Пример #1
$theme_id = addslashes(@$_POST['theme_id']);
$user_id = addslashes(@$_POST['user_id']);
if ($theme_id == 0 || $user_id == 0) {
require_once '../../../ww.incs/basics.php';
require_once SCRIPTBASE . 'ww.incs/mail.php';
 * get data on the theme and the user
$user = dbRow('select name,email from user_accounts where id=' . $user_id);
$theme_name = dbOne('select name from themes_api where id=' . $theme_id, 'name');
 * delete theme from user-files
 * and from themes-personal
shell_exec('rm -rf ' . USERBASE . '/f/themes_api/themes/' . $theme_id);
shell_exec('rm -rf ' . USERBASE . '/themes-personal/' . $theme_name);
 * delete the theme from the db
dbQuery('delete from  themes_api where id=' . $theme_id);
 * send the user an email telling them the theme
 * was deleted
$cms_name = DistConfig::get('cms-name');
$body = '<h3>' . __('Theme Deleted') . '</h3><p>' . __('Hi %1,', array($user['name']), 'core') . '</p><p>' . __('Your theme named "%1" has been deleted by moderaters.', array($theme_name), 'core') . '</p><p>' . __('Contact us if you have questions.') . '</p><p>' . __('Thanks<br/>---<br/>%1', array($cms_name), 'core') . '</p>';
send_mail($user['email'], 'no-reply@' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], __('Theme Deleted'), $body, false);
Пример #2

require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ww.incs/basics.php';
if (!Core_isAdmin()) {
    die('access denied');
header('Content-type: text/json');
$rs = dbAll('select * from sitecredits_options');
$options = array();
foreach ($rs as $k => $v) {
    $options[$v['name']] = $v['value'];
if (!@$options['payment-recipient']) {
    $cr = DistConfig::get('credits-email');
    $options['payment-recipient'] = $cr;
    dbQuery('insert into sitecredits_options values("payment-recipient", "' . $cr . '")');
if (!@$options['currency']) {
    $options['currency'] = 'EUR';
    $options['currency-symbol'] = '€';
if (!@$options['credit-costs']) {
    $options['credit-costs'] = '[' . '[5000000,1]' . ']';
$options['credit-costs'] = json_decode($options['credit-costs']);
echo json_encode($options);
Пример #3
 * get a list of the available themes
 * @return array names
function Theme_getTemplateNames()
    $themes = array();
    $dir = USERBASE . '/themes-personal/';
    $handler = opendir($dir);
    while ($file = readdir($handler)) {
        if ($file == '.' || $file == '..') {
        if (is_dir($dir . $file)) {
            array_push($themes, $file);
    return $themes;
echo '<script src="/ww.admin/siteoptions/themes/download.js"></script>' . '<link rel="stylesheet" href="' . DistConfig::get('themes-api') . '/api.' . 'css"/>';
echo '<div id="public-repository"><p>' . __('Choosing a theme here will download it into your private repository.' . ' If you already have a copy of the chosen theme there, then your copy' . ' will be over-written.') . '</p>';
echo '<div id="themes-carousel">
 * build an array of installed themes
$installed = Theme_getTemplateNames();
echo '<script type="text/javascript">window.installed_themes=' . json_encode($installed) . ';</script>';
echo '<br style="clear:both"/>';
Пример #4
 * PHP version 5.2
 * @category None
 * @package  None
 * @author   Kae Verens <*****@*****.**>
 * @license  GPL 2.0
 * @link     http://kvsites.ie/
require 'header.php';
// write the config to file
if (!$_SESSION['userbase_created']) {
    // user shouldn't be here
    header('Location: /install/step4.php');
$privatedir = DistConfig::get('installer-private');
if (!is_dir($privatedir)) {
    // create config directory
    if (!is_dir($privatedir)) {
        echo '<p><strong>' . __('Could not create <code>%1</code> directory.', array($privatedir), 'code') . '</strong></p>';
        $webroot = dirname($privatedir);
        echo __('<p>Please either:</p><ul><li>make the web root <code>%1</code> ' . 'writable for the web server</li><li>or create the <code>.private' . '</code> directory yourself and make it writable to the web server' . '</li></ul><p>Then reload this page.</p>', array($webroot), 'core');
$config = '<' . "?php\n\$DBVARS=array(\n\t'username' => '" . addslashes($_SESSION['db_vars']['username']) . "',\n\t'password' => '" . addslashes($_SESSION['db_vars']['password']) . "',\n\t'hostname' => '" . addslashes($_SESSION['db_vars']['hostname']) . "',\n\t'db_name'  => '" . addslashes($_SESSION['db_vars']['db_name']) . "',\n\t'userbase' => '" . addslashes($_SESSION['userbase']) . "',\n\t'plugins'  => 'panels',\n\t'theme_variant' => '',\n\t'version'  => 1\n);";
file_put_contents($privatedir . '/config.php', $config);
if (!file_exists($privatedir . '/config.php')) {
    echo '<p>' . __('<strong>Could not create /.private/config.php</strong>. Please ' . 'make /.private/ writable for the web server, then reload this page.') . '</p>';
Пример #5
		<iframe name="upload-iframe" style="display:none" href="javascript:;"></ifr' . 'ame>';

if (isset($_POST['install-theme'])) {
    // install theme if selected
    // get id
    $id = (int) @$_POST['theme_id'];
    if ($id == 0) {
    $themeapi = DistConfig::get('themes-api');
    $themeUrl = $themeapi . '/api.php?theme=' . $id;
    $theme = curl($themeUrl);
    if ($theme == false) {
        die(__('Theme does not exist. %1', array($themeUrl), 'core'));
    $theme = json_decode($theme, true);
    echo '<h2>' . __('Downloading Theme') . '</h2>';
    // downloading
    echo __('Downloading...') . '<br/>';
    $zipfile = curl($theme['download']);
    $theme_dir = USERBASE . '/themes-personal/';
    file_put_contents($theme_dir . $theme['name'] . '.zip', $zipfile);
    // extracting
    echo __('Extracting...') . '<br/>';
Пример #6
list($pid, $wid) = explode('-', preg_replace('/.*widget-id=([0-9]*-[0-9]*).*/', '\\1', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
require_once $_SERVER['DOCUMENT_ROOT'] . '/ww.incs/basics.php';
$panel = json_decode(dbOne('select body from panels where id=' . (int) $pid, 'body'));
foreach ($panel->widgets as $widget) {
    if ($widget->id == $wid) {
        $fbappid = $widget->fbappid;
        $fbsecret = $widget->fbsecret;
        $url = 'https://graph.facebook.com/oauth/access_token' . '?client_id=' . $fbappid . '&redirect_uri=http://' . $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] . preg_replace('/\\?.*/', '', $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) . '&client_secret=' . $fbsecret . '&code=' . $_REQUEST['code'];
        $auth = file_get_contents($url);
        $details = file_get_contents('https://graph.facebook.com/me?' . $auth);
        $details = json_decode($details);
        if (is_null($details)) {
            // failed login
            mail(DistConfig::get('email'), 'Facebook failed data', $details);
            header('Location: /');
        $name = $details->name;
        $email = $details->email;
        $user = dbRow('select * from user_accounts where email="' . addslashes($email) . '"');
        if ($user == false) {
            $pass = md5($details->id);
            dbQuery('insert into user_accounts set email="' . addslashes($email) . '",name="' . addslashes($name) . '",active=1,password="******"');
            $user = dbRow('select * from user_accounts where id=' . dbLastInsertId());
        $_SESSION['userdata'] = $user;
        dbQuery('update user_accounts set last_login=now() where id=' . $user['id']);
Пример #7
 * retrieve HTML for a captcha
 * @return string HTML for the captcha
function Recaptcha_getHTML()
    return '<script>var RecaptchaOptions={theme:"custom",lang:"' . DistConfig::get('preferred-language') . '",' . 'custom_theme_widget:"recaptcha_widget"};</script>' . '<div id="recaptcha_widget" style="display:none">' . '<div id="recaptcha_image"></div>' . '<a href="javascript:Recaptcha.reload()">' . __('reload captcha') . '</a><br />' . '<div class="recaptcha_only_if_incorrect_sol" style="color:red">' . __('Incorrect please try again') . '</div>' . '<span class="recaptcha_only_if_image">' . __('Enter the words above') . ':</span>' . '<input id="recaptcha_response_field" ' . 'name="recaptcha_response_field" /></div>' . '<script src="//www.google.com/recaptcha/api/challenge?k=' . RECAPTCHA_PUBLIC . '"></script>';