public function __construct() { // __("Labs") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => '_timestamp', __("Lab") => 'labfiller', __("Order Code") => 'labordercode', __("Status") => 'labresultstatus'); $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(labtimestamp, '%b %d, %Y %H:%i') AS _timestamp"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_VIEW; $this->form_vars = array(); $this->variables = array('labtimestamp' => SQL__NOW, 'labpatient', 'labfiller', 'labstatus', 'labprovider', 'labordercode', 'laborderdescrip', 'labcomponentcode', 'labcomponentdescrip', 'labfillernum', 'labplacernum', 'labresultstatus', 'labnotes', 'user'); $this->acl = array('emr'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Current Problems") $this->variables = array('problem', 'ppatient', 'pdate'); // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->variables = array("patient", "stamp", "lat", "lon", "note", "geosource", "user"); $this->acl = array('emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Drug Samples") $this->acl = array('emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Scheduler Patient Status") $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date/Time") => 'csstamp', __("Status") => 'sname', __("Note") => 'csnote'); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_DELETE | SUMMARY_NOANNOTATE; $this->summary_query_link = array('csstatus' => 'schedulerstatustype'); // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Translations") $this->variables = array('ttimestamp' . 'tpatient', 'tmodule', 'ttable', 'tid', 'tuser', 'language', 'comment'); $this->list_view = array(__("Date") => 'ts', __("Module") => 'tmodule', __("User") => 'tuser', __("Language") => 'language', __("Comment") => 'comment'); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_DELETE | SUMMARY_NOANNOTATE; // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'eoc'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Annotations") $this->variables = array('atimestamp' . 'apatient', 'amodule', 'atable', 'aid', 'auser', 'annotation'); $this->list_view = array(__("Date") => 'ts', __("Module") => 'amodule', __("User") => 'auser', __("Annotation") => 'annotation'); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_DELETE | SUMMARY_NOANNOTATE; // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Episode of Care") // __("Episode of care is another portion of FreeMED designed to help with outcomes management. Any patients' treatment can be described through episodes of care, which may span any range of time, and more than one epsiode of care can be used per visit.") // Summary box for management $this->summary_vars = array(__("Orig") => "eocstartdate", __("Last") => "eocdtlastsimilar", __("Description") => "eocdescrip"); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW; // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Forms") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => '_timestamp', __("Form") => 'form_id'); $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(fr_timestamp, '%b %d, %Y %H:%i') AS _timestamp"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_PRINT | SUMMARY_DELETE; // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("PatientIDs") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->list_view = array(__("From") => "authdtbegin", __("To") => "authdtend", __("Remaining") => "_remaining"); $this->variables = array("foreign_id", "practice", "facility", "patient", "stamp", "user"); $this->acl = array('emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Superbill") $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "dateofservice", __("Note") => "note", __("Reviewed") => "reviewed_text"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_VIEW; $this->summary_query = array("SUBSTR_COUNT( procs, ',' ) + 1 AS procs_count", "CASE reviewed WHEN 0 THEN 'not reviewed' ELSE 'reviewed' END AS reviewed_text"); // Set associations $this->acl = array('emr', 'bill'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_VIEW_NEWWINDOW | SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_PRINT | SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date From") => "rxdtfrom", __("Drug") => "_drug", __("Disp") => "_dispensed", __("Sig") => "rxdosage", __("By") => "rxphy:physician", __("Refills") => "_refills"); // Specialized query bits $this->summary_query = array("MD5(id) AS rxmd5", "CASE rxsize WHEN 0 THEN CONCAT(rxform, ' ', rxdrug) ELSE CASE rxform WHEN 'Spray' THEN CONCAT(rxform, ' ', rxdrug) WHEN 'Unit' THEN rxdrug ELSE CONCAT(rxform, ' ', rxdrug, ' ', rxsize, ' ', rxunit) END END AS _drug", "CONCAT(rxsize, ' ', rxunit, ' ', rxinterval) AS _dosage", "CONCAT(rxquantity, ' ', LCASE(rxform)) AS _dispensed", "CASE rxrefills WHEN 99 THEN 'p.r.n' ELSE rxrefills END AS _refills"); $this->list_view = array(__("Date") => "rxdtfrom", __("Drug") => "rxdrug", __("Dosage") => "_dosage"); $this->variables = array("rxdtfrom", "rxphy", "rxdrug", "rxdrugmultum", "rxsize", "rxform", "rxdosage", "rxquantity", "rxquantityqual", "rxunit", "rxinterval", "rxpatient", "rxsubstitute", "rxrefills", "rxrefillinterval", "rxperrefill", "rxdx", "rxcovstatus", "rxnote", "rxsig", "rxorigrx", "locked", "user"); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Allergies") $this->variables = array('allergies', 'patient', 'reviewed' => SQL__NOW, 'user'); $this->summary_vars = array(__("Allergies") => 'allergies', __("Reviewed") => '_reviewed'); $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(reviewed, '%m/%d/%Y') AS _reviewed"); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Medications") $this->variables = array('mdate', 'mpatient', 'user'); $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => 'mdate', __("Drugs") => 'mdrugs'); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->summary_order_by = 'mdate'; $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Patient Coverage") $this->summary_vars = array(__("Plan") => 'insconame', __("Date") => 'coveffdt'); $this->summary_query = array("IF ( covstatus, 'Deleted', 'Active' ) AS covstat", "ELT ( covtype, 'Primary', 'Secondary', 'Tertiary', 'WorkComp' ) AS covtp"); $this->summary_query_link = array('covinsco' => 'insco'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Transactions") // Summary box information $this->summary_vars = array("Date" => "payrecdt", "Proc Date" => "procdt", "Type" => "_type", "Form" => "_form", "Amount" => "_amount", "Balance" => "_balance"); $this->summary_query = array("CASE payreccat " . "WHEN 0 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Payment")) . "' " . "WHEN 1 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Adjustment")) . "' " . "WHEN 2 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Refund")) . "' " . "WHEN 3 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Denial")) . "' " . "WHEN 4 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Rebill")) . "' " . "WHEN 5 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Charge")) . "' " . "WHEN 6 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Transfer")) . "' " . "WHEN 7 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Withholding")) . "' " . "WHEN 8 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Deductable")) . "' " . "WHEN 9 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Fee Adjustment")) . "' " . "WHEN 10 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Billed")) . "' " . "WHEN 11 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Copayment")) . "' " . "WHEN 12 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Writeoff")) . "' " . "ELSE '" . addslashes(__("Unknown")) . "' END AS _type", "CASE payreccat " . "WHEN 0 THEN " . "CASE payrectype " . "WHEN 0 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Cash")) . "' " . "WHEN 1 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Check")) . "' " . "WHEN 2 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Credit Card")) . "' " . "WHEN 3 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Money Order")) . "' " . "WHEN 4 THEN '" . addslashes(__("Traveller's Check")) . "' " . "ELSE '-' " . "END " . "ELSE '-' END AS _form", "CASE (CAST(procbalcurrent AS CHAR) LIKE '%.%') WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('\$', CAST(procbalcurrent AS CHAR)) ELSE CONCAT('\$', CAST(procbalcurrent AS CHAR), '.00') END AS _balance", "CASE (CAST(payrecamt AS CHAR) LIKE '%.%') WHEN 1 THEN CONCAT('\$', CAST(payrecamt AS CHAR)) ELSE CONCAT('\$', CAST(payrecamt AS CHAR), '.00') END AS _amount"); $this->summary_query_link = array('payrecproc' => 'procrec'); $this->summary_order_by = "payrecproc DESC, __actual_id"; $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Insurance Authorizations") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->list_view = array(__("From") => "authdtbegin", __("To") => "authdtend", __("Remaining") => "_remaining"); $this->variables = array("authdtmod", "authdtbegin", "authdtend", "authnum", "authtype", "authprov", "authprovid", "authinsco", "authvisits", "authvisitsused", "authvisitsremain", "authcomment", "authpatient", "authdtadd", "user"); $this->additional_query = array("IF(authvisits>0,CONCAT(authvisitsremain,'/',authvisits),CONCAT(TO_DAYS(authdtend)-TO_DAYS(NOW()),' days')) AS _remaining"); $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Letters") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "my_date", __("From") => "letterfrom:physician", __("To") => "letterto:physician"); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_VIEW_NEWWINDOW | SUMMARY_PRINT | SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(letterdt, '%m/%d/%Y') AS my_date"); // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'lettereoc'); $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
function ProcedureModule() { // Set vars for patient management $this->list_view = array(__("Date") => "procdt", __("CPT") => "proccpt:cpt:cptcode", __("Comment") => "proccomment", __("Charges") => "_charges"); $this->summary_query = array("ROUND(procbalorig,2) AS _charges"); // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'proceoc'); $this->_SetAssociation('RulesModule'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('RuleType', "Billing"); // __("Billing") $this->_SetMetaInformation('RuleInterface', "RuleInterface"); $this->acl = array('emr', 'bill'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // Define variables for EMR summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "my_date", __("Provider") => "pnotesdoc:physician", __("Description") => "pnotesdescrip"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_PRINT | SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(pnotesdt, '%m/%d/%Y') AS my_date"); $this->summary_order_by = 'pnotesdt DESC,id'; $this->list_view = array(__("Date") => "pnotesdt", __("Description") => "pnotesdescrip"); // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'pnoteseoc'); $this->acl = array('emr'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "my_date", __("Provider") => "provider:physician", __("Description") => "pnotesdescrip"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(dateof, '%M %d, %Y') AS full_date", "DATE_FORMAT(dateof, '%m/%d/%Y') AS my_date"); $this->summary_query_link = array('immunization' => 'bccdc'); $this->summary_order_by = 'dateof DESC,'; $this->loinc_mapping = '11369-6'; $this->loinc_display = array("Immunization" => 'description', "Date" => 'full_date'); // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'eoc'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Financial Demographics") // __("Keep track of information for determining sliding fee schedule and other income and dependent parties related information.") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "_timestamp", __("Household Size") => "fdhousehold", __("Income") => "fdincome"); $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(fdtimestamp, '%b %d, %Y %H:%i') AS _timestamp"); $this->form_vars = array('fdincome', 'fdidtype', 'fdidissuer', 'fdidnumber', 'fdidexpire', 'fdhousehold', 'fdspouse', 'fdchild', 'fdother', 'fdfreetext'); $this->variables = array('fdtimestamp' => SQL__NOW, 'fdpatient', 'fdincome', 'fdidtype', 'fdidissuer', 'fdidnumber', 'fdidexpire', 'fdhousehold', 'fdspouse', 'fdchild', 'fdother', 'fdfreetext', 'user'); $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Set configuration variables for sliding fee scale $this->_SetMetaInformation('global_config_vars', array('sliding_fee', 'fed_pov_level', 'fed_pov_inc')); $this->_SetMetaInformation('global_config', array(__("Sliding Fee Scale Enabled") => 'html_form::select_widget("sliding_fee", array(' . '"' . __("no") . '" => 0, ' . '"' . __("yes") . '" => 1 ))', __("Federal Poverty Level") => 'html_form::text_widget("fed_pov_level", 20, 50)', __("Federal Poverty Increment") => 'html_form::text_widget("fed_pov_inc", 20, 50)')); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Scanned Documents") // __("Allows images to be stored, as if they were in a paper chart.") // Define variables for EMR summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "my_date", __("Type") => "imagetype", __("Category") => "imagecat", __("Description") => "imagedesc", __("Reviewed") => "reviewed"); $this->summary_options |= SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_DELETE | SUMMARY_PRINT; $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(imagedt, '%m/%d/%Y') AS my_date", "CASE imagereviewed WHEN 0 THEN 'no' ELSE 'yes' END AS reviewed"); $this->summary_order_by = "imagedt"; // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'imageeoc'); $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // Set configuration stuff /* $this->_SetMetaInformation('global_config_vars', array( 'message_delete' )); $this->_SetMetaInformation('global_config', array( __("Allow Direct Message Deletion") => 'html_form::select_widget("message_delete", '. 'array( '. '"'.__("Disable").'" => "0", '. '"'.__("Enable").'" => "1" '. ')'. ')' )); */ // Add main menu handler item $this->_SetHandler('Dashboard', get_class($this)); $this->_SetHandler('MainMenu', 'UnreadMessages'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("DICOM") // Define variables for EMR summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Description") => "d_study_description"); $this->summary_query = array("DATE_FORMAT(d_stamp, '%m/%d/%Y') AS my_date"); $this->summary_order_by = "d_stamp DESC"; // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); // Define images base path $this->base_path = dirname(dirname(__FILE__)) . '/data/store/'; // Call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => 'ntarget', __("User") => 'nfor:user'); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_DELETE; $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); // Set up a tickler, so we can send messages to the user $this->_SetHandler('Tickler', 'notify_user'); // call parent constructor parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { // __("Patient Correspondence") // Set vars for patient management summary $this->summary_vars = array(__("Date") => "letterdt", __("From") => "letterfrom:physician"); $this->summary_options = SUMMARY_VIEW | SUMMARY_VIEW_NEWWINDOW | SUMMARY_PRINT | SUMMARY_LOCK | SUMMARY_DELETE; // Set associations $this->_SetAssociation('EmrModule'); $this->_SetAssociation('EpisodeOfCare'); $this->_SetMetaInformation('EpisodeOfCareVar', 'lettereoc'); // Set ACL for billers + EMR access $this->acl = array('bill', 'emr'); // Run parent constructor parent::__construct(); }