Пример #1
 static function admin_dropbox_oauth($admin)
     if (!Visitor::current()->group->can("change_settings")) {
         show_403(__("Access Denied"), __("You do not have sufficient privileges to change settings."));
     if (!empty($_GET["uid"]) and !empty($_GET["oauth_token"])) {
         # The user is redirected here by Dropbox after the authorization screen
         $data = json_decode(file_get_contents("http://chyrp.net/api/1/dropboxsync.php?keys"), true);
         $app_key = $data["key"];
         $app_secret = $data["secret"];
         $storage = new \Dropbox\OAuth\Storage\Session();
         $OAuth = new \Dropbox\OAuth\Consumer\Curl($app_key, $app_secret, $storage);
         # Acquire the access token
         $token_data = get_object_vars($storage->get("access_token"));
         $set = array(Config::current()->set("module_dropbox", array("oauth_token_secret" => $token_data['oauth_token_secret'], "oauth_token" => $token_data['oauth_token'], "uid" => $token_data['uid'], "cursor" => null)));
         if (!in_array(false, $set)) {
             Flash::notice(__("Dropbox was successfully authorized.", "dropbox"), "/admin/?action=dropbox_settings");
     } elseif (isset($_GET["not_approved"])) {
         Flash::notice(__("Fine! You'll authorize it some other time.", "dropbox"), "/admin/?action=dropbox_settings");
Пример #2
while (empty($consumerSecret)) {
    echo 'Please enter your consumer secret: ';
    $consumerSecret = trim(fgets(STDIN));
try {
    // Set up the OAuth consumer
    $storage = new \Dropbox\OAuth\Storage\Session();
    $OAuth = new \Dropbox\OAuth\Consumer\Curl($consumerKey, $consumerSecret, $storage);
    // Generate the authorisation URL and prompt user
    echo "Generating Authorisation URL...\r\n\r\n";
    echo "===== Begin Authorisation URL =====\r\n";
    echo $OAuth->getAuthoriseUrl() . PHP_EOL;
    echo "===== End Authorisation URL =====\r\n\r\n";
    echo "Visit the URL above and allow the SDK to connect to your account\r\n";
    echo "Press any key once you have completed this step...";
    // Acquire the access token
    echo "Acquiring access token...\r\n";
    $token = serialize(array('token' => $storage->get('access_token'), 'consumerKey' => $consumerKey, 'consumerSecret' => $consumerSecret));
    // Write the access token to disk
    if (@file_put_contents('oauth.token', $token) === false) {
        throw new \Dropbox\Exception('Unable to write token to file');
    } else {
        exit('Setup complete! You can now run the test suite.');
} catch (\Dropbox\Exception $e) {
    echo $e->getMessage() . PHP_EOL;
    exit('Setup failed! Please try running setup again.');