public function __construct($message, $type = EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR, $silent = false, $customErrorCode = null) { // EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR if (is_string($type)) { $code = isset(self::$codeMap[$type]) ? self::$codeMap[$type] : null; $this->type = $type; // array(400, EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR) } else { if (is_array($type)) { $code = $type[0]; $this->type = $code[1]; } } // We're riding the third param. Blame strict standards. if (is_bool($silent)) { $previous = null; } else { $silent = false; $previous = $silent; } $this->customErrorCode = $customErrorCode; // Load front end language EB::loadLanguages(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); EB::loadLanguages(JPATH_ROOT); // Translate message so a user can pass in the language string directly. $message = JText::_($message); // Construct exception so we can retrieve the rest of the properties parent::__construct($message, $code, $previous); // Add to our global list of exceptions self::$exceptions[] = $this; }
/** * Translates text * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string The language string to translate * @return string */ public function getLanguage($constant) { // Load languages on the site EB::loadLanguages(); $string = JText::_(strtoupper($constant)); return $string; }
/** * Display a list of email activities * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function display($tpl = null) { $this->checkAccess('easyblog.manage.mail'); $layout = $this->getLayout(); if (method_exists($this, $layout)) { return $this->{$layout}(); } // Load frontend language file EB::loadLanguages(); // Set heading $this->setHeading('COM_EASYBLOG_TITLE_MAIL_ACTIVITIES', '', 'fa-send-o'); $filter_state = $this->app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_easyblog.spools.filter_state', 'filter_state', '*', 'word'); $search = $this->app->getUserStateFromRequest('', 'search', '', 'string'); $search = trim(JString::strtolower($search)); $order = $this->app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_easyblog.spools.filter_order', 'filter_order', 'created', 'cmd'); $orderDirection = $this->app->getUserStateFromRequest('com_easyblog.spools.filter_order_Dir', 'filter_order_Dir', 'asc', 'word'); $mails = $this->get('Data'); $pagination = $this->get('Pagination'); $this->set('mails', $mails); $this->set('pagination', $pagination); $this->set('state', JHTML::_('grid.state', $filter_state, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_SENT'), JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_PENDING'))); $this->set('search', $search); $this->set('order', $order); $this->set('orderDirection', $orderDirection); parent::display('spools/default'); }
public function __construct() { // Load language file EB::loadLanguages(); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); $this->exists = $this->exists(); parent::__construct(); }
public function __construct() { EB::loadLanguages(JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR); // Load our own js library EB::init('admin'); // $this->doc = JFactory::getDocument(); // $this->doc->addStylesheet(rtrim(JURI::base(), '/') . '/components/com_easyblog/themes/default/css/elements.css'); JHTML::_('behavior.modal'); $this->app = JFactory::getApplication(); }
public function store($updateNulls = false) { $config = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig(); $maxTimes = $config->get('main_reporting_maxip'); // @task: Run some checks on reported items and if ($maxTimes > 0) { $db = EasyBlogHelper::db(); $query = 'SELECT COUNT(1) FROM ' . $db->nameQuote($this->_tbl) . ' ' . 'WHERE ' . $db->nameQuote('obj_id') . ' = ' . $db->Quote($this->obj_id) . ' ' . 'AND ' . $db->nameQuote('obj_type') . ' = ' . $db->Quote($this->obj_type) . ' ' . 'AND ' . $db->nameQuote('ip') . ' = ' . $db->Quote($this->ip); $db->setQuery($query); $total = (int) $db->loadResult(); if ($total >= $maxTimes) { EB::loadLanguages(); JFactory::getLanguage()->load('com_easyblog', JPATH_ROOT); $this->setError(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_REPORT_ALREADY_REPORTED')); return false; } } // Assign badge for users that report blog post. // Only give points if the viewer is viewing another person's blog post. EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasySocial')->assignBadge('', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYSOCIAL_BADGE_REPORT_BLOG')); return parent::store(); }
/** * Displays a list of templates * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function templates() { // Ensure the user has access to manage templates $this->checkAccess('easyblog.manage.templates'); $this->setHeading('COM_EASYBLOG_BLOGS_POST_TEMPLATES_TITLE', '', 'fa-clipboard'); EB::loadLanguages(); $model = EB::model('Templates'); $rows = $model->getItems(); $pagination = $model->getPagination(); $templates = array(); foreach ($rows as $row) { $template = EB::table('PostTemplate'); $template->bind($row); $templates[] = $template; } $this->set('templates', $templates); $this->set('pagination', $pagination); parent::display('blogs/templates'); }
function EasyBlogParseRoute(&$segments) { // Load site's language file EB::loadLanguages(); $vars = array(); $active = JFactory::getApplication()->getMenu()->getActive(); $config = EB::config(); // We know that the view=categories&layout=listings&id=xxx because there's only 1 segment // and the active menu is view=categories if (isset($active) && $active->query['view'] == 'categories' && !isset($active->query['layout']) && count($segments) == 1) { $vars['view'] = 'categories'; $vars['layout'] = 'listings'; $category = EB::table('Category'); $category->load(array('alias' => $segments[0])); // if still can't get the correct category id try this if (!$category->id) { $categoryAlias = $segments[0]; $categoryAlias = str_replace(':', '-', $categoryAlias); $category->load(array('alias' => $categoryAlias)); } $vars['id'] = $category->id; return $vars; } // RSD View if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == 'rsd') { $vars['view'] = 'rsd'; return $vars; } // Feed view if (isset($segments[1])) { if ($segments[1] == 'rss' || $segments[1] == 'atom') { $vars['view'] = $segments[0]; unset($segments); return $vars; } } // If user chooses to use the simple sef setup, we need to add the proper view if ($config->get('main_sef') == 'simple' && count($segments) == 1) { $files = JFolder::folders(JPATH_ROOT . '/components/com_easyblog/views'); $views = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $views[] = EBR::translate($file); } if (!in_array($segments[0], $views)) { array_unshift($segments, EBR::translate('entry')); } } // Composer view if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('composer')) { $vars['view'] = 'composer'; } // Entry view if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('entry')) { $count = count($segments); $entryId = ''; // perform manual split on the string. if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { $permalinkSegment = $segments[$count - 1]; $permalinkArr = explode(':', $permalinkSegment); $entryId = $permalinkArr[0]; } else { $index = $count - 1; $alias = $segments[$index]; $post = EB::post(); $post->loadByPermalink($alias); if ($post) { $entryId = $post->id; } } if ($entryId) { $vars['id'] = $entryId; } $vars['view'] = 'entry'; } // Calendar view if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('calendar')) { $vars['view'] = 'calendar'; $count = count($segments); $totalSegments = $count - 1; if ($totalSegments >= 1) { // First segment is always the year if (isset($segments[1])) { $vars['year'] = $segments[1]; } // Second segment is always the month if (isset($segments[2])) { $vars['month'] = $segments[2]; } // Third segment is always the day if (isset($segments[3])) { $vars['day'] = $segments[3]; } } } if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('archive')) { $vars['view'] = 'archive'; $count = count($segments); $totalSegments = $count - 1; if ($totalSegments >= 1) { $indexSegment = 1; if ($segments[1] == 'calendar') { $vars['layout'] = 'calendar'; $indexSegment = 2; } // First segment is always the year if (isset($segments[$indexSegment])) { $vars['archiveyear'] = $segments[$indexSegment]; } // Second segment is always the month if (isset($segments[$indexSegment + 1])) { $vars['archivemonth'] = $segments[$indexSegment + 1]; } // Third segment is always the day if (isset($segments[$indexSegment + 2])) { $vars['archiveday'] = $segments[$indexSegment + 2]; } } } // Process categories sef links // index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=categories if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('categories')) { // Set the view $vars['view'] = 'categories'; // Get the total number of segments $count = count($segments); // Ensure that the first index is not a system layout $layouts = array('listings', 'simple'); if ($count == 2 && !in_array($segments[1], $layouts)) { $id = null; // If unicode alias is enabled, just explode the data if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { $tmp = explode(':', $segments[1]); $id = $tmp[0]; } // Encode segments $segments = EBR::encodeSegments($segments); if (!$id) { $category = EB::table('Category'); $category->load(array('alias' => $segments[1])); $id = $category->id; } $vars['id'] = $id; $vars['layout'] = 'listings'; } // index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=categories&layout=simple if ($count == 2 && in_array($segments[1], $layouts)) { $vars['layout'] = $segments[1]; } } if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('tags')) { $count = count($segments); if ($count > 1) { $tagId = ''; if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { // perform manual split on the string. $permalinkSegment = $segments[$count - 1]; $permalinkArr = explode(':', $permalinkSegment); $tagId = $permalinkArr[0]; } $segments = EBR::encodeSegments($segments); if (empty($tagId)) { $table = EB::table('Tag'); $table->load($segments[$count - 1], true); $tagId = $table->id; } $vars['id'] = $tagId; $vars['layout'] = 'tag'; } $vars['view'] = 'tags'; } // view=blogger&layout=listings&id=xxx if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('blogger')) { $vars['view'] = 'blogger'; $count = count($segments); if ($count > 1) { if ($count == 3) { // this is bloggers sorting page $vars['sort'] = $segments[2]; } else { // Default user id $id = 0; // Parse the segments $segments = EBR::encodeSegments($segments); // For unicode urls we definitely know that the author's id would be in the form of ID-title if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { $permalink = explode(':', $segments[1]); $id = $permalink[0]; } if (!$id) { // Try to get the user id $permalink = $segments[1]; $id = EB::getUserId($permalink); if (!$id) { $id = EB::getUserId(JString::str_ireplace('-', ' ', $permalink)); } if (!$id) { $id = EB::getUserId(JString::str_ireplace('-', '_', $permalink)); } } if ($id) { $vars['layout'] = 'listings'; $vars['id'] = $id; } } // if count > 3 } } if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('dashboard')) { $count = count($segments); if ($count > 1) { switch (EBR::translate($segments[1])) { case EBR::translate('write'): $vars['layout'] = 'write'; break; case EBR::translate('profile'): $vars['layout'] = 'profile'; break; case EBR::translate('drafts'): $vars['layout'] = 'drafts'; break; case EBR::translate('entries'): $vars['layout'] = 'entries'; break; case EBR::translate('comments'): $vars['layout'] = 'comments'; break; case EBR::translate('categories'): $vars['layout'] = 'categories'; break; case EBR::translate('requests'): $vars['layout'] = 'requests'; break; case EBR::translate('listCategories'): $vars['layout'] = 'listCategories'; break; case EBR::translate('category'): $vars['layout'] = 'category'; break; case EBR::translate('tags'): $vars['layout'] = 'tags'; break; case EBR::translate('review'): $vars['layout'] = 'review'; break; case EBR::translate('pending'): $vars['layout'] = 'pending'; break; case EBR::translate('revisions'): $vars['layout'] = 'revisions'; break; case EBR::translate('teamblogs'): $vars['layout'] = 'teamblogs'; break; case EBR::translate('quickpost'): $vars['layout'] = 'quickpost'; break; case EBR::translate('moderate'): $vars['layout'] = 'moderate'; break; case EBR::translate('templates'): $vars['layout'] = 'templates'; break; case EBR::translate('templateform'): $vars['layout'] = 'templateform'; break; case EBR::translate('compare'): $vars['layout'] = 'compare'; break; } // Check if there's any default type if (isset($vars['layout']) && $vars['layout'] == 'quickpost' && isset($segments[2])) { $vars['type'] = $segments[2]; } if (isset($vars['layout']) && $vars['layout'] == 'compare' && isset($segments[2])) { $vars['blogid'] = $segments[2]; } if (isset($vars['layout']) && $vars['layout'] == 'entries') { if (count($segments) == 3) { if (isset($segments[2])) { $vars['postType'] = $segments[2]; } } if (count($segments) == 4) { if (isset($segments[2])) { $vars['filter'] = $segments[2]; } if (isset($segments[3])) { $vars['postType'] = $segments[3]; } } } else { if (isset($segments[2])) { $vars['filter'] = $segments[2]; } } } $vars['view'] = 'dashboard'; } if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('teamblog')) { $count = count($segments); if ($count > 1) { $rawSegments = $segments; $segments = EBR::encodeSegments($segments); if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { // perform manual split on the string. if (isset($segments[2]) && $segments[2] == EBR::translate('statistic')) { $permalinkSegment = $rawSegments[1]; } else { $permalinkSegment = $rawSegments[$count - 1]; } $permalinkArr = explode(':', $permalinkSegment); $teamId = $permalinkArr[0]; } else { if (isset($segments[2]) && $segments[2] == EBR::translate('statistic')) { $permalink = $segments[1]; } else { $permalink = $segments[$count - 1]; } $table = EB::table('TeamBlog'); $loaded = $table->load($permalink, true); if (!$loaded) { $name = $segments[$count - 1]; $name = JString::str_ireplace(':', ' ', $name); $name = JString::str_ireplace('-', ' ', $name); $table->load($name, true); } $teamId = $table->id; } $vars['id'] = $teamId; if (isset($segments[2]) && $segments[2] == EBR::translate('statistic')) { $vars['layout'] = EBR::translate($segments[2]); if ($count == 5) { if (isset($segments[3])) { $vars['stat'] = EBR::translate($segments[3]); switch (EBR::translate($segments[3])) { case EBR::translate('category'): if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { // perform manual split on the string. $permalinkSegment = $rawSegments[4]; $permalinkArr = explode(':', $permalinkSegment); $categoryId = $permalinkArr[0]; } else { $table = EB::table('Category'); $table->load($segments[4], true); $categoryId = $table->id; } $vars['catid'] = $categoryId; break; case EBR::translate('tag'): if ($config->get('main_sef_unicode')) { // perform manual split on the string. $permalinkSegment = $segments[4]; $permalinkArr = explode(':', $permalinkSegment); $tagId = $permalinkArr[0]; } else { $table = EB::table('Tag'); $table->load($segments[4], true); $tagId = $table->id; } $vars['tagid'] = $tagId; break; default: // do nothing. } } } } else { $vars['layout'] = 'listings'; } } $vars['view'] = 'teamblog'; } if (isset($segments[0]) && $segments[0] == EBR::translate('search')) { $count = count($segments); if ($count == 2) { if ($segments[1] == "parsequery") { $vars['layout'] = EBR::translate($segments[1]); } else { $vars['query'] = $segments[1]; } } $vars['view'] = 'search'; } $count = count($segments); if ($count == 1) { switch (EBR::translate($segments[0])) { case EBR::translate('latest'): $vars['view'] = 'latest'; break; case EBR::translate('featured'): $vars['view'] = 'featured'; break; case EBR::translate('images'): $vars['view'] = 'images'; break; case EBR::translate('login'): $vars['view'] = 'login'; break; case EBR::translate('myblog'): $vars['view'] = 'myblog'; break; case EBR::translate('ratings'): $vars['view'] = 'ratings'; break; case EBR::translate('subscription'): $vars['view'] = 'subscription'; break; } } return $vars; }
* @copyright Copyright (C) 2010 - 2015 Stack Ideas Sdn Bhd. All rights reserved. * @license GNU/GPL, see LICENSE.php * EasyBlog is free software. This version may have been modified pursuant * to the GNU General Public License, and as distributed it includes or * is derivative of works licensed under the GNU General Public License or * other free or open source software licenses. * See COPYRIGHT.php for copyright notices and details. */ defined('_JEXEC') or die('Unauthorized Access'); // Require main framework for EasyBlog require_once JPATH_ADMINISTRATOR . '/components/com_easyblog/includes/easyblog.php'; // Looks like we need to manually include the router require_once __DIR__ . '/router.php'; // Process ajax calls EB::ajax()->process(); // Start profiling EB::profiler()->start(); // Load extension languages EB::loadLanguages(); // Include the main controller require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/controllers/controller.php'; // Execute services EB::loadServices(); // Get controller name if specified $app = JFactory::getApplication(); $controllerName = $app->input->get('controller', 'easyblog', 'cmd'); // Create controller $controller = JControllerLegacy::getInstance('easyblog'); $task = $app->input->get('task'); $controller->execute($task); $controller->redirect();
/** * Allows caller to send a subscribe IPN to mailchimp * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function subscribe($email, $firstName, $lastName = '') { EB::loadLanguages(); if (!function_exists('curl_init')) { return false; } if (!$this->config->get('subscription_mailchimp')) { return false; } // Get the list id $listId = $this->config->get('subscription_mailchimp_listid'); if (!$listId) { return false; } $firstName = urlencode($firstName); $lastName = urlencode($lastName); // Determines if we should send the welcome email $sendWelcome = $this->config->get('subscription_mailchimp_welcome') ? 'true' : 'false'; $url = $this->url . '?method=listSubscribe'; $url = $url . '&apikey=' . $this->key; $url = $url . '&id=' . $listId; $url = $url . '&output=json'; $url = $url . '&email_address=' . $email; $url = $url . '&merge_vars[FNAME]=' . $firstName; $url = $url . '&merge_vars[LNAME]=' . $lastName; $url = $url . '&merge_vars[email_type]=html'; $url = $url . '&merge_vars[send_welcome]=' . $sendWelcome; $ch = curl_init($url); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, 1); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_HEADER, 0); $result = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return true; }
/** * Override parent's implementation of store * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function store($updateNulls = false) { if (!$this->created) { $this->created = EB::date()->toSql(); } // Generate an alias if alias is empty if (!$this->alias) { $this->alias = EBR::normalizePermalink($this->title); } $my = JFactory::getUser(); // Add point integrations for new categories if ($this->id == 0 && $my->id > 0) { EB::loadLanguages(); // Integrations with EasyDiscuss EB::easydiscuss()->log('', $my->id, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYDISCUSS_HISTORY_NEW_CATEGORY', $this->title)); EB::easydiscuss()->addPoint('', $my->id); EB::easydiscuss()->addBadge('', $my->id); // AlphaUserPoints EB::aup()->assign('plgaup_easyblog_add_category', '', 'easyblog_add_category_' . $this->id, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_AUP_NEW_CATEGORY_CREATED', $this->title)); // JomSocial integrations EB::jomsocial()->assignPoints('com_easyblog.category.add', $my->id); // Assign EasySocial points EB::easysocial()->assignPoints('category.create', $my->id); } // Figure out the proper nested set model if ($this->id == 0 && $this->lft == 0) { // No parent id, we use the current lft,rgt if ($this->parent_id) { $left = $this->getLeft($this->parent_id); $this->lft = $left; $this->rgt = $this->lft + 1; // Update parent's right $this->updateRight($left); $this->updateLeft($left); } else { $this->lft = $this->getLeft() + 1; $this->rgt = $this->lft + 1; } } if ($this->id == 0) { // new cats. we need to store the ordering. $this->ordering = $this->getOrdering($this->parent_id) + 1; } $isNew = !$this->id ? true : false; $state = parent::store(); return $state; }
/** * Retrieves the template contents. * **/ public function getTemplateContents($template, $data) { // Load front end's language file. EB::loadLanguages(); // We only want to show unsubscribe link when the user is really subscribed to the blogs if (!isset($data['unsubscribeLink'])) { $data['unsubscribeLink'] = ''; } $config = EasyBlogHelper::getConfig(); // @rule: Detect what type of emails that we should process. $type = $config->get('main_mailqueuehtmlformat') ? 'html' : 'text'; $theme = EB::template(); // Fetch the child theme first. foreach ($data as $key => $val) { $theme->set($key, $val); } $namespace = 'site/emails/html/' . $template; $contents = $theme->output($namespace); // @rule: Now we need to process the main template holder. $title = $config->get('notifications_title'); $theme->set('unsubscribe', $data['unsubscribeLink']); $theme->set('emailTitle', $title); $theme->set('contents', $contents); $output = $theme->output('site/emails/html/template'); return $output; }
/** * Stores the blog post * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function store($log = true) { // Load language file from the front end. EB::loadLanguages(); // Whenever the blog post is stored, we need to clear the cache. $cache = EB::getCache(); $cache->clean('com_easyblog'); $cache->clean('_system'); $cache->clean('page'); // Get easyblog's config $config = EB::config(); // Get the current logged in user. $my = JFactory::getUser(); // @rule: no guest allowed to create blog post. if (JRequest::getVar('task', '') != 'cron' && JRequest::getVar('task', '') != 'cronfeed' && empty($my->id)) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_YOU_ARE_NOT_LOGIN')); return false; } $under_approval = false; if (isset($this->under_approval)) { $under_approval = true; // now we need to reset this variable from the blog object. unset($this->under_approval); } // @trigger: onBeforeSave $this->triggerBeforeSave(); // @rule: Determine if this record is new or not. if (empty($this->isnew)) { $isNew = empty($this->id) ? true : false; } else { $isNew = true; } // @rule: Get the rulesets for this user. $acl = EB::acl(); // @rule: Process badword filters for title here. $blockedWord = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('String')->hasBlockedWords($this->title); if ($blockedWord !== false) { $this->setError(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_BLOG_TITLE_CONTAIN_BLOCKED_WORDS', $blockedWord)); return false; } // @rule: Check for minimum words in the content if required. if ($config->get('main_post_min') && $this->_checkLength) { $minimum = $config->get('main_post_length'); $total = JString::strlen(strip_tags($this->intro . $this->content)); if ($total < $minimum) { $this->setError(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_CONTENT_LESS_THAN_MIN_LENGTH', $minimum)); return false; } } // @rule: Check for invalid title if (empty($this->title) || $this->title == JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_DASHBOARD_WRITE_DEFAULT_TITLE')) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_DASHBOARD_SAVE_EMPTY_TITLE_ERROR')); return false; } // @rule: For edited blogs, ensure that they have permissions to edit it. if (!$isNew && $this->created_by != JFactory::getUser()->id && !EasyBlogHelper::isSiteAdmin() && !$acl->get('moderate_entry')) { // @task: Only throw error when this blog post is not a team blog post and it's not owned by the current logged in user. $model = EB::model('TeamBlogs'); $contribution = $model->getBlogContributed($this->id); if (!$contribution || !$model->checkIsTeamAdmin(JFactory::getUser()->id, $contribution->team_id)) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_NO_PERMISSION_TO_EDIT_BLOG')); return false; } } // Filter / strip contents that are not allowed $filterTags = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('Acl')->getFilterTags(); $filterAttributes = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('Acl')->getFilterAttributes(); // @rule: Apply filtering on contents jimport('joomla.filter.filterinput'); $inputFilter = JFilterInput::getInstance($filterTags, $filterAttributes, 1, 1, 0); $inputFilter->tagBlacklist = $filterTags; $inputFilter->attrBlacklist = $filterAttributes; $filterTpe = EasyBlogHelper::getJoomlaVersion() >= '1.6' ? 'html' : 'string'; if (count($filterTags) > 0 && !empty($filterTags[0]) || count($filterAttributes) > 0 && !empty($filterAttributes[0])) { $this->intro = $inputFilter->clean($this->intro, $filterTpe); $this->content = $inputFilter->clean($this->content, $filterTpe); } // @rule: Process badword filters for content here. $blockedWord = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('String')->hasBlockedWords($this->intro . $this->content); if ($blockedWord !== false) { $this->setError(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_BLOG_POST_CONTAIN_BLOCKED_WORDS', $blockedWord)); return false; } // @rule: Test for the empty-ness if (empty($this->intro) && empty($this->content)) { $this->setError(JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_DASHBOARD_SAVE_CONTENT_ERROR')); } $state = parent::store(); $source = JRequest::getVar('blog_contribute_source', 'easyblog'); // if this is blog edit, then we should see the column isnew to determine // whether the post is really new or not. if (!$isNew) { $isNew = $this->isnew; } // this one is needed for the trigger to work properly. $this->isnew = $isNew; // @trigger: onAfterSave $this->triggerAfterSave(); // @task: If auto featured is enabled, we need to feature the blog post automatically since the blogger is featured. if ($config->get('main_autofeatured', 0) && EB::isFeatured('blogger', $this->created_by) && !EB::isFeatured('post', $this->id)) { // just call the model file will do as we do not want to create stream on featured action at this migration. $modelF = EB::model('Featured'); $modelF->makeFeatured('post', $this->id); } // @task: This is when the blog is either created or updated. if ($source == 'easyblog' && $state && $this->published == EASYBLOG_POST_PUBLISHED && $log) { $category = EB::table('Category'); $category->load($this->category_id); $easysocial = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasySocial'); if ($category->private == 0) { // @rule: Add new stream item in jomsocial EB::jomsocial()->addBlogActivity($this, $isNew); } // @rule: Add stream for easysocial if ($config->get('integrations_easysocial_stream_newpost') && $easysocial->exists() && $isNew) { $easysocial->createBlogStream($this, $isNew); } // update privacy in easysocial. if ($config->get('integrations_easysocial_privacy') && $easysocial->exists()) { $easysocial->updateBlogPrivacy($this); } } if ($source == 'easyblog' && $state && $this->published == EASYBLOG_POST_PUBLISHED && $isNew && $log) { // @rule: Send email notifications out to subscribers. $author = EB::user($this->created_by); // Ping pingomatic EB::pingomatic()->ping($this); // Assign EasySocial points $easysocial = EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasySocial'); if ($easysocial->exists()) { $easysocial->assignPoints('blog.create', $this->created_by); } // @rule: Add userpoints for jomsocial if ($config->get('main_jomsocial_userpoint')) { $path = JPATH_ROOT . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'components' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'com_community' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'libraries' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . 'userpoints.php'; if (JFile::exists($path)) { require_once $path; CUserPoints::assignPoint('', $this->created_by); } } $link = $this->getExternalBlogLink('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=entry&id=' . $this->id); // @rule: Add notifications for jomsocial 2.6 if ($config->get('integrations_jomsocial_notification_blog')) { // Get list of users who subscribed to this blog. $target = $this->getRegisteredSubscribers('new', array($this->created_by)); EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('JomSocial')->addNotification(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_JOMSOCIAL_NOTIFICATIONS_NEW_BLOG', str_replace("administrator/", "", $author->getProfileLink()), $author->getName(), $link, $this->title), 'easyblog_new_blog', $target, $author, $link); } // Get list of users who subscribed to this blog. // @rule: Add notifications for easysocial if ($config->get('integrations_easysocial_notifications_newpost') && $easysocial->exists()) { $easysocial->notifySubscribers($this, ''); } // @rule: Add indexer for easysocial if ($config->get('integrations_easysocial_indexer_newpost') && $easysocial->exists()) { $easysocial->addIndexerNewBlog($this); } // @rule: Integrations with EasyDiscuss EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasyDiscuss')->log('', $this->created_by, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYDISCUSS_HISTORY_NEW_BLOG', $this->title)); EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasyDiscuss')->addPoint('', $this->created_by); EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasyDiscuss')->addBadge('', $this->created_by); // Assign badge for users that report blog post. // Only give points if the viewer is viewing another person's blog post. EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasySocial')->assignBadge('blog.create', JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYSOCIAL_BADGE_CREATE_BLOG_POST')); if ($config->get('integrations_easydiscuss_notification_blog')) { // Get list of users who subscribed to this blog. $target = $this->getRegisteredSubscribers('new', array($this->created_by)); EasyBlogHelper::getHelper('EasyDiscuss')->addNotification($this, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYDISCUSS_NOTIFICATIONS_NEW_BLOG', $author->getName(), $this->title), EBLOG_NOTIFICATIONS_TYPE_BLOG, $target, $this->created_by, $link); } // AUP EB::aup()->assignPoints('plgaup_easyblog_add_blog', $this->created_by, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_AUP_NEW_BLOG_CREATED', $this->getPermalink(), $this->title)); // Update the isnew column so that if user edits this entry again, it doesn't send any notifications the second time. $this->isnew = $this->published && $this->isnew ? 0 : 1; $this->store(false); } return $state; }
/** * Retrieves the biography from the specific blogger * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param boolean True to retrieve raw data * @return string */ public function getBiography($raw = false) { static $items = array(); if (!isset($items[$this->id])) { EB::loadLanguages(); $biography = $raw ? $this->biography : nl2br($this->biography); if (!$biography) { $biography = JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_BIOGRAPHY_NOT_SET', $this->getName()); } $items[$this->id] = $biography; } return $items[$this->id]; }
public function __construct() { EB::loadLanguages(); }
/** * Deletes a post from the site * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function delete() { // Load site's language file just in case the blog post was deleted from the back end EB::loadLanguages(); // Load our own plugins JPluginHelper::importPlugin('finder'); JPluginHelper::importPlugin('easyblog'); $dispatcher = JDispatcher::getInstance(); // Trigger $dispatcher->trigger('onBeforeEasyBlogDelete', array(&$this)); // Delete the post from the db now $state = $this->post->delete(); // Trigger $dispatcher->trigger('onAfterEasyBlogDelete', array(&$this)); // Delete from finder. $dispatcher->trigger('onFinderAfterDelete', array('', $this->post)); // Delete all relations with this post $this->deleteRatings(); $this->deleteReports(); $this->deleteRevisions(); $this->deleteCategoryRelations(); $this->deleteBlogTags(); $this->deleteMetas(); $this->deleteComments(); $this->deleteTeamContribution(); $this->deleteAssets(); $this->deleteFeedHistory(); // Delete all subscribers to this post $this->deleteSubscribers(); // Delete from featured table $this->deleteFeatured(); // Relocate media files into "My Media" $this->relocateMediaFiles(); // Delete all other 3rd party integrations $this->deleteOtherRelations(); return $state; }
/** * Overrides the parent's delete method * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function delete($pk = null) { // Try to delete the comment item first $state = parent::delete($pk); // Get the current logged in user $my = JFactory::getUser(); // Remove comment's stream $this->removeStream(); if ($this->created_by != 0 && $this->published == '1') { // Get the blog post $post = $this->getBlog(); // Load language EB::loadLanguages(); $config = EB::config(); // Integrations with EasyDiscuss EB::easydiscuss()->log('easyblog.delete.comment', $this->created_by, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_EASYDISCUSS_HISTORY_DELETE_COMMENT', $post->title)); EB::easydiscuss()->addPoint('easyblog.delete.comment', $this->created_by); EB::easydiscuss()->addBadge('easyblog.delete.comment', $this->created_by); // AlphaUserPoints EB::aup()->assign('plgaup_easyblog_delete_comment', $this->created_by, JText::_('COM_EASYBLOG_AUP_COMMENT_DELETED')); // Assign EasySocial points EB::easysocial()->assignPoints('comments.remove', $this->created_by); // Deduct points from the comment author EB::jomsocial()->assignPoints('com_easyblog.comments.remove', $this->created_by); // Deduct points from the blog post author if ($my->id != $post->created_by) { // Deduct EasySocial points EB::easysocial()->assignPoints('', $post->created_by); // JomSocial EB::jomsocial()->assignPoints('com_easyblog.comments.removeblogger', $post->created_by); // AUP EB::aup()->assignPoints('plgaup_easyblog_delete_comment_blogger', $post->created_by, JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_AUP_COMMENT_DELETED_BLOGGER', $url, $post->title)); } } return $state; }
/** * Sends notifications out * * @since 5.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function notify($reject = false) { $notification = EB::notification(); // Load up the team blog $team = EB::table('TeamBlog'); $team->load($this->team_id); // Send email notifications to the requester $requester = JFactory::getUser($this->user_id); $data = array('teamName' => $team->title, 'teamDescription' => $team->getDescription(), 'teamAvatar' => $team->getAvatar(), 'teamLink' => EBR::getRoutedURL('index.php?option=com_easyblog&view=teamblog&layout=listings&id=' . $this->team_id, false, true)); $template = $reject ? 'team.rejected' : 'team.approved'; // Load site language file EB::loadLanguages(); $subject = $reject ? JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOGS_REQUEST_REJECTED', $team->title) : JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_TEAMBLOGS_REQUEST_APPROVED', $team->title); $obj = new stdClass(); $obj->unsubscribe = false; $obj->email = $requester->email; $emails = array($obj); $notification->send($emails, $subject, $template, $data); }
/** * Main method to import the feed items * * @since 4.0 * @access public * @param string * @return */ public function import(EasyBlogTableFeed &$feed, $limit = 0) { // Load site language file EB::loadLanguages(); // Import simplepie library jimport('simplepie.simplepie'); // We need DomDocument to exist if (!class_exists('DomDocument')) { return false; } // Set the maximum execution time to a higher value @ini_set('max_execution_time', 720); // Get the feed params $params = EB::registry($feed->params); // Determines the limit of items to fetch $limit = $limit ? $limit : $params->get('feedamount', 0); // Setup the outgoing connection to the feed source $connector = EB::connector(); $connector->addUrl($feed->url); $connector->execute(); // Get the contents $contents = $connector->getResult($feed->url); // If contents is empty, we know something failed if (!$contents) { return EB::exception(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_UNABLE_TO_REACH_TARGET_URL', $feed->url), EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR); } // Get the cleaner to clean things up $cleaner = $this->getAdapter('Cleaner'); $contents = $cleaner->cleanup($contents); // Load up the xml parser $parser = new SimplePie(); $parser->strip_htmltags(false); $parser->set_raw_data($contents); @$parser->init(); // Get a list of items // We need to supress errors here because simplepie will throw errors on STRICT mode. $items = @$parser->get_items(); if (!$items) { // TODO: Language string return EB::exception('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_NOTHING_TO_BE_IMPORTED_CURRENTLY', EASYBLOG_MSG_ERROR); } // Get the feeds model $model = EB::model('Feeds'); // Determines the total number of items migrated $total = 0; foreach ($items as $item) { // If it reaches limit, skip processing if ($limit && $total == $limit) { break; } // Get the item's unique id $uid = @$item->get_id(); // If item already exists, skip this if ($model->isFeedItemImported($feed->id, $uid)) { continue; } // Log down a new history record to avoid fetching of the same item again $history = EB::table('FeedHistory'); $history->feed_id = $feed->id; $history->uid = $uid; $history->created = EB::date()->toSql(); $history->store(); // Get the item's link $link = @$item->get_link(); // Load up the post library $post = EB::post(); $createOption = array('overrideDoctType' => 'legacy', 'checkAcl' => false, 'overrideAuthorId' => $feed->item_creator); $post->create($createOption); // Pass this to the adapter to map the items $mapper = $this->getAdapter('Mapper'); $mapper->map($post, $item, $feed, $params); // Now we need to get the content of the blog post $mapper->mapContent($post, $item, $feed, $params); $saveOptions = array('applyDateOffset' => false, 'validateData' => false, 'useAuthorAsRevisionOwner' => true, 'checkAcl' => false, 'overrideAuthorId' => $feed->item_creator); // Try to save the blog post now try { $post->save($saveOptions); // Update the history table $history->post_id = $post->id; $history->store(); $total++; } catch (EasyBlogException $exception) { // do nothing. } } return EB::exception(JText::sprintf('COM_EASYBLOG_FEEDS_POSTS_MIGRATED_FROM_FEED', $total, $feed->url), EASYBLOG_MSG_SUCCESS); }
public function getLanguage($lang) { // Load language support for front end and back end. EB::loadLanguages(); return JText::_(strtoupper($lang)); }