Пример #1
  *  Contructor
  *  @param $dir The directory containing the plugins to load.
  *  @returns Nothing, but it should !!!
  *  @todo Add return values !
 function __construct($dir)
     // Setup the error handler
     $this->eh = ER_Handler::getInstance();
     // Load the plugins
     if (!isset($dir)) {
         $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "Missing plugins directory name", "Instanciate this object with the good parameters !");
         return false;
     if (!is_dir($dir)) {
         $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "Wrong plugins directory name", "Instanciate this object with the name of a directory that exists !");
         return false;
     $this->dir = $dir;
     $handle = opendir($this->dir);
     if ($handle == false) {
         $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "Unable to open the plugins directory", "Check that you have the read permissions on '{$this->dir}'");
         return false;
     while (($candidate = readdir($handle)) != false) {
         $candidate_dir = $dir . "/" . $candidate;
         if (!ereg('^\\.', $candidate) && is_dir($candidate_dir)) {
             $init_file = $candidate_dir . "/init.php";
             if (file_exists($init_file)) {
                 // Include the plugin file. This one sets the '$PG_current_class'
                 // to the name of the class to use to instanciate the plugin
                 // object.
                 include $init_file;
                 // Get the class name from '$PG_current_class', then
                 // instanciate it. Store the object in the right namespace of
                 // the '$object_list' array.
                 // If the '$PG_current_class' variable is empty or unset,
                 // display an error, ignore the current plugin and jump to
                 // the next.
                 $plugin_name = $candidate;
                 if (empty($PG_current_class)) {
                     $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "\$PG_current_class not set in the '{$candidate}' plugin, it will be ignored.", "Blame this plugin's author !");
                 // If the requested class does not exists, ignore the current
                 // plugin, display an error and jump to the next
                 if (!class_exists($PG_current_class)) {
                     $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "The '{$PG_current_class}' class does not exists in the '{$candidate}' plugin, it will be ignored.", "Blame this plugin's author !");
                 $this->objects_list[$plugin_name] = new $PG_current_class($plugin_name);
                 /* Never too cautious : */
             } else {
                 $this->eh->logCrit("PG_object constructor", "'{$init_file}' not found, '{$candidate}' plugin ignored.", "Blame this plugin's author !");
         } else {
             $this->eh->logDebug("PG_object constructor", "Ignore '{$candidate_dir}'.", "This is not a plugin directory, no error here.");
Пример #2

include_once "../../libAuth.php";
include_once "../../libError.php";
$auth = new AU_auth("plugins/Auth/Enabled");
    <title>Test de libAuth.php</title>
      @import "../../style.css" screen;
    <h1>Test de libAuth.php</h1>
echo $auth->showBox();
$eh = ER_Handler::getInstance();
function jas_searchObject($string, $objectType)
    // Check presence of arguments
    if (empty($string) || empty($objectType)) {
        $source = "jas_searchObject";
        $message = "Missing search string and/or object type !";
        $hint = "Please specify \$string and \$objectType for this function.";
        ER_Handler::getInstance()->logCrit($source, $message, $hint);
        return false;
    // Clean arguments
    $string = DB_escape_string($string, 0);
    $objectType = DB_escape_string($objectType, 0);
    // Check object type value - This code is crappy, I need a way
    // not to hard code "user", server and "printer". See below.
    if (!strcmp($objectType, "'user'") || !strcmp($objectType, "'printer'") || !strcmp($objectType, "'server'")) {
        $source = "jas_searchObject";
        $message = "Wrong object type !";
        $hint = "Please choose either 'printer', 'server' or 'user' for \$objectType.";
        ER_Handler::getInstance()->logCrit($source, $message, $hint);
        return false;
    // Choose the MySQL field to query depending on
    // $objectType. This code is not very extensible and
    // thus is bound to change ;-)
    // In fact, I don't even know why I coded it like this, but
    // at least it must prevent from SQL injetions...
    $queryField = !strcmp($objectType, "user") ? "user" : !strcmp($objectType, "printer") ? "printer" : "server";
    switch ($objectType) {
        case "user":
            $queryField = "user";
        case "printer":
            $queryField = "printer";
        case "server":
            $queryField = "server";
            $queryField = "user";
    // build the query
    $query = "SELECT {$queryField} FROM jobs_log WHERE {$queryField} LIKE";
    $query .= " '%{$string}%' GROUP BY {$queryField} ORDER BY {$queryField} ASC";
    // Run the query and return the result or log an error.
    if ($result = DB_query($query)) {
        //Assignment !
        if (mysql_num_rows($result)) {
            while ($line = mysql_fetch_array($result)) {
                $return_array[] = $line[0];
            return $return_array;
        } else {
            return -1;
        // TO BE CONTINUED....
    } else {
        $source = "jas_searchObject";
        $message = "Query failed !";
        $hint = "Check for the query syntax, and that the MySQL host is up.";
        ER_Handler::getInstance()->logCrit($source, $message, $hint);
        return false;
Пример #4
 *  Function to clean inputs before querying a database, mandatory to protect the
 *  project from "SQL injections".
 *  To unescape the string, "stripslashes()" is enough. Optionnally, one can request
 *  this function not to single-quote the result, by setting $quote to 'false'. This
 *  function was stolen from http://php.net examples ;-)
 *  @param $string The string to escape before using in a MySQL query.
 *  @param $quote Set to 'true' to force enclosure of the output with single-quotes,
 *                false otherwise.
 *  @returns The escaped string, ready for a MySQL query.
 *  @todo Rewrite the error handling, and use another criticity.
function DB_escape_string($string, $quote = false)
    // Stripslashes if slashes already present.
    if (get_magic_quotes_gpc()) {
        $string = stripslashes($string);
    // Escape if not integer value.
    if (!is_numeric($string)) {
        // This one will fail if no connection to the SQL server, so:
        if ($string = @mysql_real_escape_string($string)) {
            // Assignment !!!
            $string = $quote == true ? "'{$string}'" : $string;
        } else {
            $string = "'" . mysql_escape_string($string) . "'";
            $message = "Unable to real_escape string: " . mysql_error();
            $hint = "This happens when the MySQL server cannot be reached: Check that it is up !";
            ER_Handler::getInstance()->logCrit("DB_escape_string", $message, $hint);
    return $string;
Пример #5
 Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA  02110-1301, USA. */
/* Index.php: Main file */
// Do some includes.
include_once "jasConfig.php";
include_once "config.php";
include_once "libError.php";
include_once "header.php";
include_once "menu.php";
if (!file_exists("config.php")) {
    $message = "Config file not found !";
    $hint = "Don't forget to copy \"config.php.dist\" to \"config.php\", then edit ";
    $hint .= "it to suit your needs.";
    ER_Handler::getInstance()->logCrit("No Config file", $message, $hint);
    <div class="report_page">
// Include a file to fill the main body of the page, based on the $_GET[section] variable.
// If the requested file is not found, fallback to $DEFAULT_STARTPAGE (Defined in config.php)
if (isset($_GET['section']) && file_exists($_GET['section'] . ".php")) {
    include_once $_GET['section'] . ".php";
} else {
    include_once $DEFAULT_STARTPAGE . ".php";
// Display errors here
// Ending includes...
@(include_once "footer.php");
Пример #6
 function testGetInstance()
     $this->assertIdentical($this->eh, ER_Handler::getInstance());
     $this->assertIsA(ER_Handler::getInstance(), "ER_Handler");
Пример #7
 *  The constructor handles automatically all the autentification and 
 *  session stuff so there is no need to call anything else than
 *  AU_Auth::showBox().
 *  @param $pluginPath Path to the auth plugins directory. Each
 *                     plugin must have a subdirectory of its own.
 *  @todo Modify this class to force the auth plugins to implement a
          plugin template.
 *  @todo Work on the return values !
 function __construct($pluginPath)
     // Setup the error handler
     $this->eh = ER_Handler::getInstance();
     // Load the auth plugins
     if (empty($pluginPath)) {
         $this->eh->logCrit("AU_Auth constructor", "Missing plugins path", "Instanciate this object with the good parameters !");
         return false;
     // Nasty debugging
     // print_r($this->pluginsObject);
     // echo "<br />\n";
     // Set the auth variables from session
     if (empty($_SESSION["AU_auth"])) {
         // If not connected, set default values
         $this->connected = false;
         $this->userName = "******";
         $this->authMethod = "Unknown auth method";
     } else {
         // Else, we are connected and retrieve values from session
         $this->connected = true;
         $this->userName = $_SESSION["AU_auth"]["userName"];
         $this->authMethod = $_SESSION["AU_auth"]["authMethod"];
     // Now, process actions
     if (!empty($_GET["AU_action"])) {
         switch ($_GET["AU_action"]) {
             case "close":
             case "connect":
                 // If we are already connected, forget it
                 if ($this->isConnected()) {
                 // Else try to authenticate !
                 if ($_POST["AU_login"] && $_POST["AU_password"]) {
                     // Verify password
                     if ($this->validate($_POST["AU_login"], $_POST["AU_password"])) {
                         $this->eh->logInfo("Authentification", "You are now connected !", "Click on the 'Close this session' link to disconnect.");
                     } else {
                         // Wrong password
                         $this->eh->logError("Authentification", "Wrong login and/or password !", "Check your login parameters and try again.");
                 } else {
                     // Missing password and/or login (Form hacking ?)
                     $this->eh->logError("Authentification", "Wrong login and/or password !", "Check your login parameters and try again.");
             case "autoConnect":
                 // If some plugins provide automatic authentification (Cas, Ssl,...),
                 // poll them now to try to get authenticated automagically
                 if (!$this->isConnected() && $this->autoAuth()) {
                     $this->eh->logInfo("Authentification", "You are now connected !", "Click on the 'Close this session' link to disconnect.");
         // End of switch()
     // End of actions
Пример #8
  *  Constructor
  *  The constructor only sets the error handler.
 function __construct()
     $this->eh = ER_Handler::getInstance();