  * Converts an underscored or CamelCase word into a English
  * sentence.
  * The titleize static function converts text like "WelcomePage",
  * "welcome_page" or  "welcome page" to this "Welcome
  * Page".
  * If second parameter is set to 'first' it will only
  * capitalize the first character of the title.
  * @access public
  * @static
  * @param    string    $word    Word to format as tile
  * @param    string    $uppercase    If set to 'first' it will only uppercase the
  * first character. Otherwise it will uppercase all
  * the words in the title.
  * @return string Text formatted as title
 static function titleize($word, $uppercase = '')
     $uppercase = $uppercase == 'first' ? 'ucfirst' : 'ucwords';
     return $uppercase(EEH_Inflector::humanize(EEH_Inflector::underscore($word)));
Пример #2
  * Gets all the related entities (or if its a belongs-to relation just the one)
  * to the item with the given id
  * @param \WP_REST_Request $request
  * @return \WP_REST_Response|\WP_Error
 public static function handle_request_get_related(\WP_REST_Request $request)
     $controller = new Read();
     try {
         $matches = $controller->parse_route($request->get_route(), '~' . \EED_Core_Rest_Api::ee_api_namespace_for_regex . '(.*)/(.*)/(.*)~', array('version', 'model', 'id', 'related_model'));
         $main_model_name_singular = \EEH_Inflector::singularize_and_upper($matches['model']);
         if (!$controller->get_model_version_info()->is_model_name_in_this_version($main_model_name_singular)) {
             return $controller->send_response(new \WP_Error('endpoint_parsing_error', sprintf(__('There is no model for endpoint %s. Please contact event espresso support', 'event_espresso'), $main_model_name_singular)));
         $main_model = $controller->get_model_version_info()->load_model($main_model_name_singular);
         //assume the related model name is plural and try to find the model's name
         $related_model_name_singular = \EEH_Inflector::singularize_and_upper($matches['related_model']);
         if (!$controller->get_model_version_info()->is_model_name_in_this_version($related_model_name_singular)) {
             //so the word didn't singularize well. Maybe that's just because it's a singular word?
             $related_model_name_singular = \EEH_Inflector::humanize($matches['related_model']);
         if (!$controller->get_model_version_info()->is_model_name_in_this_version($related_model_name_singular)) {
             return $controller->send_response(new \WP_Error('endpoint_parsing_error', sprintf(__('There is no model for endpoint %s. Please contact event espresso support', 'event_espresso'), $related_model_name_singular)));
         return $controller->send_response($controller->get_entities_from_relation($request->get_param('id'), $main_model->related_settings_for($related_model_name_singular), $request));
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         return $controller->send_response($e);
Пример #3
  * Array of headers derived from EE sucess, attention, and error messages
  * @return array
 protected function _get_headers_from_ee_notices()
     $headers = array();
     $notices = \EE_Error::get_raw_notices();
     foreach ($notices as $notice_type => $sub_notices) {
         if (!is_array($sub_notices)) {
         foreach ($sub_notices as $notice_code => $sub_notice) {
             $headers['X-EE4-Notices-' . \EEH_Inflector::humanize($notice_type) . '[' . $notice_code . ']'] = strip_tags($sub_notice);
     return apply_filters('FHEE__EventEspresso\\core\\libraries\\rest_api\\controllers\\Base___get_headers_from_ee_notices__return', $headers, $this->_requested_version, $notices);