public function setup()
     // Reset to built-in parsers
     EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Ntriples');
     EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_RdfXml');
     EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle');
        $stream = librdf_parser_parse_string_as_stream($parser, $data, $rdfUri);
        if (!$stream) {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("Failed to parse RDF stream for: {$rdfUri}");
        do {
            $statement = librdf_stream_get_object($stream);
            if ($statement) {
                $subject = EasyRdf_Parser_Redland::nodeUriString(librdf_statement_get_subject($statement));
                $predicate = EasyRdf_Parser_Redland::nodeUriString(librdf_statement_get_predicate($statement));
                $object = EasyRdf_Parser_Redland::nodeToArray(librdf_statement_get_object($statement));
                $graph->add($subject, $predicate, $object);
        } while (!librdf_stream_next($stream));
        $errorCount = $this->parserErrorCount($parser);
        if ($errorCount) {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("{$errorCount} errors while parsing.");
        // Success
        return true;
## FIXME: do this automatically
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Redland');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Redland');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Redland');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfa', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Redland');
Пример #3
     * @param object EasyRdf_Graph $graph   the graph to load the data into
     * @param string               $data    the RDF document data
     * @param string               $format  the format of the input data
     * @param string               $baseUri the base URI of the data being parsed
     * @return boolean             true if parsing was successful
    public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri)
        parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri);
        if (array_key_exists($format, self::$_supportedTypes)) {
            $className = self::$_supportedTypes[$format];
        } else {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Parser_Arc does not support: {$format}");
        $parser = ARC2::getParser($className);
        if ($parser) {
            $parser->parse($baseUri, $data);
            $rdfphp = $parser->getSimpleIndex(false);
            return parent::parse($graph, $rdfphp, 'php', $baseUri);
        } else {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("ARC2 failed to get a {$className} parser.");
## FIXME: do this automatically
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Arc');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Arc');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Arc');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfa', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Arc');
Пример #4
     * Parse an RDF/XML document into an EasyRdf_Graph
     * @param object EasyRdf_Graph $graph   the graph to load the data into
     * @param string               $data    the RDF document data
     * @param string               $format  the format of the input data
     * @param string               $baseUri the base URI of the data being parsed
     * @return boolean             true if parsing was successful
    public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri)
        parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri);
        if ($format != 'rdfxml') {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Parser_RdfXml does not support: {$format}");
        $this->init($graph, $baseUri);
        /* xml parser */
        /* parse */
        if (!xml_parse($this->_xmlParser, $data, false)) {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception('XML error: "' . xml_error_string(xml_get_error_code($this->_xmlParser)) . '" at line ' . xml_get_current_line_number($this->_xmlParser));
        // Success
        return true;
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_RdfXml');
Пример #5
    public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri)
        parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri);
        if ($format != 'php') {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Parser_RdfPhp does not support: {$format}");
        // Reset the bnode mapping
        foreach ($data as $subject => $properties) {
            if (substr($subject, 0, 2) === '_:') {
                $subject = $this->remapBnode($graph, $subject);
            } elseif (preg_match('/^\\w+$/', $subject)) {
                # Cope with invalid RDF/JSON serialisations that
                # put the node name in, without the _: prefix
                # (such as net.fortytwo.sesametools.rdfjson)
                $subject = $this->remapBnode($graph, $subject);
            foreach ($properties as $property => $objects) {
                foreach ($objects as $object) {
                    if ($object['type'] === 'bnode') {
                        $object['value'] = $this->remapBnode($graph, $object['value']);
                    $graph->add($subject, $property, $object);
        return true;
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('php', 'EasyRdf_Parser_RdfPhp');
Пример #6
     * Parse RDF/JSON into an EasyRdf_Graph
     * @param object EasyRdf_Graph $graph   the graph to load the data into
     * @param string               $data    the RDF document data
     * @param string               $format  the format of the input data
     * @param string               $baseUri the base URI of the data being parsed
     * @return boolean             true if parsing was successful
    public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri)
        parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri);
        if ($format != 'json') {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Parser_Json does not support: {$format}");
        // Reset the bnode mapping
        $decoded = @json_decode(strval($data), true);
        if ($decoded === null) {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception($this->_jsonLastErrorString());
        if (array_key_exists('triples', $decoded)) {
            return $this->_parseJsonTriples($graph, $decoded, $baseUri);
        } else {
            return parent::parse($graph, $decoded, 'php', $baseUri);
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('json', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Json');
EasyRdf_Format::register('json', 'RDF/JSON Resource-Centric', '', array('application/json' => 1.0, 'text/json' => 0.9, 'application/rdf+json' => 0.9), array('json'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('ntriples', 'N-Triples', '', array('text/plain' => 1.0, 'text/ntriples' => 0.9, 'application/ntriples' => 0.9, 'application/x-ntriples' => 0.9), array('nt'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('turtle', 'Turtle Terse RDF Triple Language', '', array('text/turtle' => 0.8, 'application/turtle' => 0.7, 'application/x-turtle' => 0.7), array('ttl'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('rdfxml', 'RDF/XML', '', array('application/rdf+xml' => 0.8), array('rdf', 'xrdf'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('dot', 'Graphviz', '', array('text/vnd.graphviz' => 0.8), array('gv', 'dot'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('json-triples', 'RDF/JSON Triples');
EasyRdf_Format::register('n3', 'Notation3', '', array('text/n3' => 0.5, 'text/rdf+n3' => 0.5), array('n3'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('rdfa', 'RDF/A', '', array('text/html' => 0.4, 'application/xhtml+xml' => 0.4), array('html'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('sparql-xml', 'SPARQL XML Query Results', '', array('application/sparql-results+xml' => 1.0));
EasyRdf_Format::register('sparql-json', 'SPARQL JSON Query Results', '', array('application/sparql-results+json' => 1.0));
EasyRdf_Format::register('png', 'Portable Network Graphics (PNG)', '', array('image/png' => 0.3), array('png'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('gif', 'Graphics Interchange Format (GIF)', '', array('image/gif' => 0.2), array('gif'));
EasyRdf_Format::register('svg', 'Scalable Vector Graphics (SVG)', '', array('image/svg+xml' => 0.3), array('svg'));
   Register default set of parsers and serialisers
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('json', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Json');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Ntriples');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('php', 'EasyRdf_Parser_RdfPhp');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_RdfXml');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Turtle');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('json', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Json');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('n3', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Turtle');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Ntriples');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('php', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_RdfPhp');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_RdfXml');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_Turtle');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('dot', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('gif', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('png', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz');
EasyRdf_Format::registerSerialiser('svg', 'EasyRdf_Serialiser_GraphViz');
Пример #8
     * Parse an N-Triples document into an EasyRdf_Graph
     * @param object EasyRdf_Graph $graph   the graph to load the data into
     * @param string               $data    the RDF document data
     * @param string               $format  the format of the input data
     * @param string               $baseUri the base URI of the data being parsed
     * @return boolean             true if parsing was successful
    public function parse($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri)
        parent::checkParseParams($graph, $data, $format, $baseUri);
        if ($format != 'ntriples') {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("EasyRdf_Parser_Ntriples does not support: {$format}");
        $lines = preg_split("/[\r\n]+/", strval($data));
        foreach ($lines as $line) {
            if (preg_match("/^\\s*#/", $line)) {
            } else {
                if (preg_match("/(.+)\\s+<([^<>]+)>\\s+(.+)\\s*\\./", $line, $matches)) {
                    $graph->add($this->parseNtriplesSubject($matches[1]), $this->unescape($matches[2]), $this->parseNtriplesObject($matches[3]));
        // Success
        return true;
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Ntriples');
 public function testLoadMockParser()
     EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('mock', 'Mock_RdfParser');
     $graph = new EasyRdf_Graph();
     $graph->load('', 'data', 'mock');
     $this->assertStringEquals('Joseph Bloggs', $graph->get('', 'foaf:name'));
Пример #10
        $process = proc_open(escapeshellcmd($this->_rapperCmd) . " --quiet " . " --input " . escapeshellarg($format) . " --output json " . " --ignore-errors " . " --input-uri " . escapeshellarg($baseUri) . " --output-uri -" . " - ", $descriptorspec, $pipes, '/tmp', null);
        if (is_resource($process)) {
            // $pipes now looks like this:
            // 0 => writeable handle connected to child stdin
            // 1 => readable handle connected to child stdout
            // 2 => readable handle connected to child stderr
            fwrite($pipes[0], $data);
            $data = stream_get_contents($pipes[1]);
            $error = stream_get_contents($pipes[2]);
            // It is important that you close any pipes before calling
            // proc_close in order to avoid a deadlock
            $returnValue = proc_close($process);
            if ($returnValue) {
                throw new EasyRdf_Exception("Failed to parse RDF ({$returnValue}): " . $error);
        } else {
            throw new EasyRdf_Exception("Failed to execute rapper command.");
        // Parse in the JSON
        return parent::parse($graph, $data, 'json', $baseUri);
## FIXME: do this automatically
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfxml', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Rapper');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('turtle', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Rapper');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('ntriples', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Rapper');
EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('rdfa', 'EasyRdf_Parser_Rapper');
Пример #11
 public function testRegisterParserForUnknownFormat()
     EasyRdf_Format::registerParser('testRegisterParser', 'MockParserClass');
     $format = EasyRdf_Format::getFormat('testRegisterParser');
     $this->assertEquals('MockParserClass', $format->getParserClass());