public function testClear() { DinklyFlash::set('clear_test_key_1', '1'); DinklyFlash::set('clear_test_key_hello', 'world'); $this->assertTrue(DinklyFlash::exists('clear_test_key_1')); $this->assertTrue(DinklyFlash::exists('clear_test_key_hello')); DinklyFlash::clear(); $this->assertFalse(DinklyFlash::exists('clear_test_key_1')); $this->assertFalse(DinklyFlash::exists('clear_test_key_hello')); }
/** * Loads default admin login and runs authentication * * @return bool: always returns false on successful construction of default admin module * */ public function loadDefault() { if (isset($_POST['username']) && isset($_POST['password'])) { if (!DinklyUser::authenticate($_POST['username'], $_POST['password'])) { DinklyFlash::set('invalid_login', 'Invalid login'); } else { $this->loadModule('admin', 'home', 'default', true); } } return true; }
public function loadEdit($parameters) { $this->group = new DinklyGroup(); if (isset($parameters['id'])) { $this->group->init($parameters['id']); if (isset($_POST['name'])) { $this->validateGroupPost($_POST); //If we have no errors, save the group and redirect to detail if ($this->errors == array()) { $this->group->save(); DinklyFlash::set('good_group_message', 'Group successfully updated'); return $this->loadModule('admin', 'group', 'detail', true, true, array('id' => $this->group->getId())); } } return true; } return false; }
/** * Load default view * * @return bool: always returns true on successful construction of view * */ public function loadDefault() { $this->user = $this->logged_user; //Handle save if (isset($_POST['user-id'])) { $this->user->init($_POST['user-id']); //Make sure the submitted user matches the one logged in if ($_POST['user-id'] == DinklyUser::getLoggedId()) { $this->validateUserPost($_POST); if ($_POST['date-format'] == 'MM/DD/YY') { $this->user->setDateFormat('m/d/y'); } else { if ($_POST['date-format'] == 'DD/MM/YY') { $this->user->setDateFormat('d/m/y'); } } if ($_POST['time-format'] == '12') { $this->user->setTimeFormat('g:i a'); } else { if ($_POST['time-format'] == '24') { $this->user->setTimeFormat('H:i'); } } //If we have no errors, save the user if ($this->errors == array()) { $this->user->save(); $this->logged_user = $this->user; DinklyFlash::set('good_user_message', 'Profile Updated'); } } } //Timezone dropdown ( $utc = new DateTimeZone('UTC'); $dt = new DateTime('now', $utc); $this->select_options = null; $timezone_identifiers = DateTimeZone::listIdentifiers(DateTimeZone::PER_COUNTRY, 'US'); foreach ($timezone_identifiers as $tz) { $current_tz = new DateTimeZone($tz); $offset = $current_tz->getOffset($dt); $transition = $current_tz->getTransitions($dt->getTimestamp(), $dt->getTimestamp()); $abbr = $transition[0]['abbr']; $selected = null; if ($this->user->getTimeZone() == $tz) { $selected = 'selected="selected"'; } $this->select_options .= '<option ' . $selected . ' value="' . $tz . '">' . str_replace('_', ' ', $tz) . ' [' . $abbr . ' ' . DinklyUser::formatOffset($offset) . ']</option>'; } return true; }