Пример #1
function openid_form()
    $form = new FormValidator('openid_login', 'post', null, null, array('class' => 'form-vertical form_login'));
    $form->addElement('text', 'openid_url', array(get_lang('OpenIDURL'), Display::url(get_lang('OpenIDWhatIs'), 'main/auth/openid/whatis.php')), array('class' => 'openid_input'));
    $form->addElement('button', 'submit', get_lang('Login'));
    return $form->return_form();
 function prepare_skill_box($skill, $position, $class)
     $block_id = $skill['id'];
     $extra_class = 'third_window';
     if ($skill['parent_id'] == 0) {
         $extra_class = 'second_window';
     $this->html .= '<div id="block_' . $block_id . '" class = "open_block window ' . $extra_class . '  ' . $class . '" style = "top:' . $position['y'] . 'px; left:' . $position['x'] . 'px;">';
     /*$gradebook_string = '';
       if (!empty($skill['gradebooks'])) {
           foreach ($skill['gradebooks'] as $gradebook) {
               //uncomment this to show the gradebook tags
               $gradebook_string .= Display::span($gradebook['name'], array('class'=>'label_tag gradebook','style'=>'width:50px')).'<br />';    
       } */
     $content = $skill['name'];
     $content .= '<div class="btn-group">';
     $content .= Display::url(get_lang('Edit'), '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= Display::url('+', '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= '</div>';
     $this->html .= $content . ' ' . $gradebook_string;
     if ($this->type == 'edit' && $skill['parent_id'] != 0) {
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('add.png', get_lang('Add'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id=>"edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('Close'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'close_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'close_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('Open'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'open_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'open_block'));
     $this->html .= '</div>';
Пример #3
  * Displays the title + grid
 function display()
     // action links
     echo '<div class="actions">';
     echo '<a href="../admin/index.php">' . Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('BackTo') . ' ' . get_lang('PlatformAdmin'), '', '32') . '</a>';
     echo '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?action=add">' . Display::return_icon('new_class.png', get_lang('AddClasses'), '', '32') . '</a>';
     echo Display::url(Display::return_icon('import_csv.png', get_lang('Import'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'usergroup_import.php');
     echo Display::url(Display::return_icon('export_csv.png', get_lang('Export'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'usergroup_export.php');
     echo '</div>';
     echo Display::grid_html('usergroups');
Пример #4
 public static function getTopMenu()
     $menu_items = array();
     $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('stats.png', get_lang('MyStats'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . "auth/my_progress.php");
     $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('teacher.png', get_lang('TeacherInterface'), array(), 32), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'mySpace/?view=teacher');
     $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('star_na.png', get_lang('AdminInterface'), array(), 32), '#');
     $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('quiz.png', get_lang('ExamTracking'), array(), 32), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'tracking/exams.php');
     $menu = null;
     foreach ($menu_items as $item) {
         $menu .= $item;
     $menu .= '<br />';
     return $menu;
Пример #5
function openid_form()
    $form = new FormValidator('openid_login', 'post', null, null, array('class' => 'form-vertical form_login'));
    $form->addElement('text', 'openid_url', array(get_lang('OpenIDURL'), Display::url(get_lang('OpenIDWhatIs'), 'main/auth/openid/whatis.php')), array('class' => 'openid_input'));
    $form->addElement('button', 'submit', get_lang('Login'));
    return $form->return_form();
     return '<label for="openid_url">'.get_lang('OpenIDURL').' <a href="main/auth/openid/whatis.php" title="'.get_lang('OpenIDWhatIs').'">'.Display::return_icon('info3.gif',get_lang('Info')).'</a></label>
     <input type="text" id="openid_url" name="openid_url" style="background: url(main/img/openid_small_logo.png) no-repeat; background-color: #fff; background-position: 0 50%; padding-left:18px;" value="http://"></input>
    * <input type="submit" name="openid_login" value="'.get_lang('Enter').'" /><br /><br /></form></div>';
 function prepare_skill_box($skill, $position, $class)
     $block_id = $skill['id'];
     $extra_class = 'third_window';
     if ($skill['parent_id'] == 0) {
         $extra_class = 'second_window';
     $this->html .= '<div id="block_' . $block_id . '" class = "open_block window ' . $extra_class . '  ' . $class . '" style = "top:' . $position['y'] . 'px; left:' . $position['x'] . 'px;">';
     $content = $skill['name'];
     $content .= '<div class="btn-group">';
     $content .= Display::url(get_lang('Edit'), '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= Display::url('+', '#', array('id' => 'edit_block_' . $block_id, 'class' => 'edit_block btn'));
     $content .= '</div>';
     $this->html .= $content . ' ' . $gradebook_string;
     if ($this->type == 'edit' && $skill['parent_id'] != 0) {
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('add.png', get_lang('Add'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id=>"edit_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'edit_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('up.png', get_lang('Close'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'close_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'close_block'));
         //$this->html .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('down.png', get_lang('Open'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), '#', array('id'=>'open_block_'.$block_id,'class'=>'open_block'));
     $this->html .= '</div>';
Пример #7
  * Get activities data to display
 static function get_activities_data($from, $number_of_items, $column, $direction)
     global $dateTimeFormatLong;
     $track_e_default = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT);
     $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
     $access_url_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
     $current_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
     $column = intval($column);
     $from = intval($from);
     $number_of_items = intval($number_of_items);
     if (!in_array($direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $direction = 'DESC';
     if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
         $sql = "SELECT " . "default_event_type  as col0, " . "default_value_type    as col1, " . "default_value        as col2, " . "user.username         as col3, " . "user.user_id         as col4, " . "default_date         as col5 " . "FROM {$track_e_default} as track_default, {$table_user} as user, {$access_url_rel_user_table} as url " . "WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id AND url.user_id=user.user_id AND access_url_id='" . $current_url_id . "'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT " . "default_event_type  as col0, " . "default_value_type    as col1, " . "default_value        as col2, " . "user.username         as col3, " . "user.user_id         as col4, " . "default_date         as col5 " . "FROM {$track_e_default} track_default, {$table_user} user " . "WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id ";
     if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
         $keyword = Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword']));
         $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_event_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_value_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR default_value LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%') ";
     if (!empty($column) && !empty($direction)) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col5 DESC ";
     $sql .= " LIMIT {$from}, {$number_of_items} ";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $activities = array();
     while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
         if (strpos($row[1], '_object') === false) {
             $row[2] = $row[2];
         } else {
             if (!empty($row[2])) {
                 $row[2] = unserialize($row[2]);
                 if (is_array($row[2]) && !empty($row[2])) {
                     $row[2] = Text::implode_with_key(', ', $row[2]);
         if (!empty($row['default_date']) && $row['default_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $row['default_date'] = api_get_local_time($row['default_date']);
         } else {
             $row['default_date'] = '-';
         if (!empty($row[4])) {
             //user ID
             $row[3] = Display::url($row[3], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/user_information?user_id=' . $row[5], array('title' => get_lang('UserInfo')));
             $row[4] = TrackingUserLog::get_ip_from_user_event($row[4], $row[5], true);
             if (empty($row[4])) {
                 $row[4] = get_lang('Unknown');
         $activities[] = $row;
     return $activities;
Пример #8
  * Get all questions
  * @param Application $app
  * @param int $categoryId
  * @param int $exerciseId
  * @param int $courseId
  * @param array $options
  * @param bool $get_count
  * @return array
 public static function getQuestions($app, $categoryId, $exerciseId, $courseId, $options, $get_count = false)
     $questionTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION);
     $questionPoolFields = array('question_session_id' => array('innerjoin' => " INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION) . " as quiz_rel_question_session ON (quiz_rel_question_session.question_id = s.iid)\n                                 INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST) . " as quizsession ON (quizsession.iid = quiz_rel_question_session.exercice_id)\n                                 INNER JOIN " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_SESSION) . " session ON (session.id = quizsession.session_id)", 'where' => 'session_id', 'inject_fields' => 'session.name as question_session_id, '), 'question_category_id' => array('innerjoin' => " INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION_REL_CATEGORY) . " as quiz_rel_cat ON (quiz_rel_cat.question_id = s.iid)\n                                 INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_CATEGORY) . " as cat ON (cat.iid = quiz_rel_cat.category_id)", 'where' => 'quiz_rel_cat.category_id', 'inject_fields' => 'cat.title as question_category_id, '), 'question_exercise_id' => array('innerjoin' => " INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION) . " as quiz_rel_question ON (quiz_rel_question.question_id = s.iid)\n                                 INNER JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST) . " as quizexercise ON (quizexercise.iid = quiz_rel_question.exercice_id) ", 'where' => 'quiz_rel_question.exercice_id', 'inject_fields' => 'quizexercise.title as question_exercise_id, '), 'question_c_id' => array('where' => 's.c_id', 'innerjoin' => " INNER JOIN " . Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_COURSE) . " as course ON (course.id = s.c_id) ", 'inject_fields' => 'course.title as question_c_id, '), 'question_question_type' => array('where' => 's.type ', 'inject_fields' => 's.type as question_question_type,'), 'question_difficulty' => array('where' => 's.level', 'inject_fields' => 's.level as question_difficulty, '));
     // Checking if you're looking for orphan questions.
     $isOrphanQuestion = false;
     if (isset($options['question'])) {
         foreach ($options['question'] as $option) {
             if (isset($option['field']) && $option['field'] == 'question_exercise_id') {
                 if ($option['data'] == 0) {
                     $isOrphanQuestion = true;
     // Special case for orphan questions.
     if ($isOrphanQuestion) {
         $questionPoolFields['question_exercise_id'] = array('innerjoin' => " LEFT JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION) . " as quiz_rel_question ON (quiz_rel_question.question_id = s.iid)\n                                 LEFT JOIN " . Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST) . " as quizexercise ON (quizexercise.iid = quiz_rel_question.exercice_id) ", 'where' => 'quiz_rel_question.exercice_id', 'inject_fields' => 'quizexercise.title as question_exercise_id, ');
     $inject_extra_fields = null;
     $inject_joins = null;
     $where = $options['where'];
     $newQuestionPoolField = array();
     if (isset($options['question'])) {
         foreach ($options['question'] as $question) {
             if (isset($questionPoolFields[$question['field']])) {
                 $newQuestionPoolField[$question['field']] = $questionPoolFields[$question['field']];
     $inject_question_fields = null;
     $questionPoolFields = $newQuestionPoolField;
     // Injecting inner joins.
     foreach ($questionPoolFields as $field => $option) {
         $where = str_replace($field, $option['where'], $where);
         if (isset($option['innerjoin']) && !empty($option['innerjoin'])) {
             $inject_joins .= $option['innerjoin'];
         if (isset($option['inject_fields']) && !empty($option['inject_fields'])) {
             $inject_question_fields .= $option['inject_fields'];
     $options['where'] = $where;
     $extra_field = new ExtraField('question');
     $conditions = $extra_field->parseConditions($options);
     $inject_joins .= $conditions['inject_joins'];
     $where = $conditions['where'];
     $inject_where = $conditions['inject_where'];
     $inject_extra_fields = $conditions['inject_extra_fields'];
     $order = $conditions['order'];
     $limit = $conditions['limit'];
     if ($get_count == true) {
         $select = " SELECT count(*) as total_rows";
     } else {
         $select = " SELECT s.*, {$inject_extra_fields} {$inject_question_fields} 1 ";
     $extraCondition = null;
     // Used by the question manager
     if (!empty($categoryId)) {
         $categoryRelQuestionTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_QUESTION_REL_CATEGORY);
         $extraCondition = " INNER JOIN {$categoryRelQuestionTable} c ON (s.iid = c.question_id)";
         $categoryId = intval($categoryId);
         $where .= " AND category_id = {$categoryId} ";
     /*if (!empty($exerciseId)) {
           $exerciseRelQuestionTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
           $extraCondition .= " INNER JOIN $exerciseRelQuestionTable e ON (s.iid = e.question_id)";
           $exerciseId = intval($exerciseId);
           $where .= " AND exercice_id = $exerciseId ";
     // Orphan questions
     if ($isOrphanQuestion) {
         //$exerciseRelQuestionTable = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_QUIZ_TEST_QUESTION);
         //$extraCondition .= " INNER JOIN $exerciseRelQuestionTable e ON (s.iid = e.question_id)";
         $where .= " OR quizexercise.active = -1 OR quiz_rel_question.exercice_id IS NULL";
     if (!empty($courseId)) {
         $courseId = intval($courseId);
         $where .= " AND s.c_id = {$courseId} ";
     if (isset($options['question'])) {
         $courseList = CourseManager::get_course_list_of_user_as_course_admin(api_get_user_id());
         foreach ($options['question'] as $questionOption) {
             if ($questionOption['field'] == 'question_c_id') {
                 if (isset($questionOption['data'])) {
                     if (!isset($courseList[$questionOption['data']])) {
                         return array();
     $query = " {$select} FROM {$questionTable} s {$inject_joins} {$extraCondition} WHERE 1=1 {$where} {$inject_where} {$order} {$limit}";
     //echo $query.'<br />';
     $result = Database::query($query);
     $questions = array();
     $exerciseList = null;
     if (!empty($exerciseId)) {
         $exercise = new Exercise();
         $exerciseList = $exercise->questionList;
     if (Database::num_rows($result)) {
         $questions = Database::store_result($result, 'ASSOC');
         if ($get_count) {
             return $questions[0]['total_rows'];
         $previewIcon = Display::return_icon('preview.gif', get_lang('View'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
         $copyIcon = Display::return_icon('copy.png', get_lang('Copy'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
         $reuseIcon = Display::return_icon('view_more_stats.gif', get_lang('InsertALinkToThisQuestionInTheExercise'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
         $editIcon = Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Edit'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
         //$deleteIcon = Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
         // Including actions
         foreach ($questions as &$question) {
             $type = self::get_question_type($question['type']);
             $question['type'] = get_lang($type[1]);
             $question['question_question_type'] = get_lang($type[1]);
             if (empty($exerciseId)) {
                 // View.
                 $actions = Display::url($previewIcon, $app['url_generator']->generate('admin_questions_show', array('id' => $question['iid'])));
                 // Edit.
                 $actions .= Display::url($editIcon, $app['url_generator']->generate('admin_questions_edit', array('id' => $question['iid'])));
             } else {
                 // View.
                 $actions = Display::url($previewIcon, $app['url_generator']->generate('question_show', array('cidReq' => api_get_course_id(), 'id_session' => api_get_session_id(), 'exerciseId' => $exerciseId, 'id' => $question['iid'])));
                 if (isset($exerciseList) && !empty($exerciseList) && in_array($question['iid'], $exerciseList)) {
                     // Copy.
                     //$actions .= $copyIconDisabled;
                 } else {
                     // Copy.
                     $actions .= Display::url($copyIcon, 'javascript:void(0);', array('onclick' => 'ajaxAction(this);', 'data-url' => $app['url_generator']->generate('exercise_copy_question', array('cidReq' => api_get_course_id(), 'id_session' => api_get_session_id(), 'questionId' => $question['iid'], 'exerciseId' => $exerciseId))));
                     // Reuse.
                     $actions .= Display::url($reuseIcon, 'javascript:void(0);', array('onclick' => 'ajaxAction(this);', 'data-url' => $app['url_generator']->generate('exercise_reuse_question', array('cidReq' => api_get_course_id(), 'id_session' => api_get_session_id(), 'questionId' => $question['iid'], 'exerciseId' => $exerciseId))));
                 // Edit.
                 $actions .= Display::url($editIcon, $app['url_generator']->generate('exercise_question_edit', array('cidReq' => api_get_course_id(), 'id_session' => api_get_session_id(), 'id' => $question['iid'])));
             $question['actions'] = $actions;
     return $questions;
Пример #9
 * Show the monthcalender of the given month
 * @param	array	Agendaitems
 * @param	int	Month number
 * @param	int	Year number
 * @param	array	Array of strings containing long week day names (deprecated, you can send an empty array instead)
 * @param	string	The month name
 * @return	void	Direct output
function display_mymonthcalendar($user_id, $agendaitems, $month, $year, $weekdaynames = array(), $monthName, $show_content = true)
    global $DaysShort, $course_path;
    //Handle leap year
    $numberofdays = array(0, 31, 28, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31, 31, 30, 31, 30, 31);
    if ($year % 400 == 0 or $year % 4 == 0 and $year % 100 != 0) {
        $numberofdays[2] = 29;
    //Get the first day of the month
    $dayone = getdate(mktime(0, 0, 0, $month, 1, $year));
    //Start the week on monday
    $startdayofweek = $dayone['wday'] != 0 ? $dayone['wday'] - 1 : 6;
    $g_cc = isset($_GET['courseCode']) ? $_GET['courseCode'] : '';
    $prev_icon = Display::return_icon('action_prev.png', get_lang('Previous'));
    $next_icon = Display::return_icon('action_next.png', get_lang('Next'));
    $next_month = $month == 1 ? 12 : $month - 1;
    $prev_month = $month == 12 ? 1 : $month + 1;
    $next_year = $month == 1 ? $year - 1 : $year;
    $prev_year = $month == 12 ? $year + 1 : $year;
    if ($show_content) {
        $back_url = Display::url($prev_icon, api_get_self() . "?coursePath=" . urlencode($course_path) . "&amp;courseCode=" . Security::remove_XSS($g_cc) . "&amp;action=view&amp;view=month&amp;month=" . $next_month . "&amp;year=" . $next_year);
        $next_url = Display::url($next_icon, api_get_self() . "?coursePath=" . urlencode($course_path) . "&amp;courseCode=" . Security::remove_XSS($g_cc) . "&amp;action=view&amp;view=month&amp;month=" . $prev_month . "&amp;year=" . $prev_year);
    } else {
        $back_url = Display::url($prev_icon, '', array('onclick' => "load_calendar('" . $user_id . "','" . $next_month . "', '" . $next_year . "'); "));
        $next_url = Display::url($next_icon, '', array('onclick' => "load_calendar('" . $user_id . "','" . $prev_month . "', '" . $prev_year . "'); "));
    echo '<table id="agenda_list"><tr>';
    echo '<th width="10%">' . $back_url . '</th>';
    echo '<th width="80%" colspan="5"><br /><h3>' . $monthName . " " . $year . '</h3></th>';
    echo '<th width="10%">' . $next_url . '</th>';
    echo '</tr>';
    echo '<tr>';
    for ($ii = 1; $ii < 8; $ii++) {
        echo '<td class="weekdays">' . $DaysShort[$ii % 7] . '</td>';
    echo '</tr>';
    $curday = -1;
    $today = getdate();
    while ($curday <= $numberofdays[$month]) {
        echo "<tr>";
        for ($ii = 0; $ii < 7; $ii++) {
            if ($curday == -1 && $ii == $startdayofweek) {
                $curday = 1;
            if ($curday > 0 && $curday <= $numberofdays[$month]) {
                $bgcolor = $class = 'class="days_week"';
                $dayheader = Display::div($curday, array('class' => 'agenda_day'));
                if ($curday == $today['mday'] && $year == $today['year'] && $month == $today['mon']) {
                    $class = "class=\"days_today\" style=\"width:10%;\"";
                echo "<td " . $class . ">" . $dayheader;
                if (!empty($agendaitems[$curday])) {
                    $items = $agendaitems[$curday];
                    $items = ArrayClass::msort($items, 'start_date_tms');
                    foreach ($items as $value) {
                        $value['title'] = Security::remove_XSS($value['title']);
                        $start_time = api_format_date($value['start_date'], TIME_NO_SEC_FORMAT);
                        $end_time = '';
                        if (!empty($value['end_date']) && $value['end_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
                            $end_time = '-&nbsp;<i>' . api_format_date($value['end_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG) . '</i>';
                        $complete_time = '<i>' . api_format_date($value['start_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG) . '</i>&nbsp;' . $end_time;
                        $time = '<i>' . $start_time . '</i>';
                        switch ($value['calendar_type']) {
                            case 'personal':
                                $bg_color = '#D0E7F4';
                                $icon = Display::return_icon('user.png', get_lang('MyAgenda'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
                            case 'global':
                                $bg_color = '#FFBC89';
                                $icon = Display::return_icon('view_remove.png', get_lang('GlobalEvent'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
                            case 'course':
                                $bg_color = '#CAFFAA';
                                $icon_name = 'course.png';
                                if (!empty($value['session_id'])) {
                                    $icon_name = 'session.png';
                                if ($show_content) {
                                    $icon = Display::url(Display::return_icon($icon_name, $value['course_name'] . ' ' . get_lang('Course'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL), $value['url']);
                                } else {
                                    $icon = Display::return_icon($icon_name, $value['course_name'] . ' ' . get_lang('Course'), array(), ICON_SIZE_SMALL);
                        $result = '<div class="rounded_div_agenda" style="background-color:' . $bg_color . ';">';
                        if ($show_content) {
                            //Setting a personal event to green
                            $icon = Display::div($icon, array('style' => 'float:right'));
                            $link = $value['calendar_type'] . '_' . $value['id'] . '_' . $value['course_id'] . '_' . $value['session_id'];
                            //Link to bubble
                            $url = Display::url(Text::cut($value['title'], 40), '#', array('id' => $link, 'class' => 'opener'));
                            $result .= $time . ' ' . $icon . ' ' . Display::div($url);
                            //Hidden content
                            $content = Display::div($icon . Display::tag('h2', $value['course_name']) . '<hr />' . Display::tag('h3', $value['title']) . $complete_time . '<hr />' . Security::remove_XSS($value['content']));
                            //Main div
                            $result .= Display::div($content, array('id' => 'main_' . $link, 'class' => 'dialog', 'style' => 'display:none'));
                            $result .= '</div>';
                            echo $result;
                            //echo Display::div($content, array('id'=>'main_'.$value['calendar_type'].'_'.$value['id'], 'class' => 'dialog'));
                        } else {
                            echo $result .= $icon . '</div>';
                echo "</td>";
            } else {
                echo "<td></td>";
        echo "</tr>";
    echo "</table>";
Пример #10
     * Set header parameters
    private function set_header_parameters()
        global $httpHeadXtra, $_course, $interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $noPHP_SELF, $_configuration, $this_section;
        $help = $this->help;
        $nameTools             = $this->title;
        $navigation            = return_navigation_array();
        $this->menu_navigation = $navigation['menu_navigation'];

        $this->assign('system_charset', api_get_system_encoding());

        if (isset($httpHeadXtra) && $httpHeadXtra) {
            foreach ($httpHeadXtra as & $thisHttpHead) {

        $this->assign('online_button', Display::return_icon('online.png'));

        // Get language iso-code for this page - ignore errors
        $this->assign('document_language', api_get_language_isocode());

        $course_title = isset($_course['name']) ? $_course['name'] : null;

        $title_list = array();

        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('Institution');
        $title_list[] = api_get_setting('siteName');

        if (!empty($course_title)) {
            $title_list[] = $course_title;
        if ($nameTools != '') {
            $title_list[] = $nameTools;

        $title_string = '';
        for ($i = 0; $i < count($title_list); $i++) {
            $title_string .= $title_list[$i];
            if (isset($title_list[$i + 1])) {
                $item = trim($title_list[$i + 1]);
                if (!empty($item)) {
                    $title_string .= ' - ';

        $this->assign('title_string', $title_string);

        //Setting the theme and CSS files

        $browser = api_browser_support('check_browser');
        if ($browser[0] == 'Internet Explorer' && $browser[1] >= '11') {
            $browser_head = '<meta http-equiv="X-UA-Compatible" content="IE=EmulateIE9" />';
            $this->assign('browser_specific_head', $browser_head);

        // Implementation of prefetch.
        // See http://cdn.chamilo.org/main/img/online.png for details
        $prefetch = '';
        if (!empty($_configuration['cdn_enable'])) {
            $prefetch .= '<meta http-equiv="x-dns-prefetch-control" content="on">';
            foreach ($_configuration['cdn'] as $host => $exts) {
                $prefetch .= '<link rel="dns-prefetch" href="'.$host.'">';

        $this->assign('prefetch', $prefetch);
        $this->assign('text_direction', api_get_text_direction());
        $this->assign('section_name', 'section-'.$this_section);

        $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';

        if (isset($_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) && $_configuration['multiple_access_urls']) {
            $access_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
            if ($access_url_id != -1) {
                $url_info  = api_get_access_url($access_url_id);
                $url       = api_remove_trailing_slash(preg_replace('/https?:\/\//i', '', $url_info['url']));
                $clean_url = replace_dangerous_char($url);
                $clean_url = str_replace('/', '-', $clean_url);
                $clean_url .= '/';
                $homep           = api_get_path(REL_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url; //homep for Home Path
                $icon_real_homep = api_get_path(SYS_PATH).'home/'.$clean_url;

                //we create the new dir for the new sites
                if (is_file($icon_real_homep.'favicon.ico')) {
                    $favico = '<link rel="shortcut icon" href="'.$homep.'favicon.ico" type="image/x-icon" />';

        $this->assign('favico', $favico);


        //@todo move this in the template
        $bug_notification_link = '';
        if (api_get_setting('show_link_bug_notification') == 'true' && $this->user_is_logged_in) {
            $bug_notification_link = '<li class="report">
		        						<a href="http://support.chamilo.org/projects/chamilo-18/wiki/How_to_report_bugs" target="_blank">
		        						<img src="'.api_get_path(WEB_IMG_PATH).'bug.large.png" style="vertical-align: middle;" alt="'.get_lang('ReportABug').'" title="'.get_lang(

        $this->assign('bug_notification_link', $bug_notification_link);

        $notification = return_notification_menu();
        $this->assign('notification_menu', $notification);

        //Preparing values for the menu

        //Logout link
        if (isset($_configuration['hide_logout_button']) && $_configuration['hide_logout_button'] == 'true') {
            $this->assign('logout_link', null);
        } else {
            $this->assign('logout_link', api_get_path(WEB_PATH).'index.php?logout=logout&uid='.api_get_user_id());

        //Profile link
        if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $profile_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'social/home.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        } else {
            $profile_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'auth/profile.php';
            $profile_link = Display::url(get_lang('Profile'), $profile_url);
        $this->assign('profile_link', $profile_link);
        $this->assign('profile_url', $profile_url);

        //Message link
        $message_link = null;
        $message_url  = null;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            $message_url  = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'messages/inbox.php';
            $message_link = '<a href="'.api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'messages/inbox.php">'.get_lang('Inbox').'</a>';
        $this->assign('message_link', $message_link);
        $this->assign('message_url', $message_url);

        $institution = api_get_setting('Institution');
        $portal_name = empty($institution) ? api_get_setting('siteName') : $institution;

        $this->assign('portal_name', $portal_name);

        $menu = return_menu();
        $this->assign('menu', $menu);

        //Setting notifications

        $count_unread_message = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_message_tool') == 'true') {
            // get count unread message and total invitations
            $count_unread_message = MessageManager::get_number_of_messages(true);

        $total_invitations = 0;
        if (api_get_setting('allow_social_tool') == 'true') {
            $number_of_new_messages_of_friend = SocialManager::get_message_number_invitation_by_user_id(
            $group_pending_invitations        = GroupPortalManager::get_groups_by_user(
            $group_pending_invitations        = 0;
            if (!empty($group_pending_invitations)) {
                $group_pending_invitations = count($group_pending_invitations);
            $total_invitations = intval($number_of_new_messages_of_friend) + $group_pending_invitations + intval(
        $total_invitations = (!empty($total_invitations) ? Display::badge($total_invitations) : null);

        $this->assign('user_notifications', $total_invitations);

        $breadcrumb = return_breadcrumb($interbreadcrumb, $language_file, $nameTools);
        $this->assign('breadcrumb', $breadcrumb);

        //Extra content
        $extra_header = null;
        if (!api_is_platform_admin()) {
            $extra_header = trim(api_get_setting('header_extra_content'));
        $this->assign('header_extra_content', $extra_header);

        //if ($this->show_header == 1) {
            header('Content-Type: text/html; charset='.api_get_system_encoding());
                'X-Powered-By: '.$_configuration['software_name'].' '.substr($_configuration['system_version'], 0, 1)
  * Get array containing column header names (incl user columns)
  * @param int $items_start Start item offset
  * @param int $items_count Number of items to get
  * @param bool $show_detail whether to show the details or not
  * @return array List of headers 
 public function get_header_names($items_start = 0, $items_count = null, $show_detail = false)
     $headers = array();
     if (isset($this->params['show_official_code']) && $this->params['show_official_code']) {
         $headers[] = get_lang('OfficialCode');
     if (isset($this->params['join_firstname_lastname']) && $this->params['join_firstname_lastname']) {
         if (api_is_western_name_order()) {
             $headers[] = get_lang('FirstnameAndLastname');
         } else {
             $headers[] = get_lang('LastnameAndFirstname');
     } else {
         if (api_is_western_name_order()) {
             $headers[] = get_lang('FirstName');
             $headers[] = get_lang('LastName');
         } else {
             $headers[] = get_lang('LastName');
             $headers[] = get_lang('FirstName');
     if (!isset($items_count)) {
         $items_count = count($this->evals_links) - $items_start;
     $parent_id = $this->category->get_parent_id();
     if ($parent_id == 0 or $this->params['only_subcat'] == $this->category->get_id()) {
         $main_weight = $this->category->get_weight();
         $grade_model_id = $this->category->get_grade_model_id();
     } else {
         $main_cat = Category::load($parent_id, null, null);
         $main_weight = $main_cat[0]->get_weight();
         $grade_model_id = $main_cat[0]->get_grade_model_id();
     $use_grade_model = true;
     if (empty($grade_model_id) || $grade_model_id == -1) {
         $use_grade_model = false;
     //@todo move these in a function
     $sum_categories_weight_array = array();
     $mainCategoryId = null;
     $mainCourseCategory = $this->getMainCourseCategory();
     if (!empty($mainCourseCategory)) {
         $mainCategoryId = $mainCourseCategory->get_id();
     if (isset($this->category) && !empty($this->category)) {
         $categories = Category::load(null, null, null, $this->category->get_id());
         if (!empty($categories)) {
             foreach ($categories as $category) {
                 $sum_categories_weight_array[$category->get_id()] = $category->get_weight();
         } else {
             $sum_categories_weight_array[$this->category->get_id()] = $this->category->get_weight();
     //No category was added
     $course_code = api_get_course_id();
     $session_id = api_get_session_id();
     $allcat = $this->category->get_subcategories(null, $course_code, $session_id, 'ORDER BY id');
     $evaluationsAdded = array();
     if ($parent_id == 0 && !empty($allcat)) {
         //Means there are any subcategory
         foreach ($allcat as $sub_cat) {
             $sub_cat_weight = round(100 * $sub_cat->get_weight() / $main_weight, 1);
             $add_weight = " {$sub_cat_weight} %";
             /*if (isset($this->params['export_pdf']) && $this->params['export_pdf']) {
                  $add_weight = null;
             $headers[] = Display::url($sub_cat->get_name(), api_get_self() . '?selectcat=' . $sub_cat->get_id()) . $add_weight;
     } else {
         if (!isset($this->params['only_total_category']) || isset($this->params['only_total_category']) && $this->params['only_total_category'] == false) {
             for ($count = 0; $count < $items_count && $items_start + $count < count($this->evals_links); $count++) {
                 $item = $this->evals_links[$count + $items_start];
                 $weight = round(100 * $item->get_weight() / $main_weight, 1);
                 $headers[] = $item->get_name() . ' ' . $weight . ' % ';
                 $evaluationsAdded[] = $item->get_id();
     if (!empty($mainCategoryId)) {
         for ($count = 0; $count < $items_count && $items_start + $count < count($this->evals_links); $count++) {
             /** @var AbstractLink $item */
             $item = $this->evals_links[$count + $items_start];
             if ($mainCategoryId == $item->get_category_id() && !in_array($item->get_id(), $evaluationsAdded)) {
                 $weight = round(100 * $item->get_weight() / $main_weight, 1);
                 $headers[] = $item->get_name() . ' ' . $weight . ' % ';
     $headers[] = api_strtoupper(get_lang('GradebookQualificationTotal'));
     return $headers;
Пример #12
            //Redirect to the reporting
            header('location: ../mySpace/myStudents.php?origin=' . $origin . '&student=' . $student_id . '&details=true&course=' . $course_id . '&session_id=' . $session_id);
$actions = null;
if ($is_allowedToEdit && $origin != 'learnpath') {
    // the form
    if (api_is_platform_admin() || api_is_course_admin() || api_is_course_tutor() || api_is_course_coach()) {
        $actions .= '<a href="admin.php?exerciseId=' . intval($_GET['exerciseId']) . '">' . Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('GoBackToQuestionList'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
        $actions .= '<a href="live_stats.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&exerciseId=' . $exercise_id . '">' . Display::return_icon('activity_monitor.png', get_lang('LiveResults'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
        $actions .= '<a href="stats.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&exerciseId=' . $exercise_id . '">' . Display::return_icon('statistics.png', get_lang('ReportByQuestion'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
        $actions .= '<a id="export_opener" href="' . api_get_self() . '?export_report=1&exerciseId=' . intval($_GET['exerciseId']) . '" >' . Display::return_icon('save.png', get_lang('Export'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
        // clean result before a selected date icon
        $actions .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('clean_before_date.png', get_lang('CleanStudentsResultsBeforeDate'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), '#', array('onclick' => "javascript:display_date_picker()"));
        // clean result before a selected date datepicker popup
        $actions .= Display::span(Display::input('input', 'datepicker_start', get_lang('SelectADateOnTheCalendar'), array('onmouseover' => 'datepicker_input_mouseover()', 'id' => 'datepicker_start', 'onchange' => 'datepicker_input_changed()', 'readonly' => 'readonly')) . Display::button('delete', get_lang('Delete'), array('onclick' => 'submit_datepicker()')), array('style' => 'display:none', 'id' => 'datepicker_span'));
} else {
    $actions .= '<a href="exercise.php">' . Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('GoBackToQuestionList'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
//Deleting an attempt
if (($is_allowedToEdit || $is_tutor || api_is_coach()) && isset($_GET['delete']) && $_GET['delete'] == 'delete' && !empty($_GET['did']) && $locked == false) {
    $exe_id = intval($_GET['did']);
    if (!empty($exe_id)) {
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $TBL_TRACK_EXERCISES . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . $exe_id;
        $sql = 'DELETE FROM ' . $TBL_TRACK_ATTEMPT . ' WHERE exe_id = ' . $exe_id;
        header('Location: exercise_report.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&exerciseId=' . $exercise_id);
    $session_id = api_get_session_id();
// Breadcrumbs.
if (isset($_GET['origin']) && $_GET['origin'] == 'resume_session') {
    $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/index.php', 'name' => get_lang('PlatformAdmin'));
    $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'session/session_list.php', 'name' => get_lang('SessionList'));
    $interbreadcrumb[] = array('url' => api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'session/resume_session.php?id_session=' . api_get_session_id(), 'name' => get_lang('SessionOverview'));
$nameTools = get_lang('Tracking');
// Display the header.
Display::display_header($nameTools, 'Tracking');
echo '<div class="actions">';
echo Display::url(Display::return_icon('user.png', get_lang('StudentsTracking'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'tracking/courseLog.php?' . api_get_cidreq());
echo Display::url(Display::return_icon('group.png', get_lang('GroupReporting'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'course_log_groups.php?' . api_get_cidreq(true, false));
echo Display::url(Display::return_icon('course.png', get_lang('CourseTracking'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'tracking/course_log_tools.php?' . api_get_cidreq());
echo Display::return_icon('tools_na.png', get_lang('ResourcesTracking'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM);
echo '<span style="float:right; padding-top:0px;">';
echo '<a href="javascript: void(0);" onclick="javascript: window.print();">' . Display::return_icon('printer.png', get_lang('Print'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
$addional_param = '';
if (isset($_GET['additional_profile_field'])) {
    $addional_param = 'additional_profile_field=' . intval($_GET['additional_profile_field']);
$users_tracking_per_page = '';
if (isset($_GET['users_tracking_per_page'])) {
    $users_tracking_per_page = '&users_tracking_per_page=' . intval($_GET['users_tracking_per_page']);
echo '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&export=csv&' . $addional_param . $users_tracking_per_page . '">
' . Display::return_icon('export_csv.png', get_lang('ExportAsCSV'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
echo '</span>';
echo '</div>';
    return $xajax_response;
if ($add_type == 'multiple') {
    $link_add_type_unique = '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?add=' . $add . '&add_type=unique">' . Display::return_icon('single.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeUnique') . '</a>';
    $link_add_type_multiple = Display::return_icon('multiple.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeMultiple');
} else {
    $link_add_type_unique = Display::return_icon('single.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeUnique');
    $link_add_type_multiple = '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?add=' . $add . '&add_type=multiple">' . Display::return_icon('multiple.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeMultiple') . '</a>';
echo '<div class="actions">';
echo '<a href="usergroups.php">' . Display::return_icon('back.png', get_lang('Back'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a>';
echo Display::url(get_lang('AdvancedSearch'), '#', array('class' => 'advanced_options', 'id' => 'advanced_search'));
echo '</div>';
echo '<div id="advanced_search_options" style="display:none">';
echo '</div>';

<form name="formulaire" method="post" action="<?php 
echo api_get_self();
echo $id;
if (!empty($_GET['add'])) {
    echo '&add=true';
Пример #15
 * Build the modify-column of the table
 * @param int $user_id The user id
 * @return string Some HTML-code
function modify_filter($user_id, $row, $data)
    global $is_allowed_to_track, $charset;
    $user_id = $data[0];
    $course_info = $_course = api_get_course_info();
    $current_user_id = api_get_user_id();
    $sessionId = api_get_session_id();
    $type = isset($_REQUEST['type']) ? intval($_REQUEST['type']) : STUDENT;
    $result = "";
    if ($is_allowed_to_track) {
        $result .= '<a href="../mySpace/myStudents.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&student=' . $user_id . '&details=true&course=' . $_course['id'] . '&origin=user_course&id_session=' . api_get_session_id() . '" title="' . get_lang('Tracking') . '"  >
            <img border="0" alt="' . get_lang('Tracking') . '" src="../img/icons/22/stats.png" />
    // If platform admin, show the login_as icon (this drastically shortens
    // time taken by support to test things out)
    if (api_is_platform_admin()) {
        $result .= ' <a href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/user_list.php?action=login_as&user_id=' . $user_id . '&sec_token=' . $_SESSION['sec_token'] . '">' . Display::return_icon('login_as.gif', get_lang('LoginAs')) . '</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;';
    if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
        if (empty($sessionId)) {
            $isTutor = isset($data['is_tutor']) ? intval($data['is_tutor']) : 0;
            $isTutor = empty($isTutor) ? 1 : 0;
            $text = get_lang('RemoveTutorStatus');
            if ($isTutor) {
                $text = get_lang('SetTutor');
            $disabled = '';
            if ($data['user_status_in_course'] == STUDENT) {
                $result .= Display::url($text, 'user.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=set_tutor&is_tutor=' . $isTutor . '&user_id=' . $user_id . '&type=' . $type, array('class' => 'btn btn-default ' . $disabled)) . '&nbsp;';
        // edit
        if (api_get_setting('allow_user_course_subscription_by_course_admin') == 'true' or api_is_platform_admin()) {
            // unregister
            if ($user_id != $current_user_id || api_is_platform_admin()) {
                $result .= '<a class="btn btn-small btn-danger" href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&type=' . $type . '&unregister=yes&user_id=' . $user_id . '" title="' . get_lang('Unreg') . ' " onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\'' . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . '\')) return false;">' . get_lang('Unreg') . '</a>&nbsp;';
            } else {
                //$result .= Display::return_icon('unsubscribe_course_na.png', get_lang('Unreg'),'',ICON_SIZE_SMALL).'</a>&nbsp;';
    } else {
        // Show buttons for unsubscribe
        if ($course_info['unsubscribe'] == 1) {
            if ($user_id == $current_user_id) {
                $result .= '<a class="btn btn-small btn-danger" href="' . api_get_self() . '?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&type=' . $type . '&unregister=yes&user_id=' . $user_id . '" title="' . get_lang('Unreg') . ' " onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\'' . addslashes(api_htmlentities(get_lang('ConfirmYourChoice'), ENT_QUOTES, $charset)) . '\')) return false;">' . get_lang('Unreg') . '</a>&nbsp;';
    return $result;
Пример #16
                echo '</td>';
                echo '</tr>';
                if (!empty($sessions)) {
                    foreach ($sessions as $session) {
                        $course_list = $session['courses'];
                        $url = Display::url($session['data']['name'], '../session/resume_session.php?id_session=' . $session['data']['id']);
                        echo '<tr>';
                        //Session name
                        echo Display::tag('td', $url);
                        echo '<td>';
                        echo '<table>';
                        if (!empty($course_list)) {
                            foreach ($course_list as $course) {
                                echo '<tr>';
                                $url = Display::url($course['title'], api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . $course['directory'] . '/index.php?id_session=' . $session['data']['id']);
                                echo Display::tag('td', $url);
                                echo '</tr>';
                            echo '</table>';
                            echo '</td>';
                            echo '</tr>';
echo '</table>';
Пример #17
    echo Display::page_subheader2(get_lang('Teachers'));
    echo $teacherList;

if (!empty($coaches)) {
    echo Display::page_subheader2(get_lang('Coaches'));
    echo $coaches;

$sessionList = SessionManager::get_session_by_course($courseInfo['code']);
if (!empty($sessionList)) {
    echo Display::page_subheader2(get_lang('SessionList'));
    $sessionToShow = array();
    foreach ($sessionList as $session) {
        $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH).'mySpace/course.php?session_id='.$session['id'].'&cidReq='.$courseInfo['code'];
        $sessionToShow[] = Display::url($session['name'], $url);
    echo implode(', ', $sessionToShow);

echo Display::page_subheader2(get_lang('StudentList'));

$is_western_name_order = api_is_western_name_order();

if (count($a_students) > 0) {
    $form = new FormValidator('reminder_form', 'get', api_get_path(REL_CODE_PATH).'announcements/announcements.php');
    $renderer = $form->defaultRenderer();
        '<span>{label} {element}</span>&nbsp;<button class="save" type="submit">'.get_lang('SendNotification').'</button>',
  * Get li HTML of page number
  * @param $pageNumber
  * @param $pageLength
  * @param array $liAttributes
  * @param string $content
  * @return string
 function getPageNumberItem($pageNumber, $pageLength, $liAttributes = array(), $content = '')
     // Get page URL
     $url = self::getCourseCategoryUrl($pageNumber, $pageLength);
     // If is current page ('active' class) clear URL
     if (isset($liAttributes) && is_array($liAttributes) && isset($liAttributes['class'])) {
         if (strpos('active', $liAttributes['class']) !== false) {
             $url = '';
     $content = !empty($content) ? $content : $pageNumber;
     return Display::tag('li', Display::url($content, $url), $liAttributes);
Пример #19
        $table->setCellAttributes($row, $column, array('width' => '300px'));
        $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $userResult['sent_date']);
        $dateQualification = !empty($workExtraData['expires_on']) && $workExtraData['expires_on'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00' ? api_get_local_time($workExtraData['expires_on']) : '-';
        $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $dateQualification);
        $score = '-';
        if (!empty($scoreWeight)) {
            $score = strip_tags($userResult['qualification']) . "/" . $scoreWeight;
        $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $score);
        // Actions
        $links = null;
        // is a text
        $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'work/view.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&id=' . $userResult['id'];
        $links .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('default.png'), $url);
        if (!empty($userResult['url'])) {
            $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'work/download.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&id=' . $userResult['id'];
            $links .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('save.png', get_lang('Download')), $url);
        $url = api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'work/edit.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&item_id=' . $userResult['id'] . '&id=' . $workId . '&parent_id=' . $workId;
        $links .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('Comment')), $url);
        $table->setCellContents($row, $column, $links);
        $column = 0;
echo $table->toHtml();
Пример #20
  * Get activities data to display
  * @param int $from
  * @param int $numberOfItems
  * @param int $column
  * @param string $direction
  * @return array
 public static function getActivitiesData($from, $numberOfItems, $column, $direction)
     $track_e_default = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_STATISTIC_TRACK_E_DEFAULT);
     $table_user = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_USER);
     $access_url_rel_user_table = Database::get_main_table(TABLE_MAIN_ACCESS_URL_REL_USER);
     $current_url_id = api_get_current_access_url_id();
     $column = intval($column);
     $from = intval($from);
     $numberOfItems = intval($numberOfItems);
     if (!in_array($direction, array('ASC', 'DESC'))) {
         $direction = 'DESC';
     if (api_is_multiple_url_enabled()) {
         $sql = "SELECT\n                    default_event_type  as col0,\n                    default_value_type    as col1,\n                    default_value        as col2,\n                    c_id         as col3,\n                    session_id as col4,\n                    user.username         as col5,\n                    user.user_id         as col6,\n                    default_date         as col7\n                    FROM {$track_e_default} as track_default, {$table_user} as user, {$access_url_rel_user_table} as url\n                    WHERE\n                        track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id AND\n                        url.user_id = user.user_id AND\n                        access_url_id='" . $current_url_id . "'";
     } else {
         $sql = "SELECT\n                   default_event_type  as col0,\n                   default_value_type    as col1,\n                   default_value        as col2,\n                   c_id         as col3,\n                   session_id as col4,\n                   user.username         as col5,\n                   user.user_id         as col6,\n                   default_date         as col7\n                   FROM {$track_e_default} track_default, {$table_user} user\n                   WHERE track_default.default_user_id = user.user_id ";
     if (isset($_GET['keyword'])) {
         $keyword = Database::escape_string(trim($_GET['keyword']));
         $sql .= " AND (user.username LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_event_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_value_type LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%' OR\n                        default_value LIKE '%" . $keyword . "%') ";
     if (!empty($column) && !empty($direction)) {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col{$column} {$direction}";
     } else {
         $sql .= " ORDER BY col5 DESC ";
     $sql .= " LIMIT {$from},{$numberOfItems} ";
     $res = Database::query($sql);
     $activities = array();
     while ($row = Database::fetch_row($res)) {
         if (strpos($row[1], '_object') === false && strpos($row[1], '_array') === false) {
             $row[2] = $row[2];
         } else {
             if (!empty($row[2])) {
                 $originalData = str_replace('\\', '', $row[2]);
                 $row[2] = unserialize($originalData);
                 if (is_array($row[2]) && !empty($row[2])) {
                     $row[2] = implode_with_key(', ', $row[2]);
                 } else {
                     $row[2] = $originalData;
         if (!empty($row['default_date']) && $row['default_date'] != '0000-00-00 00:00:00') {
             $row['default_date'] = api_get_local_time($row['default_date']);
         } else {
             $row['default_date'] = '-';
         if (!empty($row[5])) {
             if (!empty($row[3])) {
                 $row[3] = Display::url($row[3], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/course_edit.php?id=' . $row[3]);
             } else {
                 $row[3] = '-';
             // session
             if (!empty($row[4])) {
                 $row[4] = Display::url($row[4], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'session/resume_session.php?id_session=' . $row[4]);
             } else {
                 $row[4] = '-';
             // User id.
             $row[5] = Display::url($row[5], api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/user_information.php?user_id=' . $row[6], array('title' => get_lang('UserInfo')));
             $row[6] = TrackingUserLog::get_ip_from_user_event($row[6], $row[7], true);
             if (empty($row[6])) {
                 $row[6] = get_lang('Unknown');
         $activities[] = $row;
     return $activities;
echo $filterForm;
if (count($certificate_list) == 0) {
    echo Display::display_warning_message(get_lang('NoResultsAvailable'));
} else {
    echo '<br /><br /><table class="data_table">';
    foreach ($certificate_list as $index => $value) {
        echo '<tr>
                <td width="100%" class="actions">' . get_lang('Student') . ' : ' . api_get_person_name($value['firstname'], $value['lastname']) . ' (' . $value['username'] . ')</td>';
        echo '</tr>';
        echo '<tr><td>
            <table class="data_table">';
        $list_certificate = GradebookUtils::get_list_gradebook_certificates_by_user_id($value['user_id'], $cat_id);
        foreach ($list_certificate as $value_certificate) {
            echo '<tr>';
            echo '<td width="50%">' . get_lang('Score') . ' : ' . $value_certificate['score_certificate'] . '</td>';
            echo '<td width="30%">' . get_lang('Date') . ' : ' . api_convert_and_format_date($value_certificate['created_at']) . '</td>';
            echo '<td width="20%">';
            $url = api_get_path(WEB_PATH) . 'certificates/index.php?id=' . $value_certificate['id'];
            $certificates = Display::url(get_lang('Certificate'), $url, array('target' => '_blank', 'class' => 'btn btn-default'));
            echo $certificates;
            echo '<a onclick="return confirmation();" href="gradebook_display_certificate.php?sec_token=' . $token . '&cidReq=' . $course_code . '&action=delete&cat_id=' . $cat_id . '&certificate_id=' . $value_certificate['id'] . '">
                    ' . Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete')) . '
            echo '</td></tr>';
        echo '</table>';
        echo '</td></tr>';
    echo '</table>';
Пример #22
 echo '<td style="vertical-align:top">';
 //if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) &&  api_get_session_id() == $thematic['session_id']) {
 if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
     echo '<div style="text-align:right"><a href="index.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=thematic_advance_add&thematic_id=' . $thematic['id'] . '">' . Display::return_icon('add.png', get_lang('NewThematicAdvance'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM) . '</a></div>';
 //if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) &&  api_get_session_id() == $thematic['session_id']) {
 if (!empty($thematic_advance_data[$thematic['id']])) {
     echo '<table width="100%">';
     foreach ($thematic_advance_data[$thematic['id']] as $thematic_advance) {
         $thematic_advance['start_date'] = api_get_local_time($thematic_advance['start_date']);
         $thematic_advance['start_date'] = api_format_date($thematic_advance['start_date'], DATE_TIME_FORMAT_LONG);
         echo '<tr>';
         echo '<td width="90%" class="thematic_advance_content" id="thematic_advance_content_id_' . $thematic_advance['id'] . '">';
         $edit_link = '';
         if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
             $edit_link = Display::url(Display::return_icon('edit.png', get_lang('EditThematicAdvance'), [], ICON_SIZE_SMALL), 'index.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&' . http_build_query(['action' => 'thematic_advance_edit', 'thematic_id' => $thematic['id'], 'thematic_advance_id' => $thematic_advance['id'], 'display' => 'no_header']), ['class' => 'ajax', 'data-title' => get_lang('EditThematicAdvance')]);
             $edit_link .= '<a onclick="javascript:if(!confirm(\'' . get_lang('AreYouSureToDelete') . '\')) return false;" href="index.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&action=thematic_advance_delete&thematic_id=' . $thematic['id'] . '&thematic_advance_id=' . $thematic_advance['id'] . '">' . Display::return_icon('delete.png', get_lang('Delete'), '', ICON_SIZE_SMALL) . '</a></center>';
             $edit_link = Display::div(Display::div($edit_link, array('id' => 'thematic_advance_tools_' . $thematic_advance['id'], 'class' => 'thematic_advance_actions')), array('style' => 'height:20px;'));
         $thematic_advance_item = isset($thematic_advance_div[$thematic['id']][$thematic_advance['id']]) ? $thematic_advance_div[$thematic['id']][$thematic_advance['id']] : null;
         echo Display::div($thematic_advance_item, array('id' => 'thematic_advance_' . $thematic_advance['id']));
         echo $edit_link;
         echo '</td>';
         //if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true) && api_get_session_id() == $thematic['session_id']) {
         if (api_is_allowed_to_edit(null, true)) {
             if (empty($thematic_id)) {
                 $checked = '';
                 if ($last_done_thematic_advance == $thematic_advance['id']) {
                     $checked = 'checked';
Пример #23
$total_score = 0;
if (!empty($exercise_stat_info)) {
    $total_score = $exercise_stat_info['exe_result'];
$max_score = $objExercise->get_max_score();
Display::display_normal_message(get_lang('Saved') . '<br />', false);
// Display and save questions
ExerciseLib::display_question_list_by_attempt($objExercise, $exe_id, true);
//Unset session for clock time
ExerciseLib::exercise_time_control_delete($objExercise->id, $learnpath_id, $learnpath_item_id);
if ($origin != 'learnpath') {
    echo '<hr>';
    echo Display::url(get_lang('ReturnToCourseHomepage'), api_get_course_url(), array('class' => 'btn btn-primary'));
    if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
} else {
    $lp_mode = Session::read('lp_mode');
    $url = '../newscorm/lp_controller.php?cidReq=' . api_get_course_id() . '&action=view&lp_id=' . $learnpath_id . '&lp_item_id=' . $learnpath_item_id . '&exeId=' . $exercise_stat_info['exe_id'] . '&fb_type=' . $objExercise->feedback_type;
    $href = $lp_mode == 'fullscreen' ? ' window.opener.location.href="' . $url . '" ' : ' top.location.href="' . $url . '"';
    if (api_is_allowed_to_session_edit()) {
    // Record the results in the learning path, using the SCORM interface (API)
    echo "<script>window.parent.API.void_save_asset('{$total_score}', '{$max_score}', 0, 'completed');</script>";
Пример #24
   Return the <a> html code for delete, add, clone, edit a question
   in_action = the code of the action triggered by the button
   from_exercice = the id of the current exercice from which we click on question pool
   in_questionid = the id of the current question
   in_questiontype = the code of the type of the current question
   in_questionname = the name of the question
   in_selected_course = the if of the course chosen in the FILTERING MENU
   in_courseCategoryId = the id of the category chosen in the FILTERING MENU
   in_exerciseLevel = the level of the exercice chosen in the FILTERING MENU
   in_answerType = the code of the type of the question chosen in the FILTERING MENU
   in_session_id = the id of the session_id chosen in the FILTERING MENU
   in_exercice_id = the id of the exercice chosen in the FILTERING MENU
function get_action_icon_for_question($in_action, $from_exercice, $in_questionid, $in_questiontype, $in_questionname, $in_selected_course, $in_courseCategoryId, $in_exerciseLevel, $in_answerType, $in_session_id, $in_exercice_id)
    $res = "";
    $getParams = "&selected_course={$in_selected_course}&courseCategoryId={$in_courseCategoryId}&exerciseId={$in_exercice_id}&exerciseLevel={$in_exerciseLevel}&answerType={$in_answerType}&session_id={$in_session_id}";
    switch ($in_action) {
        case "delete":
            $res = "<a href='" . api_get_self() . "?" . api_get_cidreq() . $getParams . "&delete={$in_questionid}' onclick='return confirm_your_choice()'>";
            $res .= Display::return_icon("delete.png", get_lang('Delete'));
            $res .= "</a>";
        case "edit":
            $res = get_a_tag_for_question(1, $from_exercice, $in_questionid, $in_questiontype, Display::return_icon("edit.png", get_lang('Modify')), $in_session_id);
        case "add":
            // add if question is not already in test
            $myObjEx = new Exercise();
            if (!$myObjEx->isInList($in_questionid)) {
                $res = "<a href='" . api_get_self() . "?" . api_get_cidreq() . $getParams . "&recup={$in_questionid}&fromExercise={$from_exercice}'>";
                $res .= Display::return_icon("view_more_stats.gif", get_lang('InsertALinkToThisQuestionInTheExercise'));
                $res .= "</a>";
            } else {
                $res = "-";
        case "clone":
            $url = api_get_self() . "?" . api_get_cidreq() . $getParams . "&amp;copy_question={$in_questionid}&amp;course_id={$in_selected_course}&amp;fromExercise={$from_exercice}";
            $res = Display::url(Display::return_icon('cd.gif', get_lang('ReUseACopyInCurrentTest')), $url);
            $res = $in_action;
    return $res;
Пример #25
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('user.png', get_lang('Students'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), "index.php?view=drh_students&amp;display=yourstudents");
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('teacher.png', get_lang('Trainers'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'teachers.php');
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('course.png', get_lang('Courses'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), 'course.php');
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('session_na.png', get_lang('Sessions'), array(), ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), '#');
    $actionsLeft = '';
    $nb_menu_items = count($menu_items);
    if ($nb_menu_items > 1) {
        foreach ($menu_items as $key => $item) {
            $actionsLeft .= $item;
    $actionsRight = '';
    if (count($a_sessions) > 0) {
        $actionsRight = Display::url(Display::return_icon('printer.png', get_lang('Print'), array(), 32), 'javascript: void(0);', array('onclick' => 'javascript: window.print();'));
        $actionsRight .= Display::url(Display::return_icon('export_csv.png', get_lang('ExportAsCSV'), array(), 32), api_get_self() . '?export=csv');
    $toolbar = Display::toolbarAction('toolbar-session', $content = array(0 => $actionsLeft, 1 => $actionsRight));
    echo $toolbar;
    echo Display::page_header(get_lang('YourSessionsList'));
} else {
    $a_sessions = Tracking::get_sessions_coached_by_user($id_coach);
$form = new FormValidator('search_course', 'get', api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'mySpace/session.php');
$form->addElement('text', 'keyword', get_lang('Keyword'));
$keyword = '';
if ($form->validate()) {
    $keyword = $form->getSubmitValue('keyword');
$form->setDefaults(array('keyword' => $keyword));
Пример #26
            $file = $_FILES['file'];
            $courseInfo = api_get_course_info();
            $workInfo = get_work_data_by_id($itemId);
            $workInfoParent = get_work_data_by_id($workInfo['parent_id']);
            $resultUpload = uploadWork($workInfoParent, $courseInfo, true, $workInfo);
            $work_table = Database::get_course_table(TABLE_STUDENT_PUBLICATION);
            if (isset($resultUpload['url']) && !empty($resultUpload['url'])) {
                $title = isset($resultUpload['filename']) && !empty($resultUpload['filename']) ? $resultUpload['filename'] : get_lang('Untitled');
                $url = Database::escape_string($resultUpload['url']);
                $title = Database::escape_string($title);
                $sql = "UPDATE {$work_table} SET\n                            url_correction = '" . $url . "',\n                            title_correction = '" . $title . "'\n                        WHERE iid = {$itemId}";
                $result['title'] = $resultUpload['filename'];
                $result['url'] = 'view.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&id=' . $itemId;
                $json = array();
                $json['name'] = Display::url(api_htmlentities($result['title']), api_htmlentities($result['url']), array('target' => '_blank'));
                $json['type'] = api_htmlentities($file['type']);
                $json['size'] = format_file_size($file['size']);
            if (isset($result['url'])) {
                $json['result'] = Display::return_icon('accept.png', get_lang('Uploaded'));
            } else {
                $json['result'] = Display::return_icon('exclamation.png', get_lang('Error'));
            echo json_encode($json);
        echo '';
Пример #27
    $course_list_code = array_unique_dimensional($course_list_code);
//Social Block Menu
$social_menu_block = SocialManager::show_social_menu('shared_profile', null, $user_id, $show_full_profile);
//Setting some session info
$user_info = api_get_user_info($my_user_id);
$sessionList = SessionManager::getSessionsFollowedByUser($my_user_id, $user_info['status']);
// My friends
$friend_html = SocialManager::listMyFriendsBlock($user_id, $link_shared, $show_full_profile);
$wallSocialAddPost = SocialManager::getWallForm();
$social_wall_block = $wallSocialAddPost;
// Social Post Wall
$posts = SocialManager::getWallMessagesByUser($my_user_id, $friendId);
$posts = empty($posts) ? '<p>' . get_lang("NoPosts") . '</p>' : $posts;
$social_post_wall_block = Display::panel($posts, get_lang('Posts'));
$socialAutoExtendLink = Display::url(get_lang('SeeMore'), $socialAjaxUrl . '?u=' . $my_user_id . '&a=listWallMessage&start=10&length=5', array('class' => 'nextPage next'));
// Added a Jquery Function to return the Preview of OpenGraph URL Content
$htmlHeadXtra[] = '<script language="JavaScript">
		$(document).ready(function() {
            $("[name=\'social_wall_new_msg_main\']").on("paste", function(e) {
                    contentType: "application/x-www-form-urlencoded",
                    beforeSend: function() {
                        $(".url_preview").html("<i class=\'fa fa-spinner fa-pulse fa-1x\'></i>");
                    type: "POST",
                    url: "' . api_get_path(WEB_AJAX_PATH) . 'social.ajax.php?a=readUrlWithOpenGraph",
                    data: "social_wall_new_msg_main=" + e.originalEvent.clipboardData.getData("text"),
                    success: function(response) {
Пример #28
    //clean to free memory
if ($add_type == 'multiple') {
    $link_add_type_unique = '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?id_session=' . $id_session . '&add=' . $addProcess . '&add_type=unique">' . Display::return_icon('single.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeUnique') . '</a>';
    $link_add_type_multiple = Display::url(Display::return_icon('multiple.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeMultiple'), '');
} else {
    $link_add_type_unique = Display::url(Display::return_icon('single.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeUnique'), '');
    $link_add_type_multiple = '<a href="' . api_get_self() . '?id_session=' . $id_session . '&amp;add=' . $addProcess . '&amp;add_type=multiple">' . Display::return_icon('multiple.gif') . get_lang('SessionAddTypeMultiple') . '</a>';
$link_add_group = '<a href="usergroups.php">' . Display::return_icon('multiple.gif', get_lang('RegistrationByUsersGroups')) . get_lang('RegistrationByUsersGroups') . '</a>';
$newLinks = Display::url(get_lang('EnrollTrainersFromExistingSessions'), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/add_teachers_to_session.php');
$newLinks .= Display::url(get_lang('EnrollStudentsFromExistingSessions'), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'admin/add_students_to_session.php');
<div class="actions">
echo $link_add_type_unique;
echo $link_add_type_multiple;
echo $link_add_group;
echo $newLinks;
<form name="formulaire" method="post" action="<?php 
echo api_get_self();
echo $page;
Пример #29
  * @param int $courseId
  * @param int $sessionId
  * @return string
 public function getCurrentFile($courseId, $sessionId)
     $data = $this->getData($courseId, $sessionId);
     if (isset($data['filename']) && !empty($data['filename'])) {
         $course = api_get_course_info_by_id($courseId);
         $coursePath = api_get_path(SYS_COURSE_PATH) . $course['directory'] . '/courselegal';
         $file = $coursePath . '/' . $data['filename'];
         if (file_exists($file)) {
             return Display::url($data['filename'], api_get_path(WEB_COURSE_PATH) . $course['directory'] . '/courselegal/' . $data['filename'], array('target' => '_blank'));
                } else {
                    $main_question_list[$question_id]->results = 0;
                $main_question_list[$question_id]->quantity = $quantity_exercises;
if (!$export_to_xls) {
    echo '<div class="actions" style ="font-size:10pt;" >';
    if ($global) {
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('stats.png', get_lang('MyStats'), '', ICON_SIZE_MEDIUM), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . "auth/my_progress.php");
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('teacher.png', get_lang('TeacherInterface'), array(), 32), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'mySpace/?view=teacher');
        $menu_items[] = Display::return_icon('star_na.png', get_lang('AdminInterface'), array(), 32);
        $menu_items[] = Display::url(Display::return_icon('quiz.png', get_lang('ExamTracking'), array(), 32), api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'tracking/exams.php');
        $nb_menu_items = count($menu_items);
        if ($nb_menu_items > 1) {
            foreach ($menu_items as $key => $item) {
                echo $item;
    } else {
        echo '<div style="float:left; clear:left">
				<a href="courseLog.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&studentlist=true">' . get_lang('StudentsTracking') . '</a>&nbsp;|
				<a href="courseLog.php?' . api_get_cidreq() . '&studentlist=false">' . get_lang('CourseTracking') . '</a>&nbsp;';
        echo '</div>';
    echo '</div>';
    if (api_is_platform_admin()) {
        echo '<a href="' . api_get_path(WEB_CODE_PATH) . 'mySpace/?view=admin&amp;display=coaches">' . get_lang('DisplayCoaches') . '</a> | ';