function draw() { global $display; //$this->beginForm(false,'post',false,Url::build_current()); $this->beginForm(); $name = trim(Url::get('name')); $order_by = Url::get('order_by', 'id'); $order_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC'); $cond = ' 1 '; if ($name != '') { $cond .= ' AND name LIKE "%' . $name . '%"'; } $item_per_page = 50; $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM `module` WHERE ' . $cond . ' LIMIT 0,1', 'total_row', 0); $items = array(); $paging = ''; if ($total_row) { $limit = ''; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/ECPagging.php'; $paging = ECPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true); $sql = 'SELECT id ,name FROM `module` WHERE ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_dir . ' ' . $limit; $re = DB::query($sql); if ($re) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { if (Url::check('page_id')) { $row['onclick'] = ' onclick="location=\'' . Url::build('edit_page', array('module_id' => $row['id'], 'id' => (int) Url::get('page_id', 0), 'region', 'after', 'replace', 'href')) . '\';" style="cursor:pointer;" title="Click vào đây để cắm Module vào Page"'; } else { $row['onclick'] = ''; } $re2 = DB::query('SELECT, FROM block INNER JOIN page ON WHERE module_id="' . $row['id'] . '"'); if ($re2) { while ($page = mysql_fetch_assoc($re2)) { $row['pages'][$page['id']] = $page; } } else { $row['pages'] = array(); } $items[$row['id']] = $row; } } } if ($order_dir == 'ASC') { $order_dir = 'DESC'; } else { $order_dir = 'ASC'; } $href_id = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'id', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $href_name = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'name', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $img_id = ''; $img_name = ''; if ($order_by == 'id') { $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } if ($order_by == 'name') { $img_name = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } $display->add('img_id', $img_id); $display->add('img_name', $img_name); $display->add('href_id', $href_id); $display->add('href_name', $href_name); $display->add('name', $name); $display->add('paging', $paging); $display->add('items', $items); $display->add('hover', EClassApi::mouse_hover('#E2F1DF', true)); $display->output('list'); $this->endForm(); }
function draw() { global $display; $this->beginForm(false, 'post', false, Url::build_current()); $name = trim(Url::get('name')); $order_by = Url::get('order_by', 'id'); $order_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC'); $cond = ' 1 '; if ($name != '') { $cond .= ' AND name LIKE "%' . $name . '%"'; } $item_per_page = 50; $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM `page` WHERE ' . $cond . ' LIMIT 0,1', 'total_row', 0); $items = array(); $paging = ''; if ($total_row) { $limit = ''; require_once ROOT_PATH . 'core/ECPagging.php'; $paging = ECPagging::pagingSE($limit, $total_row, $item_per_page, 10, 'page_no', true); $sql = 'SELECT id ,name,title, description FROM `page` WHERE ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_dir . ' ' . $limit; $re = DB::query($sql); if ($re) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { $row['href'] = Url::build('edit_page', array('id' => $row['id'])); $items[$row['id']] = $row; } } } if ($order_dir == 'ASC') { $order_dir = 'DESC'; } else { $order_dir = 'ASC'; } $href_id = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'id', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $href_name = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'name', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $href_des = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'description', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $href_title = Url::build_current(array('order_by' => 'title', 'order_dir' => $order_dir)); $img_id = ''; $img_name = ''; $img_title = ''; $img_des = ''; if ($order_by == 'id') { $img_id = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } if ($order_by == 'name') { $img_name = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } if ($order_by == 'description') { $img_des = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } if ($order_by == 'title') { $img_title = '<img src="style/images/admin/' . ($order_dir != 'DESC' ? 'down' : 'up') . 'arrow.png" alt="">'; } $display->add('img_id', $img_id); $display->add('img_name', $img_name); $display->add('img_title', $img_title); $display->add('img_des', $img_des); $display->add('href_id', $href_id); $display->add('href_title', $href_title); $display->add('href_name', $href_name); $display->add('href_des', $href_des); $display->add('name', $name); $display->add('paging', $paging); $display->add('items', $items); $display->add('hover', EClassApi::mouse_hover('#E2F1DF', true)); $display->output('list'); $this->endForm(); }
/** * Search box advance * * @author MinhNV * Date 2010/07/01 * */ private function searchBoxAdvance() { global $display; $category_id = Url::get('category_id'); $cat_product_id = Url::get('cat_product_id'); $txt_search = Url::get('txt_search'); //get from cookie $cookie_search = Url::get('so_advanced_category_id_search', 0); if ($cookie_search != '') { $cookie_search = unserialize($cookie_search); } else { $cookie_search = array(); } $cookie_search[$category_id] = array('txt_search' => $txt_search, 'cat_product_id' => $cat_product_id); $cookie_search = serialize($cookie_search); $minute_expire = 3600 + TIME_NOW; EClassApi::set_cookie('so_advanced_category_id_search', $cookie_search, $minute_expire); $page_no = Url::get('page_no', 1); $page = Url::get('page'); $order_by = Url::get('order_by', 'id'); $order_dir = Url::get('order_dir', 'DESC'); $cond = ' TRUE '; $paging = ''; $aryDataSearch = array(); $total_row = 0; if ($category_id > 0 && (!User::is_admin() && User::has_permit_cat($category_id) || User::is_admin())) { $cond .= ' AND category_id=' . $category_id; } elseif (!User::is_admin()) { $cond .= ' AND ' . User::get_query_permit_cat(false, 'category_id'); } if ($cat_product_id > 0 && (!User::is_admin() && User::has_permit_cat_product($cat_product_id) || User::is_admin())) { $cond .= ' AND cat_product_id=' . $cat_product_id; } elseif (!User::is_admin()) { $temp = User::get_query_permit_all_table('cat_product_id', false); $cond .= ' AND ' . ($temp != '' ? $temp : ' TRUE '); } if ($txt_search != '') { $cond .= ' AND b.`name` like "%' . $txt_search . '%" '; } $item_per_page = CGlobal::$number_per_page; $total_row = DB::fetch('SELECT count(*) AS total_row FROM so_box_advanced b WHERE ' . $cond . ' LIMIT 0,1', 'total_row', 0); if ($total_row) { $limit = ''; $url_path = 'ajax.php?act=so_advanced&code=search_box_advance&category_id=' . $category_id . '&txt_search=' . $txt_search . '&cat_product_id=' . $cat_product_id . '&page=' . $page; BMPaging::AjaxPagingTemplate($paging, $limit, $total_row, CGlobal::$number_per_page, CGlobal::$number_pages_show, 'page_no', true, $url_path, 'paging_box_advanced_template'); $sql = 'SELECT b.`id`, b.`category_id`, b.`cat_product_id`, b.`product_id`, b.`name`, b.`description`, b.`image`, b.`link_fix`, b.`product_relate`, b.`total_item`, b.`product_relate_full`, b.`status`, b.`created_date`, c.`name` as category_name, d.`name` as product_category_name FROM so_box_advanced b LEFT JOIN so_category c ON b.category_id = LEFT JOIN so_products_category d ON cat_product_id = WHERE ' . $cond . ' ORDER BY ' . $order_by . ' ' . $order_dir . ' ' . $limit; $re = DB::query($sql); if ($re) { while ($row = mysql_fetch_assoc($re)) { //$row ['image'] = ImageUrl::getBoxAvancedImage ( 70, true, true, $row ['image'] ); // lay URL tu csdl cua image $row['image'] = SoImg::getImage($row['image'], $row['id'], SoImg::FOLDER_BOX_ADVANCED, $row['created_date'], '100x50'); array_push($aryDataSearch, $row); } } } $display->add('hover', EClassApi::mouse_hover(COLOR_MOUSE_HOVER, true)); $display->add('aryBox', $aryDataSearch); //$display->add('paging', $paging); $display->add('total_row', $total_row); $display->add('page', $page); $aryHtml = $display->output('list_box_advanced', true, 'SoBoxAdvanced'); $aryData = array(); $aryData['html'] = $aryHtml; $aryData['intIsOK'] = 1; $aryData['page'] = $paging; echo json_encode($aryData); exit; }
function draw_list($region, $modules) { $i = 0; $last = false; if ($modules) { foreach ($modules as $key => $item) { if ($i) { if ($i > 1) { $last['move_up'] = '<a href="' . Url::build_current(array('cmd' => 'move', 'id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $last['id'], 'move' => 'up')) . '"><img src="style/images/admin/up_arrow_.gif" alt="Move up"></a>'; $last['move_top'] = '<a href="' . Url::build('edit_page', array('id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $last['id'], 'cmd' => 'move_top')) . '">MoveTop</a>'; } $last['move_down'] = '<a href="' . Url::build('edit_page', array('cmd' => 'move', 'id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $last['id'], 'move' => 'down')) . '"><img src="style/images/admin/down_arrow_.gif" alt="Move down"></a>'; $last['move_bottom'] = '<a href="' . Url::build('edit_page', array('id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $last['id'], 'cmd' => 'move_bottom')) . '">MoveBottom</a>'; } $i++; $last =& $modules[$key]; $last['move_up'] = ''; $last['move_down'] = ''; } if ($i > 1) { $modules[$key]['move_up'] = '<a href="' . Url::build('edit_page', array('cmd' => 'move', 'id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $item['id'], 'move' => 'up')) . '"><img src="style/images/admin/up_arrow_.gif" alt="Move up"></a>'; $modules[$key]['move_top'] = '<a href="' . Url::build('edit_page', array('id' => $this->page['id'], 'block_id' => $item['id'], 'cmd' => 'move_top')) . '">MoveTop</a>'; } } global $display; $display->add('hover', EClassApi::mouse_hover('#CCCCCC', true)); $display->add('id', $this->page['id']); $display->add('name', $region); $display->add('items', $modules); return $display->output('list_block', true); }