Пример #1

require_once 'lib/fortissimo.php';
require_once 'lib/EVESystem.php';
$test = new EVESystem(30003808);
echo "got {$test} - " . $test->getName() . " - " . $test->getConstellationName() . " - " . $test->getRegionName() . " <br />";
echo "okay new test - " . EVESystem::getName(30003808) . "<br />";
echo "if those are both Grispire, you're golden <tt>:)</tt><br />";
echo "test again - " . $test->getId() . " should be 30003808<br />";
echo "this should be too - " . EVESystem::getId('Grispire') . "<br />";
Пример #2
 function get_ids()
     $sys = new EVESystem(EVESystem::getId($this->system));
     $this->system_id = $sys->getId();
     $this->region_id = $sys->getRegionId();
     $this->constellation_id = $sys->getConstellationId();
     if ($this->victim) {
     if ($this->killer) {
     foreach (array_keys($this->destroyed) as $k) {
     foreach (array_keys($this->attackers) as $k) {
Пример #3
function load_kills_by_id($ids)
    global $ft;
    $out = array();
    if (count($ids) <= 0) {
        return $out;
    # try from cache first
    $cached = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT * FROM tbl:killcache WHERE killid IN (?)', array($ids));
    foreach ($cached as $c) {
        $out[$c->killid] = unserialize($c->cache);
    # now remove the ones we got from the load list
    $load = array();
    foreach ($ids as $id) {
        if (!isset($out[$id])) {
            array_push($load, $id);
    # if we're done, we're done
    if (count($load) <= 0) {
        return $out;
    # guess not, try to load from database
    $data = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT *, FROM_UNIXTIME(killtime) AS "date" FROM tbl:summary WHERE killid IN (?)', array($load));
    foreach ($data as $r) {
        $k = new KillMail();
        $k->kill_id = $r->killid;
        $sys = new EVESystem($r->systemid);
        $k->system_id = $sys->getId();
        $k->region_id = $sys->getRegionId();
        $k->constellation_id = $sys->getConstellationId();
        $k->killtime = $r->killtime;
        $k->raw_id = $r->mailid;
        # strip the time...
        $date = $r->date;
        $k->date = preg_replace("/\\s\\d\\d:\\d\\d:\\d\\d\$/", "", $date);
        # now get the victim
        $k->victim = new Party();
        $k->victim->pilot_id = $r->v_pilotid;
        $k->victim->corp_id = $r->v_corpid;
        $k->victim->alliance_id = $r->v_allianceid;
        $k->victim->ship_id = $r->v_shipid;
        $k->victim->group_id = $r->v_groupid;
        # and now the final killer
        $final = new Party();
        $final->pilot_id = $r->k_pilotid;
        $final->corp_id = $r->k_corpid;
        $final->alliance_id = $r->k_allianceid;
        $final->ship_id = $r->k_shipid;
        $final->group_id = $r->k_groupid;
        $final->security = $r->k_security;
        $final->weapon_id = $r->weaponid;
        $final->finalblow = true;
        $k->attackers = array($final);
        $k->killer = $final;
        # get other killers ...
        $killers = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT * FROM tbl:killers WHERE killid = ? AND finalblow = 0', array($k->kill_id));
        foreach ($killers as $killer) {
            $p = new Party();
            $p->pilot_id = $killer->pilotid;
            $p->corp_id = $killer->corpid;
            $p->alliance_id = $killer->allianceid;
            $p->ship_id = $killer->shipid;
            $p->group_id = $killer->groupid;
            $p->security = $killer->security;
            $p->weapon_id = $killer->weaponid;
            $p->finalblow = false;
            array_push($k->attackers, $p);
        # and now get the items destroyed
        $items = $ft->dbh->_select_rows_as_objects('SELECT * FROM tbl:killitems WHERE killid = ?', array($k->kill_id));
        foreach ($items as $item) {
            $p = new Item();
            $p->item_id = $item->itemid;
            $p->quantity = $item->quantity;
            $p->loc = $item->loc;
            array_push($k->destroyed, $p);
        # done
        $out[$k->kill_id] = $k;
        # cache it
        $ft->dbh->_do_query('INSERT INTO tbl:killcache (killid, cache) VALUES (?, ?)', array($k->kill_id, serialize($k)));
    return $out;