Пример #1
function getTestFiles($dir = '')
    $file = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
    $res = array();
    while ($file->valid()) {
        if ($file->isFile() && substr($file->getPathName(), -8) == 'Test.php') {
            $res[] = $file->getPathName();
    return $res;
Пример #2
function getTestFiles($dir = '')
    $file = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
    $res = array();
    while ($file->valid()) {
        if ($file->isFile() && substr($file->getPathName(), -4) == '.php') {
            $class = str_replace(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, '_', substr($file->getPathName(), 0, -4));
            $res[] = array($file->getPathName(), $class);
    return $res;
Пример #3
 public function logAction()
     $pageSize = 4096;
     $overlapSize = 128;
     $dir = APPLICATION_PATH . '/../data/logs/';
     $file = $this->_getParam('file', null);
     $this->view->page = $this->_getParam('page', 0);
     if ($file === null) {
         $file = sprintf('%s_application.log', Zend_Date::now()->toString('yyyy.MM.dd'));
     $fp = fopen($dir . $file, 'r');
     fseek($fp, -$pageSize * ($this->view->page + 1) + $overlapSize, SEEK_END);
     $this->view->errorLog = fread($fp, $pageSize + $overlapSize * 2);
     $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
     while ($iterator->valid()) {
         if (!$iterator->isDot()) {
             if ($iterator->isFile()) {
                 $files[$iterator->getFilename()] = $iterator->getPathName();
     $this->view->itemCountPerPage = $pageSize;
     $this->view->totalItemCount = filesize($dir . $file);
     $this->view->files = $files;
Пример #4
  * Delete empty directories (directories which contains only directories) starting from $dir
  * @static
  * @param string $dir
  * @param Closure|string|null $log
  * @return void
 static function deleteEmptyDirectories($dir, $log = null)
     $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($dir);
     $files_in_dir = 0;
     foreach ($iterator as $node) {
         if ($iterator->isDot()) {
         $pathname = $iterator->getPathName();
         $filename = $iterator->getFilename();
         if ($iterator->isDir()) {
             $files_in_dir += self::deleteEmptyDirectories($iterator->getPathName(), $log);
         } else {
     if ($files_in_dir == 0) {
         if (null !== $log) {
             $log("Remove empty dir '{$dir}'");
     return $files_in_dir;
Пример #5
  * Scan the files in the configured path for controllers
  * To dynamically scan controllers from the source files
  * use PHP Reflection to find the controllers.
  * The returning result is an array of Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller elements
  * @return array
 public function getControllers()
     $resources = array();
     $directory = new DirectoryIterator($this->path);
     $CcFilter = new Zend_Filter_Word_CamelCaseToDash();
     while ($directory->valid()) {
         if ($directory->isFile() && !in_array($directory->getFilename(), $this->skip, TRUE)) {
             // load the file
             require_once $directory->getPathname();
             $reflect = new Zend_Reflection_File($directory->getPathName());
             $name = substr($reflect->getClass()->getName(), strrpos($reflect->getClass()->getName(), "_") + 1);
             $controller = new Admin_Model_DbRow_Controller(array('moduleName' => 'webdesktop', 'controllerName' => strtolower($name), 'virtual' => 1));
             $resources[] = $controller;
     return $resources;
  * the recursive function that walks through a directory of given path
 protected function WalkDirectory(DirectoryIterator $Directory, $pRecursiveWalk, $depth = 0)
     $this->mStringFolderTree = str_repeat('&nbsp;', $depth * 5) . $Directory->getPathName() . '<br />';
     while ($Directory->valid()) {
         $node = $Directory->current();
         if ($node->isDir() && $node->isReadable() && !$node->isDot()) {
             if ($this->FolderFilter($Directory, $node)) {
                 $this->ProcessFolder($Directory, $node);
             if ($pRecursiveWalk) {
                 $this->mStringFolderTree .= $this->WalkDirectory(new DirectoryIterator($node->getPathname()), $pRecursiveWalk, $depth + 1);
         } elseif ($node->isFile()) {
             if ($this->FileFilter($Directory, $node)) {
                 $this->ProcessFile($Directory, $node);
             $this->mStringFolderTree .= str_repeat('&nbsp;', (1 + $depth) * 5) . $node->getFilename();
     return $this->mStringFolderTree;
Пример #7
function WalkDirectory(DirectoryIterator $iter, $depth = 0)
    $return = str_repeat(' ', $depth * 5) . $iter->getPathName() . "\n";
    while ($iter->valid()) {
        $node = $iter->current();
        if ($node->isDir() && $node->isReadable() && !$node->isDot()) {
            $return .= WalkDirectory(new DirectoryIterator($node->getPathname()), $depth + 1);
        } elseif ($node->isFile()) {
            $return .= str_repeat(' ', (1 + $depth) * 5) . $node->getFilename() . "\n";
        // Rename wf_ to admin_
        $oldName = $node->getFilename();
        if (strpos($oldName, 'wf_') === 0) {
            $newFileName = str_replace('wf_', 'admin_', $node->getFilename());
            $path = str_replace('/www/wildflower/', '', $node->getPathname());
            $cmd = 'git mv ' . $path . ' ' . str_replace($oldName, $newFileName, $path) . "\n";
            $return .= $cmd;
    return $return;
Пример #8
 protected function _getDirectories($iterator)
     $iterator = new DirectoryIterator($iterator->getPathName());
     $path = realpath(Zend_Registry::get('gallery_config')->imagepath);
     $folders = array();
     foreach ($iterator as $file) {
         if (0 === strpos($file->getFileName(), '.')) {
         if (!$file->isDir()) {
         $dir = realpath($file->getPathName());
         $dir = substr($dir, strlen($path) + 1);
         $f = array('label' => $file->getFileName(), 'module' => 'default', 'controller' => 'index', 'action' => 'index', 'params' => array('path' => base64_encode($dir)));
         $subdirs = $this->_getDirectories($file);
         if ($subdirs) {
             $f['pages'] = $subdirs;
         $folders[] = $f;
     return $folders;
Пример #9
  * Remove orphan repositories.
 public static function removeOrphanRepositories()
     $path = Pluf::f('idf_plugin_syncgit_base_repositories', '/home/git/repositories');
     if (!is_dir($path) || is_link($path)) {
         throw new Pluf_Exception_SettingError(sprintf('Directory %s does not exist! Setting "idf_plugin_syncgit_base_repositories not set.', $path));
     if (!is_writable($path)) {
         throw new Exception(sprintf('Repository %s is not writable.', $path));
     $projects = array();
     foreach (Pluf::factory('IDF_Project')->getList() as $project) {
         $projects[] = $project->shortname;
     $it = new DirectoryIterator($path);
     $orphans = array();
     while ($it->valid()) {
         if (!$it->isDot() && $it->isDir() && !in_array(basename($it->getFileName(), '.git'), $projects)) {
             $orphans[] = $it->getPathName();
     if (count($orphans)) {
         $cmd = Pluf::f('idf_exec_cmd_prefix', '') . 'rm -rf ' . implode(' ', $orphans);
         while (list(, $project) = each($orphans)) {
             if (is_dir($project)) {
                 throw new Exception(sprintf('Cannot remove %s directory.', $project));
Пример #10
  *  This function is where all the lookup of the manual entry is.
  *  We are very lazy here: we suppress any errors that the Dom might throw at
  *  us, and we load the XML data as HTML - we're just interested in a particular
  *  node - no need to have a whole document that is valid, as long as we are able
  *  to get to the "methodsynopsis" node.
  *  @param object $file A DirectoryIterator instance
  *  @access private
  *  @return void
 private function processFile(DirectoryIterator $file)
     $dom = new DomDocument();
     $xpath = new DomXpath($dom);
     // Get the node where the description of the function call is:
     $result = @$xpath->query("//methodsynopsis");
     // Make sure we find a node:
     if ($result->item(0)) {
         $item = $result->item(0);
         if ($this->settings->debug == 1) {
             echo "\tparsing: " . $file->getFileName() . "\n";
          *	Get the first para in the documentation, this might come
          *	out wrong for some of the functions, but: it's the closest
          *	we can come to something useful.
         $result = @$xpath->query("//para");
         if ($result->item(0)) {
             $para = simplexml_import_dom($result->item(0));
             $desc = $para->asXml();
             // defenently don't need tags for the terminal :)
             $desc = htmlentities(strip_tags($desc));
             // We don't need all the space/newlines around either
             $desc = preg_replace("/[\r\n][\\s]+/", " ", $desc);
             // Some of the functions are undocumented:
             if (strstr($desc, "warn.undocumented.func;")) {
                 $desc = "Undocumented";
             $item->appendChild($dom->createElement("desc", $desc));
         $xml = simplexml_import_dom($item);
         // Set the "function" attribute - this is what we will look for later.
         $xml['function'] = (string) $xml->methodname;
         $result = @$xpath->query("//para");
         $this->buffer .= "\n" . $xml->asXml();
Пример #11
  * Determine file/directory statistics for input item.
  * @param DirectoryIterator $item Item passed from a DirectoryIterator
  * @return array Listing with stats
 private static function _getItemStats(DirectoryIterator $item)
     $list = array();
     // add filename
     $list['name'] = (string) $item;
     // add directory/file type
     $list['type'] = $item->getType();
     // add modification time
     $list['modified'] = date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $item->getMTime());
     // get permissions
     $list['permissions'] = $item->getPerms();
     // is writable?
     $list['writable'] = $item->isWritable() ? 1 : 0;
     // add path
     $list['path'] = $item->getPathName();
     $list['real_path'] = $item->getRealPath();
     // add size
     $list['size'] = Fari_Format::bytes($item->getSize());
     return $list;
Пример #12
  * Cloning with the clone statement wasn't enough. I really need a new object.
  * I create one with from the previous directory's path. 
 private function cloneDirectoryIteratorAndCreateNewAutoRun(DirectoryIterator $dir)
     $clone = new DirectoryIterator($dir->getPathName());
     return new AutoRun(self::$lastTime, $clone);