// DEFINED ONLY FOR BACKWARDS SUPPORT - to be taken out before 0.9.0 $__FROG_CONN__ = $__CMS_CONN__; Record::connection($__CMS_CONN__); Record::getConnection()->exec("set names 'utf8'"); Setting::init(); use_helper('I18n'); AuthUser::load(); if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) { I18n::setLocale(AuthUser::getRecord()->language); } else { I18n::setLocale(Setting::get('language')); } // Only add the cron web bug when necessary if (defined('USE_POORMANSCRON') && USE_POORMANSCRON && defined('POORMANSCRON_INTERVAL')) { Observer::observe('page_before_execute_layout', 'run_cron'); function run_cron() { $cron = Cron::findByIdFrom('Cron', '1'); $now = time(); $last = $cron->getLastRunTime(); if ($now - $last > POORMANSCRON_INTERVAL) { echo $cron->generateWebBug(); } } } Plugin::init(); // Setup admin routes $admin_routes = array('/' . ADMIN_DIR => Setting::get('default_tab'), '/' . ADMIN_DIR . '/' => Setting::get('default_tab'), '/' . ADMIN_DIR . '/:any' => '$1'); Dispatcher::addRoute($admin_routes); // run everything! require APP_PATH . '/main.php';
<?php defined('IN_CMS') || exit; Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'ckeditor', 'title' => __('CKEditor'), 'description' => __('CKEditor Wysiwyg filter'), 'version' => '2.1.2', 'license' => 'GPLv3', 'author' => 'andrewmman', 'website' => 'http://www.wolfcms.org/forum/topic1957.html', 'update_url' => 'http://andrewmman.byethost7.com/wolfplugins.xml', 'require_wolf_version' => '0.7.5', 'type' => 'both')); Filter::add('ckeditor', 'ckeditor/filter/Ckeditor.php'); Plugin::addController('ckeditor', 'CKEditor', '', false); AutoLoader::addFile('CkeditorPublicController', PLUGINS_ROOT . DS . 'ckeditor' . DS . 'classes' . DS . 'CkeditorPublicController.php'); AutoLoader::addFile('CkeditorPluginsController', PLUGINS_ROOT . DS . 'ckeditor' . DS . 'CkeditorPluginsController.php'); if (AuthUser::isLoggedIn()) { $CKFILTER_URI = '/wolf/plugins/ckeditor/'; $CKPLUGINS_URI = $CKFILTER_URI . 'plugins/'; // Routes needed by the filter to fetch user setup/settings and use filemanager Dispatcher::addRoute(array($CKFILTER_URI . 'ckeditor_config.js' => 'plugin/ckeditor/ck_config', $CKFILTER_URI . 'filemanager/:any' => 'plugin/ckeditor/filemanager/$1')); // Routes for custom plugins using CkeditorPluginsController Dispatcher::addRoute(array($CKPLUGINS_URI . 'wolf_pages.js' => 'ckeditor_plugins/wolf_pages')); } Observer::observe('dispatch_route_found', 'ckeditor_filter_setup'); function ckeditor_filter_setup() { $config_path = USE_MOD_REWRITE ? 'ckeditor/' : '../../?/wolf/plugins/ckeditor/'; $controllers = '(page|snippet)'; $actions = '(add|edit)'; $pattern = '/^' . ADMIN_DIR . '\\/' . $controllers . '\\/' . $actions . '/'; if (preg_match($pattern, CURRENT_URI)) { Plugin::addJavascript('ckeditor', 'scripts/ckeditor/ckeditor.js'); Plugin::addJavascript('ckeditor', 'scripts/init.js'); /* nasty way of including scripts */ Plugin::$javascripts[] = $config_path . 'ckeditor_config.js'; // load it AFTER ckeditor_config! // Plugin::addJavascript('ckeditor', 'scripts/user/config.js'); }
<?php if (!defined('IN_CMS')) { exit; } /** * Image manipulation plugin for Wolf CMS <http://www.wolfcms.org> based on the Kohana Image. * * @package Plugins * @subpackage image * * @author Devi Mandiri <devi[dot]mandiri[at]gmail[dot]com> * @license UNLICENSE - http://unlicense.org * * Kohana license refer to http://kohanaframework.org/license */ Plugin::setInfos(array('id' => 'image', 'type' => 'both', 'title' => __('Image'), 'description' => __('Image manipulation using GD library. Allows images to be resized, cropped, etc.'), 'version' => '1.0.1', 'license' => 'Unlicense', 'author' => 'Devi Mandiri', 'website' => 'http://github.com/devi/wolf-image', 'update_url' => 'http://devi.web.id/wolf-plugin-versions.xml', 'require_wolf_version' => '0.7.3')); AutoLoader::addFile('Image', PLUGINS_ROOT . '/image/image.class.php'); Plugin::addController('image', '', false, false); // manipulate image on the fly Dispatcher::addRoute(array('/wolfimage?:any' => '/plugin/image/wolfimage/$1'));
/** * Add a DELETE route. * * @param string $pattern * @param \Closure $handler * @return void */ public function delete($pattern, $handler) { $this->dispatcher->addRoute('delete', $pattern, $handler); }