Пример #1
  * Add a chapter to the book, as a chapter should not exceed 250kB, you can parse an array with multiple parts as $chapterData.
  * These will still only show up as a single chapter in the book TOC.
  * @param String $chapterName Name of the chapter, will be use din the TOC
  * @param String $fileName Filename to use for the chapter, must be unique for the book.
  * @param String $chapter Chapter text in XHTML or array $chapterData valid XHTML data for the chapter. File should NOT exceed 250kB.
  * @param Bool   $autoSplit Should the chapter be split if it exceeds the default split size? Default=FALSE, only used if $chapterData is a String.
  * @param int    $externalReferences How to handle external references, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD or EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_REMOVE_IMAGES? See documentation for <code>processChapterExternalReferences</code> for explanation. Default is EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE.
  * @param String $baseDir Default is "", meaning it is pointing to the document root. NOT used if $externalReferences is set to EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE.
  * @return bool $success
 function addChapter($chapterName, $fileName, $chapterData, $autoSplit = FALSE, $externalReferences = EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE, $baseDir = "")
     if ($this->isFinalized) {
         return FALSE;
     $fileName = preg_replace('#\\\\#i', "/", $fileName);
     $fileName = preg_replace('#^[/\\.]+#i', "", $fileName);
     $htmlDir = pathinfo($fileName);
     $htmlDir = preg_replace('#^[/\\.]+#i', "", $htmlDir["dirname"] . "/");
     $chapter = $chapterData;
     if ($autoSplit && is_string($chapterData) && strlen($chapterData) > $this->splitDefaultSize) {
         $splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
         $chapterArray = $splitter->splitChapter($chapterData);
         if (count($chapterArray) > 1) {
             $chapter = $chapterArray;
     if (!empty($chapter) && is_string($chapter)) {
         if ($externalReferences !== EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE) {
             $this->processChapterExternalReferences($chapter, $externalReferences, $baseDir, $htmlDir);
         $this->zip->addFile($chapter, $fileName);
         $this->fileList[$fileName] = $fileName;
         $this->opf_manifest .= "\t\t<item id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" href=\"" . $fileName . "\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
         $this->opf_spine .= "\t\t<itemref idref=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" />\n";
         $this->ncx_navmap .= "\n\t\t<navPoint id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" playOrder=\"" . $this->chapterCount . "\">\n\t\t\t<navLabel><text>" . $chapterName . "</text></navLabel>\n\t\t\t<content src=\"" . $fileName . "\" />\n\t\t</navPoint>\n";
     } else {
         if (is_array($chapter)) {
             $partCount = 0;
             $oneChapter = each($chapter);
             while ($oneChapter) {
                 list($k, $v) = $oneChapter;
                 $c = $v;
                 if ($externalReferences !== EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE) {
                     $this->processChapterExternalReferences($c, $externalReferences, $baseDir);
                 $this->zip->addFile($c, $fileName . "-" . $partCount);
                 $this->fileList[$fileName . "-" . $partCount] = $fileName . "-" . $partCount;
                 $this->opf_manifest .= "\t\t<item id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-" . $partCount . "\" href=\"" . $fileName . "-" . $partCount . "\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
                 $this->opf_spine .= "\t\t<itemref idref=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-" . $partCount . "\" />\n";
                 $oneChapter = each($chapter);
             $this->ncx_navmap .= "\n\t\t<navPoint id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-1\" playOrder=\"" . $this->chapterCount . "\">\n\t\t\t<navLabel><text>" . $chapterName . "</text></navLabel>\n\t\t\t<content src=\"" . $fileName . "-1\" />\n\t\t</navPoint>\n";
     return TRUE;
$log->logLine("Add Chapter 3");
$book->addChapter("Chapter 3: Vivamus bibendum massa again", "Chapter003.html", $chapter3);
// Autosplit a chapter:
$log->logLine("Add Chapter 4");
// For this test, we split at approx 15k. Default is 250000 had we left it alone.
$book->addChapter("Chapter 4: Vivamus bibendum massa split", "Chapter004.html", $chapter4, true);
$book->addChapter("Chapter 4B: test inlined chapter", "Chapter004.html#sub01");
// More advanced use of the splitter:
// Still using Chapter 4, but as you can see, "Chapter 4" also contains a header for Chapter 5.
require_once 'EPubChapterSplitter.php';
$log->logLine("include EPubChapterSplitter.php");
$splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
// For this test, we split at approx 15k. Default is 250000 had we left it alone.
$log->logLine("new EPubChapterSplitter()");
/* Using the # as regexp delimiter here, it makes writing the regexp easier.
 *  in this case we could have just searched for "Chapter ", or if we were using regexp '#^<h1>Chapter #i',
 *  using regular text (no regexp delimiters) will look for the text after the first tag. Meaning had we used
 *  "Chapter ", any paragraph or header starting with "Chapter " would have matched. The regexp equivalent of
 *  "Chapter " is '#^<.+?>Chapter #'
 * Essentially, the search strnig is looking for lines starting with...
$log->logLine("Add Chapter 5");
$html2 = $splitter->splitChapter($chapter5, true, "Chapter ");
/* '#^<.+?>Chapter \d*#i'); */
$log->logLine("Split chapter 5");
$idx = 0;
Пример #3
  * Create an EPUB and export to defined path
  * @param $dir str directory of the source file to convert
  * @param $src str filename of the source file to convert
  * @param $path str path to export the resultant EPUB to
  * @param $chapters array chapters to convert into a single EPUB
  * @param $journalId int Id of the journal(imprint)
  * @param $args array arguments for the conversion (e.g. Description, cover image, etc)
 function createEpub($dir = null, $src, $path, $chapters = array(), $journalId, $args = array())
     $book = new EPub();
     if (isset($args['title'])) {
     } else {
         $book->setTitle("No Title");
     $book->setPublisher(Config::getVar('general', 'base_url'), Config::getVar('general', 'base_url'));
     $book->setRights("Copyright and licence information specific for the book.");
     //TODO: import specific copyright/licence information
     $book->setSourceURL(Config::getVar('general', 'base_url'));
     $CBPPlatformDao =& DAORegistry::getDAO('CBPPlatformDAO');
     $imprintType = $CBPPlatformDao->getImprintType($journalId);
     $stylesheet = $CBPPlatformDao->getImprintStylesheet($journalId);
     $book->addCSSFile("styles.css", "css1", file_get_contents($this->stylesheetDir . "{$stylesheet}.css"));
     isset($args['description']) ? $book->setDescription($args['description']) : $book->setDescription("No description");
     isset($args['author']) ? $book->setAuthor($args['author'], $args['author']) : $book->setAuthor("No author", "No author");
     $args['isbn'] != null ? $book->setIdentifier($args['isbn'], EPub::IDENTIFIER_URI) : $book->setIdentifier(Config::getVar('general', 'base_url'), EPub::IDENTIFIER_URI);
     if (isset($args['cover'])) {
         $cover = $args['cover'];
         $coverSrc = "\n\t\t\t\t\t<svg version='1.1' xmlns='http://www.w3.org/2000/svg' xmlns:xlink='http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink' width='100%' height='100%' viewBox='0 0 410 597' preserveAspectRatio='xMidYMid meet'>\n\t\t\t\t\t\t<image width='410' height='597' xlink:href='images/Cover.jpg' />\n\t\t\t\t\t</svg>";
         $book->addChapter("Cover Page", "Cover.html", $this->contentStart . "{$coverSrc}</body>\n</html>\n", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $this->fileDir);
         $book->setCoverImage("Cover.jpg", file_get_contents($args['cover']));
     } else {
         $book->addChapter("Cover Page", "Cover.html", $this->contentStart . "<h1>" . $book->getTitle() . "</h1><h3>" . $book->getAuthor() . "</h3></body>\n</html>\n", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $this->fileDir);
     $copyrightStatement = $CBPPlatformDao->getJournalCopyrightStatement($journalId);
     if (!empty($copyrightStatement)) {
         $copyrightStatement = reset($copyrightStatement);
         $copyrightStatement = "<div style='width: 75%; text-align: center; margin: 0 auto;'><p>" . $copyrightStatement . "</p></div>";
         $book->addChapter("Copyright Notice", "notice.html", $this->contentStart . $copyrightStatement, false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $this->fileDir);
     if (!empty($chapters)) {
         $chapterCount = 0;
         foreach ($chapters as $chapter) {
             if (!isset($chapter['type']) && $chapter['type'] != "supp") {
             } else {
                 $suppChapters = true;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($chapters); $i++) {
             $document = new TransformDoc();
             $document->setStrFile($chapters[$i]['src'], $chapters[$i]['dir']);
             //problem, here
             $contentPreg = $this->stripTags($document->getStrXHTML());
             if ($chapterCount == 1) {
                 $splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
                 $xhtml = $this->contentStart . $contentPreg . "</body></html>";
                 $html2 = $splitter->splitChapter($xhtml, true, '@<h1[^>]*?.*?</h1>@siu');
                 /* '#^<.+?>Chapter \d*#i'); */
                 foreach ($html2 as $key => $value) {
                     $cTitles[] = $key;
                     $cContent[] = $value;
                 for ($i = 0; $i < count($cContent); $i++) {
                     $html3[$cTitles[$i]] = $cContent[$i];
                 $idx = 0;
                 if (!empty($html3)) {
                     foreach ($html3 as $k => $v) {
                         $cName = preg_replace('#<br.+?>#i', " - ", $k);
                         // Remove any other tags
                         $cName = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $cName);
                         // clean the chapter name by removing any double spaces left behind to single space.
                         $cName = preg_replace('#\\s+#i', " ", $cName);
                         $book->addChapter($cName, "Chapter" . $idx . ".html", $v, false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir);
                 if ($suppChapters == true) {
                     $i = 0;
                     foreach ($chapters as $chapter) {
                         if (isset($chapter['type']) && $chapter['type'] == "supp") {
                             $document = new TransformDoc();
                             $document->setStrFile($chapter['src'], $chapter['dir']);
                             $contentPreg = $this->stripTags($document->getStrXHTML());
                             $book->addChapter($chapter['name'], "Chapter{$i}.html", $this->contentStart . $contentPreg . "</body></html>", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $this->fileDir);
             } else {
                 if ($imprintType == "atomistic") {
                     $book->addChapter($cName, "Chapter" . $i . ".html", $this->contentStart . $contentPreg . "</body></html>", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir);
                 } elseif ($imprintType == "collection") {
                     if ($chapters[$i]['description'] != "") {
                         $book->addChapter("Introduction to " . $chapters[$i]['name'] . " by " . $chapters[$i]['author'], "Chapter" . "{$i}-I" . ".html", $this->contentStart . "<div class='submissionIntroEpub'><h1>" . $chapters[$i]['author'] . "</h1>" . $this->stripTags($chapters[$i]['description'], true) . "</div></body></html>", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir, false);
                     $book->addChapter($chapters[$i]['name'] . " by " . $chapters[$i]['author'], "Chapter" . $i . ".html", $this->contentStart . "{$contentPreg}</body></html>", false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir);
     } else {
         $content = new TransformDoc();
         $splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
         $content->setStrFile($src, $dir);
         $contentPreg = $this->stripTags($content->getStrXHTML());
         $xhtml = $this->contentStart . $contentPreg . "</body></html>";
         $html2 = $splitter->splitChapter($xhtml, true, '@<h1[^>]*?.*?</h1>@siu');
         foreach ($html2 as $key => $value) {
             $cTitles[] = $key;
             $cContent[] = $value;
         for ($i = 0; $i < count($cContent); $i++) {
             $html3[$cTitles[$i]] = $cContent[$i];
         $idx = 0;
         if (!empty($html3)) {
             foreach ($html3 as $k => $v) {
                 $cName = preg_replace('#<br.+?>#i', " - ", $k);
                 // Remove any other tags
                 $cName = preg_replace('/<[^>]*>/', '', $cName);
                 //clean the chapter name by removing any double spaces left behind to single space.
                 $cName = preg_replace('#\\s+#i', " ", $cName);
                 $book->addChapter($cName, "Chapter" . $idx . ".html", $v, false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir);
         } else {
             $book->addChapter("Body Text", "Chapter1.html", $xhtml, false, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD, $fileDir);
     $zipData = $book->getBook();
     file_put_contents($path, $zipData);
Пример #4
  * Add a chapter to the book, as a chapter should not exceed 250kB, you can parse an array with multiple parts as $chapterData.
  * These will still only show up as a single chapter in the book TOC.
  * @param string $chapterName Name of the chapter, will be use din the TOC
  * @param string $fileName Filename to use for the chapter, must be unique for the book.
  * @param string $chapter Chapter text in XHTML or array $chapterData valid XHTML data for the chapter. File should NOT exceed 250kB.
  * @param bool   $autoSplit Should the chapter be split if it exceeds the default split size? Default=FALSE, only used if $chapterData is a string.
  * @param int    $externalReferences How to handle external references, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE, EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_ADD or EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_REMOVE_IMAGES? See documentation for <code>processChapterExternalReferences</code> for explanation. Default is EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE.
  * @param string $baseDir Default is "", meaning it is pointing to the document root. NOT used if $externalReferences is set to EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE.
  * @return mixed $success FALSE if the addition failed, else the new NavPoint.
 function addChapter($chapterName, $fileName, $chapterData = NULL, $autoSplit = FALSE, $externalReferences = EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE, $baseDir = "")
     if ($this->isFinalized) {
         return FALSE;
     $fileName = Zip::getRelativePath($fileName);
     $fileName = preg_replace('#^[/\\.]+#i', "", $fileName);
     $fileName = $this->sanitizeFileName($fileName);
     $chapter = $chapterData;
     if ($autoSplit && is_string($chapterData) && mb_strlen($chapterData) > $this->splitDefaultSize) {
         $splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
         $chapterArray = $splitter->splitChapter($chapterData);
         if (count($chapterArray) > 1) {
             $chapter = $chapterArray;
     if (!empty($chapter) && is_string($chapter)) {
         if ($externalReferences !== EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE) {
             $htmlDirInfo = pathinfo($fileName);
             $htmlDir = preg_replace('#^[/\\.]+#i', "", $htmlDirInfo["dirname"] . "/");
             $this->processChapterExternalReferences($chapter, $externalReferences, $baseDir, $htmlDir);
         if ($this->encodeHTML === TRUE) {
             $chapter = $this->encodeHtml($chapter);
         $this->addFile($fileName, "chapter" . $this->chapterCount, $chapter, "application/xhtml+xml");
         $this->opf->addItemRef("chapter" . $this->chapterCount);
         $navPoint = new NavPoint($this->decodeHtmlEntities($chapterName), $fileName, "chapter" . $this->chapterCount);
         $this->ncx->chapterList[$chapterName] = $navPoint;
     } else {
         if (is_array($chapter)) {
             $fileNameParts = pathinfo($fileName);
             $extension = $fileNameParts['extension'];
             $name = $fileNameParts['filename'];
             $partCount = 0;
             $oneChapter = each($chapter);
             while ($oneChapter) {
                 list($k, $v) = $oneChapter;
                 if ($this->encodeHTML === TRUE) {
                     $v = $this->encodeHtml($v);
                 if ($externalReferences !== EPub::EXTERNAL_REF_IGNORE) {
                     $this->processChapterExternalReferences($v, $externalReferences, $baseDir);
                 $partName = $name . "_" . $partCount;
                 $this->addFile($partName . "." . $extension, $partName, $v, "application/xhtml+xml");
                 $oneChapter = each($chapter);
             $partName = $name . "_1." . $extension;
             $navPoint = new NavPoint($this->decodeHtmlEntities($chapterName), $partName, $partName);
             $this->ncx->chapterList[$chapterName] = $navPoint;
         } else {
             if (!isset($chapterData) && strpos($fileName, "#") > 0) {
                 //$this->opf->addItemRef("chapter" . $this->chapterCount);
                 $navPoint = new NavPoint($this->decodeHtmlEntities($chapterName), $fileName, "chapter" . $this->chapterCount);
                 $this->ncx->chapterList[$chapterName] = $navPoint;
             } else {
                 if (!isset($chapterData) && $fileName == "TOC.xhtml") {
                     $navPoint = new NavPoint($this->decodeHtmlEntities($chapterName), $fileName, "chapter" . $this->chapterCount);
                     $this->ncx->chapterList[$chapterName] = $navPoint;
     return $navPoint;
Пример #5
  * Add a chapter to the book, as a chapter should not exceed 250kB, you can parse an array with multiple parts as $chapterData.
  * These will still only show up as a single chapter in the book TOC.
  * @param String $chapterName Name of the chapter, will be use din the TOC
  * @param String $fileName Filename to use for the chapter, must be unique for the book.
  * @param String $chapter Chapter text in XHTML or array $chapterData valid XHTML data for the chapter. File should NOT exceed 250kB.
  * @param Bool   $autoSplit should the chapter be split if it exceeds 250kB? Default=false, only used if $chapterData is a String.
  * @return void
 function addChapter($chapterName, $fileName, $chapterData, $autoSplit = false)
     if ($this->isFinalized) {
     $chapter = $chapterData;
     if (is_string($chapterData) && strlen($chapterData) > 100000 && $autoSplit) {
         include_once "EPubChapterSplitter.php";
         $splitter = new EPubChapterSplitter();
         $chapterArray = $splitter->splitChapter($chapterData);
         if (count($chapterArray) > 1) {
             $chapter = $chapterArray;
     if (is_string($chapter) && strlen($chapter) > 0) {
         $this->zip->addFile($chapter, $fileName);
            Warning toc.xhtml hardcoded here. Not a good style, but that's all
            what we need on the other hand.
         if ($fileName === 'toc.xhtml') {
             $this->opf_manifest .= "\t\t<item id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" href=\"" . $fileName . "\" properties=\"nav\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
         } else {
             $this->opf_manifest .= "\t\t<item id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" href=\"" . $fileName . "\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
         $this->opf_spine .= "\t\t<itemref idref=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" />\n";
         $this->ncx_navmap .= "\n\t\t<navPoint id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "\" playOrder=\"" . $this->chapterCount . "\">\n" . "\t\t\t<navLabel><text>" . $chapterName . "</text></navLabel>\n" . "\t\t\t<content src=\"" . $fileName . "\" />\n" . "\t\t</navPoint>\n";
     } else {
         if (is_array($chapter)) {
             $partCount = 0;
             while (list($k, $v) = each($chapter)) {
                 $this->zip->addFile($v, $fileName . "-" . $partCount . ".xhtml");
                 $this->opf_manifest .= "\t\t<item id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-" . $partCount . "\" href=\"" . $fileName . "-" . $partCount . ".xhtml\" media-type=\"application/xhtml+xml\" />\n";
                 $this->opf_spine .= "\t\t<itemref idref=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-" . $partCount . "\" />\n";
             $this->ncx_navmap .= "\n\t\t<navPoint id=\"chapter" . $this->chapterCount . "-1\" playOrder=\"" . $this->chapterCount . "\">\n" . "\t\t\t<navLabel><text>" . $chapterName . "</text></navLabel>\n" . "\t\t\t<content src=\"" . $fileName . "-1.xhtml\" />\n" . "\t\t</navPoint>\n";