Пример #1
  * Constructs Neo_Doctrine_Paginator_Adapter
  * @param Doctrine_Query_Abstract|string $query
  * @param integer $hydratationMode Use constaints Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_*.
  * @param array[string]=>mixed $options Options may be:
  *              'countQuery'-custom query for count counting. Dql or Doctrine_Query instance.
 public function __construct($query, $hydrationMode = null, $options = array())
     if (is_string($query)) {
         $newQuery = new Doctrine_Query();
         $query = $newQuery;
     } else {
         if (!$query instanceof Doctrine_Query_Abstract) {
             require_once 'Neo/Doctrine/Paginator/Adapter/Exception.php';
             throw new Neo_Doctrine_Paginator_Adapter_Exception("Given query is not instance of Doctrine_Query");
     $this->_query = $query;
     $this->_hydrationMode = is_null($hydrationMode) ? Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_RECORD : $hydrationMode;
     if (!empty($options['countQuery'])) {
         if (is_string($options['countQuery'])) {
             $countQuery = new Doctrine_Query();
             $options['countQuery'] = $countQuery;
         } else {
             if (!$options['countQuery'] instanceof Doctrine_Query) {
                 require_once 'Neo/Doctrine/Paginator/Adapter/Exception.php';
                 throw new Neo_Doctrine_Paginator_Adapter_Exception("Given count-query is not instance of Doctrine_Query");
         $this->_countQuery = $options['countQuery'];
         $this->_countQuery->select('count(*) as count');
Пример #2
 public function executeRemove()
     $id = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
     if ($id) {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         if ($this->getUser()->hasCredential('admin')) {
             $this->comment = $q->select('c.*')->from('Comment c')->where('id = ?', array($id))->execute()->getFirst();
         } else {
             $this->comment = $q->select('c.*')->from('Comment c')->where('id = ? and user_id = ?', array($id, $this->getUser()->getId()))->execute()->getFirst();
     return $this->redirect($this->getRequest()->getReferer());
Пример #3
 public function retrieveAsso(Doctrine_Query $q)
     $alias = $q->getRootAlias();
     $q->select("{$alias}.name, {$alias}.login, {$alias}.description, {$alias}.logo, {$alias}.salle, {$alias}.phone, {$alias}.facebook, p.id, p.asso_id, p.couleur");
     $q->leftJoin("{$alias}.Pole p");
     return $q->fetchOne();
Пример #4
 public function testShortAliasesWithSingleComponent() {
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('u.name')->from('User u');
     $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name FROM entity e WHERE (e.type = 0)');
 public function testShortAliasesWithOneToManyLeftJoin()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('u.name, p.id')->from('User u LEFT JOIN u.Phonenumber p');
     $this->assertEqual($q->getSqlQuery(), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, p.id AS p__id FROM entity e LEFT JOIN phonenumber p ON e.id = p.entity_id WHERE (e.type = 0)');
     $users = $q->execute();
     $this->assertEqual($users->count(), 8);
Пример #5
 public function executeShowcase()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $this->madule = $q->select('m.*')->from('Madule m')->where('id = ?', array($this->getRequestParameter('id')))->fetchOne();
     return $this->redirect($this->getRequest()->getReferer());
 public static function getEschoolTypes($public_only = false)
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->from('GcrEschoolType e');
     if ($public_only) {
         $q->where('e.is_public = ?', 't');
     return $q->execute();
 public function testHydratation()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('t.name')->from('NewTag t INDEXBY t.name');
     try {
         $results = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #8
 public function testFetchArraySupportsTwoAggregatesInRelationAndRoot()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select("u.*, p.*, CONCAT(u.name, '_1') concat1, CONCAT(u.name, '_2') concat2, CONCAT(p.phonenumber, '_3') concat3, CONCAT(p.phonenumber, '_3') concat4")->from('User u')->innerJoin('u.Phonenumber p')->where("u.name = 'zYne'");
     $users = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $this->assertEqual($users[0]['concat1'], 'zYne_1');
     $this->assertEqual($users[0]['concat2'], 'zYne_2');
     $this->assertEqual($users[0]['Phonenumber'][0]['concat3'], '123 123_3');
Пример #9
 public function testTicket()
     try {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $result = $q->select('d.*')->from('T923_Diagnostic d')->where('d.diag_timestamp >= ? AND d.diag_timestamp <= ?', array('2008-03-27 00:00:00', '2008-03-27 23:00:00'))->addWhere('d.id_type = ?', array('101'))->orderBy('d.diag_timestamp')->limit(20)->offset(0)->execute();
         $this->assertEqual($result->count(), 3);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
 public static function getTypes($public_only = false)
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->from('GcrInstitutionType i');
     if ($public_only) {
         $q->where('i.is_public = ?', 't');
     return $q->execute();
 public function testDoctrineQueryJoinSelect()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('person.id, points.total')->from('T1015_Person person')->innerJoin('person.T1015_Points points WITH person.id = 1');
     $results = $q->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     $person = $results[0];
     // number of points for person id of 1 should be 15
     $this->assertEqual(15, $person['T1015_Points']['total']);
Пример #12
 public function testMultipleJoinFetchingWithArrayFetching()
     $query = new Doctrine_Query($this->connection);
     $queryCount = $this->connection->count();
     try {
         $categories = $query->select('c.*, subCats.*, b.*, le.*, a.*')->from('QueryTest_Category c')->leftJoin('c.subCategories subCats')->leftJoin('c.boards b')->leftJoin('b.lastEntry le')->leftJoin('le.author a')->where('c.parentCategoryId = 0')->orderBy('c.position ASC, subCats.position ASC, b.position ASC')->execute(array(), Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {
 public function testGetLimitSubqueryWithOrderByOnAggregateValuesAndColumns()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('u.name, COUNT(DISTINCT a.id) num_albums');
     $q->from('User u, u.Album a');
     $q->orderby('num_albums, u.name');
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbh->pop(), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name, COUNT(DISTINCT a.id) AS a__0 FROM entity e LEFT JOIN album a ON e.id = a.user_id WHERE e.id IN (SELECT doctrine_subquery_alias.id FROM (SELECT DISTINCT e2.id, COUNT(DISTINCT a2.id) AS a2__0 FROM entity e2 LEFT JOIN album a2 ON e2.id = a2.user_id WHERE (e2.type = 0) GROUP BY e2.id ORDER BY a2__0, e2.name LIMIT 5) AS doctrine_subquery_alias) AND (e.type = 0) GROUP BY e.id ORDER BY a__0, e.name');
Пример #14
 public function testTicket()
     try {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $q->update('EnumUpdateBug')->set('bla_id', '?', 5)->set('separator', '?', 'pipe')->where('id = 1')->execute();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $row = $q->select('a.*')->from('EnumUpdateBug a')->where('a.id = 1')->fetchOne();
     $this->assertEqual($row->bla_id, 5);
Пример #15
 public function prepareUpdate()
     $id = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
     if ($id) {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $this->themeGroup = $q->select('t.*')->from('ThemeGroup t')->where('id = ?', array($id))->execute()->getFirst();
     } else {
         $this->themeGroup = new ThemeGroup();
     $this->form = new ThemeGroupForm(array('title' => $this->themeGroup->getTitle(), 'known' => $this->themeGroup->getKnown()));
 public function testOrderByWithDifferentOrderning()
     try {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $q->select('u.name')->from('User u')->orderby('u.id ASC, u.name DESC');
         // nonesese results expected, but query is syntatically ok.
         $this->assertEqual($q->getQuery(), 'SELECT e.id AS e__id, e.name AS e__name FROM entity e WHERE (e.type = 0) ORDER BY e.id ASC, e.name DESC');
     } catch (Exception $e) {
Пример #17
 public function testManyToManyJoinsandSave()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $newdata = $q->select('d.*, i.*, u.*, c.*')->from('TestMovie d, d.MovieBookmarks i, i.UserVotes u, u.User c')->execute()->getFirst();
     $newdata['MovieBookmarks'][0]['UserVotes'][0]['User']['name'] = 'user2';
     try {
     } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {
Пример #18
 public function testGetLimitSubqueryWithHavingOnAggregateValuesIncorrectAlias()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('u.name, COUNT(a.id) num_albums');
     $q->from('User u, u.Album a');
     $q->orderby('num_albums DESC');
     $q->having('num_albums > 0');
     $this->assertEqual($this->dbh->pop(), 'SELECT DISTINCT e2.id, COUNT(a2.id) AS a2__0 FROM entity e2 LEFT JOIN album a2 ON e2.id = a2.user_id WHERE (e2.type = 0) GROUP BY e2.id HAVING a2__0 > 0 ORDER BY a2__0 DESC LIMIT 5');
 public function execute($filterChain)
     if ($this->isFirstCall() and !$this->context->getUser()->isAuthenticated()) {
         if ($cookie = $this->getContext()->getRequest()->getCookie('remember')) {
             $q = new Doctrine_Query();
             $user = $q->select('u.*')->from('User u')->where('hash = ? and active = ?', array($cookie, true))->execute()->getFirst();
             if ($user) {
Пример #20
  * Test the existence expected indexes
 public function testTicket()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     // simple query with 1 column selected
     $cAuthors = $q->select('book_id')->from('Author')->groupBy('book_id')->where('book_id = 2')->execute();
     // simple query, with 1 join and all columns selected
     $cAuthors = $q->from('Author, Author.Book')->execute();
     foreach ($cAuthors as $oAuthor) {
         if (!$oAuthor->name) {
             $this->fail('Querying the same table multiple times triggers hydration/caching(?) bug');
 public function executeNavigation($request)
     $module = $this->getContext()->getModuleName();
     $action = $this->getContext()->getActionName();
     $this->module = $module;
     $this->action = $action;
     $this->type = $request->getParameter('type');
     $this->application_id = $request->getParameter('application_id');
     if ($module == 'module' && ($action == 'read' || $action == 'update')) {
         $madule = Doctrine::getTable('Madule')->find($request->getParameter('id'));
         if ($madule) {
             $this->application_id = $madule->getApplicationId();
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $this->themeGroups = $q->select('t.*')->from('ThemeGroup t')->where('t.known = ?', array(true))->orderby('t.title ASC')->execute();
     $this->id = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
     $this->currentThemeGroup = null;
     if ($this->module == 'themeGroup') {
         $this->currentThemeGroup = $q->select('t.*')->from('ThemeGroup t')->where('t.id = ? and t.known = ?', array($this->id, true))->orderby('t.title ASC')->fetchOne();
Пример #22
  * Test the existence expected indexes
 public function testTicket()
     $queryCountBefore = $this->conn->count();
     try {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $r = $q->select('P.id, J.name, C.code, T.name')->from('T930_Person P')->leftJoin('P.JobPositions J')->leftJoin('J.Category C')->leftJoin('C.Translation T WITH T.lang = ?', 'fr')->fetchArray();
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     $this->assertEqual($queryCountBefore + 1, $this->conn->count());
     $this->assertEqual($queryCountBefore + 1, $this->conn->count());
Пример #23
 public function testTicket()
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $result = $q->select('a.*, b.*, c.*')->from('T1 a')->leftJoin('a.T2 b')->leftJoin('b.T3 c')->setHydrationMode(Doctrine::HYDRATE_ARRAY)->fetchOne();
     // there are 10 rows in T3, and they all have hello_id = 10, so we should have 10 rows here
     $this->assertEqual(10, count($result["T2"]["T3"]));
     // now with object hydration.
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $result = $q->select('a.*, b.*, c.*')->from('T1 a')->leftJoin('a.T2 b')->leftJoin('b.T3 c')->fetchOne();
     // test that no additional queries are executed when accessing the relations (lazy-loading).
     $queryCountBefore = $this->conn->count();
     // there are 10 rows in T3, and they all have hello_id = 10, so we should have 10 rows here
     $this->assertEqual(10, count($result["T2"]["T3"]));
     $this->assertEqual($queryCountBefore, $this->conn->count());
 public function testAggregateValueMappingSupportsLeftJoins()
     foreach ($this->_albums as $album) {
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $q->select('a.name, COUNT(s.id) count')->from('Album a')->leftJoin('a.Song s')->groupby('a.id');
     $albums = $q->execute();
     try {
         // Collection[0] should refer to the object with aggregate value
         $this->assertEqual($albums[0]['count'], 4);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $this->fail('count aggregate value should be available');
Пример #25
 public function executeRate()
     $params = explode('.', $this->getRequestParameter('object_id'));
     $type = $params[0];
     $object_id = $params[1];
     $value = $this->getRequestParameter('value');
     $rating = null;
     if ($type == Rating::APPLICATION) {
         $object = Doctrine::getTable('Application')->find($object_id);
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $rating = $q->select('r.*')->from('Rating r')->where('application_id = ? and user_id = ?', array($object_id, $this->getUser()->getId()))->fetchOne();
         if (!$rating) {
             $rating = new Rating();
     } elseif ($type == Rating::MODULE) {
         $object = Doctrine::getTable('Madule')->find($object_id);
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $rating = $q->select('r.*')->from('Rating r')->where('madule_id = ? and user_id = ?', array($object_id, $this->getUser()->getId()))->fetchOne();
         if (!$rating) {
             $rating = new Rating();
     } elseif ($type == Rating::THEME) {
         $object = Doctrine::getTable('Theme')->find($object_id);
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $rating = $q->select('r.*')->from('Rating r')->where('theme_id = ? and user_id = ?', array($object_id, $this->getUser()->getId()))->fetchOne();
         if (!$rating) {
             $rating = new Rating();
     $this->forward404Unless($value <= 5);
     $this->forward404Unless($value >= 1);
     if ($rating) {
         $this->my_rating = $value;
         $this->rating = $object->getRating();
Пример #26
 public function testBug()
     $person = $this->newPerson('Fixe');
     $profile = $this->newProfile('Work', $person);
     $guardUser = $person->get('sfGuardUser');
     $id = $guardUser->get('id');
     $query = new Doctrine_Query();
     $query->select('s.*, p.*, ps.*');
     $query->from('sfGuardUser s');
     $query->innerJoin('s.Person p');
     $query->leftJoin('p.Profiles ps');
     $query->where('s.id = ?', $id);
     $user = $query->fetchOne();
     $array = $user->toArray(true);
     $this->assertEqual($array['id'], 1);
     $this->assertEqual($array['name'], 'Fixe');
Пример #27
 public function executeRemove()
     $id = $this->getRequestParameter('id');
     if ($id) {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $this->applicationThemeGroup = $q->select('a.*')->from('ApplicationThemeGroup a')->where('id = ?', array($id))->execute()->getFirst();
     $application_id = $this->getRequestParameter('application_id');
     $theme_group_id = $this->getRequestParameter('theme_group_id');
     if ($application_id && $theme_group_id) {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $this->applicationThemeGroup = $q->select('a.*')->from('ApplicationThemeGroup a')->where('application_id = ? and theme_group_id = ?', array($application_id, $theme_group_id))->execute()->getFirst();
     return $this->redirect($this->getRequest()->getReferer());
 public function testMultipleAggregateValuesWithArrayFetching()
     $query = new Doctrine_Query();
     $query->select('u.*, COUNT(DISTINCT b.id) num_books, COUNT(DISTINCT a.id) num_albums');
     $query->from('User u');
     $query->leftJoin('u.Album a, u.Book b');
     $query->where("u.name = 'jon'");
     $users = $query->execute(array(), Doctrine_Core::HYDRATE_ARRAY);
     try {
         $name = $users[0]['name'];
         $num_albums = $users[0]['num_albums'];
         $num_books = $users[0]['num_books'];
     } catch (Doctrine_Exception $e) {
     $this->assertEqual($num_albums, 3);
     $this->assertEqual($num_books, 2);
Пример #29
  * @return
 protected function setOrderBy()
     if ($this->_orderby_run) {
     switch ($this->_order_by) {
         case 'slice_title':
         case 'slice_filesize':
         case 'slice_xsize':
         case 'slice_ysize':
         case 'slice_updated_at':
         case 'slice_created_at':
             $this->_query->orderBy('s.' . str_replace('slice_', '', $this->_order_by) . ' ' . $this->_order_direction);
         case 'file_title':
         case 'file_filesize':
         case 'file_xsize':
         case 'file_ysize':
         case 'file_updated_at':
         case 'file_created_at':
             $this->_query->leftJoin('s.File f');
             $this->_query->orderBy('f.' . str_replace('file_', '', $this->_order_by) . ' ' . $this->_order_direction);
         case 'views':
             $this->_query->leftJoin('s.File f');
             $this->_query->leftJoin('f.Views v');
             $this->_query->orderBy('v.count ' . $this->_order_direction);
         case 'loves':
             $this->_query->leftJoin('s.File f');
             $this->_query->leftJoin('f.Loves l');
             $this->_query->orderBy('l.count ' . $this->_order_direction);
         case 'random':
             $this->_query->select('s.*, RANDOM() as rand');
         case 'gallery_ordering':
     $this->_orderby_run = true;
Пример #30
 public function addThemeGroup($name)
     $name = trim($name);
     $q = new Doctrine_Query();
     $maduleThemeGroup = $q->select('mt.*')->from('MaduleThemeGroup mt, mt.ThemeGroup t')->addWhere('mt.madule_id = ? and t.name = ?', array($this->getId(), $name))->fetchOne();
     if (!$maduleThemeGroup) {
         $q = new Doctrine_Query();
         $themeGroup = $q->select('t.*')->from('ThemeGroup t')->addWhere('t.name = ?', array($name))->fetchOne();
         if (!$themeGroup) {
             $themeGroup = new ThemeGroup();
         $maduleThemeGroup = new MaduleThemeGroup();
     return $maduleThemeGroup;