Пример #1
function form_biblio_material_types($loc)
    $form = "";
    //    Played with printselect function
    if (isset($postVars['materialCd'])) {
        $materialCd = $postVars['materialCd'];
    } else {
        $materialCd = '';
    $fieldname = "materialCd";
    $domainTable = "material_type_dm";
    $dmQ = new DmQuery();
    $dms = $dmQ->get($domainTable);
    $form .= "<select id=\"materialCd\" name=\"materialCd\"";
    //    Needed OnChange event here.
    $form .= " onChange=\"matCdReload()\">\n";
    $form .= "<option value=\"\" selected>" . $loc->getText("any") . "</option>";
    foreach ($dms as $dm) {
        $form .= "<option value=\"" . H($dm->getCode()) . "\"";
        $form .= ">" . H($dm->getDescription()) . "</option>";
    $form .= "</select>";
    return $form;
Пример #2
function dmSelect($table, $name, $value = "", $all = FALSE, $attrs = NULL)
    $dmQ = new DmQuery();
    # Don't use getAssoc() so that we can set the default below
    $dms = $dmQ->get($table);
    $default = "";
    $options = array();
    if ($all) {
        $options['all'] = 'All';
    foreach ($dms as $dm) {
        $options[$dm->getCode()] = $dm->getDescription();
        if ($dm->getDefaultFlg() == 'Y') {
            $default = $dm->getCode();
    if ($value == "") {
        $value = $default;
    return inputField('select', $name, $value, $attrs, $options);
                echo "<b>" . H($i) . "</b> ";
            } else {
                echo "<a href=\"javascript:changePage(" . H(addslashes($i)) . ",'" . H(addslashes($sort)) . "')\">" . H($i) . "</a> ";
        } elseif ($i == $maxPg) {
            echo "... ";
    if ($currPage < $pageCount) {
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:changePage(" . ($currPage + 1) . ",'" . $sort . "')\">" . $loc->getText("biblioSearchNext") . "&raquo;</a> ";
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$collectionDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("collection_dm");
$materialTypeDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm");
$materialImageFiles = $dmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm", "image_file");
$biblioStatusDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("biblio_status_dm");
#*  Retrieving post vars and scrubbing the data
if (isset($_POST["page"])) {
    $currentPageNmbr = $_POST["page"];
} else {
    $currentPageNmbr = 1;
$searchType = $_POST["searchType"];

/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
<table class="primary">
<td  align="right" class="primary">Material Type</td>
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dm = $dmQ->get1("material_type_dm", $materialCd);
$material_type = $dm->getDescription();
<td  align="Left" class="primary">
echo H($material_type);
<td align="right" class="primary">Tag</td>
<td align="Left" class="primary">
printInputText("tag", 3, 3, $postVars, $pageErrors);
Пример #5
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Checking for get vars.  Go back to form if none found.
if (count($_GET) == 0) {
    header("Location: ../circ/index.php");
#*  Retrieving get var
$mbrid = $_GET["mbrid"];
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$mbrClassifyDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("mbr_classify_dm");
$biblioStatusDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("biblio_status_dm");
$materialTypeDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm");
$materialImageFiles = $dmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm", "image_file");
#*  Search database for member history
$histQ = new BiblioStatusHistQuery();
if ($histQ->errorOccurred()) {
Пример #6
    $_POST["barcodeNmbr"] = sprintf("%0" . $nzeros . "s", $bibid) . $CopyNmbr;
#*  Validate data
$bibid = $_POST["bibid"];
$copy = new BiblioCopy();
$_POST["copyDesc"] = $copy->getCopyDesc();
$_POST["barcodeNmbr"] = $copy->getBarcodeNmbr();
$_POST["location"] = $copy->getCopyDesc();
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$customFields = $dmQ->getAssoc('biblio_copy_fields_dm');
foreach ($customFields as $name => $title) {
    if (isset($_REQUEST['custom_' . $name])) {
        $copy->setCustom($name, $_REQUEST['custom_' . $name]);
$validBarco = $_POST["validBarco"];
$validData = $copy->validateData($validBarco);
if (!$validData) {
    $pageErrors["barcodeNmbr"] = $copy->getBarcodeNmbrError();
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../catalog/biblio_copy_new_form.php?bibid=" . U($bibid));
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Checking for query string.  Go back to list if none found.
if (!isset($_REQUEST["code"])) {
    header("Location: ../admin/member_fields_list.php");
$code = $_REQUEST["code"];
$description = $_REQUEST["desc"];
#*  Delete row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->delete("member_fields_dm", $code);
$memberQ = new MemberQuery();
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Member field, %desc%, has been deleted.", array('desc' => $description));
<a href="../admin/member_fields_list.php"><?php 
/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../shared/common.php";
$tab = "admin";
$nav = "collections";
require_once "../classes/Dm.php";
require_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../functions/formatFuncs.php";
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->getWithStats("collection_dm");
<a href="../admin/collections_new_form.php?reset=Y"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("adminCollections_listAddNewCollection");
echo $loc->getText("adminCollections_listCollections");
<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="2" valign="top"><?php 
$dm = new Dm();
$_POST["code"] = $dm->getCode();
$_POST["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
if (!$dm->validateData()) {
    $pageErrors["description"] = $dm->getDescriptionError();
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/member_fields_edit_form.php");
#*  Update domain table row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->update("member_fields_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Member field, %desc%, has been updated.", array('desc' => $dm->getDescription()));

    <td nowrap="true" class="primary" valign="top">
echo $loc->getText("biblioCopyEditFormStatus");
    <td valign="top" class="primary">

#*  only show status codes for valid transitions
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->get("biblio_status_dm");
echo "<select name=\"statusCd\"";
if (in_array($postVars["statusCd"], $disallowed)) {
    echo " disabled";
echo ">\n";
foreach ($dms as $dm) {
    $cd = $dm->getCode();
    # We don't normally show transitions to disallowed states, but
    # we do want to show the correct status, if it's one of those.
    if (in_array($cd, $disallowed) && $cd != $postVars["statusCd"]) {
Пример #11

/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../shared/common.php";
$tab = "admin";
$nav = "member_fields";
require_once "../classes/Dm.php";
require_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->get("member_fields_dm");
<a href="../admin/member_fields_new_form.php?reset=Y"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("Add new custom field");
<h1> <?php 
echo $loc->getText("Custom Member FIelds");
<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="2" valign="top">
Пример #12
$_POST["code"] = $dm->getCode();
$_POST["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
$_POST["imageFile"] = $dm->getImageFile();
if (!$dm->validateData()) {
    $pageErrors["description"] = $dm->getDescriptionError();
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/materials_edit_form.php");
#*  Update domain table row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->update("material_type_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("admin_materials_delMaterialType");
echo H($dm->getDescription());
echo $loc->getText("admin_materials_editEnd");
Пример #13
    if ($currPage < $pageCount) {
        echo "<a href=\"javascript:changePage(" . ($currPage + 1) . ")\">" . $loc->getText("mbrsearchnext") . "&raquo;</a> ";
#*  Checking for post vars.  Go back to form if none found.
if (count($_POST) == 0) {
    header("Location: ../circ/index.php");
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$mbrClassifyDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("mbr_classify_dm");
#*  Retrieving post vars and scrubbing the data
if (isset($_POST["page"])) {
    $currentPageNmbr = $_POST["page"];
} else {
    $currentPageNmbr = 1;
$searchType = $_POST["searchType"];
$searchText = trim($_POST["searchText"]);
# remove redundant whitespace
$searchText = eregi_replace("[[:space:]]+", " ", $searchText);
require_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Get Status Message
if (isset($_GET["msg"])) {
    $msg = "<font class=\"error\">" . H($_GET["msg"]) . "</font><br><br>";
} else {
    $msg = "";
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$biblioStatusDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("biblio_status_dm");
#*  Retrieving get var
$bibid = $_GET["bibid"];
#*  Show page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("biblioHoldListHead");
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
#*  Checking for query string flag to read data from database.
if (isset($_GET["code"])) {
    $code = $_GET["code"];
    $postVars["code"] = $code;
    include_once "../classes/Dm.php";
    include_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
    include_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
    $dmQ = new DmQuery();
    $dm = $dmQ->get1("collection_dm", $code);
    $postVars["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
    $postVars["daysDueBack"] = $dm->getDaysDueBack();
    $postVars["dailyLateFee"] = $dm->getDailyLateFee();
} else {
    require "../shared/get_form_vars.php";

<form name="editcollectionform" method="POST" action="../admin/collections_edit.php">
<input type="hidden" name="code" value="<?php 
echo H($postVars["code"]);
Пример #16
$_POST["code"] = $dm->getCode();
$_POST["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
$_POST["max_fines"] = $dm->getMaxFines();
if (!$dm->validateData()) {
    $pageErrors["description"] = $dm->getDescriptionError();
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/mbr_classify_edit_form.php");
#*  Update domain table row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->update("mbr_classify_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Classification type, %desc%, has been updated.", array('desc' => $dm->getDescription()));
Пример #17
if (!isset($_POST['description']) or !$_POST['description']) {
    $pageErrors['description'] = 'This is a required field.';
if (!empty($pageErrors)) {
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/copy_fields_new_form.php");
#*  Insert new domain table row
$dm = new Dm();
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->insert("biblio_copy_fields_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Copy field, %desc%, has been added.", array('desc' => $dm->getDescription()));
Пример #18
    header("Location: ../circ/index.php");
#*  Retrieving get var
$mbrid = $_GET["mbrid"];
if (isset($_GET["msg"])) {
    $msg = "<font class=\"error\">" . H($_GET["msg"]) . "</font><br><br>";
} else {
    $msg = "";
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$mbrClassifyDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("transaction_type_dm");
#*  Show transaction input form
require_once "../shared/header.php";

echo $msg;

<form name="accttransform" method="POST" action="../circ/mbr_transaction.php">
<table class="primary">
Пример #19
if (!isset($_POST['description']) or !$_POST['description']) {
    $pageErrors['description'] = 'This is a required field.';
if (!empty($pageErrors)) {
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/member_fields_new_form.php");
#*  Insert new domain table row
$dm = new Dm();
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->insert("member_fields_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Member field, %desc%, has been added.", array('desc' => $dm->getDescription()));
Пример #20
echo H($mbr->getFoto());


  <td class="noborder" valign="top">

#*  Show checkout stats
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->getCheckoutStats($mbr->getMbrid());
echo $loc->getText("mbrViewHead2");
<table class="primary">
    <th align="left" rowspan="2">
echo $loc->getText("mbrViewStatColHdr1");
    <th align="left" rowspan="2">
echo $loc->getText("mbrViewStatColHdr2");
Пример #21
function dmSelect($table, $name, $value = "", $all = FALSE, $attrs = NULL, $required = TRUE)
    $dmQ = new DmQuery();
    # Don't use getAssoc() so that we can set the default below
    $dms = $dmQ->get($table);
    $default = "";
    $options = array();
    if ($all) {
        $options['all'] = 'All';
    if (!$required) {
        // Add "Any" for the first option.
        $loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, "shared");
        $options[''] = $loc->getText("any");
    foreach ($dms as $dm) {
        $options[$dm->getCode()] = $dm->getDescription();
        if ($dm->getDefaultFlg() == 'Y') {
            $default = $dm->getCode();
    if ($value == "") {
        $value = $default;
    if (!$required) {
        // Selected on "Any" option.
        $value = "";
    return inputField('select', $name, $value, $attrs, $options);
Пример #22
 require_once "../classes/UsmarcTagDmQuery.php";
 require_once "../classes/UsmarcSubfieldDm.php";
 require_once "../classes/UsmarcSubfieldDmQuery.php";
 require_once "../functions/marcFuncs.php";
 require_once "../classes/BiblioFieldQuery.php";
 require_once "../classes/BiblioQuery.php";
 //  $loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE,"shared");
 if (isset($_GET["msg"])) {
     $msg = "<font class=\"error\">" . H($_GET["msg"]) . "</font><br><br>";
 } else {
     $msg = "";
 #*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays marc
 $LdmQ = new DmQuery();
 $collectionDm = $LdmQ->getAssoc("collection_dm");
 $LmaterialTypeDm = $LdmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm");
 $LbiblioStatusDm = $LdmQ->getAssoc("biblio_status_dm");
 $LmarcTagDmQ = new UsmarcTagDmQuery();
 if ($LmarcTagDmQ->errorOccurred()) {
 if ($LmarcTagDmQ->errorOccurred()) {
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Checking for query string.  Go back to collection list if none found.
if (!isset($_GET["code"])) {
    header("Location: ../admin/collections_list.php");
$code = $_GET["code"];
$description = $_GET["desc"];
#*  Delete row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->delete("collection_dm", $code);
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("adminCollections_delStart");
echo H($description);
echo $loc->getText("adminCollections_delEnd");
<a href="../admin/collections_list.php"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("adminCollections_delReturn");
Пример #24
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
#*  Checking for query string.  Go back to collection list if none found.
if (!isset($_GET["code"])) {
    header("Location: ../admin/mbr_classify_list.php");
$code = $_GET["code"];
$description = $_GET["desc"];
#*  Delete row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->delete("mbr_classify_dm", $code);
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Classification type, %desc%, has been deleted.", array('desc' => $description));
<a href="../admin/mbr_classify_list.php"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("return to member classification list");

/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../shared/common.php";
$tab = "admin";
$nav = "materials";
require_once "../classes/Dm.php";
require_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->getWithStats("material_type_dm");
<a href="../admin/materials_new_form.php?reset=Y"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("admin_materials_listAddmaterialtypes");
<h1> <?php 
echo $loc->getText("admin_materials_listMaterialtypes");
<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="3" valign="top">
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
#*  Checking for query string flag to read data from database.
if (isset($_GET["code"])) {
    $code = $_GET["code"];
    $postVars["code"] = $code;
    require_once "../classes/BiblioCopy.php";
    require_once "../classes/BiblioCopyQuery.php";
    include_once "../classes/Dm.php";
    include_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
    include_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
    $dmQ = new DmQuery();
    $dm = $dmQ->get1("biblio_status_dm", $code);
$postVars["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
<form name="editmatstateform" method="POST" action="../admin/matstate_edit.php">
<input type="hidden" name="code" value="<?php 
echo H($postVars["code"]);
<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="2" nowrap="yes" align="left">
Пример #27

/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../functions/inputFuncs.php";
require_once '../classes/DmQuery.php';
require_once '../classes/SchoolQuery.php';
require_once '../classes/School.php';
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$mbrClassifyDm = $dmQ->getAssoc('mbr_classify_dm');
$customFields = $dmQ->getAssoc('member_fields_dm');
$gender = array(OBIB_GENDER_MALE => "Male", OBIB_GENDER_FEMALE => "Female");
$standardlevel = array(1 => 1, 2 => 2, 3 => 3, 4 => 4, 5 => 5, 6 => 6, 7 => 7, 8 => 8, 9 => 9, 10 => 10);
$standardGrade = array('' => 'none', 'A' => 'A', 'B' => 'B', 'C' => 'C', 'D' => 'D', 'E' => 'E', 'F' => 'F', 'G' => 'G', 'H' => 'H', 'I' => 'I', 'J' => 'J', 'K' => 'K', 'L' => 'L', 'M' => 'M', 'N' => 'N', 'O' => 'O', 'P' => 'P', 'Q' => 'Q', 'R' => 'R', 'S' => 'S', 'T' => 'T', 'U' => 'U', 'V' => 'V', 'W' => 'W', 'X' => 'X', 'Y' => 'Y', 'Z' => 'Z');
$scQ = new SchoolQuery();
$schoolList = $scQ->getSchoolList();
$fields = array("mbrFldsClassify" => inputField('select', 'classification', $mbr->getClassification(), NULL, $mbrClassifyDm), "mbrFldsLastName" => inputField('text', "lastName", $mbr->getLastName()), "mbrFldsFirstName" => inputField('text', "firstName", $mbr->getFirstName()), "mbrFldsGender" => inputField('select', "gender", $mbr->getGender(), Null, $gender), "mbrFldsSchool" => inputField('select', "school", $mbr->getSchoolId(), Null, $schoolList), "mbrFldsStandard" => inputField('select', "standard", $mbr->getStandard(), Null, $standardlevel), "mbrFldsStandardGrade" => inputField('select', "grade", $mbr->getGrade(), Null, $standardGrade), "mbrFldsSchoolTeacher" => inputField('text', "schoolTeacher", $mbr->getSchoolTeacher()), "mbrFldsParentName" => inputField('text', "parentname", $mbr->getParentName()), "mbrFldsParentOccupation" => inputField('text', "parentoccupation", $mbr->getParentOccupation()), "mbrFldsMotherTongue" => inputField('text', "mothertongue", $mbr->getMotherTongue()), "mbrFldsEmail" => inputField('text', "email", $mbr->getEmail()), "Mailing Address:" => inputField('textarea', "address", $mbr->getAddress()), "mbrFldsHomePhone" => inputField('text', "homePhone", $mbr->getHomePhone()), "mbrFldsWorkPhone" => inputField('text', "workPhone", $mbr->getWorkPhone()));
foreach ($customFields as $name => $title) {
    $fields[$title . ':'] = inputField('text', 'custom_' . $name, $mbr->getCustom($name));

<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="2" valign="top" nowrap="yes" align="left">
Пример #28
/* This file is part of a copyrighted work; it is distributed with NO WARRANTY.
 * See the file COPYRIGHT.html for more details.
require_once "../shared/common.php";
$tab = "admin";
$nav = "classifications";
require_once "../classes/Dm.php";
require_once "../classes/DmQuery.php";
require_once "../functions/errorFuncs.php";
require_once "../functions/formatFuncs.php";
require_once "../shared/logincheck.php";
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, $tab);
require_once "../shared/header.php";
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dms = $dmQ->getWithStats("mbr_classify_dm");
<a href="../admin/mbr_classify_new_form.php?reset=Y"><?php 
echo $loc->getText("Add new member classificaiton");
echo $loc->getText("Member Classifications List");
<table class="primary">
    <th colspan="2" valign="top"><?php 
$dm = new Dm();
$_POST["description"] = $dm->getDescription();
$_POST["max_fines"] = $dm->getMaxFines();
if (!$dm->validateData()) {
    $pageErrors["description"] = $dm->getDescriptionError();
    $_SESSION["postVars"] = $_POST;
    $_SESSION["pageErrors"] = $pageErrors;
    header("Location: ../admin/mbr_classify_new_form.php");
#*  Insert new domain table row
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$dmQ->insert("mbr_classify_dm", $dm);
#*  Destroy form values and errors
#*  Show success page
require_once "../shared/header.php";
echo $loc->getText("Classification type, %desc%, has been added.", array('desc' => $dm->getDescription()));
Пример #30
//Añadida por Bruj0 para limpiar cadenas con caracteres extraños
require_once "../classes/Localize.php";
$loc = new Localize(OBIB_LOCALE, "shared");
#*  Retrieving get var
$bibid = $_GET["bibid"];
if (isset($_GET["msg"])) {
    $msg = "<font class=\"error\">" . H($_GET["msg"]) . "</font><br><br>";
} else {
    $msg = "";
#*  Loading a few domain tables into associative arrays
$dmQ = new DmQuery();
$collectionDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("collection_dm");
$materialTypeDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("material_type_dm");
$biblioStatusDm = $dmQ->getAssoc("biblio_status_dm");
$customFields = $dmQ->getAssoc('biblio_copy_fields_dm');
// JALG from ALX 11-07-2015
$marcTagDmQ = new UsmarcTagDmQuery();
if ($marcTagDmQ->errorOccurred()) {
if ($marcTagDmQ->errorOccurred()) {