Пример #1
  * simply take an incoming ticket and calculate the subtotal for the ticket
  * @param  EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @return float     subtotal calculated from all EE_Price[] on Ticket.
 private static function _get_subtotal_for_admin(EE_Ticket $ticket)
     $subtotal = 0;
     //get all prices
     $prices = $ticket->get_many_related('Price', array('default_where_conditions' => 'none', 'order_by' => array('PRC_order' => 'ASC')));
     //let's loop through them (base price is always the first item)
     foreach ($prices as $price) {
         if ($price instanceof EE_Price) {
             $price_type = $price->type_obj();
             if ($price_type instanceof EE_Price_Type) {
                 switch ($price->type_obj()->base_type()) {
                     case 1:
                         // base price
                     // base price
                     case 3:
                         // surcharges
                         $subtotal += $price->is_percent() ? $subtotal * $price->get('PRC_amount') / 100 : $price->get('PRC_amount');
                     case 2:
                         // discounts
                         $subtotal -= $price->is_percent() ? $subtotal * $price->get('PRC_amount') / 100 : $price->get('PRC_amount');
     $TKT_ID = $ticket->ID();
     self::$_subtotal = array($TKT_ID => $subtotal);
     return $subtotal;
 function test_increase_and_decrease_sold()
     $t = EE_Ticket::new_instance(array('TKT_start_date' => current_time('timestamp') - 100, 'TKT_end_date' => current_time('timestamp') + 100, 'TKT_qty' => 10, 'TKT_sold' => 0));
     $this->assertEquals(0, $t->sold());
     $this->assertEquals(1, $t->sold());
     $this->assertEquals(3, $t->sold());
     //now try decreasing
     $this->assertEquals(2, $t->sold());
     $this->assertEquals(0, $t->sold());
 protected function _parser($shortcode)
     $this->_ticket = $this->_data instanceof EE_Ticket ? $this->_data : null;
     $aee = $this->_data instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee ? $this->_data : null;
     $aee = !$aee instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee && is_array($this->_extra_data) && isset($this->_extra_data['data']) && $this->_extra_data['data'] instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee ? $this->_extra_data['data'] : $aee;
     //possible EE_Line_Item may be incoming data
     $this->_ticket = empty($this->_ticket) && $this->_data instanceof EE_Line_Item && $aee instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee && !empty($aee->line_items_with_children[$this->_data->ID()]['EE_Ticket']) && $aee->line_items_with_children[$this->_data->ID()]['EE_Ticket'] instanceof EE_Ticket ? $aee->line_items_with_children[$this->_data->ID()]['EE_Ticket'] : $this->_ticket;
     //if still no ticket, then let's see if there is a reg_obj.  If there IS, then we'll try and grab the ticket from the reg_obj instead.
     if (empty($this->_ticket)) {
         $this->_ticket = $aee instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee && $aee->reg_obj instanceof EE_Registration ? $aee->reg_obj->ticket() : NULL;
     //If there is no event object by now then get out.
     if (!$this->_ticket instanceof EE_Ticket) {
         return '';
     switch ($shortcode) {
         case '[TICKET_ID]':
             return $this->_ticket->ID();
         case '[TICKET_NAME]':
             return $this->_ticket->get('TKT_name');
         case '[TICKET_DESCRIPTION]':
             return $this->_ticket->get('TKT_description');
         case '[TICKET_PRICE]':
             return EEH_Template::format_currency($this->_ticket->get('TKT_price'));
         case '[TICKET_PRICE_WITH_TAXES]':
             return EEH_Template::format_currency($this->_ticket->get_ticket_total_with_taxes());
         case '[TKT_QTY_PURCHASED]':
             return $aee instanceof EE_Messages_Addressee ? $aee->tickets[$this->_ticket->ID()]['count'] : '';
     if (strpos($shortcode, '[TKT_USES_*') !== FALSE) {
         $attrs = $this->_get_shortcode_attrs($shortcode);
         $schema = empty($attrs['schema']) ? null : $attrs['schema'];
         return $this->_ticket->get_pretty('TKT_uses', $schema);
     return '';
 function test_finalize()
     $t = EE_Transaction::new_instance(array('STS_ID' => EEM_Transaction::complete_status_code));
     $e = EE_Event::new_instance();
     $tkt = EE_Ticket::new_instance();
     $d = EE_Datetime::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID()));
     $tkt->_add_relation_to($d, 'Datetime');
     /** @type EE_Registration_Processor $registration_processor */
     $registration_processor = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Registration_Processor');
     $reg_url = $registration_processor->generate_reg_url_link(1, EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $tkt->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $tkt->description(), 'LIN_unit_price' => $tkt->price(), 'LIN_quantity' => 1, 'LIN_is_taxable' => $tkt->taxable(), 'LIN_order' => 0, 'LIN_total' => $tkt->price(), 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $tkt->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket')));
     $r = EE_REgistration::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID(), 'TXN_ID' => $t->ID(), 'TKT_ID' => $tkt->ID(), 'STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_pending_payment, 'REG_url_link' => $reg_url));
     $this->assertEquals(EEM_Registration::status_id_approved, $r->status_ID());
  * This handles connecting a registration to related items when the chained flag is true.
  * @since 4.3.0
  * @param EE_Registration $registration
  * @param array $args incoming arguments from caller for specifying overrides.
  * @return EE_Registration
 private function _maybe_chained(EE_Registration $registration, $args)
     if ($this->_chained) {
         if (empty($this->_transaction) || empty($this->_ticket) || empty($this->_attendee) || empty($this->_status)) {
         //add relation to transaction
         $registration->_add_relation_to($this->_transaction, 'Transaction');
         //add relation to ticket
         $registration->_add_relation_to($this->_ticket, 'Ticket');
         //add relation to event
         $event = $this->_ticket->get_first_related('Datetime')->get_first_related('Event');
         $registration->_add_relation_to($event, 'Event');
         //add relation to attendee
         $registration->_add_relation_to($this->_attendee, 'Attendee');
         //add relation to status
         $registration->_add_relation_to($this->_status, 'Status');
         return $registration;
     return $registration;
 function test_active_status()
     /** @type EE_Event $e */
     $e = EE_Event::new_instance(array('status' => 'publish'));
     //echo "\n\n create Ticket";
     $t = EE_Ticket::new_instance(array('TKT_start_date' => time() - 100, 'TKT_end_date' => time() + 50, 'TKT_qty' => 100, 'TKT_sold' => 0));
     $d_now = EE_Datetime::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID(), 'DTT_EVT_start' => time() - 100, 'DTT_EVT_end' => time() + 50));
     $d_now->_add_relation_to($t, 'Ticket');
     $d_exp = EE_Datetime::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID(), 'DTT_EVT_start' => time() - 10, 'DTT_EVT_end' => time() - 5));
     $d_exp->_add_relation_to($t, 'Ticket');
     $d_upcoming = EE_Datetime::new_instance(array('EVT_ID' => $e->ID(), 'DTT_EVT_start' => time() + 10, 'DTT_EVT_end' => time() + 15));
     $d_upcoming->_add_relation_to($t, 'Ticket');
     $this->assertEquals(EE_Datetime::active, $e->get_active_status(TRUE));
     $e->_remove_relation_to($d_now, 'Datetime');
     $this->assertEquals(EE_Datetime::upcoming, $e->get_active_status(TRUE));
     $e->_remove_relation_to($d_upcoming, 'Datetime');
     $this->assertEquals(EE_Datetime::expired, $e->get_active_status(TRUE));
  * Setup an individual ticket form for the decaf event editor page
  * @access private
  * @param  EE_Ticket $ticket   the ticket object
  * @param  boolean   $skeleton whether we're generating a skeleton for js manipulation
  * @param int        $row
  * @return string generated html for the ticket row.
 private function _get_ticket_row($ticket, $skeleton = FALSE, $row = 0)
     $template_args = array('tkt_status_class' => ' tkt-status-' . $ticket->ticket_status(), 'tkt_archive_class' => $ticket->ticket_status() === EE_Ticket::archived && !$skeleton ? ' tkt-archived' : '', 'ticketrow' => $skeleton ? 'TICKETNUM' : $row, 'TKT_ID' => $ticket->get('TKT_ID'), 'TKT_name' => $ticket->get('TKT_name'), 'TKT_start_date' => $skeleton ? '' : $ticket->get_date('TKT_start_date', 'Y-m-d h:i a'), 'TKT_end_date' => $skeleton ? '' : $ticket->get_date('TKT_end_date', 'Y-m-d h:i a'), 'TKT_is_default' => $ticket->get('TKT_is_default'), 'TKT_qty' => $ticket->get_pretty('TKT_qty', 'input'), 'edit_ticketrow_name' => $skeleton ? 'TICKETNAMEATTR' : 'edit_tickets', 'TKT_sold' => $skeleton ? 0 : $ticket->get('TKT_sold'), 'trash_icon' => ($skeleton || !empty($ticket) && !$ticket->get('TKT_deleted')) && (!empty($ticket) && $ticket->get('TKT_sold') === 0) ? 'trash-icon dashicons dashicons-post-trash clickable' : 'ee-lock-icon', 'disabled' => $skeleton || !empty($ticket) && !$ticket->get('TKT_deleted') ? '' : ' disabled=disabled');
     $price = $ticket->ID() !== 0 ? $ticket->get_first_related('Price', array('default_where_conditions' => 'none')) : EE_Registry::instance()->load_model('Price')->create_default_object();
     $price_args = array('price_currency_symbol' => EE_Registry::instance()->CFG->currency->sign, 'PRC_amount' => $price->get('PRC_amount'), 'PRT_ID' => $price->get('PRT_ID'), 'PRC_ID' => $price->get('PRC_ID'), 'PRC_is_default' => $price->get('PRC_is_default'));
     //make sure we have default start and end dates if skeleton
     //handle rows that should NOT be empty
     if (empty($template_args['TKT_start_date'])) {
         //if empty then the start date will be now.
         $template_args['TKT_start_date'] = date('Y-m-d h:i a', current_time('timestamp'));
     if (empty($template_args['TKT_end_date'])) {
         //get the earliest datetime (if present);
         $earliest_dtt = $this->_cpt_model_obj->ID() > 0 ? $this->_cpt_model_obj->get_first_related('Datetime', array('order_by' => array('DTT_EVT_start' => 'ASC'))) : NULL;
         if (!empty($earliest_dtt)) {
             $template_args['TKT_end_date'] = $earliest_dtt->get_datetime('DTT_EVT_start', 'Y-m-d', 'h:i a');
         } else {
             $template_args['TKT_end_date'] = date('Y-m-d h:i a', mktime(0, 0, 0, date("m"), date("d") + 7, date("Y")));
     $template_args = array_merge($template_args, $price_args);
     $template = apply_filters('FHEE__Events_Admin_Page__get_ticket_row__template', EVENTS_TEMPLATE_PATH . 'event_tickets_metabox_ticket_row.template.php', $ticket);
     return EEH_Template::display_template($template, $template_args, TRUE);
  * simulate six sales for an event's ticket, which will also increase sold qty for D1 & D2
  * @param \EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @param int $qty
  * @throws \EE_Error
 protected function _sell_tickets(EE_Ticket $ticket, $qty = 1)
     if ($ticket instanceof EE_Ticket) {
         $transaction = EE_Transaction::new_instance(array('STS_ID' => EEM_Transaction::complete_status_code, 'TXN_timestamp' => time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS, 'TXN_total' => 0, 'TXN_paid' => 0));
         for ($x = 1; $x <= $qty; $x++) {
             $registration = EE_Registration::new_instance(array('STS_ID' => EEM_Registration::status_id_approved, 'REG_date' => time() - DAY_IN_SECONDS, 'REG_code' => $transaction->ID() . "-" . $ticket->ID() . "-{$x}-test", 'TXN_ID' => $transaction->ID(), 'EVT_ID' => $ticket->get_event_ID(), 'TKT_ID' => $ticket->ID()));
 private function _get_datetimes_from_ticket(EE_Ticket $ticket, $att = NULL)
     return isset($this->_extra_data['data']->tickets) ? $this->_extra_data['data']->tickets[$ticket->ID()]['dtt_objs'] : array();
Пример #10
  *	@process items for adding to cart
  *	@access public
  *	@param EE_Ticket $ticket
  *	@param int $qty
  *	@return TRUE on success, FALSE on fail
 public function add_ticket_to_cart(EE_Ticket $ticket, $qty = 1)
     $datetimes = $ticket->datetimes();
     $event_names = array();
     foreach ($datetimes as $datetime) {
         $event = $datetime->event();
         $event_names[$event->ID()] = $event->name();
     $description_addition = " (For " . implode(", ", $event_names) . ")";
     $full_description = $ticket->description() . $description_addition;
     // add $ticket to cart
     $line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $ticket->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $full_description, 'LIN_unit_price' => $ticket->price(), 'LIN_quantity' => $qty, 'LIN_is_taxable' => $ticket->taxable(), 'LIN_order' => count($this->_grand_total->children()), 'LIN_total' => $ticket->price() * $qty, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $ticket->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket'));
     //now add the sub-line items
     $running_total_for_ticket = 0;
     foreach ($ticket->prices(array('order_by' => array('PRC_order' => 'ASC'))) as $price) {
         $sign = $price->is_discount() ? -1 : 1;
         $price_total = $price->is_percent() ? $running_total_for_ticket * $price->amount() / 100 : $price->amount() * $qty;
         $sub_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $price->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $price->desc(), 'LIN_quantity' => $price->is_percent() ? null : $qty, 'LIN_is_taxable' => false, 'LIN_order' => $price->order(), 'LIN_total' => $sign * $price_total, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $price->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Price'));
         if ($price->is_percent()) {
             $sub_line_item->set_percent($sign * $price->amount());
         } else {
             $sub_line_item->set_unit_price($sign * $price->amount());
         $running_total_for_ticket += $price_total;
     return $this->save_cart() ? TRUE : FALSE;
  *    _recalculate_ticket_datetime_availability
  * @access 	private
  * @param 	EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @param 	int   $qty
  * @return 	int
 private static function _recalculate_ticket_datetime_availability(EE_Ticket $ticket, $qty = 0)
     if (isset(self::$_available_spaces['tickets'][$ticket->ID()])) {
         // loop thru tickets, which will ALSO include individual ticket records AND a total
         foreach (self::$_available_spaces['tickets'][$ticket->ID()] as $DTD_ID => $spaces) {
             // subtract the qty of selected tickets from each datetime's available spaces this ticket has access to,
             self::$_available_spaces['datetimes'][$DTD_ID] = self::$_available_spaces['datetimes'][$DTD_ID] - $qty;
     *    _ticket_qty_input
     * @param EE_Line_Item $line_item
     * @param \EE_Ticket   $ticket
     * @return mixed
    private function _ticket_qty_input(EE_Line_Item $line_item, EE_Ticket $ticket)
        if ($ticket->remaining() - $line_item->quantity()) {
            $disabled = '';
            $disabled_class = '';
            $disabled_style = '';
            $disabled_title = __('add one item', 'event_espresso');
            $query_args = array('event_cart' => 'add_ticket', 'ticket' => $ticket->ID(), 'line_item' => $line_item->code());
        } else {
            $disabled = ' disabled="disabled"';
            $disabled_class = ' disabled';
            $disabled_style = ' style="background-color:#e8e8e8;"';
            $disabled_title = __('there are no more items available', 'event_espresso');
            $query_args = array('event_cart' => 'view');
        return '
	<div class="event-cart-ticket-qty-dv">
		<input type="text"
					id="event-cart-update-txt-qty-' . $line_item->code() . '"
					class="event-cart-update-txt-qty ' . $disabled_class . '"
					name="event_cart_update_txt_qty[' . $ticket->ID() . '][' . $line_item->code() . ']"
					rel="' . $line_item->code() . '"
					value="' . $line_item->quantity() . '"
					' . $disabled . '
		<span class="event-cart-update-buttons" >
			<a	title = "' . $disabled_title . '"
				class="event-cart-add-ticket-button event-cart-button event-cart-icon-button button' . $disabled_class . '"
				rel = "' . $line_item->code() . '"
				href = "' . add_query_arg($query_args, EE_EVENT_QUEUE_BASE_URL) . '"
				' . $disabled_style . '
				<span class="dashicons dashicons-plus" ></span >
			</a >
			<a	title = "' . __('remove one item', 'event_espresso') . '"
					class="event-cart-remove-ticket-button event-cart-button event-cart-icon-button button"
					rel = "' . $line_item->code() . '"
					href = "' . add_query_arg(array('event_cart' => 'remove_ticket', 'ticket' => $ticket->ID(), 'line_item' => $line_item->code()), EE_EVENT_QUEUE_BASE_URL) . '"
				<span class="dashicons dashicons-minus" ></span >
			</a >
			<a	title="' . __('delete item from event cart', 'event_espresso') . '"
					class="event-cart-delete-ticket-button event-cart-button event-cart-icon-button button"
					rel="' . $line_item->code() . '"
					href="' . add_query_arg(array('event_cart' => 'delete_ticket', 'ticket' => $ticket->ID(), 'line_item' => $line_item->code()), EE_EVENT_QUEUE_BASE_URL) . '"
				<span class="dashicons dashicons-trash"></span>
		</span >
  * Given the grand total line item and a ticket, finds the event sub-total
  * line item the ticket's purchase should be added onto
  * @access public
  * @param EE_Line_Item $grand_total the grand total line item
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @throws \EE_Error
  * @return EE_Line_Item
 public static function get_event_line_item_for_ticket(EE_Line_Item $grand_total, EE_Ticket $ticket)
     $first_datetime = $ticket->first_datetime();
     if (!$first_datetime instanceof EE_Datetime) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no datetimes', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     $event = $first_datetime->event();
     if (!$event instanceof EE_Event) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no event data associated with it.', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     $event_line_item = NULL;
     $found = false;
     foreach (EEH_Line_Item::get_event_subtotals($grand_total) as $event_line_item) {
         // default event subtotal, we should only ever find this the first time this method is called
         if (!$event_line_item->OBJ_ID()) {
             // let's use this! but first... set the event details
             EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
             $found = true;
         } else {
             if ($event_line_item->OBJ_ID() === $event->ID()) {
                 // found existing line item for this event in the cart, so break out of loop and use this one
                 $found = true;
     if (!$found) {
         //there is no event sub-total yet, so add it
         $pre_tax_subtotal = EEH_Line_Item::get_pre_tax_subtotal($grand_total);
         // create a new "event" subtotal below that
         $event_line_item = EEH_Line_Item::create_event_subtotal($pre_tax_subtotal, null, $event);
         // and set the event details
         EEH_Line_Item::set_event_subtotal_details($event_line_item, $event);
     return $event_line_item;
  * Given the grand total line item and a ticket, finds the event sub-total
  * line item the ticket's purchase should be added onto
  * @access public
  * @param EE_Line_Item $grand_total the grand total line item
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @throws \EE_Error
  * @return EE_Line_Item
 public static function get_event_line_item_for_ticket(EE_Line_Item $grand_total, EE_Ticket $ticket)
     $first_datetime = $ticket->first_datetime();
     if (!$first_datetime instanceof EE_Datetime) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no datetimes', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     $event = $first_datetime->event();
     if (!$event instanceof EE_Event) {
         throw new EE_Error(sprintf(__('The supplied ticket (ID %d) has no event data associated with it.', 'event_espresso'), $ticket->ID()));
     return EEH_Line_Item::get_event_line_item($grand_total, $event);
  * used by factory to create ticket object
  * @since 4.3.0
  * @param array $args Incoming field values to set on the new object
  * @return EE_Ticket|false
 public function create_object($args)
     $this->_special_args['PRC_ID'] = isset($args['PRC_ID']) ? $args['PRC_ID'] : 0;
     $this->_special_args['DTT_ID'] = isset($args['DTT_ID']) ? $args['DTT_ID'] : 0;
     //maybe unset PRC_ID
     if (isset($args['PRC_ID'])) {
     //maybe unset DTT_ID
     if (isset($args['DTT_ID'])) {
     if (isset($args['timezone'])) {
         $timezone = $args['timezone'];
     } else {
         $timezone = null;
     if (isset($args['formats']) && is_array($args['formats'])) {
         $formats = $args['formats'];
     } else {
         $formats = array();
     $tkt = EE_Ticket::new_instance($args, $timezone, $formats);
     $tktID = $tkt->save();
     $tkt = $this->_maybe_chained($tkt, $args);
     return $tktID ? $tkt : false;
  * This attaches a list of given prices to a ticket.
  * Note we dont' have to worry about ever removing relationships (or archiving prices) because if there is a change in price information on a ticket, a new ticket is created anyways so the archived ticket will retain the old price info and prices are automatically "archived" via the ticket.
  * @access  private
  * @param array  	$prices  	Array of prices from the form.
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket  	EE_Ticket object that prices are being attached to.
  * @param bool 		$new_prices Whether attach existing incoming prices or create new ones.
  * @param int|bool 		$base_price if FALSE then NOT doing a base price add.
  * @param int|bool 		$base_price_id  if present then this is the base_price_id being updated.
  * @return EE_Ticket
 protected function _add_prices_to_ticket($prices = array(), EE_Ticket $ticket, $new_prices = FALSE, $base_price = FALSE, $base_price_id = FALSE)
     //let's just get any current prices that may exist on the given ticket so we can remove any prices that got trashed in this session.
     $current_prices_on_ticket = $base_price !== FALSE ? $ticket->base_price(TRUE) : $ticket->price_modifiers();
     $updated_prices = array();
     // if $base_price ! FALSE then updating a base price.
     if ($base_price !== FALSE) {
         $prices[1] = array('PRC_ID' => $new_prices || $base_price_id === 1 ? NULL : $base_price_id, 'PRT_ID' => 1, 'PRC_amount' => $base_price, 'PRC_name' => $ticket->get('TKT_name'), 'PRC_desc' => $ticket->get('TKT_description'));
     //possibly need to save tkt
     if (!$ticket->ID()) {
     foreach ($prices as $row => $prc) {
         $prt_id = !empty($prc['PRT_ID']) ? $prc['PRT_ID'] : NULL;
         if (empty($prt_id)) {
         //prices MUST have a price type id.
         $PRC_values = array('PRC_ID' => !empty($prc['PRC_ID']) ? $prc['PRC_ID'] : NULL, 'PRT_ID' => $prt_id, 'PRC_amount' => !empty($prc['PRC_amount']) ? $prc['PRC_amount'] : 0, 'PRC_name' => !empty($prc['PRC_name']) ? $prc['PRC_name'] : '', 'PRC_desc' => !empty($prc['PRC_desc']) ? $prc['PRC_desc'] : '', 'PRC_is_default' => false, 'PRC_order' => $row);
         if ($new_prices || empty($PRC_values['PRC_ID'])) {
             $PRC_values['PRC_ID'] = 0;
             $PRC = EE_Registry::instance()->load_class('Price', array($PRC_values), FALSE, FALSE);
         } else {
             $PRC = EE_Registry::instance()->load_model('Price')->get_one_by_ID($prc['PRC_ID']);
             //update this price with new values
             foreach ($PRC_values as $field => $newprc) {
                 $PRC->set($field, $newprc);
         $prcid = $PRC->ID();
         $updated_prices[$prcid] = $PRC;
         $ticket->_add_relation_to($PRC, 'Price');
     //now let's remove any prices that got removed from the ticket
     if (!empty($current_prices_on_ticket)) {
         $current = array_keys($current_prices_on_ticket);
         $updated = array_keys($updated_prices);
         $prices_to_remove = array_diff($current, $updated);
         if (!empty($prices_to_remove)) {
             foreach ($prices_to_remove as $prc_id) {
                 $p = $current_prices_on_ticket[$prc_id];
                 $ticket->_remove_relation_to($p, 'Price');
                 //delete permanently the price
     return $ticket;
  * _total_ticket_quantity_within_event_additional_limit
  * returns true if the requested ticket quantity
  * does not exceed the event's additional limit
  * when combined with the tickets for the same event
  * that have already been added to the cart
  * @access    protected
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @param int       $quantity
  * @param bool      $cart_update
  * @return bool
 protected function _total_ticket_quantity_within_event_additional_limit(EE_Ticket $ticket, $quantity = 1, $cart_update = false)
     $event = $ticket->first_datetime()->event();
     // we want to exclude this ticket from the count if this is a cart update,
     // because we are not simply incrementing the cart count
     // but replacing the quantity in the cart with a totally new value
     $TKT_ID = $cart_update ? $ticket->ID() : 0;
     $event_tickets = $this->_event_tickets($TKT_ID);
     if (isset($event_tickets[$event->ID()])) {
         // add tickets that are already in cart
         $quantity += count($event_tickets[$event->ID()]);
     return $quantity <= $event->additional_limit() ? true : false;
  * @param \EE_Transaction $transaction
  * @param \EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @param \EE_Event $event
  * @param float $REG_final_price
  * @return \EE_Registration
  * @throws \EE_Error
 public function get_registration_mock(EE_Transaction $transaction, EE_Ticket $ticket, EE_Event $event, $REG_final_price = 10.0)
     return $this->new_model_obj_with_dependencies('Registration', array('TXN_ID' => $transaction->ID(), 'TKT_ID' => $ticket->ID(), 'EVT_ID' => $event->ID(), 'REG_final_price' => $REG_final_price, 'REG_count' => EEM_Registration::PRIMARY_REGISTRANT_COUNT));
  * Returns the new line item created by adding a purchase of the ticket
  * @param EE_Line_Item $total_line_item of type EEM_Line_Item::type_total
  * @param EE_Ticket $ticket
  * @param int $qty
  * @return EE_Line_Item
 public static function create_ticket_line_item(EE_Line_Item $total_line_item, EE_Ticket $ticket, $qty = 1)
     $datetimes = $ticket->datetimes();
     $event_names = array();
     foreach ($datetimes as $datetime) {
         $event = $datetime->event();
         $event_names[$event->ID()] = $event->name();
     $description_addition = sprintf(__(' (For %1$s)', 'event_espresso'), implode(", ", $event_names));
     $full_description = $ticket->description() . $description_addition;
     $items_subtotal = self::get_items_subtotal($total_line_item);
     // add $ticket to cart
     $line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $ticket->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $full_description, 'LIN_unit_price' => $ticket->price(), 'LIN_quantity' => $qty, 'LIN_is_taxable' => $ticket->taxable(), 'LIN_order' => $items_subtotal instanceof EE_Line_Item ? count($items_subtotal->children()) : 0, 'LIN_total' => $ticket->price() * $qty, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $ticket->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Ticket'));
     //now add the sub-line items
     $running_total_for_ticket = 0;
     foreach ($ticket->prices(array('order_by' => array('PRC_order' => 'ASC'))) as $price) {
         $sign = $price->is_discount() ? -1 : 1;
         $price_total = $price->is_percent() ? $running_total_for_ticket * $price->amount() / 100 : $price->amount() * $qty;
         $sub_line_item = EE_Line_Item::new_instance(array('LIN_name' => $price->name(), 'LIN_desc' => $price->desc(), 'LIN_quantity' => $price->is_percent() ? null : $qty, 'LIN_is_taxable' => false, 'LIN_order' => $price->order(), 'LIN_total' => $sign * $price_total, 'LIN_type' => EEM_Line_Item::type_sub_line_item, 'OBJ_ID' => $price->ID(), 'OBJ_type' => 'Price'));
         if ($price->is_percent()) {
             $sub_line_item->set_percent($sign * $price->amount());
         } else {
             $sub_line_item->set_unit_price($sign * $price->amount());
         $running_total_for_ticket += $price_total;
     return $line_item;