public function select_schedule()
     $doctor = Doctor::find(Input::get('doctor_id'));
     if (!isset($doctor)) {
         // ..
     $schedules = $doctor->schedules()->with('periods')->get();
     if (!isset($schedules)) {
         // ..
     $schedules_map = array();
     foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
         if (!array_key_exists($schedule->date, $schedules_map)) {
             $schedules_map[$schedule->date] = array();
         $schedules_map[$schedule->date][$schedule->period] = array('id' => $schedule->id, 'status' => false);
         foreach ($schedule->periods as $period) {
             if ($period->current < $period->total) {
                 $schedules_map[$schedule->date][$schedule->period]['status'] = true;
     $schedules_all = array();
     $date_from = 0;
     $date_to = 7;
     $current_date = date_create();
     for ($i = $date_from; $i < $date_to; ++$i) {
         $schedules_all[$i] = array('date' => date_format(date_create('@' . strtotime('+' . $i . ' day')), 'Y-m-d'));
     return View::make('register.select_schedule', array('doctor' => array('name' => $doctor->name, 'photo' => $doctor->photo, 'title' => $doctor->title, 'department' => $doctor->department->name, 'hospital' => $doctor->department->hospital->name), 'schedules' => $schedules_all, 'schedules_map' => $schedules_map));
 protected function can_be_registered($doctor_id)
     $periods = Doctor::find($doctor_id)->schedules()->with('periods')->get();
     foreach ($periods as $period) {
         if ($period->current < $period->total) {
             return true;
     return false;
Пример #3
 public function update($id)
     $data = array("first_name" => Input::get("first_name"), "last_name" => Input::get("last_name"), "email" => Input::get("email"), "phone" => Input::get("phone"), "picture" => Input::file("picture"), "specialty_id" => Input::get("specialty_id"), "dating_duration" => Input::get("dating_duration"));
     $rules = array("first_name" => 'required|min:1|max:255', "last_name" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "email" => 'required|min:1', "phone" => 'required|min:1|max:100', "specialty_id" => 'required|min:3|max:255', "dating_duration" => 'required|min:1|max:3', "picture" => 'mimes:jpeg,gif,png');
     $messages = array('required' => 'El campo :attribute es obligatorio.', 'min' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener menos de :min carácteres.', 'email' => 'El campo :attribute debe ser un email válido.', 'max' => 'El campo :attribute no puede tener más de :max carácteres.', 'numeric' => 'El campo :attribute debe contener solo numeros', 'mimes' => 'El formato de la imagen logo debe ser jpg, git, png');
     $validation = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules, $messages);
     //si la validación falla redirigimos al formulario de registro con los errores
     //y con los campos que nos habia llenado el usuario
     if ($validation->fails()) {
         return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withErrors($validation)->withInput();
     } else {
         $doctor = Doctor::find($id);
         $agenda = Agenda::where('doctor_id', $doctor->id)->first();
         $agenda->dating_duration = Input::get("dating_duration");
         $espes = explode(',', Input::get("specialty_id"));
         $espeuok = '';
         foreach ($espes as $espe) {
             $very = Specialty::where('name_es', $espe)->first();
             if ($very) {
                 $espeuok = $espeuok . ',' . $very->id;
         $doctor->specialty_id = $espeuok;
         $user = User::find($doctor->user_id);
         $user->first_name = $data['first_name'];
         $user->last_name = $data['last_name'];
         $profile = Profile::where('user_id', $doctor->user_id)->first();
         if (Input::file('picture') != NULL) {
             //agrega imagen de logo
             $file_logo = Input::file('picture');
             $ext = Input::file('picture')->getClientOriginalExtension();
             $nameIMG = date('YmdHis');
             $logo = $nameIMG . '.' . $ext;
             $logo = 'assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/profile_' . $logo;
             $profile->picture = $logo;
         $profile->phone = Input::get("phone");
         if ($profile) {
             if (Input::file('picture') != NULL) {
                 $file_logo->move("assets/doctor/images/profile_pic/", $logo);
             return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withFlash_message("Guardado Exitosamente");
         } else {
             return Redirect::to('/doctor/profile')->withErrors("Error")->withInput();
 public function get_user_comments()
     // disgusting
     // 怎么改进
     $comments_per_page = Input::get('comments_per_page', 10);
             $records = User::find( Session::get( '' ) )
                            ->with( 'comment' )->with( 'doctor' )->paginate( $comments_per_page );
             $comments = array();
             foreach ( $records as $record ){
                 $comment = $record->comment;
                 $doctor  = $record->doctor;
                 $comments[] = array(
                     'id'            => $comment->id,
                     'content'       => $comment->content,
                     'created_at'    => $comment->created_at,
                     'doctor'        => array(
                                         'id'         => $doctor->id,
                                         'name'       => $doctor->name,
                                         'photo'      => $doctor->photo,
                                         'title'      => $doctor->title,
                                         'department' => $doctor->department->name,
                                         'hospital'   => $doctor->department->hospital->name )
     $comments = Comment::select('', 'comments.content', 'comments.created_at', 'register_records.doctor_id')->join('register_records', 'comments.record_id', '=', '')->join('register_accounts', 'register_records.account_id', '=', '')->join('users', 'register_accounts.user_id', '=', '')->where('', Session::get(''))->paginate((int) $comments_per_page);
     if (!isset($comments)) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 1, 'message' => '无评价记录'));
     foreach ($comments as $comment) {
         $doctor = Doctor::find($comment['doctor_id']);
         //            $comment['created_at'] = date_timestamp_get( date_create( $comment['created_at'] ) );
         $comment['doctor'] = array('id' => $doctor->id, 'name' => $doctor->name, 'photo' => $doctor->photo, 'title' => $doctor->title, 'specialty' => strip_tags($doctor->specialty), 'department' => $doctor->department->name, 'hospital' => $doctor->department->hospital->name);
     return Response::json(array('error_code' => 0, 'total' => $comments->count(), 'comments' => $comments->getItems()));
Пример #5
  * Show the form for creating a new resource.
  * GET /edit/create
  * @return Response
 public function DoctorSave()
     $rules = ['field_id' => 'required', 'field_name' => 'required', 'field_dob' => 'required', 'field_gender' => 'required', 'field_specialty' => 'required', 'field_workingHours' => 'required', 'availabilty' => 'required'];
     $data = Input::all();
     $validator = Validator::make(Input::all(), $rules);
     if ($validator->fails()) {
         return Redirect::back()->withErrors($validator);
     } else {
         $doctor = Doctor::find($data['field_id']);
         $doctor->name = Input::get('field_name');
         $doctor->dob = Input::get('field_dob');
         $doctor->gender = Input::get('field_gender');
         $doctor->specialty = Input::get('field_specialty');
         $doctor->working_hourse = Input::get('field_workingHours');
         $doctor->unavailability = Input::get('availabilty');
         if ($doctor->save()) {
             return Redirect::route('doctors_list')->with('success', 'Update Successfull');
         } else {
             return Redirect::back()->withErrors("Something went wrong, please try again");
 public function get_schedules()
     $doctor = Doctor::find(Input::get('doctor_id'));
     if (!isset($doctor)) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 1, 'message' => '不存在该医生'));
     $schedules = $doctor->schedules()->with('periods')->get();
     if (!isset($schedules)) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 2, 'message' => '没有排班'));
     $result = array();
     $current_date = date_create();
     $latest = (int) Input::get('latest');
     $default_latest = 7;
     $latest = $latest >= isset($latest) ? $latest : $default_latest;
     foreach ($schedules as $schedule) {
         $sd = date_create($schedule->date);
         $diff = date_diff($current_date, $sd);
         if ($diff->d >= 0 && $diff->d < $latest) {
             $result[] = array('id' => $schedule->id, 'date' => $schedule->date, 'period' => $schedule->period, 'is_full' => $this->is_full($schedule));
     return Response::json(array('error_code' => 0, 'schedules' => $result));
 public function upload_portrait()
     if (!Input::hasFile('portrait')) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 2, 'message' => '无文件上传'));
     if (!Input::file('portrait')->isValid()) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 3, 'message' => '文件无效'));
     $portrait = Input::file('portrait');
     $file_size = $portrait->getSize();
     if ($file_size > 2 * 1024 * 1024) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 4, 'message' => '文件过大'));
     $file_ext = $portrait->getClientOriginalExtension();
     $user_id = Session::get('');
     $doctor = Doctor::find(Session::get(''));
     try {
         $photo_path = '/images/upload/';
         $photo_full_name = uniqid($user_id . time()) . '.' . $file_ext;
         $previous_photo = public_path() . $doctor->photo;
         $doctor->photo = $photo_path . $photo_full_name;
         DB::transaction(function () use($doctor) {
         // Save and delete previous photo
         if (File::exists($previous_photo)) {
         Session::put('', $doctor->photo);
         $portrait->move(public_path() . $photo_path, $photo_full_name);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         return Response::json(array('error_code' => 1, 'message' => '保存失败'));
     return Response::json(array('error_code' => 0, 'message' => '保存成功', 'path' => $doctor->photo, 'size' => $file_size));
 public function getDoctorStatus()
     if (Request::ajax()) {
         $doctor = Doctor::find(Input::get("id"));
         if ($doctor->state == 1) {
             $doctor->state = 0;
         } else {
             $doctor->state = 1;
         if ($doctor) {
             return Response::json(array('success' => true));
         } else {
             return Response::json(array('success' => false));
 public function delete($id)
     $doctor = Doctor::find($id);
     return Redirect::to('doctors&cols');