function proces_subissions() { if (wp_verify_nonce($_POST['wpem_send_mail_nonce'], 'wpem_send_mail')) { $mail = EM_Mailer::send_mail($_REQUEST['mail']); if (is_integer($mail)) { $location = add_query_arg('message', 1, admin_url('admin.php?page=wpem_mail&recepients=' . absint($mail))); wp_redirect($location); } $this->submit_results = $mail; } }
public static function process_schedules() { $schedules = get_option('wpem-schedules'); $day_now = strtotime(date('Y-m-d')); $mail_sent = $count = 0; foreach ((array) $schedules as $schedule) { $next_send = self::next_send(strtotime($schedule['start_date']), $schedule['frequency'], strtotime($schedule['end_date'])); if ($day_now == $next_send) { $mail_sent += EM_Mailer::send_mail($schedule); $count++; } } if ($mail_sent) { add_notice(sprintf(__('%s scheduled emails were sent to %s email addresses', 'wpem'), $count, $mail_sent)); } }
case 'test_mail': $ms = WPEM()->modules['settings']->settings['mail']; $mail['source'] = array('id' => 'sm'); $mail['mail_format'] = $_REQUEST['m_format']; $mail['from_email'] = !empty($ms['from_sender_email']) ? $ms['from_sender_email'] : get_option('admin_email'); $mail['from_name'] = !empty($ms['from_sender_name']) ? $ms['from_sender_name'] : get_bloginfo('name'); $mail['title'] = __('Test Mail', 'wpem'); $mail['body'] = $_REQUEST['m_body']; $mail['template'] = $_REQUEST['temp_id']; $current_user = get_user_by('id', get_current_user_id()); $full_names = !empty($current_user->first_name) || !empty($current_user->last_name) ? ucfirst($current_user->first_name) . ' ' . ucfirst($current_user->last_name) : $current_user->display_name; $mail['to_email'] = $current_user->user_email; $mail['to_name'] = $full_names; $json = array(); try { $mail = EM_Mailer::send_mail($mail); if (is_integer($mail)) { global $user_email; $json['sent'] = sprintf(__('Test email sent to %s', 'wpem'), $user_email); } else { if (isset($mail['errors'])) { if ($errmsg = $mail['errors']->get_error_message('body')) { $json['error'] = $errmsg; } else { print_r($mail['errors']); } } } echo json_encode($json); } catch (Exception $e) { ?>