.', $propertyName, $type->localName())); } } // Ignore or warn when properties are legacy if (!empty($property) && preg_match('/legacy spelling/', $property->get('rdfs:comment'))) { if (isset($typeConfig['properties'])) { $this->logger->warning(sprintf('The property "%s" (type "%s") is legacy.', $propertyName, $type->localName())); } else { $this->logger->info(sprintf('The property "%s" (type "%s") is legacy. Ignoring.', $propertyName, $type->localName())); return $class; } } $ranges = []; if (isset($typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['range']) && $typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['range']) { $ranges[] = $typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['range']; } elseif (!empty($property)) { foreach ($property->all(self::SCHEMA_ORG_RANGE) as $range) { if (!$typesDefined || $this->isDatatype($range->localName()) || isset($config['types'][$range->localName()])) { $ranges[] = $range->localName(); } } } $numberOfRanges = count($ranges); if (0 === $numberOfRanges) { $this->logger->error(sprintf('The property "%s" (type "%s") has an unknown type. Add its type to the config file.', $propertyName, $type->localName())); } else { if ($numberOfRanges > 1) { $this->logger->error(sprintf('The property "%s" (type "%s") has several types. Using the first one.', $propertyName, $type->localName())); } $cardinality = isset($typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['cardinality']) ? $typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['cardinality'] : false; if (!$cardinality || $cardinality === CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_UNKNOWN) { $cardinality = $property ? $this->cardinalities[$propertyName] : CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_1_1; } $isArray = in_array($cardinality, [CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_1_N, CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_N_N]); if (false === $typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['nullable']) { $isNullable = false; } else { $isNullable = !in_array($cardinality, [CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_1_1, CardinalitiesExtractor::CARDINALITY_1_N]); } $class['fields'][$propertyName] = ['name' => $propertyName, 'resource' => $property, 'range' => $ranges[0], 'cardinality' => $cardinality, 'isArray' => $isArray, 'isNullable' => $isNullable, 'isUnique' => $typeConfig['properties'][$propertyName]['unique'], 'isCustom' => empty($property), 'isId' => false]; if ($isArray) { $class['hasConstructor'] = true; if ($config['doctrine']['useCollection'] && !in_array(self::DOCTRINE_COLLECTION_USE, $class['uses'])) { $class['uses'][] = self::DOCTRINE_COLLECTION_USE; } } } return $class; }
/** * Get the label for a resource, preferring 1. the given language 2. configured languages 3. any language. * @param EasyRdf_Resource $res resource whose label to return * @param string $lang preferred language * @return EasyRdf_Literal label as an EasyRdf_Literal object, or null if not found */ public function getResourceLabel($res, $lang) { $langs = array_merge(array($lang), array_keys($this->config->getLanguages())); foreach ($langs as $l) { $label = $res->label($l); if ($label !== null) { return $label; } } return $res->label(); // desperate check for label in any language; will return null if even this fails }
/** * Adds Type label to list. * * @param \EasyRdf_Resource $type * An EasyRdf_Resource which is a type. */ private function addType(\EasyRdf_Resource $type) { if ($type != NULL) { // Omit deprecated types. if ($type->get("schema:supersededBy")) { return; } $this->listTypes[$type->shorten()] = $type->label(); } }
/** Create a new container - do not use this directly * * @ignore */ public function __construct($uri, $graph) { $this->position = 1; parent::__construct($uri, $graph); }
/** * Tests if a type is an enum. * * @param \EasyRdf_Resource $type * * @return bool */ private function isEnum(\EasyRdf_Resource $type) { $subClassOf = $type->get('rdfs:subClassOf'); return $subClassOf && $subClassOf->getUri() === self::SCHEMA_ORG_ENUMERATION; }
/** * Transform the concept search query results into the skosmos desired return format. * @param EasyRdf_Sparql_Result $results * @param array $vocabs array of Vocabulary objects to search; empty for global search * @return array query result object */ private function transformConceptSearchResults($results, $vocabs) { $ret = array(); $qnamecache = array(); // optimization to avoid expensive shorten() calls foreach ($results as $row) { if (!isset($row->s)) { continue; } // don't break if query returns a single dummy result $hit = array(); $hit['uri'] = $row->s->getUri(); if (isset($row->graph)) { $hit['graph'] = $row->graph->getUri(); } foreach (explode(" ", $row->types->getValue()) as $typeuri) { if (!array_key_exists($typeuri, $qnamecache)) { $res = new EasyRdf_Resource($typeuri); $qname = $res->shorten(); // returns null on failure $qnamecache[$typeuri] = $qname !== null ? $qname : $typeuri; } $hit['type'][] = $qnamecache[$typeuri]; } if (isset($row->broaders)) { foreach (explode("\n", $row->broaders->getValue()) as $line) { $brdata = str_getcsv($line, ',', '"', '"'); $broader = array('uri' => $brdata[0]); if ($brdata[1] != '') { $broader['prefLabel'] = $brdata[1]; } $hit['broader'][] = $broader; } } foreach ($vocabs as $vocab) { // looping the vocabulary objects and asking these for a localname for the concept. $localname = $vocab->getLocalName($hit['uri']); if ($localname !== $hit['uri']) { // only passing the result forward if the uri didn't boomerang right back. $hit['localname'] = $localname; break; // stopping the search when we find one that returns something valid. } } if (isset($row->label)) { $hit['prefLabel'] = $row->label->getValue(); } if (isset($row->label)) { $hit['lang'] = $row->label->getLang(); } if (isset($row->plabel)) { $hit['matchedPrefLabel'] = $row->plabel->getValue(); $hit['lang'] = $row->plabel->getLang(); } elseif (isset($row->alabel)) { $hit['altLabel'] = $row->alabel->getValue(); $hit['lang'] = $row->alabel->getLang(); } elseif (isset($row->hlabel)) { $hit['hiddenLabel'] = $row->hlabel->getValue(); $hit['lang'] = $row->hlabel->getLang(); } $ret[] = $hit; } return $ret; }
/** * Iterates over all the properties of the concept and returns those in an array. * @return array */ public function getProperties() { $properties = array(); $narrowers_by_uri = array(); $in_a_collection = array(); $members_array = array(); $long_uris = $this->resource->propertyUris(); $duplicates = array(); $ret = array(); // looking for collections and linking those with their narrower concepts if ($this->vocab->getConfig()->getArrayClassURI() !== null) { $collections = $this->graph->allOfType($this->vocab->getConfig()->getArrayClassURI()); if (sizeof($collections) > 0) { // indexing the narrowers once to avoid iterating all of them with every collection foreach ($this->resource->allResources('skos:narrower') as $narrower) { $narrowers_by_uri[$narrower->getUri()] = $narrower; } foreach ($collections as $coll) { $curr_coll_members = $this->getCollectionMembers($coll, $narrowers_by_uri); foreach ($curr_coll_members as $collection) { if ($collection->getSubMembers()) { $submembers = $collection->getSubMembers(); foreach ($submembers as $member) { $in_a_collection[$member->getUri()] = true; } } } if (isset($collection) && $collection->getSubMembers()) { $members_array = array_merge($curr_coll_members, $members_array); } } $properties['skos:narrower'] = $members_array; } } foreach ($long_uris as &$prop) { if (EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($prop) !== null) { // shortening property labels if possible $prop = $sprop = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($prop); } else { $sprop = "<{$prop}>"; } // EasyRdf requires full URIs to be in angle brackets if (!in_array($prop, $this->DELETED_PROPERTIES)) { $propres = new EasyRdf_Resource($prop, $this->graph); $proplabel = $propres->label($this->getEnvLang()) ? $propres->label($this->getEnvLang()) : $propres->label(); $propobj = new ConceptProperty($prop, $proplabel); if ($propobj->getLabel() !== null) { // only display properties for which we have a label $ret[$prop] = $propobj; } // searching for subproperties of literals too foreach ($this->graph->allResources($prop, 'rdfs:subPropertyOf') as $subi) { $suburi = EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($subi->getUri()) ? EasyRdf_Namespace::shorten($subi->getUri()) : $subi->getUri(); $duplicates[$suburi] = $prop; } // Iterating through every literal and adding these to the data object. foreach ($this->resource->allLiterals($sprop) as $val) { $literal = new ConceptPropertyValueLiteral($val, $prop); // only add literals when they match the content/hit language or have no language defined if (isset($ret[$prop]) && ($literal->getLang() === $this->clang || $literal->getLang() === null)) { $ret[$prop]->addValue($literal); } } // Iterating through every resource and adding these to the data object. foreach ($this->resource->allResources($sprop) as $val) { // skipping narrower concepts which are already shown in a collection if ($sprop === 'skos:narrower' && array_key_exists($val->getUri(), $in_a_collection)) { continue; } // hiding rdf:type property if it's just skos:Concept if ($sprop === 'rdf:type' && $val->shorten() === 'skos:Concept') { continue; } // handled by getMappingProperties() if (in_array($sprop, $this->MAPPING_PROPERTIES)) { continue; } if (isset($ret[$prop])) { $ret[$prop]->addValue(new ConceptPropertyValue($this->model, $this->vocab, $val, $prop, $this->clang), $this->clang); } } } } // adding narrowers part of a collection foreach ($properties as $prop => $values) { foreach ($values as $value) { $ret[$prop]->addValue($value, $this->clang); } } foreach ($ret as $key => $prop) { if (sizeof($prop->getValues()) === 0) { unset($ret[$key]); } } $ret = $this->removeDuplicatePropertyValues($ret, $duplicates); // sorting the properties to the order preferred in the Skosmos concept page. $ret = $this->arbitrarySort($ret); return $ret; }
public static function createFromRDF(EasyRdf_Resource $annoResource) { $textAnno = new TextAnnotation($annoResource->getUri(), $annoResource->getLiteral("stanbol:start")->getValue(), $annoResource->getLiteral("stanbol:end")->getValue(), $annoResource->getLiteral("stanbol:confidence")->getValue()); $textAnno->setSelectedText($annoResource->getLiteral("stanbol:selected-text")->getValue()); return $textAnno; }